Catálogo jersey abril 2017 usa

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Great People. Great Bulls.


e are eager to share the results of the April sire summary with you, our customerowners. In the following pages you will find the most diverse, elite and dominant genetic offering from one A.I. source. By working with your Select Sires representative you will discover the depth and value that Select Sires provides. New in this directory you will find Livability (LIV) listed in the data block for each sire. LIV identifies sires that have high or low mortality rates in their daughters. It is expressed as the percent of daughters that remain alive in the herd until they can be culled and provide a source of income for the herd. Net Merit (NM$) has been updated with a new formula that will result in slightly lower values and uses a lower milk price than the previous version. The new NM$ index includes more emphasis for Fat and a bit less for Protein as well as reduced weight on Productive Life to make room for the addition of LIV. A body weight composite replaces the previous body size composite which provides a more accurate indicator of body weight. Also, you will see a significant shift in Jersey Performance Index™ (JPI™) that will look similar to a base change. JPI values will be 15 to 30 percent lower, and the new formula will emphasize production and components more and include LIV and cow efficiency through a body weight composite value. Our Jersey, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, Guernsey and Milking Shorthorn programs all added new proven graduates. These include sires that excel for total performance, fertility and fitness as well as high-type sires and new members of the Showcase Selections™ lineup. Semen fertility is key to making genetic progress and at Select Sires we take that very seriously. Among all high-components breeds you can find 19 proven sires and 19 Super Samplers™ at or above +1.0 SCR in this sire directory. Select Sires is dedicated to offering elite genetics in all major dairy breeds and we are committed to enhancing the quality and diversity of available genetics. We are proud of the success of the Program for Genetic Advancement™ (PGA™), and we are thrilled to offer the elite sires from River Valley Farm and to partner with an aggressive genetic developer, Jerseyland Sires, to bring an even broader genetic offering to your farm. You can find Jerseyland Sires on page 14. River Valley Farm sires start on page 24. It is a great honor for us to share in the challenge of improving the genetics, productivity and profitability of your dairy. It is a challenge that we do not take lightly, and we look forward to working with you to secure your livelihood well into the future! Select Sires sire analyst team: (l-r) Blaine Crosser, Herby Lutz, Jeff Ziegler and Adam Oswalt. Cover photo: 7JE1274 AXIS daughter group at Crosswind Jerseys, Elkton, SD.



7JE1354 HEARTLAND IRWIN TEXAS-ET USA67312531 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 135,561 aAa: 423 Beta Casein: A2A2


Igl Texas Misty-ET (VG-82%) Tony Meier, Palmer, KS

Igl Texas Missy-ET (VG-84%) Ava, Ela & Ivy Nebgen, De Forest, WI

River Valley Texas Charley 1317 (VG-86%) River Valley Farm, Tremont, IL

Her-Man Texas Belle Herby & Amanda Lutz, Chester, SC

S: All Lynns Valentino Irwin-ET D: Heartland Nathan Texas-ET (E-95%) MGS: Wetumpka Lemvig Nathan-ET MGD: Heartland Mor Tulsa (E-90%) MGGS: Wilsonview Khan Morgan-ET

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 99 Dtrs/25 Herds Rel 92% +321Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 85%) Protein +0.01 +13 Cheese Merit Fat -0.09 -3 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 17 Dtrs/10 Herds Rel 83% +2.0Type +31.0JUI

RIP 92% +$196 +$205 +10 GJPI+65

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.91 86% Rel PL +4.2 77% Rel LIV +0.2 54% Rel HCR +2.2 73% Rel CCR -2.0 68% Rel DPR -2.2 68% Rel Sire Conception Rate +4.4 96% Rel 6,112 Obs Use on daughters of: DIMENSION FASTRACK JX GOLDA {3} JX JAMMER {4} NEWS



7JE1274 SUGAR GROVE VALENTINO AXIS USA67072875 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234,246 aAa: 342165 Beta Casein: A2A2

Crosswind Axis 5795 {6}-ET Crosswind Jerseys, Elkton, SD

SUNSET CANYON AXIS MAID 511 (VG-86%) Eric Silva, Beaver, OR

Crosswind Axis 5780 {6}-ET (VG-87%) Crosswind Jerseys, Elkton, SD

Axis Daughter Group Crosswind Jerseys, Elkton, SD

S: All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET D: Sugar Grove Restore Addie-ET (VG-87%) MGS: Schultz Dudley Restore-ET MGD: Forest Glen Avery Addie-ET (VG-87%) MGGS: Bancrest Lester Avery

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 825 Dtrs/128 Herds Rel 98% +1,984Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 91%) Protein -0.04 +64 Cheese Merit Fat -0.23 +45 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 230 Dtrs/81 Herds Rel 95% +1.8Type +12.7JUI

RIP 89% +$582 +$595 +109 GJPI+168

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.82 96% Rel PL +6.8 82% Rel LIV +2.7 53% Rel HCR +0.2 84% Rel CCR -2.2 85% Rel DPR -3.2 86% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.4 95% Rel 4,966 Obs Use on daughters of: BALLISTIC DIMENSION FASTRACK JX GOLDA {3} PHAROAH TOPEKA



7JE1294 JARS OF CLAY BARNABAS USA67342492 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 246,234 aAa: 156324 Beta Casein: A2A2

Kash-In Barnabas 45001-ET (VG-89%) Rancho Teresita Dairy, Tulare, CA

JX Goff Barnabas 26632 {3}-ET (VG-85%) Buster Goff, Hobbs, NM

Missiska Barnabas Jenny (VG-83%) Caroline Pelletier & Paulin Bard, Saint Armand, QC

Legendairy Barnabas Venus (VG-87%) Coltan Owen Seals, Beaver, OR

S: Heartland Merchant Topeka-ET D: Jars Of Clay Valentino Bridget (E-91%) MGS: All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET MGD: Jars Of Clay Venerable 1771 2620-P (E-90%) MGGS: Bw Venerable-ET

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 334 Dtrs/74 Herds Rel 96% +367Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 88%) Protein +0.00 +14 Cheese Merit Fat +0.05 +28 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 60 Dtrs/37 Herds Rel 87% +2.5Type +27.9JUI

RIP 96% +$227 +$233 +42 GJPI+62

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.99 92% Rel PL +4.0 79% Rel LIV -2.2 49% Rel HCR +0.9 80% Rel CCR -3.3 75% Rel DPR -3.1 76% Rel Sire Conception Rate +3.0 97% Rel 7,788 Obs Use on daughters of: COLTON FASTRACK JX JAMMER {4} NEWS NITRO PHAROAH



7JE1335 SUNSET CANYON JORDACHE-ET USA118216768 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 345,234 aAa: 354 Beta Casein: A2A2


JX Cal-Mart Jordache Verla 7541 {5} (VG-84%) Martin Dairy LLC, Tillamook, OR S: Sunset Canyon David-ET D: Sunset Canyon Impuls L Maid 4-ET (E-91%) MGS: ISDK Q Impuls MGD: Sunset Canyon Lemvig Maid 4-ET (E-93%) MGGS: ISDK Fyn Lemvig CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 172 Dtrs/30 Herds Rel 94% +80Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 87%) Protein +0.10 +23 Cheese Merit Fat +0.31 +66 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 13 Dtrs/9 Herds Rel 81% +1.3Type +21.8JUI

RIP 94% +$446 +$482 +89

Full Circle Jordache 14142 {3} Full Circle Jerseys, Dalhart, TX

GJPI +128

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.93 88% Rel PL +4.7 78% Rel LIV +2.0 55% Rel HCR +0.4 73% Rel CCR -2.0 69% Rel DPR -2.3 69% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.6 93% Rel 3,710 Obs



7JE1219 DUTCH HOLLOW OLIVER-P USA67184544 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 126,123 aAa: 423651 Beta Casein: A2A2

Covington Oliver Jenny (VG-86%) Covington Jerseys and Covington, Leon, IA S: All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET D: Dutch Hollow Mik Olive-P (E-92%) MGS: Dutch Hollow Q Mik-P-ET MGD: Dutch Hollow Legion Olivia (E-90%) MGGS: BW Legion CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 532 Dtrs/128 Herds Rel 98% +703Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 91%) Protein -0.02 +22 Cheese Merit Fat +0.06 +46 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 265 Dtrs/76 Herds Rel 96% +2.4Type +23.0JUI

RIP 57% +$435 +$439 +68

Covington Oliver Maid-P (E-91%) Covington Jerseys and Covington, Leon, IA

GJPI +121

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.91 96% Rel PL +4.9 82% Rel LIV +3.1 55% Rel HCR -0.2 78% Rel CCR -0.6 84% Rel DPR -0.4 85% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.1 94% Rel 4,372 Obs




7JE1254 JX DEN-KEL HENDRIX JAMMER {4}-ET USA67138859 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F aAa: 423561 Beta Casein: A1A2 Hendrix x Dale x Impuls

DP Jammer Madison 2006 {5}-ET (VG-85%)

Ahlem Farms Partnership, Hilmar, CA

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 178 Dtrs/49 Herds Rel 95% +1,075Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 87%) Protein -0.04 +30 Cheese Merit Fat +0.08 +67 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 100 Dtrs/31 Herds Rel 92% +0.9Type +10.1JUI

JX Generations Jammer Dora {5} (VG-87%)

Southern Heritage Jerseys, Lascassas, TN

RIP 49% +$477 +$478 +97 GJPI+131

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.83 90% Rel PL +5.2 78% Rel LIV +0.3 47% Rel HCR +0.7 55% Rel CCR -0.1 75% Rel DPR -0.6 75% Rel Sire Conception Rate +3.5 81% Rel 1,102 Obs

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada



7JE1242 ALL LYNNS HENDRIX NITRO USA117951556 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 123 aAa: 423516 Beta Casein: A2A2 Hendrix x Tbone x Louie

Kash-In Nitro 43739-P-ET (VG-85%)

Rancho Teresita Dairy, Tulare, CA

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 688 Dtrs/175 Herds Rel 98% +773Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 91%) Protein +0.01 +31 Cheese Merit Fat -0.06 +25 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 371 Dtrs/122 Herds Rel 96% +0.7Type +9.5JUI

Chilli Nitro Cabo-ET (VG-89%)

River Valley Farm, Tremont, IL

RIP 70% +$313 +$327 +56 GJPI+111

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.95 96% Rel PL +1.8 81% Rel LIV +0.3 51% Rel HCR +1.3 79% Rel CCR +3.0 84% Rel DPR +3.4 85% Rel Sire Conception Rate +3.5 96% Rel 6,143 Obs Use on daughters of: BALLISTIC COLTON DIMENSION PHAROAH PRESCOTT {6} TOPEKA


7JE1275 PEARLMONT VISIONARY DEMAND USA67139471 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F aAa: 435261 Beta Casein: A1A2 Visionary x Restore x Impuls

Avi-Lanche Demand Secert 13365

Avi-Lanche Jerseys, Dalhart, TX

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 41 Dtrs/27 Herds Rel 88% +789Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 82%) Protein +0.03 +35 Cheese Merit Fat +0.00 +38 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 19 Dtrs/13 Herds Rel 82% +0.4Type +5.5JUI

RIP 54% +$476 +$500 +73 GJPI+145

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.81 81% Rel PL +6.1 77% Rel LIV +0.8 50% Rel HCR +4.2 56% Rel CCR +2.7 67% Rel DPR +0.4 68% Rel Use on daughters of: BALLISTIC CHROME NEWS PHAROAH TEXAS TOPEKA


7JE1332 ORTHRIDGE RENO 8403010771735

Volcano x Maximum x Rasmus

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 345,456 aAa: 534162 Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 61 Dtrs/29 Herds RIP 87% Rel 88% +675Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 81%) +$351 Protein -0.03 +17 Cheese Merit +$346 Fat +0.08 +48 CFP +65 CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 20 Dtrs/13 Herds Rel 80% +1.4Type +21.2JUI GJPI +100 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.01 80% Rel PL +3.2 73% Rel LIV -0.3 48% Rel HCR +2.1 58% Rel CCR +0.4 62% Rel DPR -0.2 63% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.7 92% Rel 3,167 Obs Use on daughters of: CHROME DIMENSION METALICA NEWS NITRO PHAROAH



Critic-P x Restore x Impuls

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 135 aAa: 354126 Beta Casein: A1A1

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 39 Dtrs/20 Herds RIP 72% Rel 88% +1,111Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 83%) +$459 Protein +0.01 +41 Cheese Merit +$476 Fat -0.01 +51 CFP +92 CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 24 Dtrs/14 Herds Rel 84% +1.3Type +11.8JUI GJPI +139 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.86 81% Rel PL +5.0 78% Rel LIV -0.5 56% Rel HCR +2.0 59% Rel CCR -1.2 70% Rel DPR -2.5 71% Rel Use on daughters of: GALVANIZE NEWS OLIVER-P PHAROAH RENO VALENTINO



Renegade x Impuls x Paramount

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 246,234 aAa: 345 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 1,255 Dtrs/207 Herds RIP 5% Rel 99% +69Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 97%) +$447 Protein +0.18 +39 Cheese Merit +$510 Fat +0.27 +58 CFP +97 CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 503 Dtrs/149 Herds Rel 98% +0.2Type +5.5JUI GJPI +148 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.90 98% Rel PL +4.2 95% Rel LIV -0.5 80% Rel HCR +4.3 88% Rel CCR +0.9 96% Rel DPR -0.4 95% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.6 96% Rel 7,093 Obs Use on daughters of: HEART JX GOLDA {3} TBONE VALENTINO ZIPPER

