Eurythmy Chamber Crafts ~“ArchitecturalAmenities”
Mission Statement – To contribute to the creation of stable & intimate built environments which aid occupants with ergonomic structures that optimize relatively small amounts of area and address different programmatic necessities of the human condition.
Structures are to be composed of synergetic elements of design that become tangible by means of sourcing quality materials from select suppliers, and crafting each project with dimensional precision and detail.
Basis for Business Goals - Processed through our acute range of senses in relation to the existential state of ephemeral space, all denizens in our ecosystem experience individual perceptions that can catalyze positive change in our unified reality of common ground. Behavioral patterns contribute to the form of society, society fabricates built environments, and built environments influence behavioral patterns. Thus it is paramount to incorporate well planned public and private facilities and accoutrements into the vast array of cultural families across the celestial sphere.
Human resources coordinate in order to organize and manipulate the natural world. Striving towards a more amiable individual experience and efficient use of shared time, many specific variables must be considered in order to foster a more ideal ecological climate. The frequency of conflicting interests among the human species' population is astonishing. As diverse a people we are, environmental substrates have certain universal properties that have the power to guide our seemingly enigmatic reactions to space.
For anyone, or any group, to provide an utopian solution for the parameters we face is inevitably impossible. Although organisms working together, in conjunction with universal philanthropic values, sights an aim towards a prime potential future forever in the making. A collaboration on a global, or even further- intergalactic, scale would require an unprecedented amount of synergy, compromise, and accord.
Under this pretense I humbly set forth on a venture in effort to share, compose, design, build, influence,inspire, and aid in the creation of furnishings, dwellings, properties, environments in general, literature, poetry, arts, and
contributions to further developments of science for the betterment of mankind's and nature's symbiotic endurance and fortitude. For we shall ever be faced with rip tides of anomy, adversity, avarice, malice, natural disasters, and on a long enough timeline- impending doom for our entire solar system.
With “E.C.C.” I aim to introduce designs of proportional harmony and scaled rhythm to materials with conceptual value for the parties of candor that wish to be involved. In order to produce a functional style that embodies the subjective nature of art and enhances philosophical protocol I seek to employ the architectural fundamentals of utility, durability, and aesthetic delight. Through philosophic intuition, psychological research, and this conceptual trisector we can begin to understand more thoroughly the subliminal cacophony we live in, and hopefully explore deeper the factors that could resolve some of the major societal discord and atrocious events that plague our civilizations.
Caveat – Architecture can be seen as a delicate and meticulously administered art that uses philosophical and psychological intuition to organize every aspect of waking life by the use of materials and methods to meet program requirements hierarchically prioritized by a client's needs and desires, constrained by parameters of space, budget, time, and law(a system put in place by an architect of the highest priority that is, like the other constraints, constantly subject to change). In a sense as broad as this we meander beyond the bounds of strictly constructed buildings into the scope of an entire developed experience: phonetics, nomenclature, linguistics, technology, mass media, government organizations, and so fourth to all representations, objects, structures, and systems devised by sentient beings.
Fruits of invention are planned and put on the table or imposed into mass perception with specific motives, intentions, and goals that ultimately cause effects to perspire on the targeted audience. A major concern some should hold is not necessarily who, what, when, or how, but why are particular projects being sponsored. In my own microcosm I am assured that these things are not my job to be concerned with, and understandably so, as I am but one small man on the face of an immensely large and complicated superstructure we have developed as the international communities of planet Earth. I do not aspire to force a change on an entire global community but to merely gain a more in depth understanding of my home world and relate some apprehensions and delights about what may or may not come to be of my planet's communities' present and future existences.
History is unraveling at every moment while I peer into the mystery of tomorrow, existing on a fleeting moment that I can only absorb and encounter through the passage of time. I reminisce and cherish notes of memorabilia,
reliving moments that have already engrained themselves in my being. While I look to improve my present situation I call on past occurrences planning for the future. While bound by physical constraints I observe and exert, absorb and assert, but all seems to accumulate heavier on my own memory than my present being. To find joy in a moment is seemingly the most precious and valuable thing a lone individual can hold.
