Hito Steyerl: Drill

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WELCOME The idea behind bringing the arts to the historic Park Avenue Armory was to allow artists to create unexpected, immersive and eclectic work in its unconventional spaces – from its soaring 55,000 square foot Wade Thompson Drill Hall with its elaborate truss work to its 16 period rooms with their whimsical and meticulous design. As a historic structure, the Armory offers not only sublime “found” spaces, but also an aura of history and mystery. We have been delighted over the past twelve years to see the range of artistic responses to the opportunity to create work at the Armory from the epic to the intimate, from the fanciful to the realistic, from the inspiring to the devastating and from the playful to the provocative. In the area of visual arts, we have commissioned such visual artists as Aaron Young, Ernesto Neto, Christian Boltanski, Ann Hamilton, Nick Cave, Taryn Simon, Douglas Gordon, Ryoji Ikeda, Tom Sachs, Janet Cardiff, Paul McCarthy, Philippe Parreno, Martin Creed, Peter Greenaway, Ai Wei Wei, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron, Marina Abramović and William Kentridge. For Drill, the most extensive survey of her work to-date in the United States, Hito Steyerl creates an installation that takes over the Armory, with two new commissions and eight works that have been completed in the last six years inviting audiences to confront a wide-range of topical issues across the social and political landscape including gun violence in America, tax-free enclaves for luxury goods but not for food, the international art business, and the dangers of algorithm-driven artificial intelligence. With accompanying talks, performances and conversations related to Drill presented as part of the Interrogations of Form Series, audiences will be encouraged to think beyond conventional interpretations and perspectives of art and politics. Rebecca Robertson Founding President & Executive Producer

Pierre Audi Marina Kellen French Artistic Director

DRILL HITO STEYERL June 20–July 21, 2019 Monday–Thursday at 12:00pm–8:00pm Friday at 12:00pm–10:00pm Saturday–Sunday at 12:00pm–7:00pm A New Commission by Park Avenue Armory Curated by Tom Eccles



This exhibition has been made possible in part by the Yanghyun Foundation and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, with generous support from Ken Kuchin and Tyler Morgan. Support for Park Avenue Armory’s artistic season has been generously provided by the Charina Endowment Fund, The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust, the Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, the Howard Gilman Foundation, the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, The Shubert Foundation, The Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Foundation, the Marc Haas Foundation, the Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Foundation, the Leon Levy Foundation, the May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, the Richenthal Foundation, and the Isak and Rose Weinman Foundation. The Artistic Season is also made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. Additional support has been provided by the Armory’s Artistic Council. Cover image: Design by Ayham Ghraowi Studio

ABOUT HITO STEYERL Hito Steyerl (b. 1966, Munich) is a German filmmaker, visual artist, and writer, whose practice occupies a highly discursive position between the fields of art, philosophy, and politics, exploring late capitalism’s social, cultural, and financial imaginaries. Her films and lectures have increasingly addressed the presentational context of art, while her writing has circulated widely through publication in both academic and art journals, often online. Recent and upcoming exhibitions include Hito Steyerl: Actual Reality OS at the Serpentine Galleries (April 2019 – January 2020), and the Biennale Arte 2019 May You Live In Interesting Times (May – November 2019). Past solo exhibitions have been held at Kunstmuseum, Basel (2018); The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston (2017); the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (2016); Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain (2015); and the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (2013). She has participated in numerous group exhibitions including the German Pavilion, 56th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy; the Taipei Biennial; Gwangju Biennial (2010); documenta 12, Kassel (2007) and Manifesta 5. Steyerl is represented by Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York and Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin.



Hito Steyerl joins Anton Vidokle, artist and founder of e-flux, and Ayham Ghraowi, Producer and Assistant Director of Drill, in a conversation about the inspirations, ideas, and creative development of her ongoing practice. Curator Tom Eccles moderates.

The Dead Walk Into a Bar: Performance lecture by Anton Vidokle, Adam Khalil, and Bayley Sweitzer The distant future. An orbital facility of unknown origin. Here, the debt of taking a life will be finally repaid…. through resurrection. The victims of military violence across time are systematically brought back to life and guided through the all-too-familiar facility. As a staff of identical ushers draws back layers of confusion and pain, the freshly resurrected gradually become aware of the reality of their corporeal reinsertion: perhaps the world of the living is not a world at all; to be alive in this place may merely be an exhibit. We, the resurrected, overwhelmed by a literal second life, will of course discover our one inevitable destination: a place to sit, have a drink, and talk it out.

thursday, june 20, 2019 at 6:00pm tickets: $15


saturday, june 29, 2019 at 3:00pm tickets: $10 Learning/Unlearning of Violence: Performance Lecture by Vanessa Gravenor What remnants remain from the U.S.-Pakistani-Saudi proxy war in 1980s Afghanistan – those that continue to write themselves on bodies involved in terrorism, and in the War on Terror? This performance lecture by artist Vanessa Gravenor critically approaches political language coming from the upper echelons of the American government through its inverse: language inserted from below in pedagogy books funded by USAID and other American backers trying to defeat the Soviets and distributed among the Afghani refugees along the Afghan-Pakistani border. Linguistic “lines of fire” are reversed in order to understand present-day feedback loops. The artist will additionally analyze a biographical vocabulary list used when undergoing PTSD therapy, following her injury in the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris. 2

saturday, july 20, 2019 at 3:00pm & 5:00pm tickets: $10

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

CURATOR'S NOTE Hito Steyerl is a Berlin-based artist and theorist known for her immersive and politically incisive video installations. Entitled Drill, this exhibition includes new commissions, site-specific installations and innovative public programs, utilizing the entire ground floor of Park Avenue Armory and its historic rooms. In the Wade Thompson Drill Hall, a tri-partite video begins with the statement “History is the art of highlighting whatever is hiding in plain sight.” Drums, brass and voices echo in the Wade Thompson Drill Hall. A newly commissioned work, Drill traverses the Park Avenue Armory spatially and temporally, situating different times and characters uncomfortably next to each other, to narrate a complex history of increasing gun violence and militarization in the United States. Sequences of the Park Avenue Amory's bullet-ridden basements, gilded interiors and witness testimonies from recent gun shootings unfold steadily to the beat of the gun violence data sonifications. Abstract data about the proliferation of weapons in the U.S. are transformed into the score for the performance of a precision marching band and form the background for the increasingly disturbing narrative. In Drill and other works in the exhibition, Steyerl's singular ability to bring seemingly disparate events, actors and forces into critical focus is visible throughout the myriad rooms her installations occupy. This exhibition is the most extensive presentation to date of the artist’s wide-ranging practice in the United States and includes a number of collaborations. For Drill, Steyerl has been working with the Yale University Precision Marching Band. She is also collaborating with the El Catano Community Garden in East Harlem on the new work Free Plots which projects the possibilities for autonomous fragriculture. Community-based artist and activist Chris Toepfer has boarded up and painted the Armory's windows for the installation Broken Windows, a recent work that explores the urban repercussions of Artificial Intelligence. Steyerl has also commissioned artists Vanessa Gravenor and Anton Vidokle who collaborated with Adam Khalil and Bayley Sweitzer for the public programs. Both present new filmic material and lectures based on research and in response to Drill and its thematics. The exhibition also presents a number of works produced by Steyerl in the past five years: including Broken Windows, Duty Free Art, The Tower, ExtraSpaceCraft, Robots Today, Is the Museum a Battlefield?, Prototype 1.0 and 1.1 and Hell Yeah We Fuck Die which provide an overview of Steyerl's uniquely compelling vision of our contemporary moment. Always present in these works, is Steyerl's investigation of how new technologies (and the private and governmental entities and actors that develop and deploy them) are complicit in real-life effects whether on the battlefield or the streets of our cities. Taken together, the works in the exhibition exemplify Holland Cotter's comment in The New York Times that “Steyerl refuses to nail down a single idea, or insist on a point of view. Instead, we get art as an act of moral thinking-in-progress. In a very of-themoment, digital-age way, the logic of that thinking is fractured, the nature of morality suspect. But a belief in the necessity of thinking, restlessly, politically, is it ever in doubt.” Disturbing and disruptive (particularly with regard to enhanced data gathering, surveillance technologies, the military complex and “off-shore” banking), Steyerl's wide-ranging practice offers a frightening portrait of our time, offering the possibility of artist as investigative journalist and an art as an alarm bell to our time. —Tom Eccles

