Park University Strategic Plan 2012-2017

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2012-17 university

Strategic Plan


park’s promise Serving Those Who Serve Their Community and Country with Personalized, Globally-Relevant Education for Life.



Park University’s primary contribution to students in the 21st century is serving those who serve their community and country by providing lifelong educational partnerships for:

• • • •

Accessible, Future Focused Programs Quality Education with a Global Perspective A Personalized Experience for Each Student

A Global Educational Reach

Strategic priorities

Accomplishing Park’s Promise requires that the University excel in meeting the following five business imperatives. Park must:

1. Ensure Student Success

2. Strengthen the Park Brand

3. Ensure Customer Service and Organizational Effectiveness

4. Optimize the Use of Technology 5. Strengthen Park’s Fiscal Position


Ensure Student Success 1.0 Ensure Student Success

Park University is a school of choice for providing lifelong partnerships that increase access to personalized, globally relevant education, which prepares individuals to better serve their community and country.

Strategic Results: 1.1. Park University Delivers Quality, High Demand Educational Choices Park provides access to quality, personalized education that prepares students for high demand careers, as evidenced by 1.1.1. Park students have access to quality curricular and co-curricular programs that meet national “best practice” standards. • Revise and implement Park’s institutional Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan. • Meet best practice standards* in 90% of all curricular and co-curricular programs by 2014.


• Successfully complete** the Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC’s) fall 2013 comprehensive review, including placement of the University on HLC “Standard Pathway” by January 2014. • Attain Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) accreditation for Park’s School of Business by 2015. • Attain National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) accreditation for Park’s School of Education by 2015 • Maintain all existing degree program accreditations, 2012-2017 • Seek additional program accreditations in 100% of programs as approved by the Program Review Task Force, the Office of Academic Affairs,and the Office of the President, by 2017 • Increase annually by 10% the number of Park students who use the elective student services at their campus center or online, from 2013-2017. 1.1.2. New or expanding academic programs prepare students for jobs in high-demand career areas by 2015, as defined by one or more of the following criteria: • Degree/certificate program is projected to be among the top future fields regarding salary levels (at or above median salary levels for college graduates) and/or anticipated level of job openings.***

Degree/certificate program prepares students for graduate level study in a career field projected to be among the top future fields regarding salary levels (at or above median salary levels for individuals with advanced degrees) and/or anticipated level of job openings.*** • Degree/certificate program has more students applying for entry than can be accommodated unless the program is expanded. * ** ***

As specified by professional organization standards for academic disciplines or co-curricular programming. Meets or exceeds all accreditation standards; no standards requiring further reporting from Park. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and/or other creditable sources regarding labor trends, such as Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce.

Park prepares students for success throughout life.


P The Park University

1.2. The Park University Institute for Military and Public Service Serves Those Who Serve Their Community and Country

Public Service Serves Those

The Park University Institute for Military and Public Service fosters collaboration across the University to deliver nationally recognized programs and activities that advance the unique talents and aspirations of students who serve or plan to serve in the military or otherwise be engaged in public service, as evidenced by:

Who Serve Their Community


Institute for Military and


The Park University Institute for Military and Public Service is launched by spring 2013.

1.2.2. 90% of Park students targeted for Institute support participate in programs and/or activities that are offered by, or in collaboration with, the Park University Institute for Military and Public Service, by 2017.*


National recognition** of the Park University Institute for Military and Public Service by 2015.


Park consultation and/or testimony is sought regarding strategies for achieving full employment of military veterans by the Department of Defense, the White House Joining Forces effort, or other recognized, national level programs focused on veteran employment, by 2017.


Activities include career development, leadership development, national forums and/or testimonies, internships, study abroad, research, volunteer peer-to-peer support, mentorships, and other special events/activities.


Specific forms of recognition and/or citations which Park will seek are to be developed, by 2013.

1.3. Park Offers Lifelong-Learning Opportunities Park University provides unique opportunities* to students, alumni, and other adults to engage in lifelonglearning as evidenced by:

1.3.1. *

75% of participant survey respondents “agree” or “strongly agree” that they achieved their individualized learning goals to date, and anticipate continuing their learning partnership with Park in the future by 2015.

