I SSUE ONE Have You Made The News?
M EET THE TEA M Lee St eer Carol Tom Philip John Dawn Aimee
I N THI S I SSUE Ghost St ories - Ghost Pict ures - Art icles About The Paranormal
This magazine is ran by you.. The community of the facebook group "The Haunted World." which is dedicated for you to share and post anything paranormal related. You post we publish: Your stories, Ghost Pictures, Videos , Reports. Topics of discussion. Unlike other mags sticking with trends we will focus in the news "we create as a community" and make little stars. Published every two months, we will pick the best posts from within our group community.
Ever h ear d of a gen ie in a bot t le? ever h ear d of Aladdin ? w ell t h er e is som e t r u t h beh in d t h e st or ies an d m yt h s.. New t o en t er t h e HAUNTED OBJECTS M USEUM - Th e Jin n / Djin n Sacr ed Holder . Th is Sacr ed Holder cam e f r om t h e cu lt u r e / Bedou in t r ibe w h o live in t h e deser t lan ds of m an y places lik e Egypt Ir aq - Isr ael, t h is h older is m ean t t o con t ain 5 dif f er en t Jin n's w it h t h e m ain on e been a M ar id. Som e believe t h at t h ese jin n s, ar e k in d an d loyal an d w ill pr ot ect t h eir ow n er bu t t h er e is r eal n o docu m en t ed t ext s of t h at r eligion w h ich st at e so, it is qu it e t h e opposit e in t h e Cu r ?an an d it r esem bles ou r devil. In Ar abic f olk lor e an d com m on m yt h ology, a M ar id (Ar abic: ? ???? m ?r id), is a classed an an cien t lar ge gian t an d t h e m ost pow er f u l t ype of jin n . Th ey Ar e Believed t o be t h e m ost evil cr eat ion s of t h e lor d. Nor m ally t h is it em w ou ld be w or n ar ou n d t h e n eck by a pow er f u l per son f or pr ot ect ion . Th e Capsu le w ou ld con t ain f r agm en t s of bon e, ash es an d pr ayer 's an d gem s. Som e say you n eed t o st ay w ell aw ay f r om t h is it em , Som e say it cou ld be dan ger ou s in t h e w r on g h an ds, Th ey Say it h as t h e abilit y t o possess.
DAY 1. The Item arrives, to lee steers house. and invited Phil from red ridge around to look at it with lee. The First thing we noticed upon inspection that the object has a heat source. the hottest spot on the item reads 29.9 which is the red circle blob to the left. We also checked the wave length of the item. Which matched Phil's human energy pattern.
take that as a yes and continue, the energy meter changed its pattern. (evidence on footage to follow) Th e En vir on m en t al LOG The Air Pressure drops, and vibrations which was not us. We then decided to do a full log of the environment using the EDI+, Which detects, vibrations. Emf, Humidity, Air Pressure and temperature. We all stayed complete still watching the device for any changes which we could oversee. John asked it more questions and we got a vibration response to his questions. when there was no movement from us (you will see on footage) The vibration responded to, when we called its name, When we asked does it want energy, when asked are you happy with this. Do you know you have changed owner, and a few other questions
Day 2 We put out pictures of the item for people to tell us how they feel by looking at it. The overall majority said they felt very uneasy about it. and felt the item could be dangerous in the wrong hands which is interesting based upon the beliefs of the tribe of this kind of myth. The next investigative stage involved lee, phil and john, we took another heat reading of the object and it showed pretty much the same, with a circle spot of red to the left. we moved the item around, changed its position to see if the heat would change. it didn't. We tested its energy wave again and it showed completely different to yesterday. With the energy meter attached to the item, john asked are you ok with us doing this, and happy for us to continue. if you change the energy pattern we will
We noticed there was a rise/fall in air pressure, no windows open, doors closed. the air pressure should stay the same unless we was moving the device?s location or altitude or opening any windows which we was not. We then stopped the environmental log, and here is the proof and results. (picture above) The LIVE reveal of what the item is. Here is the LIVE, where i revealed it was a Jinn and got some very intelligent responses it seems.. Next Stage: To Be Announced!
From the earliest memory I have of my interest in the paranormal/occult and nature worship I can remember encountering the subject of ley lines. Ley lines have always interested me, the whole idea of these natural lines of power shooting up and down the country, the possibility and hope of capturing free natural energy that some say can help heal and empower. My personal conclusion I have of this subject so far is very tatty a bit of me says no matter what all systems have tracks of least resistance and energy will always find these tracks, can this energy benefit us? well I hope so because if it can then its accessible to all. So one ongoing task for Red Ridge X will be to look into the subject of ley lines. By all means we are not the first there was Alfred Watkins in 1921 and from then there has been many more and is many more looking into this subject, but we do enjoy piecing these things together from many sources ourselves. Wh at ar e Ley Lin es Said To Be? It is often said that ley lines are a network of connecting paths that stretch over the surface of the planet. To add to this it is also thought that the alignment of significant land forms, culturally important man made sites and structures were built on these lines. It is thought by some that some structures can manipulate the energy of these path ways by diverting them, enhancing them or even tapping into the energy that some say these lines can provide. The energy these lines are said to posses is a natural and/or spiritual energy and for some people this energy can be used for healing, meditating, nature magic and much more.
Ou r M ission The main reason I started looking at this subject is because I encountered the idea of this natural power source especially concentrated in certain locations while looking into different nature based traditions and the occult. While thinking about this ley line system I also thought, if this is true what if we are out of balance with this energy? what effect can it have on us? is the system out of balance? and yes with an element of paranoia what if this energy can be hijacked and used in a manner against its natural order. Our mission will be to look at this subject in sections and try and find out what information is out there concerning the existence of ley lines. Let s Get St ar t ed. In the next paragraph I will show you the question I asked myself and the team to see if there is anything noticeable behind the idea of ley lines. So the first question we decided to ask was after visiting many locations through the years ?has any of the locations that we have visited felt special or different in any way??. The answer would be yes, because a few places I like to re-visit to help unwind and clear my mind include hill tops out in the peak district but I also get drawn to stone circles, churches and other sites of antiquity. When looking at this you have to remember these sites do not tick everybody?s boxes, the reason I` m drawn to these sites can be due to many things like my interests & hobbies, memories and other elements of my character. This then left us with another question ?if we are attracted to different sites is there different ley line energies?? After asking this question we looked at our replies and came to the conclusion yes people can be split up into the different locations and activities they are drawn to but is this due to a ley energy or just the clustering of different activities. Another thing to note is that after visiting these locations some of us did report a different kind of peace and calm at these sites. With all this in mind we found we could end up with more questions the more and more we looked into this, so let the research begin.
By: Byron Th i el Working security in a communications companies office block with two other men I,d gone to Hertfordshire with my wife and children one weekend in the winter of 1978 and left a colleague in charge. This fellow was rather naive for his age and lusted for one of the secretaries, but just how much none of us realized. We,d all got to know this girl well as she was a big flirt, but most of the young girls working there were. I returned Monday evening to be informed that this certain girl had gone missing, she,d worked late Friday evening and not returned home which was very unusual for her. My colleague had the night off so as I was patrolling the garage area I spotted movement near the roller Doors. The missing girl stood there looking rather dreary with eyes that Didn't seem
very alive. I approached and she turned and headed for the area just in front of the door indicating I should open the roller shutter, but oddly wouldn?t,t do it herself. I opened the shutter and noted there were the usual number of black plastic rubbish bags ready to be collected in the early hours by the bin men. She immediately went to a particular large bag, pointed at it and disappeared. I Wasn't surprised when I opened the bag and found the girls body inside. My colleague meanwhile had hanged himself when the police broke into his flat. Apparently he,d tried it on with the girl Friday night, she,d refused his advances so in a rage he raped her, then throttled her and thinking she was dead stuffed her in the plastic garbage bag. She actually Wasn't dead then, but suffocated some time later on. Strange things indeed!
