Tour de force

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10/21/2014 Written by | parknojams



“I love you, Hyung! As long as F-O-R-E-V-E-R!” He remembered the day when Jungkook promised to love him. And he believed it, not knowing that ‘forever’ last only a moment.


“Why!?” Jimin cried.

Tears streamed down on his face. He didn’t want to cry, it was only for weak people. He would only cry if it was out of bliss, not out of affliction. But that was not the case; he couldn’t hold his tears anymore. If he didn’t cry, he would detonate. “I’m sorry,” Jungkook felt sorry for his hyung. Guilt was his adversary in that moment. And he was weak.

“I THOUGHT YOU LOVE ME! THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU BREAKING UP WITH ME?!” he yelled with indignation. Jimin hoped that his question would go unanswered. “That’s what I thought too, I’m sorry Hyung.” He couldn’t look straight in hyung’s eyes. He was ashamed for being a jerk. He turned his back, and left.

For Jimin, what he heard from Jungkook was the most detrimental words he ever received from someone in his life. It was sharper than knife. Words, indeed is sharper than knife. It may not wound you but it could kill you inside. An emotional injury is the worst pain ever, at least that’s what Jimin thought so.

Jimin hated jungkook for leaving him like their relationship was just some shit. For him, their three months in relation was superb. When he was with Jungkook, he felt like a whole person. He was the other part of him, a lavish part of him. He was intoxicated with priceless happiness. Jimin loves Jungkook, but Jungkook’s feeling for him was just a mere infatuation. He wanted to kill Jungkook at the moment, and then he would commit suicide afterwards. How sweet, but his life ain’t a trash that he could just throw away for just another worthless trash.


In school, Jimin tried to act perfectly fine like nothing was happened. He did as he usually do; participating in class actively and attentively, eating in the cafeteria, and laughing with his friends. All that missing was Jungkook by his side. His friends inquired about what happened between him and Jungkook, but he kept his mouth shut.

While walking in the hallway, Jungkook caught the sight of Jimin in front of his locker. He wanted to approach him but he couldn’t, after what he did. He walked back to avoid Jimin from seeing him. But, a tap on his shoulder surprised him. He turned his back and was more surprised to see Jimin grinning at him. “Hi!” said Jimin. Awkwardness aside, he grinned back and said, “Hello..hyung.” He felt relieved to see his hyung in great shape. Maybe he moved on already. But was it possible for a person to move on in just a couple of days? “Where are you going?” Jimin asked curiously. Where is he going? Jungkook thought to himself. He was avoiding Jimin, that’s why he was at the hallway. Unfortunately, Jimin was in the same place as he. “I’m going to my next class.” he lied. “Oh, okay then. See you around.” Jimin winked and left.

Jimin left Jungkook in daze at the hallway. That was a splendid act. He didn’t expect his self to act that way in front of Jungkook. His outside figure looked alright, great, okay and other adjectives that synonymous to fine. But inside, he imagined stabbing Jungkook directly at his heart and put him inside a sack then threw him in nearby creek and let the flow carried him in who-knows-where. A very desirable crime. Though he hated Jungkook, but his love for him was greater which sucks.

Every night, Jimin cried in his sleep. He drove his parents crazy. He wouldn’t eat suffer, he just cuddled in his bed until sleep took over. One night, he couldn’t stand his madness anymore and called Jungkook.

“Hyung….?” asked by the voice from other line. “Jungkook….please come back!” he begged. He made a compelling demand. He was crying like a lost child unable to find its way back. He needed his way back to his old and usual self, and only Jungkook could help him. “Hyung,--“ but he cut him off. “I don’t know myself anymore, I love you so much that it’s killing me. Come back to me please!” He broke down. “Hyung, please do this to yourself! I don’t deserve you.” but he didn’t answer. “There’s still good guy out there that will love you more. Please hyung.” he pleaded. He could hear Jimin’s weep. “I love you hyung, but I’m not in love with you anymore. But I always care for you.” then Jungkook hung up the phone.


For several days, Jiimin didn’t see Jungkook. He had enough of his foolishness over the guy. If he still hoped for Jungkook’s comeback, then he’d go insane and probably wearing white apron-looking suit, sitting on a bed while looking at the ceiling forever. For god’s sake, he didn’t want that to happen. He threw himself at different things. He kept his self busy in things he wanted to do. He joined different clubs from time to time and made after-school plans. He didn’t notice that things started to change. He began to have fun by himself. He smiled and laughed without pain. He may not be able to forget what Jungkook did, but at least he didn’t feel the pain anymore. In stage of his rebound, Jimin learned that love is symmetric. You can find beauty in it, like it is the most wonderful thing in the world. But once you give too much and forgot to leave for yourself, you will find its hideous side that will lead you to hate.

“Those who have hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you unless you hold on the pain through resentment. Your past is past. Nothing will change it. You are only hurting yourself with your bitterness. For your own sake, learn from it, and then let it go.” -Rick Warren (The Purpose Driven Life)


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