Paranormal Galaxy Magazine November 2014

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November 2014

A Connection to Viking Ancestry

Child of the Night

Wake Up or Die Helen Duncan: Revolutionary Psychic

The Space Witch Amanda Morris


HISTORY is the focus of this November 2014 issue of Paranormal Galaxy Magazine! From enlightening historical accounts to intriguing books to read, this issue is made to be very informative This issue is sure to educate, enlighten, and heighten your curiosity. From Vikings, to The Spiritual Path, and Child of the Night, there are so many inspirational articles to choose from. Be sure to take the time to read Wake Up or Die by Cyrus Yavneh, it shouldn’t be missed. The Chain of Souls paranormal movie campaign has been moved to Indiegogo and has been extended through November 30th! Please check it out and support the movie and see how you can get coverage in Paranormal Galaxy Magazine and on our radio show and contribute! Every amount helps. Be sure to check out Paranormal Galaxy Radio. It airs on Paramania Radio network every Thursday at 5 pm EST. To listen to our podcasts go to Sherrie Wilkolaski Editor-in-Chief PS Paranormal Galaxy Magazine is looking for contributors and radio show guests so please contact us at!

Contents Vikings 5 Helen Duncan Made a Change in History 9 Cloud Bustin’ 12 Survival Physics: Part Three 14 The Spiritual Path 17 The Hidden Blessing in Psychic Attack 20 Review of Hidden Wisdom 22 Threshold by Devin O’Branagan 23 The Guinea Pig Diaries: Part Five 25 Child of the Night 29 Hearing Silence 27 Kris Sedersten’s Favorite Paranormal Stories 31 Wake Up or Die 33 Interview with Space Witch Amanda Morris 35 Maze 36 Featured Online Quizzes 37 Word Search 38 Horoscopes 39

SHERRIE WILKOLASKI Ed i tor-in- Chief and Managing Partner JACK HEATH Executive Ed i tor ALAN COX Ed i tor KRIS SEDERSTEN Ed i tor- at -Large JESSE BRAVO Celebrity Psychic Ed i tor- at -Large TAYLOR YOUNG Production Editor CONTRIBUTORS Paul Bergman Pam Brittan Brock Burroughs Colin Christopher B. Joann Crisp Dave Erickson Eric J. Gates Barbara Gremillion Melissa Jones David Marchant Christine Milano Ian Mills Amanda Morris Devin O’Branagan Ronald Pearson Penelope Rollinson Pauline Trabar Chelsea Wilson Cyrus Yavneh Taylor Young

INTERNS Melissa Jones Ashley Magliane Chelsea Wilson

Paranormal Galaxy Magazine

is published in English. Our audience is a global market with global contributors. Each writes, using the f orm of English with which they are f amiliar. So you’ll see US, UK, AUS, CAN, versions, etc. We hope this eliminates any conf usion on spelling.

Vikings By Alan Cox Back in 2004 I gave readings at a mind body and spirit fayre held in the city of Hereford England. I have changed the names of the people involved to respect their unanimity. A lady named Fran came to me and asked for a reading. It was apparent to me that this was not going to be a run of the mill fortune telling type of reading. Having sat down at my table she said she had been drawn to me believing I would be the person who would be able to help her. She asked if I could tell her about her husband Richard. Straight away I told her that his behaviour over the past three weeks had unexplainably altered dramatically. He had become very agitated towards her and their two children and totally out of character he had become violent towards Fran. Although he hadn’t raised his hand to the children his temper was greatly upsetting them. Also I said that there was some connection with Vikings with him. Fran said that all I had told her was exactly how things were; and then asked me how I could help her family. I said that I would need to come to their home to clear the demons. It was arranged that I would go five days later while Richard was at work. She said that she felt she couldn’t tell him about me going there to clear everything in case he refused the help. When I arrived at their home I could feel the bad energies from outside the property. The house was a listed building dating back to Elizabethan times. It was a black and white timber framed building typical of that era situated out in the countryside just outside a village. I asked Fran to come round her home with me; I always do this so the client can witness the cleansing so they can feel the difference in the atmosphere straight away has the negative energies are removed. There were three demons in the house, two in the lounge and one in Fran and Richard’s bedroom. Also I could see the link to Richard to the Vikings. There were six Viking warriors possessing him. Fran said he was buying as many books that he could about the Vikings and hiring them out from the library and watching lots of videos about them. The obsession had gone to ridicules lengths. I linked in with my spirit guides to Richard using Fran has the connection and one by one removed the Vikings from him.

The following evening I received a phone call from Fran; she had told Richard all about what went on the day before while he was at work. That evening when he returned home from work he had reverted to his loving caring self. He said that at about 3 that afternoon he felt something lift from him and he suddenly felt light and free of dark thoughts. He thought to himself why he had been obsessed with the Vikings; there was no reason he could think of why this had happened. Where they lived is nowhere near the sea. The Vikings invaded Great Britain by landing on the coasts of Scotland and the North East of England. Herefordshire is situated in the South West of England and borders Wales; so there was no obvious connection. Although I never found out the connection for definite I believe it could have been a connection with Richard from a previous life. Richard came on the phone to me; I was wondering what to expect him to say to me. I needn’t have worried. He said he was so grateful for what I had done for him and wanted to meet me. So we arranged for the following Saturday. Anne hadn’t accompanied me on the clearing but came with me to meet him and Fran. It was a lovely sunny warm Saturday summer’s day when we went there to visit them. Richard was so welcoming to us both, we also met their son and daughter; both were lovely children aged about 10 and 8 respectfully. We sat out in their beautiful back garden; all the flowers were in full bloom; the smell of the hyacinths wafted across to us from the borders; the setting was perfect. Richard asked me to explain fully what had gone on that day of the clearing. I explained that there was a lot of bad spirit in their home; some inherited with the house but a strong presence of Viking soldiers. He said that about four months previously he had been watching on television a documentary about the Viking invasion of Britain and he can now realise that this was when his obsession with them began. He said to me that he could see himself has one of them; it all seemed so real to him.

I said although I can’t categorically say that he was a Viking in a previous life it did seem the most obvious reason for his personality change. Richard said that he had hated himself for the way he had behaved towards his family; he could see it happening as if he was watching a movie and he was a character in the film. He said he had no control over his actions and said it really scared him. Fran said that Richard was now back to being the loving husband and father he had always been. Richard said he had been having severe stomach pains periodically over the last few months and asked if I would give him hands on healing; so we withdrew to the house and I proceeded to put my hands on his stomach. Straight away I could feel a pulling in my hands; Richard thought my hands were inside him; that’s how strong the healing energy was right then; this went on for around ten minutes or so. I then withdrew my hands from Richard’s stomach; it’s hard to explain exactly but when the healing is finished my hands are released from the persons being; until that moment it is as if they are glued in position and I can’t let go. This is when the doctor in spirit; Dr Ingles who works through me is doing his work to help the client. At the moment of release Richard said all his pain had left him; he said it was as if it had been drawn out of his body; all was now well. We continued a lovely afternoon in the garden having typical English tea with sandwiches and cakes. I heard from Fran a month later saying that the whole family were really happy and their lives were back on track. Although I deal with this type of thing regularly in my work it still amazes me in a negative way that these demons and spirits can alter someone’s life so much. Always remember that the demons etc can only succeed if we allow them to. Help is always at hand; it just needs either the person themselves or a loved one to recognise the change and the problem can be solved in the vast majority of cases.

Listen to with Alan Cox Some recent guests include:

New York Author Celebrity Psychic Dave Ashworth! Jesse Bravo! UK Singer, Songwriter, Pop Star Psychic Daz Simpson! You can also listen to Alan on Paranormal Galaxy Radio!

Listen live on Paramania Radio Thursdays at 4 pm EST

Salem VI: Book II Chain of Souls Weeks after Salem newspaper editor John Andrews avenges his wife’s four-year-old cold case murder, he’s thrust into the mayhem of another mystery. The Coven, who’s kept tight their secrets of power and blood-lust for centuries, is bent on silencing Andrews. Though his nightmares tell him otherwise, he’s willing to keep things under wraps until there’s proof— he’s a newsman after all. But when the Coven kidnaps his daughter, Andrews must further reveal Salem’s murky past—his daughter’s life depends on it. As the Coven’s onslaught continues and the body’s pile up, good souls and bad, Andrews learns that Salem isn’t the only place controlled by the Coven. It’s an international organization on a dark mission with an even darker past. And so begins the witch-hunt.

See the book preview in the July edition of Paranormal Galaxy Magazine!

Helen Duncan Made a Change in History By Pam Brittan

Helen Duncan was born Victoria Helen McCrae MacFarlane on the 25th November 1897 in Callander, Perthshire, Scotland. On 27th May 1916, she wed Henry Horne Anderson Duncan. After her marriage, she was known as Nell (or Nellie) Duncan.

Because Henry was invalided out of the army as rheumatic fever had badly damaged a valve in his heart he became a cabinet maker. With ever increasing mouths, (they had 6 children) to feed the young couple had to do lots of things to help the household.

