TAFS MUN 2013 Issue 2

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The Air Force School Model United Nations Conference 2013 Issue 2 17 December, 2013

USA was inactive in speech today, their inclination towards their ally stood strong as has been seen in several instances in the past. GENERAL ASSEMBLY

The Israeli-Palestinian Dilemma: tighten one’s security or quench the other’s thirst? Israel’s utilized their floor time to respond to allegations related to violating conventions treaties and laws 17 Dec 2013 | Surbhi Sachdeva


s the deliberations of the General Assembly proceeded, it expanded further more upon the plight of the Palestinian civilians as the escalating Israel-Palestine face-off was tipping towards Palestine’s side quite heavily. Despite the committee’s bias, USA and Israel did not let their guard down and continued to justify their actions with great vigor and conviction. Palestine gathered sympathy by again highlighting the ruthless confiscation of over 10% of land ‘despite the ICC ruling’ and how 42 Palestinian villages had been uprooted in the process, the repercussions ranging from limitations in terms of access to schools, universities and hospitals to the mass unrest caused by the displacements. The representative of Palestine also spoke of the aggressive Israeli regime that had blockaded a majority of the Jordan River basin, implying their immense dissatisfaction with this irrational monopoly of water resources causing disparity of the same. Israel’s utilized their floor time to respond to allegations related to violating conventions treaties and laws

with strong arguments like proof of their ratification and the scope and mandate of the aforementioned international law(s). They also cited the reason for the water blockades and tightening of border security as they considered intercepting foreign vessels integral to strengthening their water security. Not long afterward, Russia’s attack further fuelled the already raging fire by asserting that ‘Israel is habitual of violating laws and then defending themselves by claiming that the respective laws are not applicable in their case’. It also condemned the ‘Israeli control of the Jordan river basin and the shared land boundaries with Jordan’. Though USA was inactive in speech today, their inclination towards their ally stood strong as has been seen in several instances in the past. USA has provided great financial and military aid to the Israelis but simultaneously launched humanitarian operations to help the estranged Palestinians. Overall, the session proved to be extremely progressive and the committee has consensually concluded upon a more solution-oriented approach for tomorrow.

It is felt that there is a sore need for an increase in the accountability of mercenary corporations. hrc

To Abolish or Not To Abolish The UN Human Rights Council finds itself divided in its opinions on the regulation of PMCs. 17 Dec 2013 | Vikrant Mehra


he question on whether to prohibit PMCs outright or to focus on regulating their activities was at the centre of discussion as the United Nations Human Rights Council concluded its fourth session of deliberations. The general opinion amongst the delegates was the need for greater regulation and more effective legislation, rather than complete abolition of private military forces. In the words of a delegate, “The benefits bestowed by PMCs, far outweigh the potential liabilities.� Over the course of the discussion, a number of suggestions to tackle liabilities present in legislature regarding PMCs were put forward, none of which gained any particular traction with the delegates present.

However, many delegations feel that the very existence of PMCs pose a threat to the security of a nation. Their use by the state may alienate the national military, to which the presence of external forces will be seen as a constant reminder of their inability to cope. It is felt that there is a sore need for an increase in the accountability of mercenary corporations. The need of the hour is to introduce an international body to regulate the activities of military companies; and to take action in cases of violation of basic human rights. Moreover, a record of past incidents of such violations must be maintained.

NPT is a “discriminatory treaty”

unsc (historic)

The Blame Game Pakistan is interested in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) but only if India signs it first 6 Jun 1998 | Jatin Rawtani


he debate inside the UNSC was all about treaties and recommendations with regard to the Nuclear Tests conducted by India and Pakistan; and the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. Delegates again and again questioned Pakistan for not having a “no first use policy”. Pakistan could comment on this and the committee found that disturbing. They said that they are interested in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) but only if India signs it first. India on the other had some other concerns as they believe that the NPT is a “discriminatory treaty” which was said to divert the session, but for peace between the two nations someone’s got o the take the first step. During the discussion on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute Pakistan said that they know

that people of Kashmir want to be a part of Pakistan. But this was not supported by other delegates. Of course Pakistan did not go to Kashmir’s each and every village and ask every person so how can they assume this in such a tense situation. Later the committee did not reach to any solution as they kept on discussing the NPT while the other delegates kept questioning other nations about their nuclear policies. It seemed as if some of the delegates just wanted to discuss the agenda and not come up with solutions. Even more they were just blaming each other; like Pakistan blamed India for starting the Nuclear Arms race between India and Pakistan; Portugal blamed Pakistan for not having a “no first use” policy.


