Judgment Day

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WELCOME Park Avenue Armory is thrilled to welcome director Richard Jones back for this Armory original production of Ödön von Horváth’s Judgment Day. At the Armory, we are committed to supporting boundary-breaking artists like Richard, who riveted New York audiences with his harrowing production of The Hairy Ape, performed in 2017 on a 137’- wide revolving stage. Our expansive Wade Thompson Drill Hall is again a willing and able partner to Judgment Day, allowing set designer Paul Steinberg’s massive set to take full advantage of the space. This Judgment Day, adapted brilliantly by Christopher Shinn, resonates in our current social and political climate, as it reminds us to think critically about the responsibilities of the public for situations which seem out of our control. We are honored to be a part of bringing this challenging and relevant play to life with such a talented creative team and cast of actors. Rebecca Robertson Founding President & Executive Producer

There is no doubt that this new production of von Horváth’s Judgment Day will be a visually unique and powerful dramatic theatrical experience for New York audiences, with the grand scale of the design, coupled with director Richard Jones’ extraordinary talent. Richard excels in his attention to the minutiae and the moment in between, which audiences witnessed first-hand with The Hairy Ape in 2017. His choreography and the way he moves and places people across the stage help to create an invigorating visual experience that is unrivaled by many directors working on large stages today. Ödön von Horváth’s plays are enjoying an astonishing revival right now. Despite his death over 80 years ago, his writing probes at some of the most relevant themes of the current day: truth, morality, guilt, and the dangers of surrendering to collective thought. We are excited to be presenting this new adaptation by Christopher Shinn, an adaptation that supports the vision behind the production and do justice to the psychological richness of the play. Pierre Audi Marina Kellen French Artistic Director

Cover Photo: Steffen Egly via Getty Images

JUDGMENT DAY Thursday, December 5, 2019–Friday, January 10, 2020 A Park Avenue Armory Production By Ödön von Horváth, Adapted by Christopher Shinn Richard Jones Christopher Shinn Paul Steinberg Mimi Jordan Sherin Antony McDonald Daniel Kluger Drew Levy Anjali Mehra Ashley Tata Kate Wilson Thomas Schall Lisa Iacucci Janet Takami Michael Medina

Director Adaptor Set Designer Lighting Designer Costume Designer Music and Sound Design Sound Designer Movement Director Associate Director Vocal Coach Fight Director Production Stage Manager Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager

Casting by Telsey + Company/Tiffany Little Canfield, CSA/Karyn Casl, CSA Starring: Alex Breaux, Alyssa Bresnahan, Charles Brice, Cricket Brown, Gina Daniels, John Glowacki, Harriet Harris, Maurice Jones, Luke Kirby, Tom McGowan, George Merrick, Andy Murray, Jason O’Connell, Susannah Perkins, Henry Stram, Joe Wegner, Jeena Yi This performance is approximately 90 minutes with no intermission.

OTHER HAPPENINGS Artist Talk: Judgment Day thursday, december 12, 2019 at 6:00pm

Director Richard Jones and his fellow creative team members discuss adapting Ödön von Horváth’s play for the stage and mounting it in an unconventional space.

Armory After Hours

Join us after select evening performances for libations with fellow attendees at a special bar in one of our historic period rooms.

Season Sponsors

Support for Park Avenue Armory’s artistic season has been generously provided by the Charina Endowment Fund, The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust, the Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, the Howard Gilman Foundation, the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, The Shubert Foundation, The Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Foundation, the Marc Haas Foundation, the Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Foundation, the Leon Levy Foundation, the May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, the Richenthal Foundation, and the Isak and Rose Weinman Foundation. The artistic season is also made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. Additional support has been provided by the Armory's Artistic Council. armoryonpark.org





Herr Hudetz is only one of thirteen characters in this play; the others are the fickle, bitter townspeople. They gossip. They belittle. They cast aspersions.

ALFONS I can understand that.

They pass Judgment:

FRAU HUDETZ For all I care, this whole town could drop dead. —Ödön von Horváth, "Judgment Day"

ANNA They say you’re not a man. HUDETZ Who says that.

I’ve never been a huge fan of people.

ANNA The whole town.

Persons, sure. Individuals. Some. A couple. But when they get together, in groups, people give me the willies. I’ve never been entirely certain why that is. I assumed it was because of their propensity for violence, hatred, and destruction. History, after all, is nothing if not the collected stories of various groups of people and their propensity for violence, hatred, and destruction. But reading Ödön von Horváth’s The Judgment, I realized it isn’t just their propensity for violence, hatred, and destruction that puts me off people – or rather, that their propensity for violence, hatred, and destruction is part of a much larger problem: The inability of groups to see their own guilt. Judgment Day takes place in 1933, at a train station in an unnamed village somewhere in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The story ostensibly concerns the local Stationmaster, Herr Hudetz, and the events leading up to and following a terrible train accident that results in the deaths of eighteen people. On the surface level, the plot of the play revolves around Hudetz’s guilt, how he deals with it (or doesn’t), and how he is caught (or isn’t). But the story of one man’s guilt is not what Horváth is after here. He’s after something much larger: the culpability of the village.

These Judgments are as much a part of the story as are Hudetz’s own crimes and lies. The townspeople are a miserable, sanctimonious lot. They come to Hudetz’s defense, then they condemn him. They cast aspersions on Anna, then they laud her. They despise Hudetz’s wife, then they pity her, then they condemn her. And they are, says Horváth, as guilty in their own way as Hudetz is in his:

FRAU HUDETZ Sometimes I ask myself – what crimes are we atoning for? ALFONS Our own. FRAU HUDETZ I haven’t done anything. ALFONS Yes you have – you just forgot.

Of crowds. Of groups.


Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory ∙ 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

And that, I realized, is why I hate people.

If the world really is about to tear itself to pieces, it is, in large part, because technology has allowed us to find our groups. And in those groups, like a virus in a dish of blood, grows the disease of Certainty. Assurance takes hold, and self-reflection dies.

Groups of them, anyway. Ödön nailed it, ninety years ago. Because while a man or woman might struggle with guilt, groups do not. Ever. That’s the whole point of groups, that’s why they form, that’s why they get together: the comfortable mutual assurance of their own unquestionable rightness. White Nationalists don’t gather in Charlottesville to question the notion of superiority. Believers don’t go to their temples to wonder if this whole God thing is a dangerous fiction.

Horváth plays a sly trick on the audience in this play. Yes, you. Because as you sit together, in a large group, watching this story of one man’s guilt, what Horváth is really telling us is the story of another kind of guilt. Of the guilt of crowds. And that’s a much more difficult and dangerous guilt than the guilt of an individual. Enjoy the play. I’ll be home.

Individually they might. And many of them do.


But not when they’re together.

With the doors double-locked.

When like-minded people get together, doubt stays home. Judgment Day was published in 1937. The Nazi Party was already in power. Hitler had already reoccupied the Rhineland and broken the Treaty of Versailles. Göring had already formed the Luftwaffe, Jews were already banned from the military, and the Nuremberg Laws had already gone into effect. Groups were forming. And Horváth didn’t like what he saw. There is a tendency among critics to assume that everything written before the Holocaust foresaw the Holocaust. They say this about Horváth, too, and maybe it’s true. But if we’re going to traffic in prophecy and hocus-pocus, let’s go all the way: Ödön von Horváth foresaw Twitter. He envisaged Reddit. He prophesied the internet. You heard it here first.





ADAPTOR'S NOTE FROM CHRISTOPHER SHINN The two hardest things for a writer to see are what’s happening in front of them and where their society is headed. That Ödön von Horváth achieved both with his 1937 play Judgment Day is just one of many remarkable things about it. As I worked on adapting Horváth’s text, what stunned me most is how contemporary it felt, in both form and content. The play moves with speed and economy even for audiences now. Its characters talk in tense exchanges that escalate quickly and turn unexpectedly, and when they come together as a community, superficiality, bloodthirstiness, and hypocrisy dominate. Even the play’s interrogation of sexual and emotional repression, though of its era, resonates with our exaggerated sense of how self-aware and in control we are today. There are famous plays written as recently as the 1980s that feel as if they belong in museums – Judgment Day feels like a new play. But it also stands apart from so many new plays: there are no neat binaries between good and bad, oppressor and oppressed. Identities and beliefs are treated with skepticism, not credulousness. Everyone is involved in some kind of violence or corruption, and everyone has areas of profound misconception. Horváth provides no comfort to audiences searching for a character who will help them feel right, safe, or superior. That he achieves all this not from a place of omniscience and arrogance, but with a humility presumably born of self-scrutiny, makes the play feel even more unusual and true. Horváth died at 36. As I adapted Judgment Day, he felt older to me – his dark, wry vision is startlingly mature. At the same time, this is a young person’s play, written with urgency and passion at a moment of extraordinary historical significance. It is tragic that Horváth died so young – what would he have written at 50, at 70? – but we can take comfort (if that’s the word) in the existence of this work, which still feels ahead of us in revealing who we are and where we might be headed.


Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory ∙ 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

CAST In order of appearance

Lumberjack Frau Liemgruber Frau Hudetz Alfons Salesman/Trackworker Thomas Hudetz Ferdinand Anna Policeman Innkeeper of The Wild Man Frau Krenn Leni Herr Koller Stoker/Truck Driver Prosecutor/Pokorny Inspector Detective

Andy Murray Harriet Harris Alyssa Bresnahan Henry Stram Jason O’Connell Luke Kirby Alex Breaux Susannah Perkins Charles Brice Tom McGowan Gina Daniels Jeena Yi John Glowacki George Merrick Maurice Jones Cricket Brown Joe Wegner

Understudies: For Alfons — Charles Brice; for Anna & Leni — Cricket Brown; for Frau Leimgruber, Frau Hudetz, & Detective — Gina Daniels; for Stoker, Pokorny, & Prosector — John Glowacki; for Lumberjack — Maurice Jones; for Salesman — George Merrick; for Policeman, Trackworker, & Inspector — Andy Murray; for Innkeeper & Truck Driver — Jason O’Connell; and for Thomas Hudetz & Ferdinand — Joe Wegner.


