3 minute read


While the Student Life Office has a designated contact at the student residency permit service of the

Préfecture, we do not have any leverage in their decisions and processing times.


 Get updates on your application status when this information is not available in your online account  Get a convocation to pick up your residency permit when the Préfecture has not been able to reach you  Submit additional documentation when the Préfecture requires it to be sent by your school directly  Communicate technical issues to the Préfecture when their online contact form is not functional

Please note that it is in your best interest to make sure that your application is complete before submitting it to avoid processing issues and unnecessary delays.

Depending on the duration of the residency permit that is issued to you, you may have to go through this process several times during your studies at PCA.

After you graduate or leave PCA, we are obliged to inform the immigration services that you are no longer a student at PCA - following this notification, they will cancel your student residency permit.

 Enroll into the Applied Studies year (for grad students) or Super Senior year (for undergrad students) and find an internship in France (for more information about this, contact careerdevelopment@paris.edu)  Find a position and have the company to sponsor your application for a work residency permit (more information here)  Develop a project related to your artistic competency that requires you to stay in France and apply for a "Passeport Talent" residency permit (more information here)

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 Activate the building fire alarm.  Keep calm, go to the nearest exit and leave the building. There are two exits toward rue Fénelon and one toward rue Rocroy. At CUPA you must exit through the courtyard leading to rue Vavin.

 Once you have reached safety, call “18” for the fire department.  If you are trapped: stay put and close the doors. If smoke appears under the door, wet the door and put wet rags in the cracks. Wait for help near the windows.

Fire regulations prohibit the accumulation of work in the hallways. Fire exits must be accessible at all times. Do not leave work in the hallways.

Fire drills, in which all students, faculty and staff are required to participate, are held each semester. During fire drills, order must be maintained and directions followed promptly.

 The fire alarm system signals a fire drill.  Immediately stop what you are doing and leave the building.  Fire exit plans are posted throughout the school.  Use the closest exit to your location.  Leave the building and move away from the entrance in order to avoid congestion.

Faculty members are responsible for supervising students’ departure from the building and for making sure that all the students present in their class at the time of the fire alarm are out of the building.

In the event of an actual fire, the glass door on the security gate at the main entrance can be opened using the button in the green box on the wall.

The laws of France further impose upon all members of the community a duty to warn when doing so can prevent a crime or bodily harm to another. This includes acts of suicide, self-mutilation and/or violence which, although rare at PCA, can be committed by students in distress. Members of the PCA community must,

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