Early Childhood Education
Tips for Returning to a Child-Care Routine Expert strategies to support a smooth adjustment — for kids and their worried parents By Patty Lindley
The COVID-19 pandemic has utterly upended all norms of education, for kids of all ages. The lack of a consistent daily routine, engagement with peers and with caring adults other than parents, and the structure of school is hard on kids accustomed to attending a child-care environment. Forced by necessity to become their child’s on-call playmate, teacher and substitute best friend, working parents are also feeling stressed and beyond challenged by the pandemic. As opportunities to return to child care open up, these same parents are left to struggle with what may feel like an agonizing decision with no easy answer: They must weigh the benefits of resuming the comforting and engaging routine of time with peers and teachers against very reasonable concerns of exposing their child and family to the coronavirus.
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