PARA Weekly Update For Users October 27 2017

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UPDATE For Users


Hydration, IV Infusions, Injections And Vaccine Charge Process Acute Kidney Injuries Under CMS New Rehab Benefit For Peripheral Artery Disease PARA's Year-End HCPCS Update Process





The number of new or revised Med Learn (MLN Matters) articles released this week. All new and previous Med Learn articles can be viewed under the type "Med Learn", in the Advisor tab of the PARA Dat a Edit or . Click here.


The number of new or revised Transmittals released this week. All new and previous Transmittals can be viewed under the type "Transmittals" in the Advisor tab of the PARA Dat a Edit or . Click here.


FAST LINKS: Click on the link for special areas of interest: Page

Administration: Pages 1-54 HIM/Coding Staff: Pages 2-54 Patient Financial Services: 6,37,39 Providers: Pages 2, 26,29


Dialysis: Pages 20, 38 PDE Users: Pages 30-35 Pharmacy: Pages 2, IV Therapy: Pages 2 Cardiology: Page 26

© PARA Healt h Car e Fin an cial Ser vices CPT® is a r egist er ed t r adem ar k of t h e Am er ican M edical Associat ion

PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS There are a number of items to be considered when billing for the Nursing service to perform drug therapy. The charge process is divided into four specific groups of codes and processes: 1. Hydration and IV Therapy 2. Injections into IV lines and intramuscular (nonchemotherapy) 3. Vaccines 4. Chemotherapy Hydration and IV Therapy: Hydration and IV therapy are time based charges which have a first hour and a subsequent hour. The codes are as follows: 96360 - Intravenous infusion, hydration; initial, 31 minutes to 1 hour 96361 - Intravenous infusion, hydration; each additional hour (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure), the additional time has to be greater than 30 minutes 96365 - Intravenous infusion, for therapy, prophylaxis, or diagnosis (specify substance or drug); initial, up to 1 hour, 16-60 minutes (less than 16 = IVP) 96366 - Intravenous infusion, for therapy, prophylaxis, or diagnosis (specify substance or drug); each additional hour (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure 96367 - Intravenous infusion, for therapy, prophylaxis, or diagnosis (specify substance or drug); additional sequential infusion, up to 1 hour (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure), 16-60 minutes and a different drug 96368 - Intravenous infusion, for therapy, prophylaxis, or diagnosis (specify substance or drug); concurrent infusion (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure), once per encounter 96369 - Subcutaneous infusion for therapy or prophylaxis (specific substance or drug); initial, up to 1 hour, including pump set-up and establishment of subcutaneous infusion site(s), 16-60 minutes. 96370 - Subcutaneous infusion for therapy or prophylaxis (specify substance or drug); each additional hour (List separately in adition to code for primary procedure), must be greater than 30 minutes 96371 - Subcutaneous infusion for therapy or prophylaxis (specific substance or drug); additional pump set-up with establishment of new subcutaneous infusion site(s) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure), once per encounter.

Hydration therapy must last longer than 30 minutes, to be considered for an initial 1st hour code. IV therapy less than 16 minutes is to be coded as an IV injection. Hydration less than 30 minutes is not a billable procedure. Establishing a heparin or saline lock for access or a slow drip of saline for access is not hydration or IV therapy. 2

PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS Injections into IV lines are required to be classed into the following codes: 1. Initial injection med A (96374) 2. Additional subsequent injection, meds B ? Z (96375) 3. Additional subsequent injections med A (96376), there must be a period of more than 30 minutes that has to pass between injections of same drug. The codes used for IV injections are as follows: 96374 - Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); intravenous push, single or initial substance/drug 96375 - Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); each additional sequential intravenous push of a new substance/drug (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 96376 - Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); each additional sequential intravenous push of the same substance/drug provided in a facility (List separately in addtion to code for primary procedure) see time note above

Intramuscular, subcutaneous and intra-arterial injections use the following codes: 96372 - Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); subcutaneous or 96373 - Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); subcutaneous or instra-arterial

Vaccines are based on the number of injections and for Medicare the type of vaccine: 90471 - Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); intravenous push, single or initial substance/drug 90472 - Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); each additional sequential intravenous push of a new substance/drug (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) G0008 - ADMINISTRATION OF INFLUENZA VIRUS VACCINE G0008 - ADMINISTRATION OF PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE G0008 - ADMINISTRATION OF HEPATITIS B VACCINE - not billable hospital outpatient Part B


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS General rules: There can only be one ?initial? procedure, on a claim / encounter. The ranking to determine the initial procedure is as follows, the remaining procedures must be coded as additional or subsequent: 1. Chemotherapy services 2. 96365 ? IV therapy 1sthour 3. 96374 ? IV injection initial 4. Any other infusion/IV therapy code precedes a hydration code 5. 96360 ? Hydration 1sthour-this code used as ?initial? only if NO OTHER drug is administered as an infusion or IV therapy Establishing IV access is not hydration or IV therapy. Hydration procedures must have a diagnosis supporting the procedure, hydration substances include normal saline, D5W, and pre-packaged KCL.While there is little guidance on the rate of flow that qualifies for hydration, PARA does not recommend reporting hydration if the hydration flow rate is 100 ml per hour or less (for an adult patient). Initial IV therapy must last longer than 15 minutes, but if less than 16 minutes, the procedure should be charged as an IV injection. Drug administration charges are only reported on outpatient/ ambulatory care, emergency and observation patients, the service is not charged on inpatients. There are a number of different revenue codes which can be used to report these services; the basic guideline is to list the charge against the ?nursing station? providing the service. For the charge for an ?additional? hour of hydration or IV med therapy the service must last for more than 30 minutes into the additional hour. 0260 - IV Therapy - General Classification 0450 - Emergency Room - General Classification 0456 - Emergency Room - Urgent Care 0510 - Clinic - General Classification 0516 - Clinic - Urgent Care Clinic 0761 - Treatment or Observation Room - Treatment Room 0762 - Treatment or Observation Room - Observation Room 0940 - Other Therapeutic Services - General Classification