YOUR GHOST STORI ES Lisa Allot t - The first was when I was a child, and the second while I was working as a waitress in a local hotel. I had always hated the upstairs banquet/ conference room and felt that I was being watched. I could not turn my back to the room while sorting out the coffee area to the rear of the room. I could not explain it, not find a rational reason for feeling like that. One evening, after serving a silver service dinner, I was clearing the table and tidying away when I had the overwhelming sense that I was not alone. I looked up and saw a girl, of about nineteen years old, dressed in period maids dress. She had her head bowed and her hands crossed in front of her. Now, sceptics would say that I probably had suffered some sort of hallucination ( I was battling tonsillitis at the time, and quite a high temperature). That said, I know what I saw, and I can describe her in detail 12 years on. I have never forgotten it, and have tried to rationalize it and put it down to being tired and ill. But....I know what I saw and it still scares me...even after all this time.
ver a - I have a story, when I was little and the other is when I got a little older. Ok here goes the first story ok so me and my dad were walking to the store one day so from out of nowhere this lady walk up to me I had to be about 5 or 6 and told me she was my Angel and I will always be with u and as I go to turn around and tell my dad she was gone like she disappeared and was nowhere around? Now fast forward it was my birthday I was 9 or 10 now and I was living in Palatine IL at time and we were having a birthday party for me and we was taking pictures everything was going good that day until a week later I get the pictures back and as I'm looking at these pictures it's one picture that scared the crap out of me cause if u look behind me in one pic in the window it's a face but not your human face it looked evil it's face look like fire and it had a huge smile on it's face with red and black horns. I knew it wasn't a mask cause no one had one and nobody was outside at the time. Now fast forward to my adult years now since this has happened I get feeling's like I know something is going to happen before it do or I Know when someone is
pass and they are around me but I can't see them but I can feel them watching me or they will touch me. I see shadows all the time out the corner of my eye and the thing is I'm scared to see a ghost but then again I'm not. But I wanna know if anybody can see if I have evil or good fighting or me cause I could have lost my life in many different ways but something is saving me and I wanna know what it is I know God is saving me but is there someone he sent to watch over me
THE GLA SS GHOST? Capt u r ed by: Lean n e Ran cier There was no Lin da - Where is this Leanne? I sense it a glass in the window but images just appeared very hostile and unfriendly place when i took the pic...no1 was around... Adon is - why their is a stars... "The star Jan ice - There is about 6 people that I see filter is being used on the camera "
K 2 OR NOT Joh n Con n or s - I'm gong to order an EMF detector from ebay next month, does any one have one. If so are they reliable. This is the one I am going to get. Lee Sm ar t - K2 is hard work picks up everything. i will send you another item which i feel will be good. It detects temperature & EMF (electro magnetic fields) also features an alarm when it changes. Joh n - Just reading the specs. sounds like an awesome bit of kit Lee - It's a new one for me and it's great I use this now instead of my others
LEY LI NES GROUND WORK So we will be looking for clues in science that might help explain the existence of ley lines and their nature. To the right Dig.1 shows the bedrock layout of the UK. The different colors indicate the different materials that help form certain areas of the bedrock. When looking at Dig.1 you can see how the bedrock seems to span out from the south west. Below in Dig.2 I have circled the area where the different materials appear to merge.
When looking at the circled area it is the only place in the UK where the seems of bedrock come together like this and with this in mind my next thought was of Stonehenge as I know it is in that area. Is there any significance to this? After looking at the bedrock layout I then went on to look at a map showing the electrical bedrock conductivity of the UK. In Dig.3 I have highlighted the areas with high conductivity with the red areas with highest conductivity. As you can see they follow the flow of the bedrock seems.
Below in Dig.4 I have placed lines following the seems of bedrock and the high conductivity areas. I have also highlighted the location of Stonehenge.
The areas I have highlighted are not the only areas where seems are found I only highlighted the strongest patterns as we will start with these and see if it leads us to any further understanding, if so then we will re-visit other areas in more detail. In Dig.5 above we have highlighted another area that has a very strong bedrock seem and conductivity. We have posted this update as we work on the next stage, thank you for your previous emails and comments and please keep them coming they are very helpful.
GHOST GHOST GHOST By M arie Wall : This photo was taken 3 years ago on bonfire night. We were watching fireworks in the garden. Where my son is standing (circled) in front of a street light which is obscured by whatever that is. Zoom in. This really creeped me out at the time. My son says it?s because of the fireworks. I think not. Surely the light would show through??
I walk the parth of light With magic in my hand I here the trees talking Telling me to be gentle And to be kind So I walk the path With magic in my Hand I see a fox and I say Hello he seems to smile At me and tells me to Be good And I walk the parth With magic in my Hart A robin lands before me Chirping he nods and
Says go slow And I walk the parth With magic all Around A spirit of a maiden Hair of gold Tells me she's proud I walk the parth Of magic I have no Fear At last the end in sight I hold out my hand Only be told I have More to understand
So I walk the parth With magic in my hand
Peter Wi l l i am Li ng | I ts A rri v ed
e o st ed m t L eo n a gh an u s a a h m w to re h as .I a i t h e d i ed d u e g u y s t h at n g t een n am ed w y a r l o a u e e o st g o in M so m st o f w as r l wh say vi l l a e's a h er e o u n g gi sed b u y a c ar ,i t sp o t H er n c e I w a o u n t r y r i o d , m o i n g u c e y e si o f a i d en t c o t o h i j ac k t o n t h e t h e l i t t l e a l o n g pe w er e b t . N o t a h n c m d ac f r o l l i s.' Fo r 's c at t l h e n i gh as an t e t m i d n i g....t i l w h e d o n w t w r i o e s 'W w h r i n g a r y d ay sse r ing ar m d . Thi i s pa ea d ev e t h e f ap ar t d u n ap ar t t h e d ea o l h p t p a d di o an t or ed al l d: r i p p en . Ju st seei n g , t h e sc h f m y eac h gu y w h o pl i e n t g e kI t o o s r t ea t en i n o a l n a r n in fr o li I t h i n ac e e , a t h y f d T g a h i n a e fr ff dw r pl si d e ed e . On me o st an e i n h e s o v er r e c at t l r o p p ed I w en t i n o o r t o f e o o r d un sam p as r d d d I c an d b e t h e w an t t o a h i gh e b u s o m e an d e b ac k h e b ac k saw t l d h tt nd o th w o u w o u l d n ? er s f ac e gh t t eer ed o u r ac r es ai n g i n t o i l a l d i r . t n k e s a p a c n d er l my at . I the f j u st i t el y unti m y c o w i n t o b east w a m ed i a d s. o w i n d e b l ac k y c at i mf t h e w o an d M g , . o u ck nd a h w o o d s n g o u t r e v i ew g e. I Ch u i c m e a ck e u a n o h th n h 3 s u y r od al l er wa ou r ba c am w as a go t an c e i t b i g i t r e ed in a.m . o u ld i d y t s d u a 5 T h a t h at d i i n e h o w d f o r m m e. f t er , , u co my d Yes.. w eeks a as b o lt ed d w o u ld f r o m n l y i m ag e. I y el l e b el i ev e i ew. le s 't w lin e o v co u p r , w h ich c an as u p c l o ey d i d n y o u t o f u r t h e b u ld st ill b d n h o o t a d s w o t a do s b u as al r e g w e saw e t o r n clo se e d o o r w h er e go e e t t i n r e th y, t h il p ar b east w o r n i n 's c at t l t ac k h ea , an d w o u ld sa ver u s w e k T h e e n ex t m Far m er e l ast at b ed a sh we ch o T h b o r i n g w as t h . I d u b t ed .. o u ld w at t .. l o t n i h b a a l ep ew n ei g r ed s. T h aw i t ag r ew o l f .' we s ad , h s e h d s r W e o t illis I n ev an d i t t h e 'W id Da v
te W hi
h an d s m i r r i l d w ash An g Be el sk i n o r I saw m y f ac e gr an f o r e I w c o m i n n ed m a b eh i n d an d i n a d n m t b r o t p a d i ed . s b o r n m e y es i g o u t o f w i t h b l e a g r e h e h W a h y t d o o r er s w er h en m y gr eat ck v is fle i n t o f r eak ei es w y s so m t h r e t h e b at ed m e o h h av i n n s eo n eay t h ey w t an d i n g 2 o l d est h g u e .M y ask in th er e I w o o f t h e s r o o m ea t t o g o b r ed ke u T h e ed w h o t m o m w t al k i n g e a ac k c me ht t o pi y p t h ss I f o n t h e d r eam s i m e f o r r i gh sai d "gr ey w er eal k ed i n o t a a an d l ed t h a c o u c h t h e f o u m o mh er e. Ca n d p a, h e t al k i n g t n d n 't u o. 's st a f l i m p i ssed b t h o r r i f y an d I h a r sai d i n go d e go o d h e c am see h i m n d i n g t h e p h i n d t h i n g p l ac e ? by e e e " l b a M p a ce n i on e c ex t d n k l ast k t o say y tim e o or N ev e Pa u r h ad l m t h er I st a Jer r e ar e y o w n e y af y p e o x ew n ap ar ar e f p l e w h o so m an y p er i en c f r o n t m en t i n i g h t s i n a h k a e, b u v e, s t al es f r e, b u t o w as t st n ex k eese m y si st t a l s al w a er 's vi l l e o o n m e I am o m t to t e y h N s s tha s eg na .Y. co t ar e u r e I h av sl ee i l s an d o l d t h er e r av ey ar do n R ay m n ot . p n c on d b ask e a sh ad d r ea i n g o n h e d ay I w o l d er t h i t e o tb w an as r o se m s I s er c o u i n m al l an d t h at s t h c h a al o n e u p t o ay d r its v y e si n e be d a th t o se thr o e m y e sh an d m s b ec a i n m y u gh d r o o m i er y d ar k ze o f a wr u m tw s l it b at h c o u c h a el f t w i t c er an d t u se I so m o n g i t s a y w al l .t e en t r i g w as n r h ht e ll m e d em thin f l o u o o m ea d I w en i n g o n r n ed g o i f n e ting t I c t l h 'm i s h tim into sn 't e et in the r o n m h er e's sc i t .an d est r t o t h e ai e I aw o k t h e r at c y wa oom r e hing ll w h e y et as I w t o t h e nIw e n t ash to
GHOST PI CTURES Nick y Ton k s - Hi I?m new to this page and I took this photo today and it looks like there is an outline of what seems to be a person but I?m unsure, just wanted to know everyone?s thoughts on this:)
Heat h er Lyn n e - Sharing for one of my friends. This plantation house is located in St Francisville, Louisiana She?s freaking out lol She wants to know if ghosts will follow you home???