A railway station


The scene of an accident


The Wild Man Inn, four months later


A viaduct


The Wild Man Inn


The pharmacy and Alfons’s residence


The embankment where the accident happened






Richard Jones has directed theater in London at the Young Vic, the Old Vic, National Theatre, RSC, in the West End, and at the Royal Court Theatre. In New York he has directed at The Public Theater and three times on Broadway. Jones has directed opera at the Royal Opera House, English National Opera, Aix-en-Provence, Paris, Amsterdam, Glyndebourne, La Scala Milan, Frankfurt, Berlin, and Munich. In theater he has been awarded Olivier Awards for Too Clever by Half (Old Vic) and Into the Woods (West End), and the Evening Standard Award as Best Director for The Illusion (Old Vic). He was nominated for a Tony Award for La Bête (Broadway), and awarded 4 Olivier Awards in Opera for Katya Kabanova and Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (ROH), Hansel and Gretel (WNO), and The Mastersingers of Nurnberg (ENO); this also won the South Bank Show Award. His production of The Hairy Ape played at New York's Park Avenue Armory and was nominated for 6 Drama Desk awards. In the 2015 New Years Honours, Jones was appointed Commander of the British Empire (CBE).


Royal Designer for Industry. Member of the British Team who won the Golden Triga at 2003 Prague Quadrennial for Un Ballo in Maschera, Bregenz, and in 1991 for the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hamlet. Winner of Set Design Award (International Opera Awards 2013). Direction and Design: Hansel and Gretel (Royal Opera House), Werther (Bergen National Opera), On The Town, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Hyogo, Japan), Powder Her Face (Irish National Opera), Lohengrin (Greek National Opera), The Ring Cycle (Nationale Reisopera), Fiddler on the Roof, Queen of Spades (Grange Park Opera), Ariadne auf Naxos, Rusalka, Samson and Dalilah (Scottish Opera). Design: Katya Kabanova (Royal Opera House), Macbeth (St Gallen), La Finta Giardinera (Glyndebourne, Teatro alla Scala), Ein Reigen (Vienna State Ballet), Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Nutcracker (Scottish Ballet).



Christopher Shinn is the author of Dying City (Pulitzer Prize finalist), Where Do We Live (Obie in Playwriting), Now or Later (Evening Standard Theater Award for Best Play shortlist), and Four, among other plays. His most recent play, Against, had its world premiere at the Almeida Theatre in 2017, starring Ben Whishaw. In spring 2019, he directed a revival of Dying City at Second Stage. He is a 2019-2020 Radcliffe Fellow at Harvard, and teaches playwriting at the New School.


Paul Steinberg collaborated with R ichard Jones on Der Rosenkavalier (Glyndebourne, Tokyo Nikikai Opera Foundation), Don Giovanni (English National Opera, Theater Basel, Den Norske Opera), Die Meistersinger Von Nürnberg (Welsh National Opera, English National Opera), Wozzeck (Komische Oper Berlin, Welsh National Opera), Lulu (English National Opera, Oper Frankfurt), The Twilight Zone (Almeida Theatre, West End). His designs have been seen at the Royal Opera House, Dutch National Opera, Metropolitan Opera, La Scala, Paris Opera, Staatsoper and Deutsche Opera Berlin, The Bavarian State Opera, Teatro Real Madrid, Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona, The Bregenz Festival. Recent projects include Tamerlano in the Bockenheimer Depot, Oper Frankfurt, Lohengrin Royal Opera House, and Opera Vlaanderen in Antwerp. He is an Arts Professor in the Graduate Theater Design Department of NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome.


Mimi Jordan Sherin recently designed A Very Expensive Poison at the Old Vic in London. For her work in New York she has been awarded the American Theatre Wing Award, 2 Obies, the Eddy, and nominations for a Tony and 6 Drama Desks. In London she has worked with the Young Vic, Old Vic, Royal Court, National Theatre, Royal Shakespeare Company, and in the West End. Sherin has designed extensively in opera including the Royal Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, La Fenice, Glyndebourne, Metropolitan Opera, Bayerische Staatsoper, Wiener Staatsoper, Bolshoi, English National Opera, New Tokyo Opera, Chicago Lyric, Houston Grand, and many others. Her American theater work includes 40 years of designs at most of the leading regional theaters.


Broadway: Oklahoma! (2019 Tony Nomination, Orchestrations), The Sound Inside, Seawall / A Life, revival of Marvin’s Room, world premiere of Significant Other. Off-Broadway: premieres of Sunday, I Was Most Alive With You, Animal, The Village Bike, Man From Nebraska, Tribes, and Women or Nothing. Kluger has produced scores for many Off-Broadway theaters including Lincoln Center, Roundabout, the Atlantic, Second Stage, Playwrights Horizons, Vineyard Theater. www.danielkluger.com


Broadway: Oklahoma! (2019 Tony Nomination, Drama Desk Nomination), Honeymoon in Vegas (Drama Desk Nomination), Chaplin (Drama Desk Award), The Winslow Boy, The Importance of Being Earnest, Present Laughter. Off-Broadway: Oklahoma!, One Day the Musical, The Weir, Why Torture is Wrong…, EmergenceSee!, Dutchman. Regional: Heartbreak Hotel, ART, Williamstown, 5th Avenue Theatre, The Old Globe, Two River Theatre, Westport Country Playhouse, Huntington. Other: Reconfiguration: An Evening with Other Lives at BAM; Drama Desk Awards 2014 & 2015; Metropolitan Opera 125th Anniversary Gala.


Anjali Mehra studied at Central School of Ballet, winning the prestigious Christopher Gable Choreographer Award. A hugely successful performer, she has had roles in Bombay Dreams (Lloyd Webber) and was principal dancer for the Matthew Bourne Company for over 20 years creating the role of ‘Glenda’ Play without Words (Sadlers Wells and tour), ‘Girlfriend/Queen’ Swan Lake (International Tour), and ‘Irina’ The Red Shoes (Sadlers Wells, International Tour). Choreographer: La Tragédie de Carmen and Oreste (Wilton Music Hall); Jakob Lenz (ENO at Hampstead Theatre); L’Orfeo (Silent Opera); I Puritani (GPO, Dir. Stephen Langridge); Dick Whittington (Watford Palace Theatre); revival choreographer Macbeth (Opera De Lille), Hansel and Gretel (Bayerische Staatsoper, Munich/Welsh National Opera); La Fanciulla Del West, (Santa Fe Opera Dir. Richard Jones). Associate: A Midsummer Night's Dream and Macbeth, (Watermill Ensemble UK Tour); The Nico Project (Melbourne International Arts Festival), God Only Knows, collaboration with artist Kate Tiernan, (Tate Modern); Masterpiece in Motion (Windsor Castle); Damnation of Faust (Movement Dir. Sarah Fahie, Dir. Richard Jones).

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory ∙ 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street


Ashley Tata directs multi-media works of theater, contemporary opera, and immersive experiences that have been presented in venues and festivals throughout the U.S. and internationally, including LA Opera, Miller Theater, Holland Festival (under Artistic Director Pierre Audi), PROTOTYPE Festival, Crossing the Line Festival, NCPA, Beijing, and Bard’s Fisher Center. She has directed works by some of today’s leading composers including David T. Little, Kate Soper, Huang Ruo, and Ted Hearne. Her production of David T. Little's Soldier Songs was called an "extraordinarily powerful production" by the LA Times and her production of Kate Soper's Ipsa Dixit was named one of the top “ten notable performances of 2017” by Alex Ross of The New Yorker. Upcoming productions include stagings of operas by John Adams and JeanBaptiste Barrière and Soldier Songs at Chicago Opera Theater sung by Nathan Gunn. www.ashleytata.com


The Hairy Ape. Broadway: A Soldier’s Play, Moulin Rouge, To Kill a Mockingbird, Beetlejuice, Burn This, All My Sons, Gary, Network, True West, The Cher Show, American Son, The Waverly Gallery, Carousel, The Iceman Cometh, Lobby Hero, Sweat, The Glass Menagerie, The Front Page, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, Fully Committed, The Crucible, A View from the Bridge, An American in Paris. Off-Broadway: The Half-Life of Marie Curie, Much Ado About Nothing, The Mother, Superhero, Admissions. Film/TV: Mrs. America, Chimerica, Lady Bird, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, Little Women, Olive Kitteridge, Inside Llewyn Davis, Carol. Faculty: Juilliard.


Park Avenue Armory: The Hairy Ape. Broadway: Over ninety shows... The Inheritance, King Lear, True West, The Ferryman, To Kill A Mockingbird, Network, Angels In America, The Crucible, The Present, The Front Page, Blackbird, Jitney, Romeo and Juliet, Of Mice and Men, Venus in Fur, War Horse, Death Of A Salesman, Mary Stuart, A View From The Bridge. The Public Theater: Hamlet, Othello, The Low Road, Richard III, Titus Andronicus. New York Theatre Workshop: Red Speedo, Othello. MTC: The Cost Of Living, Murder Ballad. Met Opera: Le Nozze De Figaro, Il Trovatore, Tosca, Samson et Dalila.