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS General rules (continued): AMA CPTÂŽ instructs that ?If performed to facilitate the infusion or injection, the following services are included and are not reported separately? -1. Use of local anesthesia 2. IV start 3. Access to indwelling IV, subcutaneous catheter or port 4. Flush at conclusion of infusion 5. Standard tubing, syringes, and supplies For Declotting of a catheter or port, use 36593:

Chemotherapy -- Complex drugs and biologic agents are reported using the chemotherapy codes: 96401 - Chemotherapy administration, subcutaneous or intramuscular; non-hormonal anti-neoplastic 96402 - Chemotherapy administration, subcutaneous or intramuscular; hormonal anti-neoplastic 96405 - Chemotherapy administration; intralesional, up to and including 7 lesions 96406 - Chemotherapy administration; intralesional, more than 7 lesions 96409 - Chemotherapy administration; intravenous, push technique, single or initial substance/drug 96411 - Chemotherapy administration; intravenous, push technique, each additional substance/drug (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure 96413 - Chemotherapy administration; intravenous, push technique; up to 1 hour, single or initial substance/drug 96413 - Chemotherapy administration, intravenous infusion technique; each additional hour (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS Chemotherapy codes, con't. 96416 - Chemotherapy administration, intravenous infusion technique; initiation of prolonged chemotherapy infusion (more than 8 hours), requiring use of a portable or implantalbe pump 96417 - Chemotherapy administration, intravenous infusion technique; each additional sequential infusion (different substance/drug), up to 1 hour (list separatey in addition to code for primary procedure) 96420 - Chemotherapy administration, intra-arterial; push technique 96422 - Chemotherapy administration, intra-arterial; infusion technique, up to 1 hour 96423 - Chemotherapy administration, intra-arterial; infusion technique, each additional hour (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 96425 - Chemotherapy administration, intra-arterial; infusion technique, initiation of prolonged infusion (more than 8 hours), requiring the use of a portable or implantable pump 96440 - Chemotherapy administration into pleural cavity, requiring and including thoracentesis 96446 - Chemotherapy administration into peritoneal cavity via indwelling port or catheter 96450 - Chemotherapy administration, into CNS (e.g. intrathecal), requiring and including spinal puncture 96549 - Unlisted chemotherapy procedure

The general characteristics of chemotherapy drugs are described by CMS in the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 12 - Physicians/ Nonphysician Practitioners, as follows: https:/ / Regulations-and-Guidance/ Guidance/ Manuals/ Downloads/ clm104c12.pdf 30.5 - Payment for Codes for Chemotherapy Administration and Nonchemotherapy Injections and Infusions (Rev. 968. Issued: 05-26-06; Effective/ Implementation Dates: 06-26-06) D. Chemotherapy Administration Chemotherapy administration codes apply to parenteral administration of non-radionuclide anti-neoplastic drugs; and also to anti-neoplastic agents provided for treatment of noncancer diagnoses (e.g., cyclophosphamide for auto-immune conditions) or to substances such as monoclonal antibody agents, and other biologic response modifiers. The following drugs are commonly considered to fall under the category of monoclonal antibodies: infliximab, rituximab, alemtuzumb, gemtuzumab, and trastuzumab. Drugs commonly considered to fall under the category of hormonal antineoplastics include leuprolide acetate and goserelin acetate. The drugs cited are not intended to be a complete list of drugs that may be administered using the chemotherapy administration codes.A/ B MACs (B) may provide additional guidance as to which drugs may be considered to be chemotherapy drugs under Medicare. ? 6

PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS Providers are advised to check for A/ B MAC guidance specific to certain drugs on the PARA Data Editor Calculator tab using the LCD search feature for both Local Coverage Determinations and Local Coverage Articles:


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS Within Local Coverage Articles, both Noridian and NGS direct that the following monoclonal antibody drug injections should not be reported with chemotherapy codes:

A lengthy excerpt from the Medicare Claims Processing Manual regarding chemotherapy is provided at the end of this paper. Providers are advised to check Local Coverage Determinations and Local Coverage Articles published by the regional MAC for specific guidance on particular drugs. Most payors regard the J9000-J9999 range of drugs to be chemotherapy drugs.In addition, infliximab, rituximab, alemtuzumab, gemtuzumab, and trastuzumab are generally deemed by Medicare to be chemotherapy drugs. Drugs commonly considered to fall under the category of hormonal antineoplastics include leuprolide acetate and goserelin acetate. While chemotherapy drugs typically include the J9000-J9999 code set, many MACs and other payors will cover the following drugs as eligible for the chemotherapy administration code set:

J0640 - Leucovorin calcium, per 50 mg J0641 - Levoleucovorin calcium, 05 mg J1745 - Injection infliximab, 10 mg Q3025 - Injection, interferon beta-1a, 11 mcg for intramuscular use J2353 - Octreotide, Depot Form for Intramuscular Injection 1 mg (Sandostatin LAR Depot) 8

PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS Chemotherapy, con't. Direct supervision by a qualified healthcare professional and advanced practice training is typically required under state law for nursing staff providing the administration of chemotherapy drugs. A quote from AMA CPTÂŽ : ?See codes 96401 ? 96549 for the administration of chemotherapy or other highly complex drug or highly complex biologic agent services.These highly complex services require advanced practice training and competency for Staff who provide these services; special consideration for the preparation, dosage or disposal; and commonly, these services entail significant patient risk and frequent monitoring.Examples are frequent changes in the infusion rate, prolonged presence of nurse administering the solution for patient monitoring and infusion adjustments, and frequent conferring with the physician about these issues.?IV administration services leading up to the chemotherapy infusion and following the infusion,particularly hydration provided solely in support of chemotherapy treatment, have been included in the infusion code services and are not to be reported separately.? Not all drug administration which is performed in the chemotherapy department with or without another chemotherapy treatment is considered a chemotherapy service.The CMS Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 12, provides examples of non-chemotherapy administration services: https:/ / Regulations-and-Guidance/ Guidance/ Manuals/ Downloads/ clm104c12.pdf ?The administration of anti-anemia drugs and anti-emetic drugs by injection or infusion for cancer patients isnotconsidered chemotherapy administration.? General principles regarding chemotherapy administration coding follow: 1. Do not bill hydration when it is integral to the chemotherapy treatment.IV administration services leading up to the chemotherapy infusion and following the infusion, particularly hydration provided solely in support of chemotherapy, are not to be reported separately. 2. A subsequent non-chemotherapy infusionis reported with HCPCS code 96367 (additional sequential infusion, up to 1 hour).This code described the infusion of a second or subsequent non-chemotherapy drug after the initial drug infusion, regardless if the initial drug is chemotherapy or not. This must be a sequential infusion ? not a concurrent infusion. Sequential is defined as one after the other. Code 96367 is reported once per sequential infusion of the same non-chemotherapy substance. 3. A subsequent chemotherapy infusion which follows an initial chemotherapy infusionis reported with HCPCS code 96417 (Chemotherapy administration, intravenous infusion technique; each additional sequential infusion (different substance/ drug), up to 1 hour (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)).


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS 4. A concurrent non-chemotherapy infusionis reported with HCPCS 96368.Concurrent is defined as being given at the same time.It is an add-on code and must be listed separately in addition to the code for the primary procedure. -

A concurrent infusion is when multiple infusions are provided simultaneously through the same intravenous line. Multiple substances mixed in one bag are considered to be one infusion. The concurrent infusion code can only be billed once per day. Code 96368 is used to report therapeutic/ diagnostic infusions only. It should not be used for chemotherapy infusions.

5. Concurrent chemotherapy-- There is no concurrent chemotherapy administration code, although some chemotherapeutic agents are given concurrently. In the usual circumstance where chemotherapy agents are mixed or given concurrently, report the unlisted chemotherapy administration code 96549, Unlisted chemotherapy procedure.The services described by sequential infusion codes require that the patient observations do not overlap.Multiple drugs given at the same session are considered to be sequential injections, rather than concurrent, and are reported with 96411 for IV push administration of additional non-chemotherapy drugs/ substances at the same session, and 96417 for IV infusion administration of additional non-chemotherapy drugs/ substances at the same session 6. A port flush (code 96523) is reported when a patient comes into the office simply to have their port flushed with saline. This code should not be reported if any other service related to the port (i.e. lab draw or other infusion) is performed that day. 7. Time units are calculated based on how long the fluid is actually infusing into the patient. Time ends when the fluids have infused. Documentation within the medical record must substantiate start and stop times for the services billed.If the documentation does not provide a start and stop time, bill the injection code (96374 for non-chemotherapy drugs, or 96409 for chemotherapy drugs) instead 8. Services such as the use of local anesthesia, IV start, access to indwelling IV (a subcutaneous catheter or port), a flush at the conclusion of an infusion, standard tubing, syringes and supplies are included in the payment for the drug administration service. These services should not be billed separately. 9. If the same drug is given in multiple pushes, only one unit can be billed, whether or not the drug is a chemotherapy or non-chemotherapy drug. Vaccines: Medicare requires special G-code HCPCS reporting for the administration of vaccines for flu, pneumonia, and Hepatitis B.These codes facilitate processing payment without coinsurance or deductible for Medicare beneficiaries:


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


The vaccine HCPCS for flu may change annually.Medicare releases a MedLearn each fall to inform providers of HCPCS available for reporting flu vaccines, along with the payment rate for each: MLNMattersArticles/downloads/SE17026.pdf


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS The codes used to report vaccine administration for non-Medicare patients as well as Medicare patients receiving a vaccine other than flu, pneumococcal, and HepB, follow.Be sure to comply with special coding rules which apply under state ?Vaccines for Children? (VFC) programs if applicable:

The administration codes above report the nursing service, the drug costs are to be attached to the product codes 90476 ? 90749, sample pasted below.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017



Billing Codes Billing Code Description


Patient receives a saline/hep lock for access


Insertion of an access site catheter does not create a billable event


Patient receives infusion TKO at a rate of 100/ml/hr for a period of 2 hours


Infusion of a fluid for access TKO/KVO is not a billable event


Patient receives a hydration infusion "bolus" of less than 30 minutes


Hydration must last longer than 30 minutes to be billable


Patient receives a med infusion of less than 16 minutes


Med infusions less than 16 minutes are to be billed as an IVP injection


Patient receives hydration of 89 minutes


Patient is to be billed for 1 hour hydration, additional hours require greater than 30 minutes of additional time


Patient receives IV hydration and separate injecdtion into the tissues around the mouth

96360 96374-59 (or XS)

The IM injection is billed in addition to the IV hydration; a modifier is required to bypass a CCI; injection was at a separate body structure/site


Patient receives hydration for 45 minutes and a med injection into the IV line, there is not a medical condition to require hydration


