September 2012 Florida Parliamentarian

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The Florida Theme: Volume 32, Number 3

September 2012

Parliamentary Procedure Joins the Electronic Age

Presidents Message


The Florida Parliamentarian, September 2012

“Let all things be

The 60th Annual Meeting of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians was held in Plantation, on the Southeast coast of Florida near Fort Lauderdale, May 11,12, and 13th, 2012. We had a great turn out, wonderful speakers and amazing activities.

done decently and in order.”

The members of the Plantation Unit of Parliamentarians, PUP, were are our hosts and did a remarkable job. Friday evening we gathered at the private museum “Our Backyard Museum”. President of PUP Nathan Tarler welcomed the large crowd of local PUP members and the many guests from all over the state including members of the brand new Jacksonville Parliamentarians Unit. There was a presentation of the Colors by the City of Plantation Volunteer Fire Department Honor Guard.

I Corinthians 14:40

Presidents Message


Yearbook Correction


Questions and Answers


Scholarship Fund


District Three Information


New Members, Students


Registration Form Members and Happenings

10-11 12

After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Wayne Worthley introduced a FFA Parliamentary Team from the Kennedy Middle School. This Parliamentary Team demonstrated a typical Parliamentary Competition Event. Next Tonya Alvarez introduced a FBLA Parliamentary Team of students from Mater Academy Charter High School who showed us a more challenging Parliamentary Competition Event. Carol Cotton then introduced the Hosts for our evening at “Our Backyard Museum”. We were all treated to a private tour of the incredible museum which is owned by a family in Plantation and is not open to the public. The exhibits were amazing and our hosts took the time to explain what we were observing and answered all questions. After a couple of hours we were treated to dessert. The family does not accept offers to pay for the tour. They did suggest we send donations to the Wounded Warriors Foundation. It was a unique experience which no one there will ever forget.


Continue on page 2


Continued from page 1

Saturday morning, Master Sgt. US Army Retired and NAP Member Joseph Drisdom introduced the JROTC South Broward High School Color Guard who presented the Colors. Master Sgt. Drisdom led Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Nathan Tarler President of the Plantation Unit of Parliamentarians welcomed registrants and guests and presented a proclamation naming April as Parliamentary Law Month signed by John E. Rodstrom, Jr., Mayor of Plantation, Florida. Chaplain Virgie Lee Shaw read the poem “Obsolete” and gave the Invocation. The significant business approved by the membership meeting included: • adopting the budget presented by Treasurer Roger Smith; • adopting the motion that FSAP endorse and support Ann Guiberson for NAP President with a donation of $500.00 from surplus funds to proudly support her candidacy; • that after Ann Guiberson’s election as NAP President at the Biennial NAP Convention in Oregon in 2013, the FSAP approve a sum not to exceed $3,000.00 from surplus funds for a reception and a Planning Committee be appointed by the President with the power to spend that amount for the reception. Members appointed to the Planning Committee include Chair Shirley Brodbeck, Carol Austin; Karen Price and Nancy Dauster. At the September 23, 2011, meeting in St. Petersburg, a motion was made to spend up to $5,000, on a Special Education/Outreach Committee. Topics to include educational lessons, webinars, and workshops. President Dauster named Shirley Brodbeck as Chairman of the Special Education/Outreach Committee. That large committee met on Saturday May 12, 2012, and is working hard on researching various ideas including meeting by telephone conference call. Continue on page 3

The Florida Parliamentarian is the official publication of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians, published four times a year; February, April, September, December. Subscription rate: $20 per year. © 2005 Florida State Association of Parliamentarians

Nancy Dauster,PRP, Editor-in Chief 941-505-2122 E-mail:

DEADLINES FOR COPY February issue > > > > Dec 31st April issue > > > > > Mar. 1st September issue > > > > July 31st December issue > > > > Oct 31st

Karen Price, Editor 941-697-8000 E-mail:

SEND ADDRESS CORRECTIONS TO: Nancy Watkins 1903 Bayshore Blvd Tampa, Florida 33606-3107

Dorothy Demarest, PRP, Associate Editor 239-417-5269 Email:


