April 2016 Florida Parliamentarian

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The Florida Parliamentarian

Volume 35, Issue 3 April 2016

Professionalism Why Go to FSAP Meetings - What’s In It For You? Call to Meeting The annual meeting of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians will be held on May 20‐22, 2016. All mem‐ bers are encouraged and invit‐ ed to attend. Location: Lexington Hotel & Conference Center, Jackson‐ ville Riverwalk, 1515 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville, FL Tentative Schedule: May 20: Board meeting May 21: Annual meeting Followed by morning and af‐ ternoon workshops. May 22: Breakfast May 22: FURP meeting and workshop from 9 a.m. to noon.

Inside this issue: Presidentially Speaking


Research Questions




FURP News Directory Update


Unit Lesson: Amendments


When You May Not Vote


Hotel and Meeting Registration


In our busy world we often forget the importance of a live face‐to‐face set‐ ting with others from across the state. There is power in being con‐ nected to others who are interested in making meetings better. Some may think that joining NAP and FSAP is enough, but to really get the most out of your membership, par‐ ticipating in the annual meeting brings benefits you may not have considered. Educational opportunities. No matter how experienced you are in parliamentary procedure, you can still learn more. You will have the opportunity to encounter a variety of points of view and pick up new in‐ sights that just might be the answer you are looking for. Network with peers. FSAP meet‐ ings provide a great opportunity to meet other parliamentarians. They can become valuable resources for referrals and best‐practices. Parlia‐ mentarians usually love to help each other, especially to uncover ideas and spark inspiration when they get to know each other on a personal level. Stock up on books and sup‐ plies. Discover all the latest books and supplies you can use to help your group and yourself continue to

grow and boost your expertise. Have fun. Being involved in par‐ liamentary procedure should be rewarding and fun. It doesn’t have to be all work and no play. The event adds a layer of enjoyment by mixing a social as‐ pect into your learning and prac‐ ticing your skills. Never underes‐ timate the power of a little fun mixed with some interesting peo‐ ple! It’s just not true that you can learn all you need on the Internet or locally. The truth is, our state meetings are more important than ever. The value comes from the human‐to‐human connections that occur. Often members say the “hallway conversations” they have with other attendees are the most valuable parts of attending an event. When two or more peo‐ ple begin to discuss topics on a deeper and personal level, the success of the event to those in‐ volved becomes priceless. It is the people that bring the greatest re‐ turn to your time at an FSAP meeting. So, what’s in it for you? Learning, networking, resources, friend‐ ships, and fun. See you in Jacksonville!

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The Florida Parliamentarian

Presidentially Speaking...

President Tim Wynn, PRP

This is a presidential election year in America, which means candidates are squabbling in nationally televised debates, and voters are shouting their views across the Internet. This behavior highlights the need for proper parlia‐ mentary procedure. Since most members in most organizations learn by ob‐ serving the behavior of others (even those seen on television and the Inter‐ net), it is crucial that we, as parliamentarians, set a proper example and call upon the rules, not rhetoric, to maintain smooth and orderly meetings with fair and decorous debate.

I recently experienced yet another example of the wonderful power of parlia‐ mentary procedure with a new international client. This client explained how the organization’s meetings fall into chaotic rants and shouting matches. I was informed privately by many members that I was in for quite a riotous show. I assured them that would not be the case. After outlining the rules of debate for the assembly, I presided over the meeting, strictly adhering to the cornerstones of parliamentary law:     

One member speaks at a time; All comments are addressed to the chair; Debate alternates between those in favor and those against; Debate must be confined to the merits of the pending question; and No member may speak against the motives of another member.

Under these conditions, members were calm, articulate, and respectful. After smoothly churning through one motion after another, the members were finished well ahead of schedule and were amazed at how effortless their work had been. That is the power of proper procedure. And I am extremely grateful that we, as parliamentarians, are able to bring this power to the world. Best regards, Tim Wynn, PRP

Join FSAP in Jacksonville May 20‐22 Left: The Lexington Hotel in Jacksonville. Right: The Jacksonville River‐ walk next to the hotel.

