Recital Series: Michael Spyres & Mathieu Pordoy

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WELCOME Park Avenue Armory strives to engage audiences with eclectic, immersive, and thought-provoking works that are in direct dialogue with the Armory’s unconventional spaces to gain new sonic perspectives. Our celebrated Recital Series expands during the 2022 Season to include performances of classical and contemporary music not only in the intimate setting of the Board of Officers Room, but also in other spaces including the Wade Thompson Drill Hall. The Recital Series opens the season with performances by two notable ensembles performing repertoire from opposite ends of the musical spectrum. New music ensemble Alarm Will Sound take over the Drill Hall to perform Grammy and Pulitzer Prizewinning composer John Luther Adams’ Ten Thousand Birds, walking through the space as they play while the audience follows. A major force in the 17th-century French repertory Ensemble Correspondances under the direction of founder Sébastien Daucé presents Plaisirs du Louvre, music from the Chamber of Louis XIII including works by Couperin, Boësset, de Chancy, and others performed on period instruments. Celebrated baritone Justin Austin comes to the Board of Officers Room for an intimate program with pianist Howard Watkins, featuring art songs by Ricky Ian Gordon set to the poems of Langston Hughes as well as works by American composers Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, Kurt Weill, Damien Sneed, and more. And after appearing on some of the world’s most important opera stages, soprano Ying Fang comes to the austerely elegant space with pianist Ken Noda to showcase her unique sensibility and operatic range. We are proud to continue our tradition of fostering rising talent by hosting the North American solo recital debuts of tenor Michael Spyres and mezzo soprano Emily D’Angelo. One of the most sought-after tenors of his generation, Spyres showcases his brilliant artistry with a program of art songs art songs by Beethoven, Berlioz, and Liszt with pianist Mathieu Pordoy. D’Angelo partners with pianist Sophia Muñoz to perform works from her debut album enargeia (Deutsche Grammophon), including songs by Sarah Kirkland Snider, Missy Mazzoli, and Hildegard von Bingen. This year’s lineup offers audiences even more chances to enjoy a beautiful range of chamber music experiences performed by artists with a highly distinctive international profile. We hope you join in our excitement for witnessing these magical moments in music.

Rebecca Robertson Founding President and Executive Producer Pierre Audi Marina Kellen French Artistic Director

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street4



Cover photo: James Ewing.

The Recital Series is supported in part by The Reed Foundation and the Howard & Sarah D. Solomon Foundation.


Support for Park Avenue Armory’s artistic season has been generously provided by the Charina Endowment Fund, the Donald A. Pels Charitable Trust, The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust, the Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, the Howard Gilman Foundation, the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, The Shubert Foundation, The Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Foundation, the Marc Haas Foundation, the Leon Levy Foundation, the May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, the Richenthal Foundation, and the Isak and Rose Weinman Foundation. Additional support has been provided by the Armory’s Artistic Council. Park Avenue Armory is deeply grateful for Senator Charles E. Schumer’s visionary leadership of the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant program.


wednesday, september 7, 2022 at 7:30pm friday, september 9, 2022 at 8:00pm

2 Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street


Franz Liszt Tre Sonetti Del Petrarca, S. 270 Pace non trovo (Sonetto 104 di Petrarca) Benedetto sia ‘l giorno (Sonetto 47 di Petrarca) I’ vidi in terra angelici costume (Sonetto 123 di Petrarca) This performance is approximately 90 minutes including a 15-minute intermission.

Hector Berlioz Les nuits d’été, op. 7 LeVillanellespectre de la rose Sur les lagunes: lamento AuAbsencecimitière: claire de lune L’île inconnue: barcarolle Intermission Ludwig van Beethoven An die ferne Geliebte, op. 98 1. Auf dem Hügel sitz ich spähend 2. Wo die Berge so blau 3. Leichte Segler in den Höhen 4. Diese Wolken in den Höhen 5. Es kehret, der Maien, es blühet die Au 6. Nimm sie hin denn, diese Lieder Hector Berlioz/Franz Liszt L’idée fixe, S. 395 “Andante amoroso”

An die ferne Geliebte (“To the Distant Beloved”), Op. 98 by(1816)Ludwig van Beethoven (Bonn, 1770 – Vienna, 1827)

Three Sonnets of Petrarch, S. 270 (first version, 1842) by Liszt Tuscan-born Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch in English, 130474) was perhaps the first great lyrical poet in the Western world. An heir of the medieval troubadours, he opened the door to the Renaissance, perfecting the form of the sonnet and enabling it to express a breadth and depth of feeling never seen Franzbefore.Liszt, one of the most literary musicians in the 19th century, encountered Petrarch while living in Italy with the Countess Marie d’Agoult, the mother of his three children. He set three sonnets to music for voice and piano, arranging them later for piano solo. (Both the piano and the vocal versions were subsequently revised, not to say completely rewritten.) | @ParkAveArmory

Although published in a single volume, the six songs of Les nuits d'été were not really intended to be performed together. This practice only started after the work had been orchestrated as one of the earliest sets of songs for voice and orchestra.


The poems are by Théophile Gautier (1811-72), a leading French Romantic poet who was a close friend of Berlioz.

Les nuits d’été (“Summer Nights,” 1841), op. 7 by Hector Berlioz (La Côte-Saint-André, France, 1803 –Paris, 1869)

A dove sings a mournful song at the top of the yew-tree in the cemetery, but immediately afterwards the poet and a “young beauty” embark on a journey towards exotic pleasures yet to be discovered.

When Les nuits d'été is presented as a cycle (as has become the norm), one is struck by the arrangement of the songs, with two light-hearted pieces framing four that are downright tragic in their tone. A happy outing in the countryside is followed by the lament of a dead rose, the expression of grief over the death of a lover. Words and music are equally intense when the lover is only absent and we hope, fervently, for her return.

L’idée fixe—Andante amoroso after a melody by Berlioz, S. 395 (1833) by Franz Liszt (Doborján, Hungary [now Raiding, Austria], 1811 – Bayreuth, 1886) Berlioz and Liszt first met in 1830, the day before the first performance of the former’s Symphonie fantastique. They soon became close friends—in fact, Liszt was a witness at the wedding of Berlioz and Harriet Smithson in 1833. The present piano piece, based on the famous idée fixe that runs through the five movements of the Fantastique, was written the same year as the wedding, and revised later. Pianist Leslie Howard, one of the foremost living experts on Liszt, has called it “a sort of propaganda piece” for the symphony. Liszt lovingly surrounded Berlioz’s melody with gentle figurations, turning it into a longing, dreamy nocturne.

The image of the distant beloved—a woman who is far away or otherwise unattainable—has been present in Western poetry and music since the days of the medieval troubadours. It was an idea with which Beethoven, so often hopelessly in love, could certainly identify. He came across the poems of a 20-year-old medical student named Alois Jeitteles just four years after writing his heart-wrenching letter “To the Immortal Beloved” during one of the most emotionally intense periods in his life. The hero of Jeitteles’s poems finds hope in the power of song, which finally defeats distance and (symbolically or realistically) unites the lovers. These words inspired a song cycle that is unique not only in Beethoven’s output but in the history of music as well, for it has little in common with the later cycles of Schubert or Schumann. The six songs are performed without pause, connected by piano interludes. The opening melody returns at the end, framing a cycle whose individual songs vary greatly in tempo, mood, and tonality. Without a doubt, An die ferne Geliebte is one of the most directly autobiographical works Beethoven ever wrote.

Liszt’s melodic writing was heavily influenced by the Italian bel canto style of Bellini, which for Liszt was almost synonymous with Italy. He approached the poems with larger-than-life operatic gestures, dramatizing the poetry and emphasizing Petrarch's imagery which is extremely rich in contrasts. Thus, the first poem is based on the contrasts (war-peace, ice-fire, love-hate) that make many of Petrarch’s sonnets so memorable. Liszt captured these opposites perfectly in his music: a tempestuous opening is followed by a great lyrical melody, a passionate outburst, and a subdued ending as the desperate lover experiences a whole gamut of conflicting emotions. The second sonnet is more unified thanks to the multiple repetitions of the word benedetto (blessed): here the focus is on a single feeling, that of rapture over the presence of the beloved. But total peace and harmony between the amorous poet and the universe is not achieved until the final song, in which the beloved effectively brings Paradise down to the earth... — Peter Laki

In 2019, Pordoy made a double debut at Carnegie Hall in Berlioz’s Lélio with Sir John Eliot Gardiner and in recital with Sabine Devieilhe, with whom he will tour with a new program “Vienna” in such places as Grand-Théâtre Bordeaux, Salle Pierre Boulez of Philharmonie de Paris, Wigmore Hall London, Opernhaus Zürich, Musikverein Vienna and Graz in the 2022-23 season. Together they will also record a new album for Erato.

has worked with some of the world’s most renowned conductors such as Barenboim, Davis, Elder, Gardiner, Gardner, Gergiev, Haïm, Hengelbrock, Luisi, Mariotti, Muti, Nézet-Séguin, Petrenko, Pidò, Rousset, Young, and Zedda.

