Spring 2016 bulletin

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The Park School Spring Bulletin 2016



Spring Bulletin 2016

Officers Vincent Chiang, Chair Peter Riehl, Vice Chair Stanley Shaw, Secretary Sam Wilderman, Treasurer

Lilla Curran ’95, Co-Chair Joanie Amick Kelly ’83, Co-Chair

Editor Kate LaPine

Martina Albright ’83 David Ball ’85 John Barkan ’85 Margaret Boasberg Seth Brennan Denise Jefferson Casper Polly Crozier Shannon Falkson Heeten Kalan Conan Laughlin Jessica Lutzker Todd MacLean Amy Lloyd McCarthy ’86 Katie McWeeny Nikki Nudelman Kate Olmsted Peter Riehl Garrett Solomon ’86 Kerry Swords Edward “EJ” Whelan Sam Wilderman Emily Lubin Woods Ex Officio Michael Robinson Head of School Kimberly Boyd Assistant Head for Finance & Operations Cynthia Harmon Assistant Head for Program & Professional Development

Ivy Alphonse-Leja ’07 John Barkan ’85 Peter Barkan ’86 Kathrene Tiffany Bell ’96 Jennifer Berylson Block ’94 Bob Bray ’53 Aldel Brown ’04 Emily Potts Callejas ’89 Carlos Castillo ’97 Greg Cope ’71 Melissa Deland ’95 Sara Leventhal Fleiss ’95 David Glynn ’91 Abigail Ross Goodman ’91 Anne Collins Goodyear ’84 Jennifer Segal Herman ’82 Julia Lloyd Johannsen ’93 Greg Kadetsky ’96 Bob Kenerson ’53 Amy Lampert ’63 Abbott Lawrence ’85 Eve Wadsworth Lehrman ’95 Nia Lutch ’97 Chip Pierce ’81 Eliza Drachman-Jones Quincy ’98 Kate Gormley Saeli ’02 Katharine Burrage Schmitt ’95 Alyssa Burrage Scott ’92 Jordan Scott ’89 Rebecca Lewin Scott ’89 Sarah Shoukimas Ryan ’97 Garrett Solomon ’86 Diana Walcott ’85 Laura Church Wilmerding ’84 Rebecca Wilsker ’00

Design Robert Beerman, Onward Upward Photography Coffee Pond Photography Flo Farrell Kate LaPine Bob Little Jerilyn Willig Printing Puritan Capital

The Bulletin is published twice yearly for the alumni, parents, and friends of The Park School. We welcome your comments and ideas. The Park School 171 Goddard Avenue Brookline, Massachusetts 02445 To contact the Bulletin: Kate LaPine Director of Communications 617-274-6009 lapinek@parkschool.org To report alumni news: Rena LaRusso ’04 Director of Alumni Relations 617-274-6022 alumni@parkschool.org To make a gift to Park: Beatrix Sanders Director of Development 617-274-6020 sandersb@parkschool.org To report address changes: Jamie Byron Development Associate 617-274-6018 development@parkschool.org

Board Chairs Emeriti Kennett F. Burnes David D. Croll Charles C. Cunningham, Jr. George P. Denny III David G. Fubini M. Dozier Gardner John L. Hall II Kevin J. Maroni J. Michael Maynard Anne Worthington Prescott Suzie Tapson Deborah Jackson Weiss

The Park School admits qualified students without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, sex, disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or family composition to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. Park does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, sex, disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or family composition or any other status protected by applicable law in the administration of its educational, admissions, financial aid, athletic and other policies and programs.

Headmaster Emeritus Robert S. Hurlbut, Jr.

Front Cover artwork Owen Fantuzzi (Grade III)

Head of School Emeritus Jerrold I. Katz

Inside Back Cover artwork Georgia Isaac (Grade III)

Spring Bulletin 2016

The Park School

In this issue:


Around Park Park Community Tree Bren Bataclan Immigration Mural 2015 – 16 Sports Roundup

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Celebrating 305 Years at Park! Margo Ayres Smith (1972) Tom Smith (1973) Comfort Halsey Cope (1977) Steve Kellogg (1983) Fern Cunningham Terry (1983) Bob Tisi (1983) Betty Hillmon (1991) Mike Massauro (1996) Toni Gilligan (1997) Dorothea Black (2000) Reunion 2016


Alumni Notes Alumni Achievement Award: Camilla Hermann ‘05

around park

Park Community Tree At Park, community is everything. As soon as visitors open the front doors of the main building, they are greeted with the stunning Community Tree in the lower lobby. The more than 600 current families and members of the faculty and staff are represented on the tree with leaves engraved with their names. This tree was donated and is supported by the Parents’ Association to celebrate what every member brings to our community. Keeping it all in the family, the tree was created by master blacksmith David Little of Winnipesaukee Forge, who just happens to be the brother of Park’s Athletic Director, Bob Little, and the son of alumnus Renny Little ’48.

Artist and blacksmith David Little at the forge.

Parent volunteers helped place the 600 individual names on the tree.


The Park School Bulletin

spring 2016

around park

Bren Bataclan Immigration Mural Thanks to the generosity of the Parents’ Association, Park was incredibly fortunate to welcome Bren Bataclan as an Artist in Residence for a week in April! Bren, a professional artist and founder of The Smile Movement, was on campus to create a mural that would tie into the fifth grade social studies immigration curriculum. Bren’s project was a true collaboration with Grade V students. On Monday, Bren led a brainstorming and drawing session with the fifth grade. The following day, he started sketching and painting their creations on the wall. The mural was finished by Friday! (To learn more about Bren Bataclan’s work go to www.bataclan.com)

spring 2016

The Park School Bulletin


2015 – 16


FALL 2015 Fall 2015 will known as the inaugural season of Girls Volleyball. The team, coached by Sue Seufert (PE Department Head) and Jessica Niebuhr (Grade II teacher) played a full schedule of 11 games against traditional rivals like BB&N, Southfield, and Dana Hall, but added new opponents like Bancroft and Rectory as well. It was a fantastic learning experience for all! The fall season also brought the third annual Shady Hill Day at the end of October. This year, Shady Hill took back The Cup by the narrowest of margins finally decided days later after a scoring mix-up in Cross Country. Park competes in boys and girls soccer, girls field hockey, girls volleyball, and coed cross country.


The Park School Bulletin

spring 2016

WINTER 2015 – 2016 Although hampered by knee surgery, Bob Tisi completed his 33rd year of coaching Ice Hockey, primarily in an advisory role. Former players Merrill Hawkins ‘96 (Social Studies Teacher), Eliza Cope ‘04 (Apprentice) and Thomas Cope ‘07 along with Kristen Hissong (Summer Programs) coached one of the strongest teams in recent memory. Park’s six (!) Basketball teams all had terrific seasons as well, and many students participated in a new yoga/ movement option.

around park

SPRING 2016 PE teacher/coaches Kara Fonseca and Paul Toussaint continued their dominance on the softball field with their sixth undefeated season in eight years. This year’s team team was led by four very talented eighth graders but the ten sixth graders will keep rounding the bases in the future. Steve Kellogg (Math Teacher) completed his 33rd year of coaching at Park by assisting Tim O’Brien (PE Teacher) with the Boys Lacrosse program. He put his years of experience playing with a wooden stick to good use— teaching another group of boys that hard work and focus pays off. In the last two games of Mr. Kellogg’s career the team played both Rivers and Fay to ties, both terrific results for the underdog Park team! In the s pring, Park competes in coed track & field, girls softball, and boys and girls lacrosse.

