Papua Diving - packing guide

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Papua Diving Packing guide

Travel essentials

Our packing guide to travel to the last frontier

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller



At the airports

Don’t forget: “There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.” Robert Louis Stevenson

o Passport valid for minimum 6 months from date of entry into Indonesia. !

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" o Valid departure ticket from Indonesia within 30 days of arrival. !


" o A p p r o x . I D R 1 0 0 0 0 0 i n c a s h "2)+"%)J9-(,3"%9<&+(*+9"&,+<)+("(&H"<L<" A p p r o x . I D R 2 0 0 0 0 0 i n c a s h "2)+",6(9+6&(,)6&4"%9<&+(*+9"&,+<)+("(&H9-"<L<"


o Extra IDR cash for excess baggage charges: ! ! !



M99-"3&6")64'"89"<&,%",6"DAE"E*<,&=/"N)")(=9+"3*++963,9-")+"O+9%,%"O&+%-"&+9"&339<(9%/" E&(9-",6"D6%)69-,&"&+9"-*8P93("()"24*3(*&(,)6"I,(=)*("6)(,39;"%9<96%,6K")6"(=9"&,+4,69L+)*(9L&,+3+&2("('<9;"" G=9'".&+'"89(I996"DAE"#$"$$$"&6%"DAE"C$"$$$"<9+">,4)/"@(,<*4&(9%"&44)I&639",-"('<,3&44'"89(I996"Q$"R"B$">K" <L</" D(",-"&4I&'-"I)+(="J96(,)6,6K"(=&("')*"&+9"3&++',6K"%,.,6K"9F*,<J96(;")33&-,)6&44'"(=9"299"893)J9-" 69K)(,&849/"

At the Resort Kri Island is very remote – there is no supermarket, dive shop or pharmacy nearby.

o 3 copies of Passport plus 3X passport photos p/p

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o IDR 500 000 in Rupiah cash for Marine Park Tag. G)"=&6%",6"&("(=9"+9-)+("&6%"&++&6K9%"2)+"')*/"


o Toiletries, insect repellent & medications "

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o Sunscreen & hat, light waterproof wind-breaker 2)+")33&-,)6&4"+&,6"-=)I9+-/"T9"%)"&4-)"<+).,%9"*J8+944&-/"

o Sturdy walking shoes/sandals



o A bottle of your favorite tipple from the Duty Free "


o Camera, binoculars/headlamp



o Laptop & peripherals

TDYMD",6(9+69(",-"&.&,4&849"&("@)+,%)"X&'"E9-)+(" "

o Extra Cash

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For the diving/snorkelling o Dive certification card "



o BDC, regulator, wetsuit, torch, computer


o Mask, Snorkel, Fins, Booties

M)+"')*+")I6"3)J2)+("I9"=,K=4'"+93)JJ96%"()"8+,6K"')*+")I6/" "

o Proof of diving insurance or other insurance which covers emergency evacuation "


o Spare items for dive equipment

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o Spare items for imaging devices !



What not to bring: o Bath & Beachtowels

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o Gloves

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We already wish you a pleasant journey and are looking forward to welcoming you on Kri Island" "

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