Volume 35, Issue 3

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CAN YOU FIND THESE RESEARCH QUESTIONS IN RONR? 1. A member making a motion embodying something that has just been said by the chair or another member in informal consultation during a meeting should avoid statements such as "I so move," and should himself recite the complete motion that he offers. 2. It is important to note that: The motion to amend by striking out certain words can be amended only by striking out words from the primary amendment. 3. When names are being voted on, the ballot has an advantage in more truly revealing the will of the voting body; frequently when the vote is by voice, members vote for those nominated first. 4. The resignation of a member of a committee should be addressed to the appointing power, and it is the responsibility of that power to fill the resulting vacancy. 5. Any number of questions can be postponed to the same time (provided that they are not made special orders for the same or obviously conflicting hours). 6. When set for a session, day, or meeting, special orders and general orders usually have their estab‐ lished places in the order of business. 7. Its effect, therefore, is to give the opponents of the pending measure a chance to kill it without risking its adoption, as they would be doing if the vote were taken on the main motion itself. 8. An amendment cannot introduce an independent question; but an amendment can be hostile to, or even defeat, the spirit of the original motion and still be germane. 9. Care should be taken that failure to understand this fact does not lead to violation of members' rights of debate. 10. In a convention or conference consisting of several meetings, the suppression continues through‐ out the entire series of meetings, and in ordinary societies, throughout the weekly, monthly, or other meeting, as the case may be. 11. A motion that has been indefinitely postponed is killed for the remainder of the session, but is no more difficult to renew at a later session than any other motion that is subject to such renewal. 12. If any of the questions to which the order applies are postponed definitely or laid on the table, and are taken up again later during the same session, the unexecuted part of the order remains in effect. Page references may be found at www.flparliamentarian.com on the publications page.

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All page numbers are references to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th ed., unless otherwise noted. Send questions to the Associate Editor, Gene Bierbaum, PhD, PRP. E‐mail: ebierbaum@juno.com

Question #8 I serve as secretary for a special committee appointed by the town council. The chairman of the committee has been very rude to me because I did not get the minutes done right away. The committee meets weekly and it is hard to keep up. How important is it for me to get the minutes done right away? Is it okay for me to bring the minutes to the meet‐ ing, or should I send them out to everyone ahead of time?

Answer #8 RONR states that “In small committees, the chairman usu‐ ally acts as secretary, but in large ones and many standing committees, a secretary may be chosen to keep a brief memorandum in the nature of minutes for the use of the committee.” (P. 500, lines 4‐8) If the committee is small, the minutes should be kept as short and concise as possible, reporting only the decisions and recommendations of the committee. If the committee is so large

that it cannot function under the rules appropriate for small boards and committees, then more detailed minutes must be kept. In this case, it may be necessary to seek guidance from the town council on how the minutes are to be kept and distributed. Please note that the committee cannot adopt its own rules, but the town coun‐ cil can adopt rules for the con‐ duct of business for its com‐ mittees. (Pp. 500‐501) In any case, the secretary does not work for the committee chairman, but for the whole committee. Also, it is im‐ portant to note that only com‐ mittee members should have access to the committee’s minutes. (P. 460, lines 18‐19) The best solution to this prob‐ lem appears to be the adoption of standing rules for commit‐ tees, adopted by the town council, relative to the han‐ dling of committee minutes. For a committee that meets weekly, it would appear unrea‐ sonable to require that minutes be distributed in ad‐ vance of each meeting. The town council could adopt standing rules for its commit‐

tees to simplify the handling of minutes, perhaps simply hav‐ ing them read aloud (perhaps with distribution) at the fol‐ lowing meeting, and thereafter having them available in a book of minutes for committee members to review.