Nancy H. Watkins Circulation Manager 813-254-3369


Continued from page 2

We had a very special guest for our luncheon on Saturday, Martha Washington wife of our first President. We learned loads of things we did not know about life in the late 1700’s and the Revolutionary War. The actress who portrayed Martha Washington is part of a Living History Group and was excellent. Thanks again to the Plantation Unit. Our classes were given by some our of wonderful teachers Ann Guiberson, PRP, Tim Wynn, PRP, Barbara Proctor, PRP and Shirley Brodbeck, RP. As I mentioned earlier after many years of trying to unite the parliamentarians in the Jacksonville area Louis Rose has done a magnificent job. There are other folks who helped but he is the one to be commended. All in all, the FSAP 60th anniversary meeting in Plantation was a well attended and spectacular meeting. Our next FSAP Meeting will be somewhere in the Orlando area. We try to move the meetings around the state to get closer to our members so they can attend a meeting without it being a lengthy drive. I hope to see you in the Fall. Let me end this article by sharing a letter from our Governor Rick Scott which was sent to us for our May 12, 2012 meeting:

Dear Friends: It is my pleasure to welcome all attending the Florida State Association of Parliamentarian’s Annual Meeting and Luncheon in Plantation, Florida. Florida parliamentarians provide expertise in managing meetings, rules of order and the practical application of parliamentary procedure. These professionals strive to educate individuals in a variety of organizations and promote the spirits of justice and fairness. Best wishes for a memorable event. Sincerely,

Rick Scott

Correction to Yearbook: Linda and Roger Smith - New mailing address: 6415 21st Ave. West, Apt; C 201

Bradenton, Fl. 34209-7860 Henry Lawton's email address :


Questions and Answers Associate Editor


All page numbers are references to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition unless otherwise noted. Send your questions to the Associate Editor: Dorothy Demarest, PRP , 3634 Zion Park Ct. Naples, Fl or at

Disclaimer: The questions answered in this column are answers to questions on parliamentary procedure. If you are a member of a Florida condominium association, homeowner’s association, etc. the answers might not be applicable because of the Florida Statutes, or the bylaws of the home owners association. Florida statutes, bylaws of the association and in the case of governmental bodies have rules which have precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order Notes of interest from the Associate Editor: RONR p.54 states, “In cases where there seems to be no opposition to routine business, or on questions of little importance, time can often be saved by the procedure of unanimous consent, or as it was formerly also called, general consent. Therefore if this opinion were to be written today all references to general consent would properly be referred to as unanimous consent. When searching for information on filling blanks, the index In RONR 10th edition on page 653 lists “Blanks, filling” and on page 667 lists “Filling Blanks (See “Blanks, filling). Conversely in RONR 11th edition on page 675 the index lists “blanks, filling. See filling blanks” (sic). Why the changes in the index? … A question for the authors! For learning more about filling blanks in RONR 11th edition (and without the necessity of checking the index) refer to pages 162-167, 438 and 661.

FSAP PARLIAMENTARY OPINIONS Dorothy Demarest, PRP Introduction: These opinions are gleaned from an out of print book published by the American Institute of Parliamentarians in 1982. The book Parliamentary Opinions was written by Virginia Schlotzhauer, William J. Evans, and John R. Stipp, all of whom are deceased. Most of the opinions in the book were taken from the Parliamentary Opinions column found in the Parliamentary Journal from 1962 to 1974. This issue’s two opinions are on the topics of filling blanks and division of the assembly. Any references are taken from Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th edition unless otherwise stated. 1. Question: A motion was pending “That each delegate be allowed a maximum of $80 for necessary expenses. Other amounts ($60, $ 100, $50, in that order) By general consent, a blank was created in the main motion in place of the $80. In what order should the four amounts be put to a vote? What is the procedure for voting?

2. Question: When an important motion was put to the assembly, the voice vote was clearly onesided, but a member called for a “division”. Was the demand in order?

Opinion: $100, $80, $60, $50 would be the proper order since, when spending money, the largest amount would probably be the least acceptable. Except when dealing with names, proposals to fill blanks should be put to a vote in the order of their probable acceptability beginning with the least acceptable. The $80 which was struck out to create the blank would be inserted in its proper sequence. All members vote on each proposal until one receives a majority vote. The blank in the main motion is thus filled and the main motion is immediately put to vote. If no amount receives a majority, the chair should entertain further suggestions for filling the blank. If the motion is adopted with the blank unfilled, the blank should be filled before any other business is taken up.

Opinion: Yes, unless the call for a “division of the assembly” was clearly dilatory. There are several proper purposes for asking for a division even though the original vote was one-sided, for example: 1) to try to obtain a unanimous decision 2) to try to obtain a larger, more representative vote 3) to see how others voted, and 4) to avoid the impression that the vote was rail roaded.