As a child, Helen had already began to exhibit some of the psychic abilities that would prove to be her downfall during her lifetime. Even during her schooling her ability to write answers to questions on the slates dumbfounded the Teachers.

While all this was going on, Helen had a premonition that Henry was in trouble. Indeed when she got to the workshop she found Henry had suffered a heart-attack. Although she managed to get the help he needed to save his life, afterwards he was unable to work full time again.

Psychic abilities ran in the family so Helen’s parents were unconcerned by their young daughter’s gift, and thought she would grow out of it. However, as Helen grew-up her ability grew stronger and more accurate. Helen’s mother wanted to get things back to “normal” for her daughter and took her to the local doctor, who found nothing wrong with Helen. But, during the consultation Helen warned the doctor not to go out that night but he ignored the advice and his car skidded off the road in a snowstorm. This prediction became known to the local minister and Helen was accused of “consorting with the devil”. So Helen felt the need to move from the village to save the embarrassment to the family, but, also the need for work at the age of 16 became important. She went to Dundee where, at the outbreak of World War One, she worked in an ammunitions factory then in a jute factory and later as a nurse. Jean Duncan became a close friend to Helen whilst she was working as a nurse; this also led to Helen meeting Jean’s brother Henry who became her husband. Visions prior to their meeting led to Henry exclaiming “So we meet at last” This couple were destined to be together! Henry encouraged Helen’s gift of psychic ability; he had a real interest in all things supernatural.

By now Helen’s psychic talents included clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry and precognition. Helen would often go into a deep trance and it was during one of these sessions that the voice of a Dr. Williams told Henry that Helen would have the potential to materialize spirits. Although Helen was very wary of pursuing this she knew that to help others and give them comfort it would be good to try to develop this talent. And during this time there were plenty of people who had lost loved ones in WWI and were seeking her talent. After some scary moments initially Henry knew that he could make a cabinet, say a prayer and keep his wife safe during these séances. The cabinet became a portal to enable Helen to build the energy for Trance and produce ectoplasm (etheric energy matter) from her mouth and nostrils which appears like a mist. Dr. Williams had warned Henry not to have a bright light shine onto the ectoplasm as it would create danger for Helen. The down side of Helen producing ectoplasm was that she felt tired and sick after séances and then would later have to over eat to bring back her energy levels which in turn led to her being very overweight.

The spirit voice of Dr. Williams announced that Helen’s ‘spirit guide’ could now form from the ectoplasm and would look after Helen from then on. To the audience’s astonishment, the ectoplasm swirled into the shape of an elderly but distinguished man over six foot tall who had an upright stature and an educated voice with a trace of an Australian accent. This “guide” became to be known as “Uncle Albert” he was always polite and with a sense of humour. He was the “master of ceremonies” at the séances, and would introduce to the sitters the next spirit due to present themselves. A young girl called Peggy would also make an appearance and skip around and sing songs. Helen’s talent became known throughout the UK and invitations came from far and wide, indeed, Helen would charge a small fee so that she could pass that on for medical bills of neighbours and friends. At this time medical care was extremely expensive. Helen was asked by The Scottish Spiritualist Society in Edinburgh to give regular séances for their members and were astonished at what they witnessed. They even presented Helen with an endorsement certificate proving her talent was real. Helen and Henry were not happy about being exploited, the money received for these sessions was very low but, the charge for them was extremely high. So this began a “running” disagreement with the Scottish Spiritualist Society. Henry was now Helen’s manager and was determined to prove her talent was real. Unfortunately, he called in a Mr Harry Price to test her psychic abilities. Price was an author and a media personality of the day. He had written many books on the supernatural and was a director of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research of which Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was President. Price was a cynic and wanted to prove Helen was a fraud. A view he held about all Mediums “guilty of fraud until proven genuine” was his mantra.

Price had witnessed several controlled séances and had even taken a sample of ectoplasm which unfortunately dissipated in the bottle. This led to Helen being given a ten shilling fine, the fraud charge however was not proven and the conviction was for the affray offense. Helen reputation began to grow and she was travelling around the UK giving thousands of people comfort by the Materialization of their loved ones. Witness reports of how sitters were in awe of her talent. Helen was proving beyond doubt of life after death. World War two began and the demand for séances were even more because of families who lost their loved ones during active service or from the Blitz. In 1941 Helen held two séances that were to have repercussions for her later on in the war. The first séance took place in Edinburgh on 24th May, 1941. Brigadier Firebrace who had been with Ian Fleming in Moscow in 1939 and had connections with the Intelligence Services was present. “Uncle Albert” told everyone during the course of the séance, that a British battleship had just been sunk. He also told the audience that the Russians would enter the war on the side of the allies (this seemed highly unlikely at the time) and that the war would end with two big bangs. The Brigadier listened to the news when he returned home to hear if a battleship had been sunk but there was no mention of one. He then rang the Admiralty and an official denied it. However, in the morning the same official rang Brigadier Firebrace back and confirmed that HMS Hood had been sunk by the Bismarck and questioned him of how he could have possibly known about this fact. The second séance, in November of 1941, was held by Helen Portsmouth – the home port of the Royal Navy. A spirit of a sailor in uniform materialized complete with the name ‘HMS Barham’ on his cap band. He told his mother in the audience that his ship had been sunk with many losing their life. The lady was very shocked and shouted that could not be correct because she had not been notified about it yet. Her son, the spirit Sailor, claimed she would “hear” in three weeks’ time. The sailor’s mother was so concerned that she contacted the Admiralty who sent two officials round to question her.

The Admiralty had wanted to keep the damage to HMS Barham a secret from the German Navy because they wanted the Germans to think that the ship was still a threat in the Mediterranean rather than laying at the bottom of it. In fact it was not officially announced until January 1942. After Helen’s séance, rumours spread around Portsmouth that HMS Barham had been sunk and officials began to see Helen as a security risk. Although Helen still carried on with her work until January 1944. At Southwick house near Portsmouth, DDay was being planned. This was a vital invasion which had to be successful, it was known that Germany was developing aircraft that were pilotless and to prevent them becoming weapons the invasion was to be a turning point for the UK. D-Day Training had not proved to be the success that was hoped. Many troops had died and there was a fear that if a spirit of one of these soldiers had appeared at one of Helen’s séances it could lead to the Germans finding out about the beach landings. It was decided by Chief Constable West of Hampshire Police that ‘better safe than sorry’ was the most sensible course of action for the sake of UK security. The Chief Constable had no idea whether Helen was just lucky in her guess or had some validity in words from Spirit. But, he decided to lock Helen away and on 19th January 1944, Helen was arrested under section 4 of the Vagrancy Act 1824, a minor offence tried by magistrates. Helen’s notoriety meant that even the BBC announced the news of her arrest. Helen was then charged under section 4 of the Witchcraft Act 1735, covering fraudulent “spiritual” activity, which could be tried with a jury present. The newspapers headlines at the time gave Helen’s trial all its’ attention. Helen was being tried for ‘pretending to conjure up evil and malicious spirits’ fraudulent witchcraft. As the police had found no evidence of fraud, such as sheets, the case was based on a logic that no such thing as spirits of the dead must exist. Therefore to prove her innocence Helen had to prove life after death exists.

Loseby who was Helen’s defence barrister was himself a Spiritualist and he saw an opportunity to promote Spiritualism by holding a séance in court and letting the jurors and everyone else present believe their own eyes. Initially this was refused by Judge Dodson. The trial lasted from 23rd March to 3rd April 1944. Defending Helen, Loseby, produced 49 witnesses all proclaiming that what they saw proved beyond doubt the existence of life after death. Family members told the court things came out that Helen Prime Minister Winston Churchill wrote to the Home Secretary calling this trial as obsolete tomfoolery. The Jury by this time had had enough they had travelled down from Portsmouth to London and were away from their families. The trial was already being interrupted by continual bombing. Helen was found guilty but Chief Constable West said she was a national pest and unmitigated humbug and had divulged the sinking of the two ships before they were public knowledge. So how poor Helen could be “conjuring” up spirits and being so accurate that she was a threat to security Constable West did not explain. Helen was sentenced to nine months in Holloway prison, and a appeal was rejected. Holloway got bombed during Helen’s time there, her sentence was reduced to six months and on September 22nd 1944 she was released. Helen was one of the last women to be convicted under the Witchcraft Act 1735. Helen vowed she would not do any more séances, but, because of the loss of life during World War Two the demand became great. In 1951, the Witchcraft Act was repealed partly due to pressure from Winston Churchill. In its place came the Fraudulent Mediums Act, and some four years later in 1954, Spiritualism was officially recognised as a proper religion by an Act of Parliament. Spiritualists everywhere knew why and were pleased that whilst frauds would be properly prosecuted the authorities would stop harassing true working Mediums. Helen Duncan had led the way.

