9 minute read


materials into studio work as in a collage, synthesized photograph or paste-up is not plagiarism in the educational context. In the commercial world, however, such appropriation is prohibited by copyright laws and may result in legal consequences.

Publication of photographs and video/film that incorporates images of people, in which the person is recognizable, are subject to restrictions based on Model Rights law. In France, model rights laws are particularly strict. PCA students submitting work with recognizable images of other people must submit a model release form with that work. Download the model release form from mon.paris.edu.


Please familiarize yourself with the model release form and local laws. The form is in English and French, to offer French models the form in their first language in France, and because we are subject to French law. If you have questions about this, contact your Department Head or the PCA Communications office.

If an instructor determines conclusively that plagiarism, intentional abuse of Intellectual Property or cheating

has occurred and that this is the first offense, the student may be assigned a grade of “F” for the project along with an explanation and a warning, or an “F” for the course, depending on the seriousness of the offense. Faculty should seek out their Department Chair, Coordinator or Program Director if any doubts arise as to whether or not plagiarism has occurred. The Department Chair, Program Director and Dean are there to help the faculty in deciding on such matters.

The occurrence must be reported in writing to the Department Chair or Coordinator. A subsequent offense may be grounds for academic probation or dismissal from the program, at the discretion of the Academic Committee.

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A P P E N D I X D – I N F O R M A T I O N T E C H N O L OG Y ( I T ) CH A R T E R

The object of the current Charter is to define the rules of usage of the PCA computer system, and particularly to define the users’ responsibilities, this conforming to the law and in order to permit optimal use of the IT resources and the Internet services used in the institution. Although this text outlines the regulations regarding the IT system at PCA, it is meant above all to serve as a proper conduct manual. The information provided outlines the sanctions incurred by those who infringe upon the regulations. The Charter is a list of PCA’s in-

house rules, and it determines the conditions of the use of, and access to, the school’s IT resources. By enrolling, or accepting employment at PCA, every faculty, staff and student implicitly agrees to the terms of the present Charter. The Charter is made public through distribution, with inscription files and work contracts.

The following rules and obligations set forth apply to everyone, in particular teachers, students, and administrative or technical personnel, authorized to use the resources and information systems at PCA (collectively referred to as “user” or “users”). These in particular comprise the servers, workstations and computers used in administrative services, classrooms and labs. The respect of the rules defined in the present Charter equally extends to the use of IT systems outside of PCA, systems accessible through the instrumentality of the institution’s network (the Internet, for example).

Users may not install programs, and under no circumstances may users:

 make copies of programs;

 avoid the restrictions of a program; and/or

 develop constituent programs similar to viruses.

It is a violation to send email that a reasonable person would consider harassment, including email to any person that has requested the user not to send email, or repeated email to someone with whom the user does

not have a pre-existing relationship. All email must contain a valid ‘From:’ field, identifying an email address to

which questions and complaints may be directed. Special issues apply to email to large numbers of people. This is a potential problem, for both policy and technical reasons. Therefore, it is considered a violation of

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acceptable use to send substantially the same email message to more than 50 users. One exception to this rule is when users send mail to recipients at PCA for school-related issues.

PCA understands that the use of new communications technology (i.e., blogs, Web 2.0 networks, websites, etc.) is essential to our community’s growth. However, certain content referencing PCA or CUPA —either posted on external sites by PCA community members, or linked to/hosted by PCA’s server—may be deemed inappropriate by the administration if it contains illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, injurious, or

misleading information, or if it infringes one’s privacy or intellectual property rights.

While PCA does not undertake to monitor content posted on external websites linked to the school’s website, any complaints received will be investigated, and may result in the removal of the link or other appropriate action, at the administration’s discretion. Similarly, any school-sponsored blogs, websites, or networking

applications hosted on PCA’s server may be removed if deemed inappropriate, or if space on the server becomes limited.

