[ACADEMIC PAPER] The Growth of Analog Camera Users in Jakarta

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: Anugrah Dwi Prasetyo




: Global Islamic Senior High School


: The Growth of Analog Camera Users in Jakarta

It has been corrected and agreed to be tested in February 2015,

Wardit Hasanah, S.Pd The Advisor

The Examiner

Jakarta,……………………………………… Approved by,

Ayi Rusmadi, S.Pd The Principal of Global Islamic Senior High School



This research paper has been tested on February 2015.

The test committee: Wardit Hasanah, S.Pd





Alhamdulilah, praises and thanks to Allah SWT for health and His graces so I can finished this research in time. A lot of time, efforts, and minds are sacrificed to writing this research. For helping me to do this research, firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to our Principal, Mr. Ayi Rusmadi, Vice Principal of Curriculum and Student Affairs, Mr. Firdaus Noor Farid and Ms. Emmy Suhermi whom gave me facilities to finish this research. And, I also would like to express my gratitude to: 1. Ms. Wardit Hasanah, my English teacher who always motivated every 12 graders to do this research 2. Mom and Dad, who keeps giving me spirit and monitored the progress to this research 3. Christopher Aditya, who gave me many references for this research 4. Respondents who answered my questionnaires for the data of this research.

I realize that this research paper is not perfect. Because of that, suggestions and critics are accepted for evaluation and references for future research. In the end, I hope that this research paper is useful for the readers.

Jakarta, 21 November 2014 Anugrah Dwi Prasetyo














1.2 Problem Statements


1.3 Problem Limitation


1.4 Purposes


1.5 Benefits




2.2 Underlying Theories


2.2.1 Theory of Photography


2.2.2 Camera


2.2.3 Analog Photography


2.2.4 Photographic Film


2.2.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Analog Cameras


2.2.6 Hipsters




3.2 Object of the Study


3.3 Data Source


3.4 Method of Collecting Data


3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data


CHAPTER IV RESULTS 4.1 Survey Results




5.2 Suggestions









LIST OF CHARTS Chart 1. Have you ever used an analog camera?


Chart 2. Why do you use an analog camera?


Chart 3. What kind of analog camera do you use?


Chart 4. What do you think about analog camera?


Chart 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently?


Chart 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta?


Chart 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use analog camera?


Chart 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase?


Chart 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era of technology? Chart 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever?

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The purposes of this research are: (1) To know how fast the growth and the influence of analog cameras in Jakarta, (2) Knowing the reasons why and the impact to the social life. Type of the study in this research is qualitative research because the writer starts organizing and reporting results of the study using online survey study and interview to collect the data. In this research paper, the writer uses a case study to gain information to be reported. The writer gains the data from the online survey. Analyze the results from the survey then presented in charts. The results of this research are: First, in Jakarta, analog camera is still used and exist nowadays. According to the survey, this technology may be everlasting it depends how young generation know more about photography and preserving analog camera. Then why should be preserved? Because it is used as the basic way to learn photography based on the theory of photography. Second, introducing the advantages and disadvantages of analog camera as the instrument of photography in digital era. Third, the presence of hipster brings the revival of analog camera. We have to believe that existence of hipster and analog camera is real. Analog cameras influence the existence of hipsters in Jakarta since 2010s. Preserve the traditional film photography to learn the basic of photography, how to set the exposures and composition. Don’t underestimate the analog camera, even its old fashioned but the quality of it is better than digital camera. The production of celluloid film should be increased, considering the growth of the users and film demands are also increasing. Because the film was made from celluloid triacetate and need to be developed by chemical solutions, it’s better to replace the developer with eco-friendly materials.



1.1 Background Photography is one of hobby which is popular nowadays. Everybody can be a photographer, with any cameras, including smartphone cameras. Today, DSLRs is getting cheaper and cheaper, everybody can afford it. According to the history of Photography, the first camera is camera obscura which was invented by Greeks and Chinese. Then, Daguerreotype by Jacques Daguerre and his partner Nicéphore Niépce who invented the simpler way to photograph with cooper plate for its image recording medium. Then, the film ( 35mm celluloid photographic film) was invented by George Eastman (Kodak) in the early 19th century. In Indonesia, stereotypically, photography is one of prestige profession and hobby. Since the digital sensors are invented, some of Indonesian photographers moved from analog cameras to digital camera. Recently, some of Indonesian today’s youth fashion and culture was influenced by Hipsters which is a sub-culture that grows from the United States and came to Jakarta in late 2013. One of the characteristic of the hipster sub-culture was using the analog camera, which is one of their movement to preserve the vintage things. Then, analog camera was revived again in the early this year. Before the hipster sub-culture was booming nowadays, analog camera was still used by senior photographers who still preserve the joy using analog cameras, photography lab still exist that showing the existence of the usage of celluloid films and cameras which is still sold in Pasar Baru and many thrift stores around Jakarta.

Entitled “The Growth of Analog Camera Users in Jakarta”, the reason why the writer choose this title because he want to show how fast the growth of the usage of analog cameras in the middle of digital era and where the technologies are rapidly developing in Jakarta.


