December 2012 Florida Parliamentarian

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The Florida Theme: Volume 32, Number 4

December 2012

Parliamentary Procedure Joins the Electronic Age

Presidents Message


FSAP The Florida Parliamentarian December 2012

“Let all things be

The Florida State Association of Parliamentarians or FSAP gathering every fall is called Henry M. Robert’s Day to honor the author of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th Edition. We do have a short meeting but most of the time is devoted to classes.

done decently and in order.” I Corinthians 14:40

Presidents Message


Member Highlight


Questions and Answers


FURP Article for MAL’s


Recap of the NTC


Citrus Co Workshop Members and Happenings


6-7 8

We had an outstanding number of units represented: Apollo Xl Parliamentary Law Unit from the Melbourne area; Bradenton Unit of Parliamentarians; Central Florida Unit of Parliamentarians our Hosts; Charlotte County Parliamentarians Unit; Citrus County Unit of Parliamentarians; Florida Alpha Parliamentarians Unit from the Tampa area, Florida Unit of Registered Parliamentarians; Plantation Unit of Parliamentarians and a member at large from Jacksonville and guests. We try to rotate around the state for our meetings and Orlando is central so we get people from all directions. If your unit wants to be the host let me know. Our next meeting will be in Bradenton in May. The significant business approved by the membership included the two motions below that were adopted by the members: •

The underlined words, the second vice president are the new words. A motion to Amend Article VI, Section 2 Election, 2.A “Officers shall be elected at the annual session held in oddnumbered years for a term of two years or until their successors are elected. No officer, except the treasurer and the second vice president, shall serve more than one term consecutively in the same office. The treasurer and the second vice president shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.”

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A motion was passed to pay for an email sending service. Mary Giddens will arrange for this service and be the contact representative.

Once again the workshops were outstanding! The theme was what I chose for this biennium, Parliamentary Procedure Joins the Electronic Age. The first presenter was Kristie Hampton and her topic was “Face Book and Social Media”. Next was FSAP Board Member Mary Giddens Chair of the Education Committee. We can thank her for the great teachers and classes we have had at our recent meetings. Mary brought us “Electronic Resources of NAP”. These great resources are as close as our computer. The NAP Web Site is at: After lunch Todd Wynn and brother Tim Wynn, PRP made a class on Point of Order and Appeal fly by. Then our treasurer Roger Smith, RP presented “Do you Hear What I Hear?” on Simultaneous Aural Communication. Our last presenter is no stranger to FSAP. Gene Bierbaum, PhD, PRP taught “Applying Fundamental Principals to Drafting Bylaws. Sunday Morning Florida Unit of Registered Parliamentarians had a wonderful class on the proper words to use when making motions and speaking in a meeting. It was geared toward certification and re-certification but should be used by every parliamentarian. Barbara Proctor, PRP did an outstanding job. Thanks to the members of the Central Florida Unit of Parliamentarians who provided us on Friday and Saturday evening with beverages, snacks and Halloween Candy.

The Florida Parliamentarian is the official publication of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians, published four times a year; February, April, September, December. Subscription rate: $20 per year. © 2005 Florida State Association of Parliamentarians

Nancy Dauster,PRP, Editor-in Chief 941-505-2122 E-mail:

DEADLINES FOR COPY February issue > > > > Dec 31st April issue > > > > > Mar. 1st September issue > > > > July 31st December issue > > > > Oct 31st

Karen Price, Editor 941-697-8000 E-mail:

SEND ADDRESS CORRECTIONS TO: Nancy Watkins 1903 Bayshore Blvd Tampa, Florida 33606-3107

Dorothy Demarest, PRP, Associate Editor 239-417-5269 Email:


Nancy H. Watkins Circulation Manager 813-254-3369


Rachel Veitch Rachel Veitch has been a Professional Registered Parliamentary in Florida for years. Many of you know her personally because she almost never misses a FSAP meeting. This past March she was forced to give up driving after being declared legally blind. Most of you know that our Rachel has been the talk of the Internet because of her 1964 Mercury Comet Caliente car. In fact we read that the car has outlasted three marriages and 18 battery changes and after 576,000 miles behind the wheel she is finally ready to let it go. Rachel bought the car in February 1964 for $3,289. The Mercury, which she affectionately calls her Chariot has gone through 18 batteries, eight mufflers and countless oil changes and is worth about $12,000 today. She credits it long life span to her meticulousness. “I have never been a throw-away person. I came up in the Depression and my whole being is devoted to saving, conserving and preserving. Rachel, a retired nurse, fastidiously recorded her mileage and miles per gallon by hand every time she filled up. Rachel doesn’t plan to leave the car to her four children, nine grandchildren and eleven greatgrandchildren because she is in talks with some car museums. Most exciting for members of FSAP was to watch Rachel on the Jay Leno show. Mr. Leno flew Rachel’s “Chariot” and Rachel to California to appear on his show. She was as calm and cool as any late night guest as she sat next to Jay and talked about the Chariot. Finally the curtains opened and here came the car. Jay took Rachel’s arm and they walked over together. After a few minutes Mr. Leno got down on one knee and handed a small box to Rachel. No, it was not an engagement ring, yet Rachel was over come. Where did you find this gear shift indicator? I have been looking for one forever. How exciting to show our own fellow FSAP Parliamentarian as cool as a cumber on television. Rachel Veitch in her own words: 2012 Report of FSAP Youth Committee with Julie Palm Co Chair Rachel Veitch “The year of 2012 has made many changes of my Youth Work because of a partial loss of hearing and vision. I gave up judging Parliamentary Drill Teams which I started in Florida in 1969. At that time I also chaperoned and paid for the trophies. Eventually FSAP and NAP took over and told me what to do. I fought for registered Parliamentarians to judge after so called knowledgeable people judged POORLY. I knew that I had to fight harder for the teams. Eventually it happened. I have enjoyed every minute and served to the best of my ability .



Questions and Answers Associate Editor


All page numbers are references to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition unless otherwise noted. Send your questions to the Associate Editor: Dorothy Demarest, PRP , 3634 Zion Park Ct. Naples, Fl or at

Disclaimer: The questions answered in this column are answers to questions on parliamentary procedure. If you are a member of a Florida condominium association, homeowner’s association, etc. the answers might not be applicable because of the Florida Statutes, or the bylaws of the home owners association. Florida statutes, bylaws of the association and in the case of governmental bodies have rules which have precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order


Introduction: These opinions are gleaned from an out of print book published by the American Institute of Parliamentarians in 1982. The book Parliamentary Opinions was written by Virginia Schlotzhauer, William J. Evans, and John R. Stipp, all of whom are deceased. Most of the opinions in the book were taken from the Parliamentary Opinions column found in the Parliamentary Journal from 1962 to 1974. Take note that the questions raised in this issue did not include parliamentary authority references in Parliamentary Opinions. Belief that these questions are as pertinent today as they were all those years ago has led to their inclusion in this column. Question 1. The members of a board are in the habit of discussing matters until there seems to be general agreement, but with no motion actually pending. This custom has become so firmly entrenched that if a motion is made before discussion, the other members are likely to accuse the sponsor of railroading. Is such discussion in order?

Question 2. During debate on a pending motion, a member was recognized by the chair, discussed the motion, and then moved to close debate. Was the motion to close debate in order? Opinion 2. Yes, since the member had been given the floor for whatever purpose or purposes he had in mind as long as they remained pertinent to the pending question and were otherwise in order. Question 3. What is an “implied motion”? Opinion 3. An implied motion is a motion that is assumed by the chair and placed before the assembly for its consideration without a formal motion by a member. A common example of a motion generally treated as an implied motion is to approve the minutes.

True leadership must be for the benefit of the followers, not the enrichment of the leaders.

Opinion 1. Such discussion is in order in a small board. It may be ended at any time by the introduction of a main motion. Since such a motion is debatable and amendable, the accusation is invalid.