Expansion of lifelong opportunities is presented in Section 4.3 and 5.6.

1.4. The Park University Institute for Global Strategies Prepares Learners to Succeed in the 21st Century

The Park University Institute for Global Strategies engages internal and external constituents to advance the ability of students, faculty and staff members to contribute to the globally interdependent society as evidenced by: 1.4.1. The Park University Institute for Global Strategies is launched by spring 2013. 1.4.2 50% of Park degree seeking students participate in curricular and/or co-curricular programs and activities* offered by, or in collaboration with, the Park University Institute for Global Strategies, by August, 2014.** 1.4.3.

10% increase annually in the number of Park degree seeking students pursuing Park’s Global Proficiency Certificate from 2013-2017.

1.4.4. 90% of students who are pursuing Park’s Global Proficiency Certificate in 2014 obtain that credential by the time they graduate; and Park prepares global citizens. PARK UNIVERSITY STRATEGIC PLAN | PAGE 6


1.4.5. Park University receives the Paul Simon Award from the Association of International Educators (NAFSA) for excellence in global education, by 2017. *

Activities may include language study, study abroad, internships, leadership development, international forums, research, mentorships, and other special events/activities.

** Target levels to be set as per Park’s Comprehensive

Internationalization Plan.


Park Students Graduate

Park’s personalized programs and services maximize undergraduate students’ potential and help them overcome challenges, as evidenced by:

1.5.1. 1.6.

Meeting 95% of Park’s credential completion annual targets set forth in Park’s Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan.

Park Graduates are Successfully Employed

Park’s personalized approach delivers innovative, individualized career development programs/ services and job placement, as evidenced by: 1.6.1. Park graduates obtain their professional and/or advanced degree program placement objective. Baseline data are to be established in 2013 and used to set a target number/percentage for 2015 of graduates obtaining their job of choice. 1.7.

Park’s Parkville Campus

The Parkville Campus provides a physical environment that supports the needs of the University community, as provided in the 2013 Campus Master Plan.


Park University has a national footprint as well as global reach.




Strengthen the Park Brand

2.0 strengthen the park brand Park’s brand is recognized as a non-profit university of choice that serves those who serve their community and country and provides globally relevant education for life. Strategic Results:

2.1. Park’s Brand is Recognized by Internal Constituents and Target Markets

Park provides a

Park achieves strong recognition of, and appreciation for, its brand among Park’s internal constituencies and target markets, by 2015. That top-of-mind awareness of Park will be evidenced by survey results such as the following:

2.1.1. 80% of internal constituents and 70% of target markets survey respondents “agree” or “strongly agree”’ with the statement: “Park prepares students to succeed both professionally and as citizens in the global environment of the 21st century.”


education to help

2.1.2. 80% of internal constituents and 70% of target markets survey respondents “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement: “Park delivers programs that serve those who serve their country and community.”

each individual

2.1.3. 80% of internal constituents and 70% of target markets survey respondents “agree’ or “strongly agree” with the statement: “Park provides a personalized approach to education so that each individual is supported to achieve his or her lifelong learning and educational goals.”

achieve his or her lifelong

learning goals.


Park’s Brand is Recognized Regionally, Nationally and Internationally Park will achieve national/international recognition for its brand via best practice marketing, by 2017, as evidenced in the following ways:

2.2.1. 60% award rate for targeted external rankings and recognitions, such as: • Ingram’s Magazine of Kansas City rankings, by 2017; • U.S. News &World Report (Top Online Programs ranking), by 2017; • The Princeton Review (Town/Gown Relations ranking), by 2017; and

• The Chronicle of Higher Education (Best Colleges to Work For ranking), by 2017. PARK UNIVERSITY STRATEGIC PLAN | PAGE 9

2.2.2. National-level earned press, inquiries, and/or unsolicited testimonials in relation to the Park University Institute for Military and Public Service, the Park University Institute for Global Strategies, and/or newly accredited programs of study, and/or Park’s successful improvement of graduation rates and job placement/promotion for graduates. 2.2.3.

10% increase annually in the number of students receiving recognition from external entities for activities related to internationalization/ multiculturalism from 2013-2017.


10% increase annually in the number of staff and faculty members receiving recognition from external entities, by 2013-2017.