1.2 Problem Statements of the Research The problems are found in this research paper are: 1. Who are the hipsters? 2. Where we can buy an analog camera? Is it still sold nowadays? 3. Is there any community in Jakarta that still using analog camera? 4. What influence the users to use analog camera? 5. What are the impacts to their social life? 6. How was the growth of analog camera users in Jakarta?

1.3 Problem Limitations of the Research According to the problem statements, this research is limited to these problems: 1. How was the growth of analog camera users in Jakarta? 2. What influence the users to use analog camera? 3. What are the impacts to their social life?

1.4 Purposes of Research Purposes of this research are: 1. To know how fast the growth and the influence of analog cameras in Jakarta 2. Knowing the reasons why and the impact to the social life

1.5 Benefits of the Research Benefits of this research are: 1. For the writer, explore more about photography, analog cameras, and its growth in Jakarta 2. For the readers, to know more about analog photography and as reference for similar research.



2.1 Previous Study The previous study which is made by Halimah Nadya Sarasanti entitled Reasons Why Analog Cameras is Still Used by Photographers in Jakarta. She has a direct interview and an interview with Yahoo! Answers. She asked 4 questions to 4 peoples, which are: 1. Do you ever use analog camera? 2. Which type of analog camera? 3. What the advantage of analog camera? 4. Why analog camera is still used in Jakarta?

From the data, about 80% people ever used an analog camera, mostly like to use Polaroid, unique is the advantage of analog camera, and mostly people still used analog camera in Jakarta because the city of Jakarta have many beautiful spots to be photographed.

The conclusion according to the study are: a. People knew the types of analog camera which are Polaroid and Plastic cameras such as Lomo, Diana, Holga, and Fisheye camera. b. Photographers still used this kind of camera as props for photoshoots or use it for taking picture. c. The advantage of analog camera is the high quality picture that made by this camera d. The reason why is still used in Jakarta is because the city of Jakarta have many beautiful spots to be photographed

2.2 Underlying Theories

2.2.1 Theory of Photography Photography is the science, art and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film, or electronically by means of an image sensor.


Typically, a lens is used to focus the light reflected or emitted from objects into a real image on the light-sensitive surface inside a camera during a timed exposure. With an electronic image sensor, this produces an electrical charge at each pixel, which is electronically processed and stored in a digital image file for subsequent display or processing. The result with photographic emulsion is an invisible latent image, which is later chemically "developed" into a visible image, either negative or positive depending on the purpose of the photographic material and the method of processing. A negative image on film is traditionally used to photographically create a positive image on a paper base, known as a print, either by using an enlarger or by contact printing. 1

2.2.2 Camera A camera is an optical instrument that records images that can be stored directly, transmitted to another location, or both. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the word camera obscura (Latin for "dark chamber"), an early mechanism for projecting images. The modern camera evolved from the camera obscura. The functioning of the camera is very similar to the functioning of the human eye.

a. Single Lens-Reflex (SLR) In the single-lens reflex camera the photographer sees the scene through the camera lens. This avoids the problem of parallax which occurs when the viewfinder or viewing lens is separated from the taking lens. Single-lens reflex cameras have been made in several formats including sheet film 5x7" and 4x5", roll film 220/120 taking 8,10, 12 or 16 photographs on a 120 roll and twice that number of a 220 film. These correspond to 6x9, 6x7, 6x6 and 6x4.5 respectively (all dimensions in cm). Notable manufacturers of large format and roll film SLR cameras include Bronica, Graflex, Hasselblad, Mamiya, and Pentax. However the most common format of SLR cameras has been 35 mm and subsequently the migration to digital SLR cameras, using almost identical sized bodies and sometimes using the same lens systems.

Almost all SLR cameras use a front surfaced mirror in the optical path to direct the light from the lens via a viewing screen and pentaprism to the eyepiece. At the time of exposure the mirror is flipped up out of the light path before the shutter opens. Some early cameras experimented with other methods of providing through-the-lens viewing, including the use of a semi-transparent 4

pellicle as in the Canon Pellix and others with a small periscope such as in the Corfield Periflex series.

b. Rangefinder camera As camera and lens technology developed and wide aperture lenses became more common, rangefinder cameras were introduced to make focussing more precise. Early rangefinders had two separate viewfinder windows, one of which is linked to the focusing mechanisms and moved right or left as the focusing ring is turned. The two separate images are brought together on a ground glass viewing screen. When vertical lines in the object being photographed meet exactly in the combined image, the object is in focus. A normal composition viewfinder is also provided. Later the viewfinder and rangefinder were combined. Many rangefinder cameras had interchangeable lenses, each lens requiring its own range- and viewfinder linkages.