Broadway: Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus. National Tours: Hamilton (Puerto Rico), On Your Feet!, An American in Paris. Off-Broadway: Hangman (Atlantic Theater Company) If I Forget (Roundabout Theatre Company) Bright Colors Bold Patterns (Barrow Street Theatre) Selected Regional: The Glimmerglass Festival, Bucks County Playhouse, Toledo Opera, Pittsburgh CLO, Summer Lyric Theatre. All the love to those who push me everyday. Instagram: @MikeEdina


Ödön von Horváth (1901-1938) was born in Fiume, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, of an aristocratic Hungarian-speaking family. His plays include: Italienische Nacht (Italian Night) 1931, Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald (Tales from the Vienna Woods) 1931, Kasimir und Karoline (Casimir and Caroline) 1932, Figaro Läst sich Schieden (Figaro Gets a Divorce) 1937, Der jüngste Tag (Judgment Day), 1937 Don Juan Kommt aus dem Krieg (Don Juan Comes Back from the War), produced 1952. Horváth’s plays were banned when the Nazis came to power, and then neglected in Germany until the 1950s.


Broadway/Tours: West Side Story, Tina, The Sound Inside, Linda Vista, Freestyle Love Supreme, Beetlejuice, Oklahoma!, To Kill a Mockingbird, Mean Girls, Frozen, Come From Away, Waitress, Hamilton, Wicked, My Fair Lady, Once on This Island, Hello, Dolly!, Anastasia. Off-Broadway: Atlantic Theater Company, Classic Stage Company, MCC Theater, New Group, Second Stage Theatre. Film: The Kitchen, Mary Poppins Returns, Ben Is Back, The Greatest Showman, Into the Woods, Rachel Getting Married. TV: Tales of the City, Fosse/Verdon, NOS4A2, This Is Us, NCIS: New Orleans, One Day at a Time, Rent, commercials. www.telseyandco.com


Lisa Iacucci is excited to be working at Park Avenue Armory for the first time. Other credits include projects on and off Broadway, with Lincoln Center Festival, New York Stage and Film, The Public Theater, Lincoln Center Theater, Manchester International Festival, Spoleto Festival USA, and Shanghai Disney.


Broadway: The Nap, Escape to Margaritaville, An American in Paris, Old Times, Act One, The Winslow Boy, Memphis, The 39 Steps, The Wedding Singer. Recent OffBroadway: Hercules (The Public), Nantucket Sleigh Ride (Lincoln Center Theater). Upcoming: Flying Over Sunset. MFA: Yale School of Drama.






Broadway: Brodie in The Real Thing (Roundabout). Off-Broadway: Red Speedo (New York Theatre Workshop), Ajax in Troilus and Cressida (NYSF/The Public), TEENAGE DICK (Ma-Yi/The Public), Lightning… or the Unbuttoning (NY Stage and Film), The Rape of the Sabine Women… (Playwrights Realm), Much Ado About Nothing (NYSF/The Public), The Ultimate Beauty Bible (Page 73), Fuck Marry Kill (Less Than Rent). Film: Hustlers, Depraved, Bushwick (Sundance / Cannes 2017), Trick, Campfire Alpha, Katie Says Goodbye. Upcoming Film: Foxhole, Lapsis, Union Bridge. Television: When They See Us (dir. Ava Duvernay/ Netflix), Blue Bloods, Blacklist, FBI, Bull. Training: The Juilliard School, B.A. Harvard University. www.alexbreaux.com. Instagram: cali_breaux


John Glowacki is thrilled to be joining The Armory for this production. He graduated from NYU’s graduate acting program in 2018. Prior to earning his masters degree he lived and worked in Milwaukee, Wisconsin creating theater promoting non-violence and peacemaking. He is excited to continue singing, playing music, and working both on stage and in film, as well as creating his own productions. Regional: Sam Phillips (The Million Dollar Quartet), Sherlock Holmes 2 (Holmes and Watson). He would like to thank his friends, family, teachers, and Betânia for their love and support.



Broadway: Network (Louise Schumacher), War Horse (Rose Narracott); OffBroadway: Napoli, Brooklyn (Roundabout Theatre Company), Hamlet, Measure for Measure (both at TFANA); RSC/Denver Theatre, UK Tour: Tantalus. Regional theater work at The Goodman, Long Wharf Theater, Hartford Stage, South Coast Rep, among others. Select Film: Colewell, Swallow, The Mountain, Soller's Point, The Wrestler, 27 Dresses. TV Credits include The Blacklist and Law and Order.


New York Theater: The Walking Man (The Public Theater), Black Angels Over Tuskegee (Actors Temple Theatre), Othello (Looking Glass Theatre). Television: Homeland, The Punisher, Watchmen, God Friended Me, Pose, Bull, The Blacklist, Chicago Fire, Blindspot, Shades of Blue, The Night Of, Show Me A Hero, Blue Bloods. Film: Harry Haft, How To Tell You’re A Douchebag (Sundance Film Festival). Brice holds a BFA in Acting from Shenandoah University and an MFA in Acting from The Actors Studio Drama School. He sends love and thanks to his family for their support, and thanks to his representation at Paradigm Talent Agency and MKSD Management.


Cricket Brown is a performer and creator that graduated this past spring from North Carolina School of the Arts. She just shot a project directed by Olivia Wilde. Upcoming: Screen Gems’ feature adaptation of Shrine. Gratitude to her family, the Lenape people, and our earth. www.cricketbrown.com


Broadway: Network; All the Way. Off-Broadway: PlayOn! Shakespeare; Building the Wall; Displaced; Zona. Regional: Oregon Shakespeare Festival (company member 10 seasons); Paper Mill Playhouse; Arena Stage; Studio Theatre; Berkeley Repertory Theatre; Center Stage; Syracuse Stage; Pittsburgh Public Theater; Utah Shakespeare Festival; Arden Theatre; Theatre Works; Repertory Theatre of St. Louis; Portland Center Stage; Kansas City Repertory Theatre; Shakespeare Santa Cruz; Geva Theatre Center; Delaware Theatre Company; Milwaukee Repertory Theater. TV: Manifest; Orange is the New Black; High Maintenance. www.gina-daniels.com


Broadway: It Shoulda Been You, Cinderella, Cry-Baby, Present Laughter, Old Acquaintance, Thoroughly Modern Millie (2002 Tony and Drama Desk Awards), The Man Who Came to Dinner. Off-Broadway: Me and My Girl (City Center Encores), The Low Road, The Roads to Home, Little Me (City Center Encores), Standing On Ceremony, Yeast Nation, Jeffrey (Drama Desk nomination), Bella, Belle of Byelorussia (Drama Desk nomination). Film: Baby (upcoming), Phantom Thread, Love is Strange, Memento, Nurse Betty, Addams Family Values. TV: Atlantic Crossing (upcoming), Ratched (upcoming), American Horror Story, Hollywood, Felicia Tillman on Desperate Housewives, Bebe Glazer on Frasier. Instagram and Twitter: @msharrietharris


Broadway: Lifespan of a Fact, Saint Joan, The Cherry Orchard, Romeo & Juliet, Julius Caesar. Off-Broadway: Sunday (Atlantic) Linda (Manhattan Theatre Club). Troilus & Cressida, Pretty Hunger (Public Theater). Little Children Dream of God (Roundabout). Regional: Hamlet (Chicago Shakespeare Theater) The Model American, A Legendary Romance (Williamstown). As You Like It, Ruined, (Denver Center); Butler (Barrington Stage); Julius Caesar (Folger Shakespeare Library); Lives of Reason (Two River) The Learned Ladies (STNJ); Television: Blue Bloods, Elementary, The Good Fight, 30 Rock. Film: Winter’s Tale, And So It Goes, Romeo & Juliet. National Theatre Conservatory, MFA.


Luke Kirby is a 2019 Emmy Award winning actor for his portrayal of Lenny Bruce on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. He recently completed shooting The Deuce for HBO. He can be seen in M. Night Shyamalan’s GLASS, and Nia DaCosta’s Little Woods opposite Tessa Thompson, in Netflix’s Tales of the City as Tommy opposite Jen Richards, and on Facebook’s Sorry for Your Loss opposite Elizabeth Olsen. Other credits include Dreamworks’ A Dog’s Purpose directed by Lasse Hallström, and Take This Waltz directed by Sarah Polley. TV credits include The Twilight Zone (CBS ALL ACCESS); The Astronaut Wives Club (ABC); Rectify (Sundance TV); Show Me a Hero (HBO); Slings & Arrows (Sundance Channel). Theater: Too Much, Too Much, Too Many (Dir. Sheryl Kaller, Roundabout Theatre Company); Defender Of The Faith (Dir. Ciaran O’Reilly, Irish Repertory Theatre); Jump/Cut (Dir. Leigh Silverman, The Women’s Project); Troilus and Cressida (Dir. Peter Hall, Theatre For A New Audience).

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory ∙ 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street


Broadway: She Loves Me, Casa Valentina, Wicked, Chicago, Ivanov, La Bête (Tony Award and Drama Desk Nominations, Outer Critics Circle Award) Off-Broadway: The Food Chain (OBIE Award), The Winter’s Tale, Coriolanus. Television: Kenny the Station Manager on Frasier, Bernie on Everybody Loves Raymond, The Good Fight, Veep, Modern Family, Hot In Cleveland, Boston Legal, CSI, Curb Your Enthusiasm, ER, Brothers And Sisters. Film: Freeheld, The Birdcage, Heavyweights, Ghost World, Bad Santa, As Good As It Gets, Bean, Family Man, 12 And Holding, Mrs. Parker..., Sleepless In Seattle. Regional: includes Williamstown, Old Globe, La Jolla Playhouse, Geffen Playhouse, Yale Rep, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Eugene O’Neill Playwriting Conference. MFA, Yale School of Drama, BFA, Hofstra.