Although I describe myself as an ephemeral existentialist, I find it impractical to live solely for the fleeting moment. If greater heights of euphoria are to be reached, there are opposite forces to consider. Struggle and failure are to be taken in stride as they can build strength, resilience, and characteristics of success. Metaphorically speaking, where nothing is black and white, shades of grey dominate the tonal substance of a being. If capable and determined enough to grow brighter along the way, a dimly lit room can approach a white light that is the essence of every color in the spectrum.
Success and failure are relative terms and subjective in nature, alas every one must come to terms with their own goals and responsibilities thereof. Contrasting elements are actually necessary to differentiate distinguishing features and can create favorable juxtapositions if integrated properly. With so many different people possessing so many different qualities we find ourselves in a complicated yet ideal predicament. With all the potential tasks at hand to be done in our range of motion across the globe, all skill sets can be put towards gratifying and meaningful productions.
Speculating from the perspective of a single nations citizen I see no immediate way around the conflicts of war and trifling deeds, but what I do understand is the current state of our networking capabilities, information and technology, human resources, natural resources, and fabrication processes. It seems only logical that avant-garde professionals be selected from around our planet to start plans on what may be the dawn of the most important architectural project in the history of human civilization.
Description of Execution – A comprehensive poetic approach derived by the use of written language, and/or visual representations, to describe how a space can be responsible for its interactions with its surroundings, given a desire or need for particular functions which are brought about through a formation of hard lines and curves that are accentuated by olfactory and haptic qualities, visible light of the color spectrum, auditory considerations, respiratory effects, temperature variables, convenience of placement, and use of obligations that yield climactic reward or are chronologically necessary for such a set of functions to exist.
Synopsis of Statement – Each particular chamber's structural framework is custom specialized to affect its occupancy with incorporeal, psychological, instinctual, chemical, and physical stimuli geared towards the
optimization of an individual's or group's mechanism utilizing a spaces program, while respecting or contributing to larger micro/macrocosmic event chains of thriving communities that are sustainably adherent and practice habits of a healthy, productive ethos.
Design is intuitive by nature and all cabins erected structurally pronounce characteristics of conceptual identity that influence the actions and experiences of all animate organics in an evolutionary mannerism towards a societal habitat and ecosystem which holds a relatively higher potential for the naturally ordered growth of prioritized hierarchal topics, objects, and subjects belonging to a unified scale of importance and interest in the ken of an epochal resonance seamlessly in formation for the intellectual, physical, spiritual, and genetic advancement of civil communities who preserve cultural roots and adapt to the needs of planet Earth's denizens and vassals volitions.
An anthropological philosophy of architectural methods of design based on public research and my independent precedent analysis of human states of being. The primary foundational zenith is held to be an acquiring of eloquent performances collected for use in compositions that evoke physical celebration and cerebral enhancement, in lieu of relatively more stagnant momentums of liveliness that can readily dystrophy into a harped on revolution. Any ethereal participant emits a sort of piezoelectric response to its surroundings given a set of atmospheric, social, environmental, and ecological cues. (range of human emotion, states of being, experiential qualities; how form can amplify and make more lucid our states and amplify our experiences to greater heights...(e x p a n d... entropynecessity/invention/interest/triggers/inspire/heterogenous designs/ exodus from prosaic/orthogonal/truncated/fluid/vast array of experiential qualities to amplify/enhance preexisting states of being; fear, courage, excitement, activity, movement, navigation, stimulation, entertainment, creative study, {promethean impulses}, office/focus, relaxation, discussion, show/tell, read, rest/ soporific, lavatory, vanity, shower, romance, dining, intimate, bathetic, collaborative, etc... spaces to enhance experience & evolve our nature.)
Visualizing a symphony of synchronized conceptual muses systematically placed on the atlas of all terrains' face by means of materialized grace and foundations of military strength designed to better withstand anticipated moments of inertial mass in a cartographers realm of space. Time is our range of motion through this place and we only exist on one set of infinite points for any given instant of space, therefore we teleport through the framework of space while traveling in the frame rate of times' abstraction. Particles become more defined by the flux of mixed media within the universal
Implementations of built environments produce maintenance of spectrometric contrasts and span to achieve a positive force while retaining negatively charged counterparts closer to the stakes of linchpins that exhibit stability and accordance to the interwoven fabric of perceptible and concordant realities.
