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Parklands Baptist Church

Today, God is at work more than ever before. He is calling us to “magnify, mature, membercare, minister and mission” for His name and His glory in our community and beyond. Every day He is doing something new! He continues to bring people to join in His story here at PBC. We are all truly part of something very special and we look ahead to the next ten plus years and all we can say is that the LORD tarrying, we shall continue the work of proclaiming the gospel to everyone to the ends of the earth. May God give us the grace to accomplish it. What an amazing journey, what an amazing God! Come and join God in what He is doing in His church, and let’s invest our lives in making a difference for His Name and His glory! “Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1


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