7JE1038 ALL LYNNS LOUIE VALENTINO-ET USA116279413 Louie x Paramount x Abe {6} BBR: 100 JH1C JH2F DMS: 123,234 aAa: 135264 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 11,313 Dtrs/1,310 Herds RIP 21% Rel 99% +694Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 99%) +$335 Protein -0.01 +24 Cheese Merit +$341 Fat -0.06 +22 CFP +46 CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 5,128 Dtrs/696 Herds Rel 99% +2.0Type +18.2JUI GJPI +87 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.00 99% Rel PL +6.2 99% Rel LIV +3.0 97% Rel HCR +0.6 98% Rel CCR -2.8 99% Rel DPR -2.3 99% Rel Sire Conception Rate -1.2 99% Rel 19,681 Obs Use on daughters of: GOVERNOR KYROS MILES SPECTACULAR ZUMA


Sunset Canyon critic dixie 162-p-et (E-91%)


Full sister to DEPUTY


Ahlem Dimension Paula 40199-ET (E-90%)

Ron & Christy Ratliff, Trustee, Garnett, KS


Ahlem Valentino Bess 39705 (E-93%), Third Lactation River Valley Farm, Tremont, IL


7JE1331 BERRYS DIMENSION VARICK-ET USA118148696 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 246,126 aAa: 324156 Beta Casein: A2A2 Dimension x Academy x Legacy

Berrys Academy Esperanza-ET (E-92%)


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 53 Dtrs/31 Herds Rel 90% +583Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 82%) Protein +0.10 +41 Cheese Merit Fat +0.13 +53 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 22 Dtrs/15 Herds Rel 82% +1.1Type +15.6JUI Health and Fertility

RIP 92% +$505 +$546 +94 GJPI+163


SCS 2.92 81% Rel PL +4.4 74% Rel LIV +1.5 47% Rel HCR +2.7 54% Rel CCR +1.7 64% Rel DPR +1.0 65% Rel Use on daughters of: BARNABAS CHROME GALVANIZE IRWIN RENO VALENTINO


7JE1221 AHLEM HEADLINE PHAROAH 21795 USA68951429 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234,246 aAa: 621 Beta Casein: A1A2 Headline x Iatola x Country

Goff Pharoah 24421 {2} (VG-86%)

Goff Dairy, Hobbs, NM

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 587 Dtrs/109 Herds Rel 98% +1,238Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 92%) Protein -0.07 +30 Cheese Merit Fat -0.16 +25 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 334 Dtrs/82 Herds Rel 96% +1.4Type +18.0JUI Health and Fertility

Goff Pharaoh 24000-ET (VG-83%)

Goff Dairy, Hobbs, NM

RIP 31% +$413 +$403 +55 GJPI+121


SCS 2.97 96% Rel PL +5.4 85% Rel LIV +3.5 59% Rel HCR +0.9 66% Rel CCR +3.1 86% Rel DPR +2.5 87% Rel Sire Conception Rate -1.5 96% Rel 5,762 Obs Use on daughters of: DIMENSION ECLIPES-P FASTRACK JX GOLDA {3} TOPEKA


7JE1184 GLYNN HEADLINE NEWS-ET USA117315110 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 135,345 aAa: 156342 Beta Casein: A2A2 Headline x Jevon x Jace

JX Rials News 2804 {2} (VG-88%), Second Lactation

Rials Farm, Kokomo, MS

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 117 Dtrs/41 Herds Rel 94% +1,774Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 88%) Protein -0.06 +50 Cheese Merit Fat -0.28 +25 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 73 Dtrs/27 Herds Rel 91% +1.2Type +5.8JUI Health and Fertility

Four J News 13306 {5} (VG-87%)

Four J Jersey Farm, Tipton, CA

RIP 21% +$435 +$435 +75 GJPI+130


SCS 2.85 89% Rel PL +5.2 83% Rel LIV +2.1 59% Rel HCR -0.8 62% Rel CCR +0.0 78% Rel DPR -0.2 79% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.2 93% Rel 3,476 Obs Use on daughters of: DIMENSION JX GOLDA {3} MILES RILEY TOPEKA



7JE1251 BW METALICA-ET USA117961544 BBR 100 JH1C JH2F DMS: 234 aAa: 243 Beta Casein: A1A2

Her-Man Metalica Dazzle Dream-ET (VG-87%), Junior All-American Milking Yearling and 4th in Open Show, All-American Jersey Show, 2016, Hobbs Lutz, Sierra Tinsley and Nate Smith, Chester, SC

Kash-In Metalica 43255-ET (VG-84%) Rancho Teresita Dairy, Tulare, CA

Lady-Lane Meta Picture Perfect-ET (VG-88%) Garry Jay Jansen, Mulino, OR

Bohnerts Metalica Gillie (VG-87%) Cassie Bohnert, East Moline, IL

S: Hawarden Impuls Premier D: BW Centurion Iris K347 {6} (E-95%) MGS: Sooner Centurion-ET MGD: Bw Dc Shelly N275 {5} (E-90%) MGGS: Duncan Chief

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 382 Dtrs/119 Herds Rel 97% +38Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 90%) Protein +0.04 +10 Cheese Merit Fat +0.12 +25 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 214 Dtrs/66 Herds Rel 95% +1.6Type +18.0JUI

RIP 71% +$325 +$346 +35 GJPI+98

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.80 94% Rel PL +5.0 82% Rel LIV +1.6 56% Rel HCR +0.5 75% Rel CCR +1.5 81% Rel DPR +2.0 82% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.4 93% Rel 3,225 Obs Use on daughters of: COLTON DIMENSION JX GOLDA {3} PHAROAH PRESCOTT {6} RENO



7JE1088 CHILLI ACTION COLTON-ET USA66738335 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 246,126 aAa: 156 Beta Casein: A2A2

Hirds Colton Dream (E-95%) , Res. All American 4-year-old and Reserve Grand Champion, All-American Jersey Show, 2016, Jeff & Alta Mae Core, Salvisa, KY

Bolle-Acres Coltons Angel (E-94%) , Grand Champion, Indiana and Kentucky State Fairs, 2016, Max, Carrie Jo, D Bollenbacher, Argos, IN

Ehrhardt Colton Julep (E-90%), Res. Grand Champion Ohio State Fair, 2016, Triple-T, Cole Duane, Mazzaro, N. Lewisburg, OH

Family Hill Colton Nova (E-90%), 7th Milking Yearling WDE, 2015, Aaron Lancaster, Ferndale, WA

S: Forest Glen Avery Action-ET D: Family Hill Connection Chilli-ET (E-91%) MGS: Giprat Belles Connection-ET MGD: Pleasant Nook F Prize Circus (E-97%) MGGS: Bovi-Lact First Prize-ET

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 443 Dtrs/166 Herds Rel 97% -984Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 92%) Protein +0.10 -17 Cheese Merit Fat +0.29 +9 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 169 Dtrs/100 Herds Rel 91% +1.4Type +23.6JUI Health and Fertility

RIP 4% +$109 +$126 -8 GJPI+36


SCS 3.11 95% Rel PL +2.0 89% Rel LIV +3.1 66% Rel HCR +2.5 70% Rel CCR +1.6 86% Rel DPR +1.3 87% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.0 91% Rel 2,592 Obs Use on daughters of: FASTRACK IRWIN JX GOLDA {3} MILES TOPEKA VALENTINO


s u p e r

s a m p l e r s

7JE1557 JX KASH-IN SILAS {5}-P-ET 8403132715648 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F aAa: 324 Beta Casein: A1A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +1,354Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.06 +61 Cheese Merit Fat +0.06 +77 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 74%

(04/17) +1.3Type

Health and Fertility

+$543 +$580 +138


GJPI +167


SCS 2.89 71% Rel PL +3.6 63% Rel LIV -2.0 39% Rel HCR -0.2 49% Rel CCR -1.7 59% Rel DPR -2.6 61% Rel

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Schultz Volcano Harris {4} D: Kash-In Plus 41433 {6}-P-ET (VG-88%) MGS: Sweetie Plus Iatolas Bold {5} MGD: Jars Of Clay Venerable 1771 2620-P (E-90%) MGGS: Bw Venerable-ET

Kash-In Plus 41433 {6}-P-ET (VG-88%) 2-10 3X 305d 24,620M 4.9% 1,195F 4.0% 980P


7JE1508 JX KASH-IN STERLING {5}-P-ET 8403126536288 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 246,234 aAa: 312 Beta Casein: A1A1

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +1,377Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.02 +54 Cheese Merit Fat +0.07 +79 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 75%

(04/17) +1.8Type

Health and Fertility

+$501 +$524 +133


GJPI +150


SCS 2.91 73% Rel PL +2.7 64% Rel LIV -1.5 40% Rel HCR +0.7 51% Rel CCR -3.8 61% Rel DPR -4.9 62% Rel Sire Conception Rate -0.6 67% Rel 524 Obs

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Schultz Volcano Harris {4} D: Jars Of Clay Venerable 1771 2620-P (E-90%) MGS: Bw Venerable-ET MGD: Jars Of Clay Mercedes 1771 (E-91%) MGGS: Ferreira Mannix Mercedes-ET

Jars Of Clay Venerable 1771 2620-P(E-90%) 2-08 3X 305d 20,050M 5.0% 1,011F 3.8% 769P


7JE1561 JX FARIA BROTHERS ISAIAH THOMAS {5} 8403126052327 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F aAa: 516 Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +1,143Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 67%) Protein +0.06 +54 Cheese Merit Fat +0.12 +77 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 72% Health and Fertility

+$625 +$660 +131

(04/17) +1.0Type


GJPI +183


SCS 2.87 70% Rel PL +5.4 60% Rel LIV +0.6 36% Rel HCR +0.8 45% Rel CCR +0.6 56% Rel DPR -1.6 57% Rel

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Schultz Volcano Harris {4} D: Faria Brothers Renegade 100222 {4} (VG-84%) 3-10 2X 285d 22,260M 5.2% 1,149F 3.7% 813P MGS: BW Renegade-ET MGD: Faria Brothers Apprentice 61498 {3} (E-92%) MGGS: Sunset Canyon Apprentice-ET


s u p e r

s a m p l e r s

7JE1562 JX FARIA BROTHERS HARVEY {3} 8403126052346 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 345 aAa: 651 Beta Casein: A2A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 72% +964Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 65%) Protein -0.02 +31 Cheese Merit Fat +0.09 +66 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 69%

+$570 +$578 +97

(04/17) +1.3Type


GJPI +167

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.85 66% Rel PL +5.8 57% Rel LIV +1.4 34% Rel HCR +3.1 38% Rel CCR +1.8 49% Rel DPR +0.4 50% Rel

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Orthridge Reno D: JX Faria Brothers Hulk Alonso {2}-ET (VG-80%) 1-08 2X 305d 21,260M 5.3% 1,118F 3.7% 795P MGS: ISDK DJ Hulk MGD: JX Faria Brothers Action Dean Smith {1} (E-92%) MGGS: Forest Glen Avery Action-ET JX Faria Brothers Action Dean Smith {1} (E-92%) Grandam of JX HARVEY {3}


7JE1532 JX WILSONVIEW SWORD MAGNET {6}-ET USA119465129 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 561,135 aAa: 354 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 70% +1,305Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 65%) Protein -0.02 +41 Cheese Merit Fat -0.01 +59 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 71%

+$467 +$470 +100

(04/17) +0.8Type


GJPI +134

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.97 67% Rel PL +3.8 59% Rel LIV +1.5 37% Rel HCR +2.3 38% Rel CCR +0.5 53% Rel DPR -1.1 55% Rel

S: JX Wilsonview Samson Sword {5}-ET D: Wilsonview Volcano Moving (E-90%) 3-02 2X 305d 22,590M 4.0% 902F 3.1% 710P MGS: All Lynns Legal Volcano-ET MGD: Wilsonview Jevon Momentum (VG-88%) MGGS: Forest Glen Meccas Jevon-ET Impulsive Moment At Wilsonview-ET (VG-88%) Third dam of Jx MAGNET {6}


7JE1536 JX HILMAR HARRIS GODFATHER {5}-ET USA119445095 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 126,561 aAa: 315 Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +1,767Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein -0.01 +61 Cheese Merit Fat -0.07 +69 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 75%

+$595 +$612 +130

(04/17) +1.5Type


GJPI +177

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.88 72% Rel PL +4.8 65% Rel LIV -0.5 42% Rel HCR +0.2 49% Rel CCR -1.8 61% Rel DPR -2.6 62% Rel

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Schultz Volcano Harris {4} D: Hilmar Sparky 34159 {6} (VG-84%) 3-00 3X 305d 27,220M 4.4% 1,210F 3.6% 974P MGS: Mainstream Iatola Sparky MGD: Hilmar Benefactor 25490 {5} (VG-80%) MGGS: Sunset Canyon Benefactor-ET


s u p e r

s a m p l e r s

7JE1549 JX AHLEM BARKSDALE SHOCKWAVE {3} USA67823028 BBR 93 JH1F JH2F DMS: 456 aAa: 462 Beta Casein: A1A2

jx WAVE {3}

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 72% +1,306Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 67%) Protein -0.02 +42 Cheese Merit Fat -0.06 +51 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 71%

+$590 +$603 +93

(04/17) +1.7Type


GJPI +179

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.70 68% Rel PL +7.1 59% Rel LIV +1.5 38% Rel HCR +2.4 42% Rel CCR +1.7 54% Rel DPR +0.9 55% Rel

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Faria Brothers Barksdale {2}-ET D: Ahlem Perform Sunspryt 43249 (VG-82%) MGS: Waunakee Legal Perform MGD: Ahlem Renegade Sunspryt 39052 (VG-84%) MGGS: BW Renegade-ET

Ahlem Perform Sunspryt 43249 (VG-82%) 1-09 2X 269d 16,100M 4.5% 718F 3.6% 575P


7JE1505 JX FARIA BROTHERS POGBA {4} 8403126052088 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 126,561 aAa: 126 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +759Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 66%) Protein +0.10 +46 Cheese Merit Fat +0.19 +74 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 70%

