The consequence of holding back

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10/21/2014 Written by | parknojams


Taehyung courted Jimin for two years only in his mental guts which he hated so much. Heaven knew how he wished Jimin would someday, noticed him. He could trade everything he owns in exchange just for a single word from him.

Jimin, on the other hand was every girl’s or guy’s dream. Especially Taehyung's. His dark brown eyes complemented his brunet hair. He had stupefying eye-smile that could melt your heart at blistering point. Though his physical appearance was astounding, Taehyung never loved the guy for that obvious reason. His gentle demeanour made everyone from school and Taehyung liked him. He topped at his classes thus, he elected as the school president. That was very cool on Taehyung’s part.


One fine morning, when the class was over Taehyung’s teacher Mrs. Kim suddenly asked him.

“Mr.Kim, do you have a moment?”

Dumbfounded by the sudden approach, he replied. “Yes. Mrs. Kim.”

“The school festival is coming and everyone is busy as you know.” she explained as she took her seat.

“I want you to help our president to plan out the activities. Is that fine with you?” raising her brows as if she was the most deadly predator on earth that will corrodes him if he refused.

“Oh, s’okay. I don’t mind since I don’t have anything else to do.” he said bluntly.

“Okay then. You can leave.” she ordered with her hand swaying, signalling him to depart.

He went straight to the student council’s common room, and found Jimin in his seat. His heart started beating fast. What the hell he’s doing here? he thought. Then it hit to him that Jimin was, in fact the school’s president. He was an idiot. He regretted and at the same time thankful of accepting Mrs. Kim’s entreaty.

He was about to turn his back but Jimin suddenly saw him and spoke.

“Hi, do you need something?” he asked with his very angelic voice.

Taehyung could die now. He had been waiting for Jimin’s word for him since ages. He felt like he was on top of the world.

“Are you okay?” Jimin was now in his feet coming to his front. Unable to find his word, he managed to utter. “Y..ea..h.” Up close, He noticed that Jimin indeed was a height-lacking guy. He could put him inside his pocket. “Oh, you’re sweating!” the shorter boy exclaimed. Jimin did something that made his heart skipped a hundred beats. Jimin put his kerchief on his cheek and started wiping his sweaty face. Taken by surprise of Jimin’s action, he jerked at the guy. Looking at the confused face of Jimin and he immediately apologized for his actions.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean t—“ He bowed his head but Jimin cut him off.

“It’s okay. Ha ha. Silly me.” he smiled.

Jimin smiled at him. Taehyung thought that if the intensity of overwhelming feelings could kill, he probably dead by now. And Jimin was the prime suspect.

After composing his self, Kim Taehyung explained his reason why he was sent there. Jimin ordered him to sit, and offered a cup of coffee.

“So, you will hep me?” Jimin asked, his attention was on the cup.

“So..rt of.” He cursed himself for sounding very nervous.

“That’s good! So let’s do this with helping hands.” Jimin smiled and for the hundredth times he melted.


Since then, Taehyung was able to accompany his love of life in every God-given minute. Again, he felt not just like he was on top of the world but on the top of the universe itself. He couldn’t believe that even the universe conspired to help him to be with Jimin. But even if he and Jimin were getting closer, he couldn’t still confess. He didn’t want to sacrifice what they have just for stupid feelings of his.


They ate lunch together with Jimin’s friend, Jin. While eating, Jimin asked him abruptly about the incoming senior prom.

“Taehyung-ah, have you invited someone?”

Taehyung didn’t know how to response. He wanted to ask Jimin but according to school regulation, guy should be with girl.

“Uh, ye..ah.” he said.

Every time Taehyung had a load of words and wanted to burst out but unable to, he wanted to kill himself.

“Good for ya’.” Jimin replied with enthusiasm that stabbed his chest.

He hated himself for holding back his feelings for Jimin. While Jin was just staring at his bestfriend in disbelief.


On the night of prom, Jimin didn’t see Taehyung. Curious of his friend’s whereabouts, he called the guy.

