Dales Life Spring 2009

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DalesLife SPRING 2009

John Cushnie selects some spectacular plants for spring


A Taste of Yorkshire Celebrate local produce

James Martin


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Editor’s Letter Dales Life Spring issue Welcome to the spring issue of Dales Life. The days are lengthening and the countryside is coming back to life again — and if that isn’t enough to cheer you up, you’ll find find plenty more to lift your spirits in the pages that follow. If you are a cook you will be in your element. For one thing, we have some delicious recipes from celebrity chef James Martin (p.32). And on p.108 we have rounded up and reviewed a selection of attractive and practical cookbooks. Plenty of inspiration there!

Cover: ©Tracey Phillips Ryedale Photography

Anyone who enjoys good food should also have a crack at growing their own. Tomatoes are easy enough to cultivate, even if you don’t have much space, so why not have a go? Turn to p.67 for some great tips to get you started.

Editor: Sue Gillman Deputy Editor: Brian Pike Production: Claudia Blake Advertising: Sue Gillman Art Director: Stef Suchomski Photo Editor: Kirsty Kennedy Fashion Editor: Chloe Smith

While you’re out and about in the garden, what about planning for a good show of flowers in early summer? On p.76, BBC Radio 4’s John Cushnie picks out some of his favourites. And on the subject of our favourite flowers, Britain’s bluebell woods will soon be in bloom — a real treat for all nature lovers. Chris Baines, our wildlife specialist explores their history, and future, on p.8.

Proprietor: Sue Gillman T: 01677 425217/425251 M: 07970 739119 E: sue@daleslife.demon.co.uk Suite 2, Market Chambers, 14 Market Place, Bedale DL8 1EQ www.daleslife.com

As you may already have noticed, the magazine has a great new look. We’re also delighted to announce that the whole of Dales Life can now be read, free, online at www.daleslife.com. Tell all your friends and relatives outside our distribution area and maybe they’ll stop pestering you to pass on your prized back copies!

Contributors: Chris Baines Christine Austin Brian Pike Ian Henry Claudia Blake John Cushnie Chloe Smith Laurie Campbell Jennie Routley

Finally you’ll notice that, as always, we’re putting ourselves firmly behind local businesses — which is why we’ve launched our A Taste of Yorkshire series (p.42). These are challenging times, and we need to support our local independent businesses or risk them disappearing forever. If you have any ideas about who we might feature in future issues, get in touch with me right away! Hope you enjoy the magazine! Sue Gillman

Subscribe to Dales Life now 01677

425217 3

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Spring 2009





On the cover 32 James Everyday

67 The Good Life

TV chef James Martin's new book James Everyday showcases his signature style of tasty and impressive food that can be prepared without fuss. We have selected four simple recipes from his new collection.

Nothing beats the taste of organic, home grown tomatoes, and they're easy enough to cultivate. So why not give it a go? Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell, explains how.

42 A Taste of Yorkshire

John Cushnie, gardening writer and BBC Radio 4's Gardener's Question Time panellist, recommends some spectacular plants that will fill your garden with exuberant blooms in spring and early summer.

In the first of a new series, we celebrate some of the exceptional food producers in our area. Ian Henry visits Potto Grange Organics.

78 Flower Power






Features 8 Into the Blue

92 Step Into Spring

In April and May the woods are carpeted with a sea of brilliant blue flowers. Chris Baines celebrates our spectacular bluebell woods.

Warmer days are on their way, and so are the new spring collections. Chloe Smith takes a look at the new season.

16 The Discerning Diner

Cold winds and central heating dry and age your skin, so take time to pamper yourself. Sue Gillman takes a look at some fresh new products for spring.

Claudia Blake visits The Punch Bowl Inn at Low Row

26 On the Grapevine

It may seem surprising that sales of bottles of wine in the £8 to £12 range have actually increased in volume. Christine Austin reports on good wines that won't break the bank

50 Country Diary

A comprehensive guide to events, antique sales and festivals. Compiled by Jennie Routley


100 Skin Deep

108 Books for Cooks

Keen to spice up your kitchen bookshelf? Brian Pike dips into some appetising offerings

111 Book Mark

Brian Pike takes a critical look at what’s hot off the presses

128 To Dine For

Great places to stay and eat in the Yorkshire Dales

92 To advertise in Dales Life contact Sue on 01677 425217/425251 or 07970 739119 All rights reserved. Permission for reproduction must be sought from the publisher. Freelance contributions welcomed. The views and opinions expressed in Dales Life are not necessarily those of the publishers or their employees.

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the blue

Š Laurie Campbell

Chris Baines celebrates our spectacular bluebell woods



I CAN THINK OF NO MORE GLORIOUS WAY to celebrate spring than to settle comfortably into the undergrowth a little before dawn and soak up the sounds and scents of an awakening bluebell wood. Deciduous forests are a feature of temperate countries from Canada to Japan, but bluebell woods are virtually unique to the British Isles. Of course, the bluebells themselves are just the most spectacular of a whole community of wild plants and animals. A good wood will be carpeted with a tapestry of primroses, yellow archangel, violets, pink campion, wild garlic and a host of other woodland wildflowers — and resident birds will provide a deafening dawn chorus. But it is the bluebells that drench the still woodland air with a heady perfume, and it is their sea of brilliant blue flowers that paints such a breathtaking spectacle in late April and early May. The biology behind such an intense spring display is simple. The wildflowers that grow on the woodland floor have to cram all their growing and flowering into the few weeks before the taller trees and shrubs shade out the sunlight. By early summer the bluebells have shed their seeds, and the flowers and leaves have faded away until the following spring. The lack of wind in woods means that most woodland flowers need to attract insects for pollination, and this explains why so many of them have a sweet scent. The pale flower colours of such species as wood anemone, primrose, and wild garlic also help to attract pollinating insects in the half-light of the woodland floor. The sheltered environment and the deep, moist leaf mould of the woodland floor provide ideal conditions for seed germination, but the low light levels mean that each seed needs a generous inbuilt store of energy to make sure its first leaves reach the dappled sunlight. As a consequence the seeds of bluebells and most other woodland wildflowers are big and bulky. This means that they tend to fall close to the parent plant, which makes them extremely slow to colonise new ground.



I have seen woodlands that were divided up in the Middle Ages. Those parts that were grazed by cattle lost their bluebells to the livestock several centuries ago, and they have never been recolonised — despite the sea of bluebells immediately next door. This relative reluctance to spread makes the bluebell an important indicator of a woodland’s ancient past. If you have bluebells in your local wood, the chances are that it has been woodland ever since the end of the last ice age. And where you see bluebells growing in open pasture, perhaps with bracken giving them summer shade, you can be sure that it was a broad-leafed woodland not so long ago. Of all the bluebell woods that survived until the 1920s, about half were then wiped out in the following 30 years. Modern mechanised farming swept a lot of them away. Expanding towns and villages destroyed others. However, a very large proportion of those ancient broad-leafed bluebell woods were simply cut down and replanted with a suffocating crop of conifers. Without the spring sunshine and the damp, spongy leaf litter, the floor of these new evergreen plantations turned to dry brown desert and the wildflowers disappeared. All seemed lost, but in the past decade the Woodland Trust and others have begun to bring these sleeping beauties back to life. Having located scores of plantations on ancient woodland sites (‘PAWS’) they launched their PAWS programme. They have shown that if the conifer crop is carefully removed, enabling sun and rain to reach the woodland floor, the tapestry of spring flowers often miraculously reappears. The reservoir of wildflower seeds and lingering woodland plants that have survived along the paths and streams can be sufficient to restore life to the liberated woodland floor. This natural restoration does take time, but results are encouraging — and a host of bluebell woodlands that appeared to be lost forever are now springing into life once more. Life


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The Discerning


Claudia Blake visits The Punch Bowl Inn in Low Row 16

LOW ROW IS A CHARMING little hamlet a few miles above Reeth, in one of the most picturesque stretches of Swaledale. Perched on the hillside just above the main road you’ll find The Punch Bowl Inn, a 17th century hostelry which — following an extensive makeover a couple of years ago — now offers fully modernised accommodation and a restaurant that majors on locally-sourced produce. The bar and restaurant areas are much lighter and brighter than they used to be, with lots of pine and a grand oak bar and matching bar stools from the ‘Mouseman’ Thompson workshops in Kilburn. The general feel is more of an urban bistro than a Dales pub. The daily menu is written up on a mirror at the end of the spacious bar — makes a refreshing change from a blackboard — above a fire that pumps out a fair old whack of comforting heat on a chilly evening. The restaurant area is furnished with solid, foursquare wooden tables and decorated with local artworks. Nice to have proper cloth napkins, I always think. These ones were a pleasant shade of maroon, and toned in quite nicely with our bottle of Australian Shiraz. As my starter I chose grilled fillets of red mullet on a bed of spiced lentils. And very satisfying it was too. The presentation was simple, stylish and unfussy. The two fish fillets had crispy skin and delicate, succulent flesh, and the lentils were indeed suitably spicy. A good combination, adding up to a decent plateful that slipped down nicely.

The Piers chose a salad of presentation black pudding, blue was simple, Stilton and bacon. All present stylish and ingredients and correct, and in unfussy… the right kind of quantities for a starter — a generous portion, but not so much as to stop you dead in your tracks. No complaints taste-wise, although to my mind a dressing that leaned a little further towards sharp — as opposed to oily — would have raised the game a notch or two. My main course was pork fillet with apricot and sage stuffing and a leek and onion mash. Good comfort food this, soft and soothing. The pork was wrapped in bacon, giving it a nice salty lift, and the balance of leek and onion in the mash was well-judged. The apricot and sage in the stuffing didn’t make quite such a positive statement as I had imagined they might, but maybe I’m just too imaginative. I was impressed by the dish of side vegetables, which went well beyond the grudging and uninspired selection typical of so many dining pubs. Along with accurately cooked carrots and beans came sharp diced beetroot, a spicy ratatouille and creamy Dauphinois potato. A good, tasty selection. For his main, Piers had decided on loin of lamb on five-bean ragout with a confit of shoulder and savoury bread-and-butter pudding. It would have been a bonus if the fat on the lamb could have been crispier, but beneath it the lamb was melting


and very nicely flavoured. I’ve no idea what the five kinds of beans in the tangy ragout were, but they were pleasant enough — though I personally would have given them five more minutes cooking time. The savoury bread-and-butter pudding thingy was yummy fun, a definite hit.