+$570 +$611 +120

(04/17) +0.5Type


GJPI +182

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.88 69% Rel PL +3.6 59% Rel LIV +1.1 35% Rel HCR +4.9 42% Rel CCR +1.9 52% Rel DPR +1.0 53% Rel Sire Conception Rate +3.9 61% Rel 413 Obs

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Faria Brothers Huell {4}-ET D: JX Faria Brothers Daybreak 212528 {3} (VG-88%) MGS: Sunset Canyon Daybreak-ET MGD: JX Faria Brothers Tbone 19078 {2} (VG-82%) MGGS: Richies Jace Tbone A364

JX Faria Brothers Daybreak 212528 {3} (VG-88%) 2-07 2X 305d 26,820M 4.8% 1,298F 3.6% 973P


7JE1540 JX AHLEM BOUDREAUX STORMCLOUD {4}-ET USA74067679 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F aAa: 5436 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 72% +1,070Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 67%) Protein +0.03 +45 Cheese Merit Fat +0.07 +66 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 72%

+$599 +$620 +111

(04/17) +1.4Type


GJPI +175

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.00 69% Rel PL +6.3 61% Rel LIV +1.9 39% Rel HCR +3.0 42% Rel CCR +0.8 55% Rel DPR -0.3 56% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.3 69% Rel 588 Obs

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Faria Brothers Boudreaux {3}-ET D: Ahlem Visionary Sarah 40090 (E-90%) 3-00 3X 305d 21,690M 4.9% 1,062F 3.9% 841P MGS: All Lynns Legal Visionary-ET MGD: Ahlem Action Sarah 19452 (VG-88%) MGGS: Forest Glen Avery Action-ET


s u p e r


s a m p l e r s

7JE1528 OAKLANE DAZZLER DISCO 2127-ET USA67742127 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 135,123 aAa: 243 Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 72% +186Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 67%) Protein +0.06 +19 Cheese Merit Fat +0.16 +43 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 73%

+$584 +$614 +62

(04/17) +1.8Type


GJPI +173

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.76 69% Rel PL +9.6 62% Rel LIV +2.8 41% Rel HCR +2.7 42% Rel CCR +3.0 57% Rel DPR +1.9 58% Rel

S: Shan-Mar Hilario Chisel-ET D: Sunset Canyon Dzzler V Maid 2348 (VG-86%) 1-10 2X 305d 19,100M 5.6% 1,066F 3.7% 702P MGS: Sunset Canyon Dazzler-ET MGD: Sunset Canyon Valen I Maid 118-ET (VG-85%) MGGS: All Lynns Louie Valentino-ET Sunset Canyon valen I Maid 116-ET (VG-88%) Full sister to maternal grandam


7JE1545 CAL-MART CHISEL DREW 4462-ET USA67384462 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 246,456 aAa: 423 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 72% +743Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 66%) Protein +0.09 +45 Cheese Merit Fat +0.19 +74 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 72%

+$569 +$609 +119

(04/17) +0.7Type


GJPI +167

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.87 68% Rel PL +6.3 61% Rel LIV -0.5 40% Rel HCR +1.2 41% Rel CCR -0.9 56% Rel DPR -2.2 57% Rel

S: Shan-Mar Hilario Chisel-ET D: Cal-Mart Visionary Darsie 6786 (VG-84%) MGS: All Lynns Legal Visionary-ET MGD: Cal-Mart Blade Danice 3896 (VG-81%) MGGS: Cal-Mart Navara Blade

Cal-Mart Visionary Darsie 6786 (VG-84%) 1-09 2X 305d 17,700M 5.2% 916F 3.8% 672P


7JE1490 O.F. BALLISTIC GREG USA67198214 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234 aAa: 156 Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +529Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 68%) Protein +0.05 +29 Cheese Merit Fat +0.10 +46 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 73%

+$436 +$457 +75

(04/17) +1.4Type


GJPI +130

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.03 70% Rel PL +5.1 62% Rel LIV +2.3 38% Rel HCR +1.7 42% Rel CCR -0.5 56% Rel DPR -1.1 57% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.1 65% Rel 480 Obs

S: Dp Ballistic D: O.F. Dimension Greta (VG-83%) 2-10 2X 283d 19,750M 4.1% 816F 3.9% 775P MGS: Sunset Canyon Dimension-ET MGD: O.F. Reaction Greta (E-91%) MGGS: Maack Dairy Reaction-ET

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada 15

s u p e r

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7JE1503 JX FARIA BROTHERS RONALDINHO {3} 8403126052015 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 345,234 aAa: 516 Beta Casein: A2A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +1,760Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.05 +72 Cheese Merit Fat +0.02 +86 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 74%

+$633 +$665 +158

(04/17) +2.3Type


GJPI +192

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.99 71% Rel PL +4.4 63% Rel LIV -2.3 40% Rel HCR -0.5 49% Rel CCR -1.6 59% Rel DPR -2.8 60% Rel Sire Conception Rate +3.9 93% Rel 3,437 Obs

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Schultz Volcano Harris {4} D: JX Faria Brothers Topeka 220888 {2}-ET (E-90%) MGS: Heartland Merchant Topeka-ET MGD: JX Faria Brothers Action Dean Smith {1} (E-92%) MGGS: Forest Glen Avery Action-ET

JX Faria Brothers Topeka 220888 {2}-ET (E-90%) 1-11 2X 305d 22,460M 4.7% 1,061F 3.5% 794P


7JE1477 JX FARIA BROTHERS SAINT {4}-ET 8403124526245 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 123,135 aAa: 621 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +890Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.09 +48 Cheese Merit Fat +0.14 +68 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 74%

+$542 +$579 +116

(04/17) +1.0Type


GJPI +167

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.94 71% Rel PL +4.1 63% Rel LIV +0.9 39% Rel HCR +1.7 46% Rel CCR +1.0 58% Rel DPR -0.3 59% Rel Sire Conception Rate +0.3 92% Rel 3,103 Obs

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Rowleys 11 Visionary Chili-ET D: JX Faria Brothers Apparition Cota {3} (E-90%) MGS: Sunset Canyon Apparition-ET MGD: JX Faria Brothers Do Right Dorsey {2} (E-90%) MGGS: Vee Tee Dunkirk Do Right-ET

JX Faria Brothers Apparition Cota {3} (E-90%) 5-04 2X 305d 23,660M 5.6% 1,315F 4.0% 954P


507JE1482 SHAN-MAR PROTECTOR CLAY-ET USA67553104 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F aAa: 234 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +787Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 72%) Protein +0.05 +36 Cheese Merit Fat +0.06 +49 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 76%

+$440 +$461 +85

(04/17) +1.2Type


GJPI +132

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.98 74% Rel PL +3.9 67% Rel LIV -0.6 45% Rel HCR +1.1 49% Rel CCR +0.8 62% Rel DPR +0.9 63% Rel

Available only in sexed semen S: Waunakee Dignitary Protector-ET D: Shan-Mar Legacy Carissa-ET (VG-86%) MGS: Hollylane Lilibets Legacy MGD: Celestial Oregon Crede (E-90%) MGGS: Crescent Quest Jade Oregon


Shan-Mar Legacy Carissa-ET (VG-86%) 3-09 2X 273d 21,630M 5.2% 1,130F 3.8% 814P

s u p e r

s a m p l e r s

7JE1499 KASH-IN SOLAR-PP-ET 8403126234075 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234,123 aAa: 432 Beta Casein: A1A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +401Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.11 +36 Cheese Merit Fat +0.21 +62 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 76%

+$395 +$434 +98

(04/17) +1.3Type


GJPI +123

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.99 72% Rel PL +2.3 64% Rel LIV -0.9 41% Rel HCR +1.6 48% Rel CCR -1.9 60% Rel DPR -2.7 62% Rel Sire Conception Rate +0.1 59% Rel 381 Obs

S: Ahlem Nikon-P D: Kash In Dimension 39428-P-ET (E-90%) MGS: Sunset Canyon Dimension-ET MGD: Jars Of Clay Venerable 1771 2620-P (E-90%) MGGS: Bw Venerable-ET

Kash In Dimension 39428-P-ET (E-90%) 2-09 3X 298d 21,600M 5.6% 1,215F 4.0% 869P

7JE1537 AHLEM FORMIDABLE WICHITA 22978 USA74067763 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234,123 aAa: 432 Beta Casein: A2A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +961Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 68%) Protein +0.04 +43 Cheese Merit Fat -0.01 +42 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 73%

+$418 +$443 +85

(04/17) +1.2Type


GJPI +136

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.90 70% Rel PL +3.6 62% Rel LIV +0.0 41% Rel HCR +1.0 49% Rel CCR +1.0 57% Rel DPR +0.2 58% Rel

S: Hi-Land Score Formidable D: Ahlem Visionary Winsome 42867 (VG-86%) MGS: All Lynns Legal Visionary-ET MGD: Ahlem Tbone Winsome 34237 (VG-83%) MGGS: Richies Jace Tbone A364

Ahlem Visionary Winsome 42867 (VG-86%) 1-10 2X 305d 15,360M 4.8% 744F 3.9% 602P


7JE1520 NORSE STAR FIERCE VOLCANO-ET USA119408894 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 456,246 aAa: 435 Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +1,145Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 71%) Protein +0.00 +41 Cheese Merit Fat -0.07 +42 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 76%

+$398 +$411 +83

(04/17) +1.2Type


GJPI +124

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.95 72% Rel PL +4.3 66% Rel LIV -0.6 47% Rel HCR +2.3 49% Rel CCR -0.1 61% Rel DPR -1.3 62% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.1 63% Rel 434 Obs

S: All Lynns Legal Volcano-ET D: Norse Star Preston Fiona (E-91%) 3-11 3X 305d 35,020M 4.3% 1,505F 3.4% 1,175P MGS: Jenks Summit Preston-ET MGD: Norse Star Sultan Farrah (E-92%) MGGS: Shf Centurion Sultan Norse Star Sultan Farrah (E-92%) Maternal grandam of FIERCE



s a m p l e r s

USA67742125 Chisel x Dazzler x Valentino

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 561,456 aAa: 243 Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 72% -10Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 67%) Protein +0.08 +16 Cheese Merit Fat +0.21 +41 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 73% +1.4Type +24.4JUI

+$538 +$572 +57 GJPI +162

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.74 69% Rel PL +8.7 62% Rel LIV +2.6 41% Rel HCR +3.3 42% Rel CCR +3.3 57% Rel DPR +2.2 58% Rel Sire Conception Rate -1.2 54% Rel 306 Obs



Magnum x Irwin x Renegade

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234,345 aAa: 453 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +1,253Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.01 +45 Cheese Merit Fat +0.08 +78 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 75% +0.6Type -1.0JUI

+$489 +$498 +123 GJPI +138

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.11 72% Rel PL +2.0 65% Rel LIV +0.3 46% Rel HCR +0.1 50% Rel CCR +0.7 61% Rel DPR +0.2 62% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.5 79% Rel 960 Obs



Machete x Plus {5} x Magnificent

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 456,561 aAa: 246 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 75% +1,258Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.00 +44 Cheese Merit Fat -0.03 +53 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 75% +1.3Type +15.2JUI

+$427 +$438 +97 GJPI +125

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.00 72% Rel PL +3.4 65% Rel LIV -1.0 46% Rel HCR -0.8 48% Rel CCR -1.2 61% Rel DPR -1.5 62% Rel Sire Conception Rate +0.3 91% Rel 2,535 Obs



Pharoah x Zipper x Allstar

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234,34 5 aAa: 651 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +931Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein -0.01 +31 Cheese Merit Fat -0.05 +35 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +1.1Type +14.0JUI

+$442 +$448 +66 GJPI +131

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.98 73% Rel PL +4.9 65% Rel LIV +3.0 43% Rel HCR +2.7 46% Rel CCR +3.3 61% Rel DPR +2.2 62% Rel Sire Conception Rate -0.9 69% Rel 592 Obs


Sunset Canyon Valen I Maid 116-ET (VG-88%)


Full sister to maternal grandam


Heartland Irwin Myra-ET (VG-87%)

2-02 2X 305d 17,430M 4.6% 804F 3.6% 635P


Jer-Z-Boyz Plus 36307 {6} (E-90%)

2-08 2X 305d 18,890M 4.5% 845F 3.9% 738P


Hi-Land Zipper Fluffy (VG-84%)

3-00 3X 305d 21,230M 5.7% 1,208F 3.7% 779P



s u p e r

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Santana-P x Critic-P x Impuls

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 561 aAa: 534 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +1,248Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.03 +49 Cheese Merit Fat -0.09 +43 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 75% +1.2Type +12.8JUI

+$431 +$454 +92 GJPI +137

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.89 71% Rel PL +4.4 65% Rel LIV -0.7 42% Rel HCR +1.5 46% Rel CCR -0.8 59% Rel DPR -1.2 60% Rel Sire Conception Rate -0.6 71% Rel 629 Obs



Rene x Merchant x Impuls

BBR: 100 JH1C JH2F DMS: 135,345 aAa: 513 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +271Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.09 +27 Cheese Merit Fat +0.24 +60 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +1.4Type +12.5JUI

+$466 +$494 +87 GJPI +132

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.04 71% Rel PL +5.7 65% Rel LIV -1.4 44% Rel HCR +0.4 47% Rel CCR +0.9 60% Rel DPR -0.1 61% Rel Sire Conception Rate +0.7 79% Rel 958 Obs



Charlemagne x Dimension x Venerable

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 135,345 aAa: 312 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +711Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.04 +32 Cheese Merit Fat -0.02 +32 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 75% +1.3Type +23.1JUI