Broadway: Honeymoon in Vegas, South Pacific, High Fidelity. Off-Broadway: Clever Little Lies, Ring Twice for Miranda, Money Talks. Regional: recent roles at Hudson Valley Shakespeare, Paper Mill Playhouse, Goodspeed Opera House, Syracuse Stage, Pittsburgh Public Theater, North Shore, St. Louis MUNY. TV: Fosse/Verdon, Rise, Madame Secretary, The Blacklist, Blue Bloods.


Broadway: Lincoln Center – Ted Narracott in War Horse. Off-Broadway: The Irish Rep – Sharky in The Seafarer, Smithers in The Emperor Jones. Regional theater: The McCarter, Yale Rep, Shakespeare Theater DC, Baltimore Centerstage, American Conservatory Theater, Berkeley Rep, Seattle Rep, California Shakespeare Theater, Magic Theater, San Jose Rep, Kansas City Rep. Film and TV: House of Cards, Daredevil, The Knick, Run All Night, Aloft, Wormwood, Shades of Blue, The Blacklist, Person of Interest, Chicago P.D., Elementary, Law and Order C.I., Bull, Forever.


Broadway: Network, Junk, The Elephant Man (also Theatre Royal Haymarket, London), Inherit the Wind, The Crucible (2002), Titanic. Recent Off-Broadway: The Hairy Ape (Park Avenue Armory), A Proust Sonata (Florence Gould Hall), The School for Scandal (Red Bull), Posterity (Atlantic), Fly by Night (Playwrights Horizons), The Cradle Will Rock (Encores Off Center), Charles Ives Take Me Home (Rattlestick), Antony and Cleopatra (Public and Royal Shakespeare Company), The Illusion (Signature). Film: Ben is Back, Submission, The Greatest Showman, Irrational Man, Cradle Will Rock, The Grey Zone, Illuminata, Angelica. TV: The Detour, White Collar, Smash, The Americans, Law and Order. Stram is a graduate of The Juilliard School and the recipient of an Obie Award for Sustained Excellence.


Regional theater: Archduke (world premiere, Center Theater Group), The Taming of The Shrew (Great Lakes Theater/ISF/Lake Tahoe Shakespeare), Guys and Dolls, A Wrinkle in Time (world premiere), Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Taming of the Shrew, Very Merry Wives of Winsor Iowa, Romeo and Juliet (Oregon Shakespeare Festival), Guys and Dolls (Wallis Annenberg Center), The School for Lies (Arkansas Repertory Theatre), In the Blood (Mixed Blood Theatre). TV/Film: Tales of the City (Netflix). Education: BFA (Southern Oregon University). www.joewegner.net


Jeena Yi recently made her Broadway debut in Network directed by Ivo Van Hove and was last seen at Yale Rep for the world premiere of Brandon Jacob Jenkins new play, GIRLS. Other credits include Somebody’s Daughter (2nd Stage Uptown), Rape of the Sabine Women (Playwrights Realm), Vietgone (Oregon Shakespeare Festival) Light’s Rise On Grace (Woolly Mammoth) TV/Film: Sucession (HBO), Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix), Manifest (NBC), AKA Wyatt Cenac (topic.com). www.jeenayi.com


Off-Broadway: Harold Ryan in Happy Birthday, Wanda June (Wheelhouse/ Duke on 42nd St), Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice (Primary Stages), Bottom and Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (The Pearl), Edward and Robert Ferrars in Sense and Sensibility (Bedlam/Gym at Judson), Trigorin in The Seagull (Bedlam/Sheen Center). Most recently, O’Connell played the title role in his own adaptation (with Brenda Withers) of Cyrano at Two River Theater and Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Other regional: APT, Great Lakes Theater, Delaware Theatre Co, Arkansas Rep, Florida Studio, etc. TV: Law and Order: SVU and Criminal Intent. NYIT Award: Outstanding Lead Actor (Don Juan in Hell). O’Connell is the writer/performer of The Dork Knight (Joe’s Pub, Primary Stages, The Abingdon, etc), his directing credits include Pride and Prejudice (Syracuse Stage) and the world premiere of Cyrano (Amphibian Stage), and he is a founding member of NYC theater company The COOP. www.jason-oconnell.com


Broadway: Network. Off-Broadway: The Low Road (The Public), The Wolves (Lincoln Center/The Playwrights Realm), The Rape Of The Sabine Women... (The Playwrights Realm). Regional: NYSAF, ART. TV: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. BFA: NYU Tisch. Obie and Drama Desk awards. Upcoming at Park Avenue Armory: Rachel Rose's short film Enclosure.





JUDGMENT DAY PRODUCTION STAFF Brendan Boston Assistant Set Designer Paul Hudson Assistant Lighting Designer Nevada Lozano Assistant Sound Designer/Copyist Janet Rucker Company Manager Alexa Dumont Assistant Company Manager Laura Aupert Assistant Production Manager Aidan Nelson Technical Preparations Assistant Cat Hickerson Production Assistant, Stage Management Ray Jordan Achan Production Assistant, Programming Colt Luedtke Production Assistant, Production Cory Sierra Programming Intern Beacon Theatrical Services Scenic Supervisor Kate Stack Props Supervisor Vaneik Echeverria Production Carpenter

Aaron Copp Lighting Supervisor Tater Polato Production Electrician Mark Grey Audio Supervisor Maggie Burke Production Audio Victoria Bek Costume Supervisor run cr ew Teshale Alvanzo, Kate Casalino, Maclean Dallery, Lukas Guilbeau, Joel Hawkns, Justin Hill, MJ Kanai, Dominique Kelly, Joe Laureiro, Cody Lee, Clara Luthas, Curtis Marxen, Jesse Mattes, Edd Post, Alby Pretto, Caterina Uceta Tessa Keines Translator Susan Salms-Moss Translator

PRODUCTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BNW Rigging Five OHM Productions Premier Stagehands Lighting and Rigging Equipment by 4Wall Entertainment Audio Equipment by Masque Sound Props Construction by Lydic! Design and Production, Tom Carroll Scenic NY Graphics by Iris Brown Scenery Construction by Showman Fabricators, Mind the Gap Tuggers by Master Mover USA Hair and Makeup in collaboration with Campbell Young Associates Costumes Construction by das gewand GmbH Akustiks, LLC – Paul Scarbrough, Acoustic Consultant The Actors and Stage Managers employed in this production are members of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.


casting Telsey + Company: Bernard Telsey CSA, William Cantler CSA, David Vaccari CSA, Bethany Knox CSA, Craig Burns CSA, Tiffany Little Canfield CSA, Rachel Hoffman CSA, Patrick Goodwin CSA, Karyn Casl CSA, Kristina Bramhall, Adam Caldwell CSA, Josh Einsohn CSA, Rachel Nadler, Rachel Minow, Rikki Gimelstob CSA, Rachel Dill CSA, Ryan Bernard Tymensky CSA, Rebecca Scholl CSA, Scott Galina, Madison Sylvester, Lauren Harris CSA, Laura Wade CSA, Ally Kiley, Kristian Charbonier, Destiny Lilly, Lily Schneider, Meghan Ryan, Yoonji Jang, Samantha Marzec, Devin Rossinsky, Amelia Rasche McCarthy CSA r ecorded musicians Members of the International Contemporary Ensemble, including: Nicholas Demaison, Conductor Gareth Flowers, Sam Jones, & Jonathan Heim, Trumpet Michael Lormand & David Nelson, Tenor Trombone Nick Schwartz, Bass Trombone David Byrd-Marrow & Laura Weiner, French Horn Dan Peck, Tuba/Contrabass Josh Modney, Violin Mariel Roberts, Cello

Petra Freimund, Austrian Cultural Forum Mark Wing-Davey ROSAS Dance 47th Regiment Armory, New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs 10

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory ∙ 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

PARK AVENUE ARMORY STAFF Rebecca Robertson, Founding President and Executive Producer Pierre Audi, Marina Kellen French Artistic Director

youth corps: Mohamed Adesumbo, Yao Adja, Terry Beaupierre, Niche Bryant, Shaun Cromwell, Isayya Dail, Fatoumata Diallo, Jacqueline Farquharson, Amalineda Jean Francois, Mackenzie Hamilton, Maver Mendez Garabito, Iliana Pichardo, Francisco Robles, Silas Rodriguez, Dorsen Sween, Brianna Trivino

Lissa Frenkel, Managing Director Susan Neiman, Chief Financial and Administration Officer artistic planning and progr amming Michael Lonergan, Producing Director Avery Willis Hoffman, Program Director Seth Shepsle, General Manager, Programming Darian Suggs, Associate Director, Public Programs Jessica Wasilewski, Senior Producer Jenni Bowman, Producer Andreas Yung-Chih Huang, Production Coordinator

executive office Lori Nelson, Executive Assistant to the President Nathalie Etienne, Administrative Assistant, President’s Office facilities and oper ations Wayne Lowery, Director of External Operations Joseph Sanders, Facility Manager Marc Von Braunsberg, Securities Manager Darrell Thimoleon, Office Manager William Say, Superintendent Reginald Hunter, Chief Engineer Chris Sperry, Assistant Building Engineer

design and collections Kirsten Reoch, Director of Design and Construction David Burnhauser, Collection Manager development Melanie Forman, Chief Development Officer Charmaine Portis, E xecutive Assistant to the Chief Development Officer Matthew Bird, Senior Director of Development Allison Kline, Director of Institutional Giving Rachel Cappy Risso-Gill, Director of Individual Giving Melissa Stone, Associate Director of Special Events Anthony Merced, Database and Website Development Manager Kaitlin Overton, Manager of Institutional Giving Jennifer Ramon, Manager of Individual Giving Surina Gangwani, Senior Coordinator Special Events Katie Burke, Individual Giving Coordinator education Cassidy L. Jones, Chief Education Officer Monica Weigel McCarthy, Director of Education Aarti Ogirala, Associate Director of Education Chelsea Emelie Kelly, Associate Director of Youth Corps Pip Gengenbach, Education Manager Drew Petersen, Education Special Projects Manager Sharlyn Galarza, Education Coordinator Nancy Gomez and Rabia Kahn, Arts Education Interns