Question #9 I recently became the executive director of an organization of which I am also a past presi‐ dent. All past presidents have an automatic vote at the con‐ vention. I don’t think I should vote in my new capacity even though I am entitled to. How should this be handled in the convention? What should the credentials committee report?

Answer #9 You should register for the convention both as a past pres‐ ident (with voting rights) and also as the executive director (presumably without voting rights). The credentials com‐ mittee will report your attend‐ ance in both categories. Your registration as a past president permits, but does not require you to participate in any vot‐ ing. You should request, prior to

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the opening of the convention, that you not be handed a ballot for any ballot vote that may be taken. For a roll call vote, you should respond “present” when your name is called. For any other vote, you should abstain in the usual manner. You will retain your right to vote (as a past president) throughout the convention even though you consistently abstain from all voting.

Question #10 Which of the following constitute a violation of the NAP/AIP Code of Ethics for Parliamentari‐ ans that would be subject to disciplinary ac‐ tion? 1. A regular member of NAP advertises his ser‐ vices with the notation that he is a duly quali‐ fied member of NAP. 2. A regular member of NAP advertises his ser‐ vices with the notation that he is a professional parliamentarian. 3. A college professor who teaches parliamen‐ tary procedure and has served as parliamentari‐ an for the faculty senate on his campus com‐ petes with Professional Registered Parliamen‐ tarians for a permanent position of parliamen‐ tarian for a state legislature. 4. A member of NAP who is running for the office of president encounters slanderous accu‐ sations by competing members. 5. A member of NAP who is serving as a parlia‐ mentarian for a professional association accepts an appointment to chair the bylaws committee for that organization. 6. A member of NAP applies for a position as parliamentarian for a nonprofit association, knowing that the position is already held by a

Professional Registered Parliamentarian. 7. A PRP accepts a position as parliamentarian for a nonprofit association knowing that he will be expected to secure a dues increase for the association.

Answer #10 1. Unethical, and subject to discipline. The NAP bylaws clearly state that Registered Parliamen‐ tarians and Professional Registered Parliamen‐ tarians “may market themselves as creden‐ tialed parliamentarians.” (Article III, Section 1, B) RONR states that “If the bylaws authorize certain things specifically, other things of the same class are thereby prohibited.” (P. 589, lines 33‐34) Regardless of the terminology em‐ ployed, members who do not qualify as RP or PRP but market themselves as “credential par‐ liamentarians” may be subject to discipline. 2. Unethical, and subject to discipline. (As in “a” above) 3. Not subject to discipline. Those who are not members of NAP or AIP are not subject to the Code of Ethics for Parliamentarians even though members of the profession may regard their conduct as unethical. 4. Not subject to discipline. The alleged behav‐ ior is probably a violation of paragraph 1.4 of the Code, which states that a member shall “Promote a spirit of cooperation, ethical prac‐ tice, and fair dealing with colleagues.” Howev‐ er, Section 1 of the Code is aspirational, and not subject to discipline. Please note that the preamble to the Code of Ethics of Parliamentarians urges all parliamen‐ tarians that “our actions should rise above these established minimum standards” con‐ tained in the Code. 5. May or may not be subject to discipline, de‐

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The Florida Parliamentarian

pending on circumstances. The Code of Ethics for Parliamentarians requires parliamentarians to “maintain a position of objectivity and im‐ partiality and refrain from participating in de‐ bate.” (Code, 4.6) Therefore, if the bylaws committee regularly deals with highly contro‐ versial issues and members are likely to be sharply divided on many of these issues, it is best for the parliamentarian not to serve on this committee. There may some circumstances under which a parliamentarian could chair the bylaws com‐ mittee (if several other parliamentarians have done this in the past thereby establishing prec‐ edent; if issues coming before the committee have usually not been controversial; if the or‐ ganization has come to expect this service from the parliamentarian over a period of time; etc.). Many parliamentarians, however, would prefer to be appointed as a consultant to the bylaws committee rather than as a voting member. A parliamentarian in the role of “consultant” finds it much easier to maintain the required position of impartiality and objectivity required

by the Code.

