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This water-based fitness program provides the benefits of a pool with little to no impact on the joints while helping to expand one’s lung capacity. Experience the benefits of weight and resistance training aquatics style! This class provides a rigorous cross training of swimming, water polo, water aerobics and traditional strength/ cardiovascular training. Participants should be comfortable in deep water and able to swim 100 yards continuously. Participants must also know how to swim using the freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke.
Aqua Cross Training
This water-based fitness program provides the benefits of a pool with little to no impact on the joints while helping to expand one's lung capacity. Experience the benefits of weight and resistance training aquatics style! This class provides a rigorous cross training of swimming, water sprints, and the traditional strength/cardiovascular training. Participants should be comfortable in the water.
Spice up your Water Aerobics exercise with this All-In-One experience. We will incorporate everything from shallow-end cardio to your traditional deep water aerobics while infusing musical themes, stretching, yoga, and Pilates. Portions of this class may require a buoyancy belt to be worn (provided by the facility) and that the participant be comfortable in multi-depth water.
60461 PAC Sa 9:30am-10:20am 8/19 4 McGhee $39
60526 PAC T,Th 5:45pm-6:35pm 8/15 10 McGhee $63
60890 PAC T,Th 5:45pm-6:35pm 9/19 10 McGhee $63
60891 PAC T,Th 5:45pm-6:35pm 10/24 8 McGhee $53
60892 PAC T,Th 5:45pm-6:35pm 11/28 8 McGhee $53
60893 PAC Sa 9:30am-10:20am 9/23 5 McGhee $39
60894 PAC Sa 9:30am-10:20am 10/28 7 McGhee $49
Aqua Spin
Students will be using a hydrorider bike, pedaling against the resistance of the water. Water-based training sessions have proven to be effective for many types of exercisers; particularly those with limited mobility or recovering from injury.
972-941-7250 planoparks.org 22
Aqua Yoga
Aqua yoga in the warm temperature pool gives you the opportunity to cultivate healthy movement patterns, develop improved balance and gain greater mobility throughout your whole body. You will discover the delight of moving in partnership with your breath and enjoy connecting with a variety of yoga postures in innovative, creative and energizing ways. Come learn how to breathe fully and deeply with a powerful diaphragm, a stronger core, and a focused mind all while reducing your stress levels. All levels welcome.
Arthritis Water Aerobics
This class is low to moderate intensity with exercises designed to maintain and improve muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, balance, and coordination. Designed for individuals experiencing joint pain and fatigue caused by rheumatic diseases, injuries, and/or other medical or physical limitations.
Early Morning River Rush
Come and challenge yourself to a high energy aqua workout using the rivers current in different ways. Participants will be making waves with and against the current to challenge their fitness from the water's resistance. The participants in this class will experience a rigorous cardio workout, while increasing muscle conditioning. Designed for early morning fitness geeks.
River Aerobics
This is a high impact, high resistance water exercise class for adults who are looking for a tougher water workout. You will use the force of the indoor lazy river for all around cardio and strength conditioning.
This class is designed for swimmers capable of swimming at least 50 yards without stopping. Classes will focus on stroke analysis and drills for improvement. Expect to work towards increasing your aquatic endurance by using a variety of aquatic equipment in an array of pool areas. The goal by the end of class is to be able to swim 400800 yards. Participants must be comfortable in multi-depth water. Please bring goggles to class. Fins are strongly suggested.
This class is designed for swimmers capable of swimming at least 100 yards without stopping. Classes will focus on stroke analysis and drills for improvement. Expect to work towards increasing your aquatic endurance by using a variety of aquatic equipment in an array of pool areas. The goal by the end of class is to be able to swim 8001200 yards. Participants must be comfortable in multi-depth water. Please bring goggles to class. Fins are strongly suggested. 60895 PAC Sa
This is a fully aquatic version of a triathlon. Just like regular triathlons there will be three different legs: biking, swimming, and running, but they will all be performed in the water. Bike using one of our Hydroryder Aqua Bikes for 15 minutes, swim 300 yards in the lap pool, and walk/run 300 yards in our lazy river with the current. Waves start every 20 minutes. Sign up for a wave and have some fun. T-shirts and snacks will be provided for each participant registered by October 9.
972-941-7250 planoparks.org 23