+$374 +$396 +64 GJPI +123

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.86 71% Rel PL +4.2 65% Rel LIV -0.8 44% Rel HCR +1.8 47% Rel CCR -1.4 59% Rel DPR -1.2 60% Rel Sire Conception Rate -0.4 65% Rel 479 Obs

c o m p o s i t e

s i r e

Due to lower Breed Base Representation (BBR), Syndergaard is unregistered (UR) with American Jersey Cattle Association. His progeny can be registered with AJCA and will be labeled with a generation count {1}. Syndergaard progeny are not eligible for registry in Canada. 7XD1535 UR FARIA BROTHERS SYNDERGAARD


Vandrell {2} x Valentino x Winner

BBR: 79 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234,123 aAa: 234 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 62% +1,395Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 54%) Protein +0.00 +49 Cheese Merit Fat -0.04 +57 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 55% +1.6Type +18.0JUI

+$645 +$663 +106 GJPI +199

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.80 52% Rel PL +6.4 40% Rel LIV +3.7 34% Rel HCR +3.7 35% Rel CCR +3.4 36% Rel DPR +2.4 36% Rel

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada


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7JE1344 WILSONVIEW IF MATT-ET USA118367941 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 561 aAa: 153 Beta Casein: A2A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 78% +176Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 73%) Protein +0.07 +20 Cheese Merit Fat +0.08 +23 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 78%

+$223 +$246 +43

(04/17) +1.6Type


GJPI +76

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.03 75% Rel PL +1.8 69% Rel LIV +0.8 50% Rel HCR +1.2 54% Rel CCR -2.1 65% Rel DPR -1.9 66% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.3 93% Rel 3,294 Obs

S: All Lynns Valentino Irwin-ET D: Wilsonview Tbone Milestone-ET (VG-86%) 5-00 2X 305d 20,670M 4.6% 949F 3.8% 777P MGS: Richies Jace Tbone A364 MGD: Impulsive Moment At Wilsonview-ET (VG-88%) MGGS: ISDK Q Impuls Impulsive Moment At Wilsonview-ET (VG-88%)

Maternal grandam of MAtt

7JE1411 AHLEM MEGATRON WINDSTAR-ET USA72520611 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 456,345 aAa: 432 Beta Casein: A2A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +2Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.11 +23 Cheese Merit Fat +0.29 +56 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 74%

+$314 +$352 +79

(04/17) +1.2Type


GJPI +101

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.96 71% Rel PL +1.8 62% Rel LIV -1.7 41% Rel HCR -0.5 46% Rel CCR -1.2 58% Rel DPR -1.4 59% Rel Sire Conception Rate +3.9 83% Rel 1,242 Obs

S: Sunset Canyon Megatron-ET D: Ahlem Legal Wyn 35647 (VG-86%) MGS: Tollenaars Impuls Legal 233-ET MGD: Ahlem Iatola Wyn 19631 (E-90%) MGGS: Sc Gold Dust Paramount Iatola-ET

Ahlem Legal Wyn 35647 (VG-86%) 3-02 3X 222d 15,080M 5.1% 767F 3.7% 560P


250JE1456 IGL SANTANA TORPEDO-ET 8403125325348 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 135,345 aAa: 342 Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +791Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.02 +33 Cheese Merit Fat +0.00 +37 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 74%

+$390 +$408 +70

(04/17) +1.4Type


GJPI +118

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.91 71% Rel PL +4.7 63% Rel LIV +0.6 40% Rel HCR +0.8 44% Rel CCR -1.6 57% Rel DPR -1.9 59% Rel Sire Conception Rate +0.9 87% Rel 1,688 Obs

S: Kash In Santana-P-ET D: Heartland Fastrack Tempe-ET (VG-88%) MGS: BW Fastrack-ET MGD: Heartland Nathan Texas-ET (E-95%) MGGS: Wetumpka Lemvig Nathan-ET

Heartland Fastrack Tempe-ET (VG-88%) 2-01 2X 305d 15,900M 4.3% 683F 3.5% 551P


s u p e r


250JE1534 DP IATOLA PUZZLES PRIDE-ET USA119444245 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F Beta Casein: A2A2

s a m p l e r s CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 72% +585Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 67%) Protein +0.04 +26 Cheese Merit Fat +0.06 +39 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 73%

+$373 +$390 +65

(04/17) +1.6Type


GJPI +108

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.92 69% Rel PL +4.2 62% Rel LIV +0.6 42% Rel HCR +0.1 43% Rel CCR -0.2 57% Rel DPR -0.5 58% Rel

S: Gabys Archer-ET D: Puzzles Panther-ET (VG-87%) 1-09 2X 305d 12,280M 5.5% 680F 3.6% 447P MGS: Hawarden Impuls Premier MGD: Cascadia Iatola Puzzle (E-94%) MGGS: Sc Gold Dust Paramount Iatola-ET Cascadia Iatola Puzzle (E-94%) Maternal grandam to PRIDE


250JE1543 REYLA BARNABAS CHANNING CAN109219334 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +129Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.08 +21 Cheese Merit Fat +0.22 +49 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 73%

+$369 +$398 +70

(04/17) +1.9Type


GJPI +112

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.92 71% Rel PL +4.2 62% Rel LIV -0.1 39% Rel HCR +0.5 46% Rel CCR -1.3 57% Rel DPR -1.5 58% Rel

S: Jars Of Clay Barnabas D: Reyla Impuls Chardonnay (E-92%) MGS: ISDK Q Impuls MGD: Reyla Knock-Out Sherry (VG-85%) MGGS: Scottiere Knock-Out-ET

Reyla Impuls Chardonnay (E-92%) 4-02 2X 305d 20,999M 5.6% 1,168F 3.9% 819P


250JE1511 AHLEM TEXAS WILDCAT 22702-ET USA74067487 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 561,135 aAa: 423 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% -45Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.08 +14 Cheese Merit Fat +0.02 +2 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 74%

+$186 +$214 +16

(04/17) +2.0Type


GJPI +71

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.91 71% Rel PL +4.1 63% Rel LIV -0.2 42% Rel HCR +2.3 46% Rel CCR -0.2 57% Rel DPR -0.6 58% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.0 61% Rel 401 Obs

S: Heartland Irwin Texas-ET D: Ahlem Legal Wyn 35647 (VG-86%) MGS: Tollenaars Impuls Legal 233-ET MGD: Ahlem Iatola Wyn 19631 (E-90%) MGGS: Sc Gold Dust Paramount Iatola-ET

Ahlem Legal Wyn 35647 (VG-86%) 3-02 3X 222d 15,080M 5.1% 767F 3.7% 560P


New sexed-semen product available from Select Sires. Learn more through the answers to frequently asked questions below or contact your representative today! Is a 4 million sperm dose better than a conventional dose of Select Sires semen? No. Our study has shown that a 4 million sperm dose in Holstein heifers has a conception rate that was approximately 80 percent of the conception rate of Select Sires’ conventionally processed semen. These results were statistically significant. Does a 4 million sperm dose provide better fertility than a 2 million dose? Yes. SexedULTRA 4M has shown a conception rate advantage of 5 to 6 percentage points in Holstein heifers based on the results of a recent trial conducted by Select Sires and Sexing Technologies within some of the partner herds participating in the Program for Fertility Advancement™. Can this product be used on cows? SexedULTRA and SexedULTRA 4M can be used on cows. You can expect to see reduced conception rates in cows, however the results between 2 million and 4 million will be closer than in heifers. We recommend use for first or second services on cows showing strong, healthy heats. How will this product be labeled? The ‘509’ stud code prefix will be included for Select Sires bulls and the ‘559’ stud code prefix for GenerVations sires. Straws and cane tops will be yellow. Will bulls have both 4 million and 2 million available? No. At this point, bulls will either be available as SexedULTRA or SexedULTRA 4M, not both.

Now available gender SELECTed SexedULTRA 4M 509JE1254 JX JAMMER {4} 509JE1274 AXIS

509JE1507 SIGNAL 509JE1537 WICHITA

™gender SELECTed is a trademark of Select Sires Inc. gender SELECTed semen processed by Sexing Technologies for Select Sires shall be used only for the single insemination of one female bovine during natural ovulation with the intent to produce single offspring unless specifically approved on an individual customer basis by Sexing Technologies in writing. This semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and Inguran LLC, as partially represented by U.S. Patents: 6372422, 7094527, 7208265, 7371517, 6357307, 7723116, 7758811and 7799569. Patents pending in US and foreign markets. XY® is a registered trademark of XY LLC. All gender SELECTed semen is processed using SexedULTRA™ technology. ™SexedULTRA and SexedULTRA 4M are trademarks of Inguran LLC. Product of the USA.


The Superior Settler logo identifies sires with semen that will likely improve pregnancy rates. This designation is assigned by examining industry service sire conception rate values, along with intensive in-house semen quality evaluations. This group of sires will offer semen fertility without compromise.

FeedPRO optimizes the selection for increased production and moderate body size while maintaining body condition score and daughter fertility. This revolutionary index designates sires with the genetics to improve income over feed costs and maintain health and reproductive traits.

Look for the gender SELECTed logo to identify those sires with sexed semen available. More heifers is not out of reach with our research-backed gender SELECTed semen. All gender SELECTed semen is processed using SexedUltra technology.

The Calving Ease logo is a quick and simple way to locate the sires that are below breed average for sire calving ease. This is a great tool when selecting heifer matings.

The Fertility PRO logo is given to a group of proven and/or young sires selected based on rigid semen quality standards and their high-ranking Sire Conception Rate (SCR) from progeny test semen usage. Additionally, the sires in this group have outstanding genetic merit with a highly reliable sire stack.

Showcase Selections pinpoints the elite Type sires available. Sires earn this designation through outstanding, breed-leading Type or show-winning pedigrees. Turn to this designation to produce your next show winner or improve the overall Type in your herd.

Select sires Designations Throughout this directory, you will see the above designations. The explanations can be found above, indicating that when you purchase semen of a bull carrying one or more designation, the resulting offspring will likely carry characteristics listed for that designation.


s u p e r

s a m p l e r s

7JE1486 J-KAY TEQUILA FIZZ USA67060052 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234,246aAa: 243 Beta Casein: A2A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% -1,261Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.07 -34 Cheese Merit Fat +0.19 -26 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 73%

-$249 -$247 -60

(04/17) +1.0Type


GJPI -78

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.15 71% Rel PL +0.7 63% Rel LIV -1.1 45% Rel HCR -0.2 45% Rel CCR -2.0 58% Rel DPR -2.2 59% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.5 71% Rel 630 Obs

S: Tower Vue Prime Tequila-ET D: Harmony Corners Fozzy-ET (E-95%) MGS: Shf Centurion Sultan MGD: Harmony Corners Freynie (E-93%) MGGS: Bancrest Lester Avery

Harmony Corners Fozzy-ET (E-95%) 5-05 2X 305d 17,598M 5.8% 1,027F 3.8% 666P

7JE5015 RIVER VALLEY SPICE SHOWDOWN 8403012423904 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F aAa: 231 Beta Casein: A1A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% -692Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.12 -1 Cheese Merit Fat +0.20 +4 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 74%

+$90 +$118 +3

(04/17) +1.2Type


GJPI +32

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.10 71% Rel PL +1.7 64% Rel LIV +0.9 46% Rel HCR +0.9 46% Rel CCR +0.2 59% Rel DPR +1.0 60% Rel Sire Conception Rate +4.1 64% Rel 463 Obs

S: Hawarden Impuls Premier D: South Mountain Voltage Spice-ET (E-95%) MGS: Elliotts Golden Voltage-ET MGD: South Mountain Santana (E-92%) MGGS: Elliotts Renaissance Deluxe

South Mountain Voltage Spice-ET (E-95%) 3-00 2X 305d 17,110M 4.9% 836F 3.8% 644P


7JE5004 RIVER VALLEY CECE CHROME-ET 8403012423929 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234 aAa: 342 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +311Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 72%) Protein +0.03 +17 Cheese Merit Fat +0.13 +42 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 79%

+$352 +$368 +59

(04/17) +2.1Type


GJPI +111

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.91 74% Rel PL +5.3 68% Rel LIV -3.2 51% Rel HCR +1.2 52% Rel CCR +0.1 64% Rel DPR -0.1 65% Rel Sire Conception Rate +0.1 94% Rel 4,358 Obs

S: Schultz Legal Critic-P D: Lyon Celebrity Cece-ET (E-91%) MGS: Galaxies Celebrity-ET MGD: Lyon Character (E-94%) MGGS: Lyon Y178

Lyon Celebrity Cece-ET (E-91%) 4-03 3X 271d 22,660M 4.4% 999F 3.6% 823P


s u p e r

s a m p l e r s

7JE5016 JX RIVER VALLEY PFENNIG PFLEX {5}-ET 8403013098048 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234 aAa: 423 Beta Casein: A2A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +613Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.04 +30 Cheese Merit Fat +0.10 +49 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 75%

+$372 +$390 +79

(04/17) +1.6Type


GJPI +116

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.03 72% Rel PL +3.4 65% Rel LIV -0.9 43% Rel HCR +2.3 48% Rel CCR +0.2 61% Rel DPR -1.7 62% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.5 68% Rel 565 Obs

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada S: Wilsonview Soprano {4} D: Hi-Kel Tbone Pfennig-ET (E-90%) MGS: Richies Jace Tbone A364 MGD: Pats Perfect Phoebe (VG-85%) MGGS: Ahlem Lemvig Abe {6}-ET

Hi-Kel Tbone Pfennig-ET (E-90%) 3-07 3X 305d 21,200M 4.8% 1,015F 3.7% 781P

7JE5032 RIVER VALLEY VICTORIOUS-ET 8403126479524 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234 aAa: 231 Beta Casein: A2A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% -213Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.07 +6 Cheese Merit Fat +0.13 +15 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 74%

+$192 +$214 +21

(04/17) +2.0Type


GJPI +67

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.92 72% Rel PL +3.9 64% Rel LIV -1.4 41% Rel HCR +0.2 47% Rel CCR -1.9 58% Rel DPR -1.6 60% Rel Sire Conception Rate +4.4 77% Rel 877 Obs