In his meteoric rise Spyres has quickly established himself as one of the greatest singers of his generation and has sung at venues such as the Teatro alla Scala, Metropolitan Opera, Royal Opera Covent Garden, Paris Opéra National, Bayerische Staatsoper Munich, Teatro Real Madrid, Liceu Barcelona, Lyric Opera Chicago, La Monnaie, Dutch National Opera, Semperoper Dresden, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Carnegie Hall, Gewandhaus Leipzig, Bunka Kaikan Tokyo, Salzburg Festival, Aix-en-Provence Festival, Rossini Opera Festival Pesaro, Edinburgh Festival, and the BBC Proms.

Michael Spyres was born and raised in the Ozarks and grew up in a musical family. He is one of the most sought-after tenors of his generation and has been celebrated on the stages of the world’s most prestigious international opera houses, festivals, and concert halls.

In the 2022-23 season, he appears in Idomeneo and Norma at the Metropolitan Opera, returns to the Paris Opera in Carmen, and performs in a new production of Semele in Munich.

Since 2015 Spyres has had the honor to be the Artistic Director of his hometown opera company, the Ozarks Lyric SpyresOpera.

Since 2008, Pordoy has collaborated on productions every summer with the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence and served as coach for the festival’s young artists’ academy. As a vocal coach and accompanist, he has served on the music staffs of the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Auditorio de Tenerife, Chorégies d’Orange, Oper Köln, Teatro Municipal de Santiago, and Pordoyothers. has collaborated with such conductors as Luisi, Gelmetti, Noseda, Gatti, Roth, Franck, and Altinoglu. He has given recitals and concerts at the Edinburgh International Festival, Opéra Bastille, Musée d’Orsay, and Les Musicales du Luberon, among other venues and festivals. Pordoy graduated with honors from the Paris Conservatoire, where he taught from 2006 to 2011.



French pianist and recitalist Mathieu Pordoy has emerged as one of the most promising coaches of his generation, having worked at the Vienna State Opera, Paris Opera, and Opernhaus Zürich. He also has given master classes at the Mariinsky Academy of Young Opera Singers and has held staff positions with the Canadian Vocal Arts Institute in Montreal and the International Vocal Arts Institute in Israel. With Michael Spyres, he has given a series of recitals throughout Europe and Canada: Opéra de Bordeaux, Oper Frankfurt, Salle Gaveau, Festival de Lanaudière, Théâtre de l’Athénée, A Coruña, and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

4 Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

On the concert platform, Spyres appears in Beethoven’s 9th Symphony at the Staatsoper Berlin, Verdi’s Messa da Requiem in Paris, Handel’s Messiah in London, The Dream of Gerontius in Manchester, Carmen in Strasbourg and London, Norma in Hamburg and Cologne, and La damnation de Faust in St. Louis. Solo concerts and recitals lead him to New York, Washington DC, London, Paris, Berlin, Nîmes, Montpellier, and Antwerp.

HECTOR BERLIOZ (1803-1869)

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The ghost of the rose Open your closed eyelid Which is gently brushed by a virginal dream! I am the ghost of the rose That you wore last night at the ball. You took me when I was still sprinkled with pearls Of silvery tears from the watering-can, And, among the sparkling festivities, You carried me the entire night.

To speak of our beautiful loves, And tell me in your voice so soft: Far,“Forever!”sofaraway, we stray from our path, Setting to flight the hiding rabbit And the buck admiring in the mirror of the water Its great lowered antlers; Then homeward we shall go, joyous and at ease, Entwining our fingers together like baskets; And we shall return home carrying Wild strawberries!

Pour parler de nos beaux amours, Et dis-moi de ta voix si douce: Loin,«Toujours!»bienloin égarant nos courses, Faisons fuir le lapin caché, Et le daim au miroir des sources Admirant son grand bois penché; Puis chez nous tout joyeux, tout aises, En paniers, enlaçant nos doigts, Revenons rapportant des fraises Des bois. Le spectre de la rose Soulêve ta paupière close Qu’effleure un songe virginal; Je suis le spectre d’une rose Que tu portais hier au bal. Tu me pris encore emperlée Des pleurs d’argent de l’arrosoir, Et, parmi la fête étoilée, Tu me promenas tout le soir. Ô toi qui de ma mort fus cause, Sans que tu puisses le chasser, Toute la nuit mon spectre rose À ton chevet viendra danser: Mais ne crains rien, je ne réclame Ni messe ni De Profundis; Ce léger parfum est mon âme, Et j'arrive du du paradis.

Villanelle When the new season arrives, When the cold is gone, Together we will go, my lovely, To gather lilies of the valley in the woods; Strewing beneath our feet the pearls


Mon destin fut digne d’envie; Pour avoir un trépas si beau, Summer Nights

Villanelle Quand viendra la saison nouvelle, Quand auront disparu les froids, Tous les deux, nous irons, ma belle, Pour cueillir le muguet au bois; Sous nos pieds égrénant les perles Que l’on voit, au matin trembler, Nous irons écouter les merles Siffler. Le printemps est venu, ma belle; C’est le mois des amants béni; Et l’oiseau, satinant son aile, Dit des vers au rebord du nid. Oh! viens donc sur le banc de mousse

Les nuits d’été, op. 7 (1841)

Text by Pierre-Jules-Théophile Gautier (1811-1872)

We see trembling each morning, We shall go to listen to the blackbirds

SpringSinging!has come, my lovely; This is the month most blessed by lovers; And the bird, preening its wings until they are like satin, Recites some lines at the edge of its nest. Oh! Come then onto the mossy bank

Translation by Emily Ezust © 2015

O you, who caused my death: Without the power to chase it away, You will be visited every night by my ghost, Which will dance at your bedside. But fear nothing; I demand Neither Mass nor De Profundis; This mild perfume is my soul, And I've come from Paradise. My destiny is worthy of envy; And to have a fate so fine,

| @ParkAveArmory

More than one would give his life For on your breast I have my tomb, And on the alabaster where I rest, A poet with a kiss Wrote: Here lies a rose, Of which all kings may be jealous.

6 Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

Above me the immense night Spreads itself like a shroud; I sing my romanza That heaven alone hears. Ah! how beautiful she was, And how I loved her! I will never love Another woman as much as I loved her; How bitter is my fate! ah! without love, to go to sea! Absence Return, return, my beloved! Like a flower far from the sun, The flower of my life is shut, Far from your rosy smile!

Between our hearts such distance! Such space between our kisses! O bitter destiny! O harsh absence! O great, unappeasable desires!

Between here and there what lands, What cities and hamlets, What valleys and montains, To exhaust the feet of horses!

Au pays qui me prend ma belle, Hélas! si je pouvais aller; Et si mon corps avait une aile Comme mon âme pour voler!

To the land that has taken my love Ah! if only I could go; If only my body had wings With which to fly, like my soul!

Plus d’un aurait donné sa vie, Car j’ai ta gorge pour tombeau, Et sur l’albâtre où je repose Un poète, avec un baiser, Écrivit: Ci-gît une rose Que tous les rois vont jalouser. Sur les lagunes: lamento Ma belle amie est morte: Je pleurerai toujours; Sous la tombe elle emporte Mon âme et mes amours. Dans le ciel, sans m’attendre, Elle s’en retourna; L’ange qui l’emmena Ne voulut pas me prendre. Que mon sort est amer! Ah! sans amour, s’en aller sur la mer! La blanche créature Est couchée au cercueil. Comme dans la nature Tout me paraît en deuil! La colombe oubliée Pleure et songe à l’absent; Mon âme pleure et sent Qu’elle est dépareillée. Que mon sort est amer! Ah! sans amour, s’en aller sur la mer! Sur moi la nuit immense S’étend comme un linceul; Je chante ma romance Que le ciel entend seul. Ah! comme elle était belle, Et comme je l’aimais! Je n’aimerai jamais Une femme autant qu’elle. Que mon sort est amer! Ah! sans amour, s’en aller sur la mer! Absence Reviens, reviens, ma bien-aimée! Comme une fleur loin du soleil, La fleur de ma vie est fermée, Loin de ton sourire vermeil. Entre nos cœurs tant de distance; Tant d’espace entre nos baisers. Ô sort amer! ô dure absence! Ô grands désirs inapaisés!