c. Medium Format Camera Medium-format cameras have a film size between the large-format cameras and smaller 35mm cameras. Typically these systems use 120 or 220 rollfilm. The most common image sizes are 6×4.5 cm, 6×6 cm and 6×7 cm; the older 6×9 cm is rarely used. The designs of this kind of camera show greater variation than their larger brethren, ranging from monorail systems through the classic Hasselblad model with separate backs, to smaller rangefinder cameras. There are even compact amateur cameras available in this format.2

d. Instant Camera The instant camera is a type of camera that generates a developed film image. The most popular types to use self-developing film were formerly made by Polaroid Corporation. The invention of modern instant cameras is generally credited to American scientist Edwin Land, who unveiled the first commercial instant camera, the Land Camera, in 1948, a year after unveiling instant film in New York City. The earliest instant camera, which consisted of a camera and portable darkroom in a single compartment, was invented in 1923 by Samuel Shlafrock. 3


e. Lomo Camera Lomography is a photographic image style, an analog camera movement and community facilitated by The Lomographic Society International. It is also a commercial trademark of Lomographische AG. The Lomographic Society International was founded in 1992 by a group of Viennese students after they discovered the LCA camera[1] created by LOMO PLC of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Lomography started as an art movement through which the students put on exhibitions of photos within Vienna; the art movement then developed into a commercial enterprise. Since 1995, Lomography has been the sole distributor of the LC-A camera outside of the former Soviet Union, and has moved into producing their own range of analog cameras, films and accessories. 4

2.2.3 Analog Photography Analog photography is photography that uses a progressively changing recording medium, which may be either chemical process based (e.g., photographic film or plate) or electronic (e.g., vidicon or CCD sensor). Analog photography has come to mean anything that is "not digital" despite some of controversy over the question of whether the use of film is a true analog process.

In a film camera that uses the gelatin-silver process, light falling upon photographic emulsions containing silver halides is recorded as a latent image. The latent image is subjected to photographic processing, which makes it visible and insensitive to light.

In a video camera or digital still camera, the signal is captured with a video camera tube or charge coupled device sensor, which sends the picture to be processed by the camera's electronics. The signal can be transmitted or recorded on a storage device for later playback. Analog photography is frequently used as a title for those who are keen to work with, or do work with more traditional types of photography; dedicated online communities have been established in which like-minded individuals together share and explore historic photographic practices. Analog photography has in fact become much more popular with younger generations who have become increasingly interested in the traditional photographic practice; sales in film-based cameras began to soar, and youth were seen to embrace some 19th-century technology. Urban Outfitters, a popular clothing chain has picked up on the trend and now offers


more than 60 product combinations relating to cameras, most of which are filmbased.

Polaroid used to be one of the most popular tools for analog instant photography, facing the digital revolution, Polaroid stopped production of analog instant film in 2008. A company called Impossible Project acquired Polaroid's production machines in order to produce new instant films for vintage Polaroid cameras and to revive the analog Polaroid photography technique.

The term ‘analogue photography’ or ‘film photography’ refers to photography using a camera and film. With each click of the camera, light interacts with the chemicals in the film and an image is recorded. The collected images in your roll of film, with the help of photo labs, is then subjected to photographic processing, which makes the images come to life. 5

According to the theories about analog photography, it can be concluded that analog photography is photography that uses a progressively changing recording medium. It may refer to photography using a camera and film. Polaroid used to be one of the most popular tools for analog instant photography. Films in black and white still produced as of 2013 such as Ilford, Fujifilm, Kentmere, and Rollei.

2.2.4 Photographic Film Photographic film is a strip or sheet of transparent plastic film base coated on one side with a gelatin emulsion containing microscopically small light-sensitive silver halide crystals. The sizes and other characteristics of the crystals determine the sensitivity, contrast and resolution of the film.

The emulsion will gradually darken if left exposed to light, but the process is too slow and incomplete to be of any practical use. Instead, a very short exposure to the image formed by a camera lens is used to produce only a very slight chemical change, proportional to the amount of light absorbed by each crystal. This creates an invisible latent image in the emulsion, which can be chemically developed into a visible photograph.

In black-and-white photographic film there is usually one layer of silver salts. When the exposed grains are developed, the silver salts are converted to metallic silver, which blocks light and appears as the black part of the film negative. 7

Color film has at least three sensitive layers. Dyes, which adsorb to the surface of the silver salts, make the crystals sensitive to different colors. Typically the bluesensitive layer is on top, followed by the green and red layers. During development, the exposed silver salts are converted to metallic silver, just as with black-and-white film. But in a color film, the by-products of the development reaction simultaneously combine with chemicals known as color couplers that are included either in the film itself or in the developer solution to form colored dyes. Because the by-products are created in direct proportion to the amount of exposure and development, the dye clouds formed are also in proportion to the exposure and development. Following development, the silver is converted back to silver salts in the bleach step. It is removed from the film in the fix step. Fixing leaves behind only the formed color dyes, which combine to make up the colored visible image.