armoryonpark.org | @ParkAveArmory | #PAADrill





66th Street


67th Street


Lexington Avenue





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Park Avenue


Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street


Wade Thompson Drill Hall

DRILL (2019)

3-channel video installation 21 mins, HD video The tri-partite video begins with the statement “History is the art of highlighting whatever is hiding in plain sight”. Drums, brass and voices echo in the Wade Thompson Drill Hall. A newly commissioned work, Drill traverses the Park Avenue Armory spatially and temporally, situating different times and characters uncomfortably next to each other, to narrate a complex history of increasing gun violence and militarization in the United States. Sequences of the Park Avenue Amory's bullet-ridden basements, gilded interiors and witness testimonies from recent gun shootings unfold steadily to the beat of the gun violence data sonifications. Abstract data about the proliferation of weapons in the US are transformed into the score for the performance of the Yale University Precision Marching Band and form the background for the increasingly disturbing narrative.


Mary Divver Room

THE TOWER (2016)

3-channel video installation, environment 8 min, HD Video The Tower is the portrait of a Ukranian 3D company that once designed a shooter game set on the Tower of Babel. Now, they themselves live under the shadow of looming invasion as they are located close to the Russian border. The company is built on the model of “near shore” (in opposition to offshore) and takes on outsourced gigs for online casinos, emergency simulations, real estate and shooter games. The video addresses a global network of technological production that continues to expand. For this work, the artist collaborates with Charkiv-based, Program-Ace.


Board of Officers Room

EXTRASPACECRAFT (2017) 3-channel video installation, environment 12 min 50 sec, HD Video ExtraSpaceCraft shuttles between two different times and spaces. Previously a space that was the Iraqi National Observatory get transformed into an Autonomous Space Agency which the artist adopts as her subject to evoke the virtual dimension existing within the realities of state-controlled territories and their militarization. Shot primarily through the viewpoint of the drone, the narrator becomes the drone to access the Earth from ‘a different angle’.


North and South Corridor

BROKEN WINDOWS (2018-2019) Video installation and environment: Broken Windows (2018): single-channel HD video 6 min. 40 sec.; Unbroken Windows (2018): single-channel HD video 10 min.; Environment: Painted plywood panels, wood easels Referencing the controversial “broken windows” policing theory; proposing that the smallest sign of disorder (eg—a broken window) suggests an uncared for environment conditioning it for the occurence of more serious crimes; a twopart video and installation, Broken Windows begins in Camden, New Jersey. With sophisticated policing technology, including microphones that detect gunshots, the work moves through abandoned houses in the city, where the protagonist, Chris Toepfer and his team of community activists replace the gaping holes left by the broken windows with painted canvases. In a second video, set in a hangar in London, researchers diligently smash numerous glass windows to train artificial intelligence to recognize the sound of breaking glass. Using the metaphorical and material qualities of a broken window, the work symbolizes social disruption and technology’s role in it. The main corridor at the Park Avenue Armory will be boarded up with specially commissioned paintings by Toepfer.


Colonels Reception Room

FREEPLOTS (2019) Wooden planters in freeport shapes, grow lights, compost, plants, audio 12 min. 14 sec. A new site-specific collaboration with the El Catano Community Garden in East Harlem, the work references both tax-free “freeports” and the possibility for crop production that does not require land ownership. Large planters have been filled with horse manure compost acquired from the revenue of freeport art sales and planted with flamboyant flowers. Counterering notions of private ownership and limited access of land, the project sets a live example of a dispersed, non-national and open-source territory and a community built around it. Starting with a single community in East Harlem, the project attempts a mobile scalable model encouraging food sovereignty and sustainability that will be extended further to other communities in Canada and Germany. armoryonpark.org | @ParkAveArmory | #PAADrill





3-channel video installation, environment 38 min 21 sec, HD Video Striking deep at the social function of art, Duty Free Art is a critique of the international art business that functions discreetly and deviously. Drawing unsettling comparisons between the art business world and civil war, the work highlights how they both facilitate the concentration of wealth into fewer hands and contribute to the growing global inequality. It builds a thread of connections between leaked emails from Syrian government accounts, and the growing phenomenon of the “freeports” – storage facilities where millions of dollars of artworks are held without incurring taxes to expose the true conditions of the art world masked behind the art itself.

IS THE MUSEUM A BATTLEFIELD? (2013) Lecture and HD video

The question posed in the title of the work (a lecture by the artist) is drawn out through several historical and contemporary examples, to a point of un-deniability of the links between the museum and the battlefield. In a quest to identify the origins of the bullet that killed the artist’s friend, Andrea Wolf, a PKK (Kurdish Workers’ Party) fighter, in 1998, the work traces a diabolic military-cultural network that the artist shockingly finds herself caught up in. In this case, the bullet manufacturer is found to be a sponsor of the Istanbul Biennial and the patron of the Art Institute of Chicago, both prominent locations where the artist’s work is displayed. In this sense, the work, which attempts an abolishment of the museum-battlefield, unknowingly, becomes a part of it.


Veterans Room and Library

HELL YEAH WE FUCK DIE (2016) 3-channel video installation, environment 4 min, HD Video Tubular barricades and corrugated metal structures installed in the space partition it like a parkour obstacle course. Compiled audiovisual footage from product-testing labs show humanoid robots being tested for their balance. Bombarded with computer simulated as well as physical force, robots are often seen crumbling, drooping and disintegrating in these virtual and real world examples. The videos are synchronized to an original soundtrack created by Kassem Mosse, based on HELL YEAH WE FUCK DIE—the five most frequently used English words on Billboard magazine’s music charts for the past decade. The same words appear as neon letters encased in solid concrete blocks further dividing the space. In capturing the vulnerability of even our most sophisticated forms of technology, the work charts the obsessive search for speed and efficiency and highlights its eventual fallibility. Library

ROBOTS TODAY (2016) 8 min, HD Video

Robots Today is a video work set in the Kurdish city of Diyarbakır, in South-Eastern Turkey, the center of which was largely destroyed in 2016 by the Turkish Military. The polymath, Al-Jazarī, worked in the city and wrote about mechanical apparatuses and instructions on how to construct them in the year 1205, a work that is known as Automata in Western culture. The narration on Al-Jazarī combined with the footage of the city is interjected by questions addressed to the mobile phone voice assistance: Who destroyed the city? Who expelled the people? What role does computer technology play in war?