But for Helen it was not to be the end. In 1956 Helen’s séance which was held in Nottingham was raided by police. No evidence of fraud was found but whilst under trance conditions a Medium should never be touched or a light should not be shone on the Medium or the ectoplasm. If this happens the ectoplasm returns too quickly into the Medium’s body and can cause immense damage and be fatal. In this instance this was the case. A doctor was called and discovered two second degree burns the size of saucers on Helen’s stomach and breast. She was in severe pain and was rushed to hospital. Unfortunately the burns did not heal and Helen passed away on 6th December 1956. Helen Duncan has become a heroine, she proved beyond doubt that communication can happen. She was a brilliant Materialistic Medium but her accuracy caused her to be a security risk during the war. Many have campaigned for her to be awarded a posthumous pardon – that campaign continues today . History in the making. In another time and place Helen would be hailed as the wonderful Medium she proved to be. Images provided by Wikimedia

Cloud Bustin’ By Paul Bergman

The spirit world is very resourceful in communicating with us. Some people are lucky enough to have the gift of hearing spirit or seeing spirit. For the rest of us, me included, sometimes they have to get our attention in other ways. For example, a friend of mine used to be a salesman travelling all over the United Kingdom. Quite often he would see messages written on the back of dirty vans that would have a specific meaning for him. For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with clouds. There is nothing I like better than to sit looking up and watching the fluffy white clouds float by. One of the earliest memories I have of associating anything spiritual with clouds is when I was five or six years old. At this time a friend of the family, Uncle Bob, passed away from cancer (as I later discovered when I was older). I remember walking to school with my mum and as we were walking along I was looking up at the sky and my mum asked what I was looking at so intently. “I’m looking to see if I can see Uncle Bob floating on a cloud”, was my reply. Throughout my childhood and into my adulthood I never really saw anything of any spiritual significance in the clouds. I saw random shapes like rabbits or dogs or pigs on skateboards.

In fact, up until I met my wife in 2001, I was skeptical of anything or anyone that could talk to the spirit world and whilst I wanted to believe I had nothing to believe in as I had not experienced anything supernatural or paranormal. It is said that when you become attuned to Reiki your life will change. Sometimes these changes happen quickly and other times it takes a while and, for me, it was the latter. My parents-in-law used to own a holiday home that overlooked a lake in a nature reserve. We had gone down there for the long Easter weekend and in this particular year, it was in late April. On the Sunday afternoon we were sitting on the veranda, reading and looking out onto the lake. It was getting late in the afternoon and I had put my book down to watch the clouds. All of a sudden, I noticed random letters forming in the clouds: D, G, Z, L, J, P and so on. I didn’t think much of this at first but then it happened again, with a few different letters. I nudged my wife and asked her what she could see and she confirmed that she too could see the same letters. At this point I should probably try to describe how these letters were forming. Imagine the cloud that an airplane trail makes – long and fairly small clouds.

These were the natural clouds that were forming the letters and they were not big and distinct but nonetheless they were definite letters. We watched these clouds form random letters for a while and eventually said “Hello” and immediately saw the word “Hello” form in the clouds. From then we started to ask questions such as “What is my name?” and “What is my favourite colour?” and every time the correct answer would be formed in the clouds. Unfortunately, it never occurred to ask the most obvious question (at least obvious with hindsight) “To whom are we communicating with?”. Anyway, it was getting late and the sun was starting to go down and I thought that before the light disappeared I would try to get at least one picture of these words and letters in the clouds and ran inside to get a camera. That broke the spell. I got a camera and all the clouds vanished but also, at that point I realised that there had been silence – no birds singing, no people talking and no cars driving past, but then the birds suddenly started singing again. It was if the sounds had been “turned down” to allow us to concentrate on the message trying to come through in the clouds.

I wasn’t able to capture a picture of the clouds but we were treated to one of the most stunning sunsets I have ever seen. I realised, after a while, that that was the start of spirit communicating with me through the clouds and that I had been cloud watching the whole of my life for a purpose. Of course, this isn’t an exact science as the conditions in the sky have to be right. I find that a blue sky, with white or grey fluffy clouds that are moving make an ideal situation to see something whilst grey, dull, overcast days mean nothing will come through. There is a definite distinction between the random shapes that clouds normally make and a message from the spirit world: the messages cannot be photographed! No matter how many times I have tried to take a picture of these messages, they never ever come out. During 2010 I was commuting to work by coach and the total journey to and from work would take 4 to 5 hours each day.

On the coach journey I would look out of the window and look at the clouds and virtually every day I would see the shape of an arch or a hole (similar to the hole in a doughnut) and I took this to mean that a change was coming my way. I did in late 2010 when I left my job and the daily commute to work locally. I have seen many messages in the clouds and most of the time I have asked a specific question of my guides and they have responded with a shape or sometimes a word or letter in the clouds. One of my guides is a Native American Medicine Man, called Greywolf. I have seen a few grey wolves in the clouds and I know he is around. Once, I saw a very detailed man’s face in the clouds and I knew it was the face of my guide. My mum passed away in 2011 and I have seen her face a number of times. On the first anniversary of her passing I was thinking about her and watching the sky. I saw her face, then a heart and then the word “Mum”

To my recollection I have only ever dreamed once about clouds and, again, it was to do with my mum. A couple of months after she passed away, I dreamt that my wife and I had gone to visit a big city in the UK like Manchester. We were standing on the steps of the Town Hall when my mum appeared beside us. She told us to take her hand and as soon as we did, we shot up into the air. I remember screaming my head off and, in the dream, thinking “Well. This will wake me up!”, but it didn’t. We eventually arrived in this square and my feet and ankles were covered in a mist and we were surrounded by Grecian style columns. My mum said to some unseen entity, a guardian I felt, “It’s OK. They are with me for a visit.” She then said to us “This is where I live now and I can watch you from up here.” She pointed downwards and I looked and I could see the UK, and in particular the part of the UK where I live as if it was from space. And then I woke up.

Images provided by

Survival Physics: Part Three By Ronald Pearson

A Solution for the Cosmological Constant Appears Problems associated with the big bang and the cosmological constant in particular then needed to be addressed. A basic law of physics is known as the "conservation of energy". This states, "Energy can be neither created nor destroyed". The big bang theory effectively violates this principle for the first split second and then assumes it applies thereafter. A considerable effort was made to publish a solution, between 1987 and 1999, in which no such violation occurred and in which the problem of the cosmological constant did not arise. Unfortunately no journal would accept the solution. For example, Nature gave the reason that a theory in which the problem of the cosmologic constant did not exist could not be counted as a solution. The assessor, Dr. Lindley, kept insisting that it was necessary to accept the problem existed and then find a way to force it to zero. The new solution, however, required a further revision of Newton's mechanics. A mirror mechanics had to be added having all masses and energy values considered negative. Then the background medium, the "i-ther", had to consist of a mixture of particles, some made of positive energy and with the remainder of a negative kind (nothing to do with electric charge which cannot exist at the level of i-ther). Then both kinds could be created in balance because each would gain energy of its own kind and these would cancel out. Similarly an energy balanced mutual annihilation was permitted. More detail is provided in the appendix for a better understanding of this statement. The new feature, however, was that now both kinds of energy, considered complementary to one another like the Yin and Yang of Eastern philosophies, were considered to co-exist. They have to form a mixture of fast moving "primaries" in constant collision with one another like the molecules of a gas. Primaries, as will be shown later, turn out to be the only particles that really do exist and provide the ultimate elements from which everything else derives. If the idea of negative energy seems unacceptable then reference can be made to the theory of radiation from black holes subsequently devised by the famous cosmologist,

If the idea of negative energy seems unacceptable then reference can be made to the theory of radiation from black holes subsequently devised by the famous cosmologist, Professor Stephen Hawking. Crucial to his "Hawking radiation" is his assumption that space consists of a mixture of "virtual particles" half of positive and the remainder of negative energy. They appear from nothing in pairs and then come together again where he assumes they will mutually annihilate to leave nothing. It is true that mutual creation and annihilation can occur without violation of energy conservation when both kinds of energy co-exist. Hawking has, however, clearly not appreciated the role played by another basic law of physics called the "conservation of momentum". It is necessary to apply this law simultaneously and then, as is shown in the appendix, Hawking's assumption of annihilation is invalidated. Instead, when particles of apposite energy collide, the astonishing mathematical discovery emerged that energy gains appear! I call this analysis, "Opposed Energy Dynamics" but it is applicable only at the sub-quantum level of reality, the level of i-ther, since at other levels only a net positive energy is apparent. Each primary of the i-ther gains energy of its own kind: in pair collision, the positive primaries gain positive energy and the negative primaries gain a balanced amount of negative energy. In fact the study showed primaries to be breeding like opposite sexes! This extension to mechanics was first presented in Russia in 1993 and appeared in the proceedings. A further publication in a 1997 edition of Frontier Perspectives received high commendation from Temple University, Philadelphia USA. The breeding effect meant that pure creation could spontaneously arise from a void of nothingness! The i-ther could have spontaneously appeared from nothing to grow at an ever accelerating and extremely rapid rate, both in volume and density.

