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Youth Swim Teams

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Aquaducks Swim Team Fall Offseason

This is for swimmers who swam on the Plano Aquaducks Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) swim team or plan to join next summer and want a great way to stay in shape. The Plano Aquaducks swim team swims in meets offered across North Texas throughout the summer season and have the opportunity to compete in TAAF’s Winter Games of Texas in January. Competing in swim meets is not required but encouraged. Prerequisite: Must have previously swam for the Plano Aquaducks or pass the tryout. See plano.gov/aquaducks for tryout requirements. New swimmer registration begins at 8am on August 5, 2023.



Plano Piranhas is a youth recreational swim team dedicated to providing swimmers with a "taste" of competitive swimming. The Piranhas participate in the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation's (TAAF) swim meets offered across North Texas throughout the summer season and have the opportunity to compete in TAAF's Winter Games of Texas in January. Competing in swim meets is not required but encouraged. Swimmers who have not previously participated in Plano Parks & Recreation swim lessons must try out before registering. Swimmers planning to compete during the summer must not register for more than 2 practices per week to comply with TAAF eligibility rules. To register for bronze level practices, the swimmer must be able to swim 50 yards continuously of freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke, 25 yards continuously of butterfly, and must be comfortable in deep water. Bronze swimmers must have passed Swim Level IV (or demonstrate the equivalent skill level in a tryout). Participants who register without the proper prerequisite skills will be moved to another program if available or refunded. Please check planopiranhas.swimtopia.com for more information.


To register for silver level practices, the swimmer must be able to swim 100 yards continuously of freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke, 50 yards continuously of butterfly, and must be comfortable in deep water. Silver swimmers must have passed Swim Level 5 (or demonstrate the equivalent skill level in a tryout). Participants who register without the proper prerequisite skills will be moved to another program if available or refunded. Please check planopiranhas.swimtopia.com for more information.


To register for gold level practices, the swimmer must be able to swim 200 yards continuously of freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke, 50 yards continuously of butterfly, and must be comfortable in deep water. Gold swimmers must have passed Swim Level 6 (or demonstrate the equivalent skill level in a tryout). Participants who register without the proper prerequisite skills will be moved to another program if available or refunded. Please check planopiranhas.swimtopia.com for more information.

972-941-7250 planoparks.org 19

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