Not Living to Wait, and Not to Live Patrick T. Moeschen
2 Main Models of Disability • Medical Model Locates impairments in the body. Rehab? Treatment? Cure?
The person is passive….
2 Main Models of Disability • Social Model Biology plays a small role…. mutual influence from: psychological and social political historical geographical
Social Model Con.nued • Depends on the nature of the disability • leanings • T.V. and film percep.on • Social S.gma
Social Model Con.nued • places disability on a spectrum of diversity similar to race, religion, gender, and sexuality. The individual becomes an active participant in creating their social and personal identity.
S.ll on Social…….
LiMle Patrick is Social My family and the .mes of 1985…. Informa.on Age Integrate condi.on to the rhythms of life! results in personal and social development. • Reject aVtudes of defeat and aliena.on. • • • •
Big Patrick is s.ll Social • Stay on track, adolescence and high school.
• Building on self-‐esteem….music, drums, life-‐ long friends…
Your Role Parents.. • separate your own confusion and anxiety from how you perceive MD in order to do what every parent strives to do: Put the well-‐being and happiness
of their children first.
Not living to wait…. A cure can heal the muscle, but it can’t feed the soul, it can’t tend to the heart, and it can’t nourish the spirit. A cure can repair the body, but it can’t make the self whole….. Dr. Sheila Moeschen