S: Jars Of Clay Barnabas D: Avonlea Iatola Victoria (E-94%) MGS: Sc Gold Dust Paramount Iatola-ET MGD: Payllyn Duaiseoir Virgina-ET (VG-88%) MGGS: Shamrock Duaiseoir-ET

Avonlea Iatola Victoria (E-94%) 3-01 2X 305d 17,409M 4.6% 808F 3.6% 629P


7JE5043 RIVER VALLEY POSTERBOY 8403126479339 BBR 100 JH1F JH2F aAa: 432 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +600Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.06 +31 Cheese Merit Fat +0.18 +63 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation Rel 74%

+$402 +$422 +94

(04/17) +1.5Type


GJPI +115

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.03 71% Rel PL +3.1 65% Rel LIV +0.5 45% Rel HCR +1.2 46% Rel CCR -2.4 59% Rel DPR -2.7 60% Rel Sire Conception Rate +0.1 52% Rel 280 Obs

S: Ahlem Decoy Laramie 21987-ET D: BW Renegade Peggy If99-ET (VG-88%) MGS: BW Renegade-ET MGD: BW Centurion Peggy K798 (E-92%) MGGS: Sooner Centurion-ET

BW Renegade Peggy If99-ET (VG-88%) 3-01 3X 305d 23,780M 4.9% 1,165F 3.7% 877P


s u p e r



s a m p l e r s

Axis x Artist x John

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234,246 aAa: 513 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 78% +1,425Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 73%) Protein -0.01 +49 Cheese Merit Fat -0.06 +53 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 77% +2.1Type +18.5JUI

+$483 +$493 +102 GJPI +144

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.02 75% Rel PL +4.3 68% Rel LIV +1.2 47% Rel HCR +0.6 53% Rel CCR -0.7 65% Rel DPR -2.1 66% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.6 85% Rel 1,441 Obs



Charlemagne x Jupiter x Iatola

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F aAa: 216 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +962Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.03 +40 Cheese Merit Fat -0.01 +43 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +1.6Type +20.2JUI

+$313 +$330 +83 GJPI +101

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.04 70% Rel PL +2.3 64% Rel LIV -2.5 42% Rel HCR +0.6 46% Rel CCR -1.7 58% Rel DPR -2.3 59% Rel Sire Conception Rate -0.2 80% Rel 1,049 Obs



Chrome x Golda x Impuls

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F aAa: 342 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 72% +1,180Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 67%) Protein +0.00 +41 Cheese Merit Fat -0.05 +46 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +1.6Type +14.1JUI

+$388 +$397 +87 GJPI +118

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.97 69% Rel PL +4.3 62% Rel LIV -1.9 42% Rel HCR +1.8 42% Rel CCR -1.5 57% Rel DPR -2.4 58% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.2 62% Rel 416 Obs

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada 7JE5022 RIVER VALLEY CDIXIE DETOUR


Nitro x Critic-P x Restore

BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F DMS: 234 aAa: 423 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +971Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein -0.01 +34 Cheese Merit Fat -0.10 +28 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 76% +1.2Type +15.6JUI

+$413 +$423 +62 GJPI +134

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.92 72% Rel PL +4.8 65% Rel LIV +0.9 42% Rel HCR +2.7 49% Rel CCR +3.0 61% Rel DPR +1.9 62% Rel Sire Conception Rate +0.3 77% Rel 894 Obs



Heartland Artist Salina (E-91%) 2-11 2X 305d 20,810M 4.4% 906F 3.5% 729P


Dp Jupiter Firecracker 1311-ET (E-90%) 3-04 3X 305d 22,990M 4.7% 1,083F 3.8% 881P PROJ

7JE5041 JX TRIUMPH {5}

JX DP Golda Tris 1355 {4}-ET (VG-87%) 3-07 3X 305d 26,650M 4.3% 1,148F 3.7% 981P


Sunset Canyon Critic Dixie 163-P-ET (E-90%) 3-10 3X 305d 22,920M 4.1% 945F 3.5% 796P

Looking for the latest genetics with proven fertility? Look no further than Select Sires' Fertility PRO lineup. Made up of proven and/or young sires, this group has been selected based on rigid semen quality standards and their high-ranking Sire Conception Rate (SCR) from progeny test semen usage. Additionally, Fertility PRO sires have outstanding genetic merit with a highly reliable sire stack. Fertility PRO sires combine the best of genetics and fertility together in one package to meet your breeding goals. Contact your Select Sires representative today! 7JE1458 JX DP POKER FACE {3}-ET BBR: 90 JH1F JH2F


Rawls x Karbala x Legion

Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +637Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 68%) Protein +0.02 +26 Cheese Merit Fat +0.18 +67 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 72% +1.6Type +17.0JUI

+$463 +$476 +93 GJPI +132

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.95 70% Rel PL +4.2 62% Rel LIV +1.1 40% Rel HCR +2.0 44% Rel CCR -0.9 58% Rel DPR -0.7 59% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.9 65% Rel 487 Obs

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada 7JE1409 BUTTERCREST SAVVY BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F


Solution x Valentino x Carrier

Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +464Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein -0.03 +11 Cheese Merit Fat +0.02 +25 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 75% +1.7Type +17.4JUI

+$293 +$286 +36 GJPI +80

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.10 71% Rel PL +3.8 64% Rel LIV +1.9 42% Rel HCR +1.3 44% Rel CCR +1.2 59% Rel DPR +0.7 60% Rel Sire Conception Rate +4.7 81% Rel 1,076 Obs 7JE1459 JX WILSONVIEW MAGNUM STEELY {4}-ET BBR: 91 JH1F JH2F

USA118987190 Magnum x Dale x Impuls

Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 74% +350Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 69%) Protein +0.03 +19 Cheese Merit Fat +0.15 +45 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 73% +0.6Type +14.1JUI

+$402 +$419 +64 GJPI +114

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.90 71% Rel PL +4.9 63% Rel LIV +1.5 43% Rel HCR -1.5 50% Rel CCR +0.3 59% Rel DPR +1.2 59% Rel Sire Conception Rate +3.5 70% Rel 611 Obs

Offspring not eligible for registry in Canada 7JE1461 AHLEM AXIS BONANZA 22387 BBR: 100 JH1F JH2F


Axis x Plus {5} x Legal

Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 75% +912Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 70%) Protein +0.04 +41 Cheese Merit Fat -0.02 +38 CFP CDCB/AJCA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 75% +1.6Type +19.5JUI

+$443 +$469 +79 GJPI +135

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.87 72% Rel PL +5.4 64% Rel LIV -0.3 42% Rel HCR -0.5 48% Rel CCR -1.0 60% Rel DPR -1.4 61% Rel Sire Conception Rate +3.5 71% Rel 647 Obs


Haplotypes Impacting Fertility

With our growing knowledge about the bovine genome, experts have predicted for some time that we’d likely discover numerous cattle genetic defects. Human genetic researchers estimate that we each carry four or five genetic defects. It’s reasonable to expect that these exist at a similar level in cattle. USDA researchers along with international collaborators have identified haplotypes that appear to cause embryo loss or stillbirths when these haplotypes exist in the homozygous state. These genetic conditions have not been directly observed and we do not know the exact genetic or biological cause of why the embryos or fetuses are not viable. Because of this, they’ve been given simple names of Jersey Haplotype 1 (JH1), Jersey Haploytype 2 (JH2), Brown Swiss Haplotype 1 (BH1), Brown Swiss Haplotype 2 (BH2) and Ayrshire Haplotype 1 (AH1). These haplotypes appear to have a recessive mode of inheritance where animals with zero or one copy of the haplotype are completely normal. Those that inherit two copies of the haplotype are lost as embryos or are stillborn. The impacts of these haplotypes vary and are dependent on their frequency in the population and at what stage of gestation the pregnancies are lost. JHI has a frequency of 23.4 percent. JH2 frequency is 2.6 percent. BHI exists at a frequency of 14 percent and BH2 exists at a frequency of 20.5 percent. Only one haplotype has been discovered in the Ayrshire breed (AH1) and it exists at the highest frequency of 26.1 percent. It’s im-


portant to realize that the negative impact of these haplotypes is already accounted for in the routinely published sire conception rate (SCR) evaluations and daughter pregnancy rate (DPR) genomic evaluations. So, if you are using these traits in selecting your A.I. sires, you’re already avoiding or compensating for these new genetic conditions. The haplotypes each represent a distinct and unique genetic condition. They are not related to each other. The haplotypes have no impact when a bull that is heterozygous for BH1 is mated to a cow that is heterozygous for BH2. The risk is only experienced when animals are heterozygous for the same haplotype. Select Mating Service (SMS) is an excellent tool for managing these genetic conditions. By using the SMS program, herds with at least one generation of pedigree information on their cows can use heterozygous bulls with less than 1 percent chance of lost pregnancies from known conditions. JERSEY 7JE1038 Valentino JH1C 7JE1251 METALICA JH1C 7JE1385 MOORE JH1C

BROWN SWISS 7BS852 Bosephus 7BS866 DAMIAN 7BS871 Advisor AYRSHIRE 7AY117 Samson



7BS826 OAK VIEW ZEUS AUGUST *TM (SS) USA199293 TM DMS: 561 aAa: 462531 Beta Casein: A2A2

A.I. Sampled

North Lanes August Dime "E91" Second Lactation, Blessing Farms, Ft. Wayne, IN

S: Red Brae Prelude Zeus (M) D: Blessing Collection Alie-ET “3E90 3E90MS” CERT MGS: R Hart Bc Collection “E93” MGD: Blessing Prophet Ashton “3E91 3E91MS” ELITE CERT MGGS: Top Acres Dotson Prophet ET “E91"

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 251 Dtrs/146 Herds RIP 47% Rel 96% +639Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 89%) +$300 Protein +0.01 +23 Cheese Merit +$315 Fat +0.04 +36 CFP +59 CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 58 Dtrs/38 Herds Rel 89% +0.7Type +0.29UDC +0.6Mobility GPPR +113 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.73 91% Rel PL +2.8 84% Rel LIV -3.5 55% Rel HCR +0.5 66% Rel CCR -0.4 79% Rel DPR -1.7 82% Rel MKS 102 81% Rel SCE 4.1% 95% Rel DCE 4.2% 71% Rel Sire Conception Rate +3.3 85% Rel 1,502 Obs

Qc-Edge Roseangeli ET, 1st jr. 2-year-old & intermediate champion, Ohio State Fair, 2016, Rivendale Farms Of Pittsburg LLC, Bulger, PA




7BS852 JOBO WONDER BOSEPHUS ET*TM USA68129318 TM BH2C DMS: 123,561 aAa: 156 Beta Casein: A1A2 Wonderment x Pronto x Denmark

Lime Rock Plush Textile

Hilltop Acres Bose Dixiland ET "VG88 E90MS"

Neal & Lisa Boeke, Juda, WI

Dennis Mashek, Calmar, IA

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 411 Dtrs/223 Herds RIP 55% Rel 96% +645Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 88%) +$244 Protein +0.04 +30 Cheese Merit +$266 Fat +0.11 +52 CFP +82 CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 106 Dtrs/64 Herds Rel 91% +1.3Type +1.15UDC +0.5Mobility GPPR +127 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.84 92% Rel PL +0.3 79% Rel LIV -2.8 42% Rel HCR -2.8 71% Rel CCR -3.2 75% Rel DPR -3.9 79% Rel MKS 99 83% Rel SCE 4.9% 97% Rel DCE 3.8% 76% Rel Sire Conception Rate +3.4 92% Rel 2,816 Obs Use on daughters of: AUGUST CADENCE JACKSON KANNON PEPPER


7BS854 JOBO VIGOR BUSH ET*TM USA68129315 TM DMS: 456 aAa: 453 Beta Casein: A1A2 Vigor x Pronto x Denmark

V B HP Bush Minty "VG85", 3rd jr. 2-year-old, Wisconsin Brown Swiss State Show, 2016

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 343 Dtrs/129 Herds RIP 42% Rel 96% +299Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 89%) +$253 Protein +0.02 +14 Cheese Merit +$267 Fat -0.01 +8 CFP +22 CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 147 Dtrs/53 Herds Rel 93% +0.7Type +1.68UDC +0.3Mobility GPPR +92 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.82 92% Rel PL +3.7 82% Rel LIV +1.3 45% Rel HCR +1.1 67% Rel CCR +0.0 77% Rel DPR -0.9 81% Rel MKS 106 89% Rel SCE 4.1% 93% Rel DCE 3.7% 72% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.2 81% Rel 1,118 Obs

Haley Reeson, Blanchardville, WI



7BS866 HILLTOP ACRES BK DAMIAN ET*TM USA68137884 TM DMS: 456,345 aAa: 465 Beta Casein: A1A2 Brookings x Premium x Denmark

Alfa Creek Damian Mia

Lauren D. L'Amoreaux, Louisville, OH

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 42 Dtrs/29 Herds RIP 76% Rel 84% -173Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 77%) +$278 Protein +0.11 +19 Cheese Merit +$323 Fat +0.14 +24 CFP +43 CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 7 Dtrs/6 Herds Rel 72% +0.6Type +0.99UDC +0.5Mobility GPPR +111 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.82 74% Rel PL +2.3 71% Rel LIV +0.4 36% Rel HCR +0.2 50% Rel CCR +0.6 54% Rel DPR +0.3 62% Rel MKS 102 52% Rel SCE 4.5% 85% Rel DCE 4.1% 59% Rel


Use on daughters of: AUGUST BUSH KANNON VIGOR

Robland Bush Barb "VG86"

Robert Landgraf III, Jackson, MO


7BS863 CUTTING EDGE SEAMAN*TM USA68137657 TM DMS: 234 aAa: 516 Beta Casein: A1A2 Supreme x Wonderment x Jason