Fortunately, at a critical density, instability would arise allowing flow patterns on a minute scale to appear. Primaries would be pushed by the pure creation going on behind them so that they flowed in large numbers to common centres from all directions. The net momentum obtained by adding up that of each primary now totalled to zero, so producing the conditions favouring mutual annihilation. So centres of energy destruction formed spontaneously as solid lumps of primaries of both kinds in the act of mutual annihilation. These cancelled nearly all the creation going on. Then only a minute net creation could remain. A solution to the cosmological constant had appeared as a natural consequence of the initial assumptions! The i-ther would be committed to a modest ever-accelerating growth everywhere owing to the minute net creation remaining and, after matter had appeared, the universe would be carried along so that it too would expand in a similar way. I announced this prediction at the Mensa conference at Malvern in 1997. Then in 1998 astronomical observations of very distant supernovae, published by Schwartzchild, confirmed that indeed the universe was expanding at an accelerating rate: so lending fortuitous support to the theory. A detailed study showed that the rate of expansion could not be greater than a fifth of that observed. Observation is based on the so-called "red-shift" of light from distant galaxies. However, according to Anastasovski most of the red shift is due to energy lost by light during its travel over huge distances. Aspden has published a similar solution based on the energy absorption of light by free electrons in space. Cosmologists on the other hand were taken by surprise since they had assumed the expansion to be always slowing. To explain the new effect they have invented the idea of dark energy with strange repulsive powers. However, the problem of the cosmological constant is left unresolved, being treated as a separate issue. It is important to note here that the application of quantum mechanics at the level of i-ther would not yield this result. However, since the cosmological constant has been eliminated and replaced by a verified prediction and since no other such success has yet been reported; the assumption that the revised Newtonian is applicable at the basic level of reality has now considerable support.

To be continued in December‌

Image provided by Miroslav Kostic.

The Spiritual Path By Andy Porter

Like so many things, until they touch your life you are unaware they exist. At the start of my Spiritual path I found the information I was looking for very fragmented and hard to find. I had lots of questions and didn't really know where to turn for help. As with all things, if you are in the circle, so to speak, you have a list of people and groups as long as your arm if you need to ask advice or give someone a call. But if you’re not in the know, then a feeling of isolation and fear becomes normal, especially at those moments during the night when you know there is something you can’t see in your bedroom. You can, however, feel it watching you and know it’s not there for your well-being. At 3am when you are feeling petrified in bed, and you know there are unseen energies in your room, who can you call? Sadly, ghost busters are not easy to track down in the phone book or on the internet.

For those of a normal life that don't believe in ghosts and aliens, then a great deal of time and energy is spent looking through the internet for some clue as to who deals with these unseen forces that can torment and disrupt our lives. I know that for me, my first inclination was to grab a sleeping bag and head for the nearest church. But I didn't know if the local vicar would laugh out loud when I told him something was lifting my bed into the air, making strange sounds, following me around the house and generally scaring the living daylights out of me every single night without fail. I wish I could have had these topics explained to me when I was at school. In my opinion now and with hindsight, psychic protection and energy work should be included into the school curriculum, thus enabling all children to grow up understanding energy and the immense effect it can have on our lives. The contents of this story have been written by a normal guy (well I like to think of myself as normal), but this terminology is subjective too, as many of my friends may argue with that statement.

I verged onto my Spiritual path by mistake as most do, and rather like a small boy seeing the ocean for the first time, I realised there was another world waiting to be explored. A world that came with quite a sting, should adequate psychic protection not be applied. This protection could not be seen and felt, but without it walking into that ocean to explore was like putting a human into a lion's cage. It would not take long before you became a predator's meal and a tasty one at that. Through my experiences into this world I inevitably became that meal for a period of time until I learned to fight back. My experience as a psychic surgeon has brought me into contact with many energies, both positive and negative. Over the course of the next few months I will describe my story and share various techniques adopted to protect myself and my clients from some of these negative energies. Many of these methods can be employed by the everyday person to create a harmonious living environment in their homes, and by anyone working with people in general, regardless of their status in life, religious beliefs, colour or country of choice.

The contents of this story have been written by a normal guy (well I like to think of myself as normal), but this terminology is subjective too, as many of my friends may argue with that statement. The Spiritual Path Starts Up until the age of 34 I had never realised a Spiritual dimension existed. I had never been religious and didn't believe in ghosts, entities, or extra-terrestrial energy in the slightest. In fact, normal family life and a laugh was all that really captured me – well, and the odd beer or three. I didn’t read books and spent my time on the tread mill of life like so many other people. Day in and day out I sat on the M4 motorway in the UK on the way to and from work, listening to the radio in a stupor. Then, after meeting my wife to be "Jayne", I moved into a new house in Wiltshire, UK. After a short period of time in the new house, (approx 4 weeks) I started to notice that things didn't feel at all right. There were noises at night, things had a habit of disappearing, especially my car keys, and I noticed the hairs on my arms and body standing to attention as I walked through the house. This was happening most days, and always at night. Not to mention lights going on and off on their own, and the heating also finding a will of its own even when the timer was turned off at the main control switch around 3am in the morning. The more time that went by the more I felt the house was occupied by something or somebody other than just me. Jayne would come over and stay some weekends as she was still living in Devon at this point, and my children would also stay one night in the week and every other weekend. But no one else seemed to feel what I was feeling. This was really odd – ‘’how could other people not notice what was going on in the house and the general uneasy feel of the place?’’, I would think to myself. Jayne at times would notice something odd going on, but every night without fail I would find myself walking the house with a foreboding sense, hairs stood out on end like a wet cat and my heart beating like a drum. Whatever was going on seemed to be MY problem and talking about it was a big ‘’no no’’ to most friends and family. I did tentatively broach the subject but was thrown the “you’re mad” look and so quickly changed the subject. Nothing like good old social conditioning to keep the sheep in their pen, I thought to myself.

Every night after work I would walk up to the front door and dread walking inside. Every time I did, immediately my nerves would jangle and the hairs on my arms and neck would jump to attention. I spent lots of time looking over my shoulder or around the room, expecting to see something or somebody. One night whilst sleeping I came to, and found the room felt really cold. Upon opening my eyes I instantly became aware that all was not well in my bedroom. The foot of my bed was two feet off the floor and I was looking at the wall behind the headboard instead of the ceiling. This was the first time in my life I felt what can only be described as “real terror”. I screamed ‘’Put me down and get out of my room!’’, and with that the bed dropped onto the laminate floor with a crash and the temperature of the room instantly returned to its normal level. I lay in bed with the duvet over my head, and the light on, shaking all night, not sure if it had really happened or if I had been dreaming. If it was a dream, then I didn’t want another one. As sunlight streamed through the windows in the early hours of the morning I could clearly see my bed was no longer in the same position in the room and the bed casters were off to the side. King size beds are heavy and moving one is not a mean feat on your own, so all doubt left me instantly that I could have been dreaming. It had really happened and there could be no doubt. The realisation sent a shiver down my spine.

Things moved on quickly from that point. Whatever had taken up occupancy in my house had made me a target for some reason and, I felt, was definitely ‘after me’. Every night I would sleep with the light on in the bedroom, and out on the landing, but I could still see shadows moving around outside my bedroom door every night and would hear the most horrendous sounds, banging and crashing, screams and very odd other noises. As the weeks passed I became more and more tired. Everywhere I walked in the house at night I would feel followed. The hairs on my arms and neck were always sticking up, and I felt like a scared cat. The house felt possessed and cold. Not one room felt OK to be in on my own and I started to feel unwell and frightened. I could feel my health starting to suffer and work was becoming really tricky. The worst part, of course, was not being able to talk to my friends about these problems for fear of ridicule. Jayne and I would speak on the phone at night until the early hours, then I would hop into bed as fast as I could whilst we were still on the phone, and hope for a good night’s sleep. I would ask for protection from anything out there that is positive, to keep me safe from whatever was roaming around the house and threatening my sanity.

Around this time Jayne had invoked the help of a lovely psychic from Devon, called Christina, who frequently came into the hair salon Jayne worked in as a receptionist. Christina spent a few weeks working with me over the phone to clear the house and to remove all the nasty energies that it held. We made regular visits to her house for lessons on Spiritual protection and to develop a greater understanding of this new world we were now part of. We both felt a better understanding would help to protect ourselves from this unseen enemy. After a week or so Christina had removed around 23 different Spirits from the house and a very nasty ‘screaming banshee’ (as she described it).

Time and time again, I would wake up to feel and see the sheets in the bed moving and know something was trying to get into bed next to me. My skin would crawl and I knew deep inside that this was a very negative energy and something must be done to sort the problem out. This ‘it’ was not going to just ‘go away’ as I had hoped. One night, I woke up around 3am to find myself wet with sweat. It was summer time, and already warm, but the house was intensely hot. I could hear the central heating pump running and then felt the red hot radiator in my room. The heating was on even though it was not programmed to come on and I was streaming with sweat. I ran downstairs to look at the programme controller and found to my amazement the light was off, which meant the programmer had not turned the heating on. The heating pump was however running and this meant something had turned the heating on, but not in the normal way. This was impossible and beyond belief, and surely these things only happen in Hollywood films. I opened the windows and turned the power off to the heating pump and then lay in bed praying for help. Praying was something I would never normally have done for any reason. Things felt as though they were escalating and so I decided to put the house on the market and move, as I could not stand to come home anymore and stayed out whenever I could.

