2 minute read

Tofacitinib for Plaque Psoriasis: A Case Report and Clinical Review

aware of the signs and symptoms of psoriasis and to refer patients to a dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment when necessary. Treatment options for psoriasis include topical treatments, light therapy and systemic medications. Systemic medications can include oral or injectable medications which target the immune system to slow down the skin cell production and reduce inflammation.

A topical therapy is the main player in managing psoriasis. Topical Corticosteroids and Vitamin D analogue is the drug of choice among other topical agents. Since light spectra has good penetrating power, hence can be used in various target tissues. It has an advantage of higher dose radiation delivery in short period of time.5



In conclusion, psoriasis is a chronic, complex inflammatory skin condition, characterized by the rapid growth of skin cells, which form red, scaly patches on the skin. It can affect different parts of the body and can be accompanied by other health problems. The condition can also have a significant impact on a person's quality of life, affecting their physical, emotional and social well-being.

Considering the oral and systemic medication, various factors play vital role for choosing the choice of medicine. Depending on severity, location and suitability choice is made. Tofacitinib is usually prescribed after other options have failed and it should only be used under the care of a doctor and close monitoring, because of potential safety concerns. As Tofacitinib targets the immune system, it may increase the risk of infections and lab test should be done to check the blood counts and cholesterol regularly. Tofacitinib is a promising treatment option for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis; it has been found to be effective in reducing symptoms and improving the quality of life of patients with the condition. While treatment can help manage the symptoms of psoriasis and improve the appearance of affected skin, there is currently no cure for the condition.

It's important to work closely with a dermatologist to develop an individualized treatment plan. Since psoriasis is a chronic condition, ongoing monitoring and regular follow-up is necessary to adjust treatment as needed and to monitor for any potential side effects.


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