19 minute read
How to Read the Activity/Course Information
B3: Gizmos, Gears & Gadgets (6-11 Yrs)-NEW
Learn about simple machines including gears, gear ratios, levers, wheel and axle, potential and kinetic energy and force with projects from the new Klutz Gadgets kit. Experiment with your contraptions then innovate and improve them! A $25 supply fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
35794 TMC M 4pm-5pm 3/29 8 Bricks Bots $99
The title of the course is B3: GIZMOS, GEARS & GADGETS. The Course Code is 35794, and it meets at TOM MUEHLENBECK RECREATION CENTER on MONDAYS from 4pm to 5pm, begins MARCH 29, meets 8 times, the instructor is BRICKS BOTS BEAKERS and the fee for this course is $99. CAR = Carpenter Park Recreation Center LRC = Liberty Recreation Center OPC = Oak Point Recreation Center NRC = Oak Point Park Nature & Retreat Center TMC = Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center Online = Online Class
Due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, classes and programs are subject to change and/or cancellation. In addition, a class instructor may impose stricter health and safety protocols for their class than is required by Plano Parks and Recreation. Please see the class description for any additional protocols being implemented.
Crafts and Fine Arts
Artful Explorations Painting Workshop (6-13 Yrs)
Young artists will explore and build their artistic skills while creating beautiful masterpiece-style works of art! This is not an arts and crafts class. Students will learn color theory, brushstrokes, perspective and more. Artists will complete one painting per week using oil or acrylic paint. A variety of subjects will be taught using different brushes and palette knife. All professional art supplies are included. Wear an old t-shirt over your clothes and bring paper towels. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
34648 TMC W 4:45pm-6:15pm 4/7 5 Elkins $125
Learn to Draw & Cartoon (5-11 Yrs)
Join Young Rembrandts for a fun art class where students will learn the fundamentals of drawing. We will also offer cartooning lessons to animate everyday objects. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
35796 TMC Tu 5pm-6pm 3/16 8 Y Rembrandts $105 Mother’s Day Kit (5-13 Yrs)-NEW
Do your little ones want to make something special for mom on her big day? Help them create the perfect Mother?s Day gift with a kit filled with all the supplies to make a frame, bracelet and card. We will provide the supplies, your child can provide the love and creativity. All instructions will be included. Please plan to pick up the kit from Liberty Recreation Center on May 7th or 8th.
35791 LRC Sa 8am-1pm 5/8 1 Logan $5 Pottery Ceramic Hand Building (9-14 Yrs)
Know the thrill of creating with clay! Students will learn coil, pinch, and slab methods of hand building as they create their very own original art pottery. Scope of projects will be according to age and experience. All pottery is glazed and kiln fired. Class is taught by certified art teacher, $15 supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
36001 CAR M 5pm-7pm 3/15 6 Ruml $109 You Can Paint Workshop (5-13 Yrs)
Even as a beginner you will discover the thrill of creating your own original oil painting as you learn a simple, timesaving approach to painting, perspective, color mixing and composition. You will be proud to frame and hang your finished masterpiece for all to admire. Art supplies are included. Wear old shirt and bring paper towels. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
33860 CAR Sa 1pm-2:30pm 4/10 1 Garden $35 33861 CAR Sa 1pm-2:30pm 5/8 1 Garden $35
Educational Corner
B3: Gizmos, Gears & Gadgets (6-11 Yrs)-NEW
Learn about simple machines including gears, gear ratios, levers, wheel and axle, potential and kinetic energy and force with projects from the new Klutz Gadgets kit. Experiment with your contraptions then innovate and improve them! A $25 supply fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
35794 TMC M 4pm-5pm 3/29 8 Bricks Bots $99 B3: Gross Out Chemistry 1 (6-11 Yrs)
Boom, splat, slime, ooze, fizz - have a blast and make a mess exploring the science behind chemical reactions! Create a quicksand simulation, slime, flubber, a foam machine, a mad scientist bubble lab and more! A $25 supply fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
35795 TMC M 5:30pm-6:30pm 3/29 8 Bricks Bots $99
Chess (Beg) (6-18 Yrs)
Start now for a lifetime of enjoyment of this classic! Learn the fundamentals of piece movement, notational language of chess, checkmating opponents, and basic principles. Playing complete chess games and understanding fundamentals will be emphasized. This class is designed for those that have never played before, but want to learn. Class is taught by a former Texas Amateur Champion and vice president of the Dallas Chess Club. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
34113 OPC Sa 8:30am-9:45am 3/20 9 Allen $59 Chess (Int) (6-18 Yrs)
Continue learning principles and strategies of chess. This class is open to those who know how to play chess. Chess notations and checkmate patterns along with end game theory will be included. Class is taught by a former Texas Amateur Champion and vice president of the Dallas Chess Club. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
34114 OPC Sa 10am-11:15am 3/20 9 Allen $59 Mario Kart Tournament (8 Yrs & Up)
Join us for a socially distant Mario Kart 8 tournament. Staff will run the bracket while you play on the Nintendo Switch. Four players at a time, the top two will go to the next round. Facemasks must be worn at all times. All ages welcome!
