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The Rural England Prosperity Fund
Secure funding for your tourism accommodation and other capital investments through the Rural England Prosperity Fund.
Leading glamping consultancy and planning firm Crown and Canopy has been working with clients to secure funding for glamping developments across England. Following the success of securing funding through the LEADER programme, the firm is now working with clients in eligible counties to gain valuable funding towards their glamping projects through the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF).
The Rural England Prosperity Fund (otherwise referred to as the “Rural Fund”) is a capital grant programme integrated into the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and is a successor to the European LEADER programmes. It supports activities that specifically address the challenges faced by rural areas. The two investment priorities are Supporting Rural Businesses and Supporting Rural Communities.
The Rural Fund provides capital funding to:
• Support new and existing rural businesses to develop new products and facilities that will be of wider benefit to the local economy. This includes farm businesses looking to diversify income streams, but not into food and drink.
• Support new and improved community infrastructure, providing essential community services and assets for local people and businesses to benefit the local economy Projects must be in a rural area.

The Rural Fund has been allocated to local authorities in 2022 and each Local Authority now has the capacity to award funds to successful applicants for the financial years 2023 to 2024 and 2024 to 2025. Crown and Canopy are assisting clients in sourcing capital funding for their glamping and outdoor tourism-based projects such as conversion of existing buildings, holiday lets, barns, and bothies.
Funding must be used for capital works and grants must be spent on lasting assets such as buildings or equipment. Rural tourism such as investments in visitor accommodation and farm diversification for event venues are generally eligible, though each local authority has their own objectives and criteria.
Unlike the LEADER grant of 2015-2020 which had one application window and the same set of objectives and application criteria, this Rural Fund programme is delivered by each Local Authority working to a tailored set of objectives and individual timeframes. Generally, there is an initial Expression of Interest (EOI) stage which may be completed by the applicant or by an agent, following which the Local Authority will respond as to whether they are prepared to consider the support of a full application.
In order to be eligible for funding, planning permission for any proposed structures is required. Planning may not be in place at the EOI stage, however for funding to be granted planning must be secured. Crown and Canopy have successfully gained planning permission for a range of outdoor tourist and glamping accommodation proposals across the UK and can provide advice and/or compile and complete a planning application should this be of interest.

Who Can Apply?
• Individuals who are running a registered business or are part of a constituted community organisation
• Those not already in receipt of DEFRA funding from the Farming in Protected Landscapes programme, The Farming Investment Fund or The Platinum Jubilee Village Halls Fund
• Businesses and community groups who are trading or based in an eligible part of England
• Those who meet the eligibility requirements set by the Local Authority
To check whether the Rural Fund is available in your area, the full list of eligible unitary and lower tier authorities can be viewed online at Rural England Prosperity Fund: allocations. Alternatively, you can visit magic.defra.gov.uk searching your area and checking Administrative Geographies – Other Administrative Geographies – Rural England Prosperity Fund.
Whether you are curious about the funding or would like to find out more about how we can help with the process, from gaining planning prior to full application or making the application on your behalf, we can arrange a free telephone consultation to answer all your questions.
Crown and Canopy offer full consultancy, planning, and design services. They are specialists in appraising land and working with clients across the country to develop successful businesses that consider best use of land maximising income potential as well as grants and funding opportunities.
Contact us at Crown and Canopy if you are interested in discussing a proposal, finding out if you are eligible, or have any questions on funding for your project.