“Taehyung-ah, where are you?” he asked with tone of concernment.

It took a few seconds for the guy to answer back.“I can’t make it. Something came up. Sorry, Minnie.”

Jimjn wondered what something-came-up is. Was Taehyung fine?

“Are you okay? Should I come there?” Jimin hoped for a ‘Yes’ but what he got was a ‘No’. He ended the call since he was the host of the prom and needed to do something else.

Taehyung on the other hand, was in his room. He didn’t attend the prom on purpose, considering that Jimin was not his date. He felt sorry for Jimin, making the guy believed a false excuse.

Before going to sleep, he took out a pen and a piece of paper and started writing his thoughts for Jimin.


So at graduation, Taehyung said his farewell to his love of life slash friend Park Jimin. Same thing Jimin did.

After gathering all of his confidence, he went to Jimin's locker put his letter inside wishing that Jimin would not dare to open it. Then he left.


Jimin felt like wandering in the school before leaving the place. He roamed from place to place. And after his tour sight to the place, he thought of giving his locker impairment. What he was about to do exhilarated him. He never broke any school’s regulation before in his life; since he was leaving no one would even bother.

When he was in the front of his locker, he noticed that it was ajar. He opened it anyways, and was surprised by a letter inside the envelope. He immediately tore the envelope and began reading. Into his shock, the letter was from Taehyung.

After reading Taehyung’s letter, all he did was cry and apologized.

“I’m sorry,” ***

Five years had passed since the great confession. Taehyung had a work as a coffee shop owner located at the city.

As he was serving in one of the table, a familiar voice called him.

“Kim Taehyung!”

He looked at the side and saw an old friend, Jin was waving at him. He was pleased to see Jin after a long time.

“Jin! How you’ve been?” he asked brightly.

“I’m great. How about you?” Jin was happy as he was, it had been five years since the last time they saw each other.

“Fine. Wait” he made his way to the cashier and ordered the other boy to serve the customers in his place. Then Taehyung sat parallel to Jin.

They talked about things non-stop. They laughed like the way they did way back in high school. Exchanging questions about what their lives had been. Then Taehyung decided to change the topic. With a lump in his throat, he asked how Jimin was.

“He’s great," Jin laughed softly "He’s rich now and happily married!” he said.

He was now at eased knowing that Jimin was doing great. But the guy's marriage stabbed him thus causing a great pain in his chest. ‘That’s good.” he replied.

“And he’s over you.” Jin said bluntly. Confusion started filling his mind and asked.

“What?” He hoped that he just misheard Jin.

“You know, it was supposed to be a secret between me and Chimchim but since he’s not around, I better tell you. I like revealing secrets, it’s the field of my expertise. ” He laughed.

“Wait! I don’t understand a thing!” Taehyung exclaimed.

“That’s why I’m telling you!” he sighed before continuing “I don’t know that idiocy is a long-term disease. As I was saying, Chimchim feels the same way about you.” He was about to speak but Jin put his hand up in the air to stop him from speaking.

“You were such a cruel gallant! You always walked him to his class, and made him think that you also like him. Remember the day before the prom? He was crying over the phone because you didn’t ask him and thinking that you’d go with someone else. And that stupid letter of yours! He went to me and crying in distress, kept nagging how idiot you were. It’s good that he moved on.”

He couldn’t swallow what Jin told him. He blamed himself for never risked letting Jimin know how he felt. He blamed himself because he was afraid of rejection not knowing that what it hurts more is not knowing the unsaid respond.

There’s so many ‘I could’ and 'We could' in his mind. He couldn’t contain his feelings anymore.

“Where is he?” sudden question that stopped Jin from sipping his coffee.

“I think he’s at his house right now.” he thought carefully before confirming his reply.

“Yeah.. He’s in his house.” He got up from his seat. “Give me his address!” he demanded.

Jin, out of pity gave Jimin’s current address to him.

