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Quest ion: Can w e bill CPT® 36000 and add-on code +76937 for all IV st art ed w it h ult rasound? We are t rying t o det erm ine if t here w ould be added revenue from billing for t his service
Answ er: No, it is not appropriate to charge 36000 for all IVs started with ultrasound.
If the patient is receiving hydration therapy or infused medications, the IVstart is included in those services, so it should not be charged separately Please see the ParaRev paper linked below regarding billing for IVhydration and infusions:
Hydration, IVInfusions, Injections and Vaccine Charge Process
Additionally, the National Correct Coding Policy Manual (Chapter 1) states the following:
?Intravenous access (e g , CPT® codes 36000, 36400, 36410) is not separately reportable when performed with many types of procedures (e.g., surgical procedures, anesthesia procedures, radiological procedures requiring intravenous contrast, nuclear medicine procedures requiring intravenous radiopharmaceutical) ?
?CPT® code 36000 may be reported alone if t he only service provided is t he int roduct ion of a needle int o a vein ?
Under Medicare?s hospital outpatient reimbursement methodology, code 36000 is packaged and is not reimbursed separately (as seen in the Calculator tab of the PARA Dat a Edit or):