The Park Athletic Department would like to thank Coaches Bob Tisi, Steve Kellogg, Adam Young and Rebecca Hurd for their many wonderful seasons of leadership. As these mentors head in different directions next year, we will long remember the gift of their guidance. GO Park!!

spring 2016

The Park School Bulletin


The Park School is celebrating the careers of ten remarkable individuals who are retiring at the end of this school year. We invite you to be a part of the celebration. These educators have been an integral part of the Park community for decades—for a cumulative total of 305 years of service! How lucky the Park community has been to be the beneficiary of their wisdom, energy, thoughtfulness, and caring.

Margo Ayres Smith It is hard to list all the positions that Margo Ayres Smith has held since coming to Park in 1972: assistant to the Head of School, permanent substitute, faculty advisor to Student Council and the GSA, and advisor to scores of Grade VII and VIII students. And, beloved Park traditions like TOTAL Day (an annual spring field day for Grades V – IX) started with Margo. Park is where Margo met her husband, Tom, where their children, Heather ’95, Andrew ’98, and Mally ’01 grew up, and where grandchildren Anna (Grade III) and Andrew Hsu (Pre-K) are current students. With kindness, conviction, and a helping hand, Margo has made a lasting difference to the School. The Growth Education program, in particular, bears her stamp. She began this unique curriculum in 1977 and, as Department Head, has helped it to evolve ever since. Likewise, she has guided the SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) program for faculty and staff colleagues over two decades. For fortyfour years, Margo has led from her heart and with an unwavering commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, and it is this work that she plans to continue beyond Park.


The Park School Bulletin

spring 2016

Tom Smith

Comfort Halsey Cope

Steve Kellogg

Like his favorite folk albums, Tom Smith’s tenure at Park has an “A Side” and a “B Side:” two distinct eras with a brief intermission in the middle. Arriving in 1973, he began his career as a science and math teacher in the Upper School. Over the next ten years, Tom became the head of the Math Department, Yearbook advisor, and a husband—marrying Park teacher, Margo Ayres, in 1976. In 1983, Tom left Park to pursue a career in educational software, programming games that were used in classrooms throughout the country. With a reinvigorated understanding of the educational opportunities that technology could support, he returned to Park in 1994 as the Director of Technology. Under Tom’s leadership, the School engineered its very first network, boldly adopted something called “the Internet,” introduced state-of-the-art computer labs, and set the landscape for Park’s current cloud-based technology. In that time, Tom and Margo watched their three children, Heather ’95, Andrew ’97 and Mally ’01, graduate from Park, and their grandchildren, Anna Hsu ’21 and Andrew Hsu ’24, become Park students. A lifelong musician, Tom is excited about the opportunity to begin recording a new album, to book more stage performances, and, of course, to spend time with Margo and their growing family.

Comfort Halsey Cope came to Park in 1977. Her thirty-eight years at Park have been marked by inspired teaching and wise leadership. Comfort was a beloved classroom teacher in Grades III and V before moving to the Upper Division where she taught Grade VI English/ Social Studies. Comfort has also worked as an associate director of admissions, a secondary school counselor, a Grade IX advisor, and a Growth Education teacher. Closest to her heart, Comfort has taken Park’s tradition of commitment to community service and created a more unified service learning program, culminating with a year-end Grade VIII service trip to Costa Rica. Comfort leaves an important legacy of service; her work has helped Park students to become true global citizens. Park has indeed been a family school for Comfort. She met her husband Greg Cope (Park class of 1971 and former Park teacher) here and their two children Eliza ’04 and Thomas ’07 both attended Park through Grade IX. Comfort looks forward to studying theology, tutoring in Boston, and time for projects, travel, and reading.

For 33 years, Steve Kellogg has inspired Park students with his big voice, his big heart, and his genuine excitement for learning. Steve started teaching just after graduating from college 45 years ago, and he came to Park in 1983 to head the Math Department. Steve has been at the heart of life in the Upper Division across his tenure. In addition to teaching math in Grades VI through IX, he has taught American History and Growth Education, he has been a longtime Grade IX advisor, he has coached lacrosse, soccer, and basketball as well as the Math Team, and he served for five years as the Upper School Division Head. Steve has been a steadfast member of Park’s Faculty Compensation Committee, and he has served as a member of the Board for AISNE and for the Meadowbrook School. Steve’s wife, Emily, joined him at Park in 1998, working in the library, and their two sons, Jeremy Kellogg ’99 and Nathan Kellogg ’02, attended Park from Pre-K through Grade IX. As an ardent history buff, Steve looks forward to now having time for more research and travel around Civil War battlefields, and to spending time with his four children and four grandchildren.

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The Park School Bulletin


Fern Cunningham Terry As a fifth grader, Fern Cunningham Terry announced to her parents that she was going to be an art teacher. Fern’s prediction came true, and this June, she will retire from a remarkable career as an iconic educator at Park. For over thirty years, she has nurtured the thinking, understanding, and creating of art for children ages 8 – 15. Hundreds of students learned to draw, paint, and sculpt from a master teacher. With a passion for sculpture, she taught that the arts are a way to view the world and the human form is a reflection of all humanity. Fern’s personal artwork is integral to her teaching. In her public sculptures, she has shared the powerful messages of the African-American experience and culture with the entire City of Boston, as well as the Park community. Fern started the One World Club and was named the School’s first Director of Diversity. In her retirement, Fern’s studio may be filled with her twelve grandchildren and of course, her husband, Alvin.


The Park School Bulletin

spring 2016

Bob Tisi

Betty Hillmon

Before coming to Park 33 years ago, Bob Tisi was an electrical lineman in the Air Force, and then worked at BLH Electronics for 24 years. Since being hired by former Head of Operations Jim Mamarchev in 1983, Bob has been an iconic presence at the School. His unique mix of helpfulness and humor has endeared him to decades of students, families, and faculty alike. In addition to keeping school spaces in good shape, Bob has driven many hundreds of school and sports team bus trips, kept daily carpools in order with his omnipresent whistle, and spent many early winter mornings on the ice with the Park School Hockey Team. Legions of former student athletes hold deep respect and affection for Coach Tisi and credit him with their love of the game. As he embarks on this next and well-deserved chapter of his life, Bob looks forward to continuing his role as referee coordinator for youth hockey programs on the North Shore. He will spend more time with his daughter, Jennifer, his son, Robert, and his growing grandchildren. In addition, he has a long list of places to visit with his wife, Mary Anne.

