Covid 19 Health & Safety Measures on & Off Campus

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COVID-19 Health & Safety On & Off Campus

How Can You Limit The Spread Of Covid19 On Campus? 1. Practice Good Personal Protective Measures • Get vaccinated • Wear a Mask 2. Keep Your Distance 3. Respect Collective Hygiene Measures

1. Practice Good Personal Protective Measures • Get vaccinated: Vaccination is now open to all individuals age 12 and older in France • Wear a Mask: This is a requirement on campus and in other closed public spaces. Make sure your mask covers your nose, mouth and chin, and do not remove it when speaking (that’s when you project droplets!) • Thoroughly wash or disinfect your hands throughout the day

2. Keep Your Distance • Respect the maximum capacity indicated for each classroom or office • Avoid gathering in hallways • If you’re eating or drinking on campus (i.e. removing your mask), make sure to keep at least a 1 m distance with the next person • Avoid hugging, kissing and shaking hands

3. Respect Collective Hygiene Measures • Wipe down shared surfaces such as computer keyboards after use • Ventilate classrooms between classes: think of opening the windows as you leave the room (The building is cleaned and disinfected daily)

Stay Safe

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Stay informed Practice good personal hygiene measures (get vaccinated, wear a mask) Keep your distance Respect collective hygiene measures

COVID-19 Health & Safety Off Campus • PCA highly recommends that you aquire a European Pass Sanitaire (health pass), a digital certificate (QR Code) • Proves complete vaccination or a recent covid test • REQUIRED to enter all cultural/leisure sites in which more than 50 people can gather, including: • Museums, Theaters, Cinemas, Concerts, Festivals, etc. • If you have been vaccinated outside the European union with a vaccine recognized in the EU, you can request a European health pass. • Procedures are explained, in English, on the French Government Website.

COVID-19 Health & Safety Off Campus

• Get vaccinated if you have not already • The vaccine allows you to take full advantage of everything Paris has to offer • The vaccine protects yourself and others • Masks are required in closed public spaces, including transportation.

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