Detail in Process

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Morimoto New York, New York, New York Tadao Ando Architect & Associates, Osaka, Japan Gotodesigngroup LLC, New York Guggenheimer Architects, New York

Located in the former loading dock of an

The ceiling of the street-level space is

two bottles stacked vertically with the

early twentieth century manufacturing

covered with panels of white canvas pressed

opening ends joined and an upright top

building, Morimoto is a 12,000-square-foot

into undulating folds and sprayed with

row. Other indirect and concealed lighting

restaurant specializing in contemporary

fiberglass to hold their shape. For visual and

sources are located within vertical and

Japanese cuisine with seating for 160 on the

acoustical privacy, dining tables are sepa-

horizontal surfaces: in continuous bands

main level—including 24 seats at the sushi

rated by glass partitions fritted with white

at the intersection of the ceiling soffit and

bar surrounding the 1,500-square-foot open

ceramic dots; in the lounge, the dots are

perimeter walls, within the seams and

kitchen and an omakase (chef’s choice) table

larger and spaced closer together for greater

inserted through the fiberglass-reinforced

for 8—and 40 in the lower-level lounge.

opacity and privacy. A concrete stair with

ceiling, and embedded within the volume of

a glass balustrade leads down to the lounge

the transparent resin bar in the lounge.

The renovation of the existing space included the addition of a reinforced con-

and bar, its landing cantilevered over the

crete foundation to accommodate the lower

lower level.

level of the new restaurant, as well as rein-

Separating the main stair from the com-

forcement of the existing structure to create

munal dining room is a 20-foot-square two-

column-free space for the central staircase

story-high wall of 17,400 water-filled bottles

and clear sightlines from the upper level

mounted on both sides of a structural steel

down to the lounge and bar. At the street

frame that acts as a light diffuser for an

entrance are 130-foot-long inset panels of

installation of warm and cool white LEDs

blackened galvanized-steel and an oversized

inserted lengthwise into both sides of every

noren, a traditional Japanese divided curtain

third row of bottles. A metal grid between

hung in the doorway of a shop or restaurant

the two layers of bottles supports the LEDs

to indicate that it is open for business, as

and electrical wiring conduits. Behind the

well as for protection from heat, light, dust,

bar on the lower level is a floor-to-ceiling,

and weather.

single-layer water-bottle wall, three rows of

This page Entrance on Tenth Avenue Opposite Basement lounge


AsBuilt / Detail in Process


Morimoto New York

This page Top: Light-cove detail, rice-paper wall (left); light-cove detail, decorativefabric wall Middle: Light-cove detail, decorative-fabric wall Bottom (left and right): Main stair and bottle wall Opposite Top: Section detail, rice-paper wall in elevated dining area (left); section detail, rice-paper wall in private dining area Bottom: Dining room (left); sushi bar


AsBuilt / Detail in Process


Morimoto New York


AsBuilt / Detail in Process

Opposite Top: Plan detail, cellar-lounge bottle wall (left); plan detail, cellar-lounge bar Middle: Section detail, cellarlounge bottle wall (left); section detail, cellar-lounge bar Bottom: Three-quarter view of bottle-wall mockup with LEDs (left); bottle-wall mockup, double-socket detail This page Right: Bottle wall from main stair Bottom (left to right): Bottle-wall prototype; bottle wall, side view; bottle-wall detail with warm and cool LEDs


Morimoto New York

Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, Toronto, Canada Behnisch Architekten, Los Angeles, California architectsAlliance, Toronto

The University of Toronto’s Terrence

granite pavement continues into the con-

in an oval stainless-steel clad penthouse;

Donnelly Centre for Cellular and

course atrium—an indoor-outdoor environ-

a seventh unit is located on the ground floor

Biomolecular Research (TDCCBR) is a

ment with multicolored skylights, lush

and serves the basement.

collaborative and interdisciplinary research

plantings, a cafeteria, lounges, offices, and

center for four hundred specialists who

seminar rooms—that provides public

tions is designed to enrich the building’s

perform groundbreaking research on genet-

passage through the building. The subdued

mass and meet occupants’ needs for

ics and disease. The location of the TDCCBR,

materials and planting palette of the atrium

privacy and shading. Color is used exten-

at the southeast corner of the University of

contrast with the building’s complex colors

sively throughout: shades of yellow, blue,

Toronto’s St. George Campus, establishes

and forms.

and orange animate the laminated glass on

physical and symbolic links with the univer-

The TDCCBR is linked to the Medical

The cladding on each of the four eleva-

the eastern and western facades. Colored

sity community to the north and the

Sciences Building by ground-level walk-

interior walls are visible through the pat-

medical center to the south.

ways and a glass bridge on the sixth level;

terned ceramic frit glass, used to mitigate

an upper-level connection leads to the

solar gain on the west elevation, which is

parking and service area, Behnisch

Rosebrugh Building, which was restored

further articulated with bay-window volumes

Architekten and architectsAlliance designed

during the construction. To better adapt to

that house lounges, cafes, and stairways.