35731 LRC Sa Noon-4pm 3/27 1 Staff $5 Super Smash Bros Tourney
Battle it out with us while playing Super Smash Bros on our Nintendo Switch. One on One tournament action and socially distant fun. All ages welcome. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
35732 LRC Sa Noon-4pm 5/1 1 Staff $5
Martial Arts
Karate-Tae Kwon Do/Kung Fu (6-12 Yrs)
This beginning martial arts program is an exciting, fun, and rewarding activity. Self-esteem, confidence, coordination skills, teamwork, and physical conditioning are key elements developed through class discipline, techniques, games, and structure. $48 startup (uniform, mouthpiece, and membership) is required at the first class. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
35277 CAR W 6pm-6:45pm 3/17 22 Bales $245 Sa 9:30am-10:15am Tae Kwon Do/Self-Defense I (6-16 Yrs)
Learn the art of Tae Kwon Do in a fun atmosphere while being taught the power of discipline, teamwork, and physical fitness. This class is recommended for newcomers and beginning belts. Additional testing fee required for belt tests. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
35835 LRC Su 2pm-3pm 3/21 10 Ludwig $75 Tae Kwon Do/Self-Defense II (6-16 Yrs)
This class is recommended for orange and green belts. Additional testing fee required for belt tests. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
35836 LRC Su 3:15pm-4:15pm 3/21 10 Ludwig $75
Online Activities
Adulting 101 (12-17 Yrs)
Join us for an adulting good time. Teens will learn basic life skills such as budgeting, cooking, resume building, how to write a cover letter, job searching and laundry folding. This class will be offered via Zoom. Zoom meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before class starts.
35571 Online Sa 4pm-4:45pm 3/27 4 Logan $25 Afterschool Adventures-NEW
Looking for a fun and safe way to socialize after school? Join Sherry for our virtual afterschool adventures once a month, where she will go live to create an interactive community where kids can build, play and learn. This class will be offered via Zoom. Zoom meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before class starts.
35649 Online Th 3:30pm-4:30pm 3/11 3 Staff FREE Application Design (9-15 Yrs)
This self-paced, interactive course will instruct students about the design and development of applications. Students will design their own app, which can be shared with friends and family members with an Apple or Android device. This course will be accessible 3/22/2021 - 5/16/2021 and the student can pick the time that works best. This class will be offered via Schoology. Due to the ongoing nature of this class, login instructions will be emailed within a few days of registration.
