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Improving T he Businessof HealthCare Since 1985 November 10, 2017 NEWS FOR HEALTHCARE DECISION MAKERS IN THIS ISSUE QUESTIONS & ANSWERS
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The number of new or revised Med Learn (MLN Matters) articles released this week. All new and previous Med Learn articles can be viewed under the type "Med Learn", in the Advisor tab of the PARA Dat a Edit or . Click here.
The number of new or revised Transmittals released this week. All new and previous Transmittals can be viewed under the type "Transmittals" in the Advisor tab of the PARA Dat a Edit or . Click here.
FAST LINKS: Click on the link for special areas of interest: Page
Administration: Pages 1-38 HIM/Coding Staff: Pages 6,22-25 Providers: Pages 2,4,12,20,21,29 Finance Dept: Pages 6,22-25 Imaging Dept: Page 32
Long Term Care: Page 34 PFS Depts: Pages 2-38 Rural Health Clinics: Page 29 DME Providers: Pages 19,28
© PARA Healt h Car e Fin an cial Ser vices CPT® is a r egist er ed t r adem ar k of t h e Am er ican M edical Associat ion
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
REMOVAL OF CALLUS Question: What is the appropriate CPT® code(s)to report removal of callus? Procedure: The callus was debrided and the central core removed from the site.There was 1 application of 89% phenol acid solution applied to the area with an occlusive dressing placed. The patient was instructed to keep the occlusive dressing intact for 24 to 48 hours, after which she can remove it. An offloaded metatarsal pad was already constructed from her previous visit but the physician made it into more of a horseshoe shape to take even more plantar pressures off of the area. The patient was told to ambulate as necessary or as tolerated. Answer: Report CPT® code 11055, paring/ cutting/ curettement/ shaving of the callus. The documentation indicates a debridement was performed with removal of the central core followed by an application of phenol acid solution. The callus was removed with the debridement then the acid solution.AMA CPT® Assistant September 2010 page 9 provides an example indicating 11056 is reported for 2 or more corns/ calluses since they are hyperkeratotic tissue. AMA CPT® Assistant January 1999 page 11 states, CPT® codes 11055-11057, Paring or cutting of benign hyperkeratotic lesion (eg, corn or callus); single lesion-more than four lesions, are intended to be used to report paring or cutting of any lesion classified as hyperkeratotic. Corns and calluses, listed in the code descriptor are given as examples of hyperkeratotic lesions. The use of the codes 11055-11057 is not restricted to the examples given in parentheses as part of the code descriptor. Please refer to the PARA Data Editor code descriptions and AMA CPT® Assistant September 2010 and January 1999 which can be found in the PARA Data Editor Calculator.
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
Question: What is the appropriate ICD-10 CM code(s) for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) exacerbation with Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema? Answer: Report ICD-10 CM code J44.1, COPD, exacerbation.An additional code for emphysema J43.9, emphysema and J42 chronic bronchitis is not needed.The instructional note under category J44.- in the tabular index of ICD-10 CM states chronic bronchitis with emphysema is included in this category. There is also an Excludes 1 note on ICD-10 CM category J44.-, that states J43.9 should not be reported with J44.-.Excludes 1 notes mean these codes cannot be reported together when both conditions are related. Coding Clinic for ICD-10 CM 4th quarter 2017 has a similar example which indicates Category J44.- includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Please refer to the PARA Data Editor code descriptions and Coding Clinic for ICD-10 CM 4th Qtr, 2017 provided below. also refer to the 2017/ 18 ICD-10 CM Official Coding Guidelines which can be found in the PARA Data Editor Calculator
Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM/PCS, Fourth Quarter 2017: Page 97 Assign code J44.9, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified. Code J43.9, Emphysema, unspecified, has an excludes1 note excluding "emphysema with chronic (obstructive) bronchitis". Category J44, Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, includes chronic bronchitis with emphysema. 2017/18 ICD-10 CM Code Book Tabular Index J44.-Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Includes: asthma with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease chronic asthmatic (obstructive) bronchitis chronic bronchitis with airways obstruction chronic bronchitis with emphysema chronic emphysematous bronchitis chronic obstructive asthma chronic obstructive bronchitis chronic obstructive tracheobronchitis
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
Excludes1: bronchiectasis (J47.-) chronic bronchitis NOS (J42) chronic simple and mucopurulent bronchitis (J41.-) chronic tracheitis (J42) chronic tracheobronchitis (J42) emphysema without chronic bronchitis (J43.-) 2017/18 ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines: Section I.A.12.a:Conventions:Excludes1 A type 1 Excludes note is a pure excludes note. It means ?NOT CODED HERE!? An Excludes1 note indicates that the code excluded should never be used at the same time as the code above the Excludes1 note. An Excludes1 is used when two conditions cannot occur together, such as a congenital form versus an acquired form of the same condition. An exception to the Excludes1 definition is the circumstance when the two conditions are unrelated to each other. If it is not clear whether the two conditions involving an Excludes1 note are related or not, query the provider.