finance Khemraj Dat, Accountant infor mation technology Dion Bullock, Chief Information Officer Oku Okoko, Network Engineer marketing and communications Lesley Alpert-Schuldenfrei, Director of Marketing Allison Abbott, Press & Editorial Manager Nick Yarbrough, Digital Marketing Manager production Paul King, Director of Production Claire Marberg, Production Manager Nicholas Lazzaro, Technical Director Lars Nelson, Technical Director Brandon Walker, Technical Director

teaching artists: Kate Bell, Donna Costello, Alexander Davis, Asma Feyijimni, Hawley Hussey, Larry Jackson, Hector Morales, Peter Musante, Drew Petersen, Vickie Tanner teaching associates: Emily Bruner, Nancy Gomez, Ashley Ortiz, Leigh Poulos, Neil Tyrone Pritchard, Catherine Talton teaching assistants: Stephanie Mesquita, Paola Ocampo, Biviana Sanchez, Naomi Santiago


porters Leandro Dasso, Mayra DeLeon, Mario Esquilin, Olga Cruz, Kariema Levy, Cristina Moreira, Dyquell Roberson, Robert Rodriguez, Ruben Morales, Kyron Schrouder

ticketing and event management Cheyanne Clarke, Box Office Manager Monica Diaz, Box Office Supervisor Turna Mete, Box Office Supervisor Stephanie Mesquita, Rentals Associate Jonatan Amaya, Daniel George, Terrelle Jones, House Manager Anai Ortiz, Naomi Santiago, Front of House Interns




ABOUT PARK AVENUE ARMORY Part American palace, part industrial shed, Park Avenue Armory is dedicated to supporting unconventional works in the visual and performing arts that need non-traditional spaces for their full realization, enabling artists to create, students to explore, and audiences to enjoy epic and adventurous presentations that cannot be mounted elsewhere in New York City. Among the extraordinary outside the box productions that have been offered at the Armory since it began in 2007 are: Bernd Alois Zimmermann’s harrowing Die Soldaten, in which the audience moved “through the music”; Ernesto Neto’s sprawling and gauzy Anthropodino; the event of a thread, a site-specific installation by Ann Hamilton; the final performances of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company across three separate stages; WS by Paul McCarthy, a monumental installation of fantasy, excess, and dystopia; an immersive Macbeth set in a Scottish heath with Kenneth Branagh; Bach’s St. Matthew Passion staged by Peter Sellars and performed by Sir Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker; Heiner Goebbels’ De Materie with floating zeppelins and a flock of 100 sheep; an acclaimed The Hairy Ape, directed by Richard Jones and starring Bobby Cannavale; Pierre Boulez’s masterwork Répons, performed by Ensemble intercontemporain under the baton of Matthias Pintscher; Simon Stone’s award-winning Yerma, starring Billie Piper; Nick Cave’s The Let Go, an immersive, multi-sensory dance-based town hall; Ivo van Hove’s adaptation of Visconti’s The Damned, starring Comedie-Française; William Kentridge’s massive and devastating music/theater work, The Head and The Load; Sam Mendes’ The Lehman Trilogy; and Satoshi Miyagi’s brilliant production on water of Antigone.


The Armory also offers a substantial arts education program to over 5,000 students a year from underserved New York City public schools at no cost. The components include Production-based Programming, in which students attend major productions of music, theater, dance, and visual art, and participate in pre- and post-visit workshops with the Armory’s talented corps of teaching artists; the School Partnership Initiative, in which deeper relationships with underserved public schools are created through attendance at productions, in-school residencies, workshops, and end-of-term events in the Armory’s historic rooms; and the Armory Youth Corps, a paid and closely mentored internship program focusing on at-risk high school students. Park Avenue Armory is one of the City’s most important landmarks. Built between 1877 and 1881, the Armory has been called “the single most important collection of 19th-century interiors to survive intact in one building” by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission. The 55,000-square-foot Wade Thompson Drill Hall, with an 80-foot-high barrel vaulted roof, is one of the largest unobstructed spaces in New York City. The Armory’s magnificent reception rooms were designed by leaders of the American Aesthetic Movement, among them Louis Comfort Tiffany, Stanford White, Candace Wheeler, and Herter Brothers. The building is being restored and renovated by a design team led by Pritzker Prize– winning architects Herzog & de Meuron with Platt Byard Dovell White Architects as executive architects.

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory ∙ 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street



Salon culture has enlivened art since the 19th century, when friends gathered in elegant chambers to hear intimate performances and share artistic insights. Join us following select performances for libations with fellow attendees as we revive this tradition in our historic period rooms.

Launched in 2010, the Armory’s artist-in-residence program supports artists across genres in the creation and development of new work. Each artist sets up a studio in one of the Armory’s period rooms, providing a unique backdrop that can serve as both inspiration and as a collaborator in his or her development. Residencies also include participation in the Armory’s arts education program with artists working closely with the Armory’s Youth Corps interns. Current artists-in-residence include two-time Pulitzer Prizewinning playwright and screenwriter Lynn Nottage; vocalist and composer Sara Serpa; Tony Award-winning set designer Mimi Lien; Tony Award-winning set designer and director Christine Jones and choreographer Steven Hoggett; playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and performance artist Carmelita Tropicana; social practice artist Theaster Gates; and choreographer and FLEXN dance pioneer Reggie “Regg Roc” Gray.

HISTORIC INTERIORS TOURS Get an insider’s look at the Armory with a guided walking tour of the building with our staff historian. Explore from the soaring 55,000-square-foot Drill Hall to the extraordinary interiors designed by Louis Comfort Tiffany, Stanford White, Herter Brothers, and others, and learn about the design plans by acclaimed architects Herzog & de Meuron.

MALKIN LECTURE SERIES Each fall, the popular Malkin Lecture Series presents scholars and experts on topics relating to the Armory and the civic, cultural, and aesthetic life of New York City in the 19th and early 20th centuries This year, we focus on popular culture and entertainment, ranging from the spectacle of Madison Square Garden to the dancehalls of the Bowery.







March 21-March 29, 2020 The magnificent Marian Vespers are one of Claudio Monteverdi’s greatest musical achievements. Monteverdi, the first composer to develop opera to its full dramatic and musical potential, breathed new life into the religious music of his day, combining traditional composition style with a modern, free way of setting words to music that led to the creation of musical theater. This monumental work written in 1610 will be performed in the Wade Thompson Drill Hall, directed by the Armory’s Marina Kellen French Artistic Director, Pierre Audi, in a fresh visual and spatial interpretation, first presented by the Dutch National Opera at the Holland Festival in 2017. The production was developed in collaboration with Belgian artist Berlinde de Bruyckere with her massive, haunting Cripplewood sculpture that suggests vulnerability and fragility of man, as the central visual element. Conductor Raphaël Pichon leads the world-renowned orchestra and choral ensemble, Pygmalion as it performs this ambitious and inspiring tour de force, using period instruments, to create a sonic kaleidoscope set in a spellbinding ritualistic gathering. A Park Avenue Armory, Dutch National Opera, and Holland Festival Production.

“…it was a block of music that made you think, as the room does: Take note. Listen deeply. The rest of the world is not like this… that sublime and exclusive room, almost too opulent for this world.” —The New York Times


UPCOMING PERFORMANCE: krency garcia: el prodigio

Tuesday, March 3, 2020 Dominican accordionist El Prodigio brings his syncopated merengue playing to the Armory in an explosion of sound and joy. He and fellow band members introduce us to the multiple styles of merengue playing found in the Dominican Republic. El Prodigio, known for his contemporary and improvisational compositions, will travel through some of the rich musical styles of accordion merengue from the “güira” and the “tambura” and to the “perico ripiao.” Joined by his ensemble band, El Prodigio delivers an updated contemporary sound with harmonic and rhythmic colors resulting in an updating of this infectious musical form.


“With the exquisite renovation of the Board of Officers Room… the Armory now has a space for chamber music which marries excellent acoustics and an austerely elegant Gilded Age interior.” —The New York Times Hear thrilling North American and New York debuts and artists that are bridging the gap between classic and contemporary musical works in the chamber canon in the austerely elegant Board of Officers Room, with the pristine acoustics and intimate scale originally intended by many composers while invoking the salon culture of the Gilded Age.

“[it was]…a massive convening… filling the gilded, schizo-baroque rooms and halls with a dazzling mix of artists, thinkers, and impresarios…I felt lucky to be in attendance." —Art Forum Held in our historic period rooms, these insightful conversations throughout the year feature artists, scholars, cultural leaders, and social trailblazers who gather to offer new points of view and unique perspectives on Armory productions, explore a range of themes and relevant topics, and encourage audiences to think beyond conventional interpretations and perspectives of art.



rosa feola & iain burnside

symposium: culture in a changing america

January 13 & 15, 2020 “Her strengths, which are many – one of them being a gift for making an audience want more.” —Financial Times

Saturday, February 15, 2020 Marking 100 years since the ratification of the 19th Amendment that gave the vote to women. Please visit armoryonpark.org for a detailed program.

metropolitan oper a’s lindemann young artists February 18 & 20, 2020

For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit armoryonpark.org. 14

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory ∙ 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street



$70 is tax deductible » Members only pre-sale or preferred access for performance ticket » Free admission for you and a guest to visual art installations » Discount on Armory Guided Tours » 20% Discount on Members Subscription Packages » Discounts on local restaurants and hotels

Members of this exclusive group are offered unique and intimate opportunities to experience the Armory, including invitations to private tours and vip receptions with world-class artists and access to priority seating.



