We need our chat window to be refreshed every two seconds to see what other users wrote. This is just the tip of iceberg of what you can do with liv class. Simply signup and setup and go online. If he did go through the login form, we show what is after the "else" keyword. We use it to send the text the user writes in the text box. Receive automatic software upgrades, 24x7 system monitoring downloav 99. Then he submits the form which will be handled by a script to set the session. The other is to insert new chat lines to the database named as setChatLines. Furthermore you could add a rooms database table and let the user choose a room, so you can have multiple chat rooms for different groups of users. Then xemo on submit button that will submit the form to the login. We are not fully validating the submitted values here for downloa reasons, but for security sake it is wise to assure the submitted values are valid. Here we create two sections in the frontend file: one for login and the