Un-obliged disservices, of the quagmire we are entangled, that are not seeking to gain consonancy with the benevolent hierarchal echelons of our biome experience discretionary constriction from our hegemonic systems. Allurements that go so far as to entrap an occupant into penalty are to be further identified and dispelled.
These measures of counter productivity recognized by the reign of our collective consciousness inevitably fall into isolated splinter groups and evanesce by utilization of our shear forces brought about through our technological dichotomized application of remedial practices and positive or negative influences that impact the gears of our infrastructural and personal networks in manners of constructive criticism or ,as a last resort, nihilism towards dissonant bodies and organisms in the chasms of our refined and animated chaotic macrocosmic mechanisms. These polarized forces are ceaselessly broken down into components at moments at work, recreation, or rest.
The effervescent gulf of idioms and ideologies creates turbid problems for our cosmopolitan atmosphere. The communicative barriers we all face must be carefully approached, studied, further understood and put into an effort of collaborative resolution. Delicate meticulous planning of kaleidoscopic spectrums at our fingertips need to be designed around the personified framework of the ephemeral and perpetuate hominid existence. Principles of human rights are too often overlooked or skewed to an individual parties' practices and opinions. Plainly stated- my body is my temple, what enters my temple is of the universes doing through my senses. Actions I perform to my own body are my sole responsibility and no one else's. If other individuals are unwillingly endangered by any action or applied substance the corresponding physiological act or effective medium is to be moderately regulated, altered, sanctioned, refined, or chastened without encroaching on ones right to live freely.
Widespread ecological or infrastructural practices and naturally manipulated genetic variation of dietetics are brought into focus through manufactured and natural structures encasing design goals and genetic algorithms that adapt and mutate into forms propelled to novel heights (solitary/communal)of efficiency, delight, productivity, entertainment, amusement, skill, solidarity, mobilization, dynamic recreational and vocational
subjects, sustenance, security, and generally an intrinsically physiological evolution.
Where naturally occurring genetic codes are internally manipulated by practicing scientists who cannot compose or alter a string of DNA and simultaneously understand the minute affects such an experiment could create for the organism's immediate or long term developments. There is an enormous amount of genetic coding below the main lines of code that govern an organism. Plants and animals evolved naturally to external stimuli and through this manner of development there is no question if the sacred algorithmic DNA sequence has been compromised by some dissonant frequency between so called “junk” coding and a sequestered piece of main line coding that may produce a relatively immediate advantage but that could quite likely have adverse effects to the advancement of the long term quality of an organic structure.
Adventitious practices involving genetic coding or trans robotic animal life is only an artificial form of organic evolution that could actually stunt a potential for a greater natural evolution based on responses to the environments onslaught of natural and industrial demands.
A plat where derelict enigmas are presented with opportune instances to integrate with the flora, fauna, and encompassing demographic is essential to any humane society. These members are introduced into the civilization to have a residential and contributing manner towards the hierarchal outline's program of that field's functional net interest.
These expressions of concrete concepts are forged to bend and polarize like stainless steel under magnified light waves. An historical event was marked when a corn plant adapted against pests by exposure to tobacco crops. A similar event was marked when genetic researchers altered the main code of a tomato plant's DNA to then produce larger, more filling, but less nutritious tomatoes. Both of these types of food are products of a further evolution but the selective corn plant experienced natural evolution through exposure and crossbreeding while the tomato underwent an artificial evolution. We do not fully understand either form of evolution, but when nature is left to run its course of mutation without artificial interference the building blocks towards a generally more coherent evolution are not interrupted. When nearer understanding of all lines of genetic coding it would then be a better time to tweak genetic information. Things we ingest affect human evolutionfood, drugs, sights, sounds, smells, textures- vibrational frequencies of matter need to be in harmony ideally at solfeggio rates. When frequencies are interrupted by fear or meander from a (solfeggio) state evolution slows down.