35831 Online M Self-paced 3/22 8 Youth Tech $125
Bharathanatyam (6-13 Yrs)
Bharathanatyam is one of the most ancient and most popular of the Indian classical dance forms. It involves aspects of pure dance and expressive dance using intricate foot patterns, hand gestures and facial expression. In this program, students will be introduced to this beautiful dance form with focus on basic foundational footwork and hand gestures, movement and rhythm. Students will need to bring a notebook and pen/ pencil to class. No prior experience necessary. Students learn best on a hard, uncarpeted floor, although not mandatory. This class will be offered via Zoom. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
35639 Online Tu 6pm-7pm 3/16 6 Krishnan $49 Chess Wizards (6-14 Yrs) (Complete Beg)
Chess Wizards provides fun, informative, and challenging chess lessons to students. Chess Wizards teaches children many important life concepts, such as learning the ability to win graciously and accept defeat with dignity and sportsmanship. This level is for people who are brand new to chess or only played a handful of times. Students will be divided into groups according to their chess experience. This class will be offered via Zoom and chesskid.com for a virtual chess board. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
34860 Online Tu 5pm-6pm 3/16 6 Chess Wizards $95 34861 Online Tu 5pm-6pm 4/27 6 Chess Wizards $95 Chess Wizards (6-14 Yrs) (Beg)
Chess Wizards provides fun, informative, and challenging chess lessons to students. Chess Wizards teaches children many important life concepts, such as learning the ability to win graciously and accept defeat with dignity and sportsmanship. This level is for people who knows how to move every piece correctly, and has been introduced to castling. Students will be divided into groups according to their chess experience. This class will be offered via Zoom and chesskid.com for a virtual chess board. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
34858 Online Tu 5pm-6pm 3/16 6 Chess Wizards $95 34859 Online Tu 5pm-6pm 4/27 6 Chess Wizards $95 Chess Wizards (6-14 Yrs) (Int)
Chess Wizards provides fun, informative, and challenging chess lessons to students. Chess Wizards teaches children many important life concepts, such as learning the ability to win graciously and accept defeat with dignity and sportsmanship. This level is for people who understands check and checkmate. Has done checkmate before but does not always make logical trades. Students will be divided into groups according to their chess experience. This class will be offered via Zoom and chesskid. com for a virtual chess board. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
34863 Online Tu 5pm-6pm 3/16 6 Chess Wizards $95 34865 Online Tu 5pm-6pm 4/27 6 Chess Wizards $95

Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, you can compete to become one of the City of Plano’s Parks & Rec video game champs. Just download Mission Control, choose City of Plano Parks & Rec, and start practicing! Go to missioncontrol. gg/play and join today!
Code Studio (6-12 Yrs)
This self-paced course offers younger students a fun, interactive look at coding. Students will create virtual apps and write their own programs that they can share with friends and family. This course makes learning to code fun and explores problem solving and programming logic. Students will have access to their accounts so the learning does not end after the class. Students should be able to read prior to taking this course. This course will be accessible 3/22/2021 - 5/16/2021 and the student can pick the time that works best. This class will be offered via Schoology. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
35830 Online M Self-paced 3/22 8 Youth Tech $125 Gaming & Coding (6-12 Yrs)
This self-paced course combines two unbelievable experiences for students, gaming and coding. Students will get access to an interactive look at coding, and building virtual apps to share with friends. In the second session students build simple video games combining the art of video game design and animation to create interactive characters that fly around the screen. This course will be accessible 3/22/2021 - 5/16/2021 and the student can pick the time that works best. This class will be offered via Schoology. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
35829 Online M Self-paced 3/22 8 Youth Tech $245
Igame Creators (6-10 Yrs)
Want to create video games? This self-paced, introductory course is for younger students who want to learn to build simple video games. This course combines the art of video game design and animation to create interactive characters that fly around the screen. Amaze your friends and family with your fun interactive games. This course will be accessible 3/22/2021 - 5/16/2021 and the student can pick the time that works best. This class will be offered via Schoology. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
35832 Online M Self-paced 3/22 8 Youth Tech $125 Kidz Love Soccer (7-10 Yrs)
Have a great time while developing core soccer skills like dribbling, passing, and shooting in a team format, as well as an introduction to goaltending. Kids learn concepts necessary to play together as a team. From defense and midfield to forward and goalie, kids get exposure to every position and have a blast doing it. Appropriate for players of varying skill levels. This class will be offered via Zoom. Zoom meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before class start date.
34494 Online Sa 1:40pm-2:10pm 4/3 4 Kidz Soccer $39 34495 Online Sa 1:40pm-2:10pm 5/1 4 Kidz Soccer $39 Learn to Draw & Cartoon (5-11 Yrs)
Join Young Rembrandts for a fun art class where students will learn the fundamentals of drawing. We will also offer cartooning lessons to animate everyday objects. This class will be offered via Zoom. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
35797 Online W 3:30pm-4:30pm 3/17 8 Y Rembrandts $85 Mad Science® Coding & Digital Robotics (10-12 Yrs)
Future roboticists will learn programming basics in a fun interactive game that introduces coding and computer concepts! Programming logic is brought to life through experiments with an animated on-screen robot that teaches block-coding language. This class will be offered via Zoom. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
35820 Online M-F 9am-Noon 3/8 5 Mad Science $179 Movie Makers (9-16 Yrs)
This self-paced interactive course will instruct students on the world of digital video design and production. Students will film, direct and edit their own video creations. You will amaze your peers with green screen and special effects work. This course will be accessible 3/22/2021 - 5/16/2021 and the student can pick the time that works best. This class will be offered via Schoology. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
35828 Online M Self-paced 3/22 8 Youth Tech $125
Private Piano (7 Yrs-Adult)
Whether you’re starting your piano journey, or continuing it, you can now do it from home! Our beloved and distinguished piano teachers are here to provide instruction and support tailored to your experience level. This class will be offered via Zoom. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date. A piano at home is required for this course.
