07 FEBRUARY 2019 - 28 FEBRUARY 2019
2 ALFRED HOUSE ROAD COLOMBO 3 T 2582162, 2556563 E
‘RURAL ZONE’ It is a common trait to all the artists to base his or her own experience in creative work. Sandatharaka is an artist who is noished by the folklore and he emphasizes the authenticity of rural culture which is degrading with the impacts of the commercial world. The natural environment is the narrative of Sandatharaka’s paintings which are minimized or almost going extinct in the face of modern urbanization. He even tries to search the villager minimalized in the presence of massive nature instead of the minimalized urban man. It is clearly seen in his work, how the villager merges with the natural world without being a challenge to the system The method he uses to symbolize the broad and boundless natural space is to keep it almost free limiting only to a few brush strokes and a few colour patches. The colours of human figures are skillfully merged with the tones in the background, witnessing his contribution as a part of nature... SANDATHARAKA ABEYSINGHE FEBRUARY 2019
Afield with the bestie, Watercolour on paper, 38 x 56 cm, USD 510
Coming to the wonder, Watercolour on paper, 58 x 27 cm, USD 260
Sensation, Oil on canvas, 91 x 138 cm, LKR 220,000
After the hard working, Watercolour on paper, 38 x 56 cm, USD 510
Evening tea time, Watercolour on paper, 38 x 56 cm, USD 510
Coming to the wonder, Watercolour on paper, 58 x 27 cm, USD 260
Search the harvest, Watercolour on paper, 22 x 29 cm, USD 240
Flying couple, Watercolour on paper, 38 x 56 cm, USD 510
For the loving sister, Watercolour on paper, 27 x 38 cm, USD 240
The pink overcoat, Watercolour on paper, 38 x 58 cm, USD 510
Forerunner, Watercolour on paper, 38 x 29 cm, USD 240
Going like this everyday, Watercolour on paper, 38 x 56 cm, USD 510
The Empty Bag, Watercolour on paper, 42 X 16.51 cm, USD 240
Oppu.. Oppu.., Watercolour on paper, 38 x 21 cm, USD 240
Supporting, Watercolour on paper, 38 x 56 cm, USD 510
Telling their stories on the top, Watercolour on paper, 38 x 56 cm, USD 510
Leisure of Him, Watercolour on paper,19 X 42 cm, USD 240
That trice, Watercolour on paper, 58 x 23 cm, USD 260
This is not the top, Watercolour on paper, 58 x 20 cm, USD 380
My papa always my hero, Watercolour on paper, 56 x 38 cm, USD 510
SANDATHARAKA ABEYSINGHE b. 1994 Education Undergraduate of University of the visual and performing arts in Colombo, Sri Lanka Solo Exhibitions 2016
Through the mist, JDA Perera Gallery, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Warna, Poramadulla Central Collage, Rikillagaskada, Sri Lanka
Group Exhibitions 2018
India - Sri Lanka Ramayan Painting Camp, State Lalith Kala Academy, Uttar Rradesh, Lucknow, India
2018 1st International Watercolor Biennale, Kualalumpur, Malaysia 2018
Beyond The Water Margin, Lionel Wendt Art Gallery, Colombo ,Sri Lanka
Nawa Kala Karuwo, George Keyt Foundation, JDA Perera Gallery, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Fabriyano in Watercolor, International Watercolor Exhibition, Fabriyano, Italy
Kala Pola, Annual Open Art Affair, Colombo, Sri Lanka
SAARC Artist Camp, Gokarna Forest Resort,Kathmandu, Nepal
State Art and Sculpture Festival, JDA Perera Gallery, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Kala Pola, Annual Open Art Affair, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Kala Pola, Annual Open Art Affair, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Re-imagining Ceylon, Contempory Artist in Sri Lanka (Imago Mundi, Collection of artworks)
Living with the Art, Sri Lanka Art Educationist’s Association, Kandy, Sri Lanka
SAARC Artist Camp, Bangladesh Shilpakala Acedemy, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Grants/Awards 2018
International Watercolor Demonstration, State Lalith Kala Academy, Uttar Rradesh, Lucknow, India
Participation of India - Sri Lanka Ramayan Painting Camp, State Lalith Kala Academy, Uttar Rradesh, Luc
know, India
Participation of SAARC Artist Camp, Gokarna Forest Resort, Kathmandu, Nepal
State Art and Sculpture Festival, Final Round in Landscape Painting
Participation of SAARC Artist Camp, Bangladesh Shilpakala Acedemy, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Membership Internatinal Watercolor Society, Sri Lanka Saskia Fernando Gallery, Art Space Sri Lanka
2 ALFRED HOUSE ROAD COLOMBO 3 T 2582162, 2556563 E