This was some sort of negative entity, and this was the entity that had made our lives miserable for the past six months. ‘This banshee’ had taught both Jayne and myself what’s it’s like to experience real terror. From this point onwards I decided that all of my spare time would be used in a positive way to learn about and understand this new world that we had been exposed to. Books were delivered from Amazon and any second- hand bookstore shops we passed would be scoured for interesting books on anything to do with the occult world. My thirst for knowledge was remarkable, bearing in mind that only six months before I had had no interest in any of this ‘woo woo’ at all, and would have been at the front of the queue laughing at any talk of ghosts, Spirits and aliens. Jayne kept saying ‘’All I want is a normal life like everybody else!’’. I had the feeling the word “normal” would never again be part of our lives and to this day that has been the case, although of course now the terrible experience we had suffered is being used in a positive way to help others who may find themselves in a similar situation.

Psychic Surgeon? I perform what I term as "psychic surgery", although this terminology was provided by Spirit for the work that I do. During a conversation with my guide "Chen" one day I asked him how he wanted to label what I did, as this would appear on my website and literature ( His expression was "psychic surgery" and so from that day onwards all reference to the services I offered were termed "psychic surgery" - although at times this term did not seem to cover all aspects of the work I actually performed. The definition of psychic surgery taken from the Wikipedia:“The use of paranormal means to conduct an alleged invasive medical procedure.” "Psychic surgery is a procedure typically involving the apparent creation of an incision using only the bare hands, the apparent removal of pathological matter, and the seemingly spontaneous healing of the incision." This is not what I actually do, as if I did, a small cold cell would quickly become my humble abode for quite some time! In the UK it is illegal for anyone not medically trained to perform any type of surgery involving the cutting of skin, and as such most people performing psychic surgery in the west are working on an etheric level rather than a physical level. This means that the psychic surgeon’s Spirit guides are performing the operations on an etheric blueprint of the physical body. These changes are then mirrored back into the physical body, thereby manifesting the healing that takes place. The story will continue next month with my life working as a Psychic Surgeon.

To fully understand how negative energies can affect the lives of people and places, you must experience this first hand yourself. Our initiation into the occult world has been an invaluable tool and a learning opportunity for the work we now find ourselves doing. Looking back we laugh at the things we tried to do to help ourselves, but like all things in life, learning the hard way gives you the best grounding into your subject matter.

Images provided by sxc.hi

The Hidden Blessing in Psychic Attack By Ian Mills

Low Level Psychic Attack Psychic attack is commonly associated with fear and hysteria and quite understandably so. The experience is usually debilitating and can knock a person out from a period of days to years depending on the seriousness of the incident and when it can be identified as an attack. Most people are exposed daily to psychic attack, but these less focused psychic parasitic energies can be cleared quite quickly. If you feel drained, experience different emotions than usual, feel tired when you wake up, have a feeling that life is getting on top of you, you may be a victim of indirect psychic parasitic attachment. These energies float around the ether looking to attach to a host. If they come your way, you may be aware you’ve picked something up or it may go on for a while harvesting your energies.

These particular low level attachments aren’t conscious of what they are doing. You are just an interesting snack for them. We aren’t talking about conscious entity attack here. These attachments are only driven by instinct to feed. They generally are present in harsher energetic environments like pubs, hospitals, police stations, prisons, football stadiums, etc. What may be surprising is that you can also pick up these entities from watching television or surfing the net. They can enter your experience through your router in your home or your mobile phone. There is a general detachment from nature in the western world. People have become conditioned to live in cities and in so doing, have become more mechanical in their approach to life. The organic, spontaneous, natural processes of life have been sacrificed at the altar of modernism and are fundamental in the lowering of what you could call ‘spiritual hygiene’. The old ways of living, that celebrated Mother Earth and

boosted our health and protected us in days gone by, have been purposely sidelined in the name of modern development. This lack of awareness of detachment from nature over time has led to weaknesses in our energy systems that make it easy for lower vibrational entities to make themselves at home in our energy field. Psychic Attacks are a Blessing? Why I say psychic attack is a blessing is because it resets our motives for why we sacrifice our core health and so begins an awakening to the fact that we have willingly forgotten ways of curing ourselves, for the sake of ‘modern’ living. So you could take it further and say that in our forgetfulness we have created an epidemic of psychic debris that feeds on our weakened energy systems and our energetically unclean environments support this. As well as a good doctor and dentist, it pays to have a good healer /energy practitioner who can often see the not so obvious, in your situation.

How to Protect Yourself The situation sounds out of control but there are many ways that these incursions can be prevented by what may seem to be obvious strategies. 1. Get back into nature. Spend time grounding yourself in the forest or a nature walk. Be in a garden and sit and enjoy the visible ecosystem. Just be outside from the electromagnetic smog that could be your home or office. 2. Eat as healthily as possible. Go as organic as you can, avoiding genetically modified food. Drink a good amount of clean water daily. 3. Exercise when you can and when you can’t create time for it. Why not combine a nature excursion and exercise if time is tight. 4. Meditate, or if you can’t meditate, pray, or take some quiet time to centre yourself. Just be with yourself for a while. Try to hear what you are trying to tell yourself.

5. Read a feng shui book and introduce energetic harmony in your home and working space. This is very important to balance your living and workspace, as you spend much time there. 6. Add a little zip bag of pink Himalayan or good sea salt under your internet router. This is a little less obvious but will really stop these energies gaining access via this route. 7. Think about what entertainment you watch on TV. What vibration you are allowing into your experience? 8. Steer clear of Internet porn sites. These are major psychic parasite pick up points. 9. Avoid fear porn from the news media. As well as the above points, general body and energy maintenance can be practiced with great benefit. Salt baths with pink Himalayan or good sea salt once a week is great revitalization. Fasting, detoxes, colonics, massages and energy healing, to name a few therapies that can be very supportive to your daily life.

If you have children it is very important to be mindful regarding energy cleaning. Your little ones are easy food for these parasitic entities as children are energy dynamos. I will cover this issue in my next article in Paranormal Galaxy. Most importantly if you feel that there is something wrong and you can’t sort it out yourself, reach out for help. It’s a lot harder to walk this path alone.

Review of Hidden Wisdom by Richard Smoley and Richard Kinney By Amanda Morris I’ve been reading this book literally for years. It’s not very long or dense, but we picked it up for our Pagan Book Club back in the day. For some reason or another I was never able to finish it, until now. Aside from my 1-billion-year hiatus (I started it in July of 2011) from this book, I actually really adored it. Loved it, in fact. I’d recommend it to anyone! Hidden Wisdom basically looks at many Western mystery traditions and offers a short survey of their history, basic beliefs, controversies, and mythology. The authors point out that in modern Western society, we often look to the East for our mysticism (India and China, mostly.) While they recognize that lots of great things have come from the East, they encourage Westerners to examine their own mystery traditions, too. There’s so much there to be proud of! They also wanted to write a book to help people within the New Agey communities to understand the roots of the modern mystic movements. Smoley and Kinney did a great job of keeping their book on track with these goals, and because of this, I think it would be fabulous as a foundational or beginners book to those who are interested in Mysticism or the spiritual side of New Age thought or even Paganism. They really do a great job of laying out the basics, adding a lot of context and history that is otherwise missing from many New Age or Pagan resources. They introduce the book with a discussion about mysticism, mystic movements, and trends in mystic spirituality. Next they dive into some of the foundational roots of modern mysticism – Carl Jung, Gnosticism, Esoteric Christianity, Sufism, the Kabbalah, and Ceremonial Magic. They then move into Neo-Paganism and modern Shamanism. Things get really interesting when they start to introduce some of those mystic and New Age movements that were quiet influential, but perhaps not well-known. I personally loved reading about Hermeticism and Alchemy, G. I. Gardjieff, and Secret Societies. All of these movements have been incredibly influential on modern mystic thought. I personally knew a bit about most (but not all!) of the chapters. Through spanning so many topics, there’s something in Hidden Wisdom for everyone. Those chapters that were familiar topics to me (Gnosticism, Jung, NeoPaganism) offered a great review and refresher. When it came to the chapters on Ceremonial Magic, G. I. Gardjieff, and Hermeticism, I found every word and concept to be fascinating. These thoughts were totally new to me, and it was great to read about something that I’d never heard of before. Smoley and Kinney did a great job of offering lots of information without bogging the book down. And while I’m sure they missed some key ideas here or there, I didn’t feel like anything vital was lacking. There’s just enough to get the general idea and to gain an appreciation of the topics being discussed. Furthermore, each section has quite an extensive list of sources and resources, which is quiet excellent for those who would like to learn more about a specific topic.