Uncharting Palestinian Predicaments BY Avikant Bhan Dec 17, 2013

the settlement issues surrounding Palestinians – an issue which formed the premises of the debate. Many disputed Israeli policies regarding settlement, and justice on the matter was demanded by numerous representatives. Bold accusations regarding settlement were made by the Italian GA member, who had levelled substantial allegations against China. While his intentions were similar to that of other members, China was claimed to be funding Israel with regards to settlements and had also invested in the same, according to the incumbent. To do so was perhaps not in Italy’s best interests, as it withheld inadequate proof on the former would seem that with a new day, new despite the representative’s enthusiastically loud progressions would come forth. But, rather statement. While a productive debate was in than solutions – which were allegedly the session, it was one which failed to adhere to its basis of today’s discussion – what the General basic ideal – solutions. Assembly witnessed was merely the same as it had earlier witnessed. To start things of, Israel Access to water for Palestinians was also made statements relating to its policies and its stressed upon, but the outcome of this debate notorious blockades, in an effort to better its ran along the lines of the one before it. While a nefarious reputation in the Assembly. sense of unity was present in the atmosphere, with representatives co-operating with one But it perhaps required more conviction to another, the debate lacked the solution aspects conceive its ambitions, eminent by the issues that were essential. later raised against it. These comprised mainly of



Galore of ideas BY Shruti Mishra Dec 17, 2013


he second day of deliberations at the UN Human Rights Council began on an upbeat note; with passionate delegates exhibiting a spirit advocating that “We are not interested in picking up crumbs of compassion thrown from the tables of those who consider themselves our masters- we want the full menu of our rights.” The main objective of the meeting was not to seek to condemn or condone PMCs- it merely sought to clearly explain international humanitarian law with a view to PMCs so that regulation can proceed in a manner that is commensurate with the longstanding principles and rules of that law. The idea that specific acts violating human rights are to be punished rather than the class of personnel the perpetrator falls in, raised a flurry of placards and hopes. It was pointed out that in many ways PMCs do not presently fulfill the six criteria required by the international humanitarian definition of a mercenary. Iraq was of the firm belief that regulation and reform has to begin at the grassroots level-individuals being recruited should go through vigorous training, background checks and psychological screening in order to avoid situatiopns of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. Hilarity ensued when the Russian Federation delegation said that “These proposals for regulations are like Spongebob, the cartoon. It’s

really funny and exciting but look at it closely and you’ll see it has no brains and is full of holes!” A unique analogy came up, that the regulation body should play the roles of a referee in a match. It shouldn’t influence the game of the PMCs, but should definitely ensure that no rights are violated and the rules are followed. The general consensus of the committee was that accountability and regulation of PMCs are the key issues that need to be addressed, implying a tacit acceptance that these companies are here to stay and do not need to be outlawed. To put it slightly hyperbolically, the committee was an arena of orating legends that deliberated, defended and truly certified the UNHRC’s motto“Floods of loathe and past dispute stung the petal itself; yet the clouds of cooperation rained the peace, And chortles of UNHRC embellish the sunny tomorrow.”


