Grewelthorpe, Ripon, HG4 3DA 01765 658009 himalayangarden.com
Now open to visitors until 31 October
10am to 4pm, Tuesday to Sunday and Bank Holidays. Advance booking only. Please visit our website to purchase your ticket or reserve your place. Being outdoors and in beautiful gardens can be a source of much-needed tranquillity in these anxious times, and with 45 acres the Himalayan Garden offers the open space needed. We’re pleased to welcome visitors to enjoy the blooms of spring in a safe and tranquil environment. We also have a plant sales area, and the Tearoom and Refreshment Horsebox will be serving takeaways.
The Himalayan Garden has won national acclaim and received the Yorkshire in Bloom Tourist Attraction Award in 2018 and 2019. We have implemented additional staff training and measures to ensure your safety, and used natural materials to make one-way systems and safedistancing signs that fit in with the landscape.
Over 80 outdoor sculptures are set in the open-air gallery that sits in a beautiful valley. The garden features works by internationally renowned artists, all inspired by nature. It is also home to the North’s largest collection of rhododendrons, azaleas and magnolias, with nearly 20,000 plants.
SWINTON ESTATE Masham, Ripon, HG4 4JH 01765 680900 swintonestate.com
Garden Lunches
May to September 2021 Join celebrated gardener Dame Susan Cunliffe-Lister for a two-course garden lunch, garden talk over coffee and a guided tour of the grounds. Each lunch is themed on a different topic, whether it be on the parkland and lakes or the walled garden. Susan will give an insight into her gardening style, and guests will be given a tour of the parkland to view the daffodils or rhododendrons and azaleas. Arrive at 12pm for tea and coffee. £40 per person. Dates: 11 May, 18 May, 8 June, 15 June, 29 June, 6 July, 20 July, 3 August, 10 August, 24 August. Please call 01765 680900 to book.
| SPRING 2021 | Dales Life
Open Air Theatre at Swinton Bivouac: Mr Stink by David Walliams
27 July 2021 Join Heartbreak Productions for David Walliams’ best-seller Mr Stink on the outdoor stage at Swinton Bivouac. Pack a picnic, grab a chair and dress for the weather. Packed with fun, humour and a heart-warming message, this touching tale provides the perfect family entertainment. Age 7-plus; approx. running time 2 hours Curtains at 6:30pm (venue opens from 9am) Adult Ticket Price: £15 (£13 early bird price available until 6 July) Child: £10 (£8 early bird price available until 6 July) Family: £50 (£42 early bird price available until 6 July) To purchase tickets online please visit swintonestateshop.com or call 01765 680900. Picnics are available to book.