Sponsored by showtime®, The Avant-Garde is a forward-thinking group of Park Avenue Armory supporters in their 20s to 30s that offers a deeper, more intimate connection to the unique and creative concepts behind the Armory’s mission. Members receive exclusive benefits throughout the year, including priority ticketing, special receptions, viewings, talks, and vip events.

$200 is tax deductible All benefits of the Friend membership plus: » Fees waived on ticket exchanges* » Two free tickets to guided tours*** » Discount on tickets to the Malkin Lecture Series, Artists Talks, and Public Programs*



The Armory’s arts education program reaches thousands of public school students each year, immersing them in the creative process of exceptional visual and performing artists and teaching them to explore their own creative instincts. Education Committee members are invited to special events, meetings, and workshops that allow them to witness the students’ progress and contribute to the growth of the program.

$370 is tax deductible All benefits of the Supporter membership plus: » Members concierge ticket service » Free admission for two additional guests (a party of four) to Armory visual art installations » Two complimentary passes to an art fair**



$780 is tax deductible All benefits of the Associate membership plus: » Recognition in printed programs » No wait, no line ticket pick up at the patron desk » Handling fees waived on ticket purchases* » Invitation for you and a guest to a private Chairman’s Circle event » Two complimentary tickets to select programs in our historic period rooms*

For more information about membership, please call 212-616-3958 or e-mail members@armoryonpark.org. For information on ticketing, or to purchase tickets, please call the Box Office at 212-933-5812 *Subject to ticket availability  **Certain restrictions apply  ***Reservations required


The Artistic Council is a leadership group to champion and support groundbreaking “only at the Armory” productions with the world’s most sought-after artists. Members receive the closest look behind the scenes at how works are brought to life through monthly events that include intimate discussions with artists, private performances, and special travel opportunities. This group is by invitation only and is generously supported by Cartier.


The Armory’s Legacy Circle is a group of individuals who support Park Avenue Armory through a vitally important source of future funding, a planned gift. These gifts will help support the Armory’s out-of-the-box artistic programming, Education Programs, and historic preservation into the future. Members of the Legacy Circle are invited to special behind-the-scenes events and intimate receptions to enrich their Armory experiences.




BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Emeritus Elihu Rose, PhD Co-Chairs Adam R. Flatto Amanda J.T. Riegel President Rebecca Robertson

Vice Presidents Ken Kuchin Pablo Legorreta Emanuel Stern Secretary Gwendolyn Adams Norton Treasurer Harrison M. Bains

Vice Chair Wendy Belzberg Founding Chairman, 2000–2009 Wade F.B. Thompson

Marina Abramović Abigail Baratta Martin Brand Cora Cahan Hélène Comfort Paul Cronson Tina R. Davis Marc de La Bruyère Emme Levin Deland Thomas J. DeRosa Sanford B. Ehrenkranz David Fox Andrew Gundlach Marjorie L. Hart

E dward G. Klein, Major General nyng (Ret.) Mary T. Kush Ralph Lemon Heidi McWilliams Joel Press Genie H. Rice Janet C. Ross Joan Steinberg Mimi Klein Sternlicht Deborah C. van Eck Peter Zhou

Kim and Jeff Greenberg Barbara and Andrew Gundlach Janet Halvorson Anita K. Hersh Wendy Keys Ken Kuchin and Tyler Morgan Mary T. Kush Almudena and Pablo Legorreta Christina and Alan MacDonald Jennifer Manocherian Kim Manocherian Gwen and Peter Norton Lily O’Boyle Slobodan Randjelović and Jon Stryker Amanda J.T. and Richard E. Riegel

Susan and Elihu Rose Janet C. Ross Sana H. Sabbagh Stacy Schiff and Marc de La Bruyère Diane and Tom Smith Sanford L. Smith Brian S. Snyder Joan and Michael Steinberg Emanuel Stern Mimi Klein Sternlicht Deborah C. van Eck Robert Vila and Diana Barrett Mary Wallach Peter Zhou and Lisa Lee

Wendy Belzberg and Strauss Zelnick Emme and Jonathan Deland Adam Flatto Ken Kuchin Heidi McWilliams Gwen Norton

Amanda Thompson Riegel Rebecca Robertson and Byron Knief Susan and Elihu Rose Joan and Michael Steinberg

Director Emerita Angela E. Thompson

ARTISTIC COUNCIL Co-Chairs Noreen Buckfire Michael Field Caryn Schacht and David Fox Heidi and Tom McWilliams

Benigno Aguilar and Gerald Erickson Abigail and Joseph Baratta Wendy Belzberg and Strauss Zelnick Sonja and Martin J. Brand Emy Cohenca Elizabeth Coleman Hélène and Stuyvesant Comfort Mary Cronson Emme and Jonathan Deland Leslie and Thomas DeRosa Jennie L. and Richard K. DeScherer Krystyna Doerfler Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Caryl S. Englander Adam R. Flatto

LEGACY CIRCLE Founding Members Angela and Wade F.B. Thompson


Co-Chairs Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Marjorie and Gurnee Hart

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory ∙ 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

SUPPORTERS $1,000,000 +

Charina Endowment Fund Citi Empire State Local Development Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin and The Malkin Fund, Inc. Richard and Ronay Menschel New York City Council and Council Member Daniel R. Garodnick New York City Department of Cultural Affairs New York State Assemblymember Dan Quart and the New York State Assembly The Pershing Square Foundation Susan and Elihu Rose The Arthur Ross Foundation and J & AR Foundation Joan and Joel Smilow The Thompson Family Foundation Wade F.B. Thompson* The Zelnick/Belzberg Charitable Trust Anonymous

$500,000 to $999,999

Bloomberg Philanthropies Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Marina Kellen French Almudena and Pablo Legorreta The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Adam R. Rose and Peter R. McQuillan Donna and Marvin Schwartz Emanuel Stern

$250,000 to $499,999

American Express Michael Field Adam R. Flatto Ford Foundation The Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Foundation Ken Kuchin and Tyler Morgan Leonard and Judy Lauder Fund The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation Marshall Rose Family Foundation

$100,000 to $249,999

The Achelis and Bodman Foundations R. Mark Adams

Park Avenue Armory expresses its deep appreciation to the individuals and organizations listed here for their generous support for its annual and capital campaigns. Linda and Earle Altman Abigail and Joseph Baratta Lisa Belzberg Booth Ferris Foundation Sonja and Martin J. Brand Hélène and Stuyvesant Comfort Emme and Jonathan Deland Leslie and Tom DeRosa Howard Gilman Foundation Barbara and Andrew Gundlach Marjorie and Gurnee Hart Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation, Inc. Kirkland & Ellis LLP Mary T. Kush Mr. and Mrs. Lester Morse New York State Assembly New York State Council on the Arts Stavros Niarchos Foundation Gwendolyn Adams Norton and Peter Norton Donald Pels Charitable Trust Daniel and Joanna S. Rose Mrs. Arthur Ross The Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation Caryn Schacht and David Fox Stacy Schiff and Marc de La Bruyère Hope and Robert F. Smith Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust M K Reichert Sternlicht Foundation Mr. William C. Tomson Deborah C. van Eck Edward Jay Wohlgemuth Peter Zhou and Lisa Lee

$25,000 to $99,999

Arthur R. and Alice E. Adams Foundation AECOM Tishman Benigno Aguilar and Gerald Erickson Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Jamie Alter and Michael Lynton The Avenue Association Harrison and Leslie Bains Ginette Becker Emma Bloomberg The Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Aryeh Bourkoff Brunello Cucinelli Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buckfire Cartier Betsy and Edward Cohen Joyce B. Cowin The Cowles Charitable Trust Paul and Caroline Cronson Krystyna Doerfler Peggy and Millard Drexler


Andrew L. Farkas, Island Capital Group & C-III Capital Partners Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy The Garcia Family Foundation Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation Givenchy Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Deborah and Allen Grubman Gucci Janet Halvorson Anita K. Hersh Karen Herskovitz Janine and J. Tomilson Hill Hospital For Special Surgery JS Capital Management LLC Jennie A. Kassanoff and Daniel H. Schulman The Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation Lili Lynton and Michael Ryan The Lynton Foundation Christine and Richard Mack Scott and Laura Malkin Marc Haas Foundation Moncler Cindy and David Moross National Endowment for the Arts Pershing Square Capital Management, LP Rhodebeck Charitable Trust Genie and Donald Rice Amanda J.T. and Richard E. Riegel Rebecca Robertson and Byron Knief Sana H. Sabbagh Paul Schnell Shizuoka Prefecture Showtime The Shubert Foundation Sydney and Stanley S. Shuman Amy and Jeffrey Silverman Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Diane and Tom Smith Howard & Sarah D. Solomon Foundation Joan and Michael Steinberg Debbie and Jeffrey Stevenson Jon Stryker and Slobodan Randjelovic´ TEFAF NY Tishman Speyer Barbara and Donald Tober Robert and Jane Toll Toyota Mary Wallach David and Cynthia Wassong Welltower Charitable Foundation Yanghyun Foundation Anonymous (2)