In total, the food — three courses each, excluding drinks — added up to around £48, that’s to say £24 each. We felt that the service was, in some instances, a little distant, and that at this price point it would be nice to be shown to one’s table rather than issued with directions and having to search it out for oneself. Or am I just being stuffy here?

On to desserts. Maybe I had already eaten too much, but to my mind these didn’t quite hit the same heights as the first two courses. The texture of the honey and cognac crème brûlée, for example, was less smooth and silky than I would have hoped. Possibly mixing honey and cognac into the custard alters the way it sets? But I’m no custard scientist, and that’s just idle speculation.

The environment was cosy, relaxed and childfriendly, and The Punch Bowl is an interesting hybrid between pub and restaurant. It is always good to see eateries showcasing our excellent range of local foods, and I imagine that this is a place that would make a pleasant break on summer excursions. All we need now, of course, is summer.

The raspberry Eton mess, which came in a tall glass, would in my opinion have been more vibrant if the meringue had retained a touch more crunch and the whole thing been less sweet overall. A bit more fresh-fruity raspberry sharpness would have offset that creamy sweetness nicely.

For further information about The Punch Bowl Inn call 01748 886233 or visit www.pbinn.co.uk.



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On the

Grapevine Christine Austin on good wines that won’t break the bank



AS THE CREDIT CRUNCH CONTINUES TO BITE, it may seem surprising that wine-shop sales of bottles in the £8 to £12 range have actually increased in volume. Increasingly, though, customers are realising that there are some terrific bargains to be had in that price bracket. With a budget of a fiver or less you would have to search quite hard to find anything decent, but if you are prepared to shell out £8-plus on a bottle there is plenty of very satisfying drinking to be had. So with bigger flavours and money-saving in mind, here are a few recommendations. If you like to start the weekend with a glass of fizz, Waitrose has a delicious Rosé Crémant de Bourgogne. It is made in the classic way with a long fermentation in the bottle providing soft, creamy, strawberry-spiked bubbles for the bargain price of £9.99. The Pinot Noir grapes are grown on chalky limestone soil, just like champagne, giving the wine a streak of clean acidity and making it a perfect pre-supper tipple. In the Loire, Waitrose has joined forces with renowned Sancerre producer Henri Bourgois to make a wine that rates as a mere Vin de Pays du Jardin de la France but whose flavours are a lot classier than its designation suggests. Zesty with mineral-rich fruit, La Grille Sauvignon Blanc 2007 (£7.25) is as close to Sancerre in flavour as can be, but is £1 or so cheaper than many competitors. In St Emilion, Hubert de Boüard, co-owner of stratospherically-priced Chateau Angelus has lent his name and perhaps some of his expertise to Waitrose St Emilion 2006 (£9.99), which certainly seems to have benefited from Hubert’s elegance and rounded style.


Sainsbury’s has done something similar with their Taste the Difference range. I was particularly impressed by their Pouilly Fumé 2007 (£9.99), which demonstrates perfectly the difference between Loire and New World Sauvignons. This Loire wine shows the typical vibrancy and distinct minerally crunch, while still keeping those herbaceous notes in the foreground. If you enjoy Sauvignon that tastes as if it has been squeezed through gravel then try Springfield Estate Special Cuvée Sauvignon Blanc 2008 (£8.99) from Abri Bruwer in the Robertson region of South Africa. Many consumers find buying wine in the supermarkets confusing because bottles are often priced high for a few weeks, then prices are slashed when the wine goes on offer. Buying a wine at £8 might be an expensive mistake if it was only worth £4 in the first place. This is one problem you don’t encounter with independent merchants. Apart from a discount for case sales, the prices you see are the prices you pay, and won’t change dramatically week by week. The price is closely related to the quality, so you can feel confident in spending a little more, knowing that the extra money has gone into the wine. Harrogate Fine Wine (01423 522270) is a little shop well worth exploring because of the amazing collection of wines tucked away on its shelves. The range from South Africa is particularly strong. If you are looking for some rich, dense, plummy fruit, try a bottle of Brampton Shiraz Viognier 2005 (£8.99). It has a sprinkle of spice and supple, rounded tannins and it would team up perfectly with winter foods such as casseroles or a thick slice of roast beef.

…prices that make the chain stores look expensive…


In Ripon, The Great Northern Wine Company (01765 606767) has a terrific range of wines, including Drink Me (£9.99) from Dirk Niepoort in Portugal. Made from the same grapes that usually go into port, this is a Douro table wine with intense dark fruit, a touch of spice and ripe, elegant tannins. It is a wine to accompany food such as roast beef or game, and is a great introduction to Portuguese wines. Great Northern also has a fine pair of wines from Martinborough New Zealand, under the Te Tera label. The Sauvignon Blanc 2007 (£11.99) has rather more tropical fruit combined with classic herbaceous notes than many other Sauvignons, while the Pinot Noir 2006 (£15.99) is Burgundian in style with fragrant, dark strawberry notes. Bon Coeur Fine Wine in Masham (01765 688200), which operates out of a farmhouse rather than a shop, stocks a fine collection of burgundies and claret but also has access to stocks of wines that don’t crop up in mainstream shops. If you haven’t tried Chianti for a while, their Chianti Colli Senesi from Salcheto (£7.99) has soft, truffle-edged fruit with a velvety texture. It is wonderful with a Fridaynight pasta dish. There is also a good stock of


Marques de Riscal Rioja Reserva 2004 (£10.99) at prices that make the chain stores look expensive. This smooth, silky, classic-style Rioja goes wonderfully with roast lamb and makes an ideal Sunday-lunchtime wine. Campbells of Leyburn (01969 622169) has a wide range of top-notch clarets and Burgundies that are excellent for fine dining at home. But for weekend drinking I would head to their Argentinean range, and in particular Don David Malbec 2007 (£7.99), which comes from the Salta region of the country. Salta’s sunshine gives the wine a dark colour and deep, rich plummy flavours that are perfect with a grilled steak. Campbells also has a great Italian range that includes Ripa Mandorle 2005 (£9.99) from the elegant John Matta at the prestigious Castello Vicchiomaggio. With deep, truffly flavours and earthy complexity, this is a blend of Cabernet and Merlot with Sangiovese, and it has the deft style and balance that make it the perfect accompaniment to all kinds of foods, from pasta to pheasant. Life

Experience the Difference . . . with Campbells With 2009 now well under way, one of the North’s oldest-established, independent supermarket’s, Campbells of Leyburn is continuing its on going commitment to delivering high quality products at extremely competitive prices, all right on your doorstep. Campbells has an exceptional range of delicacies and local specialist delights from suppliers from both across the dales and the country. It’s recently re-launched traditional in - house butchery department is a welcome addition to the store, offering the finest and most delicious meats many of which are bred and reared locally. Customers are also encouraged to visit Campbells very own deli counter which provides a selection of mouth watering pies, pastries and bread, all freshly baked in store plus a wide range of cold meats and olives. With an unbeatable range of delicious, locally sourced produce, Campbells also has probably the best selection of wines and spirits in the region that includes more than 1000 different wines and 100 malt whiskies. Like all other large supermarkets, Campbells stocks food and household goods with all the major brands, special offers and promotions.Yet its Campbells dedication to better choice that’s attracting customers throughout the Yorkshire Dales and beyond.

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Four stylish recipes from top TV chef James Martin’s new collection 32

Everyday Pork and beans are natural partners. They can be chic and sophisticated or homely and satisfying. This is an adaption of a dish I make using a trio of pork cuts — lean loin, fillet and a good chunk of fattier belly. But you can use just one of these cuts, or opt for a rolled shoulder of pork that combines lean and fat in one joint. The apple and potato mash (see serving note) with the balsamic flavoured beans make this a truly memorable dish.

Roast Pork with Balsamic Butter Bean Broth Serves 6 2 tbsp Dijon mustard 2 tbsp clear honey 1 pork joint (loin, rolled lean belly or boneless rolled shoulder), about 1.3kg or 3lb rinded 500ml (18 fl oz) fresh chicken stock 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 400g can butter beans, drained and rinsed a good knob of butter 2 tbsp coarse-grain mustard e.g. Pommery or Gordons (optional) 2-3 tbsp chopped mixed fresh herbs, e.g. parsley, dill, oregano and basil sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 180°C / 350°F / gas mark 4. Spread the Dijon mustard and then the honey over the pork and season well. Roast the joint in the oven for about 1¾ hours until tender. Meanwhile, place the stock and vinegar in a saucepan, bring to the boil and continue boiling until reduced by half. Add the beans and cook for about 5 minutes. Season, stir in the butter and set aside. When the pork is cooked, spread the top with the coarse-grain mustard (if using) and press on the chopped fresh herbs. Let the joint stand for 10 minutes to firm up a little before carving into neat slices. Meanwhile, reheat the beans and serve with the sliced pork. Serving note. Serve this dish with a simple but effective apple and potato mash — grated apple beaten into standard mashed potato. For best results use good mashing potatoes, e.g. Maris Piper, King Edward or Desiree, and Golden Delicious or Granny Smith apples.


As flavour is the most important aim in cooking, why do so many of us, chefs included, throw away half of the food in preparation — the skins of apples, for instance, which hold so much flavour?