If the hydration is only a method to admin the drug through the IV line, the patient should only be billed for the IV injection, and not the infusion


Patient receives hydration for 45 minutes and a med injection into the IV line, there is a medical condition to require the hydration

96361 96374

If there is a medical requirement for the hydration, then both codes are billable, bill only one initial per encounter, IVP outranks hydration


Patient receives IV infusion for 91 minutes, on the 45th minute the patient receives a 2nd med same site/line infusion for 45 minutes

86365 96366 96368

Patient is to be billed for 1st hour med infusion, additional hour infusion (greater than 30 minutes), and a 1 hour concurrent med infusion


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017



Billing Codes Billing Code Description


Patient receives IV infusion for 90 minutes, on the 91st minute the patient receis a 2nd med same site for 45 minutes

96365 96367

Patient is to be billed for 1st hour med infusion, and 1 hour sequential med infusion, 2nd hour infusion requires greater than 30 minutes


Patient receives IV infusion for 91 minutes, the patient then receives a 2nd med at a new site (if medically necessary) and pump for 45 minutes

96365 96365-59 96366 96367

Patient is to be billed for 1st hour med infusion, add hour infusion, and a 2nd 96365 with a -59 modifier for the initial med infusion at a new site*


Patient receives med infusion for 45 minutes, and a 2nd drug is injected into the IV line

96365 96375

Patient is to be billed for an IV med infusion, plus an IV injection, only one initial code per encounter


Patient receives med infusion for 45 minutes, and a 2nd drug is injected into the IV line, and then 31 minutes later, the same drug is injected into the IV line

96365 96375 96376

Patient is to be billed for an IV med infusion, injection of a drug into IV line, and then the same drug injected into an IV line, outside the 30 minute inclusion limit


Patient receives med infusion for 45 minutes, and a 2nd drug is injected into the IV line, and then 20 minutes later, the same drug is injected into the IV line

96365 96375

Patient is to be billed for IV med infusion, injection of a drug into IV line, because the same drug was injected within 30 minutes, no additional code(s)


Patient receives med infusion for 45 minutes, and a 2nd drug is injected into the IV line, and then a 3rd drug is injected into the IV line

96365 96375 x2

Patient is to be billed for an IV med infusion, injection into an IV line, and sequential drug injection into an IV line


Patient is injected with a pain med IM and then also a vaccine

96372 90471

Patient is to be billed IM injection and a vaccine admin injection


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS Hydration, Infusion, Injection Billing Examples Service 17

Patient is injected with the same drug twice IM 15 minutes apart


Patient receives an infusion of 2 different chemotherapy meds, first one infused for 1 hour, 2nd infusion for 030 minutes


Patient receives 2 chemo medications administered by infusion, first one for 60 minutes, and the second for an additional 60 minutes sequentially

Billing Codes

Billing Code Description

96372 x2

Patient is to be billed the IM injection twice

96413 9 96411

Patient to be billed for 1st hour of chemotherapy as infusion and 2nd chemotherapy medication as intravenous push, since the 2nd medications was infused less than 31 minutes

96413 96415

Patient is to be billed for 1st hour infusion for the first chemotherapy medication, and the add-on code 96415 for the 2nd chemo medication. Medications were administered sequentially

*CMS 2013 OPPS CCI Manual excerpt regarding separate IV sites: nationalcorrectcodinited/


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS Excerpts from the CMS Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 12 Downloads/clm104c12.pdf 30.5 - Payment for Codes for Chemotherapy Administration and Nonchemotherapy Injections and Infusions (Rev. 968. Issued: 05-26-06; Effective/Implementation Dates: 06-26-06) A. General Codes for Chemotherapy administration and nonchemotherapy injections and infusions include the following three categories of codes in the American Medical Association?s Current Procedural Terminology (CPTÂŽ ): 1. Hydration; 2. Therapeutic, prophylactic, and diagnostic injections and infusions (excluding chemotherapy); and 3. Chemotherapy administration. Physician work related to hydration, injection, and infusion services involves the affirmation of the treatment plan and the supervision (pursuant to incident to requirements) of non-physician clinical staff. B. Hydration The hydration codes are used to report a hydration IV infusion which consists of a pre-packaged fluid and / or electrolytes (e.g. normal saline, D5-1/ 2 normal saline +30 mg EqKC1/ liter) but are not used to report infusion of drugs or other substances. C. Therapeutic, prophylactic, and diagnostic injections and infusions (excluding chemotherapy) A therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic IV infusion or injection, other than hydration, is for the administration of substances/ drugs. The fluid used to administer the drug (s) is incidental hydration and is not separately payable. If performed to facilitate the infusion or injection or hydration, the following services and items are included and are not separately billable: 1. Use of local anesthesia; 2. IV start; 3. Access to indwelling IV, subcutaneous catheter or port; 4. Flush at conclusion of infusion; and 5. Standard tubing, syringes and supplies.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS CMS Claims Processing Manual, con't. Payment for the afore-mentioned is included in the payment for the chemotherapy administration or nonchemotherapy injection and infusion service. If a significant separately identifiable evaluation and management service is performed, the appropriate E & M code should be reported utilizing modifier 25 in addition to the chemotherapy administration or nonchemotherapy injection and infusion service. For an evaluation and management service provided on the same day, a different diagnosis is not required. The CPTÂŽ 2006 includes a parenthetical remark immediately following CPTÂŽ code 90772 (Therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection; (specify substance or drug); subcutaneous or intramuscular.) It states, ?Do not report 90772 for injections given without direct supervision. To report, use 99211.? This coding guideline does not apply to Medicare patients. If the RN, LPN or other auxiliary personnel furnishes the injection in the office and the physician is not present in the office to meet the supervision requirement, which is one of the requirements for coverage of an incident to service, then the injection is not covered. The physician would also not report 99211 as this would not be covered as an incident to service. D. Chemotherapy Administration Chemotherapy administration codes apply to parenteral administration of non-radionuclide anti-neoplastic drugs; and also to anti-neoplastic agents provided for treatment of noncancer diagnoses (e.g., cyclophosphamide for auto-immune conditions) or to substances such as monoclonal antibody agents, and other biologic response modifiers. The following drugs are commonly considered to fall under the category of monoclonal antibodies: infliximab, rituximab, alemtuzumb, gemtuzumab, and trastuzumab. Drugs commonly considered to fall under the category of hormonal antineoplastics include leuprolide acetate and goserelin acetate. The drugs cited are not intended to be a complete list of drugs that may be administered using the chemotherapy administration codes. A/ B MACs (B) may provide additional guidance as to which drugs may be considered to be chemotherapy drugs under Medicare. The administration of anti-anemia drugs and anti-emetic drugs by injection or infusion for cancer patients is not considered chemotherapy administration. If performed to facilitate the chemotherapy infusion or injection, the following services and items are included and are not separately billable: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Use of local anesthesia; IV access; Access to indwelling IV, subcutaneous catheter or port; Flush at conclusion of infusion; Standard tubing, syringes and supplies; and Preparation of chemotherapy agent(s).

