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IR-2015 – ENCOUNTERS WITH THE PAST: Exploring approaches towards Interventions in a historic context





Studio is about to design Heritage interpretation center in old city of Ahmedabad. Challenge was inserting plugins without retaining existing arch structure to define new and old both the languages. Studio gives proper understanding of how to deal with existing situations including structure and the site context.


Pg. No.



→Studio program introduction


→ Introduction about heritage and heritage interpretation center


→ Site information


→Design process


→Detail drawings, exploration and views


→About detail space


* Internal and external space views


* Image citations



ABOUT STUDIO →To understood what is heritage we did heritage walk and observed certain elements and language which we wanted to interpret in our design. →We taken one aspects for example unity and diversity. We started with narrative based on walk and made 2d diagrams from that. →After referring case studies we get clear idea about in how many ways we derive our own design with the use of concept. →Conversion of 2d onto 3d is the first step to derive a form of building. From that we fixed one 3d model which suits the best to our concept and move towards the final design. →Form the idea of the spaces we made storyboard which gives basic sense of how we are visualizing space and started with spatial organization. →We got our final plans and section from which we started to imagine the space through 3d views and rendering. →As a last step we had taken one or two spaces which we wanted to detail in terms of basic visualization through the materials and some exhibition elements. →As a final outcome of the studio we understood basic principles of process and design. Idea of structure, how to choose material pallet, what elements to put or to make and how to present it to someone. This are the major aspects we learnt from the studio. →Here, I tried to put all process of studio by which we reached to our final output.


HERITAGE →Heritage is part of what we are. It is an element by which we are representing the value of and identity of our culture. →A part which represents our past from our present and for the future. It's a keystone of our culture that plays an important role in our present. →Heritage is a person’s unique, inherited sense of family identity: the values, traditions, culture, and artifacts handed down by previous generations. As time goes by, things get old and after a long period of time it's called heritage. →Historical sites, buildings, monuments, objects in museums and the old city of Ahmedabad are the tangible heritage. →Heritage is the feeling of expressing our culture by festivals, music, dance. Mostly in every house we all have one thing that belongs to our grandparents and older than that which we called heritage for us.


→Interpretation center is reflection of our heritage in some contemporary way. It’s a communication to enhance the understanding of heritage. →Its not just a museum in which elements are putted only but it’s a place which increase the value and raise awareness. →Without placing all original elements as it is to create a essence of the space is interpretation center. Cluster of different activities in one place is the purpose of interpretation center. 4



The panchkuva gate is held at old city of Ahmedabad and it’s a part of our heritage. Vav is comes under heritage known as amritavarshini vav. The colonial building is new building made using bricks. It’s architectural part is reflects the colonial structure. 5

Design process Observation of heritage walk to interpret in design 2d diagram exploration through narrative Case studies 3d diagram exploration Process in plans and sections Storyboard


NARRATIVE In the heritage walk we explored the old city architecture, culture, analysis of different spaces as in pols and much more. After the heritage walk I started to define points which we observed during the heritage. My perspective towards the heritage is unity in diversity by seeing the purpose of open courtyards which are connected by all the surrounding pols. Courtyard becomes a place to gather for all the communities for meeting, chatting and celebrating. I started to see the courtyard as not only open to sky space but also as a refreshment and peaceful space from which I can see the sky. Another observed point is typology of houses. Rectangular long houses with double height space make the look house bigger. They all are connected with each other. →Experience of the pathways opens into the different spaces. →One tube is intersecting the all tubes and intersection part is the courtyard. →Courtyard becomes the common space from that we can see the activities happening in the other spaces. →Space will have some essence of the architecture, streets and small elements. →Every space is rectangular and the concept is taken from the pol house. →Audio video room gives the essence of intangible elements which defines the Ahmedabad heritage. →Intersection of the tubes will depict that how in pol houses are connected by the one common street. →Café opens up into the space with pergolas. It will have the essence of sitting on the otlas and people can have a chat with a meal. →Essence of narrow streets, lights, culture in a contemporary way. →New/modern elements with the feel of heritage and old city. →New/modern elements and spaces with the feel of Heritage and old city.



Shape within shape represents the old city filled with the types of culture.

All lines are coming from one side and reflected at different angle.

Different shapes are connected with the single line and ends at one space.

By the one space we can go in any of the way but all space ends in circle.

Spider web shows one start point and it spreads but the origin is the same.