Seared Salmon with Lime, Coriander and Tomato Salsa Serves 2 2 salmon fillets (with skin on, but no bones), about 175g (6oz) each 1 tbsp olive oil sea salt and freshly ground black pepper SALSA 1 red pepper 6 tomatoes

Cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds and stalk, and cut the flesh into small dice. Chop the tomatoes into small dice, together with the red onion and chilli. Mix with the pepper dice. Season the salmon and cook in the oil, skin down, turning only once to stop it from breaking up. This should take no longer than 5-7 minutes. Mix the chopped coriander and lime zest and juice into the pepper and tomato. Season well.

1 small red onion, peeled ½ red chilli, deseeded 15g (½ oz) fresh coriander, chopped juice and grated zest of 2 limes


Place the salmon on plates with the salsa to one side and serve.


Crevettes have a wonderful flavour and are available from good fishmongers, but if you can't find them use fresh prawns instead. Asparagus is now available all year round, although nothing is as good as the new English variety. It's important that everything is added separately and at the appropriate time, as it is all very easy to overcook.

Crevette, Asparagus and Red Pepper Risotto Serves 4 ½ red onion, peeled and finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped 2 tbsp olive oil 250g (9oz) risotto rice, such as arborio or carnaroli 600ml (1 pint) fresh fish stock 1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into large cubes 8 asparagus spears, trimmed 100ml (3½ fl oz) double cream 85g (3 oz) Parmesan, freshly grated 15g (1½ oz) fresh basil 10 large cooked crevettes, peeled sea salt and freshly ground black pepper a few shavings of Parmesan (optional)


In a large pan, cook the onion and garlic in the oil until they soften slightly. Add the rice and cook for about 30 seconds, stirring, then add the stock and bring to the boil. Simmer for about 15 minutes until the rice is cooked and has a porridge-like consistency. Add the red pepper cubes to the rice about halfway through the cooking. Keep stirring to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pan. Meanwhile, cut the asparagus spears in half across. Place in boiling water and cook for a few minutes until just cooked but not soft. Drain well. When the rice is cooked, add the cream and grated Parmesan. Chop up the asparagus bottoms (not the tips) and mix them in as well. Season with salt and pepper and finish with the rippedup fresh basil leaves. Place the risotto into bowls, and garnish with the asparagus tips and Parmesan shavings (if using)



There are numerous versions of this wickedly delicious Italian pud, ranging from the simple to the ridiculous. This is a variation on the theme, but I warn you it has quite a kick since I use not only rum but also Tia Maria and the coffee liqueur, Kahlua. For best results, try and track down the Italian Savoiardi or biscottine biscuits. They hold their texture well even when dipped in the coffee syrup.

Tiramisu Serves 4-6 1 Bourbon vanilla pod (see ingredients note) or tsp vanilla essence 3 free-range egg yolks 50g (1¾ oz) caster sugar 250g (9 oz) mascarpone cheese 250ml (9 fl oz) double cream, lightly whipped 350ml (12 fl oz) strong fresh coffee, cooled 2 tbsp rum 2 tbsp Kahlua 2 tbsp Tia Maria about 300g (10½ oz) Savoiardi, biscottine or sponge fingers 2-3 tbsp cocoa powder, sifted

Split the vanilla pod lengthways (if using), and scrape out the seeds with the tip of a knife. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar with the vanilla seeds or essence until thick and creamy using a hand held electric or rotary whisk. You can do this in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water for a thicker foam. The mixture is ready when a trail of foam forms as you lift up the beaters. Remove from the heat (if using) and leave to cool, if necessary, whisking occasionally. Beat in the mascarpone, then fold in the whipped cream. Set aside. Mix the coffee with the rum and liqueurs. Dunk the Italian biscuits or sponge fingers quickly into the coffee, making sure that they are completely immersed. If using sponge fingers, don't leave in the coffee for more than a second, or they will turn soggy. Arrange the biscuits or fingers in a layer in an attractive glass bowl and top with half the mascarpone and cream mixture. Repeat with another layer of dunked biscuits or fingers and the remaining mascarpone and cream mixture. Shake the cocoa powder over the top in an even layer, then leave to set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Ingredients note. The best quality vanilla pods come from Madagascar, and Bourbon are the very best. Sold in vials, they are fatter and fuller than the ordinary variety and better value. Safety note. This recipe contains raw eggs.

These recipes are from James Every Day: The Essential Collection by James Martin, published in hardback by Mitchell Beazley and available from all good booksellers priced at £20. 39

THE DALES FESTIVAL OF FOOD AND DRINK LEYBURN, WENSLEYDALE Featuring THE YORKSHIRE DALES REAL ALE FESTIVAL and “FARMING FOR FOOD” Over 80 local food stalls in the Food Hall Free cookery demonstrations by leading local chefs “Farming for Food” area with live animals and free interactivity Real Ale Festival with choice of 40 beers Wide choice of catering with covered picnic area 6 hours live music each day from brass and jazz bands Speakers including Gervase Phinn (Sunday) Children’s fairground attractions. Fun with small animals





Visit a Real Chocolate Factory • The Little Chocolate Shop in Leyburn, North Yorkshire is busy making scrumptious hand-made chocolates for Easter! • Come and visit us at our working factory, where you can see how the chocolates are made. • Our shop has a superb range of delicious chocolates, with over 200 types on sale. Our chocolates make great gifts this Easter The Little Chocolate Shop Ltd, Leyburn Business Park, Harmby Road, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 5QA 01969 625288



Saturday, Sunday, Monday 2nd, 3rd, 4th May 2009 from 10am to 5pm each day

TICKETS (including all demonstrations) Adult daily tickets £6, 3 day ticket £9, accompanied under 16s free.PARKING FREE. Disabled parking and access. Dogs permitted (not in food marquees.)For further information contact Leyburn Tourist Information Centre, Market Place,Leyburn DL8 5BB 01748 828747 www.dalesfestivaloffood.org

EASTER EVENTS AT SWINTON PARK Family Activity Days 7th, 8th & 9th April 10.00am - 4.00pm Pony rides, falconry displays, visits to see the deer and sheep, feeding the ducks and treasure hunt in the parkland. Bring your own picnics and refreshments £5 per person (Children 3yrs and under no charge)

Easter Egg Hunts 5th-19th April 10.00am - 4.00pm Follow a trail around the lakes and gardens, with Easter prizes for completed quiz sheets £5 per person (Children 3yrs and under no charge)

Masham, Ripon, HG4 4JH Tel: 01765 680900


Bank Holiday Monday 25th May 11.00 – 4.00pm CulinaryTrail with Alfresco Kitchens,Tasting Dishes and Demonstrations Gourmet Food Marquee and Real Ales Falconry Displays, Bouncy Castle and Pony Rides Guided walks with wild food and foraging expert Chris Bax, and “grow your own” walled garden tours with Susan Cunliffe-Lister £10 per person entry (4-12 yrs £5; 3yrs and under no charge) Free Car Parking 41

A Taste of Yorkshire In the first of a new series, we celebrate some of the exceptional food producers in our area. Hot on the trail of prime succulent meat, Ian Henry visits Potto Grange Organics. 42

Top Class


IT’S NO WONDER that Potto Grange Organics is one of the twelve ‘food heroes’ featured from different regions of the UK in TV chef Hugh FearnleyWhittingstall’s River Cottage Diary 2008. Because for Marian Rogers and her family the emphasis is on rearing their animals in natural surroundings and treating them as sympathetically as possible in order to get the very best meat possible. Potto Grange, halfway between Ingleby Arncliffe and Stokesley, has been in Marian’s family for two centuries, and it has only ever been farmed using traditional, non-intensive techniques. This meant that ‘going organic’ was actually pretty much a case of business as usual — apart from the reams of paperwork, of course. The farm’s organic beef comes from their hundred-strong herd of White Galloway cattle. White Galloways, a distinctive and beautiful rare breed, have long been an interest of Marian’s father. Their white, woolly coats — with accents of jet black on ears, eyes and nose — make them immediately recognisable, and the sight of them grazing peacefully against the backdrop of the Cleveland Hills is a photographer’s dream. But of course it’s not all about looks. Thanks to their clover-rich organic diet and long maturation period — some 30 months — they make supreme eating too. “The Galloways really are every bit as good-tasting as the more famous Aberdeen Angus,” says Marian. As for lamb, Potto Grange’s flock incorporates Scotch Blackface (a breed that has been reared on the farm for more than a century), Rough Fell (a rare breed that originates from the Yorkshire-Cumbria borders) and pedigree Texel. The lambs are allowed to stay with their mothers until they go to the butcher; they are weaned late, and thereafter they feed exclusively on meadow grasses. The end result is delightfully succulent and tender meat.


Potto Grange also rears Middle White pigs, another rare breed and a firm favourite with top restaurateurs. “The pigs are not only a source of organic pork, ham, bacon, sausage and pancetta, but they’re also a great help around the farm,” says Marian. “For example, we used to cut down nettles by hand — until we realised that we could just send the pigs in to do the job for us!” “It’s a similar case with the cows. Rare breeds are very hardy, and will eat a much wider range of plant life than modern varieties. ‘Benign destroyers’ is the way I think of them. We have a hill where the gorse is a potential problem, but instead of having to cut and burn it, we can put the cows in the field and they will soon knock it back.” “We see to it that, as far as possible, all of our animals live in the same way as they would in a state of nature — outdoors, and in family groups. If you allow animals to live in a semi-natural state you find that they can actually look after themselves very well. With a wide variety of grasses and herbs to choose between, they instinctively tend to eat the ones that are good for them... in a sense they self-medicate. It’s an interesting area for research, and if I get the time I would very much like to follow it up.” “I think farmers in the past were well aware of these sorts of things, and in many ways they were much cleverer than we are today. A lot of their knowledge has been lost, but you can see by the way our farm has been laid out that they were working with nature rather than against it.”