Payment for the above is included in the payment for the chemotherapy administration service.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS If a significant separately identifiable evaluation and management service is performed, the appropriate E & M code should be reported utilizing modifier 25 in addition to the chemotherapy code. For an evaluation and management service provided on the same day, a different diagnosis is not required. E. Coding Rules for Chemotherapy Administration and Nonchemotherapy Injections and Infusion Services Instruct physicians to follow the CPT速 coding instructions to report chemotherapy administration and nonchemotherapy injections and infusion services with the exception listed in subsection C for CPT速 code 90772. The physician should be aware of the following specific rules. When administering multiple infusions, injections or combinations, the physician should report only one ?initial? service code unless protocol requires that two separate IV sites must be used. The initial code is the code that best describes the key or primary reason for the encounter and should always be reported irrespective of the order in which the infusions or injections occur. If an injection or infusion is of a subsequent or concurrent nature, even if it is the first such service within that group of services, then a subsequent or concurrent code should be reported. For example, the first IV push given subsequent to an initial one-hour infusion is reported using a subsequent IV push code. The CPT速 includes a code for a concurrent infusion in addition to an intravenous infusion for therapy, prophylaxis or diagnosis. Allow only one concurrent infusion per patient per encounter. Do not allow payment for the concurrent infusion billed with modifier 59 unless it is provided during a second encounter on the same day with the patient and is documented in the medical record. For chemotherapy administration and therapeutic, prophylactic and diagnostic injections and infusions, an intravenous or intra-arterial push is defined as: 1.) an injection in which the healthcare professional is continuously present to administer the substance/ drug and observe the patient; or 2.) an infusion of 15 minutes or less. The physician may report the infusion code for ?each additional hour? only if the infusion interval is greater than 30 minutes beyond the 1 hour increment. For example if the patient receives an infusion of a single drug that lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes, the physician would report the ?initial? code up to 1 hour and the add-on code for the additional 45 minutes. Several chemotherapy administration and nonchemotherapy injection and infusion service codes have the following parenthetical descriptor included as a part of the CPT速 code, ?List separately in addition to code for primary procedure.? Each of these codes has a physician fee schedule indicator of ?ZZZ? meaning this service is allowed if billed with another chemotherapy administration or non-chemotherapy injection and infusion service code.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

HYDRATION, IV INFUSIONS, INJECTIONS AND VACCINE CHARGE PROCESS CMS Claims Processing Manual, con't. Do not interpret this parenthetical descriptor to mean that the add-on code can be billed only if it is listed with another drug administration primary code. For example, code 90761 will be ordinarily billed with code 90760. However, there may be instances when only the add-on code, 90761, is billed because an ?initial? code from another section in the drug administration codes, instead of 90760, is billed as the primary code. Pay for code 96523, ?Irrigation of implanted venous access device for drug delivery systems,? if it is the only service provided that day. If there is a visit or other chemotherapy administration or nonchemotherapy injection or infusion service provided on the same day, payment for 96523 is included in the payment for the other service. F. Chemotherapy Administration (or Nonchemotherapy Injection and Infusion) and Evaluation and Management Services Furnished on the Same Day For services furnished on or after January 1, 2004, do not allow payment for CPT® code 99211, with or without modifier 25, if it is billed with a nonchemotherapy drug infusion code or a chemotherapy administration code. Apply this policy to code 99211 when it is billed with a diagnostic or therapeutic injection code on or after January 1, 2005. Physicians providing a chemotherapy administration service or a nonchemotherapy drug infusion service and evaluation and management services, other than CPT® code 99211, on the same day must bill in accordance with §30.6.6 using modifier 25. The A/ B MACs (B) pay for evaluation and management services provided on the same day as the chemotherapy administration services or a nonchemotherapy injection or infusion service if the evaluation and management service meets the requirements of section §30.6.6 even though the underlying codes do not have global periods. If a chemotherapy service and a significant separately identifiable evaluation and management service are provided on the same day, a different diagnosis is not required. In 2005, the Medicare physician fee schedule status database indicators for therapeutic and diagnostic injections were changed from T to A. Thus, beginning in 2005, the policy on evaluation and management services, other than 99211, that is applicable to a chemotherapy or a nonchemotherapy injection or infusion service applies equally to these codes.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