Modern color films, like Kodacolor II, have as many as 12 emulsion layers, with upwards of 20 different chemicals in each layer. Due to film photography's long history of widespread use, there are now around one trillion pictures on photographic film or photographic paper in the world, enough to cover an area of around ten thousand square kilometers (4000 square miles), about half the size of Wales. There are several types of photographic film, including: a. Print film, when developed, yields transparent negatives with the light and dark areas and colors (if color film is used) inverted to their opposites. This type of film is designed to be printed onto photographic paper, usually by means of an enlarger but in some cases by contact printing. The paper is then itself developed. The second inversion that results restores light, shade and color to their normal appearance. Color negatives incorporate an orange color correction mask that compensates for unwanted dye absorptions and improves color accuracy in the prints. Although color processing is more complex and temperature-sensitive than black-and-white processing, the wide availability of commercial color processing and scarcity of service for black-and-white prompted the design of some black-and-white films which are processed in exactly the same way as standard color film.


b. Color reversal

film produces

positive transparencies,



as diapositives, which are sometimes inspected with the aid of a magnifying loupeand a lightbox. If mounted in small metal, plastic or cardboard frames for use in a slide projector or slide viewer they are commonly called slides. Reversal film is often marketed as "slide film". Large-format color reversal sheet film is used by some professional photographers, typically to originate



for digital

scanning into color

separations for mass photomechanical reproduction. Photographic prints can be produced from reversal film transparencies, but this process is usually more expensive and complex than printing from a negative. c. Black-and-white reversal film exists but is very uncommon. Conventional blackand-white negative film can be reversal-processed to produce black-and-white slides, as by dr5 Chrome. Although kits of chemicals for black-and-white reversal processing may no longer be available to amateur darkroom enthusiasts, an acid bleaching solution, the only unusual component which is essential, is easily prepared from scratch. Black-and-white transparencies may also be produced by printing negatives onto special positive print film, still available from some specialty photographic supply dealers.

Early photography in the form of Daguerreotypes did not use film at all. The lightsensitive chemicals were formed on the surface of a silver-plated copper sheet. The alternative calotype process produced paper negatives. Beginning in the 1850s, thin glass plates coated with photographic emulsion became the standard medium. Although fragile and heavy, the glass used for photographic plates was of better optical quality than early transparent plastics and was, at first, less expensive. Plates continued to be used long after the introduction of film, and are still manufactured for scientific use.

Hurter and Driffield began pioneering work on the light sensitivity of photographic emulsions in 1876. Their work enabled the first quantitative measure of film speed to be devised.

The first flexible photographic roll film was marketed by George Eastman in 1885, but this original "film" was actually a coating on a paper base. As part of the processing, the image-bearing layer was stripped from the paper and transferred to a hardened gelatin support. The first transparent plastic roll film followed in 1889. It


was made from highly flammable nitrocellulose ("celluloid"), now usually called "nitrate film".

Although cellulose acetate or "safety film" had been introduced by Kodak in 1908, at first it found only a few special applications as an alternative to the hazardous nitrate film, which had the advantages of being considerably tougher, slightly more transparent, and cheaper. The changeover was not completed for Xray films until 1933, and although safety film was always used for 16 mm and 8 mm home movies, nitrate film remained standard for theatrical 35 mm motion pictures until it was finally discontinued in 1951.

Experiments with color photography began almost as early as photography itself, but the three-color principle underlying all practical processes was not set forth until 1855, not demonstrated until 1861, and not generally accepted as "real" color photography until it had become an undeniable commercial reality in the early 20th century. Although color photographs of good quality were being made by the 1890s, they required special equipment, long exposures, complex printing or display procedures and highly specialized skills, so they were then exceedingly rare.

The first practical and commercially successful color "film" was the Lumière Autochrome, a glass plate product introduced in 1907. It was expensive and not sensitive enough for hand-held "snapshot" use. Film-based versions were introduced in the early 1930s and the sensitivity was later improved. These were "mosaic screen" additive color products, which used a simple layer of black-andwhite emulsion in combination with a layer of microscopically small color filter elements. The resulting transparencies or "slides" were very dark because the color filter mosaic layer absorbed most of the light passing through. The last films of this type were discontinued in the 1950s, but Polachrome "instant" slide film, introduced in 1983, temporarily revived the technology.

"Color film" in the modern sense of a subtractive color product with a multilayered emulsion was born with the introduction of Kodachrome for home movies in 1935 and as lengths of 35 mm film for still cameras in 1936. During the next several decades, color remained much more expensive than black-and-white and required much more light, factors which combined to delay its widespread adoption. Decreasing cost and increasing sensitivity gradually overcame these impediments. By the 1970s color film predominated and the use of black-and-white film was 10

increasingly confined to low-light and "art" photography and other niche applications.

Instant photography, as popularized by Polaroid, uses a special type of camera and film that automates and integrates development, without the need of further equipment or chemicals. This process is carried out immediately after exposure, as opposed to regular film, which is developed afterwards and requires additional chemicals. 6

2.2.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Analog Cameras There are advantages and disadvantages to both film photography and digital photography. In the war of film photography vs digital photography, it seems to be a love it or hate it proposition. Either you love digital photography and hate film photography, or you hate digital photography and love film photography. However, film photography and digital photography both have strong points that should be considered before ruling out either of them: a.