As well as supplying Waitrose, Potto Grange Organics sell their meat at Stokesley Farmers’ Market (on the first Saturday of the month) and Stockton Farmers’ Market (on the last Thursday of the month). You can also buy direct from the farm, in which case you can either collect it yourself or have it delivered. “A lot of people who buy our meat like to come to the farm to see the animals and find out how we do things,” says Marian. “In fact they often bring their kids, and it’s all great fun. I think it’s a good idea all round for people to know more about how their food We are looking for independent is produced, and we’re a small enough food producers who use business to be able to have a personal traditional skills and are relationship with most of our buyers.” passionate about their products to feature in our A Taste of For more information about Yorkshire series. Potto Grange Organics visit www.pottograngeorganics.co.uk If you think you fit the bill, email or call 01642 700646. Dales Life editor Sue Gillman (sue@daleslife.demon.co.uk) with Life details of your business.


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1 Stirling Court, 11th Avenue North, Team Valley, Gateshead, NE11 OJF Open MON-FRI 8.30 - 5pm Saturday 9.30 - 1pm Closed Bank Holidays




Countryside Museum

A unique labyrinth of tunnels, chambers, follies and surprises created in a four-acre walled garden in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales.

Fascinating museum telling the story of the people and landscape of the Yorkshire Dales, past and present Free for children Open daily 10am-5pm except Christmas

Opening times for 2009 Open everyday from 1st April - 31st October then Sundays until Christmas Monday - Saturday 12 noon until 6pm Sundays and bank holidays 10am - 6pm

Station Yard, Hawes, North Yorkshire DL8 3NT 01969 666210 hawes@yorkshiredales.org.uk www.yorkshiredales.org.uk/dales_countryside_museum National Park and Tourist Information Centre

Holiday accommodation now available..

www.theforbiddencorner.co.uk Admission is by pre-booked tickets only To reserve your ticket please telephone 01969 640638 We look forward to seeing you 48

Bring a copy of this advert to redeem your offer

Craft &


Plant FAIR SUNDAY 10TH MAY 2009 10.00am-4.00pm

Food FAIR 29TH-31ST MAY 2009 10.00am-4.00pm

Get expert advice direct from the growers at this hugely popular traditional spring plant fair with plant sales, specialist growers, nurseries and garden miscellany.

CONTACT Information Hotline: 0845 4504068 www.newbyhall.com Newby Hall & Gardens, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 5AE

Discover a wonderful selection of crafts and regional food at this traditional fair set in the beautiful grounds of the Newby Hall Estate.


EVENT ADMISSION (Includes entry to Gardens & Children’s Adventure Garden): Adult £8.00 OAP £7.00 Child £6.00 Under 4’s Free



Present this voucher and save an extra £1.00 off entry price.

Present this voucher and save an extra £1.00 off entry price.



CONSTABLE BURTON HALL GARDENS TULIP FESTIVAL 2nd, 3rd and 4th May 2009 Sponsored by "BLOMS BULBS" CHELSEA AWARD WINNING NURSERY Explore a festival of tulips amongst the romantic gardens. 6,000 tulips planted annually to give a dazzling display of colours and forms.

Refreshments Admission charges Adults £3.00 Senior Citizens £2.50 Children free Opening times 10am-5pm 14 March to 27 September. For further details telephone

01677 450428 49

Country Diary compiled by Jennie Routley

Antiques & Fine Art Sales... Bonhams Market Chambers, 14 Market Place, Bedale. For catalogues, appointments and enquiries please telephone: 01677 424114 email: bedale@bonhams.com



The Harrogate Antique and FIne Art Fair The Harrogate International Centre For further information telephone: 01823 323363 email: info@prioryfield-house.co.uk

Toys, Dolls and Soldiers - Knowle



30th April - 4th May

Africa Now - African Contemporary Art

15 April Design 1860 to Present Day

12 May Fine Japanese Art

27 May Important Irish Art

10 June Fine Watches and Wristwatches

With the arrival of spring comes the opening of the antique season in the North of England. Harrogate has always been predominant in this area and is known for its fine antique shops. Quality has always been the cornerstone of the fair since its inception in the 1970s. Many local dealers show at the fair, giving it a real Yorkshire feel. Although the Harrogate Antique and Fine Art Fair has an international reputation, it is very much a local fair, supported by dealers, collectors and those interested in the fine arts. The fair encompasses a huge variety of periods, trends and disciplines - paintings, jewellery, pottery, porcelain, glass, silver, miniatures, both country and town furniture, objets de vertu to objets d’art; from salt spoons to dining tables, from the serious to the amusing. The Harrogate Antique and Fine Art Fair displays this huge variety in only five days. The diversity is astonishing but, as ever, the quality does not waver.

‘The Saw Sharpener’ by Jack Butler Yeats £60,000-£80,000 50

Admission will be £6 including catalogue.

HERBERT ROYLE 1870-1958 Bluebell Woods, Oil on board, signed 24” x 20 “ From Walker Galleries, Harrogate

Country Diary 51

Antiques & Fine Art Sales continued...

Tennants Auction Centre The Auction Centre, Leyburn, North Yorkshire. For further information please telephone: 01969 623780 email: max.sobolevskij@tennants-ltd.co.uk www.tennants.co.uk


Events Bolton Castle, Nr Leyburn For more information telephone: 01969 623981 email: tom@boltoncastle.co.uk

April Spring Catalogue Sale, Day One 10.00am


April Spring Catalogue Sale, Day Two 10.00am

14 April Spring Catalogue Sale, Day Three 10.00am

16 April Antique & Home Furnishings Sale 9.30am

25 April Antique & Home Furnishings Sale 9.30am

Bolton Castle

29 April Stamp & Coin sale 12.00noon




Dry Stone Walling Display Master Waller Richard Laidler will conduct a sponsored dry stone wall build, around the wood immediately to the west of Bolton Castle. He is doing this to raise money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance service. Watch and learn as he demonstrates this ancient skill.

10th - 13th April Easter Egg Hunt for Children Perfect Easter holidays activity for children. Follow our clues around the castle and gardens to win a free Easter egg. Normal admission applies. One egg per child.


A Chinese Underglaze Blue, Red and Celadon Glazed Vase, 19th century, £450-650 52

10 May

Young Archaeologists Club weekend at Bolton Interested in Archaeology? ‘Come and find out what it’s all about.’ Telephone: 01904 671417 or email: wenditerry@britarch.ac.uk

Newby Hall, Ripon Sarah Raven the famous gardening writer, BBC broadcaster and teacher is returning to Newby Hall for two inspirational study days, suitable for beginners and experienced gardeners alike. Each one-day course costs £90 and includes a light lunch and free admission to the garden. Two-day discount at £170. Places limited, booking essential. Telephone: 01423 322 583

Newby Hall

Kiplin Hall, Richmond Near Scorton, Richmond. For more information telephone: 01748 818178 email: info@kiplinhall.co.uk www.kiplinhall.co.uk

10th - 13th April

2.00pm - 5.00pm

30 April

The Cutting Garden in Spring with Sarah Raven

Thinking of creating a cutting patch in your garden? This is the course for you. Learn how to prepare, plant, maintain and harvest buckets of flowers, along with learning the latest sowing and growing techniques.


Easter Eggstra Eggstra Fabulous fun for families in the Hall and grounds. Egg and rabbit hunts and colouring activities! Come in your Easter hat; bring a hard-boiled egg to decorate – judging of hats and eggs daily at 4 pm. Normal entry: Adult £5, Concession £4, Child £3, Family (2 + 3) £15.00. No booking required.


Flower Arranging with Sarah Raven Sarah will show you how to pick, condition and prepare your flowers and foliage to ensure you display them at their best. She will then demonstrate some simple and beautiful table flowers. In the afternoon Sarah will show you how to prepare more elaborate designs to enhance your home.

29th - 31st May

Craft and Food Fair Discover a wonderful selection of crafts and regional food at this traditional fair set in the beautiful grounds of the Newby Hall Estate. 10am – 4pm includes admission to the gardens.

24 April 10.00am - 4.00pm Drawing, Pastel and Watercolour Workshop. Suitable for all levels. Led by Ripon artist, Heather Dormer, an experienced teacher and successful artist. Bring your own materials if you have them (materials provided, if not – but let us know when booking). Light lunch, tea and coffee included. £30 per person – booking essential. Minimum 10, maximum 20 participants. more Kiplin Hall events over the page... 53


Swinton Park

Kiplin Hall continued...

Swinton Park offers a full programme of Events. For further details telephone: 01765 680900 or email: reservations@swintonpark.com or you can book online by going to www.swintonpark.com

10 May

3.00pm - 4.30pm

MG & Classic Car Rally Yorkshire Dales Classic Car Club Open Event. All classic car and MG owners welcome. Admission to see cars: Adult £1, Child 50p. Normal admission charges to Hall: Adult £5, Concession £4, Child £3, Family (2 + 3) £15.

14 June

1.00pm - 5.00pm

Plant & Book Fair. In the Walled Garden, run by the Friends of Kiplin Hall. Also cakes, jams and produce stall. Adult £1, Child free. Donations of plants, books and produce welcomed.

5th - 24th


Swinton Contemporary

Exhibition of contemporary art, featuring local artists who have achieved national recognition. - No charge.




10 April

Family Activity Days Falconry Displays, Treasure Hunts, Pony Rides, Feeding the Ducks and Visiting the Deer are all on offer at our Family Activity Days in April. The day will be spent in the parkland overlooking the castle. Please bring wet weather gear and your own picnics and refreshments! £5 per person, no charge for children 3yrs or under.

12 15 19 20 May Garden Lunch with Susan Cunliffe-Lister Springtime in the Parkland and Gardens : Azaleas and Rhododendrons. £30.00

25 May 10.00 – 4.00pm A culinary walking trail around the parkland and grounds at Swinton Park, with alfresco kitchens serving taster dishes along the way, celebrating Yorkshire seasonal produce. Guided walks with Wild Food expert Chris Bax, walled garden tours with garden designer Susan Cunliffe-Lister. Gourmet retail marquee and children’s activities. A great day out. £10 entry fee; 4-12yrs £5; 3 yrs and under no charge.