ACUTE KIDNEY INJURIES UNDER CMS CMS released an update beginning on January 01, 2017, facilities that render services to End Stage Renal Disease beneficiaries will be able to furnish dialysis services to acute kidney injury (AKI) patients. This provision provides Medicare payments to ESRD facilities, hospital-based and freestanding, for renal dialysis services furnished to beneficiaries diagnosed with AKI (both adult and pediatric). text#tocHEE69B51CC87340E2B2AB6A4FA73D2A82


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


When processing AKI claims, Medicare will pay ESRD facilities for dialysis services using the ESRD PPS base rate adjusted by the applicable geographic adjustment factor, or, the ESRD PPS wage index.In addition to the dialysis treatment, under the established ESRD PPS base rate for ESRD facilities, the payment includes reimbursement for other items and services considered to be renal dialysis and there is no separate payment for those defined services. This payment definition also applies to beneficiaries with AKI. There is no separate payment for renal dialysis drugs, biologicals, laboratory services and supplies that are included in the ESRD PPS base rate when they are furnished by an ESRD facility to an individual with AKI. All other items and services that are furnished to AKI beneficiaries, not considered to be inclusive within the rendered renal dialysis services but are related to their dialysis as a result of the AKI diagnosis, would be separately payable. These can be identified as drugs, biologicals, laboratory services and supplies that ESRD facilities are certified to furnish and would otherwise be furnished to a beneficiary with AKI in a hospital outpatient setting. Definition: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined in clinical terms as the sudden loss of kidney function. AKI is usually identified and initially treated in the acute care setting with the primary goals being to treat the beneficiary and minimize the inpatient stay. As a standard course the beneficiary develops fluid overload, uremic signs and symptoms, and electrolyte abnormalities, hemodialysis may be initiated at this point with low dose or no heparin. The team involved in the treatment for this condition consist of nephrology nurse, dietitian, social worker, physician and case care manager. The social worker has the key role in the management of the beneficiary with AKI and acts in the role of the beneficiary advocate to include beneficiary engagement in the decision-making process. With a diagnosis of AKI, while monitoring is a constant, approximately 45 days after the initiation of acute hemodialysis, the beneficiary with AKI should be evaluated for recovery of function, or declared as having end stage renal disease (ESRD) by a nephrologist.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

ACUTE KIDNEY INJURIES UNDER CMS Claims: For providers seeking reimbursement for AKI services, CMS offers the following guidelines: 1. ESRD facilities report all items and services rendered to AKI beneficiaries should utilized bill type 72x with condition code 84 -

2. AKI claims have the following diagnosis code restrictions: one or more are required to be reported on the claim.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


Revenue codes required for the modality of dialysis furnished for G0491 are 082x, 083x,084x or 085x

AKI beneficiaries are able to receive either peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis in an ESRD facility. This decision is based on the level of care required at the time, however, CMS is not extending the AKI benefit to beneficiaries in home dialysis programs. Further, AKI claims are not subject to limits on how many dialysis treatments can be billed for a monthly billing cycle, however, there will be only one payment per treatment per day across all settings, with exception to any instance involving uncompleted treatments. Other ESRD and CMS adjustments as they relate to other CMS programs: 4.

ESRD Network Fee: This fee reduction is not applicable to claims for AKI beneficiaries. Claims with dates of service on or after January 01, 2017 to March 31, 2017 will be adjusted retroactive on the CR effective date April 01, 2017.


ESRD Quality Incentive Program (QIP): This program is not applicable to beneficiaries with AKI at this time


Sequestration Adjustments: This adjustment is applicable for AKI beneficiaries at this time


ESRD Conditions for Coverage (CfCs): These are health and safety standards that all Medicare participating dialysis facilities are required to meet. The standards relate to patient safety, infection control, care planning, staff qualifications, record keeping and other matters that apply to all ESRD and AKI beneficiaries.


Low Volume Payment Adjustment (LVPA): Dialysis treatments for AKI beneficiaries count toward the LVPA threshold when a facility is making the determination of the total number of treatments provided when a facility prepares the LVPA attestation, however, claims for AKI patients will not receive the adjustment.


Home or Self-Dialysis Training Add-On Payment Adjustment: This is not applicable for claims reporting services rendered for AKI beneficiaries.


Physician claims: Physicians are able to submit a separate claim for services provided to AKI beneficiaries..


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

ACUTE KIDNEY INJURIES UNDER CMS The following CPT codes should be utilized by physician offices when billing for physician services or provided in an ESRD facility.

Place of service codes that are reported on the physician claim (CMS 1500) should be: 11. -

11 = Physician office or 65 = ESRD facility Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents (ESA?s) and ESA Monitoring Policy: For AKI beneficiaries the ESA monitoring policy does not apply ESA?s are currently inclusive within the bundled payment methodology for treatments administered to AKI patients. The following should be used on claims to report treatments.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

ACUTE KIDNEY INJURIES UNDER CMS References: MLNMattersArticles/downloads/MM9598.pdf

To see the page, click on the link or the page icon.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

NEW REHAB BENEFIT FOR PERIPHERAL ARTERY DISEASE Hospitals with cardiac rehab programs may be particularly interested in Medicare?s new added coverage of Supervised Exercise Therapy for patients with intermittent claudication (IC) for the treatment of symptomatic peripheral artery disease (PAD). While physician-prescribed supervised exercise is covered for Cardiac Rehabilitation (section 1861(eee) of the Social Security Act), coverage has been exclusive to cardiac disease. Medicare will cover up to 36 sessions over a 12 week period are covered if all of the following components of a SET program are met.The SET program must: -

consist of sessions lasting 30-60 minutes comprising a therapeutic exercise-training program for PAD in patients with claudication; be conducted in a hospital outpatient setting, or a physician?s office; be delivered by qualified auxiliary personnel necessary to ensure benefits exceed harms, and who are trained in exercise therapy for PAD; and be under the direct supervision of a physician (as defined in 1861(r)(1)), physician assistant, or nurse practitioner/ clinical nurse specialist (as identified in 1861(aa)(5)) who must be trained in both basic and advanced life support techniques.