a rectangular structure twelve stories high

the scale of surrounding buildings, the

The richly textured, transparent south

distinguished by its environmental respon-

TDCCBR is broken into two vertically

facade, the building’s main elevation, is

siveness, connections to the surrounding

stacked volumes divided by an intermediate

double walled and double glazed for maxi-

urban context, transparency, and informal

sixth level that houses mechanical systems

mum acoustic and solar control.

spaces that promote interdisciplinary col-

for lower floors. Laboratory space is orga-

laboration. In contrast to neighboring brick

nized below on floors 2 through 5 and

connectivity, and functionality inform the

buildings, the TDCCBR is a slender tower

above on floors 7 through 12. The smaller

design of the interior spaces. Airy spaces

with a crisp, light, and colorful facade that

floor area of the sixth level divides the build-

and extended floor-to-ceiling heights were

On the narrow building site, formerly a

Qualities of transparency, flexibility,

ing form into two volumes, allowing the

achieved by omitting suspended ceilings

laboratory floors below to remain flexible,

and exposing services and the superstruc-

the TDCCBR is entered through an exterior

open spaces. Mechanical systems serving

ture. Shallow floor plates and glass walls

granite-paved forecourt surrounded by

the upper levels and six of the seven air-

allow for high levels of transparency and

gardens and neighboring buildings. The

handling units are located on the rooftop

natural light throughout the labs, while

rises gracefully over neighboring structures. Designed as a north-south thoroughfare,

This page Site plan Opposite Top: Rosebrugh Court, view north Bottom: West elevation


AsBuilt / Detail in Process

This page Lab floor plan (left); east elevation Opposite Top: Diagram of east-west section airflow Bottom: Entrance with seminar rooms and winter garden (left); Rosebrugh Court, view south

color, lighting, and materials differentiate

requirements, with labs and offices sepa-

programmed to tilt according to the sun’s

work zones. Wet and dry laboratories are

rated from common areas that can sustain

angle, blocking direct sun from contact

located in the central service spine, which

higher mean temperatures. The architects

with the interior glazing. Glass floors within

runs north and south through the middle

also challenged traditional ventilation stan-

the cavity allow for maintenance without

of each floor. The laboratories are designed

dards for laboratory spaces by reducing

compromising the facade’s transparency.

for easy conversion: wet labs can be altered

air changes per hour to between ten and

The principal researchers’ offices on the

to accommodate biology, chemistry, or

twelve from more than twenty.

southern side have operable windows and

bioinformatics usage, and dry labs can be

Low-E, high-performance glazing limits

sunblinds, which can be controlled by

converted to wet labs with the addition of

solar gain, and the polymide thermal breaks

individual users but are also connected to

fume hoods and laboratory casework.

on the aluminum extrusions have superior

the computerized building management

Spacious circulation corridors on the

insulating properties. The double facade of

system, ensuring override control. When

west side of the building provide entry to the

the south elevation has 2.5 feet of air space

users open their windows, programmable

labs and research-associate stations beyond.

between the exterior single-glazed skin

heating and cooling units in the ceiling

Connected by staircases, the corridors on

and a second interior thermal skin of argon-

switch off.

levels 2 through 5 overlook the atrium and

filled, thermally broken double glazing.

provide informal spaces for employee inter-

Sunblinds on the interior side of the single-

lounges are powered by a mechanically

action. On levels 7 through 12, bay-window

glazed skin reduce heat loss and gain and

assisted natural ventilation system, and the

volumes contain interconnecting stairways,

provide wind protection and acoustic buffer-

atrium’s automated operable windows con-

lounges, and cafes, and there are three

ing. Motorized dampers and vents on the

nected to the building management system

double- and triple-height indoor gardens

outer skin and retractable perforated alumi-

naturally ventilate the corridors on labora-

around the perimeter.

num louvers located between the skins fur-

tory floors 2 through 5. The double- and

ther reduce heat gain, redirect daylight into

triple-height gardens on the upper levels

and active environmental design features

the building, and modulate the natural stack

that filter air and provide oxygen and humid-

to increase energy efficiency and promote

effect to heat and vent the interstitial space,

ity to the common areas are irrigated and

employee quality of life. Two energy

compartmentalized from floor to floor. The

drained as part of the building’s stormwater

zones minimize the building’s overall

retractable louvers have 4-inch concave slats

reclamation system.

The TDCCBR incorporates both passive


AsBuilt / Detail in Process

The circulation corridors, garden, and


Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research

This page Lab section Opposite Top: West elevation Bottom: Rosebrugh Court, night view (left); south elevation


AsBuilt / Detail in Process

This page Top: North elevation (left); west elevation Bottom: Tower-perforations detail, enlarged Opposite Top: Tower-perforations layouts Middle: Tower-panel layouts Bottom: Tower-perforations detail


de Young Museum

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