Our built environments and mass media are currently retarding or improving our senses through arrangements of frequencies. In order to divulge the innumerable variables responsible for this heresy we must tactfully employ the use of our resonant communal knowledge.
This set of materials is merely a pinion in the shoe strings of spatial phenomenon in which distribution of measured theories of static and live loads coalesce as the equity prescribes into a more fluid latitude. Accelerating towards the breaking point of an odd number of layers upon lairs of absolutely hypothetical orthodox molds is a directive.
The smelting pot and ladling of propaganda or communications has a thermal lining of masonry units that are the basis of our kitchen's delicatessen so to speak. Variations of recipes which form an interlocking wall of infrastructural, industrial, social, and individual tessellations form our diplomatic cookbooks for the wide range of dilemmas we face as a people.
With all the diversionary topics holding attentions at reveille, an organized system of fabrications is stepping further in form in order to make us gain or lose potential new abilities. The parties most involved with these orders of mass fabrication make important decisions about what qualities they would like to see developed and/or stunted. As much as an individual has free will, any and all environmental impacts within one's range of perception will influence that persons future thoughts, decision making processes, actions, habits, developments, and beliefs.
For the sake of our societies' metamorphosis into a higher functioning living arrangement, I believe it is absolutely necessary to implore the participation from the pariahs and socialites, the artists and scientists, all the way to the executive officers and government officials. It is no simple log of rhythm to calculate a solution that could set us on a path of cooperative collaboration. Such a successive set of relations would require a vast dynamic of information, perspectives and considerations. For our ecosystem to move forward responsibly, the grand scale findings of our global habitat would ultimately have to be a subject of calculation, planning, and initiation into reality for an eclectic group of qualitatively superior students of the world's current free apertures.
To imagine our planet working cohesively I anticipate economic disputes and conflicts. In reality though all the natural and human resources of our universal being must be taken into account and put into an itemized list of available benefits for our prolonged humanity. The studies of these precious resources must not be treated in a cold calculated manner that could give absolute authority or profit to any sect or entity. The planning can not be approached as a short sighted solution that achieves only expedited or
temporary resolve. It is crucial for such a phase of ambitious development to treat each aspect of our potential sensory ingestion with careful deliberate intentions.
The fact is we are all inhabitants of the same atmosphere. We must first look at what Earth and other celestial bodies may have in terms of materialistic supplies that could be put to use in a synergetic advancement for all of our denizens. If a proposition can be articulated for all the world to consider- that would provide equity, stability, and opportunity to areas in need and further develop zones of higher technological and infrastructural aptitude into more specialized, responsive, intuitive, efficient, and communicative environments –some serious negotiating may actually take place across international borders and cultures.
In terms of national economies and material resources within boundaries, it only makes sense that these sectors of the globe should feel entitled to their own contents, as we are all faced with scarcity. To plan for a global movement that would benefit the entire world economy is a large incentive, but could not be enough to reasonably allow for the free submittal of state properties. In such a predicament negotiations will take place. It would be ideal if such negotiations were public and all information about international operations were transparent. Unfortunately we live in an extremely complex state where large global plans for the liberation and benefit of all nations may not be a part of every world leaders agenda.
I can only infer about what may go on behind the closed doors of our global managers, but for me to adopt an analytical role about our planet's past and potential future, I optimistically hope that such a public-spirited plan would be safe to put into the sphere of accessible information and propaganda. As a skeptic and realist though, I understand the dangers of exposing research and development progressions and intentions. If a contender is aware of his adversaries' plan to create an institution of sprawling magnitude and does not have the means to compete, their most likely action will be to attempt to foil any progressions to the system.
As human beings we have a wide range of feelings stemming from things that are absorbed through our dynamic range of perception. Our overall experience is determined by the sum of all the things in our current atmosphere, our process of interpretation based on our past experiences, and our thoughts about the future. A persons' immediate actions are a product of their perceived individual situation in relation to the grander scheme of their atmosphere. To create a safer and freer civilization we must look at each and every variable of our cultures and systems of order. The foresight and anticipation of reactions to sensory perceptions is essential to be able to devise
a tenacious hypothesis that can achieve cosmopolitan and personal solutions.