Lower initial cost


Better at capturing detail in whites and blacks (dynamic range)


More forgiving of minor focusing issues


More forgiving of exposure problems


Film is still higher resolution


Cameras are generally heavier


Film can take up a lot of space


Film is a continuing cost


Film must be developed before viewing


Unless you have a darkroom, you are dependent on the lab to edit your images.7

Better Image Quality Digital camera images are made up of thousands of picture elements known as pixels, tiny squares that combine to form a complete image. Many digital cameras produce good quality images, and high-end digital camera can produce extremely high-resolution images, according to PC Tech Guide. However, pixels in a digital image occur in regular patterns that are more easily distinguished by the human eye than the random patterns that occur with film images, especially with images taken


with less-expensive models. Many advocates of film photography also consider film images to be sharper, with crisper black-and-white resolution and richer color saturation, according to "PC and Tech Authority."

No Batteries Needed Digital cameras are very demanding of the battery power they use. Lithium and rechargeable batteries are required to provide reasonable battery life; alkaline batteries are often spent after only a few hours of use. Spent batteries present a serious environmental challenge; they often wind up in landfills where they leach toxic substances that can make their way into the soil and ground water. By contrast, old-school single-lens reflex film cameras require no batteries if you are shooting outdoors in natural daylight.

Other Film Advantages Film cameras are often more durable and hardy than digital cameras; they are more able to stand up to heat, cold, and inclement weather, according to "The Guardian." In addition, film cameras do not suffer from "shutter lag," the gap between the time you press the shutter button and the camera actually snaps the photo. Shutter lag can cause you to miss the shot, especially when your subject is a moving target, such as an animal or a small child.

Viewing Your Images Digital cameras have a major advantage over film cameras, especially if your image that is difficult to capture: you can view your images immediately. If your subject closed her eyes just as you were squeezing the shutter, or if you cut the top off the trees in the landscape scene you were shooting, you can simply delete the misaligned image and try again. If you're in a difficult lighting situation, you can know immediately whether you need to readjust your settings for proper exposure. By contrast, you must wait until your film images are developed to see whether you captured the shot you want or missed it. The process of developing film pictures can require hours if you have your own darkroom, and days or weeks if you must send your film off to a commercial developer.

Photo Storage, Editing and Sharing Although photo albums of film images represent a treasure trove of special memories for many individuals and families, storing them requires much more space than storing digital images, which can reside on a reusable memory card, or as files 12

on a CD, flash drive or even your computer's hard drive. If you have editing software on your computer, you can crop, re-size and edit digital images readily. Sharing digital images is as easy as creating a new CD or flash drive of an entire album, or sending individual messages by email. You may also print whatever digital images you choose, either on a home printer or by sending them to a commercial developer. On the other hand, digital photos can accidentally become erased or become unreadable if technology renders their format obsolete. Photos can fade, but if you keep the negatives, you can make fresh prints from them. 8

2.2.6 Hipsters

“Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20’s and 30’s that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.” ~ Urban Dictionary

The hipster subculture typically consists of white millennial living in urban areas. The subculture has been described as a "mutating, trans-Atlantic melting pot of styles, tastes and behavior" and is broadly associated with indie and alternative music, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility (including vintage and thrift store-bought clothes), generally progressive political views, organic and artisan foods, and alternative lifestyles. Hipsters are typically described as affluent or middle class young Bohemians who reside in gentrifying neighborhoods.

The term in its current usage first appeared in the 1990s and became particularly prominent in the 2010s, being derived from the term used to describe earlier movements in the 1940s. Members of the subculture do not self-identify as hipsters, and the word hipster is often used as a pejorative to describe someone who is pretentious, overly trendy or effete. Some analysts contend that the notion of the contemporary hipster is actually a myth created by marketing.

In a Huffington Post article entitled "Who's a Hipster?", Julia Plevin argues that the "definition of 'hipster' remains opaque to anyone outside this self-proclaiming, highly-selective circle." In Rob Horning's April 2009 article "The Death of the Hipster" in PopMatters, he states that the hipster might be the "embodiment of postmodernism as a spent force, revealing what happens when pastiche and irony exhaust themselves as aesthetics." In a New York Times editorial, Mark Greif states


that the much-cited difficulty in analyzing the term stems from the fact that any attempt to do so provokes universal anxiety, since it "calls everyone's bluff". 9

In the late 90s emerged a trend that recycles its retro style and anti-mainstream that we are familiar with the name of a hipster. Hipster is a subculture that is widely embraced by teenagers and young adults, typically they like something unusual (non-mainstream) in terms of taste in music, clothes, to lifestyle. This trend is growing in the country - the western countries and also in our country Indonesia. Here are some things to know about this subculture.

Originally developed in the 1940s. The word hipster much associated with the origin of the word 'hop' means opium and of the language of West Africa 'Hippy' which means' to open one's eyes ". In its time (1940) hipster mean people - white people who adapted the life of black musicians. It was lost during World War II and appeared back in the late 90s and 2000.

Hipster - One WHO possesses tastes, social attitudes, and opinions deemed cool by the cool. The Hipster walks Among the masses in daily life but is not a part of them and shuns or Reduces to kitsch anything held dear by the mainstream - The Hipster Handbook

The Characteristics. The following are some styles often adopted the hipster. The style varies from clothing, the kind of song you listen, to the behavior. What are they?