On the lagoons: lament My beautiful love is dead, I shall weep always; Into the tomb, she has taken My soul and my love. Without waiting for me, She has returned to heaven. The angel which took her there Did not want to take me. How bitter is my fate! Ah! without love, to go to sea! The white creature Is lying in the coffin; How all in Nature Seems bereaved to me!

D’ici là-bas que de campagnes, Que de villes et de hameaux, Que de vallons et de montagnes, À lasser le pied des chevaux!

The forgotten dove Weeps and dreams of the one who is absent; My soul cries and feels That it has been abandoned. How bitter is my fate, Ah! without love, to go to sea!

At the cemetery: moonlight Do you know the white tomb Where floats with plaintive sound, The shadow of a yew?

On the yew a pale dove, Sad and alone under the setting sun, Sings its song: An air sickly tender, At the same time charming and ominous, Which makes you feel agony Yet which you wish to hear always; An air like a sigh from the heavens of a love-lorn angel.

One feels the slow return Of a memory.

One would say that an awakened soul Is weeping under the earth in unison With this song, And from the misfortune of being forgotten, Moans its sorrow in a cooing Quite soft. On the wings of the music

Par-dessus les vertes collines, Les montagnes au front d’azur, Les champs rayés et les ravines, J’irais d’un vol rapide et sûr. Le corps ne suit pas la pensée; Pour moi, mon âme, va tout droit, Comme une colombe blessée, T’abattre au rebord de son toit. Descends dans sa gorge divine, Blonde et fauve comme de l’or, Douce comme un duvet d’hermine, Sa gorge, mon royal trésor; Et dis, mon âme, à cette belle: « Tu sais bien qu’il compte les jours! Ô ma colombe! à tire d’aile, Retourne au nid de nos amours. » Au cimitière: clair de lune Connaissez-vous la blanche tombe, Où flotte avec un son plaintif L’ombre d’un if? Sur l’if une pâle colombe, Triste et seule au soleil couchant, Chante son chant: Un air maladivement tendre, À la fois charmant et fatal, Qui vous fait mal, Et qu’on voudrait toujours entendre; Un air, comme en soupire aux cieux L’ange amoureux.

Oh! never again near the tomb Shall I go, when night lets fall Its black mantle, To hear the pale dove Sing on the limb of the yew Its plaintive song!

Lower yourself onto that divine bosom, As lovely and burnished as gold, As soft as an ermine duvet, Her bosom, my royal treasure; And say, my soul, to this beauty: “You know well that he is counting the days! O my dove! Take flight And return to the nest of our loves.”

Sur les ailes de la musique On sent lentement revenir Un souvenir; Une ombre de forme angélique, Passe dans un rayon tremblant, En voile blanc. Les belles-de-nuit demi-closes, Jettent leur parfum faible et doux Autour de vous, Et le fantôme aux molles poses Murmure en vous tendant les bras: « Tu reviendras? » Oh! jamais plus, près de la tombe, Je n’irai, quand descend le soir Au manteau noir, Écouter la pâle colombe Chanter sur la branche de l’if Son chant plaintif !

A shadow, a form angelic, Passes in a trembling ray of light, In a white veil. The beautiful flowers of the night, half-closed, Send their perfume, faint and sweet, Around you, And the phantom of soft form Murmurs, reaching to you her arms: You will return!

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The body does not obey the thought; For me, my soul goes straight ahead And, like a wounded dove, Collapses upon the edge of her roof.

Over the green hills, Over mountains with azure brows, Over scraped fields and ravines, I would go in rapid and secure flight.

On dirait que l’âme éveillée Pleure sous terre à l’unisson De la chanson, Et du malheur d’être oubliée Se plaint dans un roucoulement Bien doucement.

Dites, la jeune belle! Où voulez-vous aller? La voile ouvre son aile, La brise va souffler! Est-ce dans la Baltique, Sur la mer Pacifique, Dans l’île de Java? Ou bien dans la Norwége, Cueillir la fleur de neige, Ou la fleur d'Angsoka? Dites, la jeune belle, Où voulez-vous aller? La voile ouvre son aile, La brise va souffler!

– Cette rive, ma chère, On ne la connaît guère Au pays des amours.

L’île inconnue: barcarolle Dites, la jeune belle, Où voulez-vous aller? La voile ouvre son aile, La brise va souffler! L’aviron est d’ivoire, Le pavillon de moire, Le gouvernail d’or fin; J’ai pour lest une orange, Pour voile une aile d’ange, Pour mousse un séraphin.

– Menez-moi, dit la belle, À la rive fidèle Où l’on aime toujours.

Unknown island: barcarolle Say, young beauty, Where do you wish to go? The sail swells, The breeze will blow. The oar is made of ivory, The flag is of silk, The helm is of fine gold; I have for ballast an orange, For a sail, the wing of an angel, For a deck boy, a seraph. Say, young beauty, Where do you wish to go? The sail swells, The breeze will blow. Is it to the Baltic? To the Pacific Ocean? To the island of Java? Or else to Norway, To gather the flower of the snow, Or the flower of Angsoka? Say, young beauty, Where do you wish to go? The sail swells, The breeze will blow. – Lead me, says the beauty, To the faithful shore Where one loves always! – This shore, my darling, We hardly know at all In the land of Love.

8 Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

| @ParkAveArmory

An die ferne Geliebte, op. 98 (1916)

2. Wo die Berge so blau Wo die Berge so blau Aus dem nebligen Grau Schauen herein, Wo die Sonne verglüht, Wo die Wolke umzieht, Möchte ich sein! Dort im ruhigen Tal Schweigen Schmerzen und Qual. Wo im Gestein Still die Primel dort sinnt, Weht so leise der Wind, Möchte ich sein! Hin zum sinnigen Wald Drängt mich Liebesgewalt, Innere Pein. Ach, mich zög’s nicht von hier, Könnt ich, Traute, bei dir Ewiglich sein!


1. Auf den Hügel sitz ich spähend Auf dem Hügel sitz ich spähend In das blaue Nebelland, Nach den fernen Triften sehend, Wo ich dich, Geliebte, fand. Weit bin ich von dir geschieden, Trennend liegen Berg und Tal Zwischen uns und unserm Frieden, Unserm Glück und unsrer Qual. Ach, den Blick kannst du nicht sehen, Der zu dir so glühend eilt, Und die Seufzer, sie verwehen In dem Raume, der uns teilt. Will denn nichts mehr zu dir dringen, Nichts der Liebe Bote sein? Singen will ich, Lieder singen, Die dir klagen meine Pein! Denn vor Liebesklang entweichet Jeder Raum und jede Zeit, Und ein liebend Herz erreichet Was ein liebend Herz geweiht!

Text by Alois Jeitteles (1794-1858)

1. I sit on the hill, gazing I sit on the hill, gazing Into the misty blue countryside, Towards the distant meadows Where, my love, I first found you. Now I’m far away from you, Mountain and valley intervene Between us and our peace, Our happiness and our pain. Ah, you cannot see the fiery gaze That wings its way towards you, And my sighs are lost In the space that comes between us. Will nothing ever reach you again? Will nothing be love’s messenger? I shall sing, sing songs That speak to you of my distress! For sounds of singing put to flight

3. Light clouds sailing on high Light clouds sailing on high, And you, narrow little brook, If you catch sight of my love, Greet her a thousand times. If, clouds, you see her walking Thoughtful in the silent valley, Let my image loom before her In the airy vaults of heaven. If she be standing by the bushes Autumn has turned fallow and bare, Pour out to her my fate, Pour out, you birds, my torment. Soft west winds, waft my sighs To her my heart has chosen –

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3. Leichte Segler in den Höhen Leichte Segler in den Höhen, Und du, Bächlein klein und schmal, Könnt mein Liebchen ihr erspähen, Grüßt sie mir viel tausendmal. Seht ihr, Wolken, sie dann gehen Sinnend in dem stillen Tal, Laßt mein Bild vor ihr entstehen In dem luft’gen Himmelssaal. Wird sie an den Büschen stehen, Die nun herbstlich falb und kahl. Klagt ihr, wie mir ist geschehen, Klagt ihr, Vöglein, meine Qual. Stille Weste, bringt im Wehen Hin zu meiner Herzenswahl

To the Distant Beloved

Translation by Richard Stokes

2. Where the blue mountains Where the blue mountains From the misty grey Look out towards me, Where the sun’s glow fades, Where the clouds scud by –There would I be! There, in the peaceful valley, Pain and torment cease. Where among the rocks The primrose meditates in silence, And the wind blows so softly –There would I be! I am driven to the musing wood By the power of love, Inner pain. Ah, nothing could tempt me from here, If I were able, my love, To be with you eternally!