Jacqu elin e Gypsygir l - Look at it carefully it's a lady side profile sitting very sad looking out towards the window. If you change the color and zoom in you can see
I WI LL K EEP TRYI NG By Sharon Cant lin :This is a local haunt of mine, it's Batsto village in the infamous Pine Barrens birth place of the Jersey Devil It is said that you can see a woman in one of the tower windows on certain night's. I keep looking but I've yet to see her.
A ND OM ENS Th er e is a su per st it ion t h at t h e body pu t in t h e f ir st gr ave du g in a n ew gr aveyar d is alw ays claim ed by t h e Devil. It 's said also t o be u n lu ck y if you dig or plow an y gr ou n d in w h ich a body h as been bu r ied, an d cer t ain ly n o cr ops plan t ed t h er e w ill f lou r ish . An cien t su per st it ion is t h at t h e sou t h w in d br in gs cor r u pt ion an d t h e sou t h side of ch u r ch es h as alw ays been r egar ded as t h e h oliest an d h er e w as w h er e people alw ays in sist ed on bein g bu r ied. On ly t h ose cor pses of people com m it t in g su icide or t h e bodies of st illbor n babies w er e bu r ied on t h e n or t h side. Th at gr aves sh ou ld alw ays be du g r u n n in g east t o w est so t h e cor pse w ou ld lie w it h it s f eet t o t h e east an d it s f ace t o t h e w est an d be r eady t o r ise w h en t h e call com es f r om t h e east on t h e Day of Ju dgm en t . People in m an y Eu r opean cou n t r ies believe it is u n lu ck y t o st ep over or on a gr ave, par t icu lar ly w h en it is t h e gr ave of a st illbor n baby or an u n bapt ized ch ild. Despit e t h e lon g h ist or y of gr ave r obbin g, it h as alw ays been u n lu ck y t o dist u r b a gr ave or you m ay r elease a gh ost , an d n o good w ill com e of ever u sin g t om bst on es or an y ot h er object s f r om a gr aveyar d in con st r u ct ion of a n ew bu ildin g. Su ch con st r u ct ion can r u n t h e r isk of collapsin g becau se it " h as deat h bu ilt in t o it ."
WHA T M A DE YOU BELI EV E I N THE PA RA NORM A L Jessik a An n M iller My first 2 paranormal experiences were when I was 4 or 5. First I got new bunk beds and the entire thing shook in the middle of the night, my mom was sleeping beside me. Second one was when i was 6 and one of my toys just was thrown across the room. And its continued through our my life. M ik e St eadm an When I was 9 yrs old see my grandpa at his funeral he at is farm too he spoke to me told me he was OK he knew how munch I loved him I told him I will miss you he said I will always be with you I felt better after that Lia Gilm ou r grew up in a haunted house, I couldn't make it out, My mother explained to me what was going on when I was just 3yrs old, it actually made sense to me. But even till the day I left our family home at the age of 48, I would never of stayed in that house overnight by myself.. It was that bad. Many friends have asked if I ever delved into finding out who & what was going on ... I've never wanted to know... Soph ie Fen n ell Always been sceptical, but been to a few haunted locations and seen a top half of a nurse and a rather scary black orb above my head. Daw n Ur ban I?ve heard,felt and seen them. I woke up levitating very code to my ceiling fan, prayed to our Lord and was released but it didn?t stop there. Kam an i Pillay when i was 11 year old i was studying till late near my gardens window suddenly i heard someone talking and look through out the window,no was there I through it was imagination or was it Dem it r i M ar lin seeing a full body apparition clearly after i heard my name called out 3 times. female, long shoulder length hair. white gown/dress. bare feet. kept eye contact the whole time until she turned and walked threw the back door
CA TCHI NG K I LLERS working with the police. The majority of work I do is in US, they are a lot more relaxed about the paranormal there and most forces already have their resident psychic/medium. It's seen as fairly standard. I started because I had mentioned in another group that I particularly worked on missing persons, I work off a photo of the person missing. I still do not know how i do it, I call it my extra sense.The more i look back at the photo, each time I see it I seem to pick up something extra, like a certain plant that may only grow in certain areas or I'll pick up names and vehicles. It's then my job to put it all together and somehow find this person. It so happens that the picture I had been given was a missing girl but I had been given it by the police. They had drawn a dead end and hoped they may find someone to assist. As it is they where impressed with my info as I had never been to the country and also managed to pass them info of the man I believe killed her. They then revealed themselves and asked if i would be prepared to help which of course I did. I built a good relationship with them and have managed to work on a lot of cases throughout the US. They even trust me to send me line ups containing the possible killers which means a lot to me as I know I am trusted. The only sad part is by the time they start an investigation unfortunately the (usually woman/girl has passed) As for the Uk they are so different to the US. They tend not to believe like the
Americans do and if you do pass any information to them they don't act on it straight away, it's almost as if they feel I am belittling them which of course I'm not. It's sad they feel like this. I don't want any recognition and certainly no money. I was put in the Newspaper in Stoke after working on a cold case and finding lots out. I even sold a few things so I could go there for a few days to hunt who i believed was the killer. I Was going to put this article up but can't get in touch with the family so don't feel it's right or my call to. However the article is online and I'm sure if you typed my name in and Stoke it would probably come up but again I don't want to rehash bad memories. I do this because I want to help families and give them closure they need and deserve. People call what I have a gift, I can't. I have seen some images I would never wish on anyone. Like I have said I'd rather call it an extra sense. I do believe a lot of us can tap into it but it's working out how and having the support. If anyone wants any help, missing person cases or cold ones to look into I will be happy to help. I do get a lot of messages though so please don't think I am ignoring you, i just slowly work through each case to give it my best and in any country. Please message me if you would like more information m, I know it all seems a bit crazy to take in. Would love to help more people though or assist them with tapping into their own extra sense. Thanks for reading, Lu x
Lucy El i zabeth Bi l ton
YOUR A RE NOT A LONE Kali M axin e Gar cia I saw... something in my basement. I don't know who or what he was. He looked like a person, but bright. Everything about him was light. Raym on d Tain u i Ran gi Ripik oi Sitting around a fire at night in the forest I seen a ghost dog just stare at me and then disappear as fast as it showed.... M ogam at Gasan Kh an I work on a ship and while coming down the stairs I saw a figure floating he had a robe with a hood hanging over his face he went around the corner and when I went after him he was gone Sam Kiss 2 heads. Just heads of a bride and bridegroom in the top corner of my room. First time i had ever seen anything. Don't know why i saw them. Did not recognise them but still remember the terror i felt at the time and can still remember all these years later what they look like. M ar k Scot t Ar m st r on g I had an out of body experience I was lying in bed one day and I close my eyes looked up and saw myself looking down on myself freak me the fuck out I tried to move but I couldn't even tried to scream but nothing would come out never been so frightened in my whole life
THE I NCUBUS By Daw n Dudl eson
The incubus is said to be a demon that visits someone within their dreams. It appears in human form, so to seem attractive to us. In its human form it seduces us to satisfy its sexual needs. As it goes throughout the world there must be balance. One cannot have health without sickness, a day without a night. Therefore in order to balance, the incubus (male) has a counterpart that is called a succubus (female). The question leaving with demon, are there one that shape shifts into its counterparts. The succubus also referred to a lilith, the first wife of Adam. She was, at times, referred to as a "Arch Demoness". She was non-compliant and would not
take the missionary position, due to this she was cast out and replaced by the more reserved Eve. With the incubus also referred to as Lilu, he made his first appearance within the Mesopotamian period around 2400BC. It has been embarked upon that the Demon itself is a shape shifter, making it one in the same. This would allow it to satisfy its sexual appetite.