New View S Encore, All-American winter calf, 2016, John

& Bonnie Ayars & Dr. Ken Manion, Mechanicsburg, OH

Giesy Manor Seaman Eclipse, 1st milking yrlg, All American Dairy Show, 2016, Alan & Josh Carpenter, Harpursville, NY

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 43 Dtrs/33 Herds RIP 93% Rel 84% +543Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 76%) +$138 Protein +0.04 +29 Cheese Merit +$159 Fat +0.00 +22 CFP +51 CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 11 Dtrs/10 Herds Rel 74% +1.3Type +1.04UDC +0.5Mobility GPPR +111 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.98 73% Rel PL -1.6 68% Rel LIV +0.4 34% Rel HCR -0.5 49% Rel CCR -1.0 51% Rel DPR -0.1 61% Rel MKS 102 53% Rel SCE 8.9% 94% Rel DCE 4.4% 57% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.2 88% Rel 1,889 Obs Use on daughters of: AUGUST BUSH THUNDER TWILIGHT


7BS861 TOP ACRES GPS ET*TM USA68137668 TM DMS: 123,234 aAa: 342 Beta Casein: A2A2 Supreme x Ensign x Emory

NEW RELEASE! Limited Availability

J-G Springs gps strawberry, 2nd jr. calf, Kentucky State Fair, 2016, Emily Goode, Liberty, KY

JC GPS Brandy

Spencer Clark, Viola, WI

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 51 Dtrs/35 Herds RIP 100% Rel 86% +635Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 78%) +$152 Protein -0.04 +11 Cheese Merit +$143 Fat -0.06 +11 CFP +22 CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 12 Dtrs/10 Herds Rel 73% +0.6Type +0.86UDC +0.2Mobility GPPR +65 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.91 74% Rel PL +1.1 70% Rel LIV +2.7 43% Rel HCR +1.0 47% Rel CCR +1.1 52% Rel DPR +0.1 61% Rel MKS 109 49% Rel SCE 7.8% 90% Rel DCE 4.3% 57% Rel Use on daughters of: AUGUST BOSEPHUS BUSH VIGOR


7BS889 JO-LANE DARIO HILTON ET*TM USA74300971 TM aAa: 456 Beta Casein: A2A2


CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 58% +1,207Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 53%) Protein +0.03 +45 Cheese Merit Fat -0.01 +48 CFP CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17)

+$543 +$564 +93

Rel 60% +0.5Type +0.55UDC +0.2Mobility GPPR +222 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.77 56% Rel PL +5.4 52% Rel LIV +1.4 21% Rel HCR -0.3 34% Rel CCR +0.6 34% Rel DPR +1.9 49% Rel Calving Ease (%DBH) Service Sire 4.1% 43% Rel Daughter 3.6% 35% Rel

S: Switzertals Pysli Dario ET *TM D: Jo-Lane Cadence Hilary-ET MGS: Shiloh Brookngs Cadence ET *TM SS MGD: Cutting Edge V Hiphi-ET “VG89 E91MS” CERT MGGS: Sun-Made Vigor ET *TM SS

Jo-Lane Cadence Hilary-ET 2-02 3X 305d 27,006M 4.3% 1,162F 3.3% 892P



aAa: 312

s u p e r


s a m p l e r s

Brookings x Vigor x Prophet

Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 66% +324Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 62%) Protein +0.06 +25 Cheese Merit Fat +0.08 +31 CFP CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17)

+$466 +$500 +56

Rel 67% +0.6Type +1.06UDC +0.4Mobility GPPR +165 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.69 63% Rel PL +6.0 59% Rel LIV +2.0 36% Rel HCR +0.3 46% Rel CCR +2.2 47% Rel DPR +1.6 58% Rel Calving Ease (%DBH) Service Sire 4.0% 86% Rel 235 Obs Daughter 3.8% 56% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.3 68% Rel 547 Obs 7BS872 COZY NOOK CARTER TEQUILA ET*TM TM DMS: 246,456

aAa: 423651


Carter x Alloy x Pronto

Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 66% +866Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 62%) Protein -0.01 +28 Cheese Merit Fat +0.01 +36 CFP CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17)

+$269 +$272 +64

Rel 67% +1.1Type +0.87UDC +0.7Mobility GPPR +128 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.02 64% Rel PL +1.2 60% Rel LIV -1.0 27% Rel HCR -0.9 42% Rel CCR -0.4 45% Rel DPR -0.5 58% Rel Calving Ease (%DBH) Service Sire 4.9% 88% Rel 272 Obs Daughter 4.3% 56% Rel 7BS882 LA RAINBOW B MOONLIGHT ET*TM TM

aAa: 246


Durham x Supreme x Starbuck

Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 64% +895Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 60%) Protein -0.02 +26 Cheese Merit Fat -0.04 +28 CFP CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17)

+$199 +$194 +54

Rel 65% +1.0Type +0.83UDC +0.4Mobility GPPR +101 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.13 62% Rel PL +0.8 57% Rel LIV -1.0 27% Rel HCR +0.0 40% Rel CCR -0.3 42% Rel DPR -1.5 55% Rel Calving Ease (%DBH) Service Sire 5.7% 58% Rel 13 Obs Daughter 4.5% 55% Rel 7BS884 TWINKLE-HILL CADNC ALLSTAR*TM TM

aAa: 213


Cadence x Power Surge x Denver

Beta Casein: A1A1

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 64% +534Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 59%) Protein +0.00 +19 Cheese Merit Fat +0.00 +22 CFP CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17)

+$216 +$219 +41

Rel 65% +1.1Type +1.29UDC +0.4Mobility GPPR +101 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.05 60% Rel PL +2.1 56% Rel LIV -1.1 26% Rel HCR -0.2 38% Rel CCR +0.2 40% Rel DPR -0.3 53% Rel Calving Ease (%DBH) Service Sire 4.5% 62% Rel 49 Obs Daughter 4.0% 55% Rel

Limited Availability


aAa: 642


Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 64% +1,057Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 58%) Protein +0.01 +37 Cheese Merit Fat -0.01 +40 CFP CDCB/BSCBA Genomic Evaluation (04/17)


+$453 +$469 +77

Rel 65% +0.7Type +1.03UDC +0.2Mobility GPPR +179 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.80 60% Rel PL +4.2 55% Rel LIV +0.5 25% Rel HCR +1.6 37% Rel CCR +1.1 39% Rel DPR -0.2 52% Rel Calving Ease (%DBH) Service Sire 4.9% 45% Rel Daughter 3.8% 41% Rel

Cadence x Driver x Prestige


7AY108 PALMYRA CALIMERO LH RANEY-ET USA69261850 aAa: 543612 Beta Casein: A1A2 Calimero x L Heligo x Reno

95.37% Ayrshire

Vales-Pride Raney Roslin (VG-87)

Good-Vue Raney Bethanne-ET (VG-87), 2nd fall yrlg in milk, Int. Ayrshire Show, 2016, Palmyra Farm LLC, Hagerstown, MD

Mark & Jessica Valentine, Thurmont, MD

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 12 Dtrs/6 Herds RIP 42% Rel 68% +71Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 61%) +$29 Protein -0.02 -3 Cheese Merit +$21 Fat +0.01 +2 CFP -1 CDCB/ABA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 11 Dtrs/4 Herds Rel 67% +0.9Type GPTI +425 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.02 56% Rel PL +1.0 50% Rel LIV -1.4 37% Rel HCR +2.4 42% Rel CCR +1.4 45% Rel DPR +0.8 46% Rel Use on daughters of: ALASKA BURDETTE LOCHINVAR ROCKSTAR


7AY93 PALMYRA BENDIG BERKELY-ET USA69261805 aAa: 312 Beta Casein: A2A2 Bendig x Reality x Ripken

Purebred Ayrshire

Ridale Berkley's Vienna (EX-90)

Palmyra Berkely P Ruth-ET (EX-91), Unanimous AllAmerican sr. 2-year-old, 2016, Evan Creek, Hagerstown, MD

Dane & Maynard Lang, Brooklyn, IA

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 293 Dtrs/176 Herds RIP 15% Rel 92% -75Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 83%) -$53 Protein -0.04 -10 Cheese Merit -$66 Fat +0.01 -2 CFP -12 CDCB/ABA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 91 Dtrs/52 Herds Rel 87% +1.1Type GPTI +407 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.05 87% Rel PL -0.4 74% Rel LIV -3.0 37% Rel HCR +4.4 61% Rel CCR +1.9 65% Rel DPR -0.1 68% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.0 56% Rel 333 Obs Use on daughters of: DREAMER OBLIQUE POKER RAMIUS RAVEN ROCKSTAR


7AY84 PALMYRA TRI-STAR BURDETTE-ET USA100419568 aAa: 234 Beta Casein: A1A2 Tri-Star x Reno x Comet

Limited Availability

Purebred Ayrshire

Bear-Ayr Burdette Ray (VG-85) Reserve grand, WDE, 2016, All-American 4-yr-old, 2016, Budjon-Vail, Lomira, WI

Cedarcut Burdette Clove Colata (EX-93-EX-MS),

2nd 4-year-old, WDE, 2016, Erin Curtis-Szalach, Cazenovia, NY

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 4,897 Dtrs/1,322 Herds RIP 16% Rel 99% +215Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 97%) +$118 Protein +0.03 +12 Cheese Merit +$131 Fat -0.01 +6 CFP +18 CDCB/ABA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 1,905 Dtrs/573 Herds Rel 98% +1.9Type GPTI +475 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.89 98% Rel PL +0.7 95% Rel LIV -0.3 80% Rel HCR +0.6 90% Rel CCR +0.3 94% Rel DPR -0.1 95% Rel Sire Conception Rate +2.4 84% Rel 1,391 Obs Use on daughters of: NORMANDIN OBLIQUE POKER RAMIUS


p r o v e n


a n d


s u p e r

s a m p l e r

Mandarin x Normandin x Charlot

ay r s h i r e s

Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 12 Dtrs/8 Herds RIP 92% Rel 61% +317Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 52%) +$177 Protein +0.04 +17 Cheese Merit +$192 Fat +0.05 +23 CFP +40 CDCB/ABA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 6 Dtrs/5 Herds Rel 51% +0.4Type GPTI +463 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.93 44% Rel PL -0.5 35% Rel HCR +0.7 33% Rel CCR -0.4 33% Rel

LIV -0.5 DPR -0.2

23% Rel 36% Rel

new release!




87.03% Ayrshire

Berkely x Poker x L Heligo

Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 50% +464Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 45%) Protein -0.01 +14 Cheese Merit Fat +0.07 +31 CFP CDCB/ABA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 47% +1.7Type

+$258 +$259 +45 GPTI +498

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.96 44% Rel PL +2.5 39% Rel LIV -1.7 27% Rel HCR +1.1 33% Rel CCR -0.1 35% Rel DPR -1.0 36% Rel Sire Conception Rate +4.9 47% Rel 228 Obs


Purebred Ayrshire CAN11978645

Rockstar x Reality x Jerry

Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 46% +749Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 42%) Protein +0.05 +31 Cheese Merit Fat +0.10 +48 CFP CDCB/ABA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 39% +0.8Type

+$332 +$353 +79 GPTI +521

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.77 43% Rel PL +0.5 37% Rel LIV +0.2 24% Rel HCR -0.3 37% Rel CCR -1.2 36% Rel DPR -1.4 38% Rel

93.61% Ayrshire



Prime x Remington x Kelli

Beta Casein: A1A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 46% +650Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 41%) Protein +0.01 +23 Cheese Merit Fat -0.01 +26 CFP CDCB/ABA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 37%


+$197 +$207 +49 GPTI +485

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.87 41% Rel PL +0.6 35% Rel LIV -0.3 24%Rel HCR -0.2 33% Rel CCR -0.6 33% Rel DPR -0.4 35% Rel

Super Sampler


Maple-Dell D Gale


Alexis Winkler, Woodbine, MD

98.25% Ayrshire


Palmyra Poker Lh Rosy-ET (EX-92-ELITE) 3-00 2X 365d 26,100M 4.4% 1,161F 3.5% 910P


Forever Schoon Red Pretty-ET (EX-91-2E-ELITE) 3-03 2X 291d 16,107M 4.1% 655F 3.6% 573P


Visserdale Rem Sunray-ET (EX-90-ELITE)

4-05 2X 365d 19,484M 3.5% 683F 3.2% 624P


7MS356 NORTH STARS FAMOUS PATRIOT EXP USA68308471 aAa: 642 Famous x Talent x Royalty

new release!

parent average type data

Heavenly Zippy, jr. champion, WDE and All-American Dairy Show, 2016, Brett Groebner, Monroe, WI

Ashes Famous Patriot Tracy Rosemary & Cory Ash, Litchfield, MN

CDCB Sire Summary (04/17) 24 Dtrs/19 Herds RIP 83% Rel 68% +430Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 50%) +$166 Protein -0.01 +12 Cheese Merit +$163 Fat -0.01 +13 CFP +25 AMSS Type Parent Averages (04/17) 5 Dtrs/5 Herds Unofficial Type Proof Rel 45% +0.6Type +0.05UDC PPR +61 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.05 50% Rel PL +1.8 34% Rel LIV +1.8 22% Rel HCR +0.0 20% Rel CCR +0.0 30% Rel DPR +0.2 30% Rel Sire Conception Rate -0.1 40% Rel 171 Obs Use on daughters of: BLAINE LIRIANO MEGADETH


7MS361 GE GOLD MINE PRESTO GIANNI USA68319302 Beta Casein: A2A2

Super Sampler

AMSS Production Parent Averages Rel 34% +182Milk % Test Protein Fat AMSS Type Parent Averages

(04/17) Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 26%) +6 Cheese Merit +17 CFP (04/17)

