PARA Weekly Update For Users Grayscale Version June 27, 2018

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UPDATE For Users

I mproving T he Business of H ealthCare Since 1985 June 27, 2018


IN THIS ISSUE QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - Point Of Care Testing - Pro Time With Finger Stick - t-PA For Declotting Central Line - Interpretation Documentation - Disposable Wound Vac Billing - 94002/94003 Question - Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN)




NEW "HOW-TO" VIDEO ON PDE OPPS & HCPCS UPDATE FOR JULY 1, 2018 RURAL HOSPITAL PROGRAM GRANTS - Healthy Eating Research - Service Area Funding For Clinics - The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation NEW! PARA OUTMIGRATION REPORTS







The number of new or revised Med Learn (MLN Matters) articles released this week. All new and previous Med Learn articles can be viewed under the type "Med Learn", in the Advisor tab of the PARA Dat a Edit or . Click here

The number of new or revised Transmittals released this week. All new and previous Transmittals can be viewed under the type "Transmittals" in the Advisor tab of the PARA Dat a Edit or . Click here.

Administration: Pages 1-31 HIM /Coding Staff: Pages 1-31 Providers: Pages 3,8,9,10 Pharmacy: Pages 4,15 PDE Users: Pages 12-14,21 Cardiology: Pages 4,15 Imaging Services: Page 8


- Finance Departments: Pages 11,12,14,20,21,24 - Rural Healthcare: Pages 19,29 - Respiratory Svcs: Page 10 - Laboratory: Pages 2,3,14 - Wound Care: Page 9 - Telehealth: Page 26

© PARA Healt h Car e An alyt ics CPT® is a r egist er ed t r adem ar k of t h e Am er ican M edical Associat ion

PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


We bill provider-based with Medicare. I have a question about the Point of Care testing that is being performed in the office. I need to know the correct way to bill. Should code 80305 (formerly code G0477), be billed on a 1500 along with the QW modifier? We do several point of care tests and if Medicare or Medicaid (provider based), these are being billed on the UB due to the status of provider based. We are having issues with denials of these claims. Answer: The HCPCS to report depends on the test performed. If you?ll provide more detail, we?d be happy to assist with coding. The QW modifier is used by provider locations which are not covered by a CLIA certified laboratory; since you are provider-based, the hospital?s laboratory CLIA certificate probably covers the operations at the clinic. If that is the case, the QW modifier is not required. Attached is PARA's paper on the QW modifier.


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


When billing for a Protime lab fee for Anticoagulation, can we bill for a finger stick if the result was a value 4 or over?

Answer: The hospital can report the finger stick, (36416 - collection of capillary blood specimen (eg, finger, heel, ear stick)), but Medicare does not reimburse this code. From the Medicare Claims Processing Manual: 60.1 - Specimen Collection Fee (Rev. 1, 10-01-03) B3-5114.1, A3-3628 In addition to the amounts provided under the fee schedules, the Secretary shall provide for and establish a nominal fee to cover the appropriate costs of collecting the sample on which a clinical laboratory test was performed and for which payment is made with respect to samples collected in the same encounter. A specimen collection fee is allowed in circumstances such as drawing a blood sample through venipuncture (i.e., inserting into a vein a needle with syringe or vacutainer to draw the specimen) or collecting a urine sample by catheterization. A specimen collection fee is not allowed for blood samples where the cost of collecting the specimen is minimal (such as a throat culture or a routine capillary puncture for clotting or bleeding time). This fee will not be paid to anyone who has not extracted the specimen. Only one collection fee is allowed for each type of specimen for each patient encounter, regardless of the number of specimens drawn. When a series of specimens is required to complete a single test (e.g., glucose tolerance test), the series is treated as a single encounter.


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


Pharmacy and I inquired about charges for tPA when used as a declotting agent for central lines in the outpatient setting. This procedure had not been charged/billed in the past if the patient was receiving this medication to remove a clot from the central line. This is a medication that is costly and it seemed that we should be able to charge an infusion IV push for this. Can you verify that we can do this? Answer: The question has two parts ? billing the administration of a thrombolytic, and the thrombolytic itself. The administration charge differentiates declotting from irrigation of a vascular implant device. When performing another infusion, such as chemotherapy, irrigating a vascular access device is considered part of the administration charge for the infusion and is not separately reported. Here is an excerpt from the NCCI Manual: 9. Flushing or irrigation of an implanted vascular access port or device of a drug delivery system prior to or subsequent to the administration of chemotherapeutic or non-chemotherapeutic drugs is integral to the drug administration service and is not separately reportable. Do not report CPTÂŽ code 96523.