What would be the purpose of the shape shifting abilities? When sexual gratitude is all but satisfied with the Demon portraying itself as a male, why must it also shift its appearance into a female?
Well, it would allow the succubus while sexually assaulting a male to steal his sperm. Thus, shift into a incubus and then in return impregnate a female. It has been written that the Demon has been able to conceive and give birth to a very persuasive child with it intentions and have a super natural powers.
I know it's a reproduction of an original big eyes painting, I got it at a yard sale, it didn't just call to me it screamed at me to buy it, I felt instantly drawn to it, I even tried to resist it I put it down and walked away, went to other yard sales but just couldn't quit thinking about it, so I went back and this is where it gets weird, so when I get back to the yard sale the painting is gone! I was heart broken! I started to cry right there in a strangers yard with a dozen or so people staring at me. But I can't stop, then the little old lady having the yard sale comes up to me asking if I'm alright. So I tell her about the painting and she says "oh yes I saw you pick it up and knew it belonged to you."she tells me the painting tells her that it belongs to me that I am the original owner, that she has no idea where the painting came from or how she came to have it, pretty damn weird I know.I asked who she had sold it to, thinking I could chase this person down and buy it from them. She tells me that I'm the only person that would even go near it. That she had put it back knowing I would return for it. So I'm pretty much speechless at this point, but I get myself together some what and ask her how much does she want for it?
Hoping that it isn't much coz I ain't got much. And she tells me nothing that she can't sell it to me because it already belongs to me! I'm floored at this point,shaking in my boots and a little scared I must admit it it was a little spooky, so I thank her for the generous gift ask if I can give her a hug and she says of course. Well it was the most awesome hug I've ever had! Now my moms been gone for 18 years but I swear I could feel, smell and hear my mom! So I bring the painting home and hang it in my home office, I'm loving it but everyone and I mean everyone, family friends, clients hates this painting. I just don't understand it. I get no bad feelings at all, I did cleanse it with sage before bringing it in the house. What I want to know is does anyone get anything from it? Please no harmful words just a girl trying to figure it out.
Its started on a windy night .the night was with a warm breeze.the sky only had the bright yellow moon to bring some light out.I was seating on the porch in my old house down on the old dirt road.people told me the woods by my house was haunted by spirits that was killed out in them old woods . For some reason that night was different ,I just felt like someone was watching me from them woods .you could hear the old tree branches sway as the wind blew threw the I got up I seen threw the corner of my eyes a figure dressed in all black cloths standing across the old dirt road by the tree in the woods .as I turned to check him out he was gone .t scared me a little I went back inside for awhile , as I sat on the couch and listened to the wind blow outside I heard my name beining called softly as a whisper.I got right up and gazed out the window . As I gazed I seen the guy and another person.she looked around 8 years old .her hair was as pitch black as coal.her cloths was old Victorian style that looked like she was in a fight .so I went outside to check them out .as I started down the side walk I glanced back over there to see if they poofed on me yet.but they still was watching me come there I got closer the little girl had blood all over her hands .she smiled with a creepy smile .so I stopped real fast .I no I did not want to get way to close to them.I could hear dogs in the back ground barking .the sound of there barks was
As I got back inside as I sat down on my old chair by the fire place I put on .the flames was red and was given out a very warm heat .I tried to sleep but could not close my eyes at all.the next day I walked toward the old woods since it was day I got about a mile into the woods I seen a stone that said here lays the family of the Johnson who passed away by murder .they was axed to pieces by a crazy man from the woods.then I noticed that the old man body was still there .the bones above the ground and the two dogs bones beside him. I went back to call the local police to come check this out.I waited there until they got to my place and I took them out there.they asked me how I found them.I told them what I seen last night .they said ppl around here told them of this little girl and they could hear her crying . I told them she was not crying when I say her , they shook there head .as they called the corner to come check this skeleton out .we waited .as he got out and got close I warned him .he laughted at me , about two hours later he looked at us all and said there is no way . He said this bones been here since 1760 .he said they should have turn to dust by now , it made us wonder how they could be still not harmed for that many years.
getting closer and closer .the guy dressed in black looked right at the little girl and I watched them both poof in front of my eyes .it startled me big I waited to see if them dogs was coming , I felt a tap on my shoulder my body felt frozed in fear of what just tapped me on my I turned to look I heard a high pitch scream as if its running toward me from the woods . So I started running back into my property to be safe .as I got to my gate I felt something go threw me , as I gazed infront of me I seen a lady in a white dress with blood all over half her dress.she hollered at me saying they are near run and hide .then infront of my eyes she poofed threw my wall of my house .I went back inside cause I was scared of what I just seen .
LEY NA TURA L In the last section of our research into Ley Lines we looked at the bedrock of the UK and noticed how it is comprised of different materials running in seems. We also noticed these seems looked to meet around the area of Stonehenge which we found pretty interesting and we will look into this more later on in the study. Along with looking at the layout of the bedrock we also looked at the conductivity of the bedrock and noticed it followed some of these seems. We did not want to go straight into matching up the bedrock layout with possible sites straight away as we would like to look at more possibilities of the existence of ley lines. In the next few paragraphs we will look at phenomena?s and possibilities that may help power or give reason to the existence of ley lines. Sch u m an n Reson an ce. The Earth has its own electromagnetic field and in the extremely low frequency ELF portion of this field you will find the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonance comes in the form of a set of peaks in the ELF portion of the electromagnetic field and can be found in the space made between the earths crust and the ionosphere and often generated or excited by lighting discharges. The Schumann resonance occurs within a frequency range from around 3 Hz through to 60 Hz but has a few distinct peaks of 7.8 Hz, 14.3 Hz, 20.8 Hz, 27.3 Hz and 33.8 Hz with the 7.8 been the fundamental peak and the main frequency that is mentioned when discussing this subject. The Schumann Resonance has been known to change due to a few factors one of these factors is solar activity, along with this people have found that monitoring global lightning activity, global temperature variations and water vapor in the troposphere can be possible by observing Schumann resonance activity. There are a few theories that say by monitoring the Schumann resonance it may help in earthquake predictions
and studying global warming. The idea we get when looking into the Schumann Resonance is that it is an highly scientific subject with many elements to it and these ELF frequencies are recorded in many locations on the planet. What this information also shows us is that the Schumann resonance reflects on certain activities (mostly lightning) that are happening between the ground and the ionosphere the very environment in which we live, what is also good to note is in the case of lightning this is energy that enters the ground many times a second around the world, the very ground that these ley lines are said to be. After looking further into other aspects and previous studies on the Schumann resonance we also found some have made links to variations in the Schumann resonance with reference to the seasons, night and day even down to the time of the day and apparently this could be due to the difference in the ionospheres conductivity as it passes through night and day. If this difference does exist due to night and day this could be a good separate research subject on whether or not this could make any difference on the appearance of spiritual entities. Before we close on the subject of the Schumann resonance it is also worth mentioning that a few experiments have been conducted apparently showing that it is possible that human and mammalian brain activity has evolved with the aid of the Schumann resonance. On the other end of the scale some research says that human activity and technology has altered the resonance and created chaos for living systems on earth. There is building evidence to suggest that by standing barefoot on the ground this could help peoples health and well being, the idea behind this is that the earth carries a negative charge where as humans due to modern everyday life can build up a positive charge. By standing barefoot it is said you can ground yourself and help balance your charge and in turn helping your overall health. Tellu r ic Cu r r en t s After looking into the Schumann resonance we did a bit of digging and came across a natural earth current called a telluric current. Unlike the Schuman resonance a telluric current is an electric current which moves underground or through the
sea in different directions and at different magnitudes. The flow of this electric current differs due to the earths conductance. If we look at the above paragraph we are looking at an electric current that moves underground and through the sea, in different directions and can be measured at different levels across the surface of the earth. It is also true that the earths conductance effects the flow of these currents. The description of these currents do match what we are looking for and what we have found so far with regards to the bedrock conductivity, this does not mean telluric currents are ley lines but it does show how there is a natural mechanism out there that we know of with these characteristics and even if this is not the source of the ley lines what if it is down to a source or science we do not know of yet. We decided to look at more details with regards to these telluric currents and we found that the currents travel over large areas and as well as being underground they can also be at the surface of the earth. We then wanted to know where the currents come from and found they are a result of both natural and human activity. Man made systems have an impact on telluric currents factors such as industrial activity, pipe lines and the electrical grid and these are just a few ways where man can effect these currents but one of the largest factors that influences these currents are solar winds and solar radiation and even the interaction of cosmic radiation on our ionosphere. Another interesting piece of information is the flow of these currents as they flow between each half of the globe in an attempt to balance the electrical potential of the earth. This results in these currents flowing towards the equator in the day and towards the poles at night. When writing this it came to mind where ever there is change there are effects so with these currents changing direction due to day and night can this effect the appearance or presence of certain energies maybe even spirit entities or the operation of ley lines. So, as above so below, it seems what effects our atmosphere effects the very energy in the ground we walk on and with this there is enough here for us to keep looking more into the subject of ley lines. Our next step will be to start looking for any evidence of ley lines, this may be done by looking
at clues that may be left behind in the alignments of old buildings, monuments or old sacred areas. No matter what it is we will soon see,,
Red Ri dge X
I had noticed that a lot of the members had been posting their dolls to see if they were inhibited by as spirit or to see if anyone could pick anything up from them. So, I thought would try to make my own spirit doll. What is a spirit doll one would ask.?
A spirit doll is a doll that one would use to ask a spirit or entity to enter. A vessel that the spirit could use and live within. In order for the spirit to enter the doll, I would have to perform a ritual and ask the spirit to enter the doll and inhabit it as it's own. Why one would do this some would wonder. It is used for a guardian, a companion, or even a loved one to enter. The human nature in is not wanting to let go, or a practicing witch would have it for a learning tool. This would help in a witches growth and strength. But, this comes at great responsibility. It would be as you would have to nurture it and take care of its needs. With that being said, I thought, maybe I should try and see if I could do this. I thought and thought, well if I am going to do it I am going to need a "Brand new doll, one that was not second hand and a very well written spell.
I set off reading through my text books, to write the perfect spell and then to find a doll...after three weeks I had the perfect spell and was still searching for the doll. So, it was Thursday morning and had some errands to run and was out and about that day. I had been to a interview and had just left and had what I would
describe as a sudden impulse like pulling me toward the Pound Shop. Before I knew it I was in the toy isle, and heard like a screaming in my ears. Me, Me, Me, and as I looked I noticed this little fairy doll hanging there. Now some might laugh but it was a sign. You see the little doll was hanging it the wrong spot. She was hanging with the princess dolls. With Carol and Dawn when we speak, I call Carol my Tinks, as in Tinker bell (a fairy) and Dawn my little princess. So, that was the doll it had to be. I snatched her up and proceeded onward to pick up some incense, candles, and chocolate (shhh). To say I was excited would be an understatement. After returning home I had to make a fuss over Phoebe, my pup. Unpacked my goodies for the experiment and laid the doll on her side still within the box. After I had my stuff arranged I wanted to get a few pictures of her so to show Carol and Dawn.
I had just gotten my Wi-Fi redone and was off to the races. So I thought. This is when things started to get weird. Things started to get a bit blurred. I can remember showing the girls the doll and we had our fun and jokes about it. Then I had signed off and started to get everything set up. What I do not recall is how time was moving. We always have our hello and goodnights behind on our own thread as well as posting to the group. But, I had said goodbye till later and when Dawn had come back on for the night she asked how everything was going, and Carol had stated fine. But, then enterjected that she (Carol) had not heard from me sum e earlier that day. I had mentioned to Carol that my computer was acting out of the normal and that I would be right back, but never returned. All of a sudden they were loaded down with unremarkable request for membership into the group and also were trying to take care of a few ride comments. They were at the same time trying to get ahold of me, to no avail. Then right in the middle of working they lost the whole feed. This is when they really got worried. Well Carol put out a calling to the doll to release me and send me back, for all to be good. They kept on sending love and Light and saying protection spells. Welk, Carol had to sign out and Dawn was on for the night. She kept loosing the feed
By Tom
and everything, it was about 2am her time in the states when I signed on and she was excited that I returned and then poof...I was gone again. As I have stated I have no reculation of this time and Dawn finished the night out. This ran into the following day. Although people do not see us we are in constant contact with each other behind the scenes. When we say we are like a family that is the truth.Well, the following day I guess I popped in for a few and the right back off. This went on throughout the day...Carol had brought it to Dawns attention that I had been distancing myself and was not focused. They began to worry even more. That day was full of requests and some arguments online and the girls began to notice this all began when I posted pictures to them of the doll. Carol then tried to call out to the doll and connect with the spirit. She was being blocked and could not connect with the doll, it had blocked itself and myself from Carol, to which she could not get through really got to the girls. Well finally I had signed on and was discussing with them everything that was going internet went again and had to have it fixed again. They told me what was happening and going on, at which Carol said to get myself protected, but I stated that I had not began the experiment yet. Well what I did not realize that the spiihad already entered the doll...Carol told me to get her in salt so I did, I tried to upload the video but to no avail could I get it to load up and then it was gone. I then added crystals and a five pointed star within a circle and put her in. Dawn was not satisfied with that and said that I needed to bury her in salt. They noticed that it seemed I was coming back to my self and let it go at that, so I thought. The doll had become manageable at this time, when I began to ask questions of it. It would not answer, and then all of a sudden it shouted out, which is heard like a telepathically in my head, Dawn, Dawn! So, I signed on to tell Carol about it and when I got to the part about Dawn, she signed on and asked who said my name...I stated the doll did when I asked her, her name. But, that is all she would say. That is when Dawn began to say that she must confess. I said what did you do. She then admitted that she was worried for me and had performed a binding on the doll and to add protection for me, due to her and Carol being so worried. Now, they have told me to bind the doll and bury her upon sacred ground. So, I am going to state that the experiment did work and that one mist watch what they are doing and protect yourself from start to finish.
CA N YOU SPOT I T? Th is w as t ak en on an old sch ool kodak cam er a w it h f ilm (I st ill h ave t h e n egat ive) in 2003 Th is w as t ak en in a 1800 pu b in cou n t y Vict or ia Au st r alia.