Kiplin Hall 54

Swinton Park

Fountains Abbey, Ripon Further information telephone: 01765 608888 www.fountainsabbey.org.uk

© Kippa Matthews


4th - 19th

11.00am - 4.00pm Easter School Holiday Fun – A Riot of Colour Free trails and drop-in self-led activities for children in Swanley Grange.


13 April

11.00am - 4.00pm Cadbury Easter Activities Face-painting, children’s entertainer, Cadbury play area and Easter egg trails. Goody bags £1.

13 April

Easter Egg Eggsploits Best decorated egg and egg rolling competitions. Bring your own decorated egg and another egg to race. Prizes for the winning eggs.


Thirsk Racecourse Thirsk Racecourse Ltd, Station Road, Thirsk. Telephone: 01845 522276 www.thirskracecourse.net

17 April 18 April Saturday



11.00am - 5.00pm Get Medieval Join the costumed re-enactors around their Abbey encampment. Watch and take part in activities and demonstrations based on 15th century life.

May Saturday


7am Early Birds Walk and listen to the chatter of the early birds. Hearing is believing! Meet at the Visitor Centre.

23rd - 25th

Racing Fixtures


From 2pm


Fountains Abbey - Get Medieval

May Saturday Evening

16 May Saturday


June Monday Evening

16 June Tuesday - Ladies Day

30 June Tuesday Evening 55

Events The Swaledale Festival 23rd May - 6th June An annual celebration of music and the arts. Start your summer at the Swaledale Festival, your chance to hear fantastic live music in our beautiful corner of the world. The Festival has a longstanding reputation for programming a distinctive balance of musical styles - you can hear classical, choral, jazz, folk and world music in intimate Dales venues. For further information telephone: 01748 880019 or email: enquiries@swaledale-festival.org.uk

Dales Countryside Museum Ruth Lee is exhibiting - LET NO LOOP DOWN An exhibition of contemporary and traditional textile work from the museum’s collections.

3rd April - 18th June A variety of events will be happening in the museum Including spinning and peg loom demonstrations, map reading and photography workshops, dry stone walling and talks in the Victorian kitchen. For all events see www.yorkshiredales.org.uk or telephone: 01969 666210 or email hawes@yorkshiredales.org.uk

Tulip Festival, near Leyburn Constable Burton Hall Gardens, near Leyburn For further details telephone: 01677 450428

2nd - 4th

The Swaledale Festival


Sponsored by ‘Bloms Bulbs’. Explore a festival of tulips amongst the romantic gardens. 6,000 tulips planted annually to give a dazzling display of colours. Open 10am - 5pm. Adults £3.00. Senior Citizens £2.50. Children free.

The Dales Festival of Food & Drink 2nd - 4th


10.00am - 5.00pm daily

80 local food stands under one roof - cookery demonstrations by leading local chefs. Farming display with young animals and farming craft demonstrations. Children’s attractions. Festive music. Beer festival. Food and drink galore and lots more! Telephone: 01969 623069 www.dalesfestivaloffood.org The Dales Festival of Food & Drink 56

Tulip Festival, Constable Burton Hall, near Leyburn

Country Diary 57

Events The Himalayan Garden Telephone: 01765 640736 www.himalayangarden.com Adults - £5. Children under 12 FREE.

25th April - 14th June The 20-acre Himalayan Garden at Grewelthorpe near Ripon – which is home to more than 800 different varieties of species and hybrid rhododendrons, 250 azalea varieties and 170 different magnolias – opens for the 2009 season on 25th April. Some 500 new plants and trees were planted during the Autumn and 1000 more perennials, particularly primulas, will also be on show. A number of the additions are the result of owner Peter Roberts’ trip to Bhutan in 2008 to acquire new species. Eight new sculptures have also been installed with the centre piece being a stunning new work by Giles Rayner, the leading UK water sculpture artist. Called The Pinnacle, the sculpture is in the middle of a new lake where it has dramatic visual impact. Other new sculptures include additional works from the Zimbabwean group of artists who already have several critically-acclaimed sculptures in the garden. The Himalayan Garden

This year the Himalayan Garden is celebrating its 11th anniversary since the first planting and visitors will find plants from across the world including New Zealand, Mexico, Northern India, Bhutan, Tibet, China, the Himalayas, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, Nepal, Chile and Japan. The Himalayan Garden also has a nursery selling nearly 200 different varieties of rhododendron as well as many other ericaceous shrubs and perennials. The garden is open daily 10.00am - 4.00pm (closed Mondays except Bank Holidays). Light refreshments are available.

The Himalayan Garden 58

The Harrogate Antique & Fine Art Fair 30th April – 4th May 2009 Hall M - bottom of Parliament Street Harrogate International Centre Open: Thursday 11am - 8pm Friday 11am - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 11am - 6pm Monday 11am - 5pm

Raising money for

www.harrogateantiquefair.com Enquiries to 01823 323363

Come visit our beautiful and inspiring garden in 2009 20 acres of beautiful walks open from 25th April - 14th June inclusive everyday 10am - 4pm (closed Mondays except Bank Holidays) (other visits by appointment only)

Admission £5

(children under 12 FREE)

Group discount available for parties of 20+ Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times. Sorry - limited wheelchair access

Light refreshments available at the garden tearooms. Plant Nursery open. Mail order also available. Phone for our full plant list or see our website for more details @ www.himalayangarden.com

The Hutts, Grewelthorpe, Ripon HG4 3DA Phone: 01765 658009 Fax: 01765 658912 E-mail: info@himalayangarden.com Website: www.himalayangarden.com

Kiplin Hall

Jacobean Country House

2009 Exhibition Late 19thC Arts and Crafts Movement Open 2 – 5pm, Good Fri., Easter Sat. then 2 – 5pm, Sun – Wed until 30 September. Entry to House, Gardens, Play Area Adult £5, Conc. £4, Child £3 Gardens & Play Area Only Adult/Conc £1, Child 50 pence

Outdoor Theatre ‘Twelfth Night’ Friday 10 July ‘Emma’ Thursday 13 Aug Kiplin Hall nr. Scorton, Richmond, DL10 6AT (off the B6271)

Full list of events and more details phone 01748 818178

www.kiplinhall.co.uk 60

www.fountainsabbey.org.uk Enjoy more this Spring at Yorkshire’s first World Heritage Site Spring-time wildlife walks & tours Special events & activities Easter fun for all the family Visit today at 2008 prices* *2008 admission prices valid until 20 April 2009.

info: 01765 608888

Registered charity No. 205846

textphone: 18001 01765 608888

Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal

Wedding ceremonies and receptions

Private parties, dinners and lunches

Educational days for schools

Gardens, vineyard and maze

Free admission to Tea Room, Deli and Gift Shop

Free Easter egg hunt for children Friday 10th – Monday 13th April

Open Tuesday – Sunday, 4th April – 1st November 2009, 10am – 5pm Open on the following Mondays: Bank Holidays, 6th & 13th April, 27th July – 31st August and 26th October

Nr Leyburn, NorthYorkshire DL8 4ET T: 01969 623981 E: info@boltoncastle.co.uk W: www.boltoncastle.co.uk 61

Lightwater Valley – where you can shop, rest and play. Save up to £36 with this voucher.

You simply won’t believe how much fun you can have at Lightwater Valley until you come and experience it for yourself! From jaw dropping big thrill rides to mini adventures for the junior thrill seekers – it’s fantastic fun the whole family can enjoy.

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£11.95 per person


This voucher entitles up to

Open all year round. Admission free.

Lightwater Valley, North Stainley, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 3HT. Tel: 0871 720 0011

New for 2009 Wild River Rapids 62


Subscribe to


ensure you get your copy or give someone the perfect gift Please contact Sue Gillman Telephone 01677 425217 email sue@daleslife.demon.co.uk www.daleslife.com


DEANSBURY KITCHENS LTD Makers of Bespoke Kitchens & Bedrooms We w i l l d e s i g n , c r e a t e & i n s t a l l y o u r p e r f e c t k i t c h e n o r b e d r o o m . Combining modern working kitchens with traditional design and craftmanship.

New showroom now open Unit 1A, Standard Court, Standard Way Industrial Estate, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 2XA Tel: 01609 775383 W: www.deansburykitchens.co.uk E: info@deansburykitchens.co.uk 66

THE GOOD LIFE Nothing beats the taste of organic, home-grown tomatoes, and they’re easy enough to cultivate. So this year why not give it a go? Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell, author of a new book on container gardening, explains how. 67

Vine tomatoes in a blue trug Vine tomatoes, also known as cordon tomatoes, need a deep spacious container, especially if you grow more than one variety together. A rich, well-balanced compost is essential. To ensure a healthy crop, when the fruits mature give the plants a weekly liquid feed; an organic tomato or seaweed feed is ideal. Pinch out the side shoots as they appear between the stem and the leaves. Allow about five sets of flowers, then pinch out the growing tip, known as the leader. This stops the tomato plant growing taller and producing more flowers, and ensures that all the plant’s energy goes into ripening the fruit. Tomatoes are easy to grow from seed, and make a great plant for novice gardeners to try. Start them off early in the year in small pots sited in a warm place to encourage growth, then transfer the seedlings into larger pots so that the young plants can become sturdy Tomato varieties enough to grow outside when all risk of Home-grown tomato plants seem to produce tomatoes that are much more delicious than those frost has passed. It is important to get them on offer in supermarkets –and the fruit has that going early so that you have a long wonderful just-picked smell. Another great cropping season during the warmest advantage of growing your own is that it allows you to try out wonderful varieties that will never be weather. The large blue plastic trug with available commercially. Reading the tomato section rope handles used here is just the sort of of a seed catalogue is a mouthwatering experience and it can be hard to narrow down the list of container that’s discarded every day in varieties that interest you. skips and town dumps. Trugs of this kind The appearance of the mature fruit may be a factor are common on building sites, so keep your in your choice. Tomato colours range from deep orange to vermilion to clear yellow. Some varieties eyes open –you never know where you have stripes or blushes. There is also a pretty pink might come across containers that have variety as well as a number of curious black great potential for your garden. versions.

you will need:

large plastic trug gravel or crocks for drainage three varieties of young tomato plants mixture of organic peatfree multi purpose compost and a loambased compost fresh comfrey leaves (optional) tray of tagetes (French marigolds)

Even more fascinating is the choice of shapes, from the huge beefsteak to the tiny cherry tomato. The elegant plum tomato, commonly used in Italian sauces, is particularly rewarding to grow. Right: Growing tagetes underneath tomatoes is a well-tried and effective form of companion planting. The pungent smell of tagetes repels aphids, and so organic gardeners plant them all around the vegetable beds. The vibrant orange of the flower heads makes a striking partner for the tomato trusses above.



blight The worst enemy of the tomato is blight, which is a nasty disease that the tomato shares with its close relative the potato. Blight is particularly prevalent during damp, humid summers. Plants that have been infected look as if their leaves have been burnt, while the fruits have blackened areas and become inedible. The best way to avoid blight is to grow your plants under cover. This may not always be possible, but growing tomatoes in a container, away from other blightaffected plants, will help. In order to prevent an attack, you can try spraying plants with a copper fungicide (Bordeaux mixture).