+$98 +$96 +23

Rel 26% +0.4Type +0.89UDC +0.4MOB PPR +46 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.07 27% Rel PL +0.2 20% Rel LIV -0.8 12% Rel HCR +1.4 13% Rel CCR +0.9 18% Rel DPR +0.0 19% Rel

S: North Stars Presto ET Exp D: Ge Gold Mine R Gensis 010 (EX-91-2E-EX-MS) 4-10 350d 25,750M 3.9% 1,014F 3.3% 856P MGS: Scientific Destry-ET (VG-88) MGD: Gold Mine R Mocha Gabanna 812 (VG-87-VG-MS) MGGS: Clarefield Mocha GIANNI is registered in the genetic expansion program


7MS360 GI2 GOLD MINE MD JUSTICE USA68317314 Beta Casein: A2A2

Super Sampler

AMSS Production Parent Averages Rel 37% +552Milk % Test Protein Fat AMSS Type Parent Averages

(04/17) Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 32%) +28 Cheese Merit +23 CFP (04/17)

+$235 +$243 +51

Rel 33% +0.6Type +0.88UDC +0.8MOB PPR +121 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.23 34% Rel PL +2.8 29% Rel LIV -0.7 22% Rel HCR +1.4 16% Rel CCR +1.2 30% Rel DPR +0.8 28% Rel

S: Kuszmar Megadeth D: Gi Gold Mine Jezebel 011 (EX-92-2E-EX-MS) 2-02 337d 24,700M 3.1% 768F 3.1% 760P MGS: Scientific Destry-ET (VG-88) MGD: Gold Mine R Tribute Jules 811 (VG-86-VG-MS) MGGS: Granduc Tribute MD JUSTICE is registered in the genetic expansion program with a red and white coat (GI2).



aAa: 426315


Grumpy x Nick x Decision

Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 78 Dtrs/44 Herds RIP 65% Rel 87% +628Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 77%) +$109 Protein +0.03 +25 Cheese Merit +$120 Fat -0.05 +19 CFP +44 CDCB/AGA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 53 Dtrs/35 Herds Rel 84%




GPTI +69

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.94 75% Rel PL -1.0 63% Rel LIV -2.2 36% Rel HCR -0.4 46% Rel CCR -1.5 54% Rel DPR -1.7 55% Rel

new release!



aAa: 642


Grumpy x Natural x Luxury

Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 101 Dtrs/51 Herds RIP 7% Rel 84% +794Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 75%) +$328 Protein +0.00 +27 Cheese Merit +$332 Fat -0.01 +31 CFP +58 CDCB/AGA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 37 Dtrs/26 Herds Rel 78%




GPTI +93

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.02 75% Rel PL +2.9 67% Rel LIV +1.9 37% Rel HCR -0.4 42% Rel CCR +0.1 57% Rel DPR +0.7 60% Rel Sire Conception Rate +0.4 64% Rel 463 Obs Use on daughters of: COPPER CORDELL LAREDO PRADA SPIDER



Les x Alstar x Jay

Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 60 Dtrs/33 Herds RIP 7% Rel 86% +299Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 77%) +$56 Protein +0.00 +10 Cheese Merit +$50 Fat +0.09 +28 CFP +38 CDCB/AGA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 44 Dtrs/26 Herds Rel +1.6Type +1.1UDC +1.0FLC GPTI +54 82% Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 3.26 73% Rel PL -0.1 66% Rel LIV -2.2 40% Rel HCR -0.6 43% Rel CCR -1.9 59% Rel DPR -1.1 59% Rel Sire Conception Rate -1.1 45% Rel 211 Obs Use on daughters of: AMERICAN PIE CRUNCH GRUMPY LEVI TURLEY



Aaron x Luxury x Baldwin

Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 58 Dtrs/38 Herds RIP 0% Rel 83% +233Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 76%) +$107 Protein -0.03 +2 Cheese Merit +$105 Fat +0.00 +10 CFP +12 CDCB/AGA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) 35 Dtrs/27 Herds Rel 80% +1.5Type +1.1UDC +1.6FLC GPTI +54 Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.78 73% Rel PL +1.4 67% Rel LIV -2.1 44% Rel HCR +0.2 43% Rel CCR -0.9 58% Rel DPR +0.8 58% Rel Sire Conception Rate -1.2 80% Rel 1,046 Obs Use on daughters of: FAME GARY LONE STAR MENTOR TURLEY



Springhill Legend Kelsey (VG-84-VG-87-MS) Springhill Farm Inc., Big Prairie, OH


Walnut Ridge Novak Slayer (VG-87-VG-87-MS),

1st sr. 2-year-old Ohio Spring Dairy Expo, 2016, Russel Alden, Danville, OH


Dairyman Lightning Dosido (VG-87-EX-90-MS) Second Lactation, Hoards Dairyman Farm,

Fort Atkinson, WI


Rolling Prairie Doriva (VG-88-EX-90-MS)

Jordan Walther, Garnavillo, IA

s u p e r


s a m p l e r s

7GU471 DAIRYMAN COPPER RANDALL-ET 8403009973866 aAa: 261 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 48% +434Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 44%) Protein -0.01 +11 Cheese Merit Fat +0.00 +20 CFP CDCB/AGA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 48% +1.5Type +1.1UDC +1.0FLC Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.75 42% Rel PL +2.9 38% Rel HCR -0.2 30% Rel CCR -0.5 35% Rel

LIV +0.4 DPR +0.6

+$256 +$261 +31 GPTI +69 30% Rel 35% Rel

S: Jens Gold Aaron Copper D: Dairyman Iceman Rosebowl (EX-90-EX-90-MS) MGS: Dairyman Banger Iceman MGD: Dairyman Hudson Rosa MGGS: Jens Gold Fort Hudson

Dairyman Iceman Rosebowl (EX-90-EX-90-MS) 5-05 3X 365d 36,660M 5.5% 2,009F 3.7% 1,345P


7GU467 PAOKIE LIL ERNIE USA78004779 aAa: 126 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 43% +577Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 40%) Protein -0.01 +17 Cheese Merit Fat +0.07 +33 CFP CDCB/AGA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 45% +1.1Type +0.8UDC +1.3FLC

+$231 +$233 +50 GPTI +85

Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.91 36% Rel PL +1.1 33% Rel LIV -0.2 28% Rel HCR -0.9 29% Rel CCR +0.6 32% Rel DPR +0.4 32% Rel Sire Conception Rate +1.1 58% Rel 355 Obs

S: Springhill Jetstream D: Coulee Crest AP Lorilee (EX-90-EX-91-MS) MGS: Indian Acres American Pie MGD: Coulee Crest Nick Lorilyn (EX-91-EX-90-MS) MGGS: Lang Haven Tiller Nick-ET-ET

Coulee Crest AP Lorilee (EX-90-EX-91-MS) 2-10 3X 365d 41,180M 4.7% 1,945F 3.5% 1,425P

Ladys Man

7GU468 FLAMBEAU MANOR LADYS MAN USA78006572 aAa: 156 Beta Casein: A2A2

CDCB Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 48% +116Milk % Test Lbs. Net Merit(Rel 44%) Protein -0.01 +3 Cheese Merit Fat -0.06 -3 CFP CDCB/AGA Genomic Evaluation (04/17) Rel 47% +1.7Type +1.4UDC +1.4FLC Health and Fertility (04/17) SCS 2.97 42% Rel PL +1.0 38% Rel HCR -1.6 31% Rel CCR -1.8 36% Rel

+$19 +$19 +0 GPTI +36

LIV -1.3 32% Rel DPR -0.2 37% Rel

S: Marodore Aarons Levi-ET D: Flambeau Manor Ro Lauren-ET (EX-94-EX-95-MS) MGS: Jensgolden Proking Royal Oak MGD: Flambeau Manor G Lauren (EX-92-EX-90-MS) MGGS: Rozelyn Pat Mar P Goliath-ET

Flambeau Manor Ro Lauren-ET (EX-94-EX-95-MS) 3-00 365d 22,910M 5.4% 1,230F 3.8% 864P


SCAN HERE or visit to watch the official ESTROTECT™ Heat Detector video. ©2016 Rockway, Inc. ESTROTECT, Mounting Evidence and As Good As A Bull are trademarks of Rockway, Inc. Visit * Contact to request the full study.




Handling Frozen Semen Straws

Proper semen handling is essential to maintain optimum reproductive performance of your A.I. breeding program. To maintain the high quality of semen you purchased from your Select Sires representative, you must pay strict attention to the many details of semen handling outlined on this poster. If you have questions about the correct handling procedures for Select Sires semen, please call you Select Sires Reproductive Solutions Specialist. STRAW RETRIEVAL AND THAWING • Avoid raising straws above the frost line. (1) • On new canes, bend the identification tab up to a 45º angle. (2) • Use the forceps to remove one straw at a time from the top. If it takes more than 10 seconds to retrieve the straw, lower the canister back into the tank and allow to re-cool for 20 to 30 seconds. (3) • Shake the straw gently to remove excess liquid nitrogen and promptly place in 95º F (35º C) water to thaw for at least 45 seconds. Thaw only as many straws as you can use in 10 to 15 minutes. When multiple straws are thawed, do not allow direct contact during thawing process. (4) • To retrieve straws from the bottom goblet, grasp the cane and raise it until the straws are even with other cane tops. Hold the cane and canister with one hand. With your forceps in the other hand, remove the desired straw and place it in the thaw water. (5) LOADING THE INSEMINATION GUN • Before loading the insemination gun, pre-warm the barrel by stroking it vigorously with your hand five or six times. • Make sure the plunger is back about six inches to allow for insertion of the straw. • Remove the straw from the thaw water and wipe it completely dry with a paper towel. • Check to see that the straw contains semen from the desired bull and that a small bubble is at the crimped end. • If the bubble is not at the crimped end, gently tap the straw until the bubble moves to its correct position. • Place the cotton plug end of the straw in the gun. It will stop at exactly the right depth. • Wipe the scissors with a paper towel and cut the straw at a right angle ¼" below the lab seal. (6) • Slide the plastic sheath over the straw and gun and firmly attach the sheath and gun together. (7 and 8) • Inspect the straw end of the gun to ensure a proper seal between sheath and straw. (9) • Wrap loaded guns in a paper towel or in a plastic sheath cover to provide both thermal and hygienic protection and place inside your clothing for transport to the cow. (10)

Frost line











Our Passion. YOUR SUCCESS Telephone: (614) 873-4683

™Select Reproductive Solutions is a trademark of Select Sires Inc. SS107-1113 Product of USA



A Federation of Nine Farmer Owned and Controlled Cooperatives WASHING

















N.H. Mass.
























N.J .






WE ST Va .



Md. Del. D.C.







Mission Statement

Select Sires’ Core Values

To enhance the productivity and profitability of dairy and beef producers, Select Sires is committed to be the premier provider of highly fertile, superior genetics accompanied by effective reproductive- and herdmanagement products and services.

* Responsiveness to customer needs * Highly trained, professional personnel * High quality at a fair price * Industry leadership * Product and service innovation * Commitment to research * Good stewardship of assets * Continuous improvement * Integrity in everything we do

Adopted Dec. 6, 2001

MEMBER CO-OPS ALL WEST/SELECT SIRES Washington Office P.O. Box 507 Burlington, WA 98233 Phone:  (360) 757-6093 / (800) 426-2697 Fax: (360) 757-7808 E-mail: Jim Wells, general manager Patrick Brown, director of distribution Southern Division Office P.O. Box 1803 Turlock, CA 95381 Phone:  (209) 667-8378 / (800) 278-8254 Fax: (209) 667-8379 Bill Genasci, regional manager Serving: Washington, Oregon, California, Northern Montana, Northern Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii

NORTHSTAR COOPERATIVE P.O. Box 23157 Lansing, MI 48909 Phone: (800) 631-3510 Fax: (517) 351-5610 E-mail: Mark Adam, general manager Jim Sipiorski, director of A.I. sales Ed Nichols, integrated services manager Serving: Michigan, Indiana (U.S. 50 North), Northern Wisconsin PRAIRIE STATE/SELECT SIRES 41W 394 US Highway 20 Hampshire, IL 60140 Phone: (847) 464-5281 Fax: (847) 464-4088 E-mail: Devin Albrecht, manager Bryan Marcoot, director of marketing John Erbsen, Illinois dairy coordinator Lars Sivesind, Iowa dairy coordinator Serving: Illinois, Iowa

COBA/SELECT SIRES INC. 1224 Alton-Darby Creek Road Columbus, OH 43228-9792 Phone:  (614) 878-5333 Fax: (614) 870-2622 E-mail: Duane Logan, general manager SELECT SIRES MIDAMERICA, INC. Chris Lahmers, marketing director- North Randy Hill, Manager Norman Hoff, marketing director - Southwest Utah Office Serving: Ohio, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Western Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Western 833 West 400 North Logan, UT 84321 West Virginia Phone: 435-752-2022 / 800-421-9245 Fax: 435-752-2097 EAST CENTRAL/SELECT SIRES E-mail: ssmidamerica@ssmidamerica. P.O. Box 191 com Waupun, WI 53963 Phone: (920) 324-3505 Peter Matousek, Dairy Marketing Fax: (920) 324-5580 Coordinator For Service: (800) 288-7473 Kentucky Office E-mail: P.O. Box 22146 Alan Deming, manager 1930 Herr Lane Brian Kelroy, sales manager Louisville, KY 40252 Jerome Meyer, sales manager Phone: 502-425-1868 / 800-489-1868 Serving: Southern Wisconsin Fax: 502-425-2317 MINNESOTA SELECT SIRES CO-OP, INC. E-mail: Dan Johnson, Marketing Director 6601 Gregory Park Road St. Cloud, MN 56301 Brady Core Dairy Coordinator Phone:  (320) 259-6680 / (800) 795-1233 Serving: Kentucky, Southern Indiana, Fax: (320) 259-5039 Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, E-mail: Colorado, Wyoming, Eastern Montana, Chris Sigurdson, manager Neal Grotsun, genetic programs manager Southern Idaho, Utah and Nevada Serving: Minnesota, North Dakota