All web content hosted by or linked to the PCA server is the responsibility of the individual who posted it, and PCA accepts no liability for inaccuracies or omissions. When creating external blogs, websites, etc. that reference PCA or CUPA you must include the following statement in both English and French:

“Paris College of Art is not responsible and accepts no liability for the content published on this site/blog/etc.”

« Paris College of Art décline toute responsabilité pour le contenu publié sur ce site/blog/etc. »

Compliance with copyright laws is implicit in this Charter. Violations include, but are not limited to:

 using commercial software that the user has not paid for or using it in ways not covered in the license agreement (e.g., using a single-user copy on several computers); and/or

 making copyrighted material available to others without permission, whether through "peer to peer" software, websites, or other technology. Your rights to commercial software and content such as music, movies and fonts are defined by the license agreement included with it and by copyright law.

The user is responsible for understanding what has been purchased. The license will clearly define whether it is a single-user license, a site license, or a license for a specific number of people. The user is responsible for how the license is used.

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The University of Texas’ Copyright Crash Course (http://copyright.lib.utexas.edu/) may be helpful in answering specific questions about copyrights. Additionally, Stanford's Copyright and Fair Use site (http://fairuse.stanford.edu/) presents an in-depth explanation on the subject.

By downloading, printing, or otherwise using text and image files from the PCA and CUPA websites, users agree and warrant that they will limit their use of such files to fair use and will comply with all other terms and conditions of this Charter so as to not violate the rights of PCA or any other person or entity. PCA does not guarantee the legal use of text, images and content displayed on the website owned by third parties not affiliated with it. “Fair use” of the content of the PCA websites is permitted and defined as:

Printing, downloading or using of images, text, or other files from the PCA websites for non-commercial educational purposes or for personal use, and otherwise as defined by copyright law. Users may do so without express, written permission from PCA, as long as they comply with the following conditions:

 Content should be used for personal, educational, or non-commercial purposes only and sources must be cited as with any other printed work;

 PCA requests that the following citation be used when applicable: Courtesy of Paris College of Art, www.paris.edu, © 2016;

 CUPA requests that the following citation be used when applicable: Courtesy of Paris College of

Art/CUPA, www.cupa.paris.edu, © 2016;

 None of the content may be changed or modified in any way;

 Users must also comply with any other restrictions that may apply to the individual file, image, or text; and

 PCA reserves the right to place other restrictions on the use of its property.

Many of the trademarks, service marks, and logos (collectively, "Trademarks") displayed on the website, including the PCA and CUPA logos, are registered and/or unregistered common law Trademarks of PCA. The Trademarks of third parties may also be displayed on this website. Nothing contained in this website should be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademarks displayed on the

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website without the express written permission of PCA or any third party that may own the Trademark displayed on the website. Any unauthorized use of the Trademarks or any other images or content on this website, except as authorized in this Charter, is strictly prohibited.

Every user pledges to take care of all available equipment and computer stations. Users must inform the computer services technicians of any discrepancies noticed. User discretion is advised regarding individual time spent at the computer stations, thus ensuring the availability of computers for all users. Every computer belonging to a department, lab or service must be connected to a network by a PCA IT intermediary. This ensures that all security regulations are upheld.

 User Responsibility Every user is responsible for the use of the PCA IT resources and therefore the totality of information that is at the public’s disposal. Each user understands that they will be held responsible for any violation of the provisions of the present Charter and, moreover, any damage done to PCA or its property.

 Disciplinary Actions Users who do not respect the rules and obligations of this Charter are equally liable to a disciplinary procedure in relation to the user’s status. The user may be brought before an internal administrative disciplinary council, concerning the students and the teachers/researchers, and before the disciplinary council of the respective bodies concerning administrative personnel and technicians.

 Civil and Penal Actions Every user who does not adhere to the rules and regulations hereby defined in this Charter may face civil and/or penal action pursuant to the laws of France.

Disciplinary actions for students are outlined in the Student Handbook. Faculty members and staff suspected

of being in violation of the Charter will go in front of a Hearing Committee.

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