Field and Staff Room

PROTOTYPE 1.0 and 1.1 (2017) Foam and aluminum

Shown alongside Steyerl's Hell Yeah We Fuck Die, Hito Steyerl’s Prototype 1.0 and 1.1, are sculptural renderings of the two robots shown within the larger video installation. The blue robot skeletons, one giant the other diminutive, evoke both humor and pathos, the "younger" figure looking down over the prone counterpart, reminiscent of a cartoonish sci-fi fiction set in some distant future or outer space, yet all too real and present as demonstrated by the videos in Hell Yeah We Fuck Die.


Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

FILM CREDITS: DRILL Protagonists Nurah Abdulhaqq National Die In twitter.com/nationaldiein Judith Pearson Sportswoman, Retired K-12 Principal plaintiffblues.com twitter.com/judypearson Anna Duensing Public Historian Abbey Clements Gun Violence Prevention Activist and Survivor of the Sandy Hook School Shooting twitter.com/abbeyclements Kareem Nelson Founder and Executive Director of Wheelchairs Against Guns, INC wheelchairsagainstguns.org Speakers at Washington DC rally Brandon Wolf, The Dru Project Nurah Abdulhaqq, National Die In Emma Gonzalez, March For Our Lives Shahera Albasit, Gun Violence Prevention Advocate Laura Morris, Gun Violence Prevention Advocate Mollie Davis, Gun Violence Prevention Advocate Music Jules Laplace Data Sonification and Algorithmic Composition Thomas C. Duffy Director of Music and Choreography, Composer, Arranger, Conductor and Drill Choreographer AR-15: 2016-18 by Thomas C. Duffy Plankton Press, 2019 Data Sonification by Jules Laplace Source: Gun Violence Archive gunviolencearchive.org/reports github.com/jamesqo/gun-violence-data Each note of the melody represents a deadly incident where an AR-15 was used.

The note pitch indicates the number of casualties (injured and deceased). A slow ascending bass progression marks the passing of time; each beat represents one week, so every four beats is roughly a month. Polyrhythms indicate multiple AR-15 incidents in one week.

Percussion Battle by Thomas C. Duffy Plankton Press, 2019

Mass Shootings: 1999-2018 by Antonio Medina Data Sonification by Jules Laplace Source: Mother Jones Mass Shootings Database docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ 1b9o6uDO18sLxBqPwl_Gh9bnhWev_dABH83M5Vb5L8o

Thomas C. Duffy Music Director, Yale University Concert and Precision Marching Bands

Each note of the melody represents a mass shooting, defined as a shooting with 4 or more victims. The piece covers the modern era of American mass shootings, which begins with the Columbine massacre and continues to the present day. The pedal tone represents the passing of time; each note is one month. The tune stops abruptly only when we reach the end of the dataset. Firearms Manufactured: 1986-2016 by James Brandfonbrener Data Sonification by Jules Laplace Source: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. "Firearms Commerce in the United States, Annual Statistical Update 2018" Exhibit 1. Firearms Manufactured 1986-2016. atf.gov/resource-center/docs/undefined/ firearmscommercestatisticalupda te20185087-24-18pdf This piece charts the rise in gun manufacture since the late 1980s. Four overlapping plots are heard - pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotguns - played in succession with each measure representing a year, and each note's pitch assigned according to the number of guns produced in that year. Waltz Macabre by Thomas C. Duffy Plankton Press, 2019

armoryonpark.org | @ParkAveArmory | #PAADrill

Music was recorded in New Haven, CT by the Yale University Concert and Precision Marching Bands

James Brandfonbrener Piano Soloist Flowers of Inequality Bethany Barrett Composer and Sound Design 64 Days Bethany Barrett Composer and Sound Design Yale University Precision Marching Band Sara Harris Manager, Yale University Precision Marching Band Antonio Medina Drum Major, Yale University Precision Marching Band Marching Band Kyle Almquist Alexa Anderson Rose Bender Jack Berry Stephanie Blas-Lizarazo James Brandfonbrener Elizabeth Calabresi Eleazar Camez Patrick Cherry Usok Joseph Cho Ben Colรณn-Emeric Melina Delgado Jocelyn Dicent Lilly Gold David Gruskin Spencer Hagaman Ally Hammer Daniel Heimsoth Colin Hill Hung Quoc Ho 7

Yale University Precision Marching Band (Cont.) Aidan Houlihan Robert Howard Miriam Huerta Nick Indorf Calvin Jahnke Iman Jaroudi Eleanor Jose Shah Khan Matthew Kristoffersen Miles Krusniak Afia Kuragu Brian Liu Marley Macarewich Molly McLaughlin Sunny Miao Keaton Mueller Joshua Palmer Jacob Payne Nathan Pharr Rachel Roberts Faren Roth Harry Rubin Ely Sibarium Kaitlynn Sierra Sarah Sotomayor Vanessa Strait Natalia Taylor Lindsay Tucker Hansen Charles Simonds Matt Tu Eve Wattenberg Tristan Weaver Will Wegner Victoria Winter Adam Wolnikowski Alex Wynn Shannon Yasuda Juliet Yates

Crew Ariel Sibert, Producer and Production Manager Ayham Ghraowi, Producer and Assistant Director Andrew Kreps, Executive Producer Kevan Jenson/Visualize This, Executive Producer Alice Conconi, Co-Executive Producer Gabriella Jorio, Travel Coordinator Camille Brown, Set Photographer Melinda Paquin, Production Accountant Kelsey Finn, Production Accountant Diego Dueñas, Production Installation Alexa Wolf, Director of Photography Tyler Harmon-Townsend, Camera Operator, Second DoP Savaş Boyraz, Camera Operator, Director of Second Unit Ben Davis, Camera Operator Ronald S. Weaver II, Drone Operator Yuri Inoue, First Assistant Camera David Merino, First Assistant Camera Corey Hess, Second Assistant Camera Dulcinee DeGuere, Second Assistant Camera, Production Assistant Maximilian Schmoetzer, Camera Operator Second Unit Jasmine Chang, Digital Imaging Technician Zeke Gase, Digital Imaging Technician John Guillen, Gaffer Ryen Tetzloff, Best Boy Electric Colby Smith, Key Grip Gordon Christmas, Best Boy Grip Manuel Reinartz, Grip, Camera Second Unit Gillian Arthur, Sound Mixer

Paddy Hanlon, Sound Assistant Gideon Jensen, Sound Assistant Yong Soo Lee, Sound Assistant Wei-Lin Chang, Production Assistant Erin Sullivan, Assistant Production Manager Matt Wolff, Production and Design Assistant Gregory Cartelli, Archival Research Adnan Yildiz, Hospitality Lea Søvsø, Costume Designer Victoria Bek, Wardrobe Assistant Kathryn McGaughey, Wardrobe Assistant Matty Davis, Choreographer and Performer Thomas Welsh-Huggins, Collaborator and Performer Christoph Manz, Post Production, Color Correction Alex Hoetzinger, Sound Mix, Sound Design Commissioned by Park Avenue Armory Supported and Produced by Andrew Kreps and Esther Schipper Galleries Thanks to Marta Kuzma, Yale School of Art Anton Vidokle, Vanessa Gravenor, Yale School of Art Focus Group Curated by Tom Eccles

