Park University Strategic Plan 2012-2017

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2012 | 17


Park’s Promise refers to the University’s proud legacy, tremendous potential and passionate commitment to the future. All of these elements are embedded within the University’s bold, new strategic plan, which is titled Park’s Promise. That new plan honors Park’s rich history, builds upon the University’s many strengths, and brings new initiatives that will further distinguish Park as a leader in higher education and a university of choice for students. Park University’s primary commitment is serving those who serve their community and country! We do that with personalized, lifelong partnerships

that provide access to quality, future-focused programs that are globally relevant. Our Promise is one of excellence and service first and foremost to students. That excellence and service also extends to faculty and staff members, alumni and to our varied communities. Ultimately, Park’s Promise is a commitment to serving our country as well as the global village we share. Park’s success in accomplishing the plan will help build the creative, caring workforce and citizenry that our world desperately needs. Park has been doing that since 1875, and Park will expand on that important promise for the future!



AFRAMEWORK for Park’s Promise When stakeholders gathered to consider the course of Park University for the next five years, they looked far beyond the walls of its campus centers. The Center for Internationalization and Global Engagement, a program of the American Council on Education, urged all institutions of higher learning to heed “the evolution of the global environment,” including seismic shifts in enrollment patterns, merging new centers of learning and scholarship, and challenges to America’s historic pre-eminence in higher education.

Rising not only to the challenge articulated by the Center for Internationalization and Global Engagement, but also to those that are unique to Park University as an independent, not-for-profit institution, one with a national footprint and

Park set about an intense period of reflection and self-examination. a global reach,

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*Strength Through Global Leadership and Engagement: U.S. Higher Education in the 21st Century, American Council on Education, 2011.

The Center noted, “While the evolution of this more complex and interconnected global environment poses unprecedented challenges, it also offers new opportunities.” It called upon American colleges and universities to develop their own unique strategies that, among other goals, would define core principles and practices, delineate comprehensive institutional strategies, align local and global interests, and integrate technology education. * gy in the gglobalization of higher g

What evolved is a new vision for Park that carries with it a commitment: to forge new connections with our students, our alumni, the stakeholders in our communities and the world. To do this we must, in many cases, refocus and shift our efforts to new opportunities. Park’ arrk’ rk s Promise identifies numerous outcomes, rk outco om many of them identifying specific targets to be achieved, revenue dollars to be generated or satisfaction percentages or external contingencies. This overview is intended to give you, our stakeholder, a sense of what we will achieve ercentages t tto b be attained tt i d b by iinternal t lo by the year 2017 and what Park University must become.

We invite you to join us and our other partners around the globe in distinguishing Park University as we keep Park’s Promise.

Welcome to an exciting new era at Park University! We

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PRIORITYONE: Ensure Student Success At Park University, quality education is job one and it is our core commitment... that we, as an institution, will do all that we can to ensure that students succeed while they are at Park and afterward, in their careers, in their communities and throughout their lives as citizens of the world. This is our most fundamental commitment as a university. It’s what gives meaning and purpose to all that we do, to our mission, our vision, our core functions and special initiatives. Park students will be prepared to succeed. This over-arching commitment is reflected in our first strategic priority —ensuring student success. The breadth and depth of this priority, the single, most comprehensive component of our promise, testifies to Park’s unfailing commitment to personalized, globally-relevant education of the highest caliber. It also signifies that Park will develop more than a four-year relationship with students—that our partnership is life-long.

Priority One Overview As a “school of choice” for long-term educational and career development partnerships, Park will increase access to personalized, globally-relevant education that prepares individuals to better serve their community and their country. Park also will launch two new institutes, one to meet unique needs of military students, and those committed to public service and one to advance global understanding and engagement. Park will prepare students in fields “Park students will with the greatest potential for be income and impact. prepared to succeed.”

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Curricular and co-curricular programs will meet national best-practice standards.

Objective measures, such as student progress in their major and employment rates upon completion, will be used to document that Park is fulfilling its promise to students.

Park will prepare students in fields with the greatest potential for income and impact as reported by national measures of top salary-generating professions and careers with the best opportunities for employment.

Park will launch two new institutes: The Park University Institute for Military and Public Service that will sponsor national initiatives in career and leadership development, national forums, peer support and mentoring; and the Global Institute to advance the ability of students, faculty and staff members to contribute to a globally inter-dependent society. soccie i tyy.