—-National Parliamentarian,


ATTENTION REGISTERED PARLIAMENTARIANS AND PROFESSIONAL REGISTERED PARLIAMENTARIANS THAT ARE FSAP MEMBERS AT LARGE If you are a REGISTERED PARLIAMENTARIANS or PROFESSIONAL REGISTEREDPARLIAMENTARIAN this is a request asking you to consider becoming a member of the Florida Unit of Registered Parliamentarians (FURP). The object of this unit shall be to promote the professional relationship of the registered parliamentarians in Florida, to study and to further the education of its MEMBERSHIP members and of the general public in the field of parliamentary law, and to promote the purposes of NAP® and of FSAP. The two(2) classes of membership are: A. Active. An active member shall be a registered parliamentarian who is a member of NAP® and of FSAP. B. Active-Affiliate. An active-affiliate member is a registered parliamentarian who is an active member of NAP®, paying dues to FSAP through another unit. The Annual dues for active and active-affiliate members are $4.00. As a Member at Large you pay dues to the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians (FSAP) in the amount of $ 30.00 when you pay your (NAP®) dues. If you joined FURP as an active member you would only pay $25.00 with your (NAP®) dues and $4.00 to the Treasurer of FURP saving you $1.00 in annual dues. This appeal is to gain more members for FURP. FURP presently has five(5) active members and FURP must maintain five(5) members to keep our status as a unit. We have lost several active members in the last few years due to moving, age problems, and deaths. If you wish to become a FURP member please notify NAP®) at phone number 1.888.627.2929 and tell them that you are becoming a member of FURP, so they can reduce your dues. Then send $4.00 to FURP c/o Shirley Brodbeck, 318 Peace Manor, Palmetto, FL 342215421. You can email her at

Eugene K. Coy PRP FURP President 275 Evergreen Street Punta Gorda, FL 33982-8215 Phone 941-639-6617


2012 Leadership and NTC in Arizona First Timer Perspective By Karen Price, CCPU Member

I was honored to have the opportunity to attend the Leadership Conference in Arizona this past August. I thought I was aware of how the National, State and local organizations worked and the responsibilities of all our officers, BUT did I become better educated on all the work that goes into the operation of our organization. At times it was quite overwhelming and made me realize how little I knew. The Leadership Conference helps to groom our upcoming Unit, State or National leaders of which I hope at some point I can contribute to our organization. The Leadership Conference ended after 2 1/2 days and we rolled right into the National Training Conference, NTC. This was a great chance to meet, talk with and discuss parliamentary issues with many professional parliamentarians. There were so many workshops it was hard to choose. I wanted to attend all of them. Some of the workshops I attended were, Becoming a Star, Studying for the RP Exam, W. Craig Henry PRP,CPP-T instructor; Planning A Presentation That Smiles, Sandra K. Olson, PRP instructor; Minutes in a Minute, Mary L. Randolph, PRP instructor; Mi Casa es Su Casa -Really!, Colette Collier Trohan, PRP instructor. I will be writing a review of some of the workshops I attended in the next few issues of the Florida Parliamentarian, so watch for them.

Citrus County Unit of Parliamentarians co-sponsored by the Department of Parks and Recreation

Presents A One Day Workshop Saturday February 2, 2013 TOPICS: Presiding With Confidence & Bylaws Just how important are they? Presenter : First Vice President Florida State Association of Parliamentarians Shirley Brodbeck For more information call Bob Hagaman 352-382-2631 or Patricia Cowen 352- 746-9003 Registration Form on Next Page


REGISTRATION FORM FOR Saturday February 2, 2013 WORKSHOP ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Recreational Building, Whispering Pines Park, Inverness. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO C.C.U.P. MAIL TO: Patricia Cowen, Treasurer 421 N. Turkey Pine Loop Lecanto, Fl. 34461-8434 PHONE: 352-746-9003 REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS JANUARY 25, 2013 REGISTRATION FEE: $30.00 pp. Non Refundable after January 29, 2013 Please Print Additional names may be listed on a separate sheet of paper.

NAME: _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ PHONE: ______________________________________________________________ E MAIL: _______________________________________________________________ Kind of Sub? Ham & Cheese______________

Roast Beef _________________


MEMBERS AND HAPPENINGS Change of Address : – Congratulations to our newest Professional Registered Parliamentarian : Congratulations to our newest Registered Parliamentarian: Welcome to our newest Provisional Members: Welcome to our newest NAP Members : Welcome to Student Members: Lillian Swarts, Archer, Fl

Florida State Association of the National Association of Parliamentarians Nancy H. Watkins 1903 Bayshore Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606-3107



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