Right: Planting vividly coloured tagetes at the base of the tomato plants makes an exotic display as well as protecting the tomatoes against an unwelcome aphid attack.


1 Make a series of drainage holes in the base of the trug. Add a layer of gravel or crocks and fill the trug with the mixed compost.

2 Add the young tomato plants, spacing them evenly in the compost. Take care not to damage their roots when removing them from pots.

3 Leave the plant labels beside the plants so that you can identify your crop later on and compare its taste with other tomatoes.

4 Plant the tagetes all around the tomatoes. As the tomatoes grow tall, the tagetes will bush out and remain low, covering the compost. Cordon or vine tomatoes need staking. Use sturdy canes pushed into the compost beside the plant. Tie the stems to the canes regularly as they grow.

greencare As the tomato fruits begin to ripen, remove a few of the lower leaves to allow the sun to reach the fruits, which will encourage the ripening process.


Bush tomatoes in a wire basket

greencare Tomatoes need a good rich compost. Use a multipurpose potting compost and add some John Innes No. 3 or a good loam-based growing medium. This aids moisture retention, which is one of the most important requirements when growing any crop in a container of any kind. The plants also need a good soaking of water every day during hot weather and will benefit from a special tomato feed once a week when the fruit has set. Most importantly, they need sun; in a cool summer it will be difficult to get all your tomatoes to ripen, but the unripe green ones make the most wonderful chutney.


Tomatoes, although strictly fruit, are probably the most popular ‘vegetables’ to grow and, as is evident from any seed catalogue, there is an unbelievable variety to choose from. Tomatoes come in three different types: the bush, the cordon (or vine) and the tumbler.The bush is probably the easiest to grow because it doesn’t need pinching out or pruning. The cordon tomato, which produces the heaviest crop, will grow and grow until you pinch out the top shoot; it needs tying in to a sturdy stake and should have all the side shoots removed. The tumbler is small, bushy and ideal for growing in pots, particularly in hanging baskets.Window boxes or troughs are good for the more compact varieties of tomato; larger pots or trugs are suitable for the vine types; and the bush tomato will thrive in a variety of containers, including, as shown here, an old wire basket. Wire containers must be lined to conserve moisture. In this case, the lining consists of a roll of pressed felt specially designed for hanging baskets; it has a perforated plastic film on the inside and can be cut to fit any container with an unusual shape.

Above left: Plenty of plump tomatoes ripening on the vine makes one of the most magical sights of summer. Right: The tomato has been planted in an old potato harvesting basket and has been underplanted with some bush basil plants. This is a small-leaved compact basil, often referred to as Greek basil, a perfect and traditional herb to accompany lovely ripe tomatoes.

Organic Crops in Pots by Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell is published by CICO Books at ÂŁ14.99, hardback, and available from all good bookshops or call 01256-302699 GLR1VQ to purchase a copy at the special price of ÂŁ12.99 including free p&p. Photographs by Heini Schneebeli 73

Valuation Days Musical Instruments Wristwatches and Pocket Watches Thursday 16 April Musical Instruments 9.30am to 2.00pm

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Friday 17 April Wristwatches and Pocket Watches 12pm to 4pm An appointment is necessary. To book an appointment or for further information please call Bedale on 01677 424114 or email us: bedale@bonhams.com Bonhams Market Chambers 14 Market Place Bedale, N.Yorks DL8 1EQ 01677 424 114 01677 424 115 fax www.bonhams.com

To book space in the next issue contact Sue Gillman Telephone: 01677 425217 Mobile: 07970 739119 email: sue@daleslife.demon.co.uk www.daleslife.com


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Flower Power Berberis linearifolia ‘Orange King’ common name: barberry Evergreen shrub. This is my favourite Berberis, with its thin, glossy, dark green leaves and deep orange flowers that open from red buds in late spring. It is totally hardy, and providing the ground isn’t waterlogged it is not fussy regarding soil type. Sold as container-grown plants, and may be planted throughout the year. Height and spread: 2.5 metres. 78

April John Cushnie, gardening writer and BBC Radio 4’s Gardeners’ Question Time panellist, recommends some spectacular plants that will fill your garden with exuberant blooms in spring and early summer. Magnolia stellata common name: star magnolia A compact, deciduous shrub. The silky buds open in spring to display pure white, star-shaped flowers with numerous thin petals held erect on the bare stems. Hardy, but give it shelter from cold winds. Prefers a well-drained, fertile soil in sun or shade. Most magnolias require an acid soil but M. stellata is tolerant of alkaline soil. Sold as container-grown shrub. Best planted in autumn or early spring. Height: 3 metres. Spread: 4 metres.

Muscari latifolium common name: Oxbridge grape hyacinth Bulb. The mid-green leaves appear in late winter before the spring flowers. These are made up of dense spikes of tiny, urn-shaped, deep blue-black flowers, those towards the tip being sterile and pale blue, giving each spike a bi-coloured appearance. They are hardy and prefer a welldrained, fertile soil in full sun. Add leaf mould at planting time. They will spread to become congested clumps of bulbs that need to be split up every few years in late summer. Plant bulbs in September and October or grow from seed sown in autumn. Height and spread: 2.5 metres. 79

May Prunus ‘Amanogawa’ common name: flowering cherry Deciduous tree with upright branches. The yellowish-bronze young leaves turn green, and finally red and yellow in autumn. The clusters of semi-double, fragrant, pale pink flowers appear in late spring. Hardy. Not fussy regarding soil but avoid waterlogged conditions or thin soil over chalk. If purchased as a bare root, plant between November and February. Container-grown plants may be planted at any time. Height: 7 metres. Spread: 3-4 metres.

Embothrium coccineum common name: Chilean fire bush Evergreen tree with lance-shaped, deep green leaves. A profusion of clusters of bright scarlet flowers appears in late spring and early summer. Not fully hardy, but given shelter from biting, cold winds will succeed in most areas. It prefers a moist, fertile well-drained soil in full sun or light shade. Sold as container-grown, so you can plant at any time. Can be propagated by removing rooted suckers in late winter. Sow seed in spring. Height: 10 metres. Spread: 6 metres. 80

Tulipa fosteriana ‘Orange Emperor’ common name: tulip Bulb with grey-green leaves and long, strong stems carrying striking orange flowers in mid-spring. The inside of each flower has a black base surrounded by a narrow yellow zone. Hardy, but needs to be sheltered from cold winds. Prefers a well-drained, humus-rich, fertile soil in full sun. Plant as a bulb in November. Height and spread: 2.5 metres.


Meconopsis grandis common name: Himalayan blue poppy A perennial with a basal rosette of leaves. The incredibly blue cup-shaped flowers with yellow anthers are carried on 40cm-long, thin stems during early summer. Hardy, but avoid cold windy sites. Grow in light shade in neutral or slightly acid, well-drained soil with lots of added humus. Avoid dry soil conditions. Sow seed as soon as ripe in a cold frame. Buy container grown plants in spring. Height: 1.2 metres. Spread: 60 cm.


June Fritillaria imperialis ‘Rubra Maxima’

Myosotidium hortensia

common name: crown imperial

An evergreen perennial with large, glossy, ribbed leaves. The clusters of bell-shaped, pale-to-darkblue flowers appear in early summer. Not hardy, but will survive a light frost if given winter protection and sheltered from cold winds. Grow in shade in a moist but well-drained soil with lots of humus. Sow seed as soon as ripe in autumn. Divide clumps in spring.

Bulb with whorls of bright green leaves. Up to 6 bell-shaped, pendant, deep brick-red flowers appear on a stout stem in early summer. Each cluster of flowers is topped with leaf-like bracts. Hardy, but may be damaged by strong winds. Plant in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Avoid heavy, wet clay soils that will cause the bulb to rot. Sold as bulbs, to be planted in autumn.

common name: Chatham Island forget-me-not

Height and spread 60 cm.

Height: 1.5 metres. Spread: 30 cm.