3d tubes are connected by the similarity of space but differentiate in terms of height. 8

CASE STUDY →Vitrahaus is a unique building which intersects the pentagonal shaped tube with other tubes. →The main concept about the building is one tube is connected with the all other spaces acts as common space. →Facade is made using the glass and creates an intersecting front elevation. →I taken concept of intersecting tubes and meeting at one common space.

Carlos castanheira art pavillion

Moscow the school of management →The management building is an example of glass tube intersection. →Outer body of the building is made of glass and their intersection is courtyard. →That’s the concept applied by me in my design. Intersection becomes courtyard.

→The building creates essence of space in terms of volume the using double heights. →The building is pure concrete and has some openings in to create wash light on the wall. →Concept taken by me is to give openings in the walls and creates an intersecting space volumes.




Inserting tubes in the existing building using trial and error method.

Existing site

First exploration using tubes

second exploration after Stretching tubes

Final exploration after intersection of the tubes at different level. 10

VISUALIZTION OF THE SPACE Idea of showing different vavs and gates of the Ahmedabad using traditional elements.

Change in lights space using some traditional types of lighting like heritage post lamps, niches and detail ceiling.

View of the cafe area using modern elements and creating shade using pergolas.

Permanent exhibition area filled with the handmade carpets and traditional type of furniture.

View of the all over space from the backside.

Audio-video room with some dark textures to make focus on the screen.

Another idea about organizing seating space in cafe area using steps. idea of otlas.

View of the cafe area to show play of light using wooden pergolas.


→because of the limited space it was problem to create washrooms.

→Exploration of entrance and connection to the courtyard. →water body creates nice warm peaceful environment but also creates humidity so that’s the problem.

→As a first attempt I created Amphitheater seating but it was too straight so people may have problem to talk in groups.

→water body is surrounded by the glass so water drops will appear on the glass that’s the other problem. →I wanted to create small entrance within a big entrance to connect the gate and the building.

→middle tube slab height was the problem as that was only 2m, so I made decision to use existing slab in middle tube only.

→I wanted to use existing slab in two tubes.

→Arch is not placed in the center.

→There is not enough height for person to stand comfortably. →New slab →Existing slab

→Not much connection of courtyard to other places. 12

→Instead of giving separate balcony for gate view I covered that part inside and putted fixed glass wall, so more people can see it.

→fixing circulation according to the spatial arrangement of the building.

→arrangement of spatial organization after defining all the spaces and services.

→Fixing of staircase was not possible because of the space.

→exploration of café seating arrangement.

→First I wanted to create tube which gives feel of narrower to wider. →So I tried to play with the heights but it was not sufficient because its not creating much difference.

→So I taken decision of making it rectangular which shows continuity in shape.

→staircase was disturbing the language of the building facade. →vendors area because I don’t wanted to remove them.


→Detail plan for spatial understanding.

→Some parts of flooring to differentiate detail space.

→Introducing vendors space as I don’t wanted to remove them.

→Door closes the whole building, so café will remain open if building is closed.

→Solved staircase by arranging other spaces.

→arrow shows ways of intersection through all the tubes from the gate.

Before model

Model after taking correct height and proportions.


Final jury drawings Ground floor plan and circulation Information about spaces in plan First floor plan and circulation Information about spaces in plan Exploded view Sections Elevation view Model exploration in layers



Circulation 17

→exhibiting heritage lighting in contemporary way.

→narrow passage entrance. →blank peaceful space →small openings for diffuse natural light and water body gives warm welcome.


→seating space and some connection with the other space through the translucent glass. →intersection of all space is courtyard.

→reading space reference from vav. →souvenir shop at the end so tourist knows the value of things.

→basic information about what's happening in the whole building. →inbuilt seating otla concept. →cafe reference is stepwells. Designed in a way that more people can seat and have a chat.

→entrance of the pantry in a way that it will remain open when building get closed.



Circulation 20

→space contains multiple screen shows Ahmedabad heritage.

→viewing gallery towards the vav depth. →space exhibits traditional elements, sculptures and patterns.

→space exhibits traditional elements, sculptures and patterns.

→viewing gallery towards the vav.

→space exhibits vav sculptures and information. →indo-Islamic jail partition to separate spaces.

→space exhibits traditional doors and windows to show the old city language.

→viewing balcony toward the street and cafe.

→café is covered using wooden pergola. →Pergola has creepers hanging on it.



Glass fixed in the roof. Glass fixed in the ceiling for some natural lighting.

Exhibit of vav.

