A2Z+: Alphabets and Signs

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alphabets & signs Typography exists everywhere, even in the unlikely forms created by a dancer’s body in the Czech font Abeceda. With 100 new pages and a revamped introduction and texts by art writer Mel Gooding, A2Z+ expands and improves upon A2Z, the classic compendium of type. Inside, curving lines of words make up the body of a rooster, eye-charts assert their avant-garde merit, and stamped figures appear on USSR political propaganda in bold primary colors. Culled from classic modernist books, design handbooks, and signwriter manuals, this collection is the perfect inspiration for designers, history buffs, and casual readers, and it remains the ultimate source for inventive fonts not found anywhere else.


Julian Rothenstein is a London-based editor and designer, as well as the founder and publisher of Redstone Press. His other books from Princeton Architectural Press include Psychobook and The Blind Photographer.



U.S. $40.00 ISBN 978-1-61689-707-9

9 781616 897079

Princeton Architectural Press www.papress.com



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