However, declotting by thrombolytic is separately reportable when performed with IV therapy. Note the two codes below -- 36593 better reports the use of Activase for declotting:


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


Medicare CCI edits prohibit reporting 96523 with IV therapy codes, but 36593 is reportable (no modifier required):

Secondly, the thrombolytic medication is separately reportable, and may be reimbursed if it meets the medical necessity requirements of Medicare?s LCD (limited ICD10 diagnosis/encounter codes.) We often see the thrombolytic medication Activase, J2997, reported with declotting procedures in the 2- to 4-unit dose. Activase is HCPCS J2997. Novitas has a Local Coverage Determination in effect (last revised 10/1/17) for thrombolytic Agents which covers Activase only if specific ICD10 codes are reported: =12&ver=52&ContrNum=04111&ContrId=331&ContrVer=1&SearchType=Advanced&CoverageSelection =Local&ArticleType=Ed%7cKey%7cSAD%7cFAQ&PolicyType=Both&s=---&Cntrctr=331&ICD= &CptHcpcsCodej2997&&kq=true&bc=IAAAACAAAAAA


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


Summarizing the LCD, Medicare covers the use of thrombolytic agents for the following treatments: 1. Acute arterial thrombosis (other than coronary or intracranial). 2. Acute ischemic stroke. 3. Acute pulmonary thromboembolism. 4. Thrombosed vascular prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts. 5. Ileofemoral deep vein thrombosis. 6. Acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The LCD indicates that coverage of HCPCS in Group 1, which includes J2997, is permitted with the diagnosis codes in Group 1:


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


Here is a claim from your facility that reports 2 units of J2997 with a blood transfusion for a patient with cancer diagnosis for DOS March 2017 ? very likely through a Vascular Access Device, although 36953 is not reported. This was before the LCD was revised. We note that the drug is separately reimbursed in this instance, but the diagnosis code T82599A (Other mechanical complication of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter) is not within the covered range of ICD10s identified in the LCD above ? therefore we would not expect payment of J2997 on this same claim if billed today:


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

INTERPRETATION DOCUMENTATION Currently we bill out EKGs with 93005 only and have not been billing for the interpretation and report for EKGs (93010). What kind of documentation would be sufficient to bill that piece out? Is a separate report necessary? Or just a sentence acknowledging the findings within the Emergency Room note or progress note? Or signing off on the actual report? Also would we then bill 93005-TC and 93010-26? Thank you in advance. Answer: The physician must render a written report of his/her interpretation of the EKG. In addition to the identity of the interpreting provider, at least 3 of the following 6 items should appear in the documentation of the interpretation: rate, rhythm, axis, intervals, comparison, ischemia. Example: ?EKG by my interpretation: normal sinus rhythm, rate of 70, axis normal, no ischemia? The Medicare Claims Processing Manual offers the following guidance: 100.1 - X-rays and EKGs Furnished to Emergency Room Patients (Rev. 1, 10-01-03) The professional component of a diagnostic procedure furnished to a beneficiary in a hospital includes an interpretation and written report for inclusion in the beneficiary?s medical record maintained by the hospital. (See 42 CFR 415.120(a).) A/B MACs (B) generally distinguish between an ?interpretation and report? of an x-ray or an EKG procedure and a ?review? of the procedure. A professional component billing based on a review of the findings of these procedures, without a complete, written report similar to that which would be prepared by a specialist in the field, does not meet the conditions for separate payment of the service. This is because the review is already included in the emergency department evaluation and management (E/M) payment. For example, a notation in the medical records saying ?fx-tibia? or EKG-normal would not suffice as a separately payable interpretation and report of the procedure and should be considered a review of the findings payable through the E/M code. An ?interpretation and report? should address the findings, relevant clinical issues, and comparative data (when available). Generally, A/B MACs (B) must pay for only one interpretation of an EKG or x-ray procedure furnished to an emergency room patient. They pay for a second interpretation (which may be identified through the use of modifier ?-77?) only under unusual circumstances (for which documentation is provided) such as a questionable finding for which the physician performing the initial interpretation believes another physician?s expertise is needed or a changed diagnosis resulting from a second interpretation of the results of the procedure. 8

PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


If we bill outpatient with either CPTÂŽ 97607/97608 and if the physician determines that patient can be sent home with the Wound Vacuum, would this vacuum be billable? Is it considered a DME?