35749 Online F 4pm-4:25pm 3/19 9 Austin $135 35750 Online F 4:30pm-4:55pm 3/19 9 Austin $135 35751 Online F 5pm-5:25pm 3/19 9 Austin $135 35752 Online F 5:30pm-5:55pm 3/19 9 Austin $135 35753 Online M 3pm-3:25pm 3/15 10 Chausovsky $145 35754 Online M 3:30pm-3:55pm 3/15 10 Chausovsky $145 35755 Online M 4pm-4:25pm 3/15 10 Chausovsky $145 35756 Online M 4:30pm-4:55pm 3/15 10 Chausovsky $145 35757 Online M 5pm-5:25pm 3/15 10 Chausovsky $145 35758 Online M 5:30pm-5:55pm 3/15 10 Chausovsky $145 35759 Online M 6pm-6:25pm 3/15 10 Chausovsky $145 35760 Online M 6:30pm-6:55pm 3/15 10 Chausovsky $145 Private Violin (7-18 Yrs)
Lessons are for beginner to advanced level of play. Students with knowledge of how to hold a violin and play with bow is required. Students will need to bring the lesson book “Essential Elements Violin Book 1” to each class. This class will be offered via Zoom. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
36063 Online Su 3pm-3:30pm 3/28 8 Cui $169 36064 Online Su 3:30pm-4pm 3/28 8 Cui $169 36065 Online Su 4pm-4:30pm 3/28 8 Cui $169 36066 Online Su 4:30pm-5pm 3/28 8 Cui $169 36067 Online Su 5pm-5:30pm 3/28 8 Cui $169 36068 Online Su 5:30pm-6pm 3/28 8 Cui $169 Tae Kwon Do (Int) (7-15 Yrs)
This co-ed training course is for continuing students who are Green through Blue Belt Rank. Students will learn the next level of techniques to increase development of dynamics in power, balance, and self defense. Students will learn the fundamentals of board breaking, sparring, weapon training, basic first aide, and introduction to water safety techniques. A signed liability agreement is required before the first day of class. An additional fee is required for gear and belt testing towards the end of the course. This class will be offered via Zoom. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
35871 Online Tu-Sa 5pm-10:45am 3/16 39 Hendawi $109 Tae Kwon Do White/Yellow Belt (7-13 Yrs)
This co-ed training course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental basics of traditional Tae Kwon Do. Classes will incorporate traditional martial arts style of patterns (katas), blocks/kicks/strikes and introduction to self defense, first aide and water safety. New students will need to purchase a uniform from the instructor before the first day of class for $30 (uniforms will be mailed or available for pick-up). An additional fee is required for belt testing towards the end of the course. This class will be offered via Zoom. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.
35699 Online Tu-Th 4pm-4:45pm 3/16 30 Hendawi $89

Video Game Design (10-17 Yrs)
This self-paced course provides students with a fun interactive look at the world of video game design and development. Students enrolled in this class will learn the basics of video game design and produce several different interactive video games to share with their friends and family. This course will be accessible 3/22/2021 - 5/16/2021 and the student can pick the time that works best. This class will be offered via Schoology. Due to the ongoing nature of this class, login instructions will be emailed within a few days of registration.
35827 Online M Self-paced 3/22 8 Youth Tech $125 Youth Yoga (8-14 Yrs)
In this course, students will learn proper yoga poses to increase strength, flexibility and balance. Students will also learn breathing exercises to help them keep calm and focused. Participants need to use a yoga mat. This class will be offered via Zoom. Zoom meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before class starts.