INTERNATIONAL SELECT SIRE POWER INC. Mailing: P.O. Drawer 370 Shipping: 2623 Carolina Springs Road Rocky Mount, VA 24151 Phone: (800) 423-7473 / (540) 483-5123 Fax: (540) 483-7286 E-mail: Norman Vincel, manager Kirk Sattazahn, director of marketing Tunkhannock Office 1 Stony Mountain Road Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Phone: (570) 836-3168 Fax: (570) 836-1490 Serving: Virginia, Eastern North Carolina, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, Eastern West Virginia, Eastern Pennsylvania, New York, New England SOUTHEAST SELECT SIRES INC. 3789 Old Port Royal Road Spring Hill, TN 37174 Phone:  (931) 489-2020 Fax: (931) 489-2026 E-mail: com Tim Riley, manager Joe Fowler, dairy coordinator Todd Gaby, dairy coordinator Todd Lee, dairy coordinator Serving: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Western North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee

Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania WORLD WIDE SIRES LTD. 5545 Avenida de los Robles Visalia, CA 93291 Phone: (559) 622-2222 Fax: (559) 741-2828

Central and South America



COBA/SELECT SIRES INC. Dr. Fernando Alvarez Reforma No. 1, Centro Queretaro, Qro Mexico 76000 Cell Phone: 52 1 442 219 2025 Fax: 52 1 442 277 5336 E-mail:


Bill Young, general manager RR 3 P.O. Box 489 / 2 Industrial Road Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 Phone:  (613) 258-3800 Fax: (613) 258-7257 In all other areas, contact:

Select Sires Inc. Phone: (614) 873-4683 Fax: (614) 873-5751 E-mail:

To purchase semen from any sire on the pages of this directory, call, email or write your local member cooperative on this page.

sire in d e x



NM$ Milk Prot. % Prot. Fat% Fat Yld. R. Dtrs/Herds PL SCS SCR CM$

7AY84 Burdette▲ 118 215 0.03 12 -0.01 7AY93 Berkely -53 -75 -0.04 -10 0.01 7AY103 Diplomat 177 317 0.04 17 0.05 7AY108 Raney 29 71 -0.02 -3 0.01

6 -2 23 2

99 92 61 68

4897/1322 0.7 293/176 -0.4 12/8 -0.5 12/6 1.0

2.89 2.4 131 3.05 1.0 -66 2.93 192 3.02 21

limited semen availability

PTAT Type R. GPTI 1.9 1.1 0.4 0.9

98 87 51 67


475 . . . . . 407 . . . . . 463 . . . . . 425 . . . . .

33 33 34 33

Brown Swiss

NM$ Milk Prot. % Prot. Fat% Fat Yld. R. Dtrs/Herds PL



PTAT Type R. GPPR . . Page


NM$ Milk Prot. % Prot. Fat% Fat Yld. R. Dtrs/Herds PL




7BS826 August 7BS852 Bosephus 7BS854 Bush 7BS861 Gps▲ 7BS863 Seaman 7BS866 Damian

7GU438 Levi 7GU445 Lightning 7GU446 Novak 7GU451 Legend

300 244 253 152 138 278

107 56 328 109

639 0.01 645 0.04 299 0.02 635 -0.04 543 0.04 -173 0.11

23 0.04 30 0.11 14 -0.01 11 -0.06 29 0.00 19 0.14

233 -0.03 2 0.00 299 0.00 10 0.09 794 0.00 27 -0.01 628 0.03 25 -0.05

36 52 8 11 22 24

10 28 31 19

96 96 96 86 84 84

83 86 84 87

251/146 411/223 343/129 51/35 43/33 42/29

2.8 0.3 3.7 1.1 -1.6 2.3

2.73 3.3 2.84 3.4 2.82 1.2 2.91 2.98 1.2 2.82

315 266 267 143 159 323

0.6 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.5

58/38 1.4 2.78 -1.2 105 1.6 60/33 -0.1 3.26 -1.1 50 1.0 101/51 2.9 3.02 0.4 332 0.7 78/44 -1.0 2.94 120 1.1

Jersey NM$ Milk Prot. % Prot. Fat% Fat Yld. R. Dtrs/Herds PL SCS SCR CM$

7JE1038 Valentino 7JE1088 Colton 7JE1149 Dimension 7JE1184 News 7JE1219 Oliver-P 7JE1221 Pharoah 7JE1242 Nitro 7JE1251 Metalica 7JE1254 Jx Jammer {4} 7JE1267 Deputy 7JE1274 Axis 7JE1275 Demand 7JE1294 Barnabas 7JE1331 Varick 7JE1332 Reno 7JE1335 Jordache 7JE1354 Texas

Milking Shorthorn 7MS356 Patriot

335 694 -0.01 109 -984 0.10 447 69 0.18 435 1,774 -0.06 435 703 -0.02 413 1,238 -0.07 313 773 0.01 325 38 0.04 477 1,075 -0.04 459 1,111 0.01 582 1,984 -0.04 476 789 0.03 227 367 0.00 505 583 0.10 351 675 -0.03 446 80 0.10 196 321 0.01

7AY111 Reagan 7AY114 Petition 7AY117 SAMSON

7BS871 Advisor Brookings x Vigor............ 32 7BS872 Tequila Carter x Alloy................... 32 7BS882 Moonlight Durham x Supreme......... 32 7BS884 Allstar Cadence x Power Surge.. 32 7BS888 hercules Cadence x Driver............. 32 7BS889 hILTON Dario x Cadence.............. 31

7GU467 Ernie 7GU468 ladys man 7GU471 RANDALL

7MS360 MD JUSTICE Megadeth x Destry............ 35 7MS361 GIANNI Presto x Destry................. 35


Milking Shorthorn Jersey 7JE1344

99 11313/1310 6.2 3.00 -1.2 341 97 443/166 2.0 3.11 2.0 126 99 1255/207 4.2 2.90 2.6 510 94 117/41 5.2 2.85 2.2 435 98 532/128 4.9 2.91 1.1 439 98 587/109 5.4 2.97 -1.5 403 98 688/175 1.8 2.95 3.5 327 97 382/119 5.0 2.80 1.4 346 95 178/49 5.2 2.83 3.5 478 88 39/20 5.0 2.86 476 98 825/128 6.8 2.82 2.4 595 88 41/27 6.1 2.81 500 96 334/74 4.0 2.99 3.0 233 90 53/31 4.4 2.92 546 88 61/29 3.2 3.01 2.7 346 94 172/30 4.7 2.93 2.6 482 92 99/25 4.2 2.91 4.4 205

166 430 -0.01 12 -0.01 13 68

Brown Swiss

22 9 58 25 46 25 25 25 67 51 45 38 28 53 48 66 -3

NM$ Milk Prot. % Prot. Fat% Fat Yld. R. Dtrs/Herds PL


24 -0.06 -17 0.29 39 0.27 50 -0.28 22 0.06 30 -0.16 31 -0.06 10 0.12 30 0.08 41 -0.01 64 -0.23 35 0.00 14 0.05 41 0.13 17 0.08 23 0.31 13 -0.09

BERKELY x Poker.............34 Rockstar x Reality...........34 Prime x Remington..........34

Jetstream x American Pie..37 levi x ROYAL OAK................37 Copper x Iceman................37

MATT IRWIN x TBONE......................20 7JE1385 MOORE RENE x Merchant...................19 7JE1411 WINDSTAR Megatron x Legal..................20 7JE1437 Sangita Santana-P x Critic-P............19 7JE1447 Seven Machete x Plus {5}................18 7JE1471 Milton Magnum x Irwin...................18 7JE1477 JX Saint {4} Chili x Apparition...................16 7JE1486 Fizz Tequila x Sultan.....................24 7JE1490 Greg Ballistic x Dimension........15 7JE1499 Solar-Pp Nikon-P x Dimension...........17 7JE1503 JX ROLANDINHO {3} Harris x Topeka.....................16 7JE1505 JX POGBA {4} Huell x Daybreak...................14 7JE1507 SIGNAL Charlemagne x Dimension........19



1.8 3.05 -0.1 163 1.0

Jersey Cont.

7JE1508 JX STERLING {5}-P Harris x Venerable............12 7JE1516 DYNASTY Pharaoh x Zipper...........18 7JE1520 FIERCE Volcano x Preston............17. 7JE1528 DISCO CHISEL x Dazzler...............15 7JE1529 DOORMAN CHISEL x Dazzler...............18 7JE1536 JX GODFATHER {5} Harris {4} x Sparky...........13 7JE1537 WICHITA Formidable x Visionary....17. 7JE1540 JX STORMCLOUD {4} Boudreaux x Visionary.....14 7JE1545 DREW Chisel x Visionary............15 7JE1549 JX WAVE {3} Barksdale {2} x Perform..14 7JE1557 JX SILAS {5}-P Harris {4} x Plus {5}..........12 7JE1561 JX THOMAS {5} Harris {4} x Renegade......12 7JE1562 JX HARVEY {3} RENO x Hulk.......................13 7JE5004 CHROME Critic-P x Celebrity...........24 7JE5015 SHOWDOWN Premier x Voltage.............24 7JE5016 JX Pflex {5} Soprano x TBONE..............25 7JE5020 Striker Axis x Artist.......................26 7JE5022 Detour Nitro x Critic-P................26 7JE5032 Victorious Barnabas x Iatola............25 7JE5040 FLASH Charlemagne x Jupiter...26 7JE5041 JX Triumph {5} Chrome x Golda {3}........26 7JE5043 Posterboy Laramie x Renegade........25 7XD1535 JX Syndergaard {3} Vandrell {2} x VALENTINO....19 507JE1482 CLAY Protector x Legacy...........16


250JE1456 Torpedo SANTANA-P x FASTRACK....20 250JE1511 Wildcat Texas x Legal....................21 250JE1534 PRIDE Archer x Premier..............21 250JE1543 channing BARNABAS x Impuls..........21

0.29 1.15 1.68 0.86 1.04 0.99

1.1 1.1 0.4 1.5

0.7 1.3 0.7 0.6 1.3 0.6

1.5 1.6 0.7 1.2

89 91 93 73 74 72

80 82 78 84

113 . . . . . 127 . . . . . 92 . . . . . 65 . . . . . 111 . . . . . 111 . . . . .

29 30 30 31 31 30


54 . . . . . 54 . . . . . 93 . . . . . 69 . . . . .

36 36 36 36

JUI™ PTAT Type R. GJPI™ Page

18.2 23.6 5.5 5.8 23.0 18.0 9.5 18.0 10.1 11.8 12.7 5.5 27.9 15.6 21.2 21.8 31.0


2.0 1.4 0.2 1.2 2.4 1.4 0.7 1.6 0.9 1.3 1.8 0.4 2.5 1.1 1.4 1.3 2.0

99 91 98 91 96 96 96 95 92 84 95 82 87 82 80 81 83

87 . . . . . . 8 36 . . . . . 11 148 . . . . . . 8 130 . . . . . . 9 121 . . . . . . 6 121 . . . . . . 9 111 . . . . . . 7 98 . . . . . 10 131 . . . . . . 7 139 . . . . . . 8 168 . . . . . . 4 145 . . . . . . 7 62 . . . . . . 5 163 . . . . . . 9 100 . . . . . . 8 128 . . . . . . 6 65 . . . . . . 3

PTAT Type R. GPPR . . Page

0.05 0.60 45

61 . . . . . 35

Fertility Pro Sires 7JE1409 SAvvy Solution x VALENTINO.......27 7JE1458 JX poker face {3} Rawls {2} x Karbala...........27 7JE1459 STEELY 7JE1461 BONANZA

Magnum x Dale..............27 Axis x Plus {5}.................27

IB-M/USA = Interbull-MACE (Multiple Across Country Evaluations) Summary; G = USDA Genomic Evaluation *TM = marker tested non-carrier at a 90% or higher reliability for SMA (*M) = marker tested carrier at a 90% or higher reliability for SMA ™JPI, Jersey Udder Index and JUI are trademarks of the American Jersey Cattle Association. ™Program for Genetic Advancement, PGA, SUPERIOR SETTLER, gender SELECTed, HealthMark and Super Sampler are trademarks of Select Sires Inc. ®FeedPRO, Select Mating Service and SMS are registered trademarks of Select Sires Inc.

Denotes sires that are eligible for semen export to Canada. Denotes sires that are a product of Select’s Program for Genetic Advancement™ young-sire-sampling system. Denotes sires that have sexed semen available. gender SELECTed™ semen processed by Sexing Technologies for Select Sires shall be used only for the single insemination of one female bovine during natural ovulation with the intent to produce single offspring unless specifically approved on an individual customer basis by Sexing Technologies in writing. This semen is produced using the proprietary technology of XY LLC and Inguran LLC, as partially represented by U.S. Patents: 6372422, 7094527, 7208265, 7371517, 6357307, 7723116, 7758811and 7799569. Patents pending in US and foreign markets. XY® is a trademark of XY LLC. Denotes sires that have passed A2 verification testing. SELECT SIRES INC., its member cooperatives, its agents or employees cannot and do not guarantee the conception rate, gender, quality or productivity to be obtained in connection with the use of its products or recommended techniques. IT MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OF ITS PRODUCTS AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In the unlikely event that any of our products shall be proven to be defective, damages resulting from their use shall exclude consequential damages and be limited to their purchase price of the product.



Minster, Ohio 45865 Permit No. 1

Select Sires Inc. 11740 U.S. 42 North, P.O. Box 143 Plain City, OH 43064-0143

Product of the USA. SS12-15M-JS-0417-PP


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