I u sed t o be a police of f icer back in Illin ois an d I w en t on a call w h ich a 911 dispat ch er h ave r eceived f r om a bu ildin g t h at h as been vacan t f or alm ost 30 year s an d t h er e is n o t eleph on e w ir es at all an d I w as dispat ch ed sayin g t h at som eon e w as n eedin g h elp so t h en I h ad n o idea w h at t h is bu ildin g w as I ar r ived I t h en con t act ed an ot h er of f icer w it h a K-9 u n it t o com e ou t so h er e r igh t as w ell an d t h en I r ealize t h e bu ildin g w as vacan t w h en I f ir st ar r ived I n ever k n ew w as vacan t bef or e an d t h en m y par t n er an d I an d t h e ot h er of f icer st ar t s appr oach in g t h e bu ildin g w ill h ave f lash ligh t s an d t h e K-9 u n it as w ell bu t w h at w as f u n n y w as t h at t h e K-9 dog w ou ld n ot appr oach t h e bu ildin g it k ept on gr ow lin g bar k in g at som et h in g at t h e bu ildin g an d t h e dog w ill n ot bu dge t o f ollow h is ow n er so t h en h e decided t o pu t t h e dog back in t h e veh icle an d w e ask f or an ot h er u n it t o com e ou t t h en t h e ot h er of f icer ar r ived an d h e k n ew m or e abou t t h e bu ildin g t h an I h ad so t h en h e st at ed t h at t h is place is h au n t ed so I t h ou gh t w as in t er est in g so t h en w e all Pat r ol t h e bu ildin g m ak e su r e t h er e w as n obody in side bu t w e h ave f ou n d n ot h in g t h er e t h en on ce w e st ar t appr oach in g ou r veh icles again I r adioed in ever yt h in g is Code 4 an d t h en t h e dog st ar t ed bar k in g lik e h e w as bar k in g at som et h in g t h at w e can see so w e t u r n ed ar ou n d an d t h en w e saw som eon e st an din g in t h e bu ildin g t h e secon d f loor you can see a silh ou et t e of a h u m an body bu t at t h at t im e I didn't r eally t h in k an yt h in g of it becau se I t h ou gh t w as a h om eless per son so t h en m y par t n er an d I w en t in side t o go u pst air s n obody w as u p t h er e by t im e w e r each t h e last st ep it disappear ed accor din g t o t h e ot h er of f icer t h er e is on ly on e w ay in an d on e w ay ou t an d if t h er e w as a per son h e w ou ld h ave h ad t o com e t h r ou gh u s f ir st t h en w e st ar t ed w alk in g back dow n st air s an d w e h ear d f oot st eps so w e w ill t u r n ar ou n d n obody w as u p t h er e bu t t h e f oot st eps ar e so close t h at t h ey w er e act u ally beh in d u s so af t er t h at w e ju st ign or ed it an d w alk ed aw ay an d t h en I got t h e w or st f eelin g of t h e bu ildin g I w as t old by on e of t h e of f icer s at n ew w ell abou t t h e bu ildin g it h ad bu r n t dow n m an y people h ad died in side t h e bu ildin g becau se t h er e w as on ly on e exit an d som eh ow t h at m at u r it y of t h e people died t h at m ak e it ou t w h at w as w eir d is I w en t back t o t h e 911 dispat ch in g of f ice an d I list en t o t h e 911 t ape you can h ear people scr eam in g bu t t h e f u n n y par t is I don't k n ow h ow an ybody cou ld m ak e a 911 call f r om t h at bu ildin g n u m ber on e it doesn't h ave ph on e w ir es n u m ber t o t h e bu ildin g h as n o elect r icit y t h e n in e-on e-on e dispat ch er w as n ew so sh e didn't k n ow an yt h in g abou t t h e bu ildin g an d w h at w as f u n n y is t h e billin g addr ess cam e u p on t h e n in e-on e-on e scr een t h at w as on e of t h e w eir dest n igh t s t h at w e ever h ad
911! By Wi l l i am
By Li nda Ful ton
Tw o w eek s af t er h avin g
m y dog Bobby pu t dow n I w as m essin g w it h m y n ew ph on e t ak in g pics an d cau gh t h im on cam er a!! Dog in set
there on his epic ride, if that were true it would take him years to reach York. Most of his myths actually came from a book called Rookwood written nearly 100 years after his death!
Ri ch ard Turpi n, man, myth , l egend Everyone has heard of Dick Turpin, films of highwaymen from the 1940-1980 period often show Turpin, replete with black handkerchief across his face, dressed in black coat, tricorn hat, trousers and riding boots, wielding two flintlock pistols riding his beloved horse Black Bess. So is this true? Almost. Yes he wore dark clothes, even though his main work was done during the daytime hours, at night he would be holed up in a safe house, and when they became scarce he even made his own "cave" in Epping Forest. So why does this man have such a legend behind him, some of the stories about him are undoubtedly false, he didn?t ride from Essex to Yorkshire in one massive chase, only for Black Bess to die on York city?s Knavesmire (now a horse racing track!), although a similar true story surrounds another fugitive called Swift Nick who robbed someone near London then rode to York to play bowls with the Mayor of York the same night, this is probably where history mingles with fiction, one thing is for sure, around 80% of public houses between Epping Forest and York say that Turpin stopped off
So who was Dick Turpin, was he a malevolent man, a murderer, or just someone who had to steal to survive like so many people have had to do down the years. Richard Turpin was born in Hempstead, near Saffron Waldon in Essex, his father John Turpin was a holy man and he saw his son as nothing of the sort, possibly he was something of a trouble child, he was apprenticed as a butcher in Whitechapel, East London, where he again got into trouble during his apprenticeship, it is more than likely he was under strict rules whist learning his trade, no alcohol, women or gambling, three things Dick Turpin seemed to have been fond of sadly. During his apprenticeship it is debatable wether he found his real niche as a thief stealing cows, sheep, pigs and Lambs. Of course with his new found skills as a butcher he had no problems disposing of the produce, as soon as he passed his apprenticeship he married and moved back to Essex. Turpin may have learned how to butcher animals in London, but he did not want to become a Butcher, or not one of any respectability. Turpins run in with the authorities started almost immediately after he reached Essex, after stealing two Oxen from a Mr Giles at Plaistow he had to sell the hides, which could be recognised by Mr Giles or his servants, these servants found out where Turpin sold the hides at Waltham Abbey, after finding the two hides and recognising them they then rode to Turpins house to apprehend the man in question, Turpin saw them coming, jumped from a window and fled, a close call for the young man who would grow into one of the most notorious criminals in British History.