$10,000 to $24,999

BDO Canada LLP Allen Adler and Frances Beatty Bennett Jones The Boston Consulting Group Frank and Deenie Brosens Foundation Marian and Russell Burke Lyor Cohen Elizabeth Coleman Dr. Tony Coles and Robyn Coles Con Edison Mary Cronson / Evelyn Sharp Foundation Jim Daras and Mary Quick Jennie L. and Richard K. DeScherer William F. Draper Cheryl and Blair Effron Caryl S. Englander Gail Flatto Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Flug Amandine Freidheim Mary Ann Fribourg / The Fribourg Family Barbara and Peter Georgescu Kiendl and John Gordon Kim and Jeff Greenberg Leo M. Greenberg Cecilia Greene and Paul Verbinnen Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hite Rachel and Mike Jacobellis Kekst Suzie and Bruce Kovner Leon Levy Foundation Christina and Alan MacDonald The Honorable and Mrs. Earle I Mack Kim Manocherian Sylvia and Leonard Marx, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Prakash Melwani Abby and Howard P. Milstein Cynthia Woods Mitchell Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation Achim and Colette Moeller Morgan Stanley Nardello & Co. Beth and Joshua Nash Marie Nugent-Head and James Marlas Patty Newburger and Bradley Wechsler Lily O'Boyle PBDW Architects Gabriela Peréz Rocchiette Michael Peterson Joan and Joel I. Picket Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plepler Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Poses Anne and Skip Pratt Andrea Markezin Press and Joel Press Tracey and Robert Pruzan Katharine Rayner


Shari Redstone David Remnick and Esther Fein Deborah Rose Aby and Samantha Rosen Fiona and Eric Rudin May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ryan Jane Fearer Safer Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sandholm Nancy and Larry Sanitsky Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sculco Bob and Eva Shaye Sidley Austin LLP Brian S. Snyder Jonathan Sobel Sotheby's Dr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Stark, Jr. Judy and Michael Steinhardt The Barry S. Sternlicht Foundation Dorothy Strelsin Foundation / Enid Nemy Michael and Veronica Stubbs Frederick O. Terrell and Jonelle Procope Merryl and James Tisch Bob Vila and Diana Barrett Andrew E. Vogel and Véronique Mazard Anastasia Vournas and J. William Uhrig Diane Wege Brian and Jane Williams Lisa and David Wolf Anonymous (5)

$5,000 to $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ainslie Mr. and Mrs. Fabrizio Arengi Bentivoglio Arne and Bonnie Arnesen Sarah Arison Jody and John Arnhold Helaine and Victor Barnett Laurel Beebe Barrack Tony Bechara Candace and Rick Beinecke Renée and Robert Belfer Franklin and Marsha Berger Amy Bermingham and Charles Wilson Katherine and Marco Birch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birnbaum Debra and Leon Black Patricia Blanchet Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bloom Francesca Bodni Nick and Jaime Botta Nicholas Brawer Catherine and Robert Brawer Daniel and Estrellita Brodsky Amanda M. Burden Colin and Elizabeth Callender Canard, Inc. Janine Carendi MacMurray CBRE Tia Chapman The Chilton Foundation Michele and Marty Cohen Betsy Cohn


Virginia Coleman Chris and Christina Combe Eugenia Comini Connelly McLaughlin & Woloz Sophie Coumantaros Judith Cox Mr. and Mrs. David Dangoor Diana Davenport and John Bernstein Cary Davis and John McGinn Jason and Mary Dillow Jessie Ding and Nign Jin Gianfranco Ditadi Jeanne Donovan Fisher Beth Dozoretz David and Frances Eberhart Foundation Ehrenkranz & Ehrenkranz LLP Andra and John Ehrenkranz Jamshid Ehsani Martin and Rebecca Eisenberg Foundation Dr. Nancy Eppler-Wolff and Mr. John Wolff The Lehoczky Escobar Family Lise and Michael Evans The Felicia Fund Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fenster Edmée and Nicholas Firth Fisher Marantz Stone Melanie and Robert Forman Ella M. Foshay and Michael B. Rothfeld Bart Friedman and Wendy A. Stein Teri Friedman and Babak Yaghmaie Gagosian Heather Hoyt Georges The Georgetown Company Debbi Gibbs Maarit and Tom Glocer Beth and Gary Glynn Sylvia Golden and Warren Friedman Lloyd Goldman Mr. and Mrs. David Golub Patty and George Grunebaum Agnes Gund Mimi and Peter Haas Fund Molly Butler Hart and Michael D. Griffin Herzog & de Meuron Sharon Jacob Carola Jain Adrienne Katz Richard Katzman Cynthia and Stephen Ketchum Mr. and Ms. Douglas Krupp Mr. and Mrs. Fernand Lamesch William Lauder and Lori Tritsch Lazard Chad A. Leat Mr. and Mrs. Richard LeFrak Gail and Alan Levenstein Mr. and Mrs. David Levinson Daniel Lewis David and Janette Liptak George S. Loening Linda Macklowe Shelly and Tony Malkin Charles and Georgette Mallory Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mandel Marian Goodman Gallery

Nina B. Matis Diane and Adam E. Max Rick and Dee Mayberry Raymond J. McGuire Joyce F. Menschel Danny and Audrey Meyer Sergio and Malu Millerman Sue Morris The Donald R. Mullen Family Foundation, Inc. Martin H. Nesbitt and Dr. Anita K. Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Newhouse Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newhouse Liz and Jeff Peek Marnie Pillsbury Daniel and Susan Pollack Cynthia Hazen Polsky and Leon Polsky Preserve New York, a grant program of Preservation League of New York Helaine and Michael Pruzan Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Kalliope Rena Michael D. Rhea Richenthal Foundation Renee Rockefeller Ida and William Rosenthal Foundation Chuck and Stacy Rosenzweig Deborah and Chuck Royce Reed Rubin and Jane Gregory Rubin Valerie Rubsamen and Cedomir Crnkovic Jane Fearer Safer Saks Fifth Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sambuco Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Sammell Erica Samuels Eva Sanchez-Ampudia and Cyrille Walter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sarnoff Susan and Charles Sawyers Victoria Schorsch Steve Schroko and Frank Webb Sara Lee and Axel Schupf Lise Scott and D. Ronald Daniel Marshall Sebring and Pepper Binkley James Seger Claude Shaw and Lara Meiland-Shaw The Shubert Organization, Inc. Stephanie and Fred Shuman Albert Simons III Skidmore, Owings & Merrill Marva Smalls / Viacom Stephanie and Dick Solar Patricia Brown Specter Lisa and Gavin Steinberg Beatrice Stern The Jay and Kelly Sugarman Foundation Agnes Hsu-Tang and Oscar Tang Sharzad and Michael Targoff Dave and Karen Thomas Alexander and Bara Tisch Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund Lizzie and Jonathan Tisch Michael Tuch Foundation Jordan Turkewitz L.F. Turner Olivia Tyson Jason van Itallie Mr. and Mrs. Alexander von Perfall

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory ∙ 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street

Lulu C. Wang Mati Weiderpass and Nikolas Chen Isak and Rose Weinman Foundation, Inc. Michael Weinstein Kevin Wendle Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wexler Francis H. Williams and Keris A. Salmon Maria Wirth Cynthia Young and George Eberstadt Zubatkin Owner Representation, LLC Anonymous (4)

$2,500 to $4,999

Abigail Kirsch Catering David and Amy Abrams Katie Adams Schaeffer Nancy and Elliott Alchek Susan Heller Anderson Cristiana Andrews Cohen and David Cohen Michael and Leslie Arlein Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bacon Susan Baker and Michael Lynch Femenella & Associates Peter Balis Candy Barasch Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beattie Jonathan and Marjaleena Berger Stephen Berger and Cynthia Wainwright Judy and Howard Berkowitz Donald and Vera Blinken Leslie Bluhm and David Helfand John Bonanno Cynthia and Steven Brill Carolyn S. Brody Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brokaw Amy and Kevin Brown Laura Broumand Veronica Bulgari and Stephan Haimo Mary and Brad Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carter Cesar Carvalho Avna Cassinelli Hilary Cecil-Jordan Melanie Charlton Sommer Chatwin Alexandre and Lori Chemla Anthony P. Coles Curtis Cravens and Martha Berry Margaret Crotty and Rory Riggs Ellie and Edgar Cullman The Cultivist Joshua Dachs / Fisher Dachs Associates Jeffrey De Flavio Anne Delaney Anna Denton Mr. and Mrs. John Downer Jacqueline Weld Drake Susan Dryfoos Christopher A. Duda Luis Felipe P Dutra Leite Karen Eckhoff Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Jane Ehrenkranz and Robert Draizen Frederic Fekkai and Shirin von Wulffen

Jared Feldman / Anchin Private Client Haiki and Ziel Feldman Michael Finkelstein and Sue-Ann Friedman Candia Fisher Megan Flanigan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Franco Hugh Freund Julie Geden Buzzy Geduld Mr. and Mrs. Martin Geller Alberta Gerschel and Peter Wasserman Sarah Jane and Trevor Gibbons Glickenhaus Foundation Sarah Gould and David Steinhardt Elizabeth and David Granville-Smith Great Performances Robert Haddock and Ann Stanton Mark Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayden Gillian Hearst Shaw Daisy Helman Herrick Feinstein LLP Mr. and Mrs. Ian Highet Susanna Hong Lauran Paten Hughes Glenn Hutchins, Hutchins Family Foundation Phyllis Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Iscol Paul Kanavos and Dayssi Olarte de Kanavos Jeanne Kanders Meredith J. Kane and Richard T. Sharp Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation Herbert Kasper Saundra Keinberger Nancy Kestenbaum and David Klafter Julia Flesher Koch Phyllis L. Kossoff John Lambert and Ramona Boston Barbara and Richard Lane Nancy L. Lane Lazarus Charitable Trust Julia Ledda Dorothy Lee Jeanette Lerman-Neubauer and Joe Neubauer Sahra T. Lese Phyllis Levin Francis Levy and Hallie Cohen Gina Giumarra MacArthur Mehdi Mahmud Ann Maloney Mr. and Dr. Alan Mantell Ruth H. Marcon Iris Z Marden Judith and Michael Margulies Joanie Martinez-Rudkovsky Bonnie Maslin Mr. and Mrs. Peter May Constance and H. Roemer McPhee Gregor and Beatrix Medinger Mr. and Mrs. William Michaelcheck Mr. and Mrs. Robert Millard Martha and Garfield Miller Sandra Earl Mintz