As a minister, I’d recommend this book for those who don’t understand where I personally come from spiritually. I have a heavily Gnostic foundation to my outlook on mystical matters, and this has been confusing for some people. Hidden Wisdom would be a great book to clear up some of the confusion, without overwhelming someone with Gnostic dogma (for any Gnostic who is reading this, it made me laugh to type out the words “Gnostic Dogma.”) As a Neo-Pagan Priestess, I’d love to use this book with people who I am mentoring. While most of the mentoring I’ve done has been basic Pagan 101 stuff, this book would be a good one to explain the more mystic and spiritual aspects of where Neo-Pagans are coming from. Furthermore, it offers a very good history of the roots of modern NeoPaganism. We’re not just modified Wicca. We have roots in all of these mystery traditions – in the philosophies of Jung, in the ideals of Gardjieff, in the dreams of the Alchemists. And yes, we even have very clear connections to Gnosticism and Mystic Christianity. So, I pretty much loved this book. I’m a little embarrassed that it too me so long to read, but that’s my fault, and not the fault of Smoley or Kinney.

Threshold By Devin O’Branagan When I was young, I had a near-death experience. In many ways, it was a classic NDE. In others, it was nothing like what I would have expected. It changed my life—literally and figuratively—and forever altered the path I walked. I should have died. I didn’t. I emerged from the event healed from a horrible illness. The light wasn’t white, but intensely golden. There was a tunnel-like experience, except the tunnel moved into me instead of the other way around. And the “being of light” who manifested was totally unexpected. There are spiritual teachers of several faiths with whom I feel a connection, but the being who appeared to me wasn’t among them. I had heard of the man, of course, but I followed a completely different spiritual path from his. Then, ten years after my NDE, I learned that on the very day of my threshold experience, the Swami who guided me had died. Was the grace that occurred to me a parting gift from a great soul? I now believe it was. One thing I am certain of is that what happened was indeed an experience of pure grace. I am also convinced it wasn’t a play of imagination because, if it had been, everything would have unfolded differently. Afterward, I did what most novelists do—I mined personal experience for my art. My novel, Threshold, was the result. I spent twenty years working on it and then stuck the manuscript under my bed. I’m not sure why I resisted letting it be published. It isn’t autobiographical in the slightest. What happens to the young male protagonist is completely different from my own adventure, yet the novel remains intensely personal to me. A colleague asked to read it, said it was the best thing I had ever written, and I relented. I’m now glad I did because, of all my books, it is the one which seems to have had the most profound effect on readers. One reviewer suggested it was “divinely-inspired.” I would say that’s an accurate observation. I began creative writing at age five. My first novel was published when I was a young woman and I’ve had a long and exciting career. Although I write in a number of different genres, the common thread—from my first story at five until my latest effort—is that of uncommon heroism. That’s a term I use to describe ordinary people called to accomplish heroic quests. In my novel, Threshold, Cole Dillon drowns in Deer Lake shortly before his thirteenth birthday. Elijah Thunderbird, a Native American shaman, travels between the worlds to bring Cole back from death. Unfortunately, Cole isn’t supposed to survive, and with the natural order disrupted, dark spirits follow them home. During Cole’s near-death experience, he is assigned an important mission that involves saving the lives of many other children. When he is revived, he can’t remember the details and undertakes a challenging quest of discovery.

Meanwhile, the dark spirits begin to manifest in the lives of the local town residents, bringing hatred and death. When shamanic visions reveal that many young lives are indeed in imminent danger, Elijah has to help Cole find the courage to do what is required of him before it is too late. As Elijah tries to help Cole, he struggles with his own personal demons, and both men—one young, one old—must decide how much they are willing to sacrifice in order to save others. It is a moving paranormal thriller about courage, faith, and the transformative power of love. *



Here is an excerpt. Young Cole and his horse Shiloh are on their ranch in Montana: Cole pulled Shiloh up short while he tried to get a fix on his location. They were on the shore of Deer Lake, the lake's frozen surface looming gray before him in the early morning light. His grandparents lived in Johnstown, which was across the lake and beyond by ten miles. He remembered their house from family gatherings prior to his mother's disappearance and was sure he could find it again because Johnstown was a small town. He decided that braving the bitter weather was a small price to pay if the journey finally closed the case. Cole and Shiloh were near the river that fed the lake, and he could see the bridge which crossed it. As he urged Shiloh to turn in that direction, the sharp sound of splitting ice ripped the air. Horrified, Cole realized that he had misjudged the lake's shoreline—the recent snowfall and wind-driven drifts had completely changed the landscape. Shiloh reared up in fear and caught Cole off guard. The horse bucked, Cole flew off, and he hit the split ice with such force that he crashed straight through to the freezing water below. Before he had time to react, a fierce undertow from the river captured and swept him away from the hole, deeper into the lake. Through the transparent sheet of ice that imprisoned him he could see where his sunglasses had landed, and beyond them he saw Shiloh trotting off in the direction from which they had come. The freezing water caused little electric shocks to shoot through his eyes, but he found he couldn't close them. His lungs screamed for air and he clawed uselessly at the thick ice in an effort to return to the hole. Finally, his movement was halted when his pant leg snagged on something rising up from the lake bed. He yanked hard, but couldn't free himself. With a startled gasp, his lungs inhaled the frigid water which he now knew would be his grave.\ I'm going to die, he thought with more amazement than fear. He wondered what came next. His discomfort passed, and the ringing in his ears stopped. He felt detached and distant to himself, then casually floated away from his body, up toward the sky. While he rose, he thought about his life. It hadn't been too bad, all things considered, but he suddenly wished he had been nicer to Dawn Bearpaw and not ridiculed her for her handicap. The light from the sun grew brighter, and it felt warm and comforting. He looked up into it and was surprised to see a vaguely familiar figure floating toward him. When they drew closer to each other Cole felt the power this being commanded, and a sense of awe filled him. For some reason, he remembered a character from Star Trek. "Are you Q?" Cole asked. The entity smiled and extended a welcoming hand. "Let's fly together through the wormhole," its mind said to Cole's. "Cool," Cole responded. "There's a mission I want you to do that may save the lives of many other children, but it's your choice. There is always the issue of free will to consider.“

That was right before the sky split in half, and they were catapulted into the starry abyss beyond. *



Threshold excerpts © 2011 Devin O’Branagan - All Rights Reserved Threshold is available around the world via Amazon. Bestselling author Devin O’Branagan writes paranormal thrillers, young adult urban fantasy, and paranormal romance. Her books have been published by Simon & Schuster’s Pocket Books, German publisher Heyne Verlag, Turkish publisher Dogan Egmont, and indie publisher Cornucopia Creations. She writes a humor column for TAILS Magazine, is a member of the Dog Writers Association of America, the Cat Writers’ Association, and many of her writing projects support animal rescue. Her website is

Check out an exclusive second excerpt on on November 24, 2014!

The Guinea Pig Diaries: Part Five By Penelope Rollinson More adventures with Henrietta Harriet, Penny buys her a female friend called Tintin and the male guinea pigs Hamlet and Blackbeard arrive to cause conflict and confusion. My New Friend Tintin Penny had begun to notice that the Bengal was talking to me and that I was responding in a false friendly way. I had seen her wondering what was going on, but by this time I had ingratiated myself into Penny’s heart with all the love and affection I had been giving her, and she was giving me lots of presents. Penny had been in desperate need of a simple loving and affectionate animal. I was not simple, but I played it that way until I got her total love and adoration. I was given every luxury I could want. Various toys and a lovely wooden chalet house to sleep in. Masses of food I had never come across before, as well as my old staple carrot, but cut up this time. I loved the cucumbers, apples, pears, strawberries, grapes, cabbage, kale, lettuce, runner beans and the many other vegetables and fruit, which I greedily ate. I was given different varieties of guinea pig muesli mixed up, so I wouldn’t get bored with my diet and I was a real pig in every sense when I ate. I would snatch the cucumber out of Penny’s hand and greedily gobble every morsel she put in my cage. She loved my greedy ways and called me a real Foodie. After that, every time Penny came to my cage to feed me, she would say, ‘‘How’s my little Foodie today?’’ So Foodie became my nick name. I loved the grass she cut from the garden and the leaves from the fruit trees, the best bit was when she cut the branches and I would strip them of the bark. I felt as though I had gone to food heaven. The Bengal was understandably jealous, but since she had started to respond to my daily questions, we had been chatting regularly through thought transference and enjoyed having a bitch about Penny, which meant we were now getting on a lot better. The Bengal agreed I could call her Poppy and this was a big break through. She was confiding in me more and more and telling me all Penny’s failings that really annoyed her and caused her to spray pee everywhere. This spraying of cat pee really upset Penny and I felt sorry for her, but in this game of dominance I had to sympathize and agree with Poppy, sometimes giving her advice, which I have to admit, was designed to upset Penny even more. I wanted Penny to turn to me in desperation of the bad behaviour from Poppy. Poppy was playing into my hands really nicely and I found I could manipulate the situation in the house, so Penny became more and more exasperated with her and turned to me for the love and support she needed. I had at last managed to stamp my identity on the household and win Penny’s unconditional love. It had been hard going, but it was worth the effort.

