Choose the Display Settings Use the Before Chat section to choose how you would like your chat box to appear before a visitor clicks on it. Cjat you can also change chatbox's color and other configurations that you want display. Agent List Demo This demo shows you how to use monitor tag and render chat agent list directly. Now you can boost your website with the feature-rich chat box tool for free. Step 1 — Get the Installation Code First, you need to get your individual code. Was this htmk helpful. More on fpr the appearance, you will learn by reading a separate article. Summary If you are looking for a simple chatroom for your website so you can chat with friends and family this is a cool, simple html option. Use the Position and Animation dropdowns in the A Chat tab to set these features to your preference. Fill in quick registration form and click Create my Chat Widget button. Set your chat box to an email form when you're offline When editing your chat box, you can click on the ta