Answer: The hospital can report the supply expense of a disposable negative pressure wound pump/dressing in revenue code 0272 (sterile supplies) along with procedure code 97607/97608, but payment for the supply is packaged into the reimbursement for the procedure charge. In other words, the reimbursement for 97607 and 97608 includes payment for the disposable negative pressure wound dressing, which includes a disposable pump. If a re-usable wound vacuum pump is used, HCPCS 97605 and 97606 could be reported. The hospital reports the 97605/97606 codes and supplies as required to apply a NPWT dressing; a DME provider bills the DMERC separately for the use of a portable, non-disposable wound vacuum.

Two common disposable units used in NWPT are the SNAP system and the PICO system ? pictured here. 9

PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

94002/94003 QUESTION

Is a ventilator charge only available for inpatients/observation (i.e. 94002, 94003). Can it be charged in the ER? Is there a separate CPTÂŽ or is it included in the critical care charge?

Answer: The description for 94002 and 94003 specifically limits the reporting of these codes to inpatients and observation patients.

In many cases, a patient who is placed on a ventilator in the emergency department may be transferred to another facility rather than being admitted to inpatient or observation status. In those instance, PARA recommends reporting the resources expended by the respiratory therapy staff with HCPCS 94660, CPAP/BiPAP:


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


Do we need to issue an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) if the Medicare beneficiary is enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan?

Answer: ABNs are utilized by a variety of healthcare providers that include physicians, hospitals, independent diagnostic testing facilities (IDTFs) and others. The ABN is used for patients enrolled in traditional Medicare. CMS has instructed that the ABN should not be used for Medicare Advantage (Medicare managed care) patients. Unless the payer publishes specific instructions, ABNs should not be issued to a non-Medicare patient. ABNs can also be issued but are not required for services that are excluded from Medicare coverage by law. Every beneficiary has already been notified at the time of Medicare enrollment, that specific services will not be covered under Medicare. Providers are permitted to issue an ABN for a statutorily excluded Medicare service on a voluntary basis, as a reminder to the Medicare beneficiary that Medicare will not pay.


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018



he American Medical Association has announced the release date for 2019 data file of the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code set? the nationally acknowledged source for uniform coding? to our licensees. The AMA is dedicated to promoting the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health. The AMA?s CPT® code set plays a key role in achieving that mission. With its standardized language, it enables smooth reimbursements, benchmarking, and analyzing of important health data, thus achieving the ultimate goal of improving healthcare delivery for everyone involved: payers, providers, physicians and, ultimately, patients. The AMA will release the 2019 standard CPT® data file during the first week of September 2018. A link to your 2019 CPT® data file will be emailed to you upon release. Pursuant to your CPT® Distribution License Agreement, the updated Schedule 3.0, ?Royalty Rate Schedule,? is available here: 2019 Royalty Rates. The royalty rates for the CPT® data file, CPT® Assistant and CPT® Changes have had nominal increases. Schedule 3.0 also describes the Upfront Annual Royalty Fee required for some Distributors. Upfront Annual Royalties The Upfront Annual Royalty fee will be due on July 31 of each year for all distributor licensees whose total royalties in the preceding calendar year were less than $11,000. The Upfront Annual Royalty Fee is in addition to all other royalties due on a per User/ per Licensed Product basis. It is not a credit against royalties owed and is not refundable. Save Time with Additional AMA Licensed Content To enable additional efficiencies, the AMA offers the following additional content: - AMA?s Version of ICD-10-CM/PCS data files - AMA?s Version of HCPCS data files - SNOMED CT® Maps - CPT® Knowledge Base - CPT® Consumer Friendly Data There was a nominal increase to the royalty rate for CPT® Knowledge Base this year, and no increase this year to the royalty rates for ICD-10-CM/PCS, HCPCS, SNOMED CT® Maps, or CPT® Consumer Friendly Data. In the event your Agreement does not currently include any of the AMA licensed content listed above, or any other AMA licensed content specified on the updated Schedule 3.0, your Agreement would need to be amended to cover this content. Royalty Reporting Requirements The AMA uses distributor licensee royalty reports to support our commitment to fair, consistent and transparent pricing. These reports also provide valuable insight as we innovate our licensing models to best serve the industry. The required royalty reporting format is specified in your Agreement (most licensees see Schedule 4.0, ?Reporting Requirements?). For additional information visit: 12

PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


Learning Has Never Been So Easy! PARA is developing a series of online training videos that will be accessible to PARA Data Editor (PDE) users at their convenience. These training videos will provide step-by-step instructions on a variety of topics. Our first video, "The PARA PDE Overview," has been posted to the PDE and we invite you to try it out! The training videos are available for any user with a seat on the PDE. Depending on the size of the video, it may take a few minutes to download. But once downloaded, you can easily view the entire video, advance the video or repeat a section, if you like. Our first video is in beta mode right now, so you won't be able to see it on your PDE log in just yet. But here's a preview! Click here to see the video!