For my troubles, Penny bought me a friend called Tintin, she was a very sweet dippsy Abyssinian guinea pig. Tintin’s mother had been a Peruvian guinea pig and her father an Abyssinian and this crossing of breeds had resulted in Tintin having long white hair with rosettes that made her hair stick up everywhere. She was a sweet friend and we got on really well because she was so quiet and subservient. She was extremely pretty with pink eyes and pink ears and Penny was enchanted with her. But she didn’t love Tintin as she loved me and that made me very happy. I was now her number one pet and Poppy seemed to accept the situation because I was always willing to chat to her behind Penny’s back. I did feel guilty when we used to have a good bitch about all Penny’s failings, I never meant any of it, I only wanted to keep on Poppy’s good side. I found that Poppy was now seeking me out and talking to me every time she had a problem with Penny and I was slowly becoming the matriarch of the house. I was the king-pin in everyone’s heart and I felt I had finally arrived. I was extremely happy with my life and the way things had worked out. The only down side were the Demons, who were still hanging around. When was Penny going to act on the telepathy that Archangel Mike was sending her?

The Male Guinea Pigs I was growing and putting on weight and Penny was very proud of me, I know, because she kept telling me what a fat little Foodie I was. She watched as I tore into my food with my powerful teeth and she always commented on how fast I ate and how she loved to hear me crunch into my apples and cucumbers. The only problem was, when she went to bed we were without that constant supply of food for up to eight hours. I had become used to Penny’s nightly routine and I knew all the signs that meant she was getting ready to go to bed. She would turn off the television, tidy the lounge and then switch off the lights before walking out of the door. I had out of necessity, learned to tell the time in a guinea pig sort of way, so when the television went off, I would try my hardest to attract Penny’s attention, which wasn’t difficult. I would squeak really loudly until Penny got the message that I wanted extra rations of food to get me and Tintin through the eight hours of darkness. We did sleep, but we also ate a lot during that time. When Penny realised what I wanted, she started giving us more food before she turned the television off. When I was sat on Penny’s lap watching television, if I wanted a pee, I would wriggle down to the end of her lap and pee over the edge, I didn’t want to get her wet. She thought that was really cute and intelligent of me and I would see her washing the carpet after she put me back in my cage. Very soon after this, she bought me a velvet igloo bed, which was placed on the settee next to her. I would stretch out in my bed watching television, while Penny fed me titbits like carrots (cut up) and cucumber. It was a very happy life and most importantly, Penny was happy. Amazingly Poppy was also happy. When I was in the igloo bed on the settee, Poppy would sit on Penny’s lap and we would all be on the settee together. Tintin was a bit nervous, so she was happy to be left in the cage. And this was our routine, until the male guinea pigs arrived on the scene. I had been with Penny for about six months when she brought two male guinea pigs into the house, Hamlet and Black Beard. Penny put them in the lounge cage with us girls and I have to say those boys had a great time boasting about their time in the pet shop and how they hated and detested each other. The pet shop owner had to separate them due to their fighting and they both had their own cages, so no boxes for those boys. Black Beard’s cage was on top of Hamlet’s cage and they would shout at each other so loudly the pet shop owner would warn customers not to buy both of them or there would be trouble. Penny did not heed the warning. I don’t know why? It could have been her kind heart, or was it simply stupidity on her part? I still can’t decide. Later on there was trouble between those two.

Calming Thoughts Listen to Alan Cox, International Psychic, Spiritual Counsellor, Healer, and Psychic Surgeon, live every Thursday 1 PM PST/ 4 pm EST/ 9 pm BST on Paramania Radio with his "Understanding Spirit" show. Each week he will be joined by guests who will share their believes and experiences.

Paranormal Mojo Radio Show Paranormal Mojo is an hour of casual conversation with paranormal investigator and author, Kris Sedersten and Laura Krieser about all things paranormal. Right now we broadcast the 2nd and 4th Monday nights of each month at 8:00 EST, 7:00 CST on DTM Wicked Radio.

Next show will be on the 5th June 2014 with guest Singer/Songwriter and Psychic DAZ SAMPSON

Paranormal Galaxy Radio Show All new radio show starting on Thursday 12th June 2014! Alan will be joined by co hosts Jack Heath and Sherrie Wilkolaski each week from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. EST to talk about all things paranormal.

Jesse Bravo: New York Psychic Medium Jesse Bravo is the Premier Psychic Medium In NYC who is sourced by the media and his predictions can be found in magazines and media outlets throughout the world. Psychic Jesse Bravo provides his insights into the spiritual world to such media outlets as ABC News and MTV to name a few because he is one of the most exciting Real Psychics on the planet!. Jesse would like this site to help those in need, whether it is information on psychic topics or issues in your lives. Many people throughout history with psychic gifts have helped humankind using their gifts and he is doing the same. Here you’ll find many free articles, which will help you, understand many topics dealing with the psychic arena, but he feels that ultimately this site can help you become more aware of the gift that has been given to all of us. For more on Jesse, go to You can also subscribe to his YouTube channel at

Paranormal Galaxy Magazine is looking for contributors! Go to to learn more.

And Like Jesse Bravo on Facebook at

Child of the Night By Pauline Trabar

A child of the night, standing there, With gossamer streams of gold in her hair. She only comes, a vision in white, To visit me in the dead of night. I close my eyes at the end of day, And wait for sleep to come my way. But then she comes, with gold in her hair, A child of the night, standing there. What can she want? How can this be? That this beautiful child should visit me. I feel her spirit, I feel her pain. But a moment later, she's gone again. A child of the night, a vision in white. Making me doubt my senses and sight. Perhaps a dream, this child I see, Perhaps a younger version of me. A moment later, she's back again, Persistent and urgent, and in great pain. She reaches out, she takes my hand, And in a moment I understand, For I must submit, with serenity, And go where this and child leadeth me. I feel my soul rise then take flight. As I drift away with this vision in white. No going back for another day, For my soul and this child have slipped away.

Paranormal Mojo Radio Show Hosted by Kris Sedersten & Laura Krieser Listen LIVE on DTM Wicked Radio 2nd and 4th Monday nights of each month at 8:00 EST

Guests on the show have included paranormal researchers and psychics!

Come and get your mojo on! Image provided by kasiakay

Kris Sedersten’s Favorite Paranormal Stories Every month, Kris selects a list of articles that intrigue and ignite interest. She is the author of Mojo and Lost Mojo. Visit her website Indian ‘Paranormal Enthusiasts’ Investigate Native Landmarks Rumored to Be Haunted In the fall of 2011, Mark Williams, feeling inspired by supernatural TV shows, posed to a friend: “How cool would it be to see Native Americans on that screen?” So Williams founded the Native American Paranormal Project (N.A.P.P), a group he describes as part-time explorers or “enthusiasts”—not like the professional paranormal investigators portrayed on such hit shows as “Ghost Hunters” and “Ghost Adventures.” But N.A.P.P. is distinct in that all the members are Native American and that the group specializes in investigating Native American landmarks rumored to be haunted. Since the group formed two years ago, it has grown to nine team members who seek out paranormal phenomena in Indian country. The group films its investigations and turns the footage into documentaries shown to audiences during film screenings. Read the full article.

Ghosts of the Three Oaks Library: Paranormal Investigators Report Evidence of Haunting Just in time for Halloween, The Michiana Paranormal Society (TMPS) declared the Three Oaks Township Public Library as officially haunted and described their findings during a Saturday, Oct. 26, presentation that was plagued with equipment malfunctions. “Sorry for the delay. Mr. Warren is messing with us,” said Kim Wieczorek, TMPS founder, as she struggled to get her video presentation to work. The library is housed in the former E. K. Warren Building built in 1905 in downtown Three Oaks on the site of the store in which Warren began his business life in 1864. The meeting was held in the dimly lit former office of the Featherbone Factory founder Edward Kirk Warren, who laid in state in the window of the room that faces Elm Street following his death in 1919. “This place is amazing,” Wieczorek said, adding she thinks it is second only to Galien High School locally in terms of “hauntedness.” “It gives me the willies,” she said. Read the full article.

Wake Up or Die By Cyrus Yavneh

“Go to sleep. Its past your bedtime, you are eight years old. You have school tomorrow. You finished your cake and milk, now go get into bed!” “Puff up my pillow, Ma.” She does. “Shut the light and go to sleep!”

I AM AWAKE. I won this recurring recurring recurring morning. Iʼm okay. I can get out of bed now, as if nothing happened, except I have to peal the goo from my eyelids with cold water and toilet paper in the bathroom. ----------

-----------Wow, the chocolate cake, was delicious. Mom makes the best cakes. My sheet is cold, oou...ahh... I snuggle in, warm up, the pillow just right. I slide the radio under the covers. I like the red dot and blue dial. I turn on my flashlight and read a Lone Ranger comic. -----------Hummmm...... I can see the movie houses on 42nd Street. I walk my mind between 7th and 8th Avenues looking at all the marquees and posters. I can go into any movie house and imagine the movie I will see. I walk past the ticket kiosk into the lobby. The carpet is old dark red and green, an odor of city shoes and buttered popcorn. The light is quiet, with a glow from the candy and soda counter. In my wakefulness I sit down in the movie house to dream my movie....a Western. PANIC!