Syringa vulgaris ‘Charles Joly’ common name: lilac Deciduous large shrub or small tree with large clusters of highly fragrant, dark purple double flowers in early summer. Hardy. Grow in welldrained neutral-to-alkaline soil in full sun. Sold as container-grown plants. Plant in spring or autumn. Height and spread: 6 metres. 83

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of being a loyal customer at Upstairs Downstairs, Carole Grainger decided that she loved the stylish designer boutique so much that she wanted to buy it. And last August that’s just what she did. “What did I like so much about the place? Well, for one thing it’s a place where you can buy clothes for any occasion... anything from an outfit for a wedding to shorts and T-shirts for your holiday. The other thing I really liked — and I know other customers felt the same — is that it is such a relaxing environment to shop in. The staff are helpful, and they give you honest advice without being at all pushy. It’s almost like having a personal shopper.” Naturally Carole is determined not to let any of that change, and with former proprietor Sue Loach still working in the store on a part-time basis there’s a strong sense of continuity. But there are exciting changes in the offing too. Upstairs Downstairs carries a terrific range of bold, designer-label clothing, from the top quality but affordable Fenn Wright Manson (whose clean lines and clever colour co-ordination make them equally suitable for special occasions or everyday wear) to the quirky and off-the-wall Save The Queen (their new ‘pirate’ theme range is now in stock). You’ll also find Not Your Daughter's Jeans (great for making you feel slim again), Marc O’Polo and masses more besides. In fact, Carole will be extending the shop’s range still further in a month or two’s time when even more floor-space will become available. Although it has traded for 32 years under the name Upstairs Downstairs, the boutique has (rather paradoxically) only had a single sales floor. Soon, though, it will be expanding up on to the first floor of its Grade II listed building on Westgate — making it truly an upstairs and downstairs business at last! The ground floor is light, bright, spacious in feel, and vibrant with bold colours and luscious fabrics. The first floor — which will be home to, amongst other ranges, a new line of designer jeans — will keep the same contemporary feel, with an old oak floor and an original fireplace adding just a hint of rustic charm. “It’s all very exciting,” says Carole. “Our new sales floor is due to be completed at the end of March and should be fully stocked and up and running in July. I can’t wait!” Upstairs Downstairs is at 7 Westgate, Ripon, Tel. 01765 605160.




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Books for Cooks

Keen to spice up your kitchen bookshelf? Brian Pike dips into some appetising offerings.

Today’s Special Anthony Demetre Subtitled “a new take on bistro food”, this bright and cheery book gets straight down to business with only the skimpiest of introductions. The focus is on smart dinner-party fare rather than everyday eating. France, Italy and Spain are the main points of reference, as evidenced by dishes such as Rabbit à la Moutarde with Roast Sweet Onions, Potato Gnocchi with a Fricassée of Wild Mushrooms, and Andalusian-Style Chilled Plum Tomato Gazpacho. The Germans get a nod (Wood Pigeon with Späzle, Chestnuts and Pomegranate), as do the Greeks (Stuffed Tomatoes ‘Greek Style’). Add to the mix some classic British ingredients (Jersey potatoes, Scottish salmon and such) and it adds up to a jolly pan-European culinary jaunt. Apart from a few migraineinducing design bloopers — black text on a dark blue ground, for instance — it is sensibly laid out, and the photography is exemplary. Quadrille, hardback, £20

The Butcher Leanne Kitchen Masses of meaty inspiration for carnivores here. After reviewing cooking techniques and equipment the author looks in turn at beef, lamb, pork, veal, offal, poultry and game. The recipes are straightforward, and no impossibly esoteric ingredients are required. The aim is honest, hearty home cooking: Beef Fillet in Red Wine, Italian Meatballs with Tomato Sauce, Roast Veal Stuffed with Ham and Spinach. The photographs are suitably entrancing, and the instructions are clear and sensible. The prefaces to each chapter are something of a mixed bag, combining handy tips (such as how to make pork crackling) with generally pointless statistics (the average Chinese citizen consumes “nearly 1kg of pork products every 10 days”). And to attempt to explain cuts of meat without providing a diagram (“think of a lamb as having four quarters...”) is simply perverse. A useful volume nonetheless. Murdoch Books, hardback, £18.99


Chocolat Stephan Lagorge They say never judge a book by its cover, and in this case they would be right because at first glance it could easily be taken for a giant bar of chocolate. Inside it’s an unabashed celebration of all things chocolate-related. The introduction explains chocolate terminology and advises on pairing chocolate with different wines, spirits, teas, coffees... even cigars. It is followed by 40 recipes, which are described as ‘essential’ but which in reality might more appropriately be tagged ‘utterly self-indulgent’. All are partnered by suitably drool-inducing photos. The book concludes with a compilation of chocolatey facts. Altogether it is stylish and fun — maybe not the kind of book you would buy for yourself, but one that would make a welcome present for a choc-obsessed friend or loved one. Hamlyn, hardback, £15

Black Pudding & Foie Gras Andrew Pern

The Baker Leanne Kitchen This is the companion volume to The Butcher by the same author (presumably now hard at work on The Candlestick Maker). If you are a stick-thin weakling desperate to pile on the pounds, this book will be a godsend. So densely is it packed with tempting cakes, breads, biscuits, pies, tarts and puds that you’ll have a figure like the Michelin man in no time. In fact I can feel myself getting fatter just reading the titles of the recipes: Double-Chocolate Muffins, Upside-Down Banana Cake, Peanut Toffee Shortbreads, Cashew Brownies, Honey and Pine Nut Tart, Sticky Golden Sponge Pudding... and so it goes on. Aah, temptation. If only the photographs weren’t so pin-sharp, every last luscious crumb lovingly delineated. New Year’s resolutions be hanged, just buy this book, cook everything at once, stuff yourself senseless and die contented!

Andrew Pern is the chef-proprietor of the multiple-awardwinning Star Inn at Harome, near Helmsley. Clearly the same attention to detail that has made the restaurant such a success has been lavished on this weighty volume. It is a cross between a cookbook and an autobiography, with the first half of the book telling the story of the Pern family’s journey to Michelinstardom, and conjuring up — in words and pictures — the atmosphere of life in a gourmet inn at the foot of the North York Moors. The recipes, when you eventually get to them, are suitably impressive, and stunningly photographed. As you might expect, the skill level required makes this book more suitable for seasoned cooks than for raw amateurs. The soft, brown, suede-effect cover certainly packs a visual punch, and it feels lovely too. How long it will keep its good looks in the average kitchen I don’t know. Well actually I do: not long. Best kept on the coffee table, maybe. Face, hardback, £39.99

Murdoch Books, hardback, £18.99 109

Milners Department Store is an established family business offering a personal service.


A wide range of carpets, curtains, window dressings and soft furnishings for the home. Free interior design advice and home selection service.

Opening times 9.00am to 5.10pm Monday to Friday. 9.00am-4.30pmWednesday 9.00am to 4.00pm Saturday

6 Market Place, Leyburn DL8 5BJ T: 01969 622208 E: sales@milnersofleyburn.co.uk W: www.milnersofleyburn.co.uk 110

Bookmark Brian Pike takes a critical look at what’s hot off the presses

Oz & James Drink to Britain Oz Clarke & James May Now here’s one that I took a shine to the moment I opened it. You don’t even have to go to the trouble of reading it to enjoy it, because the page layouts are so entertaining in themselves. The lively scrapbook-style design combines snapshots, cut-outs, Post-it notes, cartoons, mock beer-stains and a kaleidoscopic selection of typefaces — and it perfectly captures the anarchic and slightly sozzled atmosphere of the TV series on which the book is based. If you do decide to dip into the text, you won’t be disappointed. It’s a genial and amusing account of Britain’s unsung drinking heritage, taking in malt whiskies, speciality beers, designer ciders, perry... even British wine and British vodka. Terrific fun and genuinely informative. TV tie-ins need to work hard to get a thumbs-up from me, but this is one that I just can’t fault. Pavilion, hardback, £19.99

13 Things that Don’t Make Sense Michael Brooks Let’s be clear, this is about thirteen scientific things that don’t make sense. If you were hoping for an explanation of why bankers get whopping bonuses for gambling away our hardearned money you won’t find it here. As you might expect from a book written by a man with a PhD in quantum physics, this is thought-provoking stuff. But considering the complexity of the issues that Dr Brooks tackles, it makes a surprisingly easy read. I particularly enjoyed the chapter about the mysterious signal picked up by Ohio State University’s ‘Big Ear’ telescope in 1977, for which no other plausible explanation could be found than that it was a transmission from an alien civilisation. Unfortunately we’ll never know, because idiot land developers sold the ground on which the telescope was built for use as a golf course. The telescope — the only bit of kit capable of picking up such signals — had to be demolished. Hmm, golf. Now there’s another thing that doesn’t make much sense. Profile, softback, £12.99


Grow Your Own Drugs


James Wong This book, says the cover, shows “how to make simple creams, salves, teas and much, much more from the stuff growing in your window box, the local garden centre or in the hedgerows”. Troubled by flatulence? Then you’ll be wanting ‘Four Winds’ Tea. (No, really; look on p.49 if you don’t believe me.) Sore throat? Marshmallow and Liquorice Cough Syrup could be just the ticket. Arthritis? Try Chilli and Peppermint Salve. There’s even a hangover cure, namely Kiwi MorningAfter Smoothie — although since it involves blitzing the ingredients in a blender you might want to make that one in advance. You’ll also find recipes for homemade cosmetics, including a natural face mask, a deodorant, a soap and a bath bomb. Frankly, the way shops are disappearing from our high streets, growing your own pharmaceuticals may soon be your only option. This book is an essential purchase for hypochondriac survivalists — and an intriguing source of possibilities for the rest of us. Harper Collins, hardback, £16.99

Cold Meat and How to Disguise It Hunter Davies

With so much doom and gloom in the air regarding our economic prospects, the popular press is (as I am sure you have noticed) full of suggestions about how we can pare down our expenditure. This book — subtitled Top Tips on How to Survive Hard Times, From a Hundred Years of Belt Tightening — is a timely reminder that there’s nothing new about scrimping and saving. A reminder, too, that what might at present seem like sensible tips about saving the old hard-earned could well end up looking pretty baffling — or even plain bonkers — to future generations. The book is plentifully illustrated with reproductions of leaflets, posters and magazines ranging in date from late Victorian times to the Second World War. It makes for an interesting, and sometimes amusing, take on social history. If you’re keen to learn how to make Bread Soup or Mock Turkey, you need look no further. Frances Lincoln, hardback, £9.99