HCPCS 93668 for reimbursement under APC 5733 at $54.55 per session (unadjusted national rate) has been added to the list of billable HCPCS under Addendum B of OPPS as of 10/ 1/ 17, although coverage technically began effective May 25, 2017.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


Question:What is the appropriate CPT code(s) to reportnon-invasive ventilation assistance and management for treatment of chronic respiratory failure for a patient who supplies their own ventilator? Answer: Report CPT codes 94002 & 94003 for hospital inpatient or observation ventilation assistance and management for respiratory failure. It would also be appropriate to report 94002 or 94003 for ventilation assistance and management on a patient who supplies his/ her own ventilator. Ownership of equipment has no bearing on code assignment. This advice is supported by the AHA Coding Clinic, Second Quarter 2013 Page:25. AHA Coding Clinic advised that since the patient is still receiving the mechanical ventilation and using significant hospital resources that a procedure code for mechanical ventilation should be reported even if the patient brings his/ her ownventilator from home. Please refer to thePARA Data Editorreference AMA CPT Assistant October 2014 page 8--Positive pressure therapy correct coding which explains the correct usage of CPT code 94002 in detail. Please refer to the Coders Desk Reference description provided and the PARA Data Editorcode description.

Coders Desk Reference A mechanical ventilator is applied with a mask over the nose and mouth or through a tube placed into the trachea for patients requiring help breathing due to a lung disorder. Intermittent positive pressure breathing uses positive pressure during the inspiration phase of breathing. Code 94002 applies to ventilation assistance using adjustments in volume and pressure on the initial day of treatment in a hospital to an inpatient or observation patient and 94003 is reported for ventilation assistance to a hospital inpatient observation patient provided on subsequent days. Ventilation assistance and management provided to a nursing facility patient is reported with 94004 on a per day basis.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017



PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


Question:What is the appropriate ICD-10 CM to report Influenza with Gastroenteritis? Answer: Report ICD-10 CM code J11.2, Influenza due to unidentified influenza with gastrointestinal manifestations.The ICD10 CM tabular index indicates Influenza gastroenteritis Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) is included in ICD-10 CM code J11.2.An additional code is not needed to identify any part of the diagnoses, since ICD-10 CM has supplied a combination code to fully describe the entire condition. Only the combination code is assigned when that code fully identifies the diagnostic conditions involved or when the Alphabetic Index, Tabular index or instructional notes so directs. Combination codes can also be located in the Index by referring to subterm entries, with particular reference to subterms such as "with," "due to," "in," and "associated with." Please refer to the PARA Data Editor ICD-10 CM code Description and the 2017/ 18 Official Coding Guidelines which further defines Combination codes.The 2017/ 18 ICD-10 CM Official Coding Guidelines are located in thePARA Data EditorCalculator.

2017/18 ICD-10 CM Official Coding Guidelines:Section I.B.9: Combination Codes A combination code is a single code used to classify: Two diagnoses, or A diagnosis with an associated secondary process (manifestation) A diagnosis with an associated complication.Combination codes are identified by referring to subterm entries in the Alphabetic Index and by reading the inclusion and exclusion notes in the Tabular List. Assign only the combination code when that code fully identifies the diagnostic conditions involved or when the Alphabetic Index so directs. Multiple coding should not be used when the classification provides a combination code that clearly identifies all of the elements documented in the diagnosis. When the combination code lacks necessary specificity in describing the manifestation or complication, an additional code should be used as a secondary code.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


PARA clients are invited to request PARA to present educational programs at group meetings within their organization or with affiliated groups, such as hospital or professional associations. PARA staff routinely prepare presentations for facilities and professionals interested in keeping up to date on recent Medicare changes, or to provide education on the basics related to pricing, coding, and billing. PARA staff are available to develop a presentation on a specific topic at client request, or present a ready-made program.PARA Data Editor Users may review programs which have been developed on the Advisor tab, filtering the document type to ?Presentations?:

For example, PARA staff have made recent presentations on the following topics: - Hospital Chargemaster Pricing Strategies in a Transparent Healthcare Marketplace - CMS Quarterly HCPCS Update - Medicare?s Appropriate Use Program - Billing for Supplies Interested clients are invited to reach out to your Account Executive for further information and assistance. Download these FREE presentations from the PARA Data Editor.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


In keeping our commitment to outstanding customer service, PARA clients will be fully supported with information and assistance on the annual CPTÂŽ HCPCS coding updates. The PARA Data Editor (PDE) contains a copy of each client chargemaster; we use the powerful features of the PDE to identify any line item in the chargemaster which has a HCPCS code assigned that will be deleted as of January 1, 2018. For this reason, it is important that clients check to ensure that a recent copy of the chargemaster has been supplied to PARA for use in the year-end update. PARA will produce excel spreadsheets of each CDM line item, as well as our recommendation for alternate codes, in three waves as information is released from the following sources: 1. The American Medical Association?s publication of new, changed, and deleted CPTÂŽ codes; this information is released in September of each year.PARA will produce the first spreadsheet of CPT updates for client review in October, 2017. 2. Medicare?s 2018 OPPS Final Rule, typically published the first week of November; PARA will perform analysis and produce the second spreadsheet to include both the CPT information previously supplied, as well as alpha-numeric HCPCS updates (J-codes, G-codes, C-codes, etc.) from the Final Rule. 3. Medicare?s 2018 Clinical Lab Fee Schedule (CLFS) ? typically published in late November, the CLFS will reveal whether Medicare will accept new CPT?s generated by the AMA, or whether Medicare will require another reporting method (i.e. G0480 ? G0483 for definitive drug testing in 2016 and 2017.)