With all the tools at our species disposal we control the fate of our entire ecosystem. Our human characteristics and personalities have an uncanny resemblance to creatures of the ocean. Some find the path like that of a blood thirsty shark, while others find the flamboyant life of the little lion fish agreeable with their demeanor. As not to deviate though, the point is some people have adopted certain traits as an intrinsic part of their being. While the individual human being ultimately chooses his or her path, some things are inherent in their surroundings and inevitably influence and partially determine the lifestyle that matures.
People speak about the topic of “heaven and hell” in representation of what may come in the afterlife, and is sometimes seen as symbolic for what people experience in their everyday lives internally and externally. A really tricky part of society comes down to the environmental factors people are born into that overwhelm their potentials to escape lives of criminal culture and poverty. One of the core goals of my literary endeavors with “E. C. C.” is to raise awareness for the need to phase out the inequity we face as a massive living organism, and the demands we must meet in order to do so.
While it is improbable to imagine a world where everyone lives with an immaculate moral fiber, we must not only plan for the implementation of perceptions that inspire delight and vitality, but also for those that imbue fear, anguish, despair, lament, solace, courage, and hate when deemed necessary. The wide range of characteristic traits must be reigned in and doled out per deed.
So I ask, “What is communication?”, and “What are the rules of fashion?” Yes we've all heard people joke about “the fashion police” but it goes much further than clothes. What messages or effects are we conveying to general observers by the things we choose to introduce into the outer realms of an origin. Whether it be an electronic wave frequency, a pair of trousers, an ad in the newspaper, an interview on television, a sign on the interstate, the layout of roads and structures in a city, the rooms in your home, the words we exchange with other beings, or even the foods we eat ~ these are all forms of communication with an intended receiver carried out in a deliberate fashion with specific intent.
Of course as a member of a society based on free enterprise, I would never wish for any unnecessary censorships to the media or restrictions on individual or corporate endeavors. Although certain standards must be kept to insure the well being of our communities. American society as I know it today does have certain federal organizations that regulate what processes are and are not legal to perform. The flaw I most plainly see in this system is that the
government is not given higher authority to dictate responsible decisions. We have a staggering amount of citizens who cannot even begin to fathom the magnitude of the options they vote for. It also seems to me that the topics put to vote are often relatively trivial. If one is to ask a class of children to vote on ice cream for breakfast lunch and dinner, at least some of them with opt for all three. If a person goes into cardiac arrest or has a seizure, should we ask fisherman to vote on what is the best course of action, or call on a trained doctor to make a confidant decision without feedback from the crowd?
I agree with the notion that less government is better government. In order for this idea to have palatable results though, we must call on the systems at the disposal of the government. With access to each citizens education, work history, and if submitted -field of interest- the governing body can begin to help organize the human resources within its borders. The Army Corps of Engineers has authority to plan and execute infrastructural projects that improve environmental stability and provide safety for our citizens. If we get the correct private companies involved in our infrastructural missions we could provide much more than safety and stability.
Without encroaching on private sector rights the government is unfortunately limited in its ability to produce a grander positive ethological change. Therein lies the challenge for our society to network and overcome the obstacles ourselves. Coordination with our governing bodies is of utmost importance for an attempt at a flourishing union of states around the world.
Lacking the ability to communicate at higher levels of diplomacy our most apt citizens are often bent to the will of corporations that are driven by avarice or based strictly around monetary gains. Therefore it seems that it should be a matter of national and international security that individuals or even entire companies with preferable skill sets and experience should be recruited for the initial planning of potential global developments.
Before addressing other major issues around our civilization I find it practical to begin with the issues concerning our built environment which provides shelter, comfort, and navigational qualities amongst many others. No matter the level of education, literacy, or intellect an individual may have, we all have the privilege to experience the structures we live in and around.
Is art capable of producing change in a structured society? Some investigating has shown the possibility that there has been a philosophical disenfranchisement of art, and that some influential philosophers, artists, and professors have contributed to, or explained, government control through the use of philosophy to protect the upper hierarchal echelons of society from “dangerous” art.(* “The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art” by Danto*).