Before Betty brought her wonderful talents and expertise to Park in 1991, she attended San Jose State for her undergraduate work, followed by two Masters degrees—one in cello performance from Fresno State University, and the other in musicology from Harvard University. Betty is also a Kodály Music Specialist, with a certificate in music education from the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest. Betty came to Boston specifically to serve as the chair of music education at the Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts/ National Center of Afro-American Artists (NCAAA), where she still plays a big role in the production of Black Nativity. When she heard about the department head opening at Park, Betty was excited to apply. At Park, Betty has deftly served as department head for 25 years, teaching and advising hundreds of students, and growing close to her faculty and staff colleagues. Come June, Betty looks forward to continuing to develop the Boston CityWide String Orchestra that she founded, completing a writing project on African American and Afro-European classical composers, her continued work at NCAAA, and sleeping in past 6:30 AM!

Toni Gilligan

Mike Massauro For nearly 50 years, Mike Massauro has been a guardian of schools. Mike first came to Park in 1996, after an invitation from his former colleague Jerry Katz. The two had worked together at Bowen School in Newton where Mike was the head custodian for twelve years before he went on to Newton North High School for another twelve years. During Mike’s stewardship at Park, the School has grown into a 34-acre, multi-building campus with events happening almost every day of the year. Mike has been a great leader and advocate for Park’s maintenance team, securing better equipment, gaining recognition for their tremendous service, and increasing staffing as the School has grown in size and complexity. Mike’s leadership is personified by his interactions with students­—teaching the youngest students how to make apple cider and create pinwheels, visiting Raine Miller’s Kindergarten classroom for “take-apart” lessons, and building working hovercrafts. Always, Mike keeps the students at the heart of all of his work, and the School has greatly benefited from his care. Mike is looking forward to spending more time with his wife, Roseanne, and his four grandchildren when he retires this spring.

Before joining the Park faculty in 1997, Toni Gilligan, a dedicated and passionate teacher, worked in the Newton Public Schools. When former Head of School Jerry Katz persuaded her to consider teaching Kindergarten at Park, Toni was so impressed by the Kindergarten team and the plentiful resources, she quickly said “yes,” and brought her son, Bradford Gilligan ’08, to Park too. Toni’s classroom is a place where learning comes alive both literally and figuratively. Known for her love of animals, each spring finds current and former students in Toni’s classroom observing the chicks. One spring Toni hatched chicks and ten Indian Runner ducks! One of her fondest memories was orchestrating a surprise visit with three of the ducks following her down the hall, into the elevator, through the front lobby and into Jerry’s office. The look on Jerry’s face as the ducks entered his meticulous office still brings a giant smile to Toni’s face. Toni looks forward to spending time with her husband, Michael, and her beloved 15-month-old golden retriever, traveling, reading, and being open to any opportunities that come her way.

Dorothea Black Dorothea Black joined Park’s library in 2000 through the Apprentice (Intern) Program, and the School never let her go. When Dorothea earned the position of Library Head in 2002, she inherited a library with a card catalog, slide carousels, and byzantine shelving. In less than a decade, she helped transform the library into a model 21st-century learning environment, complete with eReaders, iPads, librarian blogs, and mobile access to the collection, all run by a collaborative, multi-faceted team. Under Dorothea’s leadership, the library is now well-positioned as a hub of interdisciplinary, inquiry-based curriculum and instruction, and Park stands as a leader among peer schools in leaning into questions around the everevolving forms and functions of library space and collection development. “I have seen our napkin sketch plans for a renovated library come into being,” notes Dorothea, “and then seen those realized plans reflected in our sister school across the world, in Hangzhou, China.” Dorothea’s myriad talents and interests are an inspiration, and her future plans are characteristically diverse and engaging. Mother-daughter travel, time with husband, Steve Logowitz, freelance teaching, letterpress printing, and fiber arts are just the beginning of a long to-do list. Plus an inflatable paddleboard in the car, just in case.

spring 2016

The Park School Bulletin



How do you celebrate ten individuals who have dedicated their careers to The Park School?


With a giant gathering of faculty, students, parents, and alumni on the main field with TWO ice cream trucks!

Board Chair Vinny Chiang, Head of School Michael Robinson, and the Eighth and Ninth Grade Chorus all voiced their gratitude and affection for the illustrious group. The crowd was full of well wishers of all ages, and everyone enjoyed the warm afternoon in June.

Margo Ayres Smith (1972) Growth Education Department Head, Advisor, S.E.E.D. Leader, Summer Scheduling Guru, Faculty Advisor to GSA Former Roles: Assistant to the Head of School, Permanent Substitute, Faculty Advisor to Student Council Tom Smith (1973) Technology Specialist Former Roles: Science Teacher, Math Teacher, Math Department Head, Growth Education Teacher, Director of Technology Comfort Halsey Cope (1977) Service Learning Coordinator & Secondary School Counselor Advisor, Growth Education Teacher, Service Council Advisor, Costa Rica Trip Founder & Leader Former Roles: Grade III Teacher, Grade V Teacher, Grade VI English/Social Studies Teacher, Grade VI Teacher, Associate Director of Admission

Steve Kellogg (1983) Math Teacher, TOTAL Day Team Captain, Math Team Coach, Coach, Advisor Former Roles: Math Department Head, Upper Division Head, American History Teacher, Growth Education Teacher, Director of Technology * Fern Cunningham Terry (1983) Art Teacher Former Roles: Advisor, Director of Diversity, Founder of One World Club Bob Tisi (1983) Maintenance Staff, Hockey Coach Betty Hillmon (1991) Music Department Head, Advisor, One World Club Advisor Mike Massauro (1996) Director of Operations Toni Gilligan (1997) Kindergarten Teacher Dorothea Black (2000) Library Department Head Former Role: Intern

* Unfortunately, Fern was unable to attend the event on June 3rd. She was sorely missed!


The Park School Bulletin

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Reunion 2016 n a beautiful Saturday in May, more than 100 alumni from the classes ending in ‘1s’ and ‘6s’ returned to Park to celebrate their Reunions. The festivities were held in Park’s Library where returning Parkies had drinks, hors d’oeuvres and a great time reminiscing with old friends over fond memories. Alumni enjoyed reconnecting with former and current faculty members (including Bill Satterthwaite who also gave a tour of the ‘old’ Park School on Kennard Road!), and heard from Head of School Michael Robinson. Following the party at Park, classes continued to celebrate at their individual class dinners throughout the Boston area. Many thanks to the dozens of reunion volunteers who helped to make Reunion 2016 a memorable event for all who attended. We look forward to seeing the ‘2s’ and ‘7s’ next spring!