Exhibit of famous gates.

Iso view of the building.

Exhibit of Traditional doors

Glass fixed in the wall using metal frames to give the view of vav.

Library-reading space and souvenir shop

washroom Change in lights


Outside area of the building is left for the vendors.


Cafe and refreshment space 22

Permanent exhibition space shows the display of windows and historical elements.

Transparent metal roofing added in the existing roof.

Existing roof.

Viewing gallery. Display space for the gates of Ahmedabad. Reading space.


Reading space and souvenir shop. Transparent metal sheet glass. Audio-video Room. Displaying heritage lights.

Display of doors and windows. Wooden pergolas.

Existing metal hip roof.

Existing building. Information space.





construction of hip roof using the old metal hipped roof. installation of clear metal roof strips. construction of first floor slabs and installation of glass in the ceiling. construction of first floor walls with all openings. installation of glass walls.

construction of slabs and ceiling. installation of small steps and the railings. construction of walls and openings in existing and the new building. installation of glass for language continuity. construction of staircase. construction of steel columns in existing building. 26

Detail space Part sectional view for detail space Light exhibition detail space Audio-video room detail space views


SECTIONAL VIEW These are the two space which I wanted to detail out. Here is the basic sectional view shows some context of the building.

Audio-video space.

Exhibiting heritage lightings.


→Transparent glass is fixed in the ceiling where two spaces are intersecting.

→Dark shade of ceiling with waffles to fit light. →It will give create ambience in the space.

→Niches, one of the most used element in old city as a light source. →Simple grey plaster is used on the wall to create contras in the space. →Indo Islamic modern jail is placed on existing arch.

→Pattern created using different types of glasses. →Fluted glass, coloured glass and transparent glass. Material palette →Wooden pergola fixed between courtyard and light space. →It will crate some transparency between courtyard space and enclosed space.

→Blackish pebble stones are cladded on the wall for modern texture.

→Wooden flooring to maintain balance between heritage and contemporary space. →One of the oldest material we are using in nowadays also.


→glass in fixed on the wall till the roof where there is intersection of tubes. →Soundproof glass for noise purpose. →Hanging panels with diffuse light on it. →people can see information/picture on it.

→Big led screen placed on the wall which will acts as main screen.

→Slits are created in the walls for diffused natural light.

→Screen buttons covered with the traditional patterns, so people can choose what they wants to see. Small screens fitted in the box.

The room gives essence of darkness. Only highlighted elements are screens and displays.

→Niches are created in the wall for displaying traditional elements and murtis.

→Old wooden doors to create an entrance like old pol house

→Small screens are fitted in the wall. →So more people can see the videos.

Acoustic dark wooden panel flooring helps to control noise. 30




Entrance from narrow passage.

Building information space and exhibition.

Sitting space and kind of reception area.

Exhibition and information space.

Courtyard space.

Staircase leads to the first floor space. 32


Gate view and gate exhibition space.

Permanent exhibition space.

Viewing balcony towards the street.

Viewing balcony towards the cafĂŠ.

Audio-video space.

Viewing gallery towards the vav.



Staircase leads to the ground floor space.

Souvenir shop and exit gate.

Exhibiting heritage lights.

Café view.

Reading space.

Café pantry.





Image citations https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.archdaily.com%2F905540%2Fsaya-park-alvaro-siza-plus-carloscastanheira&psig=AOvVaw26ZgGAL0Ib_NpHRLk_paSp&ust=1588739344331000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCJjHnd2ZnekCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdepositphotos.com%2F87126990%2Fstock-photo-moscow-school-of-managementskolkovo.html&psig=AOvVaw2UXRYAxjBoFrw_5Dci0nmi&ust=1588739473078000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCKjmwJyanekCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.archdaily.com%2F50533%2Fvitrahaus-herzog-demeuron&psig=AOvVaw0llw8Z3OCr_pC2HHolit2J&ust=1588739586255000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCPiMxNCanekCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD (https://architexturez.net/data/styles/az_cf_core_l-sidebar_content/public/media/pnl-sm-anthill-yale-stepwell-exhib-20x22panchkuva-composed-22x20.jpg?itok=mMJoQfSQ) https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Farchitexturez.net%2Ffile%2Fpnl-sm-anthill-yale-stepwell-exhib-20x20-doshiwada-composed-100-20x20injpg&psig=AOvVaw385hQNGc2xM7UERo18yBYx&ust=1588523078559000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNjc-4n0lukCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD 36

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