Accreditation Acc ccre redi re dita di tati ta tion ti on for for existing programs will be maintained mai aint ntai nt aine ai n d and ne and full fu accreditation for selected degree programs pro rogr gram gr ams achieved. am acchiev achi hievve

Park’s in Parkville will be preserved Par a k’ k’ss historic h sttoric campus hi cam and the way for creating an and enhanced, enh hance ced, ce d lleading ea optimal environment on campus opt p im mall learning lea earning physical p center cen ente teer across a ro ac ross ss the the country.

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PRIORITYTWO: Strengthen the Park Brand


UNIVERSITY Park University has worked long, hard and successfully to distinguish Park as a nationally recognized non-profit university of choice for those who serve their community and country. We also are known for the personalized education that we provide to help individuals achieve their life-long learning goals. But our brand is more than a marketing identity. The Park brand is, at its very core, our people—students, faculty, staff, alumni and members of diverse communities whose success reflects the difference that Park can make in the lives of learners of all ages. To continue to serve new communities of learners around the globe, and to remain competitive in a world where financial resources are stretched, we must do more to strengthen our image and name recognition.

Priority Two Overview We will continually gauge our success in this important priority by using data-driven measures, nationally recognized rankings and benchmarking, and documentation of student, alumni, faculty and staff achievements. To continue to serve new communities of learners around the globe, and to remain ain competitive in a world where economic resources are stretched, we will take innovative new steps ps to strengthen our image and name recognition.

Go Pirates! Park University Men’s Volleyball Team - 2012 National Champs! page 7


The Park brand will be recognized and valued by greater numbers of internal and external constituencies as measured by internal and external surveys, national rankings and recognition mechanisms, including U.S. News & World Report and The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Teaching excellence, faculty scholarly activity and student achievements will be recognized at the national level.

Applications for admission will increase.

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PRIORITYTHREE: Ensure Customer Service and Organizational Effectiveness Deliver excellence. Park University must achieve optimal efficiency and effectiveness throughout the institution. Students, alumni and community members will benefit from outstanding customer service. The same is true for Park faculty and staff members themselves, who take care of Park on a daily basis.

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Priority Three Overview In addition to contributing to overall institutional effectiveness, this priority will improve day-to-day operations and ensure that faculty and staff members have the tools and training needed to excel. Multiple measures will be tracked to ensure that Park’s stakeholders consistently experience outstanding costumer service and organizational effectiveness.


Park students, faculty, staff and alumni will report excellent customer service in their interactions with the institution based on annual satisfaction surveys.

Departments providing services to students will meet or exceed professional best practice standards, such as those established by the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education.

Park will be named to the honor-roll list by The Chronicle of Higher Education in its annual “Great Colleges to Work For” survey.

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PRIORITYFOUR: Optimize the Use of Technology

No institution or organization in the 21st century will be successful without the wise use of technology—that is a given—but Park University, with its commitment to military, international and online student populations, must promise and deliver more. Optimizing technology means that more students in domestic and international settings will be directly connected with Park for a lifetime of study. It also means that Park will provide students, faculty and staff members any-time access to the resources they need to study, work, to succeed.

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Priority Four Overview Park will direct new efforts and resources to optimize the use of technology and analytics to deliver its educational programs and services. Innovative delivery, including eDelivery, of credit and non-credit offerings will benefit many people and expand the University’s reach into new global markets.

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Ninety-five percent of Park faculty and staff members will use Park’s new technology to improve programs and services.

• Ninety-five percent of eDelivery programs and anti-plagiarism safeguards will be available in global political and cultural settings where education is accepted. • Park will be recognized as a world leader in innovative online learning as recognized by U.S. News & World Report, Campus Technology and other entities.

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PRIORITYFIVE: Strengthen Park’s Fiscal Position

Because of our long-standing commitment to ensure students have access to affordable and academic excellence, Park University

recognizes the need for new and growing sources of funding. page 13

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Park takes pride in preparing students for life after college through internships and work study programs.




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ventures that include both academic and non-academic initiatives.


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from tuition and non-tuition sources, philanthropic support of Park students, faculty and programs, and innovative enterprise

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Park will increase tuition revenue from its target audiences, especially from active duty military itary students and non-military adult learners.

Park will launch a campaign to generate significant private support for the University.

Park will increase its revenue by at least $5 million annually through 2017, increasing Park’s total annual revenue to more than $100 million.

Park will grow its other revenue-generating activities including its commercial underground d and continuing education enterprise.





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8700 NW River Park Drive | Parkville,, MO 64152 |

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