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Code +76937 (ultrasound guidance for vascular access) requires:

- Documentation of evaluation of potential access sites

- Description of selected vessel patency

- Concurrent real-time ultrasound visualization of needle entry

- Acquisition and storage of a film or digital perm anent im age documenting the guidance procedure

This code should not be reported when a hand-held ultrasound device is used but the above documentation requirements are not met (e.g., no documentation of vessel patency, no permanent image).

Per the CPT® Manual:

?Ultrasound guidance procedures also requireperm anent ly recorded im ages of t he sit e t o be localized, as w ell as a docum ent ed descript ion of t he localizat ion process, either separately or within the report of the procedure for which the guidance is utilized Use of ult rasound, w it hout t horough evaluat ion of organ(s) or anat om ic region, im age docum ent at ion, and final, w rit t en report , is not separat ely report able.?

+76937 is an add-on code that must be reported in addition to a primary procedure code. If the 36000 is unable to be billed (as above), the +76937 would also not be able to be charged (even if the above documentation requirements are met) since there is no corresponding primary procedure.

Code +76937 does not carry additional reimbursement under HOPPS, but CAH may receive reimbursement for this service when performed and documented appropriately

For additional information regarding billing for ultrasound guidance in the hospital setting, please see the ParaRev paper linked below, which is also available in the Advisor tab of the PARA Dat a Edit or:

Ultrasound Guidance in the Hospital Setting

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CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association

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