HERBERTA ANN LEONARDY SCHOLARSHIP FUND FLORIDA STATE ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARIANS This form explains in detail the essentials that are needed to complete an application. CRITERIA In order to be considered as a recipient of the Herberta Ann Leonardy Scholarship an applicant must be sponsored by a Registered Parliamentarian or a Unit and shall: 1. Be a Florida resident 2. Must have some training in Parliamentary Procedure 3. A. be a student entering college B. be a student pursuing a business or technical career C. be a student furthering his/her studies. D. be a FSAP member wishing to further his/her parliamentary studies, including taking the Registered Examination, Professional Development or Professional Qualifying Courses. FSAP Scholarship Fund will pay NAP fees required to take the RP Examination, PD Course or PQ Course. Member must show a financial need for the funds. 4. Submit an application form including: A. list of educational accomplishments B. list of references C. purpose of request D. training in Parliamentary Procedure Past recipients may reapply. APPLICATION FORM FOR HERBERTA ANN LEONARDY SCHOLARSHIP FLORDIA STATE ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARIANS DATE__________________ NAME___________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________CITY _______________________ZIP _______________ TELEPHONE # _____________________FL RESIDENT?

YES_____ NO ________

CATEGORY OF APPLICANT (see #3 above) ___________________________________________ SPONSOR ____________________________________________________ MUST BE A REGISTERED PARLIAMENTARIAN OR UNIT SIGNATUREOFSPONSOR ________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ______________________________________________________ ATTACH RESUME' INCLUDING LIST OF EDUCATION AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS, REFERENCES, AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST. SEND TO: Janet O. Falk, 570 Capt. Hendry Dr., LaBelle, FL 33935-4207


DISTRICT THREE INFORMATION Here are some requests from the National Association of Parliamentarians sent by our District Three Director, Emma A. Faulk. * Everyone, please take the NAP Membership survey. The link can be found on the NAP Website * Please encourage your provisional members to take the NAP Membership exam. The exam consists of 100 of the 300 questions available online. The test can be taken online or on paper. *Please encourage your NAP members to take the Registration Exam to become a Registered Parliamentarian or RP. The exam consists of 300 questions found in the Study Guide which can be purchased from the NAP bookstore. You may also test your skills on the new Online Registration Exam Preparation which costs $10 for 90 days. Both the NAP exam and the RP exam may be taken online or the old fashion way on paper. *Unit Presidents should be encouraged to develop strategic plans for advertising the services of their units. FSAP members would love to hear from our units on what are the best ways they have found to add members to their units. *Units, Please post your classes, workshops and activities on the FSAP website. NAP Vice President Ann Guiberson is our webmaster. Please use the email address: to forward your information.

FSAP Book Service The Book Service is open! Watch for a limited selection of titles at the Fall FSAP meeting and save the postage and handling fee. Orders and all inquiries should be directed to Joyce Gleason at

If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. Michael Jordan


60th Annual Session of FSAP May 11, 2011

I’m Obsolete By Mary Catherine Fisher Natchitoches, LA

Opening Meditation Presented by Virgie Lee Shaw

I never could admit defeat, But now it’s clear – I’m obsolete.

Our FSAP President, Nancy Dauster, has selected as the theme for this biennium: Parliamentary Procedure Joins the Electronic Age. As this is the “60th Annual Session” of FSAP, it is time to keep up with the times and take advantage of the Electronic Age. At the 38th Biennial Convention of the National Association of Parliamentarians in St. Petersburg, Florida, September 23-26, 2011, NAP Bylaws were revised to include the use of electronics efficiently in planning and conducting meetings. This was not only discussed, but used satisfactorily as a teaching tool.

When I hear someone say, “dot-com,” I don’t know where they’re coming from. A mystery that I still don’t get Is what and where is the Internet? When Larry said he had a mouse, I said, “Well, fumigate the house!” Am I the only living female, Who doesn’t understand e-mail? I always vote and pay my taxes, But I’m not sure just what a fax is.

Prayer: Nor do I quite know what it means, When people go to church in jeans.

Oh God of all Ages, we thank you for the gifts of the Electronic Age, and we ask for your guidance in using these gifts in Parliamentary Procedure. We thank you for the service of the FSAP officers in planning and preparing for this meeting, and for the workshop leaders and teachers. We ask your guidance that all persons attending this meeting may increase their knowledge and abilities to use electronics in doing all things “decently and in order.” Amen.

It doesn’t matter what we wear, The main thing is that we are there. Sometimes I must tell myself, “You’re old. You belong on the shelf!” But really, that’s not hard to bear, I’m obsolete, and I don’t care!