6. Unethical, and subject to discipline. Apply‐ ing for a position known to be held by another parliamentarian is prohibited by paragraph 3.4 of the Code. 7. Unethical, and subject to discipline. A par‐ liamentarian should never be hired to produce a specific outcome, such as helping to get a particular candidate elected, assisting with efforts to get a dues increase approved, or pre‐ venting certain bylaws amendments from coming to the floor. Any such behavior is a violation of paragraph 3.6 of the Code which mandates that a parliamentarian shall “Decline any appointment in which the parliamentarian is likely to be unduly restricted in the exercise of independent professional judgment.”

Editor’s Note: Because Question 8 was cut off in the previous issue (February 2016), it is pro‐ vided in this issue in its entirety.

The Florida Parliamentarian is the official publication of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians and is pub‐ lished four times a year; February, April, September, December. Subscription rate: $20 per year. © 2015 Florida State Association of Parliamentarians. All rights reserved. Tim Wynn,PRP, Editor‐in Chief

(386) 228‐2242 E‐mail: Tim@PerfectRules.com Ann Guiberson, PRP, Editor (727) 641‐6308 E‐mail: aguiberson@gmail.com Dr. Eugene Bierbaum, PRP, Associate Editor (352) 333‐2442 Email: ebierbaum@juno.com Carol Austin, PRP, Circulation Manager (813) 833‐4747 Email: carolaustinprp@cs.com

DEADLINES FOR COPY February issue Dec 31 April issue Mar. 1 September issue July 31 December issue Oct 31 SEND ADDRESS CORRECTIONS TO: Carol Austin 1515 Pinellas Bayway S, A13 St. Petersburg, FL 33715 FSAP WEBSITE http://www.flparliamentarian.com

Volume 35, Issue 3

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FURP CELEBRATES ITS SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY The Florida Unit of Registered Parliamentarians will hold their annual meet‐ ing on Sunday, May 22, from 9am‐12 noon at the Lexington Hotel and Confer‐ ence Center Jacksonville Riverwalk in Jacksonville, Florida. Past presidents are urged to participate in the program: "Sparkling Memories" by sharing the outstanding parliamentary lesson or experience they have had in their parliamentary journey. Reservations for breakfast prior to the meeting may be made on the reserva‐ tion form for the FSAP Annual Meeting. Past Presidents—please contact Jackie by Monday, May 9th—if you wish to participate in the "Sparkling Memories" program. The length of time for each presenter will be determined by the number of past presidents who will be participating. Further information regarding the program will be forwarded to all the partici‐ pants on May 10th. Be prepared to enter a room decorated with "diamonds and bling" as we toast the proud heritage of 60 years of parliamentary education and enjoyment. Guests are cordially invited to this very special annual meeting.....so, come one.....come all and be a part of the celebration!

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS AND DIRECTORY UPDATE Congratulations to New Registered Parliamentarians (RP) Jason Abellada, Member‐at‐large Daniel Barga, Member‐at‐large Welcome to New NAP Members‐Florida Alpha Cathy Daumen, 1438 Millstream Ln. #101, Dunedin, FL 34698, 813‐416‐3209, cmdaumen@gmail.com Kathleen Razzano, 4417 N. Cortez, Tampa, FL, 33614, 813‐870‐0196, krazzano@gmail.com Linda Young, 7029 El Matador, Zephyrhill, FL 33541, 813‐810‐9511, lyoung@plantcitygov.com Patricia Hansen, 920 Virginia Street, #203, Dunedin, FL 34698, 727‐418‐2308, phansen904@gmail.com Rebecca Lopez, 14105 Stonegate Drive, Tampa, FL 33624, 813‐415‐8134, beksmeister@yahoo.com Welcome to New Provisionals‐Florida Alpha Cathy and Tuky Vargas, 1438 Millstream Lane #101, Dunedin,Fl 34698, tukyvargas@hotmail.com Welcome to New Provisional‐Plantation Unit Rebecca Joyce, 2200 NE 33rd Ave, Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33305, 954‐614‐5289, rebeccaj5@aol.com FSAP Is Sorry to Report Deceased‐Miami Parliamentary Law Unit Dr. Preston Marshall, November 20, 2015 and Eileen Cubillas, December 8, 2014