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1: Katharine Smyth ’96, Marisa Connors Hoyt ’96, Carolina Samudio-Ortega ’96, Manny Ortega, & Levi Ortega 2: Upper Division Head Alice Perera Lucey ’77 with former faculty member Lucy Robb 3: Sophia Anteneh ’06 & Liz Rappaport ’06 4: Lisa Amick DiAdamo ’86, Harlem Logan ’86, and Jay Livens ’86 5: Jennifer Walton Burke ’91 & Ashley Dodd Phipps ’91 with their daughters 6: Fern Cunningham-Terry receives a round of applause for her 30+ years as an art teacher at Park 7: Monica Stadecker ’06, Director of Alumni Relations Rena LaRusso ’04, Maddie Mitchell ’06 8: Former faculty member Bill Satterthwaite & Alex Mehlman ’81 9: Head of School Michael Robinson addresses the crowd 10: Jason Forsyth ’06, Sam Platt ’06, and Justin Forsyth ’06 11: Reunion Classes enjoying the cocktail party 12: McCall Cruz ’06 & Susan Langer ’06 13: Betsy Walcott ’81, Christie Ray Robb ’81 14: Bill Satterthwaite, Lucy Robb, & Michael Robinson 15: Upper Division Head Alice Perera Lucey ’77 & Charley Reynolds ’06 16: Irina Dosoretz ’96 & Marisa Connors Hoyt ’96 17: Garrett Solomon ’86 & Becky Solomon speaking with Erin Epker 18: Harlem Logan ’86, Mark Epker ’86, & Steve Kellogg






1986 1981



1971 L to R: Alison Starkey, Bill Chandler, & Marion Lloyd Salois 1976 L to R: Alison Hoppin Murchison, Marc Safner, Ellen Connorton, Tiina Bougas Smith, James Morse, Tenney Mead Cover, Richard Calmas, Jonathan Richardson 1981 Back row L to R: Alex Mehlman, Chip Pierce, Lanny Thorndike Front row L to R: Betsy Walcott, Christie Ray Robb, Anne Yudowitz, Amy Wheeler


1986 L to R: Tom Sowles, Caleb Jackson-Sive, Harlem Logan, Jay Livens, Maura O’Keefe, Amy Lloyd McCarthy, Garrett Solomon, Lisa Amick DiAdamo, Mark Epker

1996 L to R: Marisa Connors Hoyt, Irina Dosoretz, Merrill Hawkins, Lauren Hendrick Sutton, Kathrene Tiffany Bell, George Sargent, Katharine Smyth, Carolina Samudio-Ortega & Levi Ortega, Elizabeth Prives

1991 L to R: Whitfield Growdon, Vanessa Hynes Taylor, Jim O’Keefe, Josh Nash, David Glynn, Leslie Eckel, Ashley Dodd Phipps, Jennifer Walton Burke, Allyson Field

2006 Back row L to R: Jason Forsyth, Alec Weiss, Justin Forsyth, Monica Stadecker, Abby Bok, Front row L to R: Charley Reynolds, Sam Platt, Sam Rosen, Liz Rappaport, Susan Langer, Maddie Mitchell, Maddie Levitt, Rachel Langer, McCall Cruz, Sophia Anteneh, and Charley’s wonderful dog, Kuma!


The Park School Bulletin

spring 2016



Galen Stone writes, “We are happily living at Fox Hill Village, in Westwood.”




Henry Goethals wrote to Park about his friend and fellow ’35 classmate Alvin S. Aldrich, who passed away in August. Henry recalled, ‘“Al and I walked, studied and played virtually shoulder-to shoulder. At Park the athletic director in the late 1920s and 1930s was James Aldrich, Al’s father, who coached the School’s two main sports, football and baseball. Al and I both played with energy, and, I am sure, little finesse. Al was indeed one of the closest and finest friends I have ever had and I will miss him sorely.”





Amy Lampert





Putty McDowell


Wigs Frank



Natalie Park Shutz


Davis Rowley



Bob Bray


Vicky Hall Kehlenbeck Congratulations are in order for Bob Bray! Cooper Price Morgan Donnelly, step grandson of Bob Bray and grandson of Dina Roberts Bray, was born to Page and Patrick Donnelly in San Francisco on October 22 weighing 9 pounds and 4 ounces. And, Bob Kenerson filled us in on an exciting trip: “My wife Ruth and I made a trip to Switzerland this past summer to reunite with her large family for ten days. Weather was superb; we had many celebrations including our 49th wedding anniversary and Swiss National Day on August 1st.”

Before the leaves were added to the Community Tree in the new lobby (see page 2), Athletic Director Bob Little, Renny Little ’48, John Little ’44, and his wife Francoise, stopped by to take a look.



Anne Singer Molly Prescott Porter remains based in Oakland, California, where she works as Director of Kaiser Permanente International. She develops educational programs about the Kaiser Permanente integrated care model for health care

alumni notes leaders from other countries. Molly and her graphic designer husband Dare are especially pleased that both their children have been published this year. Their New Orleans-based artist son Aaron Damon Porter illustrated and selfpublished a children’s book called Desdemona’s Dreams (available for purchase on Etsy), and their physicist son Max D. Porter published an article in the professional journal Physical Review titled “Chaos in the honeycomb optical-lattice unit cell.” Max is working toward a PhD in physics at the University of Texas at Austin. Chris Impey attended Park for two years in the late 1960s, a high plateau in a succession of ten schools as his family hopped back and forth from the U.S. to the U.K. He remembers it fondly, if a bit dimly, after such a passage of time. He got the physics itch, then the astronomy bug, and now he’s a professor of astronomy and associate dean of science at the University of Arizona. Some of his best teachers were at Park, and now teaching is a lifelong passion. He has 70,000 students online and struggles to remember their names. He does research on supermassive black holes. In his spare time, he runs in the canyons near Tucson and writes popular science books. He’s married to an artist and has two children.





Lori Charles writes, “I live in the U.K., and am a psychotherapist working and teaching in a secondary school.”



Rick Berenson


Margaret Smith Bell Rodger Cohen


Colin McNay Bill Sullivan


Tenney Mead Cover


Sam Solomon Katherine Bernheim writes in, “I am still living in San Anselmo (north of San Francisco), with my 14-year-old daughter. I’m in my second year of teaching art at Terra Linda High School in San Rafael and think of Annie Aleskovsky and Cheryl McKendry often! I feel very fortunate to have gotten such a wonderful arts education at Park!”


1979 Lalla Carothers Sally Solomon


Nathaniel McCormick writes, “Other than surviving my 50th year, no major news of note. I do think of Park as I watch my two daughters thrive in a similar school environment here in Virginia. Best wishes to all my classmates from 1980!” Did you see Adrienne Brodeur’s wonderful op-ed in the

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alumni notes New York Times in September? Rennie’s best line: “My brain tumor has emerged as a tiny Zen master.”


Matt Carothers Alex Mehlman


a featured author at Newtonville Books when the book was first released and Allison Nash Mael was in the audience. “I had the pleasure of attending Tracey’s reading. Her story is autobiographical and is a great read!”





Mark Epker Jay Livens

Zachary Cherry Alexander Rabinsky







Lisa Livens Freeman Elise Mott


Allison Nash Mael Congratulations to Tracey Slater, whose memoir The Good Shufu: Finding Love, Self, and Home on the Far Side of the World, was named a “great new read” by National Geographic, a “best book of 2015” by PopSugar, and a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers Pick. Tracey was


Mary Sarah Baker Fairweather Geoffrey Glick




Laura Dahmen Merriman reports: “We are happy to be back on the East Coast, in Washington DC, after years out in California. The boys (Drew, 7 and Alex, 5) are growing fast and thriving.”

Liza Cohen Gates


Anne Collins Goodyear






Dahlia Aronson Ian Glick Rebecca Lewin Scott

Congratulations to Mark Simmons and his wife Melanie, on the arrival of baby Miles in September.

Alumni Achievement Award Camilla Hermann ’05


ark proudly presented the 2014-15 Alumni Achievement Award to Camilla Hermann ’05 on Monday, January 11, 2016. During a special Morning Meeting presentation, Camilla shared her work about tracking Ebola in West Africa with her ACT (Assisted Contact Tracing) system. ACT traces contacts using a platform to track outbreaks, such as Ebola, in real time and anticipates where the virus will next appear.


The Park School Bulletin

spring 2016

Camilla spent the morning at Park visiting with students and faculty. She visited several classrooms throughout the day–from Grade I to Grade IX. It was inspiring to hear about her journey, including finding herself in new and uncomfortable situations that eventually led to the creation of ACT. Camilla embodies many of the School’s values, and it was wonderful to have her back at Park. Congratulations, Camilla!



ƒebruary ƒete

Many Park alumni came together at the Hampshire House on Thursday, February 4th for the seventh Annual Park Alumni February Fete. Guests had the chance to reconnect with one another over drinks and delicious hors d’oeuvres. We were thrilled to welcome Vice Chair of the Board Pete Riehl back to speak to guests, in addition to Head of School Michael Robinson and the Alumni Committee Co-chairs Lilla Curran ’95 and Joanie Amick Kelly ’83. It was a fun-filled evening and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year!













1 Peter Johannsen, Julia Lloyd Johnannsen ’93, Martina Albright ’83, Kristen Demeter, Greg Kadetsky ’96 2 Kizzy Maitland & Nashan Vassal ’95 3 Rena LaRusso ’04, Director of Alumni Relations, addresses the crowd 4 Ivy Alphonse-Leja ’07 & Nick Carter ’07 5 Hilary Sargent ’94 & Sally Baker 6 Liga Aldins, David Lawton, and Annabelle Ambrose 7 Chip Pierce ’81, Ali Epker Ruch ’89, Rena LaRusso ’04, and Peter Barkan ’86 8 Former faculty Annie Aleskovsky Zeybekoglu and Dean Conway 9 Rebecca Wilsker ’00, Benjamin Peebles-Mundy, Yrinee Michaelidis ’00, Liz Wilsker ’04 10 Luzy Robb & Merle Jacobs 11 Clark Freifeld ’93 & Katrina Newbury ’85 12 Carlos Castillo ’97 & Cynthia Harmon 13 Kenzie Bok ’04 & Bob Little

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alumni notes

From left: Eloise Rose, daughter of Jennifer Goldstein ’97 Elizabeth Healy Russell ’00, husband Colin Russell, & dog Tallie Antonia Stubbe ’01 lives in Stockholm with her husband and 20-month-old son, Enzo. 2002 classmates and life-long friends Nathan Kellogg, Alex Lebow, and Sam Hawkins all completed the 2015 New Orleans Marathon this fall.

Leah writes, “Lucy joins big brothers Judah (5) and twins Charlie and Jake (2). We moved to LA in June and are loving being so close to the beach—and no shoveling this winter!” Congratulations to Andrew Taylor, who has been nominated again in 2016 for a James Beard Award as Best Chef in the Northeast at Eventide Oyster Co. in Portland, Maine.


Jessica Ko Beck Jaime Quiros Alison Ross


Alan Bern Aba Taylor




Sarah Conway Suzy McManmon Sarah Robbat


Lilla Curran


Kathrene Tiffany Bell Nick Brescia Merrill Hawkins Katayoun Shahroki Leah Cumsky-Whitlock Lavin welcomed her fourth child, Lucy Linda Lavin, on October 27th.

Sarah Conway is currently working in the climate change office at the State Department and amongst other things serves on the U.S. delegation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as the Lead Climate Finance Negotiator. “Needless to say it’s an interesting, important, and busy time as we move

closer to the 21st Conference of the Parties to be held in Paris in December when we hope to finalize an ambitious, inclusive and durable new global climate change agreement.” Jennifer Goldstein is living in Boston’s North End and is an Assistant Attorney General in the Medicaid Fraud Division. She and her husband, David Bilodeau, welcomed daughter Eloise Rose in July 2015. Ethan Katz, who was an Intern at Park in 2004-05, reports that he is now working at the American School in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil!


Lydia Hawkins Meg Lloyd Sarah Swettberg






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Jessica Whitman Seney Congratulations are in order for the Class of 2000! Stacy Kavanagh wrote for her son Michael Kavanagh, who married Jane Heyer on April 22, 2016. “We are so excited for the happy couple! Michael also accepted his masters at Georgia Tech on December 11, 2015. Well done!” And, Elizabeth Healy and Colin Russell were married July 25, 2015 at 11,444 feet in Keystone, Colorado. In addition to other attendants, Tallie, their golden retriever, was the flower girl! They all reside in Denver.




startup companies. He also started a rugby club called the Maccabees and loves playing rugby. He urges any Park alumni to join the team!


The Park School Bulletin

spring 2016

Colin Arnold Susanna Whitaker Waters Elizabeth Weyman


Ben Bullitt Jessica Freeman-Slade married Nicholas Carbone in October 2013. They live in Washington, D.C., where Jessica directs special projects for the food division (think Julia Child’s Kitchen) within the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. In December 2015, Alex Goldstein left Boston for Tel Aviv to be a consultant for Israeli



Diana Rutherford

Alumni Clambake 2015 1

On a sunny Sunday at the end of September, a group of Park alumni and their families celebrated the end of the summer at the annual Park Alumni Clambake. Alumni from the classes ranging from 1944 – 2015 were present (as well as future alumni from the Class of ’26!) Kids participated in the donut-eating contest and potato sack races, and the life-sized lobster made another appearance! A fun day was had by all!









