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PARK art magazine
Starting in 2010 and based in Porto, Portugal, PARK [art magazine] is a joint project wich aims to bring together as many creative minds as possible, from different backgrounds and willing to share their work through a home-grown printed publication dedicated to art & culture, making it's way into the web as a digital online edition in the form of a flip mag as well as a downloadable PDF. A printed version will be out through following issues. The very anatomy of the magazine will rely on a (hopefully) ever growing list of contributors. We want to make it as diverse and challenging as we can.

ramon sanchez

jelena kostica

Regina Chapman

Nadine Trushina

Martin Ferro-Thomsen

Argenide Servilha

ozan tortop

adrienne klein

toopee1 toopee1

Javier Cañon

Chiangleo Leo

Miguel Ángel Estévez

leonardo cuevas


louie andrus

James Joyce

Utku Ulusoy

Alek Monstovich

Adriana Martíez

Tiago Mourato

Jesus Guerra

Cleusa Rossetto

Barlett Sangma

Sam Stoner

Jardeh Onojeruo

Mykel Vernon-Sembach

Marcos Favretto

Carlos Porras

Derek Welte

Taylor Venn


kimia saadat

Niels van Egmond

Tony Rienits

Lasse Walentin

fotocopia magazine

George Dimitrov

fernando lopes

Nubia Nava

Leonel Morais

izayoi hoshino

Cesar Moutela

ahdee ahdee

Rodolfo Pastrana

October from East Village NYC

Renato Schmid

Carlos Magno Silveira

silvia scali