PRODUCTION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Andrew Kreps, New York Andrew Kreps, Owner Alice Conconi, Director Diego Dueñas, Artist Liaison


Esther Schipper, Berlin Esther Schipper, Owner Leah Turner, Director Emiliano Pistacchi, Head of Production and Exhibitions

Installation Design, Planning and Realization Manuel Reinartz, Emiliano Pistacchi Installation Carsten Tabel

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

PARK AVENUE ARMORY STAFF Rebecca Robertson, Founding President and Executive Producer Pierre Audi, Marina Kellen French Artistic Director Lissa Frenkel, Managing Director Susan Neiman, Chief Financial and Administration Officer Artistic Planning and Programming Michael Lonergan, Producing Director Avery Willis Hoffman, Program Director Darian Suggs, Associate Director, Public Programs Seth Shepsle, General Manager, Programming Jessica Wasilewski, Senior Producer Jenni Bowman, Producer Samantha Cortez, Production Coordinator

Emily Bruner, Ashley Ortiz, Leigh Poulos, Neil Tyrone Pritchard, Catherine Talton, Robert Thaxton-Stevenson, Teaching Associates Nancy Gomez, Stephanie Mesquita, Biviana Sanchez, Naomi Santiago, Teaching Assistants

Design and Collections Kirsten Reoch, Director of Design and Construction David Burnhauser, Collection Manager

Facilities and Operations Wayne Lowery, Director of External Operations Rich Vartigian, Director of Facilities Denis Rocha, Operations Manager Darrell Thimoleon, Office Manager William Say, Superintendent Reginald Hunter, Chief Engineer Olga Cruz, Leandro Dasso, Mayra DeLeon, Mario Esquilin, Wayne Gillyard, Carlos Goris, Esdras Lopez Herrera, Ruben Morales , Cristina Moreira-Soria, Robert Rodriguez, Porters

Development Melanie Forman, Chief Development Officer Charmaine Portis, Executive Assistant to the Chief Development Officer Matthew Bird, Deputy Director of Development Allison Kline, Director of Foundation and Government Relations Jennifer Levine, Director of Special Events Rafael Flores, Associate Director of Corporate Relations Rachel Cappy Risso-Gill, Associate Director of Individual Giving Anthony Merced, Database and Website Development Manager Melissa Stone, Manager of Special Events Surina Gangwani, Senior Coordinator Special Events Katie Burke, Individual Giving Coordinator Angela Reynoso, Individual Giving Intern Calvin Sauveur, Database Assistant Education Cassidy Jones, Chief Education Officer Monica Weigel McCarthy, Director of Education Aarti Ogirala, Associate Director of Education Chelsea Emelie Kelly, Associate Director of Youth Corps Pip Gengenbach, Education Manager Drew Petersen, Education Special Projects Manager Sharlyn Galarza, Education Coordinator Samarah Grant, Art Education Intern Amadou Tidiane Barry, Shaun Cromwell, Isayya Dail, Fatoumata Diallo, Andrew Duer, D’alessandro Espejo Risco, Widlany Ferol, Dorine Franck, Ashley Guerrero Soriano, Tata Jabbie, Maver Mendez Garabito, Gabriel Price, Silas Rodriguez, Dorsen Sween, Brianna Trivino, Jessica Ubah, Youth Corps Kate Bell Donna Costello Alexander Davis Asma Feyijimni Hawley Hussey Larry Jackson Hector Morales Peter Musante Drew Petersen Vickie Tanner, Teaching Artists

Executive Office Lori Nelson, Executive Assistant to the President Nathalie Etienne, Administrative Assistant, President’s Office

Finance Alexander Frenkel, Controller Khemraj Dat, Accountant IT Dion Bullock, Chief Information Officer Oku Okoko, Network Engineer Marketing and Communications Nick Yarbrough, Digital Marketing Manager Production Paul King, Director of Production Claire Marberg, Production Manager Nicholas Lazzaro, Technical Director Lars Nelson, Technical Director Brandon Walker, Technical Director Ticketing and Event Management Courtney F. Caldwell, Director of Rentals & Event Operations Stephanie Mesquita, Rentals Associate Cheyanne Clarke, Box Office Manager Monica Diaz, Turna Mete, Box Office Supervisors Daniel George, Terrelle Jones and Jonatan Amaya, House Managers

armoryonpark.org | @ParkAveArmory | #PAADrill




Acclaimed director Satoshi Miyagi creates a new vision of Sophocles's fabled mythology through the prism of Japanese culture, blending the riveting Greek masterpiece about loss and memorialization with Japanese culture, Noh Theater, Indonesian shadow play, and Buddhist philosophy.

“And in a sense, the Veterans Room, of all the Armory’s opulent reception rooms, has the deepest spiritual kinship with a work of contemporary art, the feel of an installation by a young collective whose members were reacting to one another and making it all up as they went along.” —The New York Times


Upcoming Event:

september 25–october 6, 2019

october 11–12, 2019

Bridging the gap between fine art and social activism, Theaster Gates hosts his renowned Black Artists Retreat for the first time outside of Chicago with public events that celebrate the occasion including special events and public discussions featuring leading artists, scholars, and activists.


december 5, 2019–january 11, 2020 After dazzling Armory audiences in 2017, visionary director Richard Jones returns with a new adaptation of Ödön von Horváth's seldom-performed, penultimate play by Pulitzer Prize finalist and Obie Award-winning playwright Christopher Shinn, which explores the tension between responsibility, conscience, and guilt.

RECITAL SERIES “Since its restoration and reopening in 2013, the Armory's spectacular yet intimate Board of Officers room has become one of the city's most essential recital venues” —New York Magazine


september 16–21, 2019 INTERROGATIONS OF FORM “The Park Avenue Armory has two consistent modes: The first is to overwhelm; the second is to inspire a quiet conviction that you’re missing something amazing in another part of the building. Both struck with full force… filling the gilded, schizo-baroque rooms and halls with a dazzling mix of artists, thinkers, and impresarios” —Artforum Held in our historic period rooms, these insightful conversations throughout the year feature artists, scholars, cultural leaders, and social trailblazers who gather to offer new points of view and unique perspectives on Armory productions, explore a range of themes and relevant topics, and encourage audiences to think beyond conventional interpretations and perspectives of art.