HOLD THE DATE Citrus County Unit of Parliamentarians will be presenting a one day workshop on Saturday February 2, 2013: TOPICS: Presiding with Confidence Bylaws PRESENTER: Shirley Brodbeck, 1st Vice President FSAP Look for registration form in the next Florida Parliamentarian


Congratulations to all the new Student Members, MAL’s, and Members !

Janine Cochran, MAL , Kissimmee Anthony Lopez , MAL, Miami Ginny Ellis, MAL , Tampa

Student Members from Kissimmee, Florida: Kathleen Capdesuner Jayna Glover Morgan Honeycutt Ashana Maharaj Chelsea Schneider Laura Silva’ Spencer York

Carol Cotton, Member , PUPNancy Doyle, Member, Citrus County Joseph Drisdom, Member, PUP Othur Meadors, Member, SOPLU

The 500 most common words in the English language have on the

average 18 different meanings. So, it isn’t what you said, but what the students think you said, that matters.

Spotlight on Teaching Techniques


One Unit’s Experience in Opening a Unit Checking Account It was suggested that I write a short article about what was needed to open a checking account for our Unit. We used CFE Federal Credit Union because it offered Business Non-Profit Checking with Minimum opening deposit of $100; No minimum balance requirement; No monthly service charges.

Documentation Needed 1. IRS EIN #43-1923377 Tax Form 990 2. e-Postcard Annual Report Form 990 N 3. Not-for-Profit Corporation Annual Report Entity Name: Florida Assoc. of the National Assoc of Parliamentarians Document # 766927 4. Letter from an Officer of the Florida State Assoc Verifying you are one of their Units. Notarized or on Letterhead. Your Unit info in Yearbook. 5. Minutes of your Unit giving new officers 6. Bylaws of your Unit. 7. Letter from your Secretary verifying your Board approves address of Treasurer can be used for Unit. 8. If only Treasurer to sign checks, other officers will not need to come in person and sign signature card. 9. NAICS code needed on paperwork 813410 civic and social 10. They will print up some checks for you; issue a Debit card; and Online temporary Pin, which you change to your own Online.

Patti Schwindt, RP Central Florida Unit of Parliamentarians

This space is reserved just for you ! Share an inspiring article you have written or found. Contact Karen Price



HENRY M. ROBERT’S DAY COUNTRY INN & SUITES BY CARLSON ORLANDO AIRPORT, FL. October 19– 21, 2012 NAME__________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________ CITY____________________________ST.____ZIP______________ PHONE__________________________________________________

Unit/Club/Mal/Member/Guest________________________________ FSAP- Office/Chairmanship Held_____________________________ UNIT-Office/Chairmanship Held _____________________________

REGISTRATION FEE: (Registration fee includes Saturday lunch) Postmarked no later than Oct. 6th ………………… $59.00________ Guest lunch........................ $27.00________ Saturday Workshop Only Fee……………………… $45.00________ Late Registration Fee: Postmarked after Oct. 6th



$65.00________ $____________

Cut-off date for Luncheon is Oct. 10, 2012 SATURDAY DINNER ON YOUR OWN Make checks payable to FSAP and mail to: Roger F. Smith, 6415 21st Ave. West, Apt; C 201 Bradenton, Fl. 34209-7860 Email:


5440 Forbes Place Orlando, Fl. 32812 Phone: 1-407-856-8896 Fax: 1-407-857-7456 RESERVATION FORM (Cut and mail or fax directly to hotel. Please Print)

NAME________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________ CITY________________________ST__________ ZIP__________________

ARRIVAL DATE___________ DEPARTURE DATE _______ Room Rate is $74.00 per night plus applicable state and local taxes Complimentary Breakfast is included in room rate Non/Smoking Only

One (King) ____ or Two Queen /Doubles______ PARKING IS FREE

GUARANTEE: Submit one night’s deposit or fill out the following information. Amex_____ Diners_______ Discover______ Master Card_____ Visa____ ________________________ Card Holder’s Name

____________________________________ Credit Card Number

_________________________ ____________________________________ Card Holder’s Signature Expiration Date

DEADLINE FOR ROOM RATE GUARANTEE: September 15, 2012 Group Name: Florida State Association of Parliamentarians


MEMBERS AND HAPPENINGS Change of Address : – See page 3 for corrections Congratulations to our newest Professional Registered Parliamentarian : Congratulations to our newest Registered Parliamentarian: Jacquelyn Pierce, RP with the Charlotte County Parliamentarian Unit Welcome to our newest Provisional Members: Welcome to our newest NAP Members : SEE PAGE 8 for New MAL’s, Students, Members

Florida State Association of the National Association of Parliamentarians Nancy H. Watkins 1903 Bayshore Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606-3107



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