I for one would feel more comfortable in a society structured around
art. Deciding which concepts should be personified and celebrated in and around a structure or set of structures can deeply impact our perceptions, and in turn our actions to come. Instead of seeing art as merely a representation, I adventure the possibility to experience an arty Earth in which we are to live in, utilize, sense, move about, and process through our electromagnetic fields, while being able to intuitively navigate our courses, and step into spatial forms that reflect and enhance their programmatic functions, based upon our learned motifs and their conceptual substantial values that derive from scientific evidence, human perspective, theory, and æternal innovation of the conscious mind.
A community organization based on varied schedules of members in the villa, holding the principles of rhythmic motion and social harmony in high regard.
All anomalies introduced into the sphere of the villadom conduct a presence of mind for the constructive nature of the live culture where distinct features at specific vantage points are placed in order to achieve communicative relationships between an observer's stream of consciousness and his or her arbitrary perceptions.
These necessitated features influence a programmatic function's readability, efficiency, and amiableness while addressing the need for particular concept's incorporations into the juxtaposition as a whole product that imbues an environment built for a relatively more durable quality of life for its inhabitants.
An aura emanating from the imbroglio intentionally creates fragmented causalities reaching for fathomable and predictable outcomes that assert assimilations of the present and future dimensional state's needs.
The structures governing the cultural essence of the societies activities aim to endorse a limited plethora of valuable work ethics and latent studies that strive towards an epsilon of lucid inspiration in the varying art forms. Mediums of expression including but not limited to objective classification, internalization, reciprocation, awareness, organization, sacred geometrical patterns, human perseverance, elementary planning, and the ecological implementation of our available resources in order to create a contribution to the macrocosmic machine optimized for improving live organism's experiences.
While traveling through time or reflecting on past cycles of thought, and dissipating any sprouts of anomy in the oblivious omnipotent spatial continuum of dawn's eternal recurring circuit, there are pervasive and welcome parametric articulations for our tectonic morphologies and flux of developing urbanism or spatial conquest.
Eurythmy Chamber Crafts ~“ArchitecturalAmenities”
~ IntimateNeighborhoodDevelopmentofSmallandTinyHomes~
1) “Concierge Cabin” ~ Grounds keeper dogtrot connected to adjacent structure through lockable passage to give option for individual housing or family residence
2) “Terra Firma” ~ Traditional orthogonal
3) “Jetty Pad” ~ Green roof & glass above “hill section” , juts into common area, influences traffic
4) “Heron Vector” ~ Pent House, two way glass, water, stone, long, elevated, plush
5) “Fall Exaltation” ~ Vaulted ceiling, rustic tones
6) “Kineticomb” ~ Hexagonal, kinetic art in structure
7) “Incognito Indigo” ~ Tucked away near woods/garden, blends with surroundings, influenced by surrounding structures
8) “Umbra Lodge” ~ Dome with tinted glass
9) “Scalene Alien A-Frame” ~ Geometric experimental A-Frame, sterile lab area/office space
10) “Dicey Limelight” ~ Bright, high energy, rounded effects, light diffusion(frosted glass?)
11) “Tessellation” ~ Stilted, annex-able, workshop below main structure
12) “Starry Moiré” ~ Visual patterns, optimized acoustics
13) “Omega Camp” ~ Dark, cozy, serene
14) Zebræthos Trail ~ Nature walk, exterior of homes, leads to communal garden and tower area
15) “ 'Gretna Green' Zone” ~ Communal Garden
16) “Cepheid” ~ Communal Octagon Tower, small saltwater pool and waterfall, butterfly house, kitchenette, pool table, fire-pit and grill area outside
Eurythmy Chamber Crafts ~“ArchitecturalAmenities”
~ TinyHomesonWheelsandVariousTypesofTrailerCabins~
• “The Rolling Stone” ~ (12') hunting, fishing, traveling camper
• “The Tenace” ~ (24') Model 1 T.H.O.W.
• “Lane Liner” ~ (32') T.H.O.W.
• “Sheer Gayle” ~ (40') T.H.O.W.
• “Adjunct” ~ office, study, playroom, outdoor seating on drop down length, dogtrots to main
• “Chassé” ~ teardrop styler traveler
• “Titmouse” ~ small bill, long tail....