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The Florida Parliamentarian

AMENDMENTS PART II: A UNIT LESSON by Tim Wynn, PRP Exercise 3. Improper Amendments Decide if the amendment in each case is in order or out of order. 1. Not Germane to the Question a.Pending Motion: That the Society authorize the purchase of a new desk for the Secretary. Amendment: To amend by inserting after “desk” the words “and matching chair.” New Language: That the Society authorize the purchase of a new desk and matching chair for the Secretary.  Yes, the amendment is in order  No, the amendment is out of order b. Pending Motion: That a letter be sent to candidate Jones to congratulate him for his perfor‐ mance on the national debate. Amendment: To amend by striking out “congratulate” and inserting “condemn.” New Language: That a letter be sent to candidate Jones to condemn him for his performance on the national debate.  Yes, the amendment is in order  No, the amendment is out of order 2. Rejection of the Original Motion a. Pending Motion: That the entertainment committee be instructed to purchase a piñata for the summer picnic. Amendment: To amend by inserting “not” after “committee.” New Language: That the entertainment committee not be instructed to purchase a piñata for the summer picnic.  Yes, the amendment is in order  No, the amendment is out of order b. Pending Motion: That the Treasurer be instructed to use the North Shore checking account for fundraising expenditures. Amendment: To amend by inserting “not” after “instructed.” New Language: That the Treasurer be instructed not to use the North Shore checking account for fundraising expenditures.  Yes, the amendment is in order  No, the amendment is out of order 3. Causes the Amended Motion to be Out of Order a. Pending Motion: That the pending motion be postponed to the next regular meeting.

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Amendment: To strike out “next regular meeting” and insert “the regular meeting in October of next year.” New Language: That the pending motion be postponed to the regular meeting in October of next year.  Yes, the amendment is in order  No, the amendment is out of order b. Pending Motion: That the Treasurer be instructed to make a report of all the financial transactions that she made in the month of September and that the report be presented at the next regular meet‐ ing. Amendment: To amend by inserting after “September” the words “including the fraudulent checks that she wrote.” New Language: That the Treasurer be instructed to make a report of all the financial transactions that she made in the month of September including the fraudulent checks that she wrote and that the re‐ port be presented at the next regular meeting.  Yes, the amendment is in order  No, the amendment is out of order 4. Changing One form of Amendment into Another Main Motion: That a professional copy machine be purchased for $3,000. Pending Primary Amendment: To strike out “for 3,000” and insert “at a cost not to exceed 4,500.” Proposed Secondary Amendment: To strike out of the primary amendment the words “and insert ‘at a cost not to exceed 4,500.’”  Yes, the secondary amendment is in order  No, the secondary amendment is out of order 5. Converting One Parliamentary Motion into Another a. Pending Motion: That the pending motion be postponed to the next regular meeting. Amendment: To amend by striking out “postponed to the next regular meeting” and inserting in its place “referred to a committee of three.” New Language: That the pending motion be referred to a committee of three.  Yes, the amendment is in order  No, the amendment is out of order b. Pending Motion: That the pending motion be referred to the Grounds Committee. Amendment: To amend by adding “with instructions to collect several estimates for the total cost of the project and report at the regular meeting in March.” New Language: That the pending motion be referred to the Grounds Committee with instructions to collect several estimates for the total cost of the project and report at the regular meeting in March.  Yes, the amendment is in order  No, the amendment is out of order