Taehyung dashed out of the store not minding that he was still in his uniform. He took a cab. Jimin’s house was just fifteen minutes away, so he got there in easily.

The gate was ajar so he took the chance to trespass. He sighed, then knocked. After three knocks, someone opened the door to his dismay it was not Baekhyun. It was someone else. “Oh, Hi! what can I do for you?” the guy asked with courteous. Taehyung was awed by the guy’s pretty face. This guy was probably Jimin’s husband. “Is Minni…?” he didn’t finish his sentence because the guy started calling Jimin’s name. “He’s upstairs, just wait on the couch. Oh! I’ve got to go. Bye!” the guy tapped his shoulder before leaving the house.

Taehyung went inside and did as he told, sat on the couch. Few moments later, he saw Jimin descending from the stairs. Jimin did not seem to notice his figure. The stairway was facing back from their living room. He readied his posture and stood. *** Jimin was expecting Jungkook downstairs, but astonished by a big guy grinning at him in his living room. He didn’t expect to see his numbskull friend again after a long time. The guy didn’t even bother to call him after the graduation. His disappearance was quick as a flash. “Minnie.” said Taehyung as he went closer. “Taehyung-ah, how are you?” he uttered.

How are you? After a long time of not seeing each other, the only words he could manage to speak were ‘how are you?’ Jimin cursed himself. He didn’t know how to face Taehyung. He was not prepared. “I’m fine.” Jimin just nodded in reply. “Minnie, I know everything now.” Taehyung suddenly hugged him and buried his face on his shoulder even he was shorter than him. Taehyung began sobbing. Jimin was surprise by Taehyung’s action. “Uh—I don’t have any idea what you are talkin’ about,” he replied, giving the guy a rub in his back. Jimin indeed was clueless; he didn’t know why Taehyung was in his house in the first place. “I know your feelings, Minnie!” Jimin didn’t know how to act in response, but he let an ‘O’ shaped his mouth. How did Taehyung know? “Is it Jin-- ?” but Taehyung finished his sentence with a fierce kiss. He stunned by the guy’s action. Taehyung always flabbergasted him, and he loved it. He was kissing him back. Taehyung was the first one to let go, he was drenched in tears. “I had loved you, Park Jimin. And I still do.” he whispered in his ear. Taehyung turned his back and about to leave the place, but he yelled at his back. “Where do you think you’re going? you idiot!” Taehyung looked back and saw that the short guy was crying. “I’m leaving, Minnie.” he said calmly. Again, he was disgusted by himself for holding back his feelings for the second time. “You’re going to leave me after kissing me?! BE RESPONSIBLE ! YOU’RE ALWAYS LEAVING ME BEHIND! ” he retorted. “FOR PETE’S SAKE, YOU’RE MARRIED, PARK JIMIN! WHAT CAN I DO? NO MATTER HOW I WANTED TO STEAL YOU AWAY, I JUST CAN’T MINNIE!” Wideeyed, he asked. “What? Who told you that?” Taehyung took a deep breath. “Jin.” Jimin thought of killing Jin at the moment. “And you believe him?” he asked. He could see now the perplexity on the big guy’s face. “Well, obviously I just saw your husband leaving the house a moment ago.” Jimin chuckled and elucidated who was the guy he was living with. “So, he’s your cousin?” Taehyung asked, a sudden enthusiasm aroused from him. “Yep.” he assured him. It had been ages since Taehyung felt like he was on the top of the world again. He lifted Jimin and kissed him. Jimin kissed him back. “Minnie, Let’s get married!” Taehyung proposed. Jimin was blissful that finally Taehyung could express his feelings toward him. He could no longer see the timidity in Taehyung.

“Court me first.” he said demandingly. “I will.” Taehyung said as he put his lips back on Jimin’s. It was deep and passionate kiss that he was craving seven years ago. He could not ask for more. Jimin was all he wanted in his life. His other half.

Was a ChanBaek Fic, sorry if it’s familiar with exo-l

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