• “Kern Cabinette” ~ fold up perma-tent style, nesting walls and roof
• “Minnow Tail” ~ limousine social style, converts into sleeper
• “Sapphirine” ~ rustic, wood burning stove, train-car style roof, floor to ceiling sliding glass section,
• “Zoot Scoot” ~ push/pedal assist cart?
• “Drafty Al-Fresco” ~ open air tour wagon/ Mardi Gras float -esque
• “Dutch Roll” ~ dutch door, dutch tile, dutchman's breeches(flowers), dutch hip roof, ideal for rolling food stand/ snowball stand/ small craft exhibit/shop, etc...
~-_/\ My eyes are on ions' ionian ionization toward disorders of order /\_-~ Temple and Extremities, Foundation to frieze, Cornice to Cosmic
No matter where you go , or what you do
You spend your entire Life within the confines of your Mind ~sometimes it's not what you do, but How you do it~
Some Elements of Apparel, Attire, & Paraphernalia (Fashionista à la mode)
A) Designers,improvisations,innovations,criterion,datumandindustry
I. Garments and footwear, drapes, upholstery, rugs, caps, glasses
II. Accessories and versatility (satchels/ valises and bags, luggage, pocketbooks, wallets)
III. Impactful accents and adornments in relation to dynamics and décor
(a) conceptualize ~ contrive ~ devise
B) Juxtapositiontohead,torso,limbs,andaccoutrements
I. Functionality and intended utilization (reach stride clearance)
a) Anthropometry and static fit, inspiring certain ambiance, mood, air, feelings
b) Form establishment (geometry and trigonometry)
II. Durability Standards depending on anticipated wear
a) Ability to hold tensile strength and appeal over time and with patina
b) Structural need for allotted area of coverage
III. Aesthetic Delight (or disdain)
a) Visual, Haptic, Auditory, Aromatic, and Savory(chapstick, edible jewelry...) qualities
b) Ergonomics, eloquence, modesty, and ostentatiousness (Proxemics)
c) Temperature control, saturation, and moisture dispersion/ wicking
C) SystemsofReasoningandImplementation
I) ~Examples of Concepts in relative Dichotomy
a) organic vs. geometric
c) abstract vs. articulate
e) synetics vs. speculation
b) theory vs. practice
d) symbols/signs vs. patterns
f) ambiguity vs. intuition
g) serendipity vs. envisionments h) creative imagination vs. perspective
i) additive vs. subtractive (fill/layer, carve/cut)
k) precedent analysis vs. propositions/ reasons
j) principle vs. archetype
l) fancy (see Design Process #3 {below}) vs. judgements
m) contrasts vs. uniformities
o) nature vs. nurture
q) economy vs. quality
s) surreptitious vs. vibrant
u) parallelism vs. distinctions
w) ethereal vs. cosmopolitan
y) memory vs. loss
n) discretion vs. restraint
p) sequestration vs. unity
r) subtle vs. superfluous
t) trite vs. unique
v) embarrassment vs. confidence
x) sheen vs. matte
z) acute vs. obtuse
÷) program vs. thought ~ +) teeming vs. placid ~ %) righteous vs. obscene
mc^2) vocational vs. recreation ~ Ω) formal vs. casual ~ ¿?) public vs. private II) All materials produce affects (here are a few fabrics)
a) cotton, cushions, insulation, mesh, leather, fur, linen, velvet, microfiber, glitter, sequins, mirrors, corterois, silk, fleece, jean, denim, tweed, lace, wicker, wood, metal, stone, glass, rubber, synthetics, further standards/ experimentals
b) Manipulations- dye, bleach, distress/ fatigue, elasticize, pleat, engrave, singe, apply coating to, cut/carve, fill/ layer, reinforce, gussets, water seal, riddle with holes for stretch, aeration, or style, diffusion, exposure to heat(plastics etc.) chemical reaction(acetone to plexiglass/ acid etching, stained/ color changing glass, etc.)
c) Human, Visual/Mechanical Scale of malleability, hardness, rigidity, brittleness, heft, constriction, clinginess, range of motion, emphasis, projection, translucence, opacity, airiness, tension, thread count, collaboration, conformity, chaos, transformation, refinement, inflection, modification, counterpart, development, yardages, bolts, eurythmy, esteem, tenacity, complexity, opposition, impudence, receptiveness, reciprocity
d) Custom Fitting of Various Components – notepads, writing utensils, gadgets, drinks, snacks, medicines, accessories, combs, brushes, headphones, timepieces, hand warmers, hygienics, gloves, glasses, (All gear and Outfit's or Organism's parts to accordingly nest or correlate)onto/ into satchels/ valises, bags, compartments, pockets, fasteners, buckles, etc.