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


On June 15, 2018, Medicare rescinded and re-issued the July 1 2018 OPPS update transmittal previously released on Jun 2, 2018. The contents of this paper include the newly added changes as well as the previously covered information. The re-issued transmittal is available at the link below:

The re-issued transmittal includes the prior July 1 2018 OPPS Update changes plus: - Added two status K HCPCS for biosimilar epoetin alfa (Retacrit), (Q5105 and Q5016) - Added 17 more HCPCS for Proprietary Lab Analyses HCPCS to the original 10, for a total of 27 - Added HCPCS Q9994 (for DME suppliers only) -- Relizorb digestive enzyme cartridge for use in enteral feeding for patients with pancreatic insufficiency - Changed status indicators for two injectable drugs from payable status K to excluded from coverage, status E2 (J9216 - interferon, gamma 1-b, 3, and Q2049 - imported lipodox, 10 mg) Medicare originally released the OPPS update effective for dates of service on or after July 1, 2018 at the following link: Downloads/MM10781.pdf


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


The original changes, which are detailed in the body of this document, are summarized below: - Four new Category III CPTÂŽs for surgical procedures - A HCPCS and payment rate change for one pass-through drug, C9469 (to Q9993) - A HepB vaccine was added with payable status F following approval by the FDA - Six new drugs granted pass-through status - Two new lab codes for Multianalyte Assays with Algorithmic Analyses (MAAA) - Ten new proprietary lab codes were added (revised to 27 in the re-issued update) - Clarifications and OCE edits on existing codes including Q4178 ? Floweramniopatch, Q4116 ? Alloderm, C9749 (Repair of nasal vestibular lateral wall stenosis with implant(s)), and 01402 (anesthesia for open or surgical arthroscopic procedures on knee joint; total knee arthroplasty.)

The HCPCS And APC For One Pass-Through Drug Changed Effective 7/1/18:

Six Drugs Were Granted Pass-Through Status Effective 7/1/18:


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


A New HepB Vaccine Was Added To OPPS Status F (paid at reasonable cost) Follow ing Approval By The FDA:

Tw o New HCPCS Were Added For Biosimilar Epoetin Alfa (Retacrit):

Four New Category III CPT® Codes Were Added To OPPS Effective July 1, 2018 As Follow s:

Tw o New Lab Codes For M ultianalyte Assays With Algorithmic Analyses (M AAA):


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


One New HCPCS for a new digestive enzyme cartridge w as created for DM E Suppliers

CMS indicated the HCPCS Q9994 would be effective 7/1/18, but the code is not reortable under OPPS. It is under the jurisdiction of the DME MAC, therefore billed only by DME suppliers. Reliasorb, a new digestive enzyme cartridge, is designed for people with pancreative insufficiency (PI) that can be used inline with enteral tube feeding to deliver the digestive enzyme lipase, which helps the body digest fats contained in the tube-feeding formula. A Total Of 27 New Proprietary Lab Codes Were Added--10 in the June 1, 2018 Transmittal, And 17 Additional Codes In The Revised Transmittal Released June 15, 2018:


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


M iscellaneous Coding Clarification On Existing Codes - Q4178 - Floweramniopatch, per sq cm was reclassified as a high-cost skin substitute - Q4116 - Alloderm, per square centimeter, may be reported in either revenue code 0278 or 0636 since it is used both as an applied skin substitute and as an implanted biologic used in breast reconstruction - C9749 (Repair of nasal vestibular lateral wall stenosis with implant(s)) effective April 1, 2018, was clarified to describes an inherently bilateral procedure. For unilateral procedures, hospital outpatient departments need to report either modifier 73 or 74 - The Outpatient Code Editor will reject claims reporting anesthesia codes 01402 (anesthesia for open or surgical arthroscopic procedures on knee joint; total knee arthroplasty) on outpatient claims unless reported with CPTÂŽ code 27447, Arthroplasty, knee, condyle and plateau; medical and lateral compartments with or without patella resurfacing (total knee arthroplasty). If the code is not reported with CPTÂŽ code 27447, the code is treated as an inpatient procedure that is not paid for under the OPPS. This change is retroactive to January 1, 2018


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


Rural hospitals and clinics face their own set of unique and burdensome challenges when it comes to program development, cash management and maintaining volume. That's why it's great when they can get some assistance from external funding sources. At PARA, we've found an excellent source of funding opportunities for rural healthcare facilities. Here are some examples.