All space and all time; And a loving heart is reached By what a loving heart has hallowed!

Meine Seufzer, die vergehen Wie der Sonne letzter Strahl. Flüstr’ ihr zu mein Liebesflehen, Laß sie, Bächlein klein und schmal, Treu in deinen Wogen sehen Meine Tränen ohne Zahl! 4. Diese Wolken in den Höhen Diese Wolken in den Höhen, Dieser Vöglein muntrer Zug, Werden dich, o Huldin, sehen. Nehmt mich mit im leichten Flug! Diese Weste werden spielen Scherzend dir um Wang’ und Brust, In den seidnen Locken wühlen. –Teilt ich mit euch diese Lust! Hin zu dir von jenen Hügeln Emsig dieses Bächlein eilt. Wird ihr Bild sich in dir spiegeln, Fließ zurück dann unverweilt! 5. Es kehret der Maien, es blühet die Au Es kehret der Maien, Es blühet die Au, Die Lüfte, sie wehen So milde, so lau, Geschwätzig die Bäche nun rinnen. Die Schwalbe, die kehret Zum wirtlichen Dach, Sie baut sich so emsig Ihr bräutlich Gemach, Die Liebe soll wohnen da drinnen. Sie bringt sich geschäftig Von kreuz und von Quer Manch weicheres Stück Zu dem Brautbett hieher, Manch wärmendes Stück für die Kleinen. Nun wohnen die Gatten Beisammen so treu, Was Winter geschieden, Verband nun der Mai, Was liebet, das weiß er zu einen. Es kehret der Maien, Es blühet die Au. Die Lüfte, sie wehen So milde, so lau; Nur ich kann nicht ziehen von hinnen. Wenn alles, was liebet, Der Frühling vereint, Nur unserer Liebe Kein Frühling erscheint, Und Tränen sind all ihr Gewinnen. Sighs that fade away Like the sun’s last ray. Whisper to her my entreaties, Let her, narrow little brook, Truly see in your ripples My never-ending tears! 4. These clouds on high These clouds on high, This cheerful flight of birds Will see you, O gracious one. Take me lightly winging too! These west winds will playfully Blow about your cheeks and breast, Will ruffle your silken tresses. –Would I might share that joy! This brooklet hastens eagerly To you from those hills. If she’s reflected in you, Flows directly back to me! 5. May returns, the meadow blooms. May returns, The meadow blooms. The breezes blow So gentle, so mild, The babbling brooks flow again, The swallow returns To its rooftop home, And eagerly builds Her bridal chamber, Where love shall dwell. She busily brings From every direction Many soft scraps For the bridal bed, Many warm scraps for her young. Now the pair lives Faithfully together, What winter parted, May has joined, For May can unite all who love. May returns, The meadow blooms. The breezes blow So gentle, so mild; I alone cannot move on. When spring unites All AndKnowsOurlovers,lovealonenospring,tearsareitsonly gain.

10 Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

Pace non trovo (Sonetto 104 di Petrarca) Pace non trovo, et non ò da far guerra; e temo, et spero; et ardo, et son un ghiaccio; et volo sopra ‘l cielo, et giaccio in terra; et nulla stringo, et tutto ‘l mondo abbraccio.

Pascomi di dolor, piangendo rido; egualmente mi spiace morte et vita: in questo stato son, donna, per voi.

Love has me in a prison which he neither opens nor shuts fast. He neither slays nor unshackles me; he neither claims me for his own nor loosens my halter; he would not have me live, yet leaves me with my torment.

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And blessed be the first sweet pang I suffered when Love overwhelmed me, the bows and arrows which stung me, and the wounds which pierce to my heart.

Benedetto sia ‘l giorno, e ‘l mese, e l’anno, E la stagione, e ‘l tempo, e l’ora, e ‘l punto E ‘l bel paese e ‘l loco, ov’io fui giunto Da’duo begli occhi che legato m’ànno; E benedetto il primo dolce affanno Ch’i’ ebbi ad esser con Amor congiunto, E l’arco e la saette ond’ i’ fui punto, E le piaghe, ch’infino al cor mi vanno.

Tre Sonetti del Petrarca, S. 270 (first version, 1842)

Tal m’à in pregion, che non m’apre né serra, né per suo mi riten né scioglie il laccio; et non m’ancide Amore, et non mi sferra, né mi vuol vivo, né mi trae d'impaccio.

6. Accept, then, these songs Accept, then, these songs I sang for you, beloved; Sing them again at evening To the lute’s sweet sound! As the red light of evening draws Towards the calm blue lake, And its last rays fade Behind those mountain heights; And you sing what I sang From a full heart With no display of art, Aware only of longing: Then, at these songs, The distance that parted us shall recede, And a loving heart be reached By what a loving heart has hallowed!

FRANZ LISZT (1811-1886)

Three Sonnets by Petrarch Translation by Opera Lirica

Eyeless I gaze and tongueless I cry out; I long to perish, yet plead for succour; I hate myself, but love another. I feed on grief, yet weeping, laugh; death and life alike repel me: to this state I am come, my lady, because of you.

Blessed be the day Blessed be the day, the month, the year, the season, the hour, the moment, the lovely scene, and the place where I was enslaved by two lovely eyes which bind me fast.

Text by Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)

Benedetto sia ‘l giorno (Sonetto 47 di Petrarca)

Veggio senza occhi, et non ò lingua et grido; et bramo di perir, et cheggio aita; et ò in odio me stesso, et amo altrui.

I find no peace I find no peace, but for war am not inclined. I fear, yet home, I burn, yet am turned to ice. I soar in the heavens, but lie upon the ground. I hold nothing, though I embrace the whole world.

6. Nimm sie hin den, diese Lieder Nimm sie hin denn, diese Lieder, Die ich dir, Geliebte, sang, Singe sie dann abends wieder Zu der Laute süßem Klang! Wenn das Dämmrungsrot dann ziehet Nach dem stillen blauen See, Und sein letzter Strahl verglühet Hinter jener Bergeshöh; Und du singst, was ich gesungen, Was mir aus der vollen Brust Ohne Kunstgepräng erklungen, Nur der Sehnsucht sich bewußt: Dann vor diesen Liedern weichet Was geschieden uns so weit, Und ein liebend Herz erreichet Was ein liebend Herz geweiht!

I’ vidi in terra angelici costumi, E celesti bellezze al mondo sole; Tal che di rimembrar mi giova, e dole: Che quant’io miro, par sogni, ombre, e fumi.

12 Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

I beheld on earth angelic graces I beheld on earth angelic graces, and heavenly beauty unmatched in this world, it brings me joy and pain to remember it, for the more I look the more it seems a dream, shadows and mists And I beheld tears spring from those two lovely eyes, which a thousand times have put the sun to shame, and sighing, I heard words whispered which would move mountains and halt rivers.

Amor! senno! valor, pietate, e doglia Facean piangendo un più dolce concento D’ogni altro, che nel mondo udir si soglia.

Love, wisdom, excellence, pity and grief made in that lament a sweeter concert than any other to be heard on earth. And heaven on that harmony was so intent that not a leaf upon the bough was seen to stir, such sweetness had filled the air and winds.

E vidi lagrimar que’ duo bei lumi, Ch’han fatto mille volte invidia al sole; Ed udì’ sospirando dir parole Che farian gir i monti, e stare i fiumi.

Ed era ‘l cielo all’armonia s’intento Che non si vedea in ramo mover foglia. Tanta dolcezza avea pien l’aer e ‘l vento. Blessed be the many voices which have echoed when I have called Laura’s name, the sighs and tears, and the longing.

Benedette le voci tante, ch’io Chiamando il nome di Laura ho sparte, E i sospiri e le lagrime e ‘l desio.

And blessed be all those writings in which I have spread her fame, and my thoughts, which stem from her and center on her alone.

E benedette sian tutte le carte Ov’io fama le acquisto, e il pensier mio, Ch’è sol di lei, si ch’altra non v’ha parte.