Upcoming Events:


Upcoming Events:

DUDOK QUARTET AMSTERDAM september 19 & 21, 2019

BARBARA HANNIGAN, soprano october 15 & 17, 2019


september 22, 2019

ARTIST TALK: ANTIGONE october 4, 2019


november 21-22, 2019


Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

ABOUT PARK AVENUE ARMORY Since its first production in September 2007, Park Avenue Armory has organized and commissioned immersive performances, installations, and cross-disciplinary collaborations in its vast Wade Thompson Drill Hall that defy traditional categorization and challenge artists to push the boundaries of their practice. Part American palace, part industrial shed, the Armory supports unconventional that need non-traditional spaces for their full realization, enabling artists to create productions that cannot be done elsewhere in New York City. The New Yorker recently declared: “The Armory programming is essential to New York life.” Production highlights in the Wade Thompson Drill Hall include; Ernesto Neto’s sprawling and gauzy anthropodino; the event of a thread, a site-specific installation by Ann Hamilton; the final performances of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company across three separate stages; WS by Paul McCarthy, a dystopian installation of excess; Macbeth with Kenneth Branagh set in a Scottish heath; Bach’s St. Matthew Passion staged by Peter Sellars, performed by Sir Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker; Heiner Goebbels’ De Materie with a flock of 100 sheep; an acclaimed The Hairy Ape, starring Bobby Cannavale; Simon Stone’s award-winning Yerma, starring Billie Piper; Nick Cave’s The Let Go, an immersive, multi-sensory dance-based town hall; William Kentridge’s devastating The Head & The Load; and Sam Mendes’ The Lehman Trilogy. In its historic period rooms, the Armory presents smaller scale performances, including its acclaimed Recital Series, with worldrenowned soloists within the intimate and restored Board of Officers Room; and the Artists Studio, an eclectic series curated by Jason Moran in the restored Veterans Room. The Armory also offers a talk series called Interrogations of Form that explores, with a diverse artistic community, the issues of our time, including changing demographics in the US; what it means to be a sanctuary City; and the history of violence. Park Avenue Armory was built between 1877 and 1881 by the Seventh Regiment, a volunteer unit of the National Guard that included the economic leaders of New York. It has been hailed as containing “the single most important collection of nineteenth century interiors to survive intact in one building” by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission. The 55,000-square-foot Wade Thompson Drill Hall, with an 80-foot-high barrel-vaulted roof, is one of the largest unobstructed spaces in New York City. The Armory’s magnificent reception rooms were designed by leaders of the American Aesthetic Movement, among them Louis Comfort Tiffany, Stanford White, Candace Wheeler, and Herter Brothers. The building is currently undergoing a $210-million renovation designed by Herzog & de Meuron with Platt Byard Dovell White Architects. In “Drill”, the Armory has commissioned Hito Steyerl to create a site-specific installation as part of its ongoing visual arts program. Steyerl’s practice blends fact, fiction, and documentary style storytelling to provoke visceral responses to most pressing issues of our times. The Armory also counts its arts education program as a major part of its mission, offered at no cost to New York City public schools. The program serves thousands of students a year includes: a student-only performance for every Armory production with pre-and post-visit workshops; partnership with eight under-resourced New York City public schools; and the Armory Youth Corps, a paid and closely-mentored creativity-based internship program offering over 100 students a year 13,400 hours of paid employment and job training.

armoryonpark.org | @ParkAveArmory | #PAADrill


JOIN THE ARMORY Support Park Avenue Armory as a member and enjoy insider access to what The New York Times has called “the most important new cultural institution in New York City.” For more information about membership, please email members@armoryonpark.org or call (212) 616-3958. We are pleased to recognize the generous support of our members with these special benefits:


$70 is tax deductible »» Invitation to the opening night preview for visual art installations »» Free admission for you and a guest to visual art installations »» Discounts at local restaurants and hotels »» 10% discount on merchandise sales »» Discount on Armory Guided Tours »» Members Only pre-sale access for performance tickets »» 20% discount on Member or Preferred subscription


$200 is tax deductible All benefits of the Friend membership plus: »» Fees waived on ticket exchanges* »» Two free tickets to guided tours *** »» Discount on tickets to the Malkin Lecture Series, Artists Talks and Public Programs*


$370 is tax deductible All benefits of the Supporter membership plus: »» Members concierge ticket service »» Free admission for two additional guests (a party of four) to Armory visual art installations »» Two complimentary passes to an art fair**


$780 is tax deductible All benefits of the Associate membership plus: »» Recognition in printed programs »» No wait, no line ticket pick up at the patron desk »» Handling fees waived on ticket purchases* »» Invitation for you and a guest to a private Chairman’s Circle event »» Two complimentary tickets to select programs in our historic period rooms*



Members of this exclusive group are offered unique and intimate opportunities to experience the Armory, including invitations to private tours and VIP receptions with worldclass artists and access to priority seating.


Sponsored by SHOWTIME®, The Avant-Garde is a forwardthinking group of Park Avenue Armory supporters in their 20s to 30s that offers a deeper, more intimate connection to the unique and creative concepts behind the Armory’s mission. Members receive exclusive benefits throughout the year, including priority ticketing, special receptions, viewings, talks, and VIP events.


The Armory’s arts education program reaches thousands of public school students each year, immersing them in the creative process of visual and performing artists and teaching them to explore their own creative instincts. Education Committee members are invited to special events, meetings, and workshops that allow them to witness the students’ progress and contribute to the growth of the program.


The Artistic Council is a leadership group to champion and support groundbreaking “only at the Armory” productions with the world’s most sought-after artists. Members receive the closest look behind the scenes at how works are brought to life through monthly events that include intimate discussions with artists, private performances, and special travel opportunities. This group is by invitation only and is generously supported by Cartier. For more information about membership, please call (212) 616-3958 or e-mail members@armoryonpark.org For information on ticketing, or to purchase tickets, please call the Box Office at (212) 933-5812 *Subject to ticket availability **Certain restrictions apply ***Reservations required

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

PARK AVENUE ARMORY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Emeritus Elihu Rose, PhD Co-Chairs Adam R. Flatto Amanda J.T. Riegel Vice Chair Wendy Belzberg President Rebecca Robertson Vice Presidents Ken Kuchin Pablo Legorreta Emanuel Stern Secretary Gwendolyn Adams Norton

Marina Abramović Abigail Baratta Emma Bloomberg Martin Brand Cora Cahan Hélène Comfort Paul Cronson Tina R. Davis Marc de La Bruyèere Emme Levin Deland Thomas J. DeRosa Sanford B. Ehrenkranz David Fox Andrew Gundlach Marjorie L. Hart Edward G. Klein, Major General NYNG (Ret.) Mary T. Kush Ralph Lemon Heidi McWilliams

Joel Press Genie H. Rice Janet C. Ross Joan Steinberg Mimi Klein Sternlicht Angela E. Thompson Deborah C. van Eck Peter Zhou Wade F.B. Thompson, Founding Chairman, 2000–2009

Treasurer Harrison M. Bains

Marina Kellen French Artistic Director Pierre Audi

PARK AVENUE ARMORY ARTISTIC COUNCIL Co-Chairs Noreen Buckfire Michael Field Caryn Schacht and David Fox Heidi and Tom McWilliams

Benigno Aguilar and Gerald Erickson Abigail and Joseph Baratta Wendy Belzberg and Strauss Zelnick Sonja and Martin J. Brand Elizabeth Coleman Hélène and Stuyvesant Comfort Mary Cronson Emme and Jonathan Deland Leslie and Thomas DeRosa Jennie L. and Richard K. DeScherer Krystyna Doerfler Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Caryl S. Englander Adam R. Flatto Barbara and Andrew Gundlach Janet Halvorson Anita K. Hersh Wendy Keys Ken Kuchin and Tyler Morgan Mary T. Kush Almudena and Pablo Legorreta armoryonpark.org | @ParkAveArmory | #PAADrill