13 12 14



1 B ea Sanders (Director of Development) & Marjorie Gluck Dell ’69 2 Jen Dirga & Amy Saltonstall ’87 3 Shandalea Abdul-Hadi ’90 & Ali Epker Ruch ’89 4 Aldel Brown ’04 & Rena LaRusso ’04 5 Sara Redd ’00 & Annabelle Ambrose 6 Asa Hamot ’16 & Alex Tesson ’16 7 Julia Holton ’15 & Jurnee Peltier ’15 8 Rachel Redd ’03 & Nadine Pankins-Houston ’73

9 2 016 classmates Harry Golen, JJ DeMarco, Thatcher Formisano, Rishi Banerjee, and Ben Wilmerding 10 Josiah De Vaughn and other alumni children engage in a serious donut eating contest! 11 The crowd under the tent! 12 Jamie Folsom ’85, Katrina Newbury ’85 & her son Benjamin Lamb 13 Lilla Curran ’95 and son Nathaniel with Heather Hsu ’95 14 David Wiborg ’85, Janice Allen, Robert Brooks

spring 2016 The Park School Bulletin 19





Steven Fox

Lily Bullitt

Congratulations to Class Representative Steven Fox on his engagement in March to Erin Reissman! And, congratulations to Zach Modest on his engagement to Meg Komarek. Kylie Atwood is covering the 2016 campaign for CBS News as a digital journalist. “Essentially it means that I am a road-warrior chasing the candidates all around the country as I produce content for all CBS News platforms. I moved to Iowa last summer just in time for the Iowa State Fair where I covered all of the candidates. I witnessed Donald Trump land his helicopter near the fairgrounds while Hillary Clinton kept her eyes on the pork chop she was eating—yes, those things happened at the same time! Now I am covering Bernie Sanders full-time. On one day he had five events in four different states and for the most part I travel on his plane and am there for all of them. It has been the opportunity and learning experience of a lifetime!” In January, Noah Schumer wrote an article for the New York Times about Guayaquil, Ecuador’s Barcelona Sporting Club.

Tucker Halpern is producing music with his friend from Brown University, Sophie Hawley-Weld. The two make up the duo Sofi Tukker, and reside in New York. Sofi Tukker has released three songs, “Drinkee,” “Matadora,” and “Hey Lion.” They recently went on tour, including a gig in Cambridge. Congratulations, Tucker! Rachel Kay is living in New York City and works at Marianne Boesky Gallery, which specializes in contemporary art.


McCall Cruz Congratulations to Catie Hoyt who got engaged in December to Matt Smith! Celebrating with her in Vermont was Jessica Schlundt and Camilla de Braganca. A wedding is being planned for summer 2017.


Thomas Cope Benjamin Schwartz Mollie Cunningham Young

Thanks to Mollie Cunningham Young and the Class of 2007 for providing the most updates for an alumni Class in the Spring Bulletin! The Alumni Relations Office is excited to work with you to plan your 10th Reunion next May! Jacob Aduama graduated from Northeastern University in the fall of 2015 with a degree in chemical engineering. Luisa Alvarez writes in, “I have been living in Madrid for two years now, working as an English and science teacher in first and second grades, and I am currently working towards my masters in bilingual education.” Ari Benjamin is living in Northampton and works as a tutor, nanny, and substitute teacher in a local preschool. Elizabeth Cabot graduated from Franklin and Marshall College in May 2014. “I now work for a company that does clinical trials/ research. In December, I moved in with two friends in an apartment in Boston. One of those friends is a former Park classmate, Elyssa Carlson.” Jonathan Chau graduated from Tufts in 2014 and is working in biotech in the Boston area. Skylar Cruz is in her first year of law school at Georgetown University. Becca Freeman-Slade is an account director at Social Sphere, a polling, social media and marketing firm in Cambridge. Samantha Greenberg shares “After three years as Beyoncé Knowles’ executive assistant I will be returning to George Washington University to complete my undergraduate degree

in business. It was a wonderful experience working with Beyoncé and I look forward to the future!” Erin Haggerty graduated from Boston University in May 2015, and “moved down to Savannah, Georgia to extend my passion for travel into a career in marketing at a youth educational travel company.” Lily Halpern shares, “I’m living in NYC and doing music, my new single “Supernatural” came out in February 2016, and I’m modeling for Wilhelmina Models.” Julia Hermann writes, “I graduated from Tufts with a bachelor’s in child development. I then continued on to Stanford for a masters in education. Now, I teach fourth grade at a public school in Somerville. So far, I’m having a great year with my students and am eager to see them continue to grow over the rest of the year!” Natalie Hunter has been “living and working in New York since graduating from Wesleyan in 2014. I have been really involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC for the past year and a half as a big sister and fundraising for their annual Race for the Kids. It has been an extremely fun and rewarding experience! If you are interested in becoming a mentor in NYC, feel free to reach out to me.” After graduating from Harvard in 2014, Grant Jones worked for Bain and Company for a year and a half. Recently, however, he decided to step away from the world of business to pursue his passion for singing and music, a passion he first discovered and cultivated long ago at The Park School. Check out his

At left, Steven Fox ’04 & Erin Reissman shortly after their engagement in March!

Above left, Jenna Kaplan ‘04, and Liz Wilsker ‘04 are horsing around! Jenna and Liz, both lifelong horse lovers and riders, reconnected at the 2015 February Fête and are now both working for BINA Farm Center, a non-profit offering Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies for children and adults with and without special needs. They are busy planning BFC’s annual “Horsing Around at the Ritz” Gala which will take place on October 22, 2016. Want to get involved? Maybe you know of an organization to sponsor the event, or someone who may have a great item to donate? Or perhaps you would like to volunteer at the farm? If you are interested in getting involved, please get in touch (LizW@binafarm.org or 508.651.2462).


The Park School Bulletin spring 2016

Below, a group of 2004 classmates got together in December in downtown Boston—some reconnected for the first time since eighth grade! L-R: Liz Wilsker ’04, Andrew Li ’04, Alex Tierney ’04, Eliza Cope ’04, Shami Bery ’04, Kenzie Bok ’04, Annabel de Braganca ’04, Anne Wernikoff ’04, Rena LaRusso ’04 (not pictured: Aldel Brown ’04)

alumni notes

Jessica Schlundt ’06, Catie Hoyt ’06, and Camilla de Braganca ’06, celebrating Catie’s engagement in December. Elizabeth Wilsker ‘04, Maryam Wilsker, Benjamin Wilsker ‘07, and Rebecca Wilsker ‘00 at Ben’s wedding last July.

YouTube page! Adam LaFleche graduated from George Washington University with a double major in classical languages and French. “I am currently living in Alexandria, Virginia, and work at a classical charter school in D.C. teaching Latin to 7th graders.” Gabriel Murchison writes, “I finished a masters degree in public health in May, then moved to Washington, D.C. to manage research projects for Human Rights Campaign, the LGBT advocacy organization. I miss living a few blocks from Jake, as college classmates, but have been lucky enough to see Leor, Nick P., Ari and Alexa this year. I’d love to connect with classmates who have landed in the District!” Currently working in the department of public health in Philadelphia, Anna Porter is a patient advocate, and is hoping to pursue a masters education to become a physician’s assistant. Danielle Rabinowitz is currently in her first year at Harvard Medical School and “am really enjoying the ride so far! Arielle Rabinowitz and I completed our masters degrees in classical composition at New England Conservatory in May 2015.” Jake Romanow is in his first year pursuing a PhD in English at Rutgers University. Nelson Santry has been enjoying California for over a year now. “It’s February but feels like May! If anyone finds themselves in San Francisco hit me up–would love to catch up with any Parkies!” Benjamin Schwartz has been working “on leasing for WS Development which develops, owns, manages and leases properties like The STREET in Chestnut Hill, Legacy Place in Dedham and the Boston Seaport. I work to find great retail stores and restaurants for our properties and create long lasting relationships.” Else Sharp writes, “I’m doing a two year training program with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention working in disease surveillance for New York State.” Globe-trotting Danny Shoukimas has been