Seeing the error of his ways Turpin decided cattle thieving was not for him and became determined to become a smuggler, unfortunately the gang he joined were not smugglers, they, at first, were dear thieves, but they soon spread out into more heinous crimes. The Gang was known as the Gregory Gang, named after its leader it included men with the names of Rose, Wheeler, Fielder and now Turpin. Most historians have said it was Turpins idea to turn into nocturnal house breakers, the idea behind the crime was simple, find a house which looked like it held valuables, knock on the door and as soon as the door was opened the gang all rush in pushing the door wide open, tie up the occupants and take their valuables. It Sounds easy, and indeed it worked for the first couple of times, Mr Strype ran a Chandler shop in Watford, he was the first victim in 1734, they performed this attack with text book fashion, no one was hurt and the gang fled with the little money Mr Strype held in his house, most of his money was in his shop. The next target was an old woman in Loughton, Turpin was sure there must be eight hundred pounds in the house, with no chance of it being somewhere else the other gang members were convinced and burst into the ladies home, tying up her son and two servants they then asked her where the money was, she refused. And so they tortured her, taking the metal grate out of the fire it would still have been red hot, Turpin said he would sit her on the grate if she did not tell them where the money was, time was ticking, the men grew restless, it was all taking
too long, the old woman refused, and so they sat her on the grate. They must have taken her clothes off her for she would have burst into flames otherwise (the top two killers of women in history have been Childbirth and catching fire accidentally). Her screams, the smell and the agony must have been horrific, it is surprising she did not die through the ordeal, yet live she did, only because she told them where her savings were. Half of what Turpin had thought was in the house, but still a good amount of money. January 1735 and the Gang were back in business, "visiting" a man called Mr Sheldon in Croydon, seeing a light shining from the stables they went to investigate and found Mr Sheldon?s Coachman, the man resisted being tied up and Mr Sheldon came out to see what was happening, ambushed, Mr Sheldon was forced back into the house where he gave the gang several pieces of Jewellery, some silver plate and eleven guineas, oddly Turpin gave Mr Sheldon back two guineas, apologised for the crime and bid him goodnight! More than likely this was to appease public sentiment following the horrible acts performed whilst robbing the old lady of Loughton. On the 4th February the gang were at work once more, breaking into the house of Mr Lawrence of Edgewarebury near Stanmore, this time taking ÂŁ26 in money, as well as silver plate and some other possessions, however it was now that the gang members turned against one another, Wheeler, who had been detailed to keep watch, was not told the right amount of money which had been pilfered, therefore he got a lower share of only three guineas, three days later a similar thing happened in their next robbery, Turpin, Fielder, Rose, Walker, Bush, Wheeler and Gregory met in the White Bear tavern on Drury Lane, all having a pint or two before setting off to rob the house of Mr Francis, a
Marylebone Farmer, Gregory stood guard over Mrs Francis, her daughter and their maid, whilst Turpin and Bush stood guard over Mr Francis and two menservants, worse for the drink it is thought Gregory raped the maid infront of Mrs Francis and her daughter, yet again the gang members pocketing the valuables did not tell the truth about how much they had pocketed and the fractions emerged more evidently than they had before. As well as this the rape of the maid and the torture of the old lady meant that the public had lost any affection for them, either hating them for their heinous crimes or fearing them. The King himself issued a warrant for the capture of the gang, ÂŁ100 would be paid for anyone apprehending any member of the gang. Of course the gang members heard of this, and became wary of anyone who poked their nose into their business, but they became even more wary of each other. Whilst drinking in an Ale-house in Westminster the law finally caught up with the gang, Officers of the law burst into the public house and in the struggle that followed Fielder, Wheeler and Rose were taken prisoner, the rest, including Turpin, fled by jumping from a window down to his horse. Turpin had seen the last of the Gregory gang, those captured were hung for their crimes, whilst Dick Turpin thought he might find the grass a little greener in Cambridgeshire, on the journey there he thought he might delve into the ways of a highwayman, seeing his first victim approaching him he saw a well dressed man, well mounted on a fine horse, Turpin blocked his path and ordered him to "stand and deliver ", the man laughed and said "What, dog eat dog? Come, come Brother Turpin, if you don?t know me, I know of you and should be glad of your company!" the man Turpin had been holding up was named King and had been working as a highwayman
in Cambridgeshire but was now heading for London where he thought the grass may be a little greener too, this chance meeting brought together the two biggest thieves of the day, they swore loyalty to one another and became determined to get up to some mischief together, and get rich doing it. Just a couple of hours later Turpin and King committed their first crime together, the first in a series of highway robberies which lasted three years. Both of them were well known figures, so much so that no safe-house could be guaranteed as no one wanted them, just knowing them might be enough for the gallows, let alone giving them bed and board. And so they decided to make their own shelter, choosing a place in a dense thicket between Loughton Road and Kings Oak Road in Epping Forest they built what was known as a cave, but really was more of an improvised shelter for both them and their horses, they lived mainly off the land, ever watching the roads from their vantage point, Mrs Turpin sometimes bringing food and drink to them, ever the dutiful wife. Sometimes pickings were bad and they forayed out to other hamlets and towns in the area, Bungay in Suffolk became the scene of their first falling out, they both witnessed two young women taking thirteen pounds of Corn, Turpin wished to rob them, King was against it, however Turpin did it anyway, quarrelling over this they still worked together on their way home from Bungay, when they robbed Mr Bradele in his carriage along with his two children. Turpin and King were then joined by another man named Potter, the threesome were riding through Epping forest one day when Turpins horse began to tire, they overtook a man called Mr Major who had a fine mount, although being very close to
behind, the man in the white duffel coat was King himself, Turpin was nearby and heard the commotion, running he pulled out two flintlock pistols and aimed the towards the men who held King, who in turn shouted "Dick, shoot him or we are taken, by god!" Turpin pulled the triggers, two balls flew through the nights air, both hitting the same man and killing him before he hit the ground, the man they hit was King.
civilisation, within ear shot of the Green Man inn, Turpin robbed Mr Major, or rather exchanged horses (and accoutrements) with him at gunpoint. Turpin, King and Potter rode on to London, Major went into the Green Man where he was informed by the landlord Mr Bayes that it had been Turpin himself who he had changed horses with! Major ?s horse must have had some kind of distinguishing feature to it for a few days later Bayes heard that a horse matching the same description had been seen outside the Red Lion inn in Whitechapel, Major found the pub and saw that it was indeed his horse, he waited with some other men to see who would collect the horse, sure enough King?s brother came for it at about eleven o?clock, the men jumped him and took him into a nearby house, Kings brother at first claimed it was his own horse, then when Bayes said they should go to the police Kings brother confessed all, the men holding Kings brother knew the man had not committed any crime to them but that he was probably forced into helping his brother out, Kings brother said that a "lusty" (?) Man in a white duffel coat was waiting for the horse in Red Lion Street, sure enough Major, Bayes and a couple of other men saw the man and decided to attack him from
Historians will always argue wether Turpin killed King intentionally, or wether it was accidental, if King had been taken prisoner then he knew things about Turpin which would see Turpin hung long before his time, he also knew where Turpins home was, and who Turpins wife was. Put that together with his treatment of the old lady of Loughton and he would not have thought twice about pulling the triggers on his pistols, perhaps it was for the better for King too, who would have been captured anyway, then tortured for the information about Turpin, and then hung for his crimes. Dick Turpin remained in Epping Forest for a short while, keeping low and using his cave less frequently than he used to, then one day whilst making his way from his own home to the cave he found it had been overturned by the authorities, it was then that Dick Turpin choose to leave the area, though not a wild over night chase from London to York as Rookwood would have us believe, his first stopping point was Long Sutton in Lincolnshire where he lived mainly off the land, or stole sheep or lambs to survive. He adopted the name John Palmer whilst moving northwards, entering Yorkshire he found the landscape as easy pickings for any hunter, both of animal and man. Perhaps wishing to settle down a little bit he acquired jobs as a huntsman, taking groups of shooting parties from the local gentry out into the wilds to hunt game birds and deer, however he still had the
impetuous streak running though his soul which caused him to commit another crime, in October 1638 he was returning from one of the many shooting parties he had been part of when he saw his landlords cockerel in street, his gun already loaded he took aim and shot it dead, his neighbour, named Hall, saw him do it and told him he should not have done it, to which Turpin replied "If you?ll stay while I charge my piece (reload my gun) I?ll shoot you too" at this Hall ran like the wind and informed on Turpin to the landlord who went straight to the justice of the peace for the area, Justice Crowley issued a warrant for Turpins (Palmers) arrest. It was unlucky for Turpin that the local Justices were passing through nearby Beverley, and so he could be tried for his crime, the justices demanded he provide a surety for his good behaviour or they would have no other choice but to send him to prison, Turpin had no choice, he was an unpopular figure in the part of Yorkshire and no one would help him, and so to await his trial at a later date he was sent to the local House of Correction. The residents of Brough and Welton, where Turpin had stayed whilst in Yorkshire said that they had seen Turpin many times ride towards Lincolnshire and return with more horses than he set out with, they thought he must surely be a highwayman or horse-thief, yet they had no proof, indeed they still thought he was John Palmer. The justices asked Palmer about his life, where had he come from, what was his occupation, he claimed he had
infamous Highwayman!