Christina and Alan MacDonald Jennifer Manocherian Kim Manocherian Gwen and Peter Norton Lily O’Boyle Slobodan Randjelović and Jon Stryker Amanda J.T. and Richard E. Riegel Susan and Elihu Rose Janet C. Ross Sana H. Sabbagh Stacy Schiff and Marc de La Bruyère Diane and Tom Smith Sanford L. Smith Brian S. Snyder Joan and Michael Steinberg Emanuel Stern Mimi Klein Sternlicht Deborah C. van Eck Robert Vila and Diana Barrett Mary Wallach Peter Zhou and Lisa Lee 13

SUPPORTERS Park Avenue Armory expresses its deep appreciation to the individuals and organizations listed here for their generous support for its annual and capital campaigns. $1,000,000 + Charina Endowment Fund Citi Empire State Local Development Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin and The Malkin Fund, Inc. Richard and Ronay Menschel New York City Council and Council Member Daniel R. Garodnick New York City Department of Cultural Affairs New York State Assemblymember Dan Quart and the New York State Assembly The Pershing Square Foundation Susan and Elihu Rose The Arthur Ross Foundation and J & AR Foundation Joan and Joel Smilow The Thompson Family Foundation Wade F.B. Thompson* The Zelnick/Belzberg Charitable Trust Anonymous

$500,000 to $999,999 Bloomberg Philanthropies Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Marina Kellen French Almudena and Pablo Legorreta The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Adam R. Rose and Peter R. McQuillan Donna and Marvin Schwartz Emanuel Stern

$250,000 to $499,999 American Express Michael Field Adam R. Flatto The Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Foundation Ken Kuchin and Tyler Morgan Leonard and Judy Lauder Fund The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation Marshall Rose Family Foundation

$100,000 to $249,999 The Achelis and Bodman Foundations R. Mark Adams Linda and Earle Altman Booth Ferris Foundation Sonja and Martin Brand Hélène and Stuyvesant Comfort Emme and Jonathan Deland Leslie and Tom DeRosa Ford Foundation Howard Gilman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gundlach Marjorie and Gurnee Hart Anna Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation, Inc.


Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Morse, Jr. New York State Assembly New York State Council on the Arts Stavros Niarchos Foundation Gwen and Peter Norton Donald Pels Charitable Trust Daniel and Joanna S. Rose Mrs. Arthur Ross Caryn Schacht and David Fox Hope and Robert F. Smith Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust Joan and Michael Steinberg M K Reichert Sternlicht Foundation Mr. William C. Tomson Deborah C. van Eck Edward Jay Wohlgemuth

$25,000 to $99,999 Arthur R. and Alice E. Adams Foundation Benigno Aguilar and Gerald Erickson Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros The Avenue Association Harrison and Leslie Bains Abigail Baratta Emily and Len Blavatnik Emma Bloomberg The Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Foundation Brunello Cucinelli Noreen and Ken Buckfire Cartier Betsy and Edward Cohen The Cowles Charitable Trust Caroline and Paul Cronson Jennie L. and Richard K. DeScherer Andrew L. Farkas, Island Capital Group & C-III Capital Partners Katherine Farley and Jerry Speyer Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Flug Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation Givenchy Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Deborah and Allen Grubman Janet Halvorson Anita K. Hersh Karen Herskovitz Janine and J. Tomilson Hill Hospital For Special Surgery JS Capital Management LLC Kirkland & Ellis LLP The Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation Mary T. Kush Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder Christine & Richard Mack Marc Haas Foundation National Endowment for the Arts David P. Nolan Foundation Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P. Rhodebeck Charitable Trust Genie and Donald Rice

Amanda J.T. and Richard E. Riegel Rebecca Robertson and Byron Knief Sana H. Sabbagh The Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sculco Showtime The Shubert Foundation Sydney and Stanley S. Shuman Amy and Jeffrey Silverman Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Diane and Tom Smith Sanford L. Smith Howard & Sarah D. Solomon Foundation Jon Stryker and Slobodan Randjelovic´ TEFAF NY Tishman Speyer Properties, LP Robert and Jane Toll Mary Wallach Yanghyun Foundation Anonymous (2)

$10,000 to $24,999 Jamie Alter and Michael Lynton Ginette Becker Marian and Russell Burke Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochran Elizabeth Coleman Con Edison Mary Cronson / Evelyn Sharp Foundation David Dechman and Michel Mercure Krystyna Doerfler William F. Draper Peggy and Millard Drexler The Durst Organization Caryl S. Englander Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Amandine Freidheim The Fribourg Family Barbara and Peter Georgescu Kiendl and John Gordon Archie Gottesman and Gary DeBode Jamee and Peter Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hite Jack Shainman Gallery Rachel and Mike Jacobellis Jennie Kassanoff and Dan Schulman Kekst and Company Incorporated Donna and Jeffrey Lenobel Leon Levy Foundation Lili Lynton and Michael Ryan Christina and Alan MacDonald Kim Manocherian Andrea Markezin Press and Joel Press Sylvia and Leonard Marx, Jr. Cynthia Woods Mitchell Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation Achim and Colette Moeller Moncler Morgan Stanley Nardello & Co. Lily O'Boyle Mario Palumbo and Stefan Gargiulo PBDW Architects

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

Michael Peterson Joan and Joel I. Picket Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Poses Katharine Rayner Thomas J. Reid Aby and Samantha Rosen Deborah and Chuck Royce Fiona and Eric Rudin May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Sandholm Stacy Schiff and Marc de La Bruyère Brian S. Snyder Jonathan Sobel Sotheby's Dr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Stark, Jr. Michael and Veronica Stubbs Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund Merryl and James Tisch Barbara and Donald Tober Michael Tuch Foundation Bob Vila and Diana Barrett Anastasia Vournas and J. William Uhrig Diana Wege Anonymous (4)

$5,000 to $9,999 AECOM Tishman Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ainslie Sarah Arison Jody and John Arnhold Frances Beatty Candace and Rick Beinecke Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belfer Franklin and Marsha Berger Amy Bermingham and Charles Wilson Debra and Leon Black Nicholas Brawer Catherine and Robert Brawer Daniel and Estrellita Brodsky Amanda M. Burden Canard, Inc. Janine Carendi MacMurray Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carter CBRE Tia Chapman Chilton Foundation Virginia Coleman Eugenia Comini Joyce B. Cowin Judith Cox Cultural Services of the French Embassy Mr. and Mrs. David Dangoor Diana Davenport and John Bernstein Elizabeth de Cuevas Richard and Barbara Debs Jeanne Donovan Fisher David and Frances Eberhart Foundation Ehrenkranz & Ehrenkranz LLP Andra and John Ehrenkranz Martin and Rebecca Eisenberg Foundation Dr. Nancy Eppler-Wolff and Mr. John Wolff The Lehoczky Escobar Family Lise and Michael Evans The Felicia Fund Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fenster Lori Finkel and Andrew Cogan Fisher Marantz Stone

