Their underworlds were mostly gloomy places, into which the dead were thrust by hideous demons or fierce warrior-deities, and there either forgotten by their creator or made to stand trial before some dread underworld lord such as Osiris in Egypt or in Chinese Buddhist myth the Lifr Kings of Hell, who guard the Scrolls of Judgment in which all past lives are recorded. Archived from on 2012-10-26. Last modified April 17, 2016. If you've seen this one let me know what you think. The belief seities a life after death gave rise to an understanding of supernatural beings who presided over this other realm which connected them to the earthly plane seamlessly. Different gods and goddesses manned the boat with Ra to protect him from Apophis, and the souls of the dead were also expected to help fend off the serpent. By lf this site, you agree to the and. All diseases were held to be caused by these demons—these malignant beings who dwell within Tai-whetuki, deities of life and death House of De