Healthy Eating Research: Building Evidence To Promote Health And Well-Being Among Children - Provides approximately 8 small scale grants of up to $200,000 and 2 large scale grants of up to $500,000 to fund research on policy, systems and environmental strategies to promote the health and well-being of children. - Letter of Intent, July 18, 2018; Application Deadline: September 26, 2018

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation The Foundation supports organizations that meet the basic needs of individuals, families, and communities. These include programs in the areas of homeless services, economic assistance, food security and health.

Service Area Funding For Health Center Programs - Provides grants to health centers that offer comprehensive primary healthcare services to an underserved area or population. - Estimated funding is $409,300,000 for 86 awards. - Project period is up to three years - Application Deadline: August 6, 2018 19

PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


PARA invites you to check out the mlnconnects page available from the Centers For Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). It's chock full of news and information, training opportunities, events and more! Each week PARA will bring you the latest news and links to available resources. Click each link or the PDF!

Thursday, June 21, 2018 News & Announcements · New Medicare Cards May Have QR Codes · Continuous Glucose Monitors: Changes Impacting Medicare Coverage · Quality Payment Program Look-Up Tool Updated · Quality Payment Program Website Includes 2018 MIPS Measures and Activities · Hospice Provider Preview Reports: Review Your Data by June 30 · IRF and LTCH Provider Preview Reports: Review Your Data by July 1 · SNF Provider Preview Report: Review Your Data by July 1 · CMS Leverages Medicaid Program to Combat the Opioid Crisis Provider Compliance · Payment for Outpatient Services Provided to Beneficiaries Who Are Inpatients of Other Facilities ? Reminder Upcoming Events · Home Health Agencies: Quality of Patient Care Star Ratings Algorithm Call ? June 27 · Ground Ambulance Providers and Suppliers: Data Collection System Listening Session ? June 28 Medicare Learning Network® Publications & Multimedia · July Quarterly Update for 2018 DMEPOS Fee Schedule MLN Matters Article ? New · Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Call: Audio Recording and Transcript ? New

View this edition as a PDF [PDF, 198KB] 20

PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

PARA INTRODUCES NEW OUTPATIENT OUTMIGRATION REPORTS In their continuing expansion of product lines critical to streamlining hospital data collection and improving decision support tools for Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers and Business Development executives, PARA Analytics introduces the new Outpatient Migration Report. Among other items, PARA customers using this vital report will be able determine where patients in their primary and secondary service areas are going for outpatient services, total volumes of selected outpatient services and the value of these services. The Outpatient Migration Report provides information on Medicare Outpatient Visits and the patient?s county of residence. The source of this information is the Medicare Outpatient Limited Data Set. For the selected hospital, the top ten counties are identified based on the number of outpatient visits from those counties of residence. These counties are listed horizontally across an easy-to-read report. All facilities that had an outpatient visit from the selected hospital?s home county are listed vertically on the report and it then details how many outpatient visits to each facility originated from each of the ten corresponding counties. The Outpatient Migration Report includes ten tabs with this same format. The first tab includes statistics on all outpatient visits. The subsequent nine tabs include the visit counts that have been identified as specific visit types. These include: - Emergency, Mammography - CT - MRI - Therapy - GI - Diagnostic Radiology - Lab, and - Wound Care The final tab provides reference information on how outpatient visits are assigned to the preceding categories. If any of the listed codes appear on the claim, then the visit is assigned the corresponding label. PARA Analytics is the first national healthcare financial firm to develop such valuable reports in a more timely manner than data typically available from public sources. Using PARA?s proprietary algorithms in the PARA Data Editor, PARA can rapidly produce relevant and functional reports. For more information and a demonstration of these new reports, please contact PARA Account Executives: Violet Archuleta-Chiu, Senior Account Executive (800) 999-3332, ext. 219 Sandra LaPlace, Account Executive (800) 999-3332, ext. 225 21

PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

There were TWO new or revised Med Learn (MLN Matters) article released this week. To go to the full Med Learn document simply click on the screen shot or the link.



PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

The link to this Med Learn: MM10699


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

The link to this Med Learn: MM10781


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

There were FIVE new or revised Transmittals released this week. To go to the full Transmittal document simply click on the screen shot or the link.



PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

The link to this Transmittal R2095OTN


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

The link to this Transmittal R2094OTN


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

The link to this Transmittal R4076CP


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

The link to this Transmittal R2096OTN


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018

The link to this Transmittal R802PI


PARA Weekly Update: June 27, 2018


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