Parikshit Raghav's CV

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par i k s h i t r agh av Bor n:19/ 08/ 1993 Pos i t i on:Ar chi t ect Nat i onal i t y:I ndi an MayurVi harPhas e-3, New Del hi ,I ndi a Emai l :par i k. r aghav@gmai l . com Mobi l e:+918527946332


0 2 e du c at i o n: > Uni ver si t ySchoolofAr chi t ect ur eandPl anni ng, GGSI PU: -BAr ch.67%mar ks. ( August2017) > HSCf r om RyanI nt er nat i onalSchool-TY: -CBSE,79%mar ks. ( May2012) > SSCf r om RyanI nt er nat i onalSchool-TY: -CBSE,7. 6CGPA ( May2010)

pr o f e s s i o n al e x pe r i e n c e: > Tr ai neeAr chi t ect ,MC+CFAr chi t ect s, Noi da

AsaTr ai neeAr chi t ectmyr ol et her ewast opr epar eWor ki ngDr awi ngf orpr oj ect sl i ke Resi dent i al ,Resor t s,Vi l l asandvar i ousI nt er i orDet ai l sDr awi ngsf orpr oj ect sl ocat edi n Hal dwani ,Nagpur ,andDel hi .

> Tr ai neeAr chi t ect ,Hoxt on&Ur ban, Noi da

If i ndmys el fcons i s t ent l ygr owi ngi nt el l ect ual l yaswel l asex per i ence wi s ei nar chi t ect ur e.Iam s omeonewhoi smodes ti ni t sappr oach, whobel i evei nconver s at i onandheal t hycr i t i quet hatmakesme r es our cef ul .Ihavebi tofl eader s hi pqual i t i esi nmei fneeded. Myabi l i t yofpr es s ur er et ai ni ngi sver yhi ght hathel psmei ns ol vi ngdi f f i cul tpr obl emsands i t uat i ons . Iam notcompet i t i vebynat ur e.Atl as tIwoul ds aymyobj ect i vewoul dbecar ef ul l yanal yz i ngany gi vens i t uat i onandwi t hi nt el l ect ual andr at i onal appr oacht r yi ngt os ol vei ti nat i meboundper i od f ort i mel ydel i ver yoft hepr oj ectwi t hmax i mum ef f i ci encyandqual i t y.

> Fr eel ancer ,CSDHR

br i e f l yme:

> MC+CFAr Noi da) chi t ect s(

Languages:Engl i sh( f l uent ) ;Hi ndi( nat i ve) ;Punj abi( spoken) Hobbi es:Sket chi ng;Cooki ng;Movi eMaki ng I nt er est s:Ar t ;Sci ence;Musi c;Spi r i t ual i t y;Psychol ogy Pot ent i al s:Sket chDesi gn;Ur banDesi gn;Ar chi t ect ur alDesi gn;LOGO Desi gn Dr awi ngSki l l s:Wor ki ngDr awi ng;Pr esent at i onDr awi ng;Concept ualDr awi ng

Lumi on

Aut ocad VRay

Sket chup

( J ul y2015-August2015)

Myr ol ei st omakePr esent at i onDr awi ngsofI nt er i orDi spl ayDesi gnofaMuseum i n Ar unachalPr adeshwhi chi st obesubmi t t edt ot heRegi onalPWD f orSanct i ons. Ihaveal sopr epar edt heDet ai lEst i mat eoft hepr oj ect .

pr o f e s s i o n al r e f e r e n c e s:

> Phot oshop

( J ul y2016-December2016)

AsaTr ai neeAr chi t ectmyr ol et her ewast opr epar eI nt er i orDesi gnPackagesaswel las Det ai lWor ki ngDr awi ngf orvar i ouspr oj ect sr angi ngf orMal l s,Resi det i al ,Vi l l asatvar i ed l ocat i onsl i keBangal or e,Dubai ,London,Del hi ,Noi da.

abo u t me . . .

> > > > >

( December2016-Apr i l2017)

st udi o@met aphor cr eat or s. com mob:+911202512461

> Hoxt Noi da) on&Ur ban( Shi r az. Ki dwai @Hoxt onUr ban. com mob:+44( 0) 7855266664( U. K. ) mob:+91( 0) 9999444020( I ndi a)

> CSDHR Dr .Avi r bhaw Kumar( Pr i nci pal ) csdhr 11@gmai l . com mob:+919873498928

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