2.3. Top-of-Mind Awareness of Park’s Brand Brings Increased Revenue

Top-of-Mind awareness of Park’s brand increases revenue, by 2017, as evidenced by:

2.3.1. Increased student inquiries by student audience group as targeted in Park’s Strategic Enrollment Management Plan. 2.3.2. Increased new student applications for admission by student audience as targeted in Park’s Strategic Enrollment Management Plan. 2.3.3. Increased new student enrollment by student audience group as targeted in Park’s Strategic Enrollment Management Plan.




Ensure Customer Service and Organizational Effectiveness

3.0 ensure customer* service and organizational effectiveness

Park’s stakeholders consistently experience excellent customer service and organizational effectiveness.

*The word “Customer” refers to those who are the consumers of programs and services.

Strategic Results:

3.1. Students and Alumni at Park Experience Exceptional Customer Service


80% of students and alumni report they ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ that they experienced excellent customer service**, by 2015.

** Based upon annual student satisfaction survey (e.g. the National Survey of Student Engagement; NSSE) 3.2. Park Meets Retention Targets

95% of Park’s retention annual targets set forth in Park’s Strategic Enrollment Management Plan are met.

Park University has 39 campus centers across the nation in 2011-12.


3.3. Park Delivers Organizational Effectiveness

Park stakeholders consistently experience excellent customer service and organizational effectiveness.

Park faculty and staff members deliver excellent customer service to students and to their colleagues and thereby continuously improve Park’s organizational effectiveness, as evidenced by:

3.3.1. 85% of employees report they ‘agree’ or ‘ strongly agree’ that they experience excellent customer service* from their peers; 3.3.2. 75% of external target constituent survey respondents “agree” or “strongly agree” that they experience excellent customer service, by 2015. 3.3.3. 75% of employee survey respondents “agree” or “strongly agree” that targeted organizational systems, policies, and procedures are well designed and effectively executed such that they: a) are understandable; b) are able to be executed in a reasonable time period; and c) achieve their intended result by 2015. 3.3.4. 90% of departments that provide services to students meet or exceed professional best practice standards established by organizations such as the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) by 2014. * Based upon appropriate surveys of engagement/satisfaction.

Countries around the world represented at Park University in 2011-12.



3.4 Park Employees and Alumni Show Their Enthusiasm and Pride for the University

Faculty and staff members and alumni take pride in the University and its students, as evidenced by:

80% of faculty (full-time and adjunct) and staff member, as well as alumni survey 3.4.1. respondents “agree” or “strongly agree” that they feel pride in the University by 2015.

3.4.2. 70% of full time faculty and staff members volunteer their time in support of the University (over and above their regular duties) by 2015. 3.4.3. 50% of full time faculty and staff member survey respondents regularly attend various University events by 2015. 3.4.4. 50% of full time faculty and staff members provide charitable gifts to the University by 2015. 3.4.5. 3% of alumni contribute monetarily to the University annually, by 2015.

3.4.6. Park receives “Best Colleges to Work For” ranking by The Chronicle of Higher Education by 2017.



Optimize the Use of Technology 4.0 Strategic Priority Four: Optimize the use of technology Park integrates advanced technology into its educational programs, organizational systems, and student services so the University achieves the Strategic Results of Park’s Promise.

Strategic Results:

4.1. Faculty and Staff Members Maximize Effectiveness Through the Use of Existing Technology

The technology Park makes available to faculty and staff members is better used through effective deployment and ongoing training as evidenced by:

4.1.1. 95% of faculty and staff members use Park’s available technology to improve the delivery of programs and services by 2015. 4.1.2. 10% annual increase in the number of faculty and staff members who attend technology training opportunities, 2013-2017. 4.1.3. 75% of faculty and staff member survey respondents “agree” or “strongly agree” that training is offered for the technology Park makes available by 2013.

Park’s technology advances delivery of programs and services.



4.2. Park Provides the New Technology Needed to Keep Park’s Promise. New technology maximizes Park’s effectiveness, as evidenced by:

4.2.1. 95% of Park students, faculty and staff members have device-neutral*, any-time, access to resources needed for their study/work by 2014. 4.2.2. Park achieves “best-in-class” designation via independent audit/review of Park’s technology infrastructure by 2015. * Device-neutral refers to accessing content/services on

any type of mobile device.