I know it is morning. I am awake but I am immobile, paralyzed, I canʼt move, I canʼt stir. I have to force myself up. I have to scream but I am unable! Itʼs a deathly struggle. If I stay this way I MIGHT DIE! I have to move! With all my will and all my might I try to force a finger to move, an eyelid to open, an utterance to emit. Itʼs a real frightful battle, fraught in desperation. I have to force movement. I donʼt want to succumb. I could die. I force a moan to escape, I hear it, I strain to twitch a toe, I can almost open an eye but the eye lid hair and skin are sealed shut with granular goo. I canʼt move my arms or hands to pry them open. An exhalation from the depths of my chest causes a shudder. I moan, moan louder and louder desperate to scream myself into movement, will myself from the dreadful clutch of the foreboding unknown. I am awake!

I didnʼt talk about this to my mom and dad, brothers or sister. It was all in my imagination. Was it? No!

---------Recently, sixty years later. I recalled this childhood experience to a sincere friend, who understands Spirits and communicates with Spirit Guides. He repeated what Joseph, my Spirit Guide answered when my friend asked the meaning of what seemed to me, my childhood morning struggle to wake up from the fear of death. Joseph answered: As a boy I had deep connections with the Spirit World. That I had difficulty expressing my deep thoughts to anyone. In that sense I was a loner. That the intense lure to give in to the unknown and perhaps die, to be with the Spirits, was real, not imaginary. My recurring intense morning struggle was subconsciously deciding and fighting to live and find out who I am. ----------It is scary....I wonder what would have happened if I didnʼt fight to wake myself up, and allowed myself the seduction of the foreboding abyss? That was never an option. All my energy went into waking myself up. (I know now there is information galore, from many perspectives relating to “Sleep paralysis.” Nevertheless, regardless, however....) The Struggle never ceases. It manifests in many ways. The decision to go forward or not is present, always, often times disguised, subliminally lurking, out of tune with momentary consciousness. I listen, I accept when I am able to hear, and tune the tone of my inner space, grateful for the gift, adventure, mystery, and most importantly, love. In the most positive context... I wake up or die. Image provided by

Radio Hosted by Alan Cox and Sherrie Wilkolaski

Listen to our podcasts at

Airs LIVE every Thursday from 5-6 pm EST

Interview with Space Witch Amanda Morris By Taylor Young I first came into contact with Amanda Morris when I was looking for new contributors for Paranormal Galaxy Magazine a few months ago. Amanda has since been one of the most enthusiastic contributors we have had so far! You may know her from her articles called "Just Dance" and "Laughter", both of which are based on lessons she has learned as an ordained minister and space witch! She has certainly been a great contributor so far, and she has a lot going for her. Taylor Young: Did you ever have a paranormal experience that changed your life? Describe it for us. Amanda Morris: When I was a teenager, I had a few experiences with sleep paralysis and accidental astral travel that terrified me. At the time I was convinced that I was literally going to die, and it was my first encounter with any sense of Death. Paranormal activity happening around a hormonal teenage girl isn’t uncommon, but it can be pretty confusing and scary when you don’t know what’s going on. I had already been dabbling, a bit haphazardly, with meditation and magic, but my first encounter with sleep paralysis and astral travel scared me so much I had to sleep with the lights on for a week! It was really the first time that I took the time out to do some real research into the paranormal, and it was a valuable learning experience that helped me to understand that area between what can be seen as a paranormal experience and what is happening in one’s own psyche. TY: What are you most passionate about (in your field, life, etc.) and why? AM: I’m an eclectic witch, but I have a few areas of focus. I spend a lot of time doing work in the community – planning rituals, participating in area events, hosting workshops, and engaging in community support and networking. This takes up a lot of my time! But I’ve come to really appreciate the concept of community and to realize how valuable support can be.

TY: Who is one person you look up to the most? AM: I really look up to and admire the spiritual grandmothers and grandfathers of the Pagan movement. They were doing some really cool stuff and some really hard work, and without them I literally wouldn’t be where I am or who I am today! I admire the works of people like Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, Dion Fortune, and even Alistair Crowley. They were truly pioneers. I can’t forget the mothers and fathers of the Pagan movement, either. They really were able to combine activism, feminism, environmental justice, and Paganism in a way that I think is lost and muddled today. So much of their stuff is foundational. Starhawk, Z. Budapest, and Scott Cunningham are some who I admire the most. TY: Do you have any art pieces, books, movies, or television shows that deal with paranormal topics? If so, what are they? AM: While I wouldn’t say that I write about the paranormal, certainly witchcraft and Paganism overlap with the world of the supernatural. I maintain a blog at where I write about Gods, Goddess, rituals, spells, holidays, seasons, and pretty much anything that I think is interesting to write about and that I think people might think is interesting! I’m also a contributing blogger at Pagan Square ( a networking site and magazine for witches, Pagans, and others. This blog focuses more specifically on mystical experiences and every day magical encounters ( I am also collaborating on a book with a friend of mine who is a very talented mystic.

This project focuses on techniques and advice on walking a mystical path in a mundane world. Stay tuned! Finally, I am a contributing writer here at Paranormal Galaxy! It’s a relationship I’m very excited about, and I’m looking forward to seeing where it will take me! TY: How do you enjoy your free time? Any hobbies? AM: I don’t really have much free time! I like to read, especially books about religion, folklore, mythology, psychology, witchcraft, and Paganism. I write a lot. I love to read my tarot cards and play with other types of divination, such as the runes, scrying, or my various pendulums. I love to play with crystals, and I dabble in jewelry making. I love to go to coffee shops and eat out at local restaurants, and I’m a huge fan of concerts and B-movies. Luckily I live in an area that always has lots of live music, and has a few theaters that regularly host science fiction or horror double features! TY: If you were stranded on an island, name one person and three items you would bring. Why? AM: I would bring my husband because he's an Eagle Scout and could probably save me. I'd also bring a giant thing of lip balm, lotion, and some way to purify water. I'm really concerned about dry skin! TY: What does Paranormal Galaxy Magazine mean to you? AM: Paranormal Galaxy Magazine is a way to meet new people and to engage with them and their experiences. It's a way for me to network and write, but most importantly, it's a way for me to learn more and expand my horizons. Honestly, my inner middle schooler is thrilled with Paranormal Galaxy Magazine! It's really something I have always wanted.

November 2014 Maze


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Paranormal Online Quizzes! How Did You Die in Your Past Life? Find out who you were in your past life by learning how you died! Take quiz on PlayBuzz

How Well Do You Know The Exorcist? Take this trivia quiz and find out how much you know about this infamous movie! Take quiz on BuzzFeed

Take our selected online personality and trivia quizzes every month to sharpen your paranormal knowledge or have fun finding out something new about yourself!

November 2014 Word Search Take the time to enjoy this History themed word search! Some words maybe found backwards or diagonally.

Word Bank: History Records Books Research War Plague Crusade

Election Monarchy Coup Natural Disaster Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt China

Treaty Anglo Saxon Huns Vikings Samurai Civilization

November 2014 Monthly Horoscope Provided by the Astrotwins

Wave the white flag, Sagittarius. The Sun is moving through Scorpio, your twelfth house of endings and release, until November 22, creating an atmosphere of healing and going with the flow. Sure, this mellow mood not might be your cup of cava, but the downtime helps you sift through the baggage of your past. An outworn situation, relationship or belief really needs to be cleared, so that you’re ready to charge ahead during your birthday season. Embrace this as a spiritual time, even though you might feel a little melancholy or even scared of the unknown Read More

“Have passport, will travel.” That’s your mantra, Pisces, as the Sun moves through Scorpio, your ninth house of expansion, global journeys and optimism, until November 22. Read More The business of life is upon you, Gemini, as the Sun in Scorpio blazes through your sixth house of systems, details and organization. Read More Hungry for knowledge, Virgo? With the Sun in Scorpio burning through your third house of communication and stimulation, until November 22, you’re eager to learn as much as you can—and you're curious about everything! Read More

Gather your tribe and celebrate! Until November 22, the Sun is in Scorpio, your eleventh house of groups, teamwork and authenticity. No matter what you have on the agenda, make a little room for collaborations and some freespirited fun. Read More. Busy, busy! Until November 22, the Sun is streaking through Scorpio, your tenth house of professional accolades and success, firing up your ambitions and long-term goals. Read More

Hunker down, Aries. The Sun is in Scorpio until November 22, heating up your eighth house of intensity, shared wealth and perma-bonding. Read More

Let's make it a double! As the Sun moves through Scorpio, your seventh house of one-on-one relationships, you’re in the mood for companionship, whether in business or love. Read More

Hello, joie de vivre? Until November 22, the Sun is in Scorpio, making for a playful and passionate time.

Home, sweet, home. Until November 22, the Sun in moving through Scorpio, your fourth house of family and roots, stoking your nesting instincts. Read More

Read More Security, stability, and streamlining. As the Sun moves through Scorpio, your second house of work and money, you’re feeling rather pragmatic … Read More

Me, myself, and I— that's what the first three weeks of this month are all about for you. Read More

Chain of Souls Campaign Jack Heath’s trilogy is going to be made into a MOVIE!

To produce this film‌ We need to raise $25,000 by

November 30! Be a part of making this

paranormal movie a reality!

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gear with your pledge! OR get your name on the film credits! Learn more about our campaign on and!

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