Gail Flatto Melanie and Robert Forman Ella M. Foshay and Michael B. Rothfeld Bart Friedman and Wendy A. Stein Teri Friedman and Babak Yaghmaie Gagosian Gallery The Georgetown Company Debbi Gibbs Maarit and Tom Glocer Beth and Gary Glynn Sylvia Golden Mr. and Mrs. David Golub Jeff and Kim Greenberg Jeff Greene, Desiree Greene and Kim Lovejoy Agnes Gund Molly Butler Hart and Michael D. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Higgins Sharon Jacob Richard Katzman Cynthia and Stephen Ketchum Mr. and Mrs. Fernand Lamesch Stephen Lash and Wendy Lash William Lauder and Lori Tritsch Chad A. Leat Mr. and Mrs. Richard LeFrak Alexia and David Leuschen Gail and Alan Levenstein Mr. and Mrs. David Levinson Daniel Lewis David and Janette Liptak George S. Loening The Honorable and Mrs. Earle I Mack Linda Macklowe Shelly and Tony Malkin Charles and Gerogette Mallory Marian Goodman Gallery James C. Marlas and Marie Nugent-Head Marlas Diane and Adam E. Max Rick and Dee Mayberry Mr. and Mrs. Prakash Melwani Joyce F. Menschel Mr. and Mrs. Danny Meyer Mr. and Mrs. William Michaelcheck Elizabeth Miller and James Dinan Sue Morris The Donald R. Mullen Family Foundation, Inc. Beth and Joshua Nash Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newhouse Gabriela Peréz Rocchiette Marnie Pillsbury Betsy and Rob Pitts Cynthia Hazen Polsky and Leon B. Polsky Susan Porter Anne and Skip Pratt Preserve New York, a grant program of Preservation League of New York Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pruzan Tracey and Robert Pruzan The Reed Foundation David Remnick and Esther Fein Mr. and Mrs. Michael & Kalliope Rena Michael D. Rhea Richenthal Foundation Renee Rockefeller Ida and William Rosenthal Foundation Chuck and Stacy Rosenzweig Reed Rubin and Jane Gregory Rubin

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Valerie Rubsamen and Cedomir Crnkovic Jane Fearer Safer Saks Fifth Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sambuco Erica Samuels Nancy and Larry Sanitsky Susan and Charles Sawyers Steve Schroko and Frank Webb Sara Lee and Axel Schupf Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schwarzman James Seger Claude Shaw and Lara Meiland-Shaw Bob and Eva Shaye Jonathan Sheffer The Shubert Organization, Inc. Lea Simonds Patricia Brown Specter Lisa and Gavin Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steinhardt Beatrice Stern Debbie and Jeffrey Stevenson Tom Strauss Dorothy Strelsin Foundation / Enid Nemy Elizabeth Stribling and Guy Robinson The Jay and Kelly Sugarman Foundation Oscar Tang Ellen and Bill Taubman Alexander and Bara Tisch L.F. Turner Olivia Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Jan F. van Eck Andrew E. Vogel and Véronique Mazard Mr. and Mrs. Alexander von Perfall Lulu C. Wang Isak and Rose Weinman Foundation, Inc. Michael Weinstein Maria Wirth Cynthia Young and George Eberstadt Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Zilkha Zubatkin Owner Representation, LLC Anonymous (4)

$2,500 to $4,999 Debra Abell Abigail Kirsch Catering Katie Adams Schaeffer Susan Heller Anderson Cristiana Andrews Cohen and David Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bacon Susan Baker and Michael Lynch Peter Balis Candy Barasch Laurel Beebe Barrack Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beattie Tony Bechara Mr. Lawrence B. Benenson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Berger Stephen Berger and Cynthia Wainwright Judy and Howard Berkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birnbaum Donald and Vera Blinken John Bonanno Cynthia and Steven Brill Carolyn S. Brody Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brokaw Stacey Bronfman Amy and Kevin Brown


Veronica Bulgari and Stephan Haimo Mary and Brad Burnham Avna Cassinelli Hilary Cecil-Jordan Melanie Charlton Sommer Chatwin Alexandre and Lori Chemla Emy Cohenca Betsy Cohn Anthony P. Coles Margaret Conklin Connelly McLaughlin & Woloz Curtis Cravens and Martha Berry Margaret Crotty and Rory Riggs Ellie and Edgar Cullman The Cultivist Joshua Dachs / Fisher Dachs Associates Joan K. Davidson (The J.M. Kaplan Fund) Virginia Davies and Willard Taylor Beth Dozoretz Peter Droste and Morgan Beetham Christopher A. Duda Karen Eckhoff Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Feinstein Frederic Fekkai and Shirin von Wulffen Jared Feldman / Anchin Private Client Mr. and Mrs. Ziel Feldman Michael Finkelstein and Sue-Ann Friedman EdmĂŠe and Nicholas Firth Gwen and Austin Fragomen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Franco Hugh Freund Julie Geden Buzzy Geduld Mr. and Mrs. Martin Geller Alberta Gerschel and Peter Wasserman Sarah Jane and Trevor Gibbons Glickenhaus Foundation Elizabeth and David Granville-Smith Great Performances Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn and Nicholas Rohatyn Robert Haddock and Ann Stanton Raymond Hannigan Harkness Foundation for Dance Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayden Gillian Hearst Shaw Daisy Helman Herrick Feinstein LLP Mr. and Mrs. Ian Highet Susanna Hong Lauran Paten Hughes Phyllis Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Ken Iscol Mr. and Mrs. Morton Janklow Meredith J. Kane and Richard T. Sharp Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation Herbert Kasper Adrienne Katz Nancy Kestenbaum and David Klafter Diana King* / The Charles & Lucille King Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Koch Phyllis L. Kossoff Mr. and Ms. Douglas Krupp John Lambert and Ramona Boston Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lamm


Barbara and Richard Lane Nancy L. Lane Dorothy Lee Jeanette Lerman-Neubauer and Joel Neubauer Sahra T. Lese Phyllis Levin Francis Levy and Hallie Cohen Jane K. Lombard Gina Giumarra MacArthur Mehdi Mahmud Ann Maloney Mr. and Dr. Alan Mantell Ruth H. Marcon Iris Z Marden Judith and Michael Margulies Bonnie Maslin Nina B. Matis Mr. and Mrs. Peter May Constance and H. Roemer McPhee Beatrix and Gregor Medinger Martha and Garfield Miller Sandra Earl Mintz Cindy and David Moross Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morse Mr. and Mrs. Saleem Muqaddam Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Neidich Nancy Newcomb and John Hargraves Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Newhouse Stephen Novick and Glenn Rice Mrs. and Mr. Susan Numeroff Christian Oberbeck Kathleen O'Grady Gerry Ohrstrom David Orentreich, MD / Orentreich Family Foundation Peter and Beverly Orthwein Meredith Palmer Madison J Papp Liz and Jeff Peek Elese Reid Richard Reiss Diana and Charles Revson Heidi Rieger Eric Roberts and Robianne Mackin Rose Brand Jonathan F.P. and Diana Rose Robert Rosen and Dr. Dale Atkins Rosen Susan and Jon Rotenstreich Pierre Rougier Anne Beane Rudman Dr. and Ms. Nathan Saint-Amand Fuad Sawaya Sofie Scheerlinck Sabina and Wilfred Schlumberger Caroline Schmidt-Barnett Nicholas and Shelley Schorsch Victoria Schorsch Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schwartz Lise Scott and D. Ronald Daniel Marshall Sebring and Pepper Binkley Stephanie and Fred Shuman Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sick Peggy Siegal Alan Siegel* and Sandy Siegel Douglas Sills Denise Simon and Paulo Vieiradacunha Laura Skoler Stephanie and Dick Solar