III) Procedural Methodology, considerations of a)Components Made Cohesive and Adjunctable
*Design Process - Initiation : identify a problem and its social economic and physical context.
2) Program : A procedure for solving a problem, as a statement setting forth the context conditions, requirements, & objectives for a design project.
3) Fancy : The play of the mind through which visions are summoned, especially mental inventions that are whimsical, playful, and characteristically removed from reality
4) Projet : the original scheme for a design presented in the form of a sketch outlining its specific character to be developed in detail in later studies.
5) Project : to regard an idea or concept as having some form of objective reality outside of the mind.
6) Synthesis : discovering constraints and opportunities, and hypothesizing possible alternative solutions
7) Develop : to work out expand or realize the capabilities or possibilities of so as to bring gradually to a fuller or more advanced or effective state
8) Modify : to change form, character, or qualities of in order to give a new orientation to or to serve a new end.
9) Refine : to improve or elaborate in order to make more fine or precise
10) Inflection : a bend, angle, or similar change in the shape of a configuration, by means of which a change of relationship to some context or condition is indicated
11) Transformation : the process of changing in form or structure through a series of discrete permutations and manipulations in response to a specific context or set of conditions without a loss of identity or concept
12) Draft : a preliminary version of a plan or design
13) Evaluation : simulating, testing, and modifying acceptable alternatives according to specified goals and criteria
14) Feedback : evaluative information about an action or process prompting a return to a preceding phase for alteration or correction (critique/ constructive criticism)
15) Action : selecting and implementing the most suitable solution
16) Implement : to ensure the fulfillment of by means of a definite plan or procedure
17) Reevaluation : assessing how well an implemented solution in use satisfies the specified goals and criteria
18) Charrette : An intense effort to complete a design project within a specified time
19) Dynamics : the pattern of change, growth, or development of an object or phenomenon
20) Iterations : repetitive processes of design on a project that lead to different developments*
*definitions from “A Visual Dictionary of Architecture” by Francis D.K. Ching, 1995*
IV) Some Considerations of Discretion
a) conceptual scheme to inspire theme or relay statement to occupant and observer
b) materials chosen to meet elemental necessities
c) means of fabrication and incorporation of fasteners, buckles, and compartmentalizations into design
d) creature comforts, liveliness, peace/ quiet, serenity, enigmatic, revelry
e) appreciation of natural and man made factors
f) reflection of bold, meek, simple, ornate, loud, vibrant, (various systems of life)
g) light, woodsy, elegant, angular, orthogonal, rugged, sporty, cozy, evocative, retentive, stable, colorful, monochromatic, complimentary and discordant variables to create a plethora of desired trends
h) cultural anthropology of past, present, and future instances and moments
i) instants framed in space at the rate of time
j) Philo Sophia perennis, physiology, parallels, and philology
k) inquiry, perception, and interpretation
l) tenable ethos, stature, gait, gumption, and volition
m) critique, rinse, repeat – find a “crit pit” and thicken your skin
n) subjective nature of humans, animals, plants, and objects
o) ubiquitous forces and semiotics
p) target audience and market
q) tea time and cue cards
r) ecological impact
s) nostalgia
t) hierarchal contiguity
u) anomalies and staples
v) risk vs. reward
w) anticipated shifts in cultural or market climate
x) time management
y) the most important question ~
z) range of ken, privy divulgations, stratagem, approach, execution, benefits, fallout, research, improvisations, and cyclical exponents....
) speculate, analyze, rationalize, anticipate, calculate, infer, restate assumptions, organize, hone forms of communication, implement