The Amazing World of Orchids Wilma & Brian Rittershausen ‘Amazing’ is an over-used word, but in this case it is entirely justified. Spend a few minutes turning the pages of this book and you can’t help being seduced by the exotic shapes and vibrant colours of these extraordinary flowers, all gorgeously rendered by photographer Linda Burgess. I had always assumed that orchids would be difficult to grow, and it’s true that one or two of them can be rather picky as regards their temperature requirements. However, the clear and authoritative step-by-step advice given here was sufficiently reassuring to make even a confirmed non-gardener like myself feel tempted to give it a go. The authors, respected experts in the field, describe more than 150 different orchids in detail, and finish off the book with a helpful chapter that answers pretty much all the questions you’re likely to have about feeding, potting, watering and so on. Looking for a new hobby? This could be it. Quadrille, hardback, £20

Count Arthur Strong’s Radio Show! The Complete Third Series Need cheering up? Count Arthur Strong always does the trick for me. Count Arthur, the inspired creation of comedian Steve Delaney, is a grumpy, devious and bumbling former Variety actor with a talent for turning even the simplest undertaking into a major disaster. You’ll find more laughs in one half-hour episode of his show than in the rest of Radio 4’s so-called comedies put together. And because Delaney’s material is so detailed, it stands up well to repeated listening. One minute Count Arthur is boasting of his bushcraft skills (“I can live off grass and rainwater if I need to... or moss... or those little individual boxes of breakfast cereal”) the next he is indignantly denying that Sooty is a glove puppet (“I’ve fed it, Sooty... it took the skin off my ring finger”). His gloriously surreal adventures range from running a “meat and theatrical memorabilia stall” to starring in a ramshackle presentation of “Piddler on the Roof”. Reader, I laughed till I cried. Komedia Entertainment, 3CD set, £15


The Victorians


Jeremy Paxman So this is what Jeremy Paxman gets up to when he’s not making sarcastic comments to geeky students on University Challenge? The project is certainly an interesting one: to take a searching look at Victorian society through the — nowadays often disparaged — paintings of the time. And, given that the Victorian era was a time of phenomenally rapid change and unprecedented social upheaval, it’s hardly surprising that there’s a good deal of interest to be found. The book ties in with the TV series of the same name, but it’s a weightier enterprise than this might suggest. The paintings (and there are plenty of them) are nicely reproduced. Paxman writes about them in a forthright, detailed and unstuffy way, opening with Frith’s bustling Derby Day and ending with the equally bustling, but completely unhinged, fairy paintings of Richard Dadd. An excellent companion to the TV series, but it stands up equally well on in its right. BBC Books, hardback, £25

Click Bill Tancer Not so long ago, if you wanted to put your finger on the pulse of the nation you had to send out interviewers with clipboards to stop people on the street, or maybe call up some random telephone numbers and hope to find someone willing to answer your survey. Nowadays, though, you go to someone like Bill Tancer. He and his team at Hitwise, a US-based research company, use sophisticated technology to sift through the staggeringly huge amount of data about what’s happening on the Internet. Don’t worry, they don’t have access to data on particular individuals. What they’re doing is picking out trends, like which days are most popular for surfing ‘adult’ sites (Fridays), what we’re most afraid of (flying or intimacy, depending on how you look at it) and what Americans most want to learn how to do (tie a necktie). Although the book has been modified for the UK market it focuses primarily on data about the USA. If that doesn’t bother you then you’ll find it a fascinating read. Harper Collins, softback, £11.99


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Dine for


PERK UP THE BLUE LION Regarded as one of the North’s leading country inns. The ‘candlelit restaurant’ provides a stunning setting in which to enjoy a gourmet meal. All food is freshly prepared using a variety of Yorkshire produce. There is an extensive wine list to choose from. The bar, with its open fire and flagstone floor, offers a tantalising range of bar meals, as well as a fine selection of traditional hand-pulled beers. The Blue Lion, East Witton. tel: 01969 624273 www.thebluelion.co.uk

VENNELL’S RESTAURANT Jon Vennell’s innovative approach to cooking offers you some great food using locally-sourced produce served in relaxed and elegant surroundings. ‘My roasted partridge was absolutely gorgeous – judiciously cooked and attractively sliced.’ – Claudia Blake, Dales Life. Vennell’s holds many events throughout the year and these can be viewed on their website, www.vennellsrestaurant.co.uk. Vennell’s Restaurant, 7 Silver Street, Masham. tel: 01765 689000


Overlooking Ripon's historic Market Square, Perk Up offers the finest, freshest and most innovative culinary experience whether it is breakfast, Sunday brunch, lunch or dinner. The bar offers a contemporary range of wines, cocktails and other drinks in a sophisticated atmosphere. 'Conscientiouslyprepared, elegant, tasty food in bright, congenial surroundings... a hearty welcome and friendly, efficient, unpretentious service." - Claudia Blake, Dales Life. Open: Tues-Sat 10am-9pm, Sunday 11-3pm Perk Up, 43 Market Place South, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 1BZ tel: 01765 698888 www.perkup.co.uk

THE FRENCHGATE HOTEL Enjoy some of Yorkshire’s finest food, wines and refreshments served in beautiful surroundings. Feast on a superb dinner, a stylish lunch or simply call in for a delicious coffee. Newly awarded AA rosette for food. Eight en suite guest rooms, individually furnished, comfortable and well-equipped. The warmest of Yorkshire welcomes. The Frenchgate Hotel, 59-61 Frenchgate, Richmond. tel: 01748 822087 www.thefrenchgate.co.uk

Great places to eat and stay in the Yorkshire Dales

Overlooking the cricket pitch on the village green, The Buck Inn is an ideal country retreat. It offers wholesome pub food as well as exciting modern cuisine — all freshly prepared to the Buck’s own recipes. Diners can eat in the bar or dine in the restaurant by candlelight. The bar offers a comprehensive wine list and has a selection of well-kept ales, including the locally brewed ‘Black Sheep’. You can also choose from 40 different malt whiskies. Accommodation available. The Buck Inn, Thornton Watlass, between Bedale and Masham tel: 01677 422461 www.buckwatlass.co.uk

THE BLACK SHEEP BREWERY The Black Sheep Brewery Visitor Centre — situated in Masham, the gateway to Wensleydale — is the ideal place for a great day or evening out. You can take a tour of the Brewery, have a meal in the Bistro, and taste their award-winning beers at the ‘Baa…r’. You can also buy lots of goodies from the wellstocked Sheepy Shop. It is a ‘ewe-nique’ venue for corporate entertaining, product launches, parties, weddings and so on. Many events take place throughout the year. Check their website for details. The Black Sheep Brewery, Wellgarth, Masham tel: 01765 680101 www.blacksheepbrewery.com

THE BLACK SWAN Enjoy first class accommodation, excellent food and a warm welcome. Now incorporating The Cygnet Restaurant under the new ownership of Ian and Sally Crampton. Talented chef Tomas Heisar has been appointed. He is passionate about food, producing an appealing menu at realistic prices. There is also a well stocked wine cellar. The Black Swan, Middleham tel: 01969 622221 www.blackswan-middleham.co.uk

THE COUNTRYMAN’S INN A traditional country pub, with three well-equipped, comfortable en suite bedrooms. You are assured of a warm welcome, with good beer, good food and a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.The restaurant offers a wide selection of locally-sourced and freshly prepared food to suit all tastes and budgets.The bar offers a selection of four cask-conditioned ales, three of which are brewed within 10 miles of the pub.An AA 3 star inn and AA diners award. The Countryman’s Inn, Hunton, near Bedale tel. 01677 450554 www.countrymansinn.co.uk 129



Set in the unspoilt village of Bainbridge, Wensleydale, Yorebridge House offers sumptuous rooms and relaxation. The new bar and restaurant offers the discerning diner a modern British menu created by Head Chef James Fiske and his team. Yorebridge House, Bainbridge, Wensleydale. tel: 01969 652060 www.yorebridgehouse.co.uk

The White Bear is set in its own courtyard in the beautiful market town of Masham. Enjoy fine food in the newly refurbished restaurant. Delicious home-cooked food. Great beer, great food, great atmosphere, great wines and above all a great welcome. Accommodation available in fourteen individually designed rooms, all with en suite facilities. The White Bear, Wellgarth, Masham. tel: 01765 689319

THE SANDPIPER INN Enjoy Jonathan Harrison’s unique cuisine in the traditional surroundings of the Sandpiper Inn, Leyburn. Modern British food prepared using only the finest ingredients. Fine wines, real ales and friendly service. Accommodation is available. The Sandpiper Inn, Market Place, Leyburn. tel: 01969 622206 www.sandpiperinn.co.uk

THE WHITE SWAN Overlooking Middleham’s picturesque market square and boasting lovely rural views, the White Swan is now a premier town house hotel with superb facilities. Originally a coaching inn retaining many original features, the hotel has been extended and refurbished offering 17 excellent bedrooms. The new brasserie offers a range of mouth-watering meals, all freshly prepared. The White Swan, Market Place, Middleham. tel: 01969 622093


SWINTON PARK HOTEL An exclusive 30 bedroom luxury castle hotel. With 4 red stars (Inspectors Choice) and 3 Rosettes awarded by the AA for excellent facilities, this is one of the most highly rated hotels in Yorkshire. Award winning cuisine is served in the sumptuously furnished dining room, using seasonal produce sourced from the hotel’s 4 acre walled garden and surrounding estate. Swinton Park Hotel, Masham, Ripon. tel: 01765 680900 www.swintonpark.com

SIMONSTONE HALL Simonstone Hall's restaurant enjoys a well earned reputation for its outstanding cuisine, complemented by an extensive list of fine and interesting wines. There is also a brasserie style menu in the Orangery Bar. A perfect setting for a romantic dinner, special occasion or a wedding reception. Simonstone Hall, Simonstone, Hawes DL8 3LY Life tel: 01969 667255 www.simonstonehall.co.uk

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