4.3. Park Serves Learners Internationally Through Technology

Innovative eDelivery of credit bearing and non-credit bearing learning expands Park’s global reach, as evidenced by: 4.3.1. 95% of eDelivery programs and anti-plagiarism safeguards are accessible to international learners (in global political and cultural settings where online education is accepted) by 2013. 4.3.2. 5% increase annually in the number of learners internationally who register for Park’s eDelivery offerings. 4.4. Park Achieves National Recognition for Innovative Use of Technology

Park is recognized as a leader in the delivery of quality, innovative online learning, as evidenced by recognition/awards received from national and international organizations and/or publications, such as Sloan-C, Educause, U.S. News & World Report, and Campus Technology.

Park provides students,

faculty and staff members

any-time access to resources

needed for their study/work. PARK UNIVERSITY STRATEGIC PLAN | PAGE 15

Park University integrates advanced technology into educational programs, organizational systems and student services.




Strengthen Park’s Fiscal Position


Park’s growth and implementation of Business Initiatives is supported by a balanced approach to increasing tuition and non-tuition revenue sources, including an increase in philanthropic and innovative enterprise revenue, both academic and non-academic.

Strategic Results:

5.1. Strategic Tuition Revenue Generation

Park meets, within 5%, the targets set forth in the University’s Strategic Enrollment Management Plan to achieve the following tuition revenues:

5.1.1. 47% of tuition revenue from active duty military student enrollment by 2015. 5.1.2. 36% of tuition revenue from non-military adult enrollment by 2015.

5.1.3. 7% of tuition revenue from international student enrollment by 2015. 5.1.4. 10% of tuition revenue from traditional, non-military, non-international student enrollment by 2015. 5.2. Market Analysis System

Park implements a market analysis system that enables Park to establish and maintain a successful GLOBAL GLOBAL pricing strategy for programs and target audiences, PERSPECTIVE DISTRIBUTION by 2013.



Park Meets Recruitment Targets

Park’s annual retention targets, as set forth in the QUALITY Strategic Enrollment Management Plan, are met within 5%, 2013-2017. EDUCATION PERSONALIZED

FOR LIFE 5.4 Ratio of Tuition and Non-Tuition Revenue Sources

Park’s revenue stream is changed so that at least a 90%/10% ratio is achieved for tuition/ FUTURE non-tuition revenue by 2017. ACCESSIBLE FOCUSED

5.5 Park Campaign

Park goes public with a campaign for an amount that data indicate is an aggressive, but attainable goal by 2017. PARK UNIVERSITY STRATEGIC PLAN | PAGE 17

5.6. Increased Asset Monetization Park leverages its resources and monetizes its assets to achieve its financial goals by: 5.6.1.

Generate $250,000 in annual revenue from new sources (such as new programs and an expansion of the University’s professional development enterprise) by the end of the FY15 fiscal year.


Fund 50% of proposed new offerings for lifelong learning by enrollments, event registrations, or other personalized learning engagements by 2014; 85% by 2015.


Prepare and begin implementation of a development and updated marketing plan for the Parkville Commercial Underground (“PCU”), which will include specific targets for updating and improving infrastructure, developing unfinished space, increasing leased space, expanding mutually beneficial relationship between Park and Park’s PCU tenants, and increasing PCU’s net revenues by 2013.


Develop and implement new mutually agreed upon programs and enterprises that contribute to the achievement of the tax-exempt purposes, and the financial sustainability, of both Park University and Park University Enterprises, Inc. by 2015.

5.6.5. Adopt a plan for the development of a portion of the University’s Platte County, Missouri endowment lands by 2017, and implement the plan as soon as market conditions and the availability of resources permit by 2017. 5.6.7.


Generate $85M in total annual University revenue from all sources by FY13 (2012-2013 budget), to be increased annually by at least $5 million through 2017, based on growth and strategic tuition pricing. Park’s total annual revenue will exceed $100 million by 2017.



2012-17 university

Strategic Plan

8700 NW River Park Drive | PARKVILLE, MO 64152 | WWW. PARK.EDU

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