POWER PLAYS Artists challenge authorities Press Release

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主動.戲權 - 藝術家挑戰權力 新聞稿 地址:香港上環普仁街 4 號地下 電話: (+852) 25174620 www.para-site.org.hk | info@para-site.org.hk 開幕酒會 : 九月九日晚上六時至八時 展覽日期:九月九日至十月六日 開放時間:星期三至日正午十二時至晚上七時 借走一幅名畫 - 出錢聘請六人在他們的背上紋一條250哩米的線 - 在馬路中間建築 一面牆 - 帶領一群羊繞著旗竿走 - 為你的熊貓爭取權益 - 發起群眾示威 - 在紅色廣 場裡放一個黑色正方形 - 跟電車賽跑 - 在星巴克裡跳舞 – 跟閉路電視遊戲 – 用黄色 小絲帶圍住天安門廣場

藝術家要搗蛋的時候會怎麼樣?第一步:什麼也別說,先離開你的工作室,上街, 面對群眾,以或許不大尋常的方式,宣示你的態度與立場。從二十世紀開始,藝 術界充斥著各式 各樣的行為藝術作品,直到六十年代不同的藝術流派如激浪派、偶發藝術、事件 藝術、現場藝術等才正式成形;這些一直是當代美術觀念得以實現革命性突破的 重要標誌。行動藝 術以 1964 年在德國亞琛舉行的 Festival of New Art 最為人所認識。當時, 德國藝術家,Joseph Beuys 在表演中途被台下不滿的觀眾襲擊,事後流著鼻血 仍堅持繼續表演了四個小時。行為 藝術最引人入勝之處,就正正在於其融合了豐富的概念性,強烈的表演性和藝術 家個人的政治理念。 是次展覽將展出十件近三十年來來自世界各地極具影響力的行為藝術和錄像作 品。這些錄像作品都 是藝術家們將意念付諸行動的紀錄;當中有的人選擇挺而走險即興發揮,也有的 是預設的「偶發」 事件。在幽默與驚嚇之間遊走,一眾藝術家藉著對社會不同現象和建制作出的控 訴表達了極具啟發 性的意念。 此展覽乃新任總監/策展人 Tobias Berger 首個為 Para/Site 藝術空間策劃之展

覽。 展出藝術家為: Francis Alys(比利時/墨西哥)- Patriotic Stories,1997 Annelise Coste (法國/瑞士)- Tram Performance, 1997/98 Irwin (斯洛維尼亞共和國)- Black Square on the Red Square, 1992 The Kingpins (澳州) – Welcome to the Jingle, 2003 林一林(中國)-《安全渡過林和路》,1995 白雙全 ( 香港 ) - 《香港人給中央的禮物:黃色小絲帶》, 2005 Radek Community (俄羅斯)- Manifestation, 2001 Santiago Sierra(西班牙)- 250cm line tattooed on six paid people, 2001 Ulay(德國/荷蘭)- There is a Criminal Contact in Art, 1976 趙半狄(中國)- 《二零零三年十一月十一日的訴訟》, 2003 --Para/Site Art Space presents: POWER PLAYS

Artists challenge authorities Opening Friday 9 September from 6pm

Exhibition runs until Sunday 4 October 2005 Opening Hours Wed - Sun 12 – 7

Borrow a famous painting - Tattoo a 250 cm line on six paid people - Build a wall on the street - Guide sheep around a flagpole - Fight for your Panda - Make people demonstrate - Put a black square on the Red square - Run against the tram - Dance in Starbucks - Play with the CCTV - Ribbon up Tiananmen Square

In Hong Kong, the city of huge and creative demonstrations POWER PLAYS presents eleven of the most important political performance and video works of the last three decades. What do artists do when they need to act up? One possible action is to leave the safety of one's studio, go out and stage their statement, publicly in ways which others may consider slightly unusual. These carefully

orchestrated political and artistic statements are actions carried out in the same vein of Action art movements prominent in the 60s. One event that was emblematic of such movements is the famous Festival of New Art: ACTION / AGIT-OP / DECOLLAGE / HAPPENING / EVENTS / ANTI-ART / L'AUTRISME/ ART TOTAL / REFLUXUS held on 1964 in Aachen where German artist Joseph Beuys got beaten up yet continued performing for another four hours with a bloody nose. It is the combination between the urge to perform, a personal political mission, and conceptual depth that make this artistic practice so fascinating. The videos featured in POWER PLAYS are documentations of artists carrying out their acts; some are spontaneous and risky, while others are staged as improvised happenings. Treading between the lines of humor and horror, the executed works form manifestations of the artists' political and artistic intent.

Francis Alys – Patriotic Stories, 1997 Denis Beaubois, In the Event of Amnesia the city will recall, 1996 Annelise Coste - Tram Performance, 1997/98 Irwin - Black Square on the red square, 1992 Lin Yilin - Safely manoeuvring across Lin He Road, 1995 Pak Sheung-chuen,- A Present to the Central Government: The Yellow Ribbons, 2005 Radek Community - Manifestation, 2001 Santiago Sierra - 250cm line tattooed on six paid people, 1999 The Kingpins - Welcome to the Jingle, 2003 Ulay - There is a Criminal Contact in Art , 1976 Zhao Bandi - A court case in Nov.11th.2003

Curated by Tobias Berger Upcoming exhibitions: Para/Site Auction Preview Exhibition, Hong Kong Art Survey and European Kunsthalle

Power Plays is generously supported by:

And wonderful help from the Asia Art Archive, Videotage and our great Patrons.

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