Clients will be notified by email as spreadsheets are produced and recorded on the PARA Data Editor ?Admin? tab, under the ?Docs? subtab.

In addition, PARA consultants will publish concise papers on coding update topics in order to ensure that topical information is available in a manner that is organized and easy to understand. PARA clients may rest assured that they will have full support for year-end HCPCS coding updates to the chargemaster.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017



The following Transmittals have been published for the January 1 update. This list will continue to expand in the coming weeks, and links to all documents can be found in the PDE Advisor tab. Changes to the Laboratory National Coverage Determination (NCD) Edit Software for January 2018

January 2018 Quarterly Average Sales Price (ASP) Medicare Part B Drug Pricing

Files and Revisions to Prior Quarterly Pricing Files

Quarterly Influenza Virus Vaccine Code Update - January 2018

Quarterly Update to the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Procedure-to-Procedure (PTP) Edits, Version 24.0, Effective January 1, 2018

To go to the full Transmittal document simply click on the screen shot.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


Instructions for Downloading the Medicare ZIP Code File for January 2018

Quarterly Update for the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) - January 2018

Affordable Care Act Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative - Recurring File Updates Models 2 and 4 January 2018 Updates

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Front End Updates for January 2018 This link leads to a ZIP file containing several files with several documents.

To go to the full Transmittal document simply click on the screen shot.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


The COMPLETE List! Changes to the Laboratory National Coverage Determination (NCD) Edit Software for January 2018 January 2018 Quarterly Average Sales Price (ASP) Medicare Part B Drug Pricing Files and Revisions to Prior Quarterly Pricing Files Quarterly Influenza Virus Vaccine Code Update - January 2018 Quarterly Update to the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Procedure-to-Procedure (PTP) Edits, Version 24.0, Effective January 1, 2018 Instructions for Downloading the Medicare ZIP Code File for January 2018 Quarterly Update for the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) - January 2018 Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH) PPS Changes Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule Not Otherwise Classified, Not Otherwise Specified, or Unlisted Service or Procedure Code Data Collection Payment for Services Furnished by Qualified Nonphysician Anesthetists Place of Service Codes 2018 Annual Update for the Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Bonus Payments Accepting Hospice Notices of Election via Electronic Data Interchange Instructions for Retrieving the 2018 Pricing and HCPCS Data Files through CMS' Mainframe Telecommunications Systems Medicare Payment Rates for routine SNF-type services by swing-bed hospitals during calendar year 2018


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


More of The COMPLETE List! Annual Clotting Factor Furnishing Fee Update 2018 Updated Editing of Always Therapy Services ? MCS Correcting Payment of Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Transfer Claims Assigned to Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Group (MS DRG) 385 and Allowing Part A Deductible on Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Same Day Transfer Inpatient Claims Https:// 2018 Annual Update of Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Codes for Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Consolidated Billing (CB) Update Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Annual Update: Prospective Payment System (PPS) Pricer Changes for FY 2018 Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Codes (HPTCs) October 2017 Code Set Update Influenza Vaccine Payment Allowances - Annual Update for 2017-2018 Season Update to Hospice Payment Rates, Hospice Cap, Hospice Wage Index and Hospice Pricer for FY 2018 Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities Prospective Payment System (IPF PPS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Implementation of the Transitional Drug Add-On Payment Adjustment ICD-10 Coding Revisions to National Coverage Determinations (NCDs) Common Working File (CWF) to Modify CWF Provider Queries to Only Accept National Provider Identifier (NPI) as valid Provider Number New Specialty Code for Pharmacy Screening for Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection Medicare Part A Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Prospective Payment System (PPS) Pricer Update FY 2018 2017-2018 Influenza (Flu) Resources for Health Care Professionals MLNMattersArticles/Downloads/SE17026.pdf 35

PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

There were THREE new or revised Med Learn (MLN Matters) articles released this week. All new and previous Med Learn articles can be viewed under the type ?Med Learn? in the Advisor tab of the PARA Data Editor (see example below.) To go to the full Med Learn document simply click on the screen shot or the link.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Med Learn: MM10323


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Med Learn: MM10281


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Med Learn: MM10238


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

There were TWENTY new or revised Transmittals released this week. All new and previous Transmittals can be viewed under the type Transmittals in the Advisor tab of the PARA Data Editor. To go to the full Transmittal document simply click on the screen shot or the link.


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #R1954OTN

The link to this Transmittal #R3898CP


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #1949OTN

The link to this Transmittal #R1953OTN


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #R1952OTN

The link to this Transmittal #R1950OTN


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #1951OTN

The link to this Transmittal #R1945OTN


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #R1945OTN

The link to this Transmittal #R1944OTN


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #R3893CP

The link to this Transmittal #R1818DEMO


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #R3897CP

The link to this Transmittal #R1937OTN


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #R753PI

The link to this Transmittal #R1938OTN


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #R1948OTN

The link to this Transmittal #R1946OTN


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #R1947OTN

The link to this Transmittal #R3894CP


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal #R1941OTN

The link to this Transmittal #R1942OTN


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The link to this Transmittal R#1939OTN

The link to this Transmittal #R1943OTN


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

The PDE Editor Bulletin Board Tablet lists all articles added to the Bulletin Board


PARA Weekly Update: October 27, 2017


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