3 minute read
Two year anniversary
A look at how far the Ridge has come since November 8, 2018
As the Paradise Ridge turns the calendar is restoring clean drinking water to residents and businesses and marks two years since the Camp Fire and ensuring that the delivered water meets or exceeds regulatory standards. destroyed much of Paradise and Magalia, PID has hired a company to begin the meter replacement the community is further ahead than many throughout the Town—a project that is set to cost about $1.3 million. Along with a Tesla plan to install back up batteries people thought right after the fire. within the district, meter replacement will save PID more This progress is far cry from what some outside observers had thought following the disaster. The Paradise Irrigation District (PID) is also in a much better position today, better than anyone thought possible after the fire, given the dire situation of lack of potable water. Today PID than $1 million, and will help keep the power on to the water By Rick Dean power outage. Special to the Chamber The Paradise Unified School District A s Mayor Greg Bolin pointed out recently, there were people who were estimating that the town wouldn’t even start rebuilding for at least five years after the disaster. But within five months of the disaster, Paradise issued its first rebuilding permit. As of September 2020, the town has (PUSD) is performing a makeover at the high school. The first step has been the construction of a longawaited brand-new gym in Paradise. The high school gym is set to be finished by November 2020. When the Bobcats might be able to utilize the new gym for interscholastic athletics is unclear at this time due to COVID-19 issues. accepted nearly 1,150 permit The high school also looks to be applications and has issued building a new administrative just over 1,000 permits. building with classrooms while Butte County has received 373 building permits within the burn area and has 87 homes that may be occupied at this across the street PUSD plans to build a brand-new Ridgeview High School to replace the continuation high school destroyed by the Camp Fire. time. Outside the burn scar, Paradise High School continues the County has received 37 to share its campus with Paradise applications to rebuild and has junior high students. This model will 18 homes finalized. continue until student body numbers “They’re coming online quicker than what we thought,” Bolin indicate a change to separate facilities. said. “As far as getting done, it Jesse Groeschen carved this Phoenix Rising wood sculpture The Paradise Parks and Recreation really depends on the builders from a tree that was mistakenly removed. It soars over District (PRPD) also is moving and their efficiencies. Some of Skyway beside Butte Creek Canyon. forward. PRPD has assumed them have been moving pretty Photo: Rebuild Paradise Foundation responsibility and control of the quickly.” recreational activities of Paradise Multi-family residential units are an important part of the Lake. Town’s housing plan and are quickly moving ahead. To date, PRPD District Manager, Dan Efseaff said when PRPD made the the Town has received permit applications for 173 units of decision to manage the recreational duties of the lake they saw multi-family, and approved permits for 134 units. Four multia great opportunity to expand the district’s sports and leisure family buildings that have already been completed. offerings. distribution plant in the event of a Even with the unforeseen complications of COVID-19, the Paradise Ridge is recovering faster from the Camp Fire than many had expected in the immediate months following the fire. Fortunately for Paradise, the rebuild was considered essential work and continues.