What Do Hipsters Wear? a. Fashion is important as taste in music. Hipster usually wear clothes that retro and not a well-known brand. Usually like clothes that is unique and independent distributions are less known by people. Often wear T-shirts or shirts with pictures and quotes from the movies that other people have never heard of. b. Skinny jeans is one of their characteristic. It can be used both among men and women. But usually women often wear leggings or jegging. c. The most iconic style is to wear plastic glasses or a large air-frame known as nerd glasses.


d. In terms of footwear, usually wear shoes - vintage shoes Reebok, Vans, or Converse All Stars. Wearing various types of accessories, especially that is vintage and usually wear a belt bag.

What Are Hipsters Passionate About? a. Love the songs from indie bands. Whatever the genre, as long as not mainstream. Vinyl no CD's, they tend to collect Vinyl than CDs. They also like photography especially analog photography. Also loved about philosophy and film criticism. b. Reading different types of books. Hipster tend insightful. Hipster is not same as the nerd.

How About Their Attitude? a. Hipster is synonymous with lifestyle or behavior indifferent and cool. They are usually easy going and have a lot of acquaintances. b. They rarely go to places and assume self-care is the best natural style. Hair after waking up is the coolest. c. Have high creativity, love vegan food and other non-mainstream dishes, and often use sarcasm a little joke. That was some characteristic of a hipster. Fashion and culture is like the cycle of nature. As this subculture lost early 40s and reappears, it is likely this trend will exist in the future. 10
























3.1 Type of the Study Type of the study in this research is qualitative research because the writer starts organizing and reporting results of the study using online survey study and interview to collect the data. In this research paper, the writer uses a case study to gain information to be reported. 3.2 Object of the Study The object of the study is 10 respondents which are from Jakarta who are 16-25 years old starting from students to college students. They are from various schools and universities. 3.3 Data Source The writer gains the data from the online survey. Analyze the results from the survey then presented in charts. 3.4 Method of Collecting Data The method of collecting data is started with making 10 questions about analog camera and distributed in an online survey. Then, giving the online survey link to the respondent via Line, Facebook, and Twitter. The respondents answers through the link and resulting the survey result. 3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data After having the result from the online survey, the quantities of the result are the objects to be analyzed by making the percentage of each answer from each question.


CHAPTER IV RESULTS 4.1 Survey Results

Have you ever used an analog camera? 0% Yes No 100%


From 10 respondents that I have done online survey, all of them have used analog cameras. So, it shows that analog camera is familiar for teenagers in Jakarta.

Why do you use analog camera? 22%

22% Trend Hobby/Interest Other 56%


The reason why do they use analog camera, mostly because it’s their hobby or their interest. 22% of the respondent, said that they only want to know how to use it, in the same percentage, they use it because the trend nowadays.


What kind of analog camera do you use? 35mm SLR 10% 10%

Rangefinder 20%

Medium Format


Polaroid or other instant camera


Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) Chart.3

Most of them use Polaroid or other instant camera, it’s because simple, it’s instant, and stylish such as Fuji Instax which was sold since 2012 in Jakarta. Then, only 20% of the respondent use rangefinder which was using 35mm film. And the rest, same amount, 10% use SLRs and Plastic camera like Lomo and Diana F+.

What do you think about analog camera?


Vintage Cool


Challenging 10%


About 50% of the respondents think that using the analog camera is challenging. Because it’s still use celluloid film as the image-recording media and there wasn’t any LCD displays for viewing what you shoot recently. So, you have to develop the film before you can see your image. 40% of the respondents think that analog camera is vintage because analog camera was made since 1920s.


If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? "Wow! So cool!"


"Why you still use that camera?"



"So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?"


Most people were surprised when they use analog camera. Surprised of the usage of analog camera which still using celluloid films in the middle of digital era which now use digital sensor for its image-recording.

What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? 10% 30%

Interesting High-cost Challenging 60%


60% of the respondents think that using analog camera in Jakarta is expensive because the rarity of analog cameras today and its film which some of it was not produced any more like Kodak who stopped the photographic film production since 2012. Since last 2 years, the price of photographic film was rapidly increasing. Beside the cameras and the films, the maintenance cost of photo labs also very expensive. 30% of the respondents also said that using analog camera is challenging because in analog camera we can’t see the image that you took recently or even delete it. Only 10% respondents said that using that camera is interesting, because of its unique body, unique mechanism, and very vintage.


Do you think you are a hipster if you use analog camera? 20%

Yes 40%

Maybe No



40% of the respondents said that they think they are hipster if they use analog camera. In the same percentage, they think that they maybe a hipster. Considering that hipsters who revive the usage of analog camera nowadays in Jakarta. That was the proof that analog camera influence the hipster subculture which was booming in last 2 years.