Nuclear “prolific” committee BY Natasha Gupta jun 6, 1998


he second session of the United Nations Security Council was perhaps the most imperative sitting of the conference. Like any other council, this one too commenced with the delegates carving a plan of action for the entire day. The reluctance exhibited by India and Pakistan to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was the dominant issue of today’s conference. As pointed out by several delegates, the Kashmir dispute serves as the soil on which the subject of nuclear proliferation has flourished. The delegate of Russian Federation candidly pointed out Pakistan’s defiance to adhere to the UN mandate which stated for her to ‘withdraw her troops from the Kashmiri territory, ergo, how can one trust Pakistan to even ratify the NPT?’ Tension was soaring high between USA and the Russian Federation. The delegate of USA, after much argument, ceded to Russia’s allegations of the former ‘sending armed forces to the Bay of Bengal with the purpose of intimidating India’. The delegate of India was persistently accused of not justifying his reasons for initiating a nuclear weaponry program. After a while, however, he succumbed to the requests of various nations and

clarified India’s motives. Pakistan, as anticipated, disagreed with her nemesis’s explanation. All in all, every diplomat, at one point of time urged the two countries to engage in peaceful bilateral talks.

Retribution for Rural India 17 Dec, 1980 | Pranit Chawla


he right to choose or the choice of each human being to live freely was questioned by this prestigious council. While poverty line and the socio-cultural factors provide the weaker section of our population with reservations to reach equilibrium, their aftercollege lives still prove to be a topic of great controversy. Can they be allowed to contest for the same jobs as others, or should they be regarded with an expression of disparity for the rest of their time on this planet? Shri Subramaniam promptly clarified the committee’s stance on this pressing issue. He stated, “Sometimes, unequals have to be treated as equals to level the playing field” It was his firm belief that a meritorious candidate, regardless

of his method to education, has the right to obtain legal employment in both private and public sectors. Currently, the draft document assures reservation on a public sector basis, which essentially implicates the capabilities of a person with enough knowledge or calibre to make it big. Subramaniam greatly focused on a unique concept of sustainability as well, whose effects have the potential to directly act and uplift individuals residing deep inside the roots of social injustice. The honourable member’s stand would have been fool proof if the disgraceful lives of the agricultural labourers were taken into account. Peasants and farmers, who are the focal point of our food distribution system, are still looking down the barrel. The unpayable interest on loans,

the erratic monsoons and the uncreditable system of sales have reduced the farmer’s life to prodigious depths. These issues also pertain towards an overall drawback in our organization of banks. Nowadays, banks are only found in cities with enough clients to account for the formers profits. A web of banks, which entangles the fertile plains of India, is proving to become the need of the hour. Government backing along with financial support by NGO’s would further increase the tensile strength of this web. With the last day of committee just hours away, can there be an amendment which makes the country postulate again about the condition of those who have been wronged since eternity.

Striking the Right Balance: Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization 24 Oct 1990 | Vardaan Aggarwal


he main point on the agendum of the Cabinet was the Liberalization and Privatization of the economy. Ministers provided cogent arguments, both, against and in favor of Liberalization. Some said that while liberalization is an important -indeed, inevitablestep, the time isn’t right as domestic enterprises are not competent enough to compete in the global market.

Liberalization, and averred that it would expand the market for domestic producers, bring in foreign exchange (currently the holy grail) and assist in technology up gradation.

required to run the “sick” PSUs.

The Railways Minister, however, said that privatization has “no human face”, and that privatization is mainly in the interest of international financial The possibilities of privatization organizations and not India. The too lead to an intense debate. Minister of Information and The proponents of privatization, Broadcasting, too, expressed his including the Ministers of belief that privatization would not Commerce and Industry and generate any significant revenue, Home Affairs, suggested that “sick” and suggested that the exports in public sector units be partially the public sector be increased. The Minister Of Labor and privatized. Employment claimed that since The fiscal deficit, too, was discussed most of India’s labour force works The Cabinet Secretariat referred in detail. in the unorganized sector, there to PSUs as “dead weight” and said would be a mismatch between the that privatization is imperative. LPG or no LPG, it would be safe demand and supply of labour in The Minister of Petroleum claimed to say that the Indian economy is the country in the case of global that privatization would generate headed for a complete overhaul. corporations entering the country employment and revenue, while as these corporations generally the Minister of Finance pointed require skilled, trained labour. But out that privatization would lead most of the Ministers supported to a reduction in the subsidies

Amlan Das Head, International Press

Paritosh Anand Creative Editor

Ravleen Kaur USG, International Press

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