I’ vidi in terra angelici costume (Sonetto 123 di Petrarca)


Additional notable programs include performances by: baritone Christian Gerhaher with pianist Gerold Huber; the Flux Quartet; tenor Ian Bostridge with pianist Wenwen Du; pianist David Fray; soprano Lisette Oropesa with pianist John Churchwell; countertenor Andreas Scholl with harpsichordist Tamar Halperin; soprano Kate Royal with pianist Joseph Middleton; pipa player Wu Man and the Shanghai Quartet; tenor Lawrence Brownlee with pianists Myra Huang and Jason Moran; mezzo soprano Isabel Leonard with pianist Ted Sperling; soprano Nadine Sierra with pianist Brian Wagorn; Rosa Feola with pianist Iain Burnside; cellist Nicolas Altstaedt; tenor Paul Appleby with pianist Conor Hanick; baritone Will Liverman with pianist Myra Huang; and mezzo soprano Jamie Barton with pianist and composer Jake Heggie.

september 16 & 18 Internationally recognized Emily D’Angelo presents a program that will highlight pieces from her debut album enargeia on Deutsche Grammophon, including songs by Sarah Kirkland Snider, Missy Mazzoli, and Hildegard von Bingen. The program also features works by other noted female composers Cecilia Livingston, Florence Price, Rebecca Clarke, Fanny Mendelssohn, and Clara Schumann as well excerpts from Aaron Copland’s Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson and two songs by Schönberg.


october 26 & 27 “Star in the making” (The New York Times) soprano Ying Fang is cultivating a burgeoning international career on some of the world’s most important opera stages. The New York Times praised her performance at The Metropolitan Opera as “a source of pure joy and light…sung with a soprano of succulent sweetness.”


The Recital Series has programmed the world premieres of Roger Reynolds’ FLiGHT performed by the JACK Quartet and Michael Hersch’s “…das Rückgrat berstend” performed by violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja and cellist Jay Campbell. Actor Charlotte Rampling and cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton gave the US premiere of The Night Dances on the series in 2015, which brought together Benjamin Britten’s suites for solo cello and poetry by Sylvia Plath; Wieder-Atherton returned to the Armory in 2017 for the North American premiere of Little Girl Blue, a program that reimagined the music of Nina Simone. New York premieres include: Anna Thorvaldsdottir’s In the Light of Air and Shades of Silence performed by the International Contemporary Ensemble; Dai Kujikura’s Minina, John Zorn’s Baudelaires, and a new arrangement of Messiaen’s Chants de terre et de ciel, also performed by ICE; Michael Gordon’s Rushes performed by the Rushes Ensemble; Michael Harrison’s Just Constellations performed by Roomful of Teeth; David Lang’s depart, Gabriel Jackson’s Our flags are wafting in hope and grief and Rigwreck, Kile Smith’s “Conversation in the Mountains” from Where Flames A Word, Louis Andriessen’s Ahania Weeping, Suzanne Giraud’s Johannisbaum, David Shapiro’s Sumptuous Planet, Benjamin CS Boyle’s Empire of Crystal, and Ted Hearne’s Animals (commissioned by Park Avenue Armory), all performed by The Crossing under conductor Donald Nally; and John Zorn’s Jumalatteret sung by soprano Barbara Hannigan with pianist Stephen Gosling.


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Park Avenue Armory presents more intimate performances and programs in its acclaimed Recital Series, which showcases musical talent from across the globe in an intimate salon setting. Launched in 2013 with the revitalization of the Board of Officers Room, the series has held the debuts of many world-class artists, including: the North American recital debuts of pianist Igor Levit, soprano Sabine Devieilhe, tenor Ilker Arcayürek, baritones Benjamin Appl and Roderick Williams, clarinetist Andreas Ottensamer, and cellist István Várdai; the US Recital debuts of sopranos Barbara Hannigan and Anna Lucia Richter and baritone Thomas Oliemans; and the New York debut of pianist Severin von Eckardstein and the Dudok Quartet Amsterdam.

Highlights from the public programs include: symposiums such as Carrie Mae Weems’ day-long event called The Shape of Things, whose participants included Elizabeth Alexander, Theaster Gates, Elizabeth Diller, and Nona Hendryx; a day-long Lenape Pow Wow and Standing Ground Symposium held in the Wade Thompson Drill Hall, the first congregation of Lenape Leaders on Manhattan Island since the 1700s; salons such as the Literature Salon hosted by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, whose participants included Lynn Nottage, Suzan Lori-Parks, and Jeremy O. Harris, and a Spoken Word Salon co-hosted with the Nuyorican Poets Cafe; and most recently, 100 Years | 100 Women, a multi-organization commissioning project that invited 100 women artists and cultural creators to respond to women’s suffrage.

14 Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

Part palace, part industrial shed, Park Avenue Armory fills a critical void in the cultural ecology of New York, supporting unconventional works in the performing and visual arts that cannot be fully realized in a traditional proscenium theater, concert hall, or white wall gallery. With its soaring 55,000-square-foot Wade Thompson Drill Hall and an array of exuberant period rooms, the Armory enables a diverse range of artists to create, students to explore, and audiences to experience epic, adventurous, relevant work that cannot be done elsewhere in New York.

Programmatic highlights from the Wade Thompson Drill Hall include Ernesto Neto’s anthropodino, a magical labyrinth extended across the Drill Hall; Bernd Alois Zimmermann’s harrowing Die Soldaten, in which the audience moved “through the music”; the event of a thread, a site-specific installation by Ann Hamilton; the final performances of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company on three separate stages; an immersive Macbeth set in a Scottish heath with Kenneth Branagh; WS by Paul McCarthy, a monumental installation of fantasy, excess, and dystopia; a radically inclusive staging of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion staged by Peter Sellars and performed by Sir Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker; eight-time Drama Desk-nominated play The Hairy Ape, directed by Richard Jones and starring Bobby Cannavale; Hansel & Gretel, a new commission by Ai Weiwei, Jacques Herzog, and Pierre de Meuron that explored publicly shared space in the era of surveillance; FLEXN and FLEXN Evolution, two Armorycommissioned presentations of the Brooklyn-born dance activists group the D.R.E.A.M. Ring, created by Reggie “Regg Roc” Gray and Director Peter Sellars; Simon Stone’s heralded production of Yerma starring Billie Piper in her North American debut; The Let Go, a site-specific immersive dance celebration by Nick Cave; Satoshi Miyagi’s stunning production of Antigone set in a lake; Sam Mendes’ critically acclaimed production of The Lehman Trilogy; the Black Artists Retreat hosted by Theaster Gates, which included public talks and performances, private sessions for the 300 attending artists, and a roller skating rink; Deep Blue Sea by Bill T. Jones and the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Companies; The Shape of Things, a multi-work installation, convening, and performance series by Carrie Mae Weems; Rashaad Newsome’s Assembly; and the North American premiere of Michel van der Aa’s Upload featuring Julia Bullock and Roderick Williams. Productions in the Armory’s Social Distance Hall included works by Bill T. Jones; David Byrne, Christine Jones, and Steven Hoggett; Laurie Anderson and Jason Moran; and Robert Icke.


In its historic period rooms, the Armory presents more intimate performances and programs, including its acclaimed Recital Series, which showcases musical talent from across the globe within the intimate salon setting of the Board of Officers Room; the Artists Studio series curated by MacArthur “Genius” and jazz phenom Jason Moran in the newly restored Veterans Room, which features a diverse array of innovative artists and artistic pairings that reflect the imaginative improvisation of the young designers and artists who originally conceived the space; and a Public Programming series that brings diverse artists and thought-leaders together for discussion and performance around the important issues of our time.

Among the performers who have appeared in the Recital Series and the Artists Studio in the Armory’s restored Veterans Room or the Board of Officers Rooms are: Christian Gerhaher; Ian Bostridge; Jason Moran; Lawrence Brownlee; Barbara Hannigan; Lisette Oropesa; Roscoe Mitchell; Conrad Tao and Tyshawn Sorey; Rashaad Newsome; and Krency Garcia (“El Prodigio”). | @ParkAveArmory

Edward G. Klein, Brigadier General NYNG (Ret.) Ken

Current Artists-in-Residence at the Armory include two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Lynn Nottage; Obie winner and Pulitzer short-listed playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and Carmelita Tropicana; Reggie “Regg Roc” Gray and the D.R.E.A.M. Ring; singer and composer Sara Serpa; Tony Award-winning set designer and director Christine Jones and choreographer Steven Hoggett; and Mimi Lien, the first set designer to receive a MacArthur Fellowship. The Armory also supports artists through an active commissioning program including such artists as Bill T. Jones, Lynn Nottage, Carrie Mae Weems, Michel van der Aa, Tyshawn Sorey, Raashad Newsome, Julian Rosefeldt, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, and others.

The Armory has undertaken an ongoing $215-million renovation and restoration of its historic building designed by architects Herzog & de Meuron, with Platt Byard Dovell White as Executive Architects.


The Armory also offers creativity-based arts education programs at no cost to thousands of underserved New York City public school students, engaging them with the institution’s artistic programming and outside-the-box creative processes.




Directors Emeriti Harrison M. Bains, Jr. Angela E. Thompson

Chairman Emeritus Elihu Rose, PhD Co-Chairs Adam R. Flatto Amanda J.T. Riegel President Rebecca Robertson Vice Chair Wendy Belzberg Founding 2000–2009Chairman, Wade F.B. Thompson Vice Presidents David Fox Pablo EmanuelLegorretaStern Treasurer Emanuel Stern Pierre Audi, Marina Kellen French Artistic Director Marina Abramović Sir David Adjaye OBE Abigail Baratta Joyce F. Brown Cora

september 27 – october 8


Fifty years ago, composer Morton Feldman wrote music to commemorate the opening of the Rothko Chapel in Houston. A half-century later, composer, conductor, multiinstrumentalist and MacArthur “Genius” Tyshawn Sorey has created a new piece, commissioned by the Armory, as a tribute to both the deeply contemplative space and the work by this composer that has influenced his creative output. The resulting score provides the listener with the feeling of being enveloped in sound in much the same way that Mark Rothko’s paintings give in that space, revealing ever changing shades of color and texture. Visionary director Peter Sellars returns to the Armory following his unforgettable stagings of St. Matthew Passion (2014) and FLEXN (2015, 2017) to ritualize this deeply moving work. Within the confines of a ceremonial chamber, audiences are immersed in Sorey’s composition, works by celebrated visual artist Julie Mehretu, and choreography by flex pioneer Reggie “Regg Roc” Gray to gain new perspectives on time, space, and movement.

Pianist, composer, and electronic musician Craig Taborn is joined by multimedia artist Camille Norment as they return to the Armory after their debut in 2016. Using the physical elements of automobiles to launch in their exploration of space and sound, these two mavericks explore what is known and unknown in the world of sonic play.

Legendary Chicana performance and visual artist Nao Bustamante prototypes a new vision for feminist autonomy.

16 Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

EUPHORIA november 29, 2022 – january 8, 2023


Conceptual artist Rodney McMillian presents his musical performance Hanging with Clarence, based on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ 1985 commencement address at Savannah State University that was rich with conservative views on social programs, race, and sexual harassment. Performed by McMillian and two back-up singers Shauna Howard and Tekeytha Fullwood, the theater work uses Thomas’ speech as its text, while weaving in the artist’s music and poetry.



Artist and filmmaker Julian Rosefeldt continues his examination of the power of language and the conventions of cinema as an allegory for societal and individual behaviors with the multi-channel film installation Euphoria, which explores capitalism, colonialism, and the influential effects of unlimited economic growth in society. This immersive new work, commissioned by the Armory, is presented in an arena-like setting, fully surrounding the viewer with life-size projections of the Brooklyn Youth Chorus and acclaimed jazz drummers Terri Lynne Carrington, Peter Erskine, Yissy Garcia, Eric Harland, and Antonio Sanchez, featuring a stereophonic score by composer Samy Moussa. Thoughts and musings from a variety of sources from economists, business magnates, and celebrities take on new meaning as they are reinterpreted as poetic monologues in real and imagined scenes of euphoric production and consumption. The result is a searing monument to the history of greed that raises seminal questions around the success and enduring legacy of entrepreneurship. MAKING SPACE AT THE ARMORY BLOOM september 10


november 18

Artists, activists, and designers engage the meeting of land with water. Facing climate change and rising sea levels, this event links New York with communities across the nation and globe that sit at water’s edge. Centering the work of Indigenous water protectors who challenge extractive futures, as well as a generation of youth leaders who are rebelling against climate nihilism, Art at Water’s Edge is an intergenerational forum for the imagination in action.

Christy Kidd Controller Khemraj Dat Senior Staff Accountant Zeinebou Dia Junior Accountant

Lori Nelson Executive Assistant to the President Nathalie Etienne Administrative Assistant, President’s Office Simone Elhart Project Manager

Sam Cortez Associate Producer/Company Manager Oscar Peña Programming Coordinator

Ciara Ward Youth Corps Manager Drew Petersen Education Special Projects Manager


Alejandra Ortiz Assistant House Manager

Kirsten Reoch Director of Capital Planning, Preservation, and Institutional Relations David Burnhauser Collection Manager

Jason Moran Curator, Artists Studio Tavia Nyong’o Curator, Public Programming

Sam Cole Director of Development

Michael Buffer Database Manager

Anne Amundson, Cal Lane, Mary McDonnell, Rocky Nardone, Sienna Sherman Box Office Associates Resnicow + Associates, Inc. Press Representatives


Jacqueline Babek, Emma Buford, Sarah Gallick, Daniel Gomez, Eboni Green, Nariah Green, Maxim Ibadov, Sandra Kitt, Christine Lemme, Beth Miller, Drew O’Bryan, Jon Ovadia, Regina Pearsall, Shimel Purnell, Eileen Rourke, Michael Simon, Kin Tam, Kathleen White Ushers

FINANCE Jim McGlynn Chief Financial Officer

Michael Lonergan Chief Artistic Producer Kevin Condardo General Manager Melanie Milton Producer Rachel Rosado Producer Darian Suggs Associate Director, Public Programming

Arabia Elliot Currence, Victoria Fernandez, Sebastian Harris, Melissa Velasquez Teaching Apprentices Habib Apo-oyin, Zeinebou Dia, Fatoumata Diallo, Melina Jorge, Taylor Maheia, Oscar Montenegro, Jason Quizhpi, Angela Reynoso, Silas Rodriguez, Lucille Vasquez Youth Corps



Cassidy L. Jones Chief Education Officer Monica Weigel McCarthy Director of Education

Rebecca Robertson Founding President and Executive Producer Pierre Audi Marina Kellen French Artistic Director


Yejin Kim Senior Special Events Coordinator Rose Cole-Cohen Special Events Coordinator

Allison Abbott Press and Editorial Manager




Nadia Parfait School Programs Coordinator Bev Vega Youth Corps Coordinator Kate Bell, Emily Bruner, Donna Costello, Alexander Davis, Asma Feyijinmi, Hawley Hussey, Larry Jackson, Hector Morales, Peter Musante, Drew Petersen, Leigh Poulos, Neil Tyrone Pritchard, Vickie Tanner Teaching Artists Wilson Castro, Shar Galarza, Daniel Gomez, Nancy K. Gomez, Maxim Ibadov, Stephanie Mesquita, Paola Ocampo, Amo Ortiz, Catherine Talton Teaching Associates

Jenni Kim Chief Operating Officer Ashlee Willaman Director of Human Resources Marc Von Braunsberg Director of Operations and Security Chris Sperry Facilities Manager Williams Say Superintendent Leandro Dasso, Mayra DeLeon, Mario Esquilin, Jeferson Avila, Olga Cruz, Justin DeLeon Nieto, Jazmin Dominguez, Howard Johnson, Cristina Moreira, Tyrell Shannon Castillo, Joshua Rosa, Cindy Fabara Maintenance Staff Oku Okoko Director of IT Ethan Cohen IT Administrator Bobby Wolf Senior House Manager Daniel George House Manager

Aarti Ogirala Associate Director of Education, School Programs

Joe Petrowski Director of Ticketing and Customer Relations

PRODUCTION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sarah Billinghurst Solomon and Matthew Epstein Artistic Consultants for Vocal Recitals

Tom Trayer Chief Marketing Officer Nick Yarbrough Senior Digital Marketing Manager

Monica Diaz Box Office Manager


Paul King Director of Production Claire Marberg Deputy Director of Production Nicholas Lazzaro Technical Director Lars Nelson Technical Director Rachel Baumann Production Coordinator

| @ParkAveArmory

Steinway & Sons

Helmut Fischer & Simone Lauterbour, Fischer Arts International Peter Russell, Kennedy Center, Vocal Arts

Rachel Risso-Gill Senior Director of Individual Giving Billy Fidler Director of Institutional Giving Jennifer Ramon Associate Director of Individual Giving Adithya Pratama Individual Giving Coordinator

Melanie Forman Chief Development Officer Charmaine Portis Executive Assistant to the Chief Development Officer

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street18 PARK AVENUE ARMORY ARTISTIC COUNCIL Anne-VictoireAnonymous Auriault/Goldman Sachs AbigailGivesand Joseph Baratta Wendy Belzberg and Strauss Zelnick Sonja and Martin J. Brand Noreen HélèneElizabethBuckfireColemanandStuyvesant Comfort Caroline and Paul Cronson Emme and Jonathan Deland Jennie L. and Richard K. DeScherer Krystyna Doerfler Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz The Lehoczky Escobar Family Adam R. Flatto Roberta Garza Barbara and Peter Georgescu Kim and Jeff Greenberg Barbara and Andrew Gundlach Anita K. Hersh Wendy Keys Ken Kuchin and Tyler Morgan Almudena and Pablo Legorreta Christina and Alan MacDonald Kim AmandaValerieLilyHeidiManocherianandTomMcWilliamsO’BoylePelsJ.T.andRichardE. Riegel Susan and Elihu Rose Janet C. Ross Caryn Schacht and David Fox Stacy Schiff and Marc de La Bruyère Brian S. Snyder Joan and Michael Steinberg Emanuel Stern Mimi Klein Sternlicht Jon Stryker and Slobodan Randjelović Merryl and James Tisch Deborah C. van Eck Bob Vila and Diana Barrett Mary Wallach Peter Zhou and Lisa Lee PATRONS Park Avenue Armory expresses its deep appreciation to the individuals and organizations listed here for their generous support for its annual and capital campaigns. $1,000,000 + Charina Endowment Fund EmpireCiti State Local Development Corporation Marina Kellen French Barbara and Andrew Gundlach Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin and The Malkin Fund, Inc. Richard and Ronay Menschel New York City Council and Council Member Daniel R. Garodnick New York City Department of Cultural Affairs New York State Assembly member Dan Quart and the New York State Assembly The Pershing Square Foundation Susan and Elihu Rose The Arthur Ross Foundation and J & AR JoanFoundationSmilowand Joel Smilow* The Thompson Family Foundation Wade F.B. Thompson* The Zelnick/Belzberg $500,000 to $999,999 Bloomberg Philanthropies Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Almudena and Pablo Legorreta The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Adam R. Rose and Peter R. McQuillan Donna and Marvin Schwartz Emanuel Stern Founding Members Angela and Wade F.B. Thompson Co-Chairs Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Marjorie and Gurnee Hart Estate of Ginette Becker Wendy Belzberg and Strauss Zelnick Emme and Jonathan Deland Adam R. Flatto Roberta Garza Ken Kuchin Heidi AmandaMcWilliamsThompson Riegel Rebecca Robertson and Byron Knief Susan and Elihu Rose Francesca Schwartz Joan and Michael Steinberg LEGACY CIRCLE The Armory’s Legacy Circle is a group of individuals who support Park Avenue Armory through a vitally important source of future funding, a planned gift. These gifts will help support the Armory’s outside-the-box artistic programming, Arts Education Programs, and historic preservation into the future. | @ParkAveArmory 19 $250,000 to $499,999 American Express Michael Field Adam R. Flatto Ken Kuchin and Tyler Morgan The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation Marshall Rose FoundationFamily $100,000 to $249,999 The Achelis and FoundationsBodman R. Mark and Wendy Adams Linda and Earle Altman Abigail and Joseph Baratta Booth Ferris Foundation Sonja and Martin J. Brand Hélène and Stuyvesant Comfort Jessie Ding and Ning Jin Roberta Garza Howard Gilman Foundation Marjorie and Gurnee Hart The Hearst Foundations Samhita and Ignacio Jayanti Kirkland & Ellis LLP Mary T. Kush Leonard & Judy Lauder Fund Meta Open Arts Mr. and Mrs. Lester Morse New York State Assembly New York State Council on the StavrosArtsNiarchos Foundation Daniel and Joanna S. Rose Mrs. Arthur Ross Caryn Schacht and David Fox Stacy Schiff and Marc de La HaroldBruyèreand Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust Joan and Michael Steinberg M K Reichert PeterDeborahMr.RobertFoundationSternlichtandJaneTollWilliamC.TomsonC.vanEckZhouandLisaLee $25,000 to $99,999 Arthur R. and Alice E. Adams Charitable Foundation The Avenue Association The Cowles Charitable Trust Caroline and Paul Cronson Emme and Jonathan Deland Jennie L. and Richard K. AndrewKrystynaDeSchererDoerflerL.Farkas, Island Capital Group & C-III Capital Partners Ford LorraineFoundationGallard and Richard H. ElizabethLevyMorse Genius BarbaraFoundationandPeter Georgescu Horace W. TheJillKaplenAnitaJanetAgnesFoundationGoldsmithGundHalvorsonK.HershBrothersFundandPeterKrausLehoczkyEscobar Family George S. Loening Christine and Richard Mack Marc Haas Foundation Andrea Markezin Press and Joel SlobodanPress Randjelovic´and Jon RhodebeckTheKatharineStrykerRaynerReedFoundationCharitable Trust Genie and Donald Rice Amanda J.T. and Richard E. RebeccaRiegelRobertson and Byron Knief The Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation The Shubert Foundation Sydney and Stanley S. Shuman Amy and Jeffrey Silverman Sanford L. Smith TEFAF BobVIATishmanNYSpeyerArtFundVilaandDiana Barrett Mary AnonymousWallach(5) $10,000 to $24,999 AECOM Tishman Judy Hart Angelo Jody and John Arnhold Anne-Victoire Auriault / Goldman Sachs Gives Milton and Sally Avery Arts HarrisonFoundationandLeslie Bains Mortimer Berkowitz III Emma Bloomberg The Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Foundation Marian and Russell Burke Con TeriJamesCarylWilliamDHRLuisJoyceEdisonB.CowinyCoraDelgadoGlobalF.DraperS.EnglanderFingerothFriedmanandBabakYaghmaie Martin and Lauren Geller Sylvia Golden and Warren KiendlFriedmanandJohn Gordon Kim and Jeff Greenberg Allen and Deborah Grubman Ralph and Cornelia Heins Karen LawrenceHerskovitzandSharon Hite Peter Huntsman Jack Shainman Gallery SuzieKekst and Bruce Kovner Bill AnonymousLisaMariaWescustogoSamuelGregoryCristinaCynthiaSusanBarbaraMerrylAllenMichaelBeatriceDr.HowardBrianDr.LiseMrs.RobynMayFionaRichenthalTheAnneJoanMichaelLilyGwendolynElyseNardelloCynthiaDannySteveChristinaLeonFernandLambertLameschLevyFoundationandAlanMacDonaldandSueMandelandAudreyMeyerWoodsMitchellFundoftheNationalTrustforHistoricPreservation&Co.andMichaelNewhouseAdamsNortonandPeterNortonO'BoylePetersonandJoelI.PicketandSkipPrattProspectHillFoundationFoundationandEricRudinandSamuelRudinFamilyFoundation,Inc.andSeymourSammellWilliamH.SandholmScottandD.RonaldDanielandMrs.ThomasP.SculcoS.Snyder&SarahD.SolomonFoundationandMrs.EugeneE.Stark,Jr.SternandVeronicaStubbsandMeghanThorpeandJamesTischD.ToberUnterbergandJanvanEckVonBargenandJonathanMcHardyAnnenbergWeingarten,GRoW@AnnenbergandKathrynWeinhoffFoundationWirthandDavidWolf(4) $5,000 to $9,999 Amy and David Abrams Katie Adams Schaeffer Louis and Gabrielle Bacon Jay CandaceBadameand Rick Beinecke Franklin and Marsha Berger Sara and Mark Bloom Nicholas CatherineBrawerandRobert Brawer James-Keith Brown and Eric Diefenbach Dr. Joyce F. Brown, President, Fashion Institute of Mr.NinaJamesKimCharlesShellyLindaLiliJaneGailDeniseChadJoStewartKameronTheCynthiaStevePeterTaniaMollyMimiGeorgeCeciliaGreatTheHeatherBartJillDianeCandiaAndrewTheDr.LelandCarlaMartinJ.PeggyJeanneSisselConsulateFrancesBetsyMaryTechnologyandBradBurnhamCohnA.ResheskeGeneralOfTheKingdomOfTheNetherlandsCooperandPeterBosDonovanFisherandMillardDrexlerFamilyFoundationChristopherandVioletEaganandRebeccaEisenbergFoundationEmilandRichSilversteinandJaneEnglebardtNancyEppler-WolffandMr.JohnWolffFeliciaFundandTheresaFensterFisherFoggandMichaelJ.FrancoFriedmanandWendyA.Stein&AndrewGeorgesGeorgetownCompanyPerformancesGreeneandPaulVerbinnenandPattyGrunebaumandPeterHaasFundButlerHartandMichaelD.GriffinHigginsImberandAliZwebenImberJensenandMarkGraceandStephenKetchumDavidL.Klein,Jr.FoundationKordestaniF.LaneandBonnieComleyCaroleandRonaldS.LauderA.LeatLefrakandAlanLevensteinLombardLyntonandMichaelRyanMackloweandTonyMalkinandGeorgetteMalloryManocherianC.MarlasandMarieNugent-HeadMarlasB.MatisandMrs.MatthewMcLennan

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th StreetJoyce20 F. Menschel Liz JesseNeumarkandStéphanie Newhouse Valerie Ohrstrom David Orentreich, MD / Orentreich Family PreserveSusanMarniePBDWFoundationArchitectsPillsburyPorterNewYork, a grant program of Preservation League of New York Laura and Gerald Rosberg Ida and William Rosenthal ChuckFoundationandStacy Rosenzweig Deborah and Chuck Royce Susan Savitsky Carol and Chuck Schaefer Hillary Schafer and Mark Shafir Claude Shaw and Lara MeilandDanShawSimkowitz and Mari Nakachi Lea PatriciaSimondsBrown Specter Anne-Sophie Stern Michael and Marjorie Stern The Jay and Kelly Sugarman RobertFoundationSuiterand Debra DaveShuwargerandKaren Thomas Michael Tuch Foundation L.F. AnastasiaTheodoraTurnerVelysVournas and J. William FrancisBrianLynneMichaelIsakSaundraUhrigWhitneyandRoseWeinmanFoundation,Inc.WeinsteinWheatandJaneWilliamsH.Williamsand Keris A. Salmon W. Weldon and Elaine Wilson Gary and Nina Wexler Cynthia Young and George AnonymousZubatkinJudyToniEberstadtYoungFrancisZankelOwnerRepresentation,LLC(2) $2,500 to $4,999 Allen Adler and Frances Beatty Susan Heller Anderson Jeff Arnstein and Michael BarnardBellanteFamily Foundation Francesca Beale Tony CatherineBecharaBehrend Mr. Lawrence B. Benenson Jonathan and Marjaleena Berger Mr. Stephen Berger and Ms. Cynthia Wainwright Judy and Howard Berkowitz Stephanie Bernheim Carolyn S. Brody Annabel Buckfire Amanda M. Burden Steven and Betsy Bush Arthur and Linda Carter Sommer Chatwin Joel and Ulrika Citron Orla Coleman and Rikki Tahta Margaret Conklin Colin Cowie and Danny AustenPeuscovichandErnesto Cruz Ellie and Edgar Cullman Joshua Dachs / Fisher Dachs RichardAssociatesandBarbara Debs Christopher Duda Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Jamshid and Mashid Ehsani Deborah and Ronald Eisenberg EdméeJaredFoundationFeldmanandNicholas Firth Megan Flanigan Ella M. Foshay and Michael B. GwenRothfeldandAustin Fragomen Eleanor Friedman and Jonathan J. Cohen The Garcia Family Foundation Emanuel E. Geduld Alexandra Giniger Rosalind and Eugene Glaser Robert and Trudy Gottesman Elizabeth Granville-Smith Robert S. Gregory Ian and Lea Highet Andrea Hirsch Barbara Hoffman Johanna Hudgens and Matthew JeffJamesWilsonIngramandHollye Jacobs Ann DouglasZacharyClaireAdrienneJeanneJonesKandersKatzKingKlineandJudith Krupp Lizbeth & George Krupp Heidi and Christian Lange Suydam Lansing Lazarus Charitable Trust Julia BonnieJoanieMarianJudithGinaPhyllisElliotLeddaLevenglickLevinGiumarraMacArthurandMichaelMarguliesGoodmanGalleryMartinez-RudkovskyMaslin Peter and Leni May Claudia and Eduardo Mazzi Dennis McNeill and Robin Burns McNeill Constance and H. Roemer BarbaraClaireMcPheeMilonasandHoward Morse Saleem and Jane Muqaddam Aida NancyMuradNewcomb and John PeterHargravesandSusan Nitze Susan NancyNumeroffandMorris W. Offit Kathleen O'Grady Peter and Beverly Orthwein Robert Ouimette and Lee Hirsch Robin and Carlos Palomares Madison J. Papp Lee and Lori Parks Louis and Barbara Perlmutter Richard and Rose Petrocelli Pistachio Culinary Studio & PhyllisGeriExperiencesPollackPosnickand Paul Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Kalliope Rena Diana and Charles Revson Diana and John Rice Rose AndrewMrs.UnitedUnionThomasStellaBonnieLeilaRobertStephenDaisyShelleyLauraDeniseDouglasStephanieEmiliaJackUmaDouglasSaraNicholasBenjaminCarolineSabinaJaneSusanMarjorieDeborahBrandRoseP.RosenthalRudinFearerSaferandWilfredSchlumbergerSchmidt-BarnettSchor&IsabelWilkinsonSchorandShelleySchorschLeeandAxelSchupfSchwallbeandNancyLorenzSeshamaniandJasonvanItallieShainmanSherifovaandFredShumanSillsSimonandPauloVieiradacunhaSkolerSonenbergM.SorosandConstanceSpahn&AmyStavisMawStrausandTomStraussStrazdasandHenryForrestandDianeTuftSquareEventsStatesTennisAssociationWilliamJ.vandenHeuvelE.VogelandVéroniqueMazard Robert Warshaw and Debbie KateShelbySchmidtWhiteWhitney and Franklin AndreaThomasWinter and Daniel Mintz Amy Yenkin and Robert Usdan Samiah Zafar Freya Zaheer and Whit Bernard Anonymous (6) $1,000 to $2,499 Diane and Arthur Abbey Marina Abramovic´ Ellen Abrams Eric Altmann Ms. Regula Aregger Dr. Lora Aroyo Joe Baio & Anne Griffin Barbara and Jude Barbera Fabrizio and Enrica Bentivoglio DeborahD’arengiBerke and Peter RichardReidMcCannBermanBerndt and MarieCamille Havard Elaine S. KatherineBernsteinandMarco Birch Boehm Family Foundation Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Melanie Bouvard Polly Shih Brandmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brown Spencer Brownstone Hugh Burns and Molly Duffy Matthew Buten and Beth ThomasCoraBrownsteinCahanandAnn Charters Bradley A. Connor Alexander Cooper James and Krista Corl Andre KaraGailWalterFemenellaPatriciaBarryPatriciaFrederickKarenEleanorThomasDavidTinaRichardCharlesL.AbbyAndrewSophieMarinaCorneliusCouloucoundisCoumantarosandMimiCrawfordandAndrewCrissesJayCrossandNorrisDanielsandPeggyDanzigerR.DavisdesJardins&NancyBlachmanandElizabethDubbsandJackDunnEckhoff&DianaElghanayanEllisEllsworthandNathaliePierrepontFalkenberg&Associates,Inc.andJudithFlamenbaumFlattoGaffneyRoss | @ParkAveArmory 21 Kristin Gamble Stefan Gargiulo Bruce and Alice Geismar David and Susan Getz Katja Goldman Mrs. Leila Govi Karen and Jeff Groeger Jan M. Guifarro Frances and Gerard Guillemot Yen Ha and Richard Tesler Nohra Haime Kathy Harrison and Edward LindaFlinnM. Hartley Thomas Hartman In memory of Maria E. Hidrobo Mr.BruceWilliamKaufmanT.HillmanHoffmanJosephC.Hoopes, Jr. Tom and Amy Houston Richard and Roberta Huber Adrienne G Ingrum William and Weslie Janeway Linda ChristopherJanklowand Hilda Jones Jennie A. Kassanoff and Daniel H. Schulman Kay Kimpton Walker and Sandy BrigadierWalkerGeneral Edward G. Klein, NYNG (Ret.) Kate ValerieDavidCyeThomasDavidAnthonyJillJenniferDavidRajikaPrimeMayaStefaniKatherineSanjayDr.ArlenaStephanieLarryJohnBellaLarryDianeMatch65RyanEdwardAlexiaRalphMarkJudithBarbaraKathrynKraussKremnitzerLandauandGLangerandTarynLeavittLemonandDavidLeuschenMafoudMarshall&MaryHermsMaxandMaryMcCaffreyMeyerandTimothySimondsandLisaMillerMorseandSharonBowenNevilleandAlanBellerOlstenCatherineOrentreichandLesliePatelPeabodyPhippsPolsky&NicolasBridonParkingSystemsandAnupamPuriandLesliePuthReardonReiterandEricRihaandSusanRobertsandSusanRockefellerRomEllisRossandMegRothRubsamenandCedomirCrnkovic Patty Sachs John and Shelby Saer Eva AnonymousJanetLaurenMatiSharonAreteCarolineZacharyJeanKrisA.StudioMr.LaurenDonnaAlbertBonnieAdrianneJoelMarshallRobertPatCharliePaulRichardSanchez-AmpudiaandAnnSarnoffH.Scarbrough,Akustiks,LLC.andLindseySchillingSchoenfeldSchroederandKarenBrooksSebringandPepperBinkleyandNanShapiroandWilliamSilverSimonSimonsIIISnowandMichaelRubinoffStarkeandAricDomozickandMrs.CharlesStonehillInstituteAlfredTaubmanFoundationTogiasTroubhKressTurnerWamslerandDeWaynePhillipsWarrenWeeWeiderpassandNikolasChenandAndrewWeisenfeldYaseenandHon.BruceM.Kaplan(8) List as of August 9, 2022 * Deceased

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