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Daisy M. Soros Doug Steiner Melissa Stewart Leila Maw Straus Tastings Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thorpe Stephen Trevor and Stephanie Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tuft Mr. and Mrs. John Usdan Patrick van Maris Ambassador and Mrs. William J. vanden Heuvel Wendy vanden Heuvel Dini Von Mueffling Rosemary Vrablic Felicity Waley-Cohen Susan and Kevin Walsh Caroline Wamsler and DeWayne Phillips Ian Wardropper Arete Warren David Wassong and Cynthia Clift Jane Wechsler Mati Weiderpass David Reed Weinreb Katherine Wenning and Michael Dennis Gary Wexler Mindy White Brian and Jane Williams Francis Hunnewell Williams Mr. and Mrs. W. Weldon Wilson Valda Witt and Jay Hatfield Lisa Bjornson Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wood Amy Yenkin and Robert Usdan Neda Young Judy Francis Zankel Donald Zilkha Richard and Franny Heller Zorn Anonymous (6)

$1,000 to $2,499 Marina Abramović Catherine Adler Noreen K. Ahmad and Ahmar Ahmad Dr. and Mrs. Todd Albert Eric Altmann Anka Ann Anderssen Diane Archer and Stephen Presser Mr. and Mrs. Fabrizio Arengi Bentivoglio Mr. and Mrs. John Argenti Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation Hugo Barreca and Wendy Schlemm Nina Beattie and Michael Eberstadt Norton Belknap Mr. Allen Bell and Mr. David Ziff Clara Bingham Katherine Birch Claudia and George Bitar Hana and Michael Bitton Charles and Ellen Bock Dr. Suzy and Mr. Lincoln Boehm Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bonovitz Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brause Mark and Anne Brennan Marc Brodherson and Sarah Ryan Spencer Brownstone David Bruson Vineet Budhraja and Rebecca Bagdonas

Martin Indyk and Gahl Hodges Burt Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Butler Cora Cahan and Bernard Gersten Marissa Cascarilla Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Casdin Anna Chapman and Ronald Perelman Racquel Chevremont and Mickalene Thomas Kate Christensen Shirin and Kasper Christoffersen Bradley I. Collins Christina Combe Bradley A. Connor Alexander Cooper Mimi Ritzen Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crisses Austen and Ernesto Cruz Suzanne Dawson James and Gina de Givenchy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas de Neufville Gena Delbridge Diana Diamond and John Alschuler Jacqueline Didier and Noah Schienfeld Frederick Doner and Michele Oka Doner Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn Yevgeniya Elkus Patricia Ellis Carla Emil and Rich Silverstein Leland and Jane Englebardt Patricia & Alexander Farman-Farmaian Patrick Baldoni Megan Flanigan Barbara G. Fleischman Christina Floyd Di Donna Delia Folk Mr. and Mrs. Marc Fox Betsy Frank Lisa Frelinghuysen Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP Scott Fulmer and Susan Kittenplan Fulmer Gail Furman Shawna Cooper Gallancy Mr. and Mrs. David Ganek Bruce and Alice Geismar Samantha and John Gellert Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gerber Olga Geroulanos-Votis and George Votis Mark Gimbel Katja Goldman Golub Captial LLC Nina Gorrissen von Maltzahn Sarah Gould and David Steinhardt Jan M. Guifarro Frances and Gerard Guillemot Vanessa Handal Paul Hanneman Lana and Steve Harber Alison Harmelin Stephanie and Stephen Hessler In memory of Maria E. Hidrobo Kaufman William T. Hillman Barbara Hoffman Elisabeth Holder Mr. and Mrs. William Janeway John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson JoJo Jeanne Kanders Jennifer Kang

Hon. Bruce M. Kaplan and Janet Yaseen Kaplan Drs. Sylvia and Byram Karasu Margot Kenly and Bill Cumming Susan Kessler Jana and Gerold Klauer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klein Major General Edward G. Klein, NYNG (Ret.) Kameron Kordestani Ezriel Kornel MD Kate Krauss Kimberly Kravis and Jonathan Schulhof Nanette L. Laitman Barbara Landau Judith Langer Julia Ledda Ralph Lemon Donna and Wayne Lowery Rose Peabody Lynch John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Liz MacNeill Reeva and Ezra P. Mager Mark Magowan Jan Marks Jacqueline Martin Joanie Martinez Match 65 Brasserie Larry and Mary McCaffrey Orin McCluskey Nancy McCormick Marta McDowell and Kirke Bent Melanie McLennan Melissa Meeschaert Sage Mehta and Michael Robinson Rebecca Gold Milikowsky Claire Milonas Whitney and Andrew Mogavero Anne Cook and Charles Moss Sheila Nevins and Sidney Koch Sheila Newhouse Annette Niemtzow and Eve Ellis Sassona Norton and Ron Filler Nancy and Morris W. Offit Mr. and Mrs. David Oliver Robert Ouimette and Lee Hirsch Deborah Pagani Mr. and Mrs. David PalamĂŠ Nicole PalamĂŠ Robin and Carlos Palomares Mindy Papp Mr. and Mrs. Lee Parks Britten Leigh Pascale Annie Pell Sally Peterson and Michael Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Petrocelli Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pfeifler Patricia Picciotto Mrs. and Mr. Geri Pollack Laura Poretzky-Garcia Prime Parking Systems Francesca Proietti David and Leslie Puth Martin and Anna Rabinowitz Victoria Reese and Greg Kennedy Julie Richardson Judi Roaman and Carla Chammas Mr. and Mrs. David Rogath Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rosberg

armoryonpark.org | @ParkAveArmory | #PAADrill

Marisa Rose and Robin van Bokhorst Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rosen Marjorie P. Rosenthal Whitney Rouse Jane Royal and John Lantis Susan Rudin Victoria Love Salnikoff Elizabeth Sarnoff and Andrew Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Satnick Susan Savitsky Paul H. Scarbrough, Akustiks, LLC. Pat Schoenfeld Amy Schulman Paolo Sciarra Robert and Kimia Finnerty Nadine Shaoul and Mark Schonberger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shuman Mr. and Mrs. Randy Slifka Mr. and Mrs. David Sonenberg James Spindler Emily L. Spratt Squadron A Foundation Max Stafford-Glenn Mark Stamford Mr. and Mrs. Myron Stein Gayfryd Steinberg and Michael Shnayerson Joseph Stern Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stern Tricia Stevenson Jennifer Stockman Stella Strazdas and Henry Forrest Studio Institute Summit Security Services, Inc. Jennifer Tipton Lizzie and Jonathan Tisch Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Troubh Amelia & Steven Usdan Maria Vecchiotti Mr. and Mrs. John Vogelstein Teri and Barry Volpert Mr. and Mrs. Douglas von Erb Amanda and John Waldron Saundra Whitney Lucy Massey Waring Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Weldon Lynne Wheat Shelby White Gigi Stone Woods Jon and Reva Wurtzburger Meghan and Michael Young Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Zemmel Joseph Zimmel and Sheryl Ronzello Anonymous (3) List as of May 10, 2019 * Deceased


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