splitting his time between Tel Aviv, Accra, Abidjan, Lusaka, and Lagos to growing mPharma, the startup he co-founded back in 2013. “Earlier this year we closed our first major round of funding led by Chamath Palihapitiya and the team at SocialCapital, which has given us the boost we need to expand our team and the products we provide for free to doctors, pharmacists, health insurance providers, and patients across the developing world. We also recently launched a new website (www.mpharma.com) where you can find out more about the work we are doing to increase access to essential medicine in Africa. David Spierings van der Wolk graduated from Harvey Mudd College in 2014 and is now pursuing a PhD in physics at the University of Toronto. Kaveh Veyssi’s update: “I’m currently finishing my M.F.A. at USC’s Peter Stark Producing Program in Los Angeles and am working part time at Sony Pictures in film development and production.” Harris Williams writes, “I am in graduate school finishing up my MBA and MSF.” Meredith Winter is headed back to Boston College to pursue a masters degree in social work, which will begin in September 2016. This year, Meri spent five months interning and living in Tel Aviv, Israel at a school and then traveled around Europe. Nina Wolpow reports “I want to go to graduate school to write fiction. My longest manuscript is still the one I wrote in Alexis Lelon’s fifth grade class.” After graduating from Middlebury College in May 2014, Mollie Cunningham Young moved to New York City and works at a large public relations agency. “I’ve had so much fun living in New York these past two years, and feel lucky to spend time with old friends from Park, as well as my older brother Charlie Young ’00 and his family.” Congratulations to Ben Wilsker who was married

this past July! He wrote to us from London, “Maz and I are now living in London, where she is an actress (opening her second professional show on April 5th) and I am working in recruitment.”






Manizeh Afridi Marielle Rabins

Grace Donnell-Kilmer Eliza Thomas

Congratulations to James McNay, Brett Drucker, and Kendall MacRae, all members of the Class of 2008, who graduated in June 2015 from Dartmouth College!






Mercedes Garcia-Orozco Cary Williams

Maddie Hurley Kat Mitchell


Annie Goodridge Gilad Seckler Michela Thomsen


Enya Meade Jaleel Williams

Become a Class Representative C l a s s e s o f 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1978, 1980, 1985, 1991, 1992, 2002

á Stay in touch with friends! á Gather class news for the Bulletin! á Help plan your reunion! Want to learn more? Please contact Rena LaRusso ’04, Director of Alumni Relations, at 617-274-6022 or alumni@parkschool.org

spring 2016

The Park School Bulletin 21

alumni notes


Ellie Formisano Olivia Mills


Caroline Beecher Jonathan DeJesus

There are five mother–daughter duos working at Park! Above, back row L-R: Eliza Cope ’04, Grace Cinquegrana ’03, Rena LaRusso ’04, Melody Bartlett ’95, Dana Welshman-Studley ’85. Front row L-R: Comfort Halsey Cope, Karen Siegel, Merle Jacobs, Joy Bartlett, Pat Zifcak At right, Class of 2015 Park classmates and lacrosse teammates now meet in high school competition! L-R: Rebecca Issacson (BB&N), Schuyler Edie (Nobles), Becky Kendall (BB&N)

News from Former Faculty & Staff


nne “Lise” Aubry, who was at Park from the 1950’s – 1970’s, continues to enjoy process painting (fun with color and shape), gardening, reading, and Scrabble. “Life in this retirement community is great, though growing older isn’t! Greetings to my beloved Park School.” Jane Carney (former Asst. Head of School for Finance & Operations) is the chief financial officer at College Preparatory School in Oakland, just became the President of the California Independent Schools Business Officers Association (CAL-ISBOA). Jane is also the proud grandmother of Austin Thomas Volpp. Austin, who was born May 15, 2015, is the son of Megan Carney Volpp (Permanent Sub & ASP staff 2006–2010) and Jesse Volpp. They live in Lincoln, Nebraska. Marilyn Cheney, who taught at Park in the 70s, writes, “My husband Bryan and I are leaning toward retirement. Son Colin and wife Anna and two children live in Bangkok. Colin is a poet. Filmmaker son Ian and wife Amanda are expecting their first baby. Daughter Claire, recently married, has just started a new company, Curio Spices, here in Boston.” Joanne Budd Cunningham (former Academic Support) and Fred Cunningham (former English and Social Studies) write, “We have two grandchildren now. Harper is three and his baby sister, June, is 10 months


The Park School Bulletin

old. Fred has started his own business in educational consulting and Joanne continues her volunteer teaching at MCI Framingham prison for women.” “It is a pleasure to keep up with Park,” says Joan Boyle Dugue. “My few years working there in the mid 2000s remain a highlight of my teaching career.” Linda French, now a professor of physics, left Park to go to Wheelock College, where she remained for ten years. “I then moved to Illinois Wesleyan University, where I’ve established a research program observing asteroids with funding from the National Science Foundation. I frequently travel to observatories in Chile, often with student assistants. My students have gone on to graduate programs at Harvard, Stanford, and Colorado. Last year I was received the 2015–16 Kemp Award for Teaching Excellence at Illinois Wesleyan. My daughter Susanna, a toddler when I was at Park, is now 27. She went to Wellesley and received her MLS in Library Science from Indiana two years ago. My husband, Ron Emmons, and I have recently purchased a condo in Portsmouth, and we’re looking forward to returning to New England within two years. I’d love to hear from friends and former colleagues.” Emily Medford (Intern 2013–14), writes that she is now a Grade 1 teacher at Nashoba Brooks School in Concord and “misses seeing y’all

spring 2016

everyday!” Patricia Stanton Meyer taught Nursery under Betsy Perry Ball for a year before “graduating” to 2nd grade with Dottie Ball circa 1961–66. Patricia recalls, “Betsy was a fabulous mentor. I’m now retired from 38 years of teaching in California and Vermont and living back home on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. My son teaches history at Colorado’s Rocky Mountain School in Carbondale and my daughter teaches 5th grade in Florida. Each has a son and a daughter, so I have four fabulous grandchildren. Do teachers beget teachers? I stay in touch with Sally Ellis Quale who taught at Park with me. She’s my daughter’s god-mother. I always enjoy hearing Park’s news and always so grateful for the chance to part of it for a few years. It remains an inspiring place. Kudos to all who direct it.” In the fall, Raine Miller (Kindergarten 1990–2014;

Headmaster Emeritus Bob Hurlbut reconnecting with Janice Allen after Yule Festival.

