Paranormal JULY 2013 Find your next read! All about Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Books
Battle of the characters: Meet the competitors!
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I will kick your ass!
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have been working my ass off the last month. Giving Paranormal Cravings a sping cleaning. Pc will be moving to a other hosting provide (fingers crossed that will go smoothly). With the move we also made some ajustments and a wicked good looking new logo!
This is a free magazine. Starting with the launch of the January issue and each month we will launch a new edition! The Paranormal Cravings book reviews E-Magazine is 100% FREE for all our newsletter subscribers! WHAT WILL YOU GET: In our e-magazine you will find besides the reviews and guest post from our site also special features like upcoming releases for next month, pinterst pages from our authors, upcoming Events and Tours and more. In our magazine you will also find fun facts you won’t find on our site like guest colomns and fun facts. You can also search for words within the pages of the magazine including titles, author names or just keywords and click on the links to go directly to the posts online or to the websites pages of the authors for more inforation. You can also share this magazine with friend via social media
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Please let us know what you think of our magazine. Your feedback on our e-magazine is much appreciated. mag@
The Paranormal Cravings book reviews E-Magazine can be read in any browser Ipad or phone. Soon available on Amazon and iTunes. We are still working on a iPhone and iPad app.
We will be adding new icons so it is easier to spot the genre. With this issue we already added them
The reviews have been a little bit of a dissapointment. I have been looking forward to some new releases my favorite series, but I think I was expecting to much because the end result was not what I expeted them to be.
Please don’t dublicate anything from this magazine without contacting us first. All texts, images, covers and other info is from Paranormal Cravings or contributing authors.
Iris Hunter, Paranormal Cravings My name is Iris. I am a mom and Art Director and I love to read books with a Happy Ever After. Some of my favorite authors include Ann Aguirre, J.R. Ward, Nalini Singh, Erin McCarthy, Christine Feehan, Kresely Cole, Jeaniene Frost, Darynda Jones, Dianne Duvall, and Jenn Bennett.
We re-launched Paranormal Cravings in 2010 with a new design and logo. As Art Director I have over 15 years of experience in Design, Social Media Design, Internet Design, Social Media Marketing, Book Tours and Book Promotions. But I am still a native Dutch (born in the Netherlands) so if you find a type-o in this magazine or on the blog, than it’s probally mine :)
Paranormal eBook Reviewer Featuring
Fiction Freebie’s Reviewer
Kym Grosse She’s done it agian. Book 3 of the IMMORTALS OF NEW ORLEANS was fantastic.
Fiction YA Reviewer Video blogger/reviewer Column writer/author for this magazine Note: These are not payed positions, the only thing I can offer is fun books for you to review.
The cover Up from the Grave by Jeanine Frost. Again one of those books I really look forward to read. I hope it is Ok for me to use one of your picts for the cover. Your an inspiration for many!
T.A. Grey With a fun Guest post about what makes a strong heroine with lots of pictures!
Christine Verstraete Thank you for the fun interview Christine! -x Iris GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie