2 minute read
St. Johns Lutheran Church
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Location: 803 West First Street, Park Rapids Email: stjohnslutheranpr@gmail.com Website: stjohnspr.org Facebook:@StJohnsParkRapidsMN Office Phone: 218-237-9783
Jim Neubauer, Senior Pastor Joel Newton, Associate Pastor Ginny Ranisate, Office Manager Kim Neubauer, Preschool Director, teacher Sarah Kaufenberg, Director of Music Sarah Newton, Deaconess Members: 825
Services: 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Our Mission:
To glorify God as we seek to make disciples of all nations by bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people within and outside of the one holy Christian Church.
Our History:
In 1908 two Lutheran congregations in the Park Rapids area joined together to form St. Johns Lutheran. Located at 3rd and Court for the first 60 years of ministry, the congregation moved to its present location just west of town in 1965.
Who we are:
As a congregation of the Minnesota North District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, we joyfully hold to the teachings of the Bible as they are confessed in the Lutheran Confessions.
We are a congregation of conservative Lutherans who have received grace and every blessing from our Savior. Our preaching is centered on Jesus Christ and Him crucified and raised for our redemption. We are joyous in our living, traditional in our worship, biblical and confessional in our teaching, and called to simply live as God’s people.
We refer to our worship time as “Divine Service.” The main image behind that title is Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. We do not gather as Christians to “give God his due” as if He needs anything from us. Rather, we gather to receive from Him. Through Word and Sacrament, Jesus brings us the gifts He won for us at the cross: forgiveness, life, and salvation. With these gifts we are given strength for each day, love and forgiveness to share and hope for the future. To that end our worship is historic and liturgical, and designed to glorify God by rejoicing in His salvation.
Outside the Divine Service, the education of all ages is very important. During the school year, we have Sunday school, release time and confirmation for the youth. For adults there are opportunities for Bible study Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. St. Johns also has youth programs, women’s groups, men’s group, music groups for adults and children, and many other opportunities for fellowship and service.
We also offer the community ABC Preschool, a quality, Lutheran preschool.