Do you think the analog camera users will increase? 20% 40%

Yes Maybe No



40% of the respondents said that analog camera users will increase because of curiosity of young generation about hipster sub-culture who popularize the analog camera again in last 2 years. In the same amount, respondents said that analog camera users may increase. Only 20% said that analog camera users will not increase because the rarity and expensive cost of the camera and films that made some people tired of using analog camera and won’t use it again.


Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era of technology? 10%


Yes Maybe No



60% of the respondents are doubt of analog camera will everlasting in this modern age where todays camera are using digital sensors and LCD displays to preview the images. Many advantages of digital camera over analog camera such as editable photos, easy storage, and easy to share to other people. 30% of the respondents said that his technology will everlasting because some people try to preserve the traditional film photography and passed down to their children. Only 10% of respondents said that they won’t guarantee the usage of analog camera in the future because of disadvantages of the camera.

If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? 30%


Yes Maybe No



50% of respondents are doubt when they are using analog camera because film and photo labs are expensive and the rarity of analog camera on the market nowadays. 30% of the respondent won’t use analog camera forever because they knew that analog camera is getting expensive. At last, only 20% will use analog camera, it’s because they are hobbyist, they work with it, or even their own way to investing in photography field for the future.



5.1 Conclusion According to the underlying theories and survey results it can be concluded that: a. In Jakarta, analog cameras are still used and exist nowadays. According to the survey, this technology may be everlasting it depends how young generation know more about photography and preserving analog camera. Then why should be preserved? Because it is used as the basic way to learn photography based on the theory of photography b. The growth of the analog users are increasing, considering the influence of hipster in social media such as in Instagram and Facebook that shows the hipster social life c. According to the survey, the reason why they use analog camera mostly because of hobby or interest, considering the photography hobby is popular nowadays and getting cheaper. Besides that, the reason why they use it because they were curious how to use the analog camera, considering analog camera still use celluloid films in the middle of digital era d. The presence of hipster brings the revival of analog camera. We have to believe that existence of hipster and analog camera is real. Analog cameras influence the existence of hipsters in Jakarta since late 2013. 5.2 Suggestion a. Don’t underestimate the analog camera, even its old fashioned but the quality of it is better than digital camera b. Because the film was made from celluloid triacetate and need to be developed by chemical solutions, it’s better to replace the developer with eco-friendly materials c. The production of celluloid film should be increased, considering the growth of the users and film demands are increasing d. Preserve the traditional film photography to learn the basic of photography, how to set the exposures and composition.


ATTACHMENTS Name: Adista Nuratika, SMA Lazuardi, 17 yrs old. 1. Have you ever used analog camera? a) Yes b) No 2. If yes, why? a) Trend b) Hobby/Interest c) Others (Please specify): Trying how to use the camera 3. What kind of analog camera do you use? a) 35mm SLR b) Rangefinder c) Medium Format d) Polaroid or other instant cameras e) Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) 4. What do you think about analog camera? a) Vintage b) Cool c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? a) "Wow! So cool!" b) "Why you still use that camera?" c) "So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?" 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? a) Interesting b) High-cost c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use an analog camera? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No


Name: Aqiila Puterikami, SMA Dian Didaktika, 17 yrs old. 1. Have you ever used analog camera? a) Yes b) No 2. If yes, why? a) Trend b) Hobby/Interest c) Others (Please specify): 3. What kind of analog camera do you use? a) 35mm SLR b) Rangefinder c) Medium Format d) Polaroid or other instant cameras e) Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) 4. What do you think about analog camera? a) Vintage b) Cool c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? a) "Wow! So cool!" b) "Why you still use that camera?" c) "So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?" 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? a) Interesting b) High-cost c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use an analog camera? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No


Name: Deyang Husnah, SMA Global Prestasi, 17 yrs old. 1. Have you ever used analog camera? a) Yes b) No 2. If yes, why? a) Trend b) Hobby/Interest c) Others (Please specify): 3. What kind of analog camera do you use? a) 35mm SLR b) Rangefinder c) Medium Format d) Polaroid or other instant cameras e) Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) 4. What do you think about analog camera? a) Vintage b) Cool c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? a) "Wow! So cool!" b) "Why you still use that camera?" c) "So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?" 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? a) Interesting b) High-cost c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use an analog camera? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No


Name: Fanisa Widya Rarasati, SMA 47, 17 yrs old. 1. Have you ever used analog camera? a) Yes b) No 2. If yes, why? a) Trend b) Hobby/Interest c) Others (Please specify): 3. What kind of analog camera do you use? a) 35mm SLR b) Rangefinder c) Medium Format d) Polaroid or other instant cameras e) Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) 4. What do you think about analog camera? a) Vintage b) Cool c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? a) "Wow! So cool!" b) "Why you still use that camera?" c) "So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?" 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? a) Interesting b) High-cost c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use an analog camera? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No


Name: Faza Aghnia, SMA Global Islamic School, 16 yrs old. 1. Have you ever used analog camera? a) Yes b) No 2. If yes, why? a) Trend b) Hobby/Interest c) Others (Please specify): 3. What kind of analog camera do you use? a) 35mm SLR b) Rangefinder c) Medium Format d) Polaroid or other instant cameras e) Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) 4. What do you think about analog camera? a) Vintage b) Cool c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? a) "Wow! So cool!" b) "Why you still use that camera?" c) "So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?" 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? a) Interesting b) High-cost c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use an analog camera? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No