always been a Butcher in Long Sutton, taking over his fathers trade, yet he had let his sister keep the family home when their father had died and so John had left to find a new place to live, he had said he had also left because he had got into some debt over a few sheep he had sold to someone which had turned out to be rotten with disease and so he had left Long Sutton because of that too. It was a risky, but very convincing lie, not convincing enough because the justices in York sent a messenger to the Justice in Long Sutton, Mr Delamore, to ask if he knew of the Palmer family of Butchers. Mr Delamore?s reply came as no shock to the Justices of York, he informed them that John Palmer had only lived in Long Sutton for about nine months and was a wanted man there for stealing sheep and horses. This on its own was enough to see Dick Turpin hung, or at least transported to the colonies, Mr Justice Crowley sent John Palmer to York Castle Prison on 16th October 1638, it was here about four months later that the true identity of John Palmer became known, not the small time Sheep and Horse thief, murderer of nothing more than a Cockerel, but he was Richard "Dick" Turpin, murderer of his own accomplice in crime and the
Turpin was tried on the 22nd March 1739 for the crime of horse stealing in Long Sutton, for this crime he was condemned to be hung from the neck until he was dead (not for highway robbery it should be noted). For some reason the court then tried to prove he was Dick Turpin, two witnesses were brought forward, one man called James Smith said he had known Turpin from childhood and he had been born in Hempstead in Essex, wether true or not is debatable, the other witness was named Edward Seward who had also known him since childhood, in fact some historians say he was Turpins brother in law, this witness was more credible in that he knew Dick Turpins father was called John Turpin who owned The Bell public house in Hempstead. Dick Turpin was then convicted of killing his friend King, although already headed for the scaffold perhaps this way he would go with a clearer conscience, for his demeanor changed completely after his trial, he became light hearted and jovial, as though a great weight had been lifted from his head. As word reached the south that Dick Turpin was to be hung in York hundreds if not thousands flocked to the city to see him hung, he gave ten shillings for five men to be his mourners, following his cart as he passed through the city streets, stopping off at a public house for a drink, the last "one for the road", dressed in a fine white suite he spoke loudly and clearly to the crowds gathering to see him, he also left a gold ring and two pairs of shoes and clogs to a married woman that he knew in Brough, though he acknowledged that he still had a wife and child of his own in Essex. Alongside him on his cart was his coffin, bowing to the people around it was one of the most theatrical performances anyone has ever given whilst on the way to their own death, perhaps this was his plan
after all, to die in such a way that people for centuries after still remember his name, after all how many remember his accomplices? As was the fashion at the time Turpin had to climb a ladder up to the noose, he did so admirably, though as he stood at the bottom looking upwards his right leg began to shake, he stamped it hard on the ground a few times and the shaking stopped, as befitted his entire performance that day, he climbed the steps to the noose and put his head through, he then chatted to the hangman (a fellow Highwayman who was released by volunteering to be hangman for the day) for around half an hour before he stepped off the ladder and struggled for five minutes, thrashing and urinating, staining his white suit, yellow at the front and brown at the rear, he died after five minutes, the fact he was covered in his own faeces and urine is not remembered, his performance of the day gave rise to his renown, yet had he gone to his death a crying gibbering wreck like most did would we still know his name? And would his ghost now supposedly haunt so many places?
CJ Li nton.
Jane Bri tanni a Dow ney - Tak en at A rundel Jai l House Sarah M annouch Pl uck l ey grav eyard ph oto
Jane Bri tanni a Dow ney - Th i s w as tak en i n some ol d b ri ck w ork s. No one w as smok i ng. Pl us i t w as summer ti me so no moi sture
I M A GERY FRI ENDS Joh n : I remember my friends wife told me her daughter kept talking to a girl outside the window. They live in a two story house. So yes i believe. Ch er yl : my daughter is seventeen now but honest truth when she was 6 or 7 she would tell me she talks to dead people. she even describe someone who died in the family but my daughter was to young to meet him and she wasn't there at the funeral. but 2 weeks later in the morning my daughter said to me. Allen is ok he was sat on your feet mum. I couldn't believe it. then we lived in another house she was 10 my daughter and one night she went to bed and then a mighty scream from her so I ran up the stairs and my daughter said to will u tell her to go mum she keeps waking me up and I'm tired. it freaked me out. single mother too. so I said nicely please can u leave her alone. and then nothing
M Y PA PS W e gr ew u p bein g m oved qu ite often , m y daddy was in m il itar y,wh ich was th e r eason . Daddy was station ed at For t Kn ox, Ken tu ck y an d we l ived in M cDowel l , Ken tu ck y. M y m om becam e bed r idden an d dad was pu t on l eave du e to th er e wer e m ysel f an d m y two ol der br oth er s at h om e with m y m oth er. W el l , th at is wh en m y Daddy was u p for h is n ew en l istm en t, an d with h im al r eady bein g sen t to Vietn am an d n ow m om bein g on com pl ete bed r est, h e decided n ot to r e-Iist. Doin g th is it l eft h im with decision of stayin g in Ken tu ck y wor k in g in m in es or m ovin g is on ce m or e to Oh io. W el l , in 1973 after daddy bein g in Oh io for al m ost a year we m ade th e m ove to be with h im . After th e m ove, we settl ed in an d star ted to becom e com for tabl e, wh en we h ad to r etu r n h om e du e to m y Papa Cu r l y (daddy's dad) h ad died su dden l y. W e got th er e an d with ou r Fam il y we set u p with th e dead, an d at th at tim e, yes papaw sh own in h is cask et at h om e. Th at is wh en it began . I was sittin g on th e por ch as peopl e wou l d go in an d ou t. Th at is wh er e I sat an d tal k ed with h im . H e was sittin g on th e edge of th e por ch an d h e tol d m e n ot to wor r y th at m y paps was fin e an d th at h e wou l d be th er e wh en I n eeded h im . W el l , I was seen as th ey pu t it tal k in g to m ysel f. So, daddy cam e ou t an d got m e an d ask ed wh o I waas tal k in g with . I said m e paps, an d h e got m e an d set m e on h is l ap an d tr ied to expl ain to m e th at papa was gon e to be with th e an gel s an d th at h e wou l d be fin e. I tol d h im paps is r igh t th er e daddy,th at is wh en daddy began to cr y an d ju st h ol d m e. Th e fol l owin g m or n in g was th e fu n er al , an d it r ain ed ter r ibl y. W e (m y br oth er s an d m ysel f) h ad to sit in car. W h en DADDY an d m om h ad r etu r n ed to th e car ,m y br oth er s tol d th em I was tal k in g to m ysel f. W h en daddy ask ed wh at I was tal k in g abou t, I r epl ied, th e an gel s ar e cr yin g h appy tear s, cau se paps is goin g to h eaven . No, on e said a wor d, oth er th an m om , an d sh e said for m e to h u sh it an d stop m ak in g th in gs u p. It was l ater th at n igh t paps tol d m e th at h e was tol d, h e was n eeded to watch over m e with M am (m y Gr eat gr eat gr an dm oth er ), an d th at h e wou l d be fin e. After bein g r idicu l ed by m om , I began to k eep th in gs in an d n ot sh ar e wh at I h ad en cou n ter ed. Fr om th er e on ou t I h ave been visited by l oved on es an d oth er s I h ave n o cl u e to wh o th ey ar e. M y Paps su ffer ed a m assive h ear t attack , h is h ear t actu al l y bu r sted. H e was on a fir e cal l , an d wh en th ey cam e ar ou n d cu r ve in th e m ou th of th e h ol l er (h ol l ow) h e got over an xiou s, du e to h e th ou gh t it was m y Au n t M ar sh as h ou se in fl am es. An d th e an xiety of th is sigh t k il l ed h im .
Longi ng f or w h at ti me I h av e l ef t Can't see w h at's beyond th i s ni gh tmare V i si ons of real i ty begi ns to unf ol d Won't escape of w h at's ah ead Th rough th e dark ness I w al k I f ear no ev i l of th ough i ts l urk i ng I n th e sh adow s of dark ness Can't gi v e h ope of w h ere th ere i s None M y l i f e's j ourney i s about to end Th ough t noth i ng mattered but al l el se f ai l ed Won't gi v e i t l i f e as I l ay moti onl ess i n th e ni gh t Beyond th i s ti me I 'v e gi v en al l I coul d But struggl i ng and I now gasp f or ai r Nev er I 'd be i n real i ty agai n A s my l i f e now turns i nto ash es A gentl e breeze scatters my ash es A s th ough I nev er ex i sted Longi ng f or w h at ti me I h av e l ef t
Wri tten by : Tre Sugg 2018
THE END For now..