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
Special Article
In the 2018 OPPS Final Rule, CMS announced that it will pursue its plan to cut reimbursement for drugs acquired under the 340B drug pricing program significantly.
The cut to reimbursement will apply to separately payable (status K) drugs billed on outpatient claims by hospitals participating in the 340B program, with the exception of rural sole community hospitals, PPS-exempt cancer hospitals, and children?s hospitals. In addition, the rule requires that all hospitals which participate in the 340(b) program append a modifier to status K drugs as follows: - Hospitals which participate in the 340B program must append modifier JG to HCPCS for drugs purchased under the 340(b) program; - Hospitals which participate in the 340(b) program but which are exempt from the cuts (rural SCH, PPS-exempt cancer hospitals, and children?s hospitals) will be required to report modifier TB on HCPCS reporting drugs purchased under the 340B program. Status K drugs in the client chargemaster can be identified using the PARA Data Editor Filters tab as illustrated below:
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
304(B) DRUG PROGRAM CHANGES CHALLENGED The 2018 OPPS Final Rule contains the following excerpt regarding reporting the new modifiers: ?Specifically, beginning January 1, 2018, providers who are not excepted from the 340B payment adjustment will report modifier ?JG? (Drug or biological acquired with 340B Drug Pricing Program Discount) to identify if a drug was acquired under the 340B Program. This requirement is aligned with the modifier requirement already mandated in several States under their Medicaid programs. Therefore, we believe that this option will pose less of an administrative burden. Further, having consistent application of the modifier being required for a drug that was purchased under the 340B Program instead of a drug not purchased under the 340B Program will help improve program integrity by helping ensure that hospitals are not receiving ?duplicate discounts? through both the Medicaid rebate program and the 340B Program.? The American Hospital Association has vowed to fight the change.A link and an excerpt from an article published on November 2, 2017 appears below: http:/ / advocacy-issues/ bulletin/ 2017/ email-content/ 171192-bulletin-hospital-opps-asc-payment.pdf ?We will strongly urge CMS to abandon its misguided 340B rule, and instead take direct action to halt the unchecked, unsustainable increases in the cost of drugs. In the meantime, the AHA will work with Congress to address this issue. We also will be joining the Association of American Medical Colleges, America?s Essential Hospitals and our members to pursue litigation to prevent these significant cuts to payments for 340B drugs from moving forward. ?Reduction in Payment for Drugs Purchased under the 340B Drug Pricing Program: CMS will pay for separately payable, non pass-through drugs (other than vaccines) purchased through the 340B Drug Pricing Program at the average sales price (ASP) minus 22.5 percent, rather than the current rate of ASP plus 6 percent. Rural sole community hospitals (SCHs), PPS-exempt cancer hospitals and children's hospitals will be excepted from this policy for CY 2018 and will continue to receive payment at ASP plus 6 percent for these drugs. This policy arises out of a recommendation made to Congress by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, as well as options proposed by the Government Accountability Office, the Office of the Inspector General and public comment from previous OPPS rulemaking. ?In addition, as a means to effectuate this payment change, the agency is implementing a modifier, ?JG?, effective on Jan. 1, 2018, for hospitals to report non pass-through separately payable drugs that were purchased under the 340B program. This modifier policy is a reversal from CMS?s proposed policy, which would have required that a modifier be reported with drugs not purchased under the 340B program. Furthermore, the three categories of hospitals excepted from these cuts ? rural SCHs, PPS-exempt cancer hospitals and children?s hospitals ? will be required to report an informational modifier, ?TB,? to identify drugs purchased through the 340B Drug Pricing Program, although payments for these drugs will not be reduced in CY 2018"
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