Name: Kevin Aldrianza, SMA 47, 17 yrs old. 1. Have you ever used analog camera? a) Yes b) No 2. If yes, why? a) Trend b) Hobby/Interest c) Others (Please specify): 3. What kind of analog camera do you use? a) 35mm SLR b) Rangefinder c) Medium Format d) Polaroid or other instant cameras e) Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) 4. What do you think about analog camera? a) Vintage b) Cool c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? a) "Wow! So cool!" b) "Why you still use that camera?" c) "So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?" 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? a) Interesting b) High-cost c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use an analog camera? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No


Name: Puteri Halim, SMA Labschool Kebayoran, 17 yrs old. 1. Have you ever used analog camera? a) Yes b) No 2. IF YES, WHY? a) Trend b) Hobby/Interest c) Others (Please specify): 3. What kind of analog camera do you use? a) 35mm SLR b) Rangefinder c) Medium Format d) Polaroid or other instant cameras e) Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) 4. What do you think about analog camera? a) Vintage b) Cool c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? a) "Wow! So cool!" b) "Why you still use that camera?" c) "So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?" 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? a) Interesting b) High-cost c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use an analog camera? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No


Name: Rainati Rahmaputeri, SMA 8 Jakarta, 17 yrs old. 1. Have you ever used an analog camera? a) Yes b) No 2. IF YES, WHY? a) Trend b) Hobby/Interest c) Others (Please specify): Trying how to use 3. What kind of analog camera do you use? a) 35mm SLR b) Rangefinder c) Medium Format d) Polaroid or other instant cameras e) Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) 4. What do you think about analog camera? a) Vintage b) Cool c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? a) "Wow! So cool!" b) "Why you still use that camera?" c) "So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?" 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? a) Interesting b) High-cost c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use an analog camera? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No


Name: Unggul Reynawa, SMA Avicenna Cinere, 17 yrs old 1. Have you ever used an analog camera? a) Yes b) No 2. If yes, why? a) Trend b) Hobby/Interest c) Others (Please specify): 3. What kind of analog camera do you use? a) 35mm SLR b) Rangefinder c) Medium Format d) Polaroid or other instant cameras e) Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) 4. What do you think about analog camera? a) Vintage b) Cool c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? a) "Wow! So cool!" b) "Why you still use that camera?" c) "So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?" 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? a) Interesting b) High-cost c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use an analog camera? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No


Name: Zulfi Rachman, SMA Global Islamic School, 16 yrs old. 1. Have you ever used an analog camera? a) Yes b) No 2. IF YES, WHY? a) Trend b) Hobby/Interest c) Others (Please specify): 3. What kind of analog camera do you use? a) 35mm SLR b) Rangefinder c) Medium Format d) Polaroid or other instant cameras e) Plastic Cameras (Lomo, Diana, Holga) 4. What do you think about analog camera? a) Vintage b) Cool c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 5. If you are using analog camera, what people said recently? a) "Wow! So cool!" b) "Why you still use that camera?" c) "So 'old school'! Is it difficult to use it?" 6. What do you think about using analog camera in Jakarta? a) Interesting b) High-cost c) Challenging d) Others (Please specify): 7. Do you think you are a hipster if you use an analog camera? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 8. Do you think the analog camera users will increase? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 9. Do you think this technology (film camera) will everlasting in this modern era? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No 10. If you are analog camera user, will you use it forever? a) Yes b) Maybe c) No






http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog_photography Anonymous. “Camera” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camera Anonymous.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hipster_(contemporary_subculture) Anonymous. “Instant Camera” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant_camera Anonymous. “Lomography” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lomography Anonymous. “Photography” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photography Anonymous. “Photographic Film” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photographic_film Anonymous.








http://www.ehow.com/info_8701974_five-advantages-disadvantages-filmcamera.html Anonymous.




http://photography.about.com/od/filmvsdigital/a/FilmVsDigital.htm Mahendra,











Anugrah Dwi Prasetyo was born in Jakarta, 17 June 1997. He lives in Jl. Olah Raga 2/19, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta. He was the youngest children in his family. Since elementary school, he studied at Global Islamic School. One of the film photography practitioners among young photographers in Jakarta. Since 2012, he started to shoot in film, preserving the traditional way before digital sensors are invented. Challenging is the one of the reason why he start his interest in film photography. The fragrance of darkroom chemicals made him mad for shooting in films. Mainly shoot with color negatives. According to photography genres, mainly shoot photojournalism, street, and architectural. Some of his achievements are: Best Scientific Paper Global Islamic School Junior High 2012 and 2nd place of Karate Championship GIS Expo 2006. Since 2012, he is one of the Student Council in Art department until 2014. He is also one of the Representative of Provoke! Magazine vol. 8. He wish that he can continue his education in Architecture at University of Indonesia or at Catholic University of Parahyangan.


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