35819 Online W 5:30pm-6:30pm 3/24 7 Thakkar $35
Performing Arts
Make ‘em Laugh Sketch Comedy (6-15 Yrs)
This production class will teach students the art of sketch comedy through writing and improvisation. We will focus on acting skills, ensemble, improv games, playwriting, brainstorming, different types of comedy sketches, and writing sketches. A showcase on the final day of class will highlight students’ comedic work! Facemasks must be worn at all times.
34646 TMC Th 6pm-7pm 3/18 6 Encore Kids $95 Musical Minds Piano Keyboard (6-16 Yrs)
Our unique piano method employs specially developed visual tools which teach our students to read music notation very quickly. They have the opportunity to select popular songs to learn to play, such as radio hits, movie, and television themes. The course combines piano lessons with learning games and activities in order to teach music theory, as well as piano technique. This approach makes the process of music education very enjoyable for students of all ages! Facemasks must be worn at all times.
34109 OPC W 5:30pm-6:30pm 3/17 8 Stigall $185
Piano (6-16 Yrs)
Give your child the best possible start in their music education. Class will also be an introduction to music theory. Instructor will have information for music and supplies the first day of class. Class size is limited to two students. Class time is split between both students
35620 CAR Tu 3:30pm-4:30pm 3/16 5 Heredia $129 35622 CAR Tu 3:30pm-4:30pm 4/27 5 Heredia $129 35623 CAR Tu 4:30pm-5:30pm 3/16 5 Heredia $129 35624 CAR Tu 4:30pm-5:30pm 4/27 5 Heredia $129 35625 CAR Tu 5:30pm-6:30pm 3/16 5 Heredia $129 35626 CAR Tu 5:30pm-6:30pm 4/27 5 Heredia $129 35627 CAR Tu 6:30pm-7:30pm 3/16 5 Heredia $129 35628 CAR Tu 6:30pm-7:30pm 4/27 5 Heredia $129 35629 CAR Th 3:30pm-4:30pm 3/18 5 Heredia $129 35630 CAR Th 3:30pm-4:30pm 4/29 5 Heredia $129 35631 CAR Th 4:30pm-5:30pm 3/18 5 Heredia $129 35632 CAR Th 4:30pm-5:30pm 4/29 5 Heredia $129 35633 CAR Th 5:30pm-6:30pm 3/18 5 Heredia $129 35634 CAR Th 5:30pm-6:30pm 4/29 5 Heredia $129 35635 CAR Th 6:30pm-7:30pm 3/18 5 Heredia $129 35636 CAR Th 6:30pm-7:30pm 4/29 5 Heredia $129 Piano (Adv) (8-18 Yrs)
Students MUST have taken at least 3 years of piano lessons and be qualified as advanced in order to register with Instructor Jourdan. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
34896 TMC Sa 8:30am-9am 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 34897 TMC Sa 9:15am-9:45am 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 34898 TMC Sa 10am-10:30am 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 34899 TMC Sa 10:45am-11:15am 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 34900 TMC Sa 11:30am-Noon 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 34901 TMC Sa 12:15pm-12:45pm 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 34902 TMC Sa 1pm-1:30pm 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 34903 TMC Sa 1:45pm-2:15pm 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 34904 TMC Sa 2:30pm-3pm 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 34905 TMC Sa 3:15pm-3:45pm 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 35788 TMC Sa 8am-8:29am 3/20 8 Jourdan $149 Private Piano (7 Yrs-Adult)
Whether you’re starting your piano journey, or continuing it, one of our instructors will be here to guide you! Our distinguished piano teachers are here to provide instruction and support tailored to your experience level. Each class is 25 minutes and conducted one-on-one. Facemasks must be worn at all times.
35610 TMC W 5pm-5:25pm 3/17 10 Frock $179 35745 TMC Sa 1pm-1:25pm 3/20 9 Hsing $165 35746 TMC Sa 1:30pm-1:55pm 3/20 9 Hsing $165 35747 TMC Sa 2pm-2:25pm 3/20 9 Hsing $165 35748 TMC Sa 2:30pm-2:55pm 3/20 9 Hsing $165 35761 TMC W 5:30pm-5:55pm 3/17 10 Frock $179 35762 TMC W 6pm-6:25pm 3/17 10 Frock $179 35763 TMC W 6:30pm-6:55pm 3/17 10 Frock $179 35764 TMC W 7pm-7:25pm 3/17 10 Frock $179 35765 TMC W 7:30pm-7:55pm 3/17 10 Frock $179