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Amendments Part II (continued) 6. One that Strikes Out Enacting Words. a. Pending Motion: Resolved, That Mayor Patterson be commended for his work with underprivi‐ leged high school students. Amendment: To amend by striking out “Resolved” New Language: That Mayor Patterson be commended for his work with underprivileged high school students.  Yes, the amendment is in order  No, the amendment is out of order

Answers to the questions are posted on the FSAP website: www.flparliamentarian.com on the Publi‐


Non‐members cannot vote, even by suspending the rules, per Robert's Rules of Order Newly Re‐ vised (RONR), p. 263


Absent members cannot vote unless the method is in the bylaws. RONR p. 263


Preferred charges under a disciplinary action can suspend a member's right to vote for a time, and the disciplined member can be ordered out of the meeting room during the consideration of the penalty in a trial. RONR p. 659, 664


"If the presiding officer is a member..., he has the same voting right as any other member. Except in a small board or committee, however—unless the vote is...by ballot—the chair protects his im‐ partial position by exercising his voting right only when his vote would affect the outcome." RONR p. 53.


"A member of an assembly who acts as its parliamentarian has the same duty as the presiding officer to maintain a position of impartiality, and therefore does not make motions, participate in debate, or vote on any question except in the case of a ballot vote." RONR p. 467.


"No member should vote on a question in which he has a direct personal or pecuniary interest not common to other members of the organization. For example, if a motion proposes that the organi‐ zation enter into a contract with a commercial firm of which a member of the organization is an officer and from which contract he would derive personal pecuniary profit, the member should abstain from voting on the motion. However, no member can be compelled to refrain from voting in such circumstances." RONR p. 407.

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ANNUAL MEETING REGISTRATION FORM FLORIDA STATE ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARIANS 63rd ANNUAL MEETING Lexington Hotel & Conference Center Jacksonville Riverwalk 1515 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207 May 20‐22, 2016 NAME__________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) PHONE________________ CELL______________ EMAIL_______________________________________ UNIT______ MAL_______ MEMBER _______ GUEST _______ FSAP Office/Chairmanship Held____________________________________________________________ Unit Office/Chairmanship Held ____________________________________________________________ NAP/District III Office/Chairmanship Held___________________________________________________ Please select your lunch sandwich choice:  Oven Roasted Turkey with Provolone Cheese REGISTRATION FEE: Includes Saturday Lunch and Sunday Breakfast

$69 ________




$15 ________


$20 ________


$ ________


 Shaved Roast Beef with Swiss Cheese  Peppered Ham with Sharp Cheddar Cheese  I need a vegan or vegetarian meal Special Dietary Needs _________________________________________________________________ Payment: Make check payable to FSAP and mail to: Kay Stephens, 2946 Golden View Lane, Orlando, FL 32812‐5984 Email: stephensmk@bellsouth.net Telephone: 407‐658‐9779 Advance Registration Deadline: May 16, 2016

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Jacksonville Riverwalk 1515 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207 Ph: 904-396-5100 Email: www.lexingtonhotels.com May 20 – 22, 2016 HOTEL RESERVATION FORM (Telephone, Mail or Email directly to hotel. Please print)

NAME______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) PHONE _______________ CELL _______________ EMAIL_________________________________ ARRIVAL DATE______________________ DEPARTURE DATE ___________________________ ROOM RATE: $89.00 per night plus applicable state and local taxes. Non-Smoking ______ King _____ Double beds ______ Daily Parking : $12 valet parking; $10 overnight self parking; $5 one day event. GUARANTEE: Submit one night’s deposit or fill out the following information: American Express Diners Credit Card #


Master Card Visa

Expiration Date: Signature: Deadline for room rate guarantee: May 6, 2016 Group Name: Florida State Association of Parliamentarians

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