Grade IV 1967–70), wrote that she is “heading back to Boston as Maine is getting chilly!” Scott Miller (Substitute 2005–06) writes that he is the director of the Life Centered Education (LCE) and the Responsibility Increases Self Esteem (RISE) programs at the Maplebrook School in Amenia, NY. The LCE curriculum prepares students with the life skills they need to finish school and live independent and productive lives and adults. LCE is specifically designed for students who have learning disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders and students whose ability to live independently is a question. Scott has three children, Logan (5), Lola (4) and Lincoln (2.5). Prabha (Papali) Nambiar (Science 1988–2008) reports that she loves retired life but misses Park! Christina Nicolson (former Grade IV teacher) reports that her “STEAM school in the Cloud” has a new physical facility in Waltham, near Brandeis University. Allene Russell Pierson ’74 (Grade VI, VII, VIII math and science 1983–88) is still very interested in Park and feels connected. She serves on the board of trustees of Lesley University in Cambridge and lives in Baltimore. John Spicer ( Social Studies 1960– 1977) writes, “Since Targ died last April, I’ve had a knee replacement. Now living alone (a new experience here) and recovering full motion on that knee, I am still living in the South Newfane (VT) farmhouse. ‘The latch string is out’ for any Park School friends of past years. But please give me a call first (802-3487773).” Sue Sprague (Nursery and Grade I 1962–1999) reports, “All is well! I go to Florida from January through March to beat the winter blues!”After six years working at The Bement School in Deerfield, Massachusetts as a 6th–9th grade math teacher and dorm parent, Madeline Surgenor (Intern 20082009) is currently earning a masters degree in independent school leadership through the Klingenstein Center at Teachers College, Columbia University. Ashley Clevenger Trinh (Grade V teacher 2008–2011) sends her best wishes to everyone at Park! Anne von Rosenberg (Grade IV in the 70’s) is “still sailing in Maine, still into Bulldogs, daughter married and living in Sudbury with a daughter 9 and a son 6.”

1 2

Bagel Breakfast 2015


Park alumni from the classes of 2012-2016 returned to Park for the Young Alumni Bagel Breakfast right before Yule Festival. This annual event has grown into a tradition for young alumni to reconnect with former teachers and friends over bagels, before leading the crowd at Yule Fest with the perennial favorite, “Children Go Where I Send Thee!”



7 6 1 A lex Tesson and Thaddeus Howe 2 Ian Emery, Ben Wilmerding, Will Adam, Bob Little, ALex Tesson, Zach Herman, Alex Cherry, Rishi Dir, Steve Savage, Rishi Banerjee, and Paul Toussaint 3 Curt Miller with Katherine Wilcox and Annie DiAdamo 4 Michael Robinson with Zach Herman 5 Ellie Parker, Kyra Fries, and Kat Mitchell 6 Henry Claudy with David Perry

7 N anneke Nichols, Margo Smith, Kate Jones, Megan Duckworth, Talia Smith, River Studley, and Molly Porter 8 Alex Cherry, Alex Tesson, Rishi Dhir, and Rishi Banerjee 9 Harry Golen, Zach Hermann, George Duryea, Pierce Haley, and Rishi Dhir 10 Jamie Murray, Alex Jones, Eva O’Marah, Charlotte Grossman, and Kate Jones 11 Zach Herman, Ben Wilmerding, and Ian Emery





spring 2016

The Park School Bulletin 23

alumni notes Weddings 2000 Elizabeth Healy and Colin Russell July 25, 2015 2007 Ben Wilsker and Maryam Wilsker July 11, 2015

Arrivals 1985 Mark Simmons and Melanie Simmons Miles Carter Simmons September 19, 2015

Clockwise, from top left: Miles Simmons, son of Mark Simmons ’85; Eloise Jane Deland, daughter of Melissa Deland ’95; Annabel Fleiss, daughter of Sara Leventhal Fleiss ’95, with older brothers Morris & Solomon; Chapin Schmitt, daughter of Katharine Burrage Schmitt ’95; Alexander Joshua Block, son of Jennifer Berylson Block ’94

1994 Jennifer Berylson Block and Jonathan Block Alexander Joshua Block June 30, 2015 1995 Melissa Deland and Julie Deland Eloise Jane Deland November 28, 2015 Sara Leventhal Fleiss and Peter Fleiss Annabel Fleiss October 13, 2015

In memoriam

Katharine Burrage Schmitt and Brian Schmitt Chapin Schmitt October 9, 2015 1997 Jennifer Goldstein and David Bilodeau Eloise Rose July 26, 2015

David B. Arnold Jr. September 25, 2015 Grandfather of Colin Arnold ’99 and Lindsay Arnold ‘01

Sally Mack March 24, 2016 Mother of Daniel Mack ’75, Kenneth Mack ’77, and David Mack ’79

fall 2015 spring 2016

George Ulrich February 23, 2016 Father of Zoe Ulrich ’09

James Ware April 26, 2016 Father of Cameron Ware ’91 and Jake Ware ’99

Frances Prescott Baker MacAusland ’39 December 17, 2015 Sister of Cornelia Baker Baxter ’33 and Augusta Baker Thorndike ’39 Ardis Fuller Keefer January 29, 2015 Wife of Mario Rubio-Ospina (ASP and Woodworking 2000 – 2010)

Prudence ‘Prue’ Paine April 9, 2016 Former Director of the After School Program 1988 – 2003

Sophie Coppedge Walker ’00 January 4, 2016 Daughter of Susan Emerson Gordon ’63, Sister of Schuyler Coppedge ’88, Walker Coppedge ’91, Luke Coppedge ’95, and Ian Gordon ’15

George Haskell September 11, 2015 Father of Alexandra Haskell-Adkins ’03 and Katharine Haskell ’01

Constance Blumenthal graduated from Concord Academy in May 2015, and is now attending Barnard College, where she is a member of the Class of 2019. Louis Feingold is attending Connecticut College and not University of Connecticut as stated in our previous Bulletin.

The Park School Bulletin

Dr. Robert Keimowitz March 25, 2016 Grandfather of Hannah Crozier ’22

Sallie Mitchell Bass June 24, 2015 Grandfather of Merrick Gillies ’12 and Sophia Gillies ’14

Corrections from the Fall Bulletin


Alvin S. Aldrich ’36 August 28, 2015 Brother of James M. Aldrich ’35

Sally Mack, officiating at the wedding of Sally Solomon ’79 & David Lieb.

Helen Wasserman February 28, 2016 Mother of Judy Hale, Grandmother of Aaron Hale ’05 and Anna Hale ’09


The Park School 171 Goddard Avenue Brookline, Massachusetts 02445

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Change service requested Parents of Alumni, If this publication is addressed to your son or daughter who no longer maintains a permanent residence at your home, please notify the Alumni Office of the new mailing address. 617.274.6022 or alumni@parkschool.org. Thank you! Alumni, you can update your information on our website: www.parkschool.org/alumni, then click on the tab called “Stay In Touch.”


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The Park School


Questions? Please contact alumni@parkschool.org or 617.274.6022

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