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morse Saleem and Jane Muqaddam Mary Kathryn Navab Nancy Newcomb and John Hargraves Stephen Novick and Glenn Rice Mrs. and Mr. Susan Numeroff Mr. and Mrs. Christian Oberbeck Nancy and Morris W. Offit Kathleen O'Grady Gerry Ohrstrom David Orentreich, MD / Orentreich Family Foundation Peter and Beverly Orthwein Meredith Palmer Scott and Kelley Parel Louis and Barbara Perlmutter Dr. and Mrs. Prashant Parikh Stuart and Laura Parker Mr. and Mrs. Lee Parks Elizabeth Peyton Rebecca Pietri Elese Reid Diana and Charles Revson Frank and Kimba Richardson Heidi Rieger Eric Roberts and Robbianne Mackin Rose Brand Jonathan F.P. and Diana Rose Robert Rosen and Dr. Dale Atkins Rosen Marjorie P. Rosenthal Spencer Ross and James Delavan Susan and Jon Rotenstreich Hope Rothschild Pierre Rougier Anne Beane Rudman Bonnie J. Sacerdote Jeffrey Sagansky and Christy Welker Dr. and Ms. Nathan Saint-Amand Fuad Sawaya Sofie Scheerlinck Sabina and Wilfred Schlumberger Caroline Schmidt-Barnett Nicholas and Shelley Schorsch Lynn Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schwartz Seaboard Weatherproofing and Restoration Jonathan Sheffer Peggy Siegal Alan Siegel* and Sandy Siegel Douglas Sills Denise Simon and Paulo Vieiradacunha Laura Skoler Mr. and Mrs. David Sonenberg Daisy M. Soros Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spahn Doug C. Steiner Melissa Stewart Leila Maw Straus Bonnie and Tom Strauss Tastings NYC Ellen and Bill Taubman Amanda Taylor Stephen Trevor and Stephanie Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tuft Patrick van Maris Ambassador and Mrs. William J. vanden Heuvel


Wendy vanden Heuvel Christine van Itallie Dini Von Mueffling Rosemary Vrablic Felicity Waley-Cohen Susan and Kevin Walsh Ian Wardropper David Reed Weinreb Lauren and Andrew Weisenfeld Katherine Wenning and Michael Dennis Mindy White Shelby White Saundra Whitney Mr. and Mrs. W. Weldon Wilson Valda Witt and Jay Hatfield Claire and Matthew Wittman Amy Yenkin and Robert Usdan Neda Young Paul Young Judy Francis Zankel Xin Zhang Donald Zilkha Richard and Franny Heller Zorn Anonymous (4)

$1,000 to $2,499

Sallie Abelow Marina Abramovic´ Travis Acquavella Catherine Adler Hank Alpert Eric Altmann Diane Archer and Stephen Presser Mr. and Mrs. John Argenti Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation Sarah Azad-Bowman Billie Banks Hugo Barreca and Wendy Schlemm Nina Beattie and Michael Eberstadt Stefan Beckman Norton Belknap Mr. Alan Bell and Mr. David Ziff Deborah Berke Friederieke Biggs Claudia and George Bitar Hana and Michael Bitton Arlo Blocher Charles and Ellen Bock Dr. Suzy and Mr. Lincoln Boehm Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bonovitz Melanie Bouvard Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brause Mark and Anne Brennan Diane Britz Lotti Marc Brodherson and Sarah Ryan Stacey Bronfman Elizabeth Brooks Karen Brooks Spencer Brownstone David Bruson Vineet Budhraja and Rebecca Bagdonas Martin Indyk and Gahl Hodges Burt Cora Cahan and Bernard Gersten Marissa Cascarilla Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Casdin



Eleanor Cayre Anna Chapman and Ronald Perelman Shirin and Kasper Christoffersen Michael Clifford Bradley I. Collins Alexander Cooper Mimi Ritzen Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crisses Austen and Ernesto Cruz David Burke Tavern Virginia Davies and Willard Taylor Christina R. Davis Henry Davison Suzanne Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas de Neufville Richard and Barbara Debs Gena Delbridge Carolina de Neufville Chiara de Rege and Phoenix Esme Nga Diana Diamond and John Alschuler Jacqueline Didier and Noah Scheinfeld* Frederick Doner and Michele Oka Doner Peter Droste and Morgan Beetham Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn Yevgeniya Elkus Patricia Ellis Carla Emil and Rich Silverstein Leland and Jane Englebardt Maria Etchebarne Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Farmakis Patricia and Alexander Farman-Farmaian Mr. and Mrs. John Finley Robert and Kimia Finnerty Barbara G. Fleischman Christina Floyd Di Donna Sheryl Flug Frances Fontaine Bill and Kelly Fradin Betsy Frank Molly O'Neil Frank Jamie Frankfurt and Pamela Hanson Lisa Frelinghuysen Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP Scott Fulmer and Susan Kittenplan Fulmer Gail Furman Lindy Gad Mr. and Mrs. David Ganek Stefan Gargiulo Bruce and Alice Geismar Mr. and Mrs. John Gellert Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gerber Olga Geroulanos-Votis and George Votis Christopher Girr Katja Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Goldman Golub Captial LLC Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Gonzalez de Cosio Nina Gorrissen von Maltzahn Jan M. Guifarro Frances and Gerard Guillemot Kathleen and Harvey Guion Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Guttman Vanessa Handal Paul W. Hanneman Lana and Steve Harber Alison Harmelin Mary and Charles Hesdorffer


Stephanie and Stephen Hessler In memory of Maria E. Hidrobo Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Brian Higgins William T. Hillman Barbara Hoffman Lily and Joel Hoffman Richard and Judith Hoffman Elisabeth Holder Pamela Howard Mr. and Mrs. William Janeway Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson Leslie Johnson Christopher and Hilda Jones Mike and Roberta Joseph Jennifer Kang Hon. Bruce M. Kaplan and Janet Yaseen Kaplan Kalliope Karella John Katzman Margot Kenly and Bill Cumming Susan Kessler Jana and Gerold Klauer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klein Major General Edward G. Klein, NYNG (Ret.) Kameron Kordestani Ezriel Kornel MD Kimberly Kravis and Jonathan Schulhof Geraldine Kunstadter Jerome LaMaar and John Goodman Barbara Landau Judith Langer Sydie Lansing Jon Ledecky Ralph Lemon Josh Leuchtenburg Alexia and David Leuschen Donna and Wayne Lowery John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Liz MacNeill Reeva and Ezra P. Mager The Marcus Family Foundation Jan Marks Jacqueline Martin François and Ketty Maisonrouge Match65 Larry and Mary McCaffrey Orin McCluskey Nancy McCormick Melanie McLennan Melissa Meeschaert Rebecca Gold Milikowsky Claire Milonas Whitney and Andrew Mogavero Anne Cook and Charles Moss Helen Nash Sheila Nevins and Sidney Koch Sheila Newhouse Annette Niemtzow and Eve Ellis Sassona Norton and Ron Filler Lynn Nottage Mr. and Mrs. John C. Novogrod Mr. and Mrs. David Oliver Lisbeth Oliver Joey O'Loughlin Arlena Olsten


John Olympitus Dr. Catherine Orentreich Robert Ouimette and Lee Hirsch Deborah Pagani Mr. and Mrs. David Palamé Robin and Carlos Palomares Mindy Papp Britten Leigh Pascale Annie Pell Sally Peterson and Michael Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Petrocelli Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pfeifler Yesim Philip Patricia Picciotto Marie-Noelle Pierce Robert and Veronique Pittman Lyon Polk Mrs. and Mr. Geri Pollack Joyce Pomeroy Schwartz Michael Poppo Laura Poretzky-Garcia Prime Parking Systems Francesca Proietti David and Leslie Puth Martin and Anna Rabinowitz Victoria Reese and Greg Kennedy Milbrey Rennie Julie Richardson Judi Roaman and Carla Chammas Mr. and Mrs. David Rogath Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rosberg Marisa Rose and Robin van Bokhorst Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rosen Rotisserie Georgette Whitney Rouse Jane Royal and John Lantis Susan Rudin Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sadaka Jennifer Sage and Nicolas Grabar Victoria Love Salnikoff Christine Sare Elizabeth Sarnoff and Andrew Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Satnick Susan Savitsky Paul H. Scarbrough, Akustiks, LLC. Diane Schafer Pat Schoenfeld Amy Schulman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schwarzman Paolo Sciarra Nadine Shaoul and Mark Schonberger Laura Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shuman Paula Diane Silver Mr. and Mrs. Randy Slifka James Spindler John Spofford Emily L. Spratt Squadron A Foundation Max Stafford-Glenn Helen Stambler Neuberger and Jim Neuberger Mark Stamford Lili L. Stawski Nicolas Streff Mr. and Mrs. Myron Stein Gayfryd Steinberg and Michael Shnayerson

Justin Steinberg Joseph Stern Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stern Tricia Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stillman Jennifer Stockman Andrew and Dana Stone Stella Strazdas and Henry Forrest Studio Institute Summit Security Services, Inc. Harold and Estelle Tanner Jennifer Tipton Kris Togias Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Troubh Yolanda Turocy Maria Vecchiotti Jerome and Maria Villalba Mr. and Mrs. John Vogelstein Cristina von Bargen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas von Erb Amanda and John Waldron Kay Kimpton Walker Walter B. Melvin Architects, LLC Caroline Wamsler and DeWayne Phillips Evelene Wechsler Ayse Weinberg Lynne Wheat The Wheeler Family Gigi Stone Woods Jon and Reva Wurtzburger Dan and Nancy Yih Meghan and Michael Young Toni Young Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Zemmel Joseph Zimmel and Sheryl Ronzello Anonymous (3)

List as of November 6, 2019 * Deceased

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory ∙ 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street





Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue, New York, ny 10065

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