The non-profit civil partnership “Οpsometha eis Philippous” is a Research Group and an incubator of young scientists and active citizens dedicated exclusively to the improvement and enhancement of the cultural and natural landscape of Philippi – Amphipolis, in the prefectures of Kavala, Drama and Serres.
“Οpsometha eis Philippous” through clustering scientific personnel and activating local communities, manages to design and develop holistically the wider area of the Philippi-Amphipolis cultural and natural landscape, calling it “Philippi Park”. Our mission strengthens our daily action and is complemented by our vision of a better place with the participation of young individuals.
70young scientists
8Municipalities engagementwith 20.000citizens 427consultations &workshops Colaborationwith 82bussinesses 120ActionsforCommunity
Feasibility and Sustainability StudyMaster Plan “Philippi Park”
The Feasibility and Sustainability Study - Master Plan “Philippi Park” was completed in 2018.
This Study was funded by the Municipality of Kavala and acts as a base layer for all further research, as it concluded with a guide on 50 actions / implementations that lead towards the creation of unified networks of activation for the society, economy, environment and microclimate throughout the researched area of Philippi.
history & culture
• Architect Engineers
• Urbanist Engineers
• Environmental Engineers
• Geologists
• Biologists
• Ichthyologists
• GIS Specialists
• Ministry of culture
• Architects’ Union of Kavala
• Architects’ Union of Serres
• UIA Chair of Architecture and Tourism
• Democritus University of Thrace
• University of Thessaly
• Technical Chamber of Greece
• Geotechnical Chamber of Greece
• Unesco Serres
particular emphasis on ecotourism, speleologic al, thermal, r eligi ous and educ ati onal tourism
Cr eati on of ther apeutic botanic al gar dens
Cr eating a water r oute ar ound the peatlandUsing water c anals f or sports oriented tourism (cy cling, ro wing, boat tours) and cultur al f estivals (water, music, music and and arts)
135 246 79111315171921232527293133353739414345 810121416182022242628303234363840424446 47 48 49 50 22 33 44 6 Or ganizati on of open ev ents about envir onmental issues in the ar ea 2 4 5 12 34 Spatial Master Plan R ecor ding and pr omoti on of the tourist and cultur al herit ag e on the common inter activ e map as a meeting point cultu re s R ecor ding and pr omoti on of the tourist and cultur al herit ag e on the common inter activ e map as a cultu re meeting point ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
GIS ! ! KEA i R
eati on of lak e tanks, mostly f or ir rigati on purposes Study fo r sustainable man ag ement of T yrphi
Tr aining of the rur al populati on in non-a gricultur al activitiesContribut io n to the cr eati on of the so-c alled (multytasking
armers) ! ! ! ! !
eati on of integr ated hospitality-
pack ag es
estyle and nutriti
Cr eating an electr onic H yd ro g eologic al
of Philippi P ark
estor ati on pf Philippi’ s main water c anal
rur al
Contributing to the cr eati on of business clusters in the a gricultur al sector and interp ro f essi onal clusters betw een sectors ?
Recording and promotion of the tourist and cultural heritage on the common interactive map as a culture meeting point
Organization of open events about environmental issues in the area
Creating an electronic Hydrogeological Model of Philippi Park
Restoration pf Philippi’s main water canal
Creating a water route around the peatland - Using water canals for sports oriented tourism (cycling, rowing, boat tours) and cultural festivals (water, music, music and and arts)
Cr eati on of ther apeutic botanic al gar dens
Cr eating a water r oute ar ound the peatlandUsing water c anals f or sports oriented tourism (cy cling, ro wing, boat tours) and cultur al f estivals (water, music, music and and arts)
Spatial Master Plan
Creation of lake tanks, mostly for irrigation purposes
Study for sustainable management of Tyrphi
Creation of integrated hospitality- rural packages lifestyle and nutrition
rur al
Training of the rural population in non-agricultural activities- Contribution to the creation of the so-called (multytasking
135 246 79111315171921232527293133353739414345 810121416182022242628303234363840424446 47 48 49 50 22 33 44 6 Or ganizati on of open ev ents about envir onmental issues in the ar ea 2 4 5 12 34 Spatial Master Plan R ecor ding and pr omoti on of the tourist and cultur al herit ag e on the common inter activ e map as a meeting point cultu re s R ecor ding and pr omoti on of the tourist and cultur al herit ag e on the common inter activ e map as a cultu re meeting point ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Cr eating an electr onic H yd ro g eologic al Model of Philippi P ark GIS ! ! KEA i R estor ati on pf Philippi’ s main water c anal eati on of lak e tanks, mostly f or ir rigati on purposes Study fo r sustainable man ag ement of T yrphi particular emphasis on ecotourism, speleologic al, thermal, r eligi ous and educ ati onal tourism Tr aining of the rur al populati on in non-a gricultur al activitiesContribut io n to the cr eati on of the so-c alled (multytasking f armers) ! ! ! ! ! Cr eati on of integr ated hospitality-
ag es lif estyle and nutriti on
Contributing to the cr eati on of business clusters
the a gricultur al sector and interp ro f essi onal clusters betw een sectors ?