Background - The 340B Drug Discount Program allows participating hospitals and health care providers to purchase certain covered outpatient drugs at discounted prices from drug manufacturers with the intent of maximizing Federal resources, reaching more eligible patients, and providing comprehensive care. The 340B statute defines which health care providers are eligible to participate in the program (?covered entities?): 1. Health Centers - Federally Qualified Health Centers - Federally Qualified Health Center Look-Alikes - Native Hawaiian Health Centers - Tribal/ Urban Indians Health Centers 2. Ryan White HIV/ AIDS Program Grantees 3. Hospitals (with DSH Adjustments) - Children?s Hospitals - Critical Access Hospitals - Disproportionate Share Hospitals - Free Standing Cancer Hospitals - Rural Referral Centers - Sole Community Hospitals 4. Specialized Clinics - Black Lung Clinics - Comprehensive Hemophilia Diagnostic Treatment Centers - Title X Family Planning Clinics - Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics - Tuberculosis Clinics
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
304(B) DRUG PROGRAM CHANGES CHALLENGED DSH hospitals and CAH participants must be either owned by a State or local government or be a nonprofit hospital under contract with a State or local government to provide services to low-income patients not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid. 340B Drug Costs and Hospital Reimbursement Under the 340B Program, a confidential ceiling price is assigned for each covered outpatient drug which represents the maximum price a drug manufacturer can charge a covered entity under the 340B drug program.The ceiling price is calculated by taking the drug's average manufacturer price (AMP) minus the unit rebate amount (URA). Covered entities also have the option to participate in the Prime Vendor Program (PVP), which can negotiate even deeper discounts (sub-ceiling prices) for many covered outpatient drugs.In fact, the PVP program had almost 7,000 products available with sub-ceiling prices by the end of 2014. Under the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS), all hospitals (other than CAHs, which are paid based on 101 percent of reasonable costs) are currently paid the same rate for separately payable drugs (Average Sales Price (ASP) plus 6 percent), regardless of whether the hospital purchased the drug at a discount through the 340B program. Medicare beneficiaries are liable for a copayment that is equal to 20 percent of the OPPS payment rate, which is currently ASP+6 percent (regardless of the 340B purchase price for the drug). Based on an analysis of almost 500 drugs billed in the hospital outpatient setting in 2013, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) found that, for 35 drugs, the 340B ceiling price was so low that the beneficiary's coinsurance was more than the 340B purchase cost of the drug. Therefore, the patient responsibility was higher than the hospital?s cost to obtain the drug. Several recent studies and reports on Medicare Part B payments for 340B purchased drugs also demonstrate a difference in Medicare Part B drug spending between 340B hospitals and non-340B hospitals as well as highlight areas where the Medicare payment exceeds the drug acquisition cost. Chemotherapy drugs and drug administration services for 340B and non-340B hospitals were analyzed from 2008-2012 and found that ?Medicare spending grew faster among hospitals that participated in the 340B program for all five years than among hospitals that did not participate in the 340B program at any time during [the study] period.? (MedPAC May 2015, page 14). According to a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, on average, Medicare beneficiaries at 340B DSH hospitals were either prescribed more drugs or more expensive drugs than beneficiaries at the other non-340B hospitals. For example, in 2012, average per beneficiary spending at 340B DSH hospitals was $144, compared to $60 at non-340B hospitals. The differences did not appear to be explained by the hospital characteristics GAO examined or patients' health status. (GAO 15-442, page 20). In a March 2016 MedPAC Report to Congress, MedPAC noted that the OIG recently estimated that discounts across all 340B providers (hospitals and certain clinics) average 33.6 percent of ASP, allowing these providers to generate significant profits when they administer Part B drugs (MedPAC March 2016, page 79).
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
340B Proposed Program Changes Due to these findings, the FY2018 proposed rule includes changes to the Medicare Part B drug payment methodology for 340B hospitals that are intended to more appropriately reflect the costs and resources sustained by the hospital.These changes would also allow beneficiaries to pay less when hospitals participate in the 340B program. The purpose of the change is to make payment for separately payable drugs more in line with the resources expended by hospitals while recognizing the intent of the 340B program to stretch scarce resources while continuing to provide access to care. The changes are limited to separately payable drugs under OPPS excluding drugs assigned to pass-through status (APC status G) which will be paid based on ASP methodology, and vaccines which are excluded from the 340B program.
Under the 2018 OPPS Final Rule, CMS will adjust the reimbursement rate for separately payable drugs and biologicals (other than drugs on pass-through and vaccines) purchased under the 340B program to ASP minus 22.5 percent.According to CMS, this better represents the average acquisition cost for these drugs.This value was determined through and analysis by MedPAC which found that the average minimum discount of 22.5 percent of ASP reflects the minimum discount received by OPPS 340B hospitals. Because ceiling prices are confidential, CMS cannot set payment rates in a way that would allow the public to determine the ceiling price for a particular drug.It is believed that the discount proposed in the MedPAC analysis is conservative and that the actual discount may be higher due to participation in the PVP.
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
In preparation for the year-end CPTÂŽ / HCPCS update, PARA is preparing a number of short, one to two- page ?coding update? documents listing deleted codes and added codes within a particular clinical area or procedure group.The coding topics addressed are those which are most likely to be ?hard-coded? to a line item in a facility chargemaster.Users are advised that topics are divided into immediately related areas, and more than one paper may contain information useful to a service line manager. Due to CPTÂŽ licensing restrictions, these documents cannot be published within the PARA Weekly Update, however, PARA Data Editor users may access the information on the Advisor tab; search ?Coding Update? in the type field, and 2018 in the subject field, as illustrated below:
Following the release of the OPPS Final Rule in November, coding update papers may be revised to indicate whether Medicare will accept/ cover new HCPCS.PARA Data Editor Users can identify updated papers by the word ?Revised? in the title and the date issued will be updated. Download these FREE papers from the PDE
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
In keeping our commitment to outstanding customer service, PARA clients will be fully supported with information and assistance on the annual CPTÂŽ HCPCS coding updates. The PARA Data Editor (PDE) contains a copy of each client chargemaster; we use the powerful features of the PDE to identify any line item in the chargemaster which has a HCPCS code assigned that will be deleted as of January 1, 2018. For this reason, it is important that clients check to ensure that a recent copy of the chargemaster has been supplied to PARA for use in the year-end update. PARA will produce excel spreadsheets of each CDM line item, as well as our recommendation for alternate codes, in three waves as information is released from the following sources: 1. The American Medical Association?s publication of new, changed, and deleted CPTÂŽ codes; this information is released in September of each year.PARA will produce the first spreadsheet of CPT updates for client review in October, 2017. 2. Medicare?s 2018 OPPS Final Rule, typically published the first week of November; PARA will perform analysis and produce the second spreadsheet to include both the CPT information previously supplied, as well as alpha-numeric HCPCS updates (J-codes, G-codes, C-codes, etc.) from the Final Rule. 3. Medicare?s 2018 Clinical Lab Fee Schedule (CLFS) ? typically published in late November, the CLFS will reveal whether Medicare will accept new CPT?s generated by the AMA, or whether Medicare will require another reporting method (i.e. G0480 ? G0483 for definitive drug testing in 2016 and 2017.)
Clients will be notified by email as spreadsheets are produced and recorded on the PARA Data Editor ?Admin? tab, under the ?Docs? subtab.
In addition, PARA consultants will publish concise papers on coding update topics in order to ensure that topical information is available in a manner that is organized and easy to understand. PARA clients may rest assured that they will have full support for year-end HCPCS coding updates to the chargemaster.
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The following Transmittals have been published for the January 1 update. This list will continue to expand in the coming weeks, and links to all documents can be found in the PDE Advisor tab. Changes to the Laboratory National Coverage Determination (NCD) Edit Software for January 2018
January 2018 Quarterly Average Sales Price (ASP) Medicare Part B Drug Pricing
Files and Revisions to Prior Quarterly Pricing Files
Quarterly Influenza Virus Vaccine Code Update - January 2018
Quarterly Update to the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Procedure-to-Procedure (PTP) Edits, Version 24.0, Effective January 1, 2018
To go to the full Transmittal document simply click on the screen shot.
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
Instructions for Downloading the Medicare ZIP Code File for January 2018
Quarterly Update for the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) - January 2018
Affordable Care Act Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative - Recurring File Updates Models 2 and 4 January 2018 Updates
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Front End Updates for January 2018 This link leads to a ZIP file containing several files with several documents.
To go to the full Transmittal document simply click on the screen shot.
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The COMPLETE List! Changes to the Laboratory National Coverage Determination (NCD) Edit Software for January 2018 January 2018 Quarterly Average Sales Price (ASP) Medicare Part B Drug Pricing Files and Revisions to Prior Quarterly Pricing Files Quarterly Influenza Virus Vaccine Code Update - January 2018 Quarterly Update to the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Procedure-to-Procedure (PTP) Edits, Version 24.0, Effective January 1, 2018 Instructions for Downloading the Medicare ZIP Code File for January 2018 Quarterly Update for the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) - January 2018 Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH) PPS Changes Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule Not Otherwise Classified, Not Otherwise Specified, or Unlisted Service or Procedure Code Data Collection Payment for Services Furnished by Qualified Nonphysician Anesthetists Place of Service Codes 2018 Annual Update for the Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Bonus Payments Accepting Hospice Notices of Election via Electronic Data Interchange Instructions for Retrieving the 2018 Pricing and HCPCS Data Files through CMS' Mainframe Telecommunications Systems Medicare Payment Rates for routine SNF-type services by swing-bed hospitals during calendar year 2018
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
More of The COMPLETE List! Annual Clotting Factor Furnishing Fee Update 2018 Updated Editing of Always Therapy Services ? MCS Correcting Payment of Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Transfer Claims Assigned to Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Group (MS DRG) 385 and Allowing Part A Deductible on Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Same Day Transfer Inpatient Claims Https:// 2018 Annual Update of Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Codes for Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Consolidated Billing (CB) Update Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Annual Update: Prospective Payment System (PPS) Pricer Changes for FY 2018 Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Codes (HPTCs) October 2017 Code Set Update Influenza Vaccine Payment Allowances - Annual Update for 2017-2018 Season Update to Hospice Payment Rates, Hospice Cap, Hospice Wage Index and Hospice Pricer for FY 2018 Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities Prospective Payment System (IPF PPS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Implementation of the Transitional Drug Add-On Payment Adjustment ICD-10 Coding Revisions to National Coverage Determinations (NCDs) Common Working File (CWF) to Modify CWF Provider Queries to Only Accept National Provider Identifier (NPI) as valid Provider Number New Specialty Code for Pharmacy Screening for Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection Medicare Part A Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Prospective Payment System (PPS) Pricer Update FY 2018 2017-2018 Influenza (Flu) Resources for Health Care Professionals MLNMattersArticles/Downloads/SE17026.pdf 17
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
There were SEVEN new or revised Med Learn (MLN Matters) articles released this week. All new and previous Med Learn articles can be viewed under the type ?Med Learn? in the Advisor tab of the PARA Data Editor (see example below.) To go to the full Med Learn document simply click on the screen shot or the link.
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Med Learn: MM10233
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Med Learn: MM10098
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Med Learn: MM10341
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Med Learn: MM10124
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Med Learn: MM10270
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Med Learn: MM10268
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Med Learn: MM10271
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
There were NINETEEN new or revised Transmittals released this week. All new and previous Transmittals can be viewed under the type Transmittals in the Advisor tab of the PARA Data Editor. To go to the full Transmittal document simply click on the screen shot or the
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Transmittal #R3917CP
The link to this Transmittal #R1967OTN
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Transmittal #R3909CP
The link to this Transmittal #R1976OTN
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Transmittal #R3918CP
The link to this Transmittal #R3919CP
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Transmittal #R1975OTN
The link to this Transmittal #R1974OTN
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Transmittal #R1971OTN
The link to this Transmittal #R3910CP
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Transmittal #R3911CP
The link to this Transmittal #R1969OTN
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Transmittal #R1968OTN
The link to this Transmittal #R3913CP
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Transmittal #R3912CP
The link to this Transmittal #R3915CP
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Transmittal #R1972OTN
The link to this Transmittal #R3916CP
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The link to this Transmittal #R755PI
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017
The PDE Editor Bulletin Board